Tks OUTGO?! CTATE!!?.f ATI. Ct?w. fV-vri.Tr n tei v . - 1IAXINE BURlSN Editor . - Miss Johnson To Marry Miss Marjorie Johnson and , Mr. Gerald Gregson will be mar- - tied on Friday, May 1. The news was told at a dessert supper at .' Godfrey's Wednesday night V The table centerpiece was In dividual corsage tied with wed ding beHt with streamers ex tending to each place where scrolls revealed the news. Bridge was to slay during; the evening. Places were laid for Miss Johnson Miss Maxine Paulsen, Miss Peggy Peterson, Miss Mar Jorie Knox, Miss Hilda Craw ford, Mrs. George Beit, Mrs. - Noel Cavender and Mrs. A. D. i Forbes f Portland. -. The bride-to-be Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Forbes of Portland and attended schools In The Balles and Oregon State college She is now. with the state highway, department Mr, Gregson Is the son of . Mrs. Louisa 'Gregson of Salem and ' be attended schools In Yakima and Salem. Lions Group at Beutler Home lions auxiliary members met for luncheon at Godfrey's Thurs day afternoon and later held a business and pleasure meeting at the borne of Mrs. Russell Beutler. Assisting hostesses were . Mrs. Talbot Bennett, Mrs. Boy Stewart and Mrs. George Bho ten.. - Mrs. Elmer Church was wel comed as a new member. Mrs. Nettie Van Buskirk was a spe cial guest and talked informally about her work ' with the chil dren at the tuberculosis hospital.. Others present "were ' Mrs Floyd Bers, Mrs. EKfiir-Brrflik; Mrs. Wayne Doughton, Mrs. A. L. Ehrin, Mrs. Joseph Felton, - Mrs. Jacob" Fuhrer, Mrs. Eugene Grabenhorst, Mrs. , JV K. ; Hub bard, Mrs. Joe Land, Mrs. Ed ward , Maiek, Mrs. Robert Mc Ewan; Mrs. .WU T. Porter, Mrs. Winston Purvine, Mrs. d F. Put nam, Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs; John Ramage, Mrs. Floyd Seam-, ster, Mrs. Charles Strickfaden, Mrs. I, J. Young, Mrs. Douglas Yeater and Mrs. George Jackson. Mr. aad .Mrs; , sUsseU Bewail and children, Mary and Carolyn, of Portland were visitors in 'Sa lem Thursday, and were guests of Mrs. Sewall's brother-in-law , and sister Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small. TUENER Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hogsed- axe, announcing the marriage of their daughter. Iris Lee to Jerome W. Mathson on March 4 in Tacoma, Wash. Rev. Johnson .' officiated. The groom left immediately following the ceremony for. service in the United States army. Mrs. Math son is visiting her parents in Turner this week, but will live 'in Tacoma. . . -..- New 15-lf Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Title ' and Trust Company of Port-land.-In the State of Oregon, on the thirty-first day of December, 1941, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: : , . - ,j : -.. -CAPITAL ; Amount ei capital stock paul " up $500.000 JM. i - - INCOME . - Net premiums received during. the year $23023.10. Interest, dividends and rents recelv ed -during the year Sje.TOIO. Income from other sources receiv ed during; the- year . Total taeome S443.313.22. v.--. .U DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid durin the- year in cluding adjustment expenses S468.14. Commissi nns ana salaries paM our- r ine year siutavia. raxes, licenses and tees Deid dur ing the year S40,xiss. . Dividends paid on eapitaS stock dur ing the year S28.aa.e. Amount . f all other expenditures $48,529.68. Total expenditures $ZM.1SU$. ADMXTTEO ASSETS Value of reel estate esmed (took value) S20300.1T. m Loans on mortgages and coUatersJ, tc. $125,531 SI. Value i bonds owned (market), $90,077.25. - Value of stocks owned (aaarket val ue) $30433.00. Cash Id banks and oa band $330. T77.83. . Premiums In course of collection written since September SO, Mil. S31.0U0.15. Interest and rents due and accrued $1,149.63. Other assets (net) Title Plants, etc. $3.0.443.S. - - Total admitted assets J128U21.SS. LIABILITIES Cross claims for losses unpaid. None. Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks. None. Due lor commission and brokerage, Ail" ether liabilities, Trust and" Es crow deposit SJ09.1O6.SX Reserves, etc $143A1JU. ; , Total liabilities, except capital $154.