PAC i,lt a 7 L ii J .jf' "3 "3 That's. OassiSed defSsing 1 esiieoi ana Money to Loan Blonej to Loan For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars Automobiles Stsictmcsi Clcsxificd Ads Cell 9101 Three, Insertions per Hna...23c Six iastrttonj per Uns 40c On month per lino , $L2S Minimum chars 23c; tL mm tmmm 13c; tt. mia. 45c. No rafunda. r;:;. :-: ' " ---j hv -Copy far this peg accepted un til 90 th evening before subttes ttea -far classification. Copy re ceived aftr thi Uom wUl b run -under th a dim Too Lata to .Classify." The Statesman strumas do Baaa dal rarponsibUity for errors which may appear ta advertisements pub lished la Its wHumns and ta cases where tfaia- paper la at butt will reprint that part erf aa advertise aeent ta which tb typographical mistake occurs, 4. :. . Tht Statesman reserves the tight to reject questionable advertising. It further reaervt the right to place ail advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad ea ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad. dress is lor the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of aa advertiser using a Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry BABY CHICKS. I popular varieties ' every week. Also Leghorn cockrels now ready. Ph. 32881. Leo Hatchery. fABMESS - - WK PAY 80s per hundred for dead and worthies lira stock. Top prices r paia lor rox-xeea norses. mono cauect. Balem, 6411. MONTGOMZKY BENOKRXNO WORKS Help Wanted IdDDLX-AOED man small dairy. Ph. 2223a. ; and wife for Help Wanted Male SALESMAN free to travel Transpor tation furniahed. Ph. 292L ' GRADE A dairyman. Hse water, lets., milk turn. Good wages to the right man. M. B. Findley. 1 ml. E. ejr Rtckreall. L J . MEN to ho hops, 4 miles west of Balem. Williams and Thacker. Ph. 21331 MAN WANTED 22 to- 35 years, not subject draft. years coUeee or busi ness training. Excellent future. Car necessary. Straight salary. &ee Mr. ueeren. su Stat St. Help Wanted Female DISHWASHER, age 20-39. Apply In person after 1 pm 113S 8. Com'L MANAGER for dress shop In Cor vallia. Experienced saleslady. .Box 2033. Steteamaa. - WOMAN to handle credit and super ' viae office. ' Good salary, permanent. Write, stating experience, age. educa tion tt enclose picture. Box 2032. Statesman. EXP. housekeeper. 2 to 90 yrs go home nights. Phone TOM after p. m. Situations Wanted GARDENING -St Uwn work. Ph. 422. CHILDREN cared for. days or eves. Tour horn or nunc. 1369 Lee St GARDENS, any size, plowed with ford tractor. Ph. asT. For SaleMiscellaneous UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St Salem. Ore. Buy Upstairs and Save CLOSE-OUT PRICES Large Assortment of Davenports, Davenos, Bedroom Suites, Springs and Mattresses, Rugs. Desks. Book Cases, Lamps, Mirrors. Bric-a-Brsc, End Ta bles, Magazine Racks, Unfinished Furniture and many odd' pieces, all at very low prices. Your Dollars Will Go Farther at the UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE -439 .Court St. BUY your Frogil oil circulator NOW. ' While ail models are available. All cast , troa - combustion - chamber. Stainless steel burner burner easily removable. ' Strongly built to withstand tremend ous heat Down-draft, hot-blast spreads , flame and increases heating capacity. r The most beautiful thing that beats. " KELSON BROS. "Bonneville- Store 'SO N. Liberty v ' Ph. 7027 USED WOOD heater. Good condi- tM liEVUKIZ rUKNITUKK CO. tTI N. Liberty . Pbon 401S WINDOWS, frames, g links. H. W. tana, gas water neater, joaa i. lstn. BREAKFAST set. piano, daveno. 1 occasional chairs, wood range, heater. sue state m. . USED MONAT electric range ' S39J0 GEVURTZ kwatNITURE CO. 279 N. Libertv ; , Phone 4919 ELECTRIC RANGE, Hotpolnt, good pondition, $19 179 S. ComX Shoe Sbop. MALE -Springer Spaniel pup, 2S9 uerut. tmoom mnam aner p. jb. SLIGHTLY USED Bendlx washer. Save neirty half of the orieinal price. GEVURTZ rURNITURE CO. 279 N. Liberty Phone 4915 SPECIAL prices on all nursery stock. Cea. variety fruit -and mit tre shrubs, etc. Fruitland Nursery. Sales- yard. 290 Center Sf Fn. 9077. - SLIGHTLY USED National water heater. 40-rallon capacity ...$4J0 - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 279 N. Liberty ; - Phone 4919 900 GAL. gas tank 9c pump. Good as new. Ph. 2-4213. C M. Purvine. Rt L an aii -' -- - ; . USED M on tag wood rang. $44 JO ITS N. Liberty Phone 412 - USED MAGIC CHEF gas range. Table top model, like new. .$49J0 l-.TVlrRTZ FTTRNTTURE CO. X79 N. Liberty ' . Phoo' aI TRAILER HOUSE. t9x7, all buUtins, g3j s. iounerctat. PORCELAIN Summer, j wood rang, 2439 S. . ADVERTISINQ Western Advertlslns " RepresenUtires Gears D. C3oa. In : v Francisco Los Angeles , Seattle Eastern Advertista . RepresenUtires Ward -Griffith Company. Inc Chicago. New York. Detroti ,'. . Boston. AtlanU , tnttrtd mt th 'Postoflc f Sain tmUmM MMiitei mrfmnt ifmtdnv. i usintu aic Hi Jo4V Commercial eirrrt ' . . - : -. rtmsCTJPTION -RATES: . -r r,,k.iaj.liiii Bmtmm tn Advsneai r- hi. rmana- Msllv and fhindav. MO. I i cents: 2 Mos. 9150: Mo U50: I year ti.00. SJsewtiere ov cent m " . r 3 tt lor 7m - t r 3 c" Ners5ands 9 aeota : T C. t-" rrvT, 4J eai a moou - ) j.-r t j a i Tiaca ti Hsrtoa asJ QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or nhona ilini to Salem's oldest. largt st bom earned and home managed finance tastltu- ooo. xour nnanctai atfaira wui a dismissed and toana made ta strictest privacy, you will be gives every coo sideraUon ta the repaying of raw loan or granting of gtenjona 1 ! IS MONTHS TO i RXPAT. Ton caa pay ta cuD aay Base reduce the cost. ONLY BOK&OWSH SIGNS NO ndoreers. Loana rare or note. ROY H. SIMMONS, MOB. Lie. No. M-142 Sm CLAKK. ASST. MUB. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie No. S-13S 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9199 first door south of Ladd ai Bueh bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY ADTO AND TROCX LOANS CONTRACTS RETINANCKD tat re duce payments Money foe new at used cars No delay or rod tap. You will retain pomeaainn of the vehicle 1 TO It MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS US South Commercial Street Phone 9199 Lis- No M-192 aaasaMaaMaaawaraaa,amaaa THA LOANS 4U abb Drtv loan Abram fails. Inc, Masoni Bid. For Sail! Miscellaneous 1940 OUTBOARD motor. $39. Ph. 9090. CLARINKT a tenor sax. Phone 4909. BLACK SHEPHERD puppies, $2.00, your choice. Fh 2-1188. THE APRON SHOP T N. High. BEFORE you buy your land plaster See NORTHWEST POULTRY AND ..DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. at . 15 N, front St. Salem. KELVTNATOR lroner, 1 rocking chairs. S linoleum rags. 449 N. 23rd. . CHERRY TREES;' sR sues. R-. Box 117. A. E. Lanrltson. SUU St Rd. POULTRY FERTILIZER, sacked for lawns sad Cowers. Ph. 2-2SCL Lee's tutcnery. ; Wanted Fnrnit ore F. N. & GLENN WOODHY. Auc tioneers a furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture at household goods. We buy or sell everyuimg. tn. alia. iv CASH FOR used furnttur it house hold goods. R Forgey. Ph. T449. Wanted Sliscellaneons HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for your cream. Returns same day. Oregon City U'eamery. ezs