- 609.08. Capital paid tip $500,000.06. -Surplus over ail Eabilittes S326.311 SI. Surplus . as regards policyholders lhS1. . . Tela! SI Ml .121 95. " SUS1WESS If OREGON TOR THE YEAR Vet prerilum received during the yesr tC345J0. - Net losses paid during the year ''lsame of Company, "Title and Trust e "t f President Walter M. Daly. I i J Secretary, Cbav R. Moul- t-y.u ' : SOCIETY MUSIC The HOME Word was received Thursday morning by Prot and Mrs. J. C Nelson of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nel son. Little James, the Nelson's first grandchild, was born March 19 In Chlco, .California, where his parents reside. Mr. Thomas Nelson is operator and announc er on station KHSL. Mrs. Nelson - Is the former Claudia Walker. Party Honors Elvis Gordon Elvis Gordon Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barker. celebrated his third birthday Wednesday afternoon. Easter cecorauons and appointments were used at the refreshment hour. Honoring Elvis were Sue Ann Barker. Bonnie Baker. Ann Lee Finley, Jean Wintermute, Jimmy jonnston, Mary Anne Donnelly, Jerry Graybill, Roberta Eyre ana Kosemary Rhoten. Other guests were Mrs. C. T. LaBare, the honor guest's great- grandmother. Mrs. Amos Bar ker, his grandmother, Mrs. Ken neth Barker, Mrs. Warren Ba ker. Mrs. Delwin Flnlev. Mr. Foster Wintermute, Mrs. Ray itnoten and Mrs. Edwin John ston. When members of 'thai Has heur club held their regular dance Saturday niaht tbev en tertained the following group of guests: Ludie vltteau, Barbara Glee 'Whipple, Rowena Jones, Martha Jean Kurre, Helen Me Elroy, Una Glath, Dolores Del Ray, Kathrro Rowe. Gloria An. good, Vivian Williams, Maxine uoit, Dorothy Stray, Ethelyn Gearin, Sergeants R. S. Adams, Elmo L. Prine and John A. Van Winkle, Corporal Leon Ayle, and Jo . Shlckieh, Bill Mini ban, Roy A. Ohlund. Robert Cottle, Henry Helzer, Bill Roe, .James Miller, John Pankovich, W. Berning, S. Stasb, Karl O. Weihe, Art Crossley, Warren tA4ajf Brace Van Wyngardeni Johnnie Case. . Miss Patricia TJvesIey, daarh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Live sley, has returned from Sun Val ley where she has spent the past two months. She will leave the middle of next week for Palo . Alto, Calif., to complete her sen ior year at Leland Stanford. A business and seclal meeting of -the Eteri class of the First Baptist church was held Friday. The committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Davis, Mr. and Mrs. George Bolster and Mr. and Mrs. Barley Cross. . Mrs. E. N. 8 tamos orb. and son John David are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ina Adsitt Major Stambaugh is at Gardiner field, Mrs. Stambaugh is the former Melissa Adsitt. Mrs. Charles Fefke wiU-i. tertain members of her club at : a , bridge" luncheon this afternoon at her home on Richmond ave nue. Mrs. Gilbert Wynkoop and Mrs. Earl Cooley will be special guests."':- MIDDLE GROVE Mrs. Mln : nie Goode and Mrs. Minnie Sme tono were shower hostesses at the Goode home Saturday for Mrs. r Daphne Randall, who will become the bride of Mr. Wil liam ODannell of Portland, the latter part of March. On Satur day afternoon,' at the Kruger home on North 4th street in Sa lem, women of the Court Street Christian church of which she U a member, also gave a miscel laneous shower in her honor, di rected by Mrs. Irene WeHer and Miss Mary Kruger Randall. An Irish ' program, with vocal and instrumental' numbers by Mary Weller, Yvonne Walters, Doris Kruger, and group singing, and readings by Mrs. BJ F. Shoe rnacher and Mrs. Harold Lyman, , was given. , . TCKNEal--Preparations v are being made by the Methodist WSCS society for the annual pre-Easter bazaar March 27 at the home of Mrs. L. M. Small. Various booths will include nee dlework, foods, rummage arti cles, plants and flowers. A pro gram and silver tea will be fea tures of the afternoon. Ellison Whittaker, Junior stu dent at Oregon State college, is visiting : his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Whittaker on the Battle Creek highway. - . V. aBSBBSBSBBBSBSBSSBBBBBBBBBBBl It you soSer from raonthly eraa?Ts, nervoumteas and distress of "b wolariues' caused by lunctionM monthly 4Hfartn.i tif Lydia S. pinUtam'a Veetbie Compound famous for relieving such paw and nervous feeli&FS of women's "&u2 cuit dcas" iuow labsl dsetlocs. Women Save Waste in . " i Attie c' The slogan for the English people, -Dig for , Victory,? was changed recently to "Dig for Dear Life. and