n. upttot saiem. ANYONE wishing to aeO their house, hold furniture for cash. Call S8C2. , HIGHEST cash prices paid for used tires Ac tubes, any size. Don Madison, 9W No. High. Ph. 6663. Bliscellaneons Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVIC Df MOST - CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Reoalr DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids, Stat dt Com '-Ph 3311 : For Rent-oonis HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to nerm. coesta Marion Coffee saop. oenctoua meaia at low NICK housekpg. room. 942 N. Liberty. SLEEP rra. close tel. Ph. 4807. SLEEPING rooms, homer a kitchen privileges. Call 4609. titer 5 p. m. CLOSE XX. slpg : rms. 909 Union. SING, and double rms.. near state house. Priv. lavatories. : Gar. Break fast If desired. 249 S. Cottage. Ph. 4039. SLEEPmO ROOM. 725 Court SLP RM, near state Mdgs Pb 21449 Room and Board ouAiw iwui -saiau aaai6sas.ii j 0 vmu bom, cooking. 922 S. High. BiMBTt . a L.i. ,jgMm mmst-mm HOME COOKING. 430 N. Liberty. VACANCY, nice rooms, 219 S. Winter Strictly 1st class. 50 Marion. T. 8570. BOARD dt rooms. Mrs. Estep. 990 E. CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. BETTER BRD Ai rra. 749 S Coml St For- Rent-Apartments NICE 2 R. furn. LL. W, $29. P. 7113. X room apt Llxhts. not cold wat. No children, losz uax. i , . . 2 Rr ant Clean, wall furniahed. Adults. 47 n. upttoi. I Steam heated 3 R. fur. apt Bath c gar, newly decorated, ground floor, priv. ent 2075 Fairgrounds Rd.49. 9435. VACANCY. April L Glendora Apt BBS Morta summer. i - VACANCY Olympic ; Apt.' 9-rm. fun. 730 N. Liberty. 2-ROOM turn., 912. Hot w washer. garage, Z3S0 Lee. fb. was. PARTLY furn, gar. S topers Mkt -2-RM. apts.. furn and unfura $10. Ph. 9609. 3160 N. 9 J- - -j - ITJRN,' prt bath. Inq. 1234 S. Cond. 2-RM, apt- partly furn. Inq, Nobles IXxru.. 17th at center, t N1CILY nmmSHKD larea- anart. meni wnn porcn room, i 13 a. letn. . DESIRABLE 9 room modem unfurm. duplex. 909 3. Summer. Ph. 7194. 2-RM. fun. apt, prt. ent. line. 2217 SUte. Ph. 9982. est bus 2 LARGE furn. rms. a bath. Call 9209 before 2 p an. 90S S. Ztth. . NICELY turn. 2-rm, apt Lash Manor. 3ia Lesue. . i j ; . -? .; , S R, ht wat Bts. heat 939 N. Liberty ""CLOSaVW 991 K.-'ComXSl' moT S-RM- ciei tor working aaod etee. eouto. Ideal couple, uss cnemeaeta. 0010)2 Tlui Anvfl atornsl ' . : S " By CCC YOUXG . ICANTKEEP V1 PEAJ AMP TAKE ; ... . ; , I MLQjMQtSS VTMTUOSg f CASH FOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to Reduce ear or ether contract payments. There's a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Lean Center" - - 211 Court St, Salem - Phone 4449 Stato a license S-22T M-279 CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOB GH in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. SU State Street I Doors West of Capitol thaatra Ph. 2191 License No. 9VU2 St M-199 Aato Loans Willamette Credit Co. 9TB FLOOR GUARDIAM BUUJ3D40 LICENSE M. M-199 . WE LOAN on farm, residsntlsl business ssuueity Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS a ROBERTS. INC Real tors. Guardiaa Building. Loans Wanted " WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Saiem real ae tata. WIS pay 9 Interest W H. URA BENHORST CO REALTORS Financial WANTED Loan of $2009 ea mod. dup. borne. Ph. 4097. T. M. Gregory, 3M Belmont. For Rent--Apsrtinenls NICE furn. apt, bath. 970 Union. CLEAN, on no. apt 949 Ferry. ATTRACTTVX J-rox. heat 1411 Court FISHER apt available. Phone 9797. COMFORT ABLE. fun. 2-rm. apt SUte St Apt. Ph. 21411 e 4270, FURNapte $9 1210 S. 13th. 2-RM. semi- basemen t apt Nicely turn. PrL bath. Women only. 1119 Oak. For Rent Houses WS HAVE THE PROSPECT BT YOU Want to seu. exchange, lease, rent see Mr. Lsrsea. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins tt 9 KM. ha, good location. $17.20. 19 A, 4 rra hse. & bam. $17.59, IVAN G. MARTIN Ph. 4419 Part funu 3 rm. 3239 Portland Rd. NEW mod 5-rnv house. Ph. 22713. 2299 N. River Rd. ' ., ... 2 R.. 913. 9 R. Rm. for cow a chick.. $18. New 4 R.. nk 920. 9 R. furn.. 930. 3 R. partly furn . $15. 172 S. Liberty. P. 71137 4 RMS. basement a furnace. 930. RMS. Furnace, fruit $25. 1 A. 4 rms, furn. , . : $25. Hawkins a Roberts. Inc, Realtors NEW 9 room-mod. h V completely furn. Phone 3241. YES. we have houses and apart ments for rent. - T. L. REEDY. 229 Oreg. Bldg. P. 9499 NEAT 2 RM. hse. Garden a caraxe for couple. Nice location. $16.50. BUDROW REAL ESTATE Tt 900 J-RmROOM an, -tvno bunealow. completely furn. Refrigi radio, etc- rS.OO. Bus by door. Nod-A-Wsy Motel, blocks north underpass. FURN. a UNFURN. HSES a-APTS. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol . 2 HOUSES for rent 939 a 939. See Thomas &. com, uu tenter. VACANCY "The WOtows" Mod, hse, furn, close in. 989 Willow St Ph. 4332. 4-RM. turn, duplex. 9-rm. unfura. duplex. 929. 2109 M. StB. SU. S0OS. Comfortable 4-R. house. 4A. Poultry Bldg. 1-blk. city bus. Inq. 1430 D. St SMALL furn house. 2397 Hazel Ave. For Rent Farms FOR RENT 59 acres t miles from Salem. Reasonable rent Must have cash for stock a Improvements. This Jlace wUl clear SZSuv per year, fl 1534. . ., . For Rent MODERN COTTAGES. $4 a up. Junction Auto Court. So. Commercial. system, garden space. $20. Ph. 9097 or oiaz.. -. . ; , Wanted to Rent; For Sale Real Estate ; 91759 Buys neat rms, N. Salem. 93B30 a rms. fireplace, near R. A; Forkner, Realtor 1952 N. Capitol hsnaaasvasssaavaaaai FOR SALE or trad H rm. has, with 4 apts, dot phng, fur, frptoe. ful bsmt Incom $99 mo. 1379 Chemeketa. 669 N. Liberty after IX p. m. 4 f 1 1- 30 V For Sale Real Estate Exchanges-Real Estate 9 rms, Xnglewood district. Distant 9 R. dear -1mm, N. Caprtof. far wncr says sell at once. WUl aacrific. farm, 19 A. or more. Box 2vJ7. statea- R. A. Forkner, Realtor mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmMmmmmTm. I 1853 N. Capitol " . Sn.VERTON, dear. rms, acre. JSZS,, just ut c limit, u mia. walk! Want $990 Complete. 9 rooms do nail a lis. Salem rnnmin hse. Pay same eaah kitchen, bedroom, sitting room Owners. Writ Box 303. -and bath up. Situabl for rent- Statosmsst Ing. Wonderful corner lot - $3509 A largav house, 9 rooms, double F C-t- t7 , garageT Both ai these houses ?Or OaiO C 8X1111 ' food for roomers a boarders. . , . room cottage on Hood St. FARM BARGAIN 2M0 tM MtUltT 23J acres near Pratum on creek. 17 bath Excellent comer. A. under cult, 9 A. of bottom land. 1 PIT 1?ltnr 01 Mk timber. A. of alfalfa. About 1. rCU, reailOr loo filbert trees 3 years old. 29 young 429 s Oregon-Bldg. . cherry trees. 7 cows, ail freab, three .M. .M,wi.wii . heifers, 2 young horses. 10 cords of EYE, THEN BUY ' wood. Good plast bouse, bathroera and Neat living rm, hdwd. firs, fire- basement garage, bam and chicken place, nice kitchen, bath. 2 bednns. house, machine shed. Owner going Into Englewood. $2200. Terms. - service, 5600. lncludtog furniture. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 197 S. High Street ' Pbon 9293 . lEMN. Capitol . Salem's Largest Horn Builder COZY BUNGALOW, FURNISHED : ... " For $390 cash, bat $19 per month. - " t iereage TuU price reduced to $1600. Worth 11 mor mone Close in. has 4 rms, 2 CREEK " TRACT bedrooms, garage. Jmmediate Posses- lo acres, timber, creek. 4 room house, sion. Owner now resident Let Louis double garage, modern nlumbina. Bechtel or Mabel Needham. 341 State, lights, utility room. 7 miles from Sa- Room 4. show you this Place. lem. Price $40009509 down, balance, 7r2CCnrr-T,wiriTT terms at 9 per cent MOVE RIGHT IN. I rra. fully mod. see G, H. Grabenhorst Jr. with home. 9 blks. to court hse. In ex. con- W. h. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors ioBTUROWSSu. ESTATE 134 S. Liberty Street 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 9069 40 A good bldgi, elec. water syst, 40 A. 4 rm. hse. it barn near Lib- paved rd, Willamette soil, $6500. erty. Reas. price and terms. Ivan G. 90 A- Willamette t Chehahs sous, Martin. Ph. 4419. CoodbMiupaTed rd, 1 Ed to bi- NEW 4 R. a nk, ex. soil, berries. Tt A Fnrlcnpr Kaltnr $2300. smau dn part 9 R. mod. sub. a. rormer, iieaiior wi. bus, $2400. Terms. 172 S. Lib- jJ. 8LJ SitLt ,L. FOR SALE M ACRES 1J acre tract located class to Salem, -Loc,ud. .D,T5diro? ttom s iMkmu mLtmrTTJr nrWriT CotUg farm to Aumsville, 4 room chhooat be frStH home, drilled wett. 16 bearing cherry vourcmanc toimak a rood bur 1 cre bearing filberts. 9 acres Pri Si? 93000 bSmce 920 prunes, paved road, lights. p1noS'lnT6 plTcent SLSr0 bB See G. H. Grabenhorst Jr. with F n,?.S:,w-rf j. W ai34,S,LSeef0r" W. GRABEn'hO? CRetor, ONE of the finest large homes in Salem. Good location. Urge lot 9 ONE ACRE, fruit and nuts with 9- rooms, double plumbed, full decorated room home, near schools and close to bsmt, oil hot water heating plant Salem. $3500. plate glass windows, landscaped yard. Another with TWO acres only ONE Really a fine large home and only block to CITY BUS at $3509 . f- Terms. See Mr. Hardy with Also nave 9 saws in walnuts and HAWKINS a ROBERTS, INC Realtors filberts with three room horn and MWWW'' garage, near store and school at 91909, WORKING MAN'S CHANCE: 9-rm. and. on terms, house, garage and wood shed on corn- O. E. RAE, Realtor, 1259 State. Ph. 9791 er lot: both streets paved and paid. A snap for $1260, cash $190, balance 4 A. mod., 9 R. close ta, $2990. Con- hk rent , aider late ear. 19 A, 4 rms, $1000, Mrs. Migth GWM9 Miner. Term. 172 S. Liberty. Realtors, 344 State Street Ph. 9291. OWNER mast " sacrifice equity as COUNTRT BOMB lovely 6-1 m modern house. DouM $2909 will buy 9', acre tract an good plumbing, basement, hardwood floors road, new buildings, house, barn, throughout Ph. 7333. 1337 Sm, West double garage, lights, electric water Salem. . system, tVt miles from Salem, some '-mnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. timbeT. 91100 SOWB, balanC 9 POT Cent IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF Se O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. CLOSE IN ACREAGE: Neat 9-rm. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO, Realtors houae, like new; 4'A A, on paved road. r U S. Liberty Street close to school; well: parage and wood i shed: small bam for cow 2 acres in : o i pasture, balance ploughed, best of dark i; aODUTDan fertile soiL Price $2200; easy terms, wUl i take- lot, small mortgage or contract as SUBURBAN HOME Child, a Miller. Realtors. 344 mSS? froSaVm. ofr State St, Ph. 929L nomSTbaieantfun mm9mmmmmmmmmm mmmmHmmmmmmmHmmmwMatmmmmmaHmmimawmmmm eek floors tn two roorm bona tn first F-rr ruin rr ITral Fatnf ciam condition; garage, chickenhouse. r.Ernange liCai HJLSte m mcnm beartnK cherry orchard, bal mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mm a anc pTun. Tb house on this pro- WANTED 30 to 40 sere farm. Must perty is worth the money. Price $3750 have electricity I have modem plast- cash. Here 1 your opportunity to make ered house in Salem, full basement a good buy. Sea C. H, Grabenhorst also stock a fixtures in country gro. Jr. with stor. (Has modem liv. qts.) Will trade. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO, Realtors Writ Box 2030, Statesman. 134 S. Liberty Street Business Diredofy Card to thfa Ttory ru Oil Burner Service an a meathly bssts aaly. RateSLzS per lis per skewts a judson PHONE 414L . . Painting & Paperhangfng Anto Brakes e & & JERRY JOHNSON. Ph. 4619. Mike Panek. 279 South Commercial . " 1 Exparisnced Reasonabl. Ph. 4325. v . Auto Painting . . , . - ' Paints and Laeqners " JUST A SHADE BETTER . sat Jir"0 BY RAY "5 Complete ttn 'NASON paints. Lfberal 341 Center St 1739 terms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 M. Church. Batteries . IMntlng j WTLLARD batteries, all typas. R. D ... . Woodrow. 394 church. PhooV 9909. FOR STATIONERY, cards. ismipbJeto. programs, books or any kind of print- . . ing. call The Statesman Printing D RiCVCiea partment 219 S Commercial. Tele- . "w ' pbon 9101 BICYCLkS, New and reconditioned. . Barry W. Scott 17 8 Com ct P. 4919 Plumbing : Chiropractic Physicians repairs a installation ' SKEWIS a JUDSON PHONE 4141 q A. Sternberg, 249 N. Capttot 3731. GENERAL repair work, . . Graber Bros, 154 S Uberty Ph 9594 ' Chimney Sweeps 1 - '' Schools" - Vacuum dnart chimney, furnace Roof " repair. Fre estimat. Kennedy. P. 9059 SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL --. STREAMLINED COURSES Dressmaking - Alterations writ, pnone ca for Booklet 300 N Capitol Sarah HsJvorsen. 224 H. High. P. 1714. ....... Trailers "Excavating ' FOR SALE OR RENT. 919 M- Front EXCAVATION Of all kinds. Dais ' aaents dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt ; m" for sal Salem Sand a Gravel P. 9409 Transfer t . . noriata r'- '.-; o-ottvr TRtKacar Foa rent "?FIOTlSia Blankets fun. 197 S Liberty. Ph 9062 Breithaupta 447 Crt Pbon 919 rOB LOCAL, OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner 4L briquets frucks to . . , Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto - Funeral Directors E!hAterfud5 ir?."1 otot" lrm m mm Transfer Ca Pb $131 . . Tarwimger Funeral ttoeaa Ph.: 9929 .., . ' i-: i i i - Vaenum aeaner Serviee Honse Trailers ' ' , . FREE Inspsctton your bom. Aa- BOUGHT a sold. 1730 N. Water, v J GtSSE TRAHJr-$74 upJtodra. , .. x . V&dnc Xtt jn Drilling v ' -I U s -'r'''' SNEED DRILLING CO. Lawn' HOWerS - Specialists for lmgatio. dty do- ' aaestle wells. Test borings a Mast boles ataclUn run aSmSS. MTon 990S Ilattrei; - I Salem ixuFF'iROO'a atATTRZss , -f Wood Sawing . Co New Mattramta vld made., rug ' " cleaning a wevmg 8 13th a Wilbur - M , . . i TeL944LZwtdtraTV Wodswmg and hour work. Ph. 7073 CAPTTOI BKDDIWO CO Phone 40 .Wood saantsj Pn.'2B29. : . BUY TODAY! 1 8 MONTHS TO PAY 7 .... . ... . '"f--i"-"-- : Starting londay, March 23, only: 15 Months Government Regulations Nearly new , tires on every car. Also Lifetime guarantee! 41 Dodg Sed. Fluid Drive, only 9909 tailes, Lots of extras. 41 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan aaPmmrtb Specta, tuxa Sedan 49 Plymouth Special Deluxe 9-Pass. Coupe. Radio and heater, itoo 49 Dodge Luxury Uner Deluxe Sedan umy u.uoa mues. St Ford Dehix Two-Door Sedan -31 Olds 9-CyL Sedan. Radio a heater. 37 Dodg Delux Coupe. Radio and neater. .; i; . -; v.; ir 27 Plymouth Ttehrr Sedan 24 Ford Two-Door Sedan New tire. 24 Dodg Deluxe Sedan . . 33 Chevrolet Tw-Door Sedaa - HUBBARD Motor Co. Dodge & Plymouth S2S CHXMXKeTA ST.-PH. 4119 DODGE FLUID DRIVE LUXURY LINER SEDAN 18 Months to Pay SAM'S MOTOR. CO. 499 Chemeketa Phone 1917 '41 SPEC delux Chevrolet -dr. sedan, driven only 131 miles. Caah only. Write box 2039. Statesman. 29 m ton Chev. truck, to trade far pickup. 219 Fairview Ave. Suhurbah SUBURBAN HOME 2U acraa. all ha baarinr cherrr or chard. 2-room horn, garage, drilled well, lights, good road, dose to high way. 4 mile from Salem. Price $165. saw sown, oaianc at per roonsa. Int per cent See G. H. Grabenhorst Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Realtors 134 S. Uberty Street Wanted Real EsUte WANT FARM, 20 A. or more, with stream. Mood bldgs, som timber pre ferred. On 99E or SUverton Rd, past fairgrounds. Box 2034, Statesman, HSES. for terms or fVTia ; PRIVATE party. Interested to rent ing or buying moa. s-room nan over 9 veara old. la desirable dential district Pb, 3932, 9 a. nu to I p. a ' FARMS NEEDED at and up. We solicit your listings. For miiek tuinui Saa Johnson. . f . L. REEDY 229 Oreg. Bldg. P. 949$ WE INVITE you to list your property. We have the buyers. ABRAMS a ELLIS. INC 409-411 Masonie Bldg, Business Opportunities SERVK7E STATION for eouiDDcd. Immediate lohag ratal. Ph. 7679, For Sale Wood ASH. mapte. eld fir and fir limbs, 12. 19 to. and 4 ft call 1311 n. uoerty BUY your winter wood now. DeBv- erad i ea lots or more, xm or nara- wood. Pb- DeWitt 9644. BEST dry aid fir. .16 in. Ph. 9663. -COM ioad. 9.7aF4 217. LARGS ir sacond growth. Ph, 7335. WOOD t cord load. 932. Ph. 2-1449. DRY WOOD. Ph. 9890. DRY WOOD. Yea. dry wood. Ph. 22637. Personal MEET NEW FRDJNDS! Club EUte. Box 71-4. Main PJJ, Lea Lodges 6r Pacifie Lodge No. SOJLF aJLM. Stated Meeting. Fit, March aatn. a p. aa. By 94 C'SHRO'CK For BARGAINS One of the largest stocks of good "used cars', in the state. ALL MAKES & MODELS FROM $15 UP A. few motorcycles left $ AVE AT HROCK'S Salem's Oldest t Uaed Car Dealer, Has Trn of Bargains S78 N. Church St . NX Corner Church 4k Chem. Sts. 1941 CHEV. aoeetal del. 4-door-stiort sedan, 9700 miles, good tires. Ph. S136L 41 Pontiae sed.' coe. Streamliner 9. 3 new re-treads, low mileage. Radio, t neater. John Paulson. 4171. Ext. 29 CHEV. sedan. Cv good 9:00x19 tires. Also 2-wheeled stock trailer. L. R. Hagner. 1409 N. Liberty. . WILL SELL or take small truck in trade on 1935 Master Chev, new rub ber, - newly overhauled. Pbon 4899. 1326 Third St, W. Salem. 1929 CHEV. sedan, good condition a tires. Ph. 7333. 1337 Elm. W. Salem. 1941 CHEV. special deluxe 4-door sport sedan. 9709 mi. Ph. 2139L 1929 DeSoto sedan, rood cond.. 6 tires. license. Con to war $'J0 999 Center St. Wanted Used Cars WILL PAY cash for good coupe, Ph- 21799. . . Lost and Found LOST S ma. old rtniel. "Butch." White soots Ph. 7627. Reward. LOST Red Cocker mate, whit on throat Phone 9472. Nod-A-Way MoteL LOST Motorcycle saddle bag be tween Salem and Sunnyside. Nsme stamped on tools. Reward. Write Box 261L Statesman. Second Daughter Born To Fairview Parents FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stephens are the parents of a daughter born Sunday at the McMinnville hospital. This Is their second child, both girls. Mrs. J. W. Veratees of this dis trict, who has taught , in the pri mary grades of the McKinley school for a number of years, has been scured to teach the Fair- view school. Mrs. Versteeg taught here in former years. Cross Word 'A '8 1 22 31 31 33 35 3 37 38 3 4S 'A 47 48 4 5i IT 55 nOBZZONTAL 1 limb,. , , ; . . - 4 Pant -r.: 4 Small merganjer tlWbt American genera was aws as "Liihtbors Banff. . ,-Matura , 14 Molten rock 15 Luzon negrlto . : 1 What is tht modttm namt ht . Persg? X7 Single untta I What rgeety la in tht pre ' riaet Lombardy, Italy 39 Beat with a waiking-atick - 22 Hop kite. : : - t . a : 23 DeieU v. .. 24 Cltna drink ' 27 Stepped ;i ' 1 23 Leal of a corona r Sl-zWho U iead nt tht Yichj" ' y- ' gorernment? ' . e I I J4What British geaerat has been t appointed commaadet t tie ' , .'-Allied Far Eutita tints? 25 Alarms - 28 Web-Uk aaemhrane T - v ' 17 Light brows - " . 2S Merit T -? ' 40-h-Female deer- . V 44 Italian poet , 48 Diminutive for Biz ." "h , 47 Sun disk " -t.-4 4 Hebrew measure - y ? V- 81 Sailor'-" 't. v ' S - tS-r-Arrow i . . - IZTcrziziz riir. . ? . -J--Ct-Tini:r fiaial " .T tS-i-Italiaa actress ' r "-""' tJ-Ireland " - , J 67 The turmerle : vrrrrcAL :, T7tat Francises aiioa in I .'Texas was tbt scenr oi - ' ciissacrt ia Wff ' ' 2 Networks - 3 Repasts - . 4 Eroad sm2 , 1 v, 5Vcr.Ui:U - - . . . .... . . . f CAR SOLD On Commission ONLY CLEAN and WELL CONDI TIONED CARS CAN BE SOLD AND TIRES MUST LE EXCELLENT HATFIELD'S USED CAR MARKET 391 M. LIBERTY , . - DUMP trucks for sale 9 yd. boxes. Ph. 480L or btr. s Legal. Notice NOTICE TO OtlTJITOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an ' order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, in Probate, duly made, rendered and entered of record In said court on the ninth day of March, 1942, MACIL FAB RELL was duly appointed ad ministratrix , of the estate .v of FRANK rARRELL, deceased, and that said Macfl FarreU has duly qualified las. such administratrix. ATI persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same, with proper vouchers and due verification, to said administratrix at 17-18 Ladd & Bush Bank building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of , the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the twentieth day of March, 1942. i MACIL rARRELL, as Admin istratrix of the Estate of FRANK FARRELL, Deceased. , PAUL R-HENDRICKS, ' Attorney for Administratrix M. 20, 27; A. 3, 10, 17. Friend 'Visited : At Turner Home TURNER Otto Herrling, formerly of Marlon county, owner of a big' acreage near Maupin, visited his old friend C A. Bear before leaving Salem, where he spends the winters, , for Maupin. Theodore Finch, Woodburn, was a Sunday guest at the A. L. Mar vel home, Louie Davis is preparing to qualify for entering some branch of war work. - '' ' Mrs, R. E. Stewart, Dayton, called at her parents home Tues day. She came to Salem to take a civil service examlnaGon. Her husband has been confined In the World. War Veterans hospital, .for a number of weeks. He had an operation for sinus trouble, Puzzle a 4 ii 21 24 30 4T 4w 50 5 1 54 'A 57 'A Separated by mtervals ,T Relating to punishment ;'. s Blackthorn truit 9-Edict - 1 10 Night before a holiday 11 Had existed 19 Rose perfume) t ' 2t-O wbat smaU Asiatic Kltt - dona is Katmaada tht capital t 23 Put on j. 25 Spat puis 28 House addition 28 Ascended - 30 Etttd .. . . - " - j ... f v-ij 22 Feminine aaxos ' : Z. 33 Offers - 'v. - 34 Skin protuberaaot " v " 38-i-A cnavertag,,iv-S,,I -3--Make amends : . . ' 41 Weaeel-Uke carclvort 42 Public warehouse) 40 what, French protector tta Damascus tbt caphait 45 Poker stake : 48 Outer coat of frsia 7 Annex .-.. 48 Creek letter - .. ; : i :. 50 BUkworm - Answer to yesterdgy'a puzzla, sua 100 eCWiF ?g 10 ;iO AlP Average-Uat g aelstieai 29 smurataa, ElgL.fey.Csg Features fa&cat, lac I VSSYSS 1 iism 1 . -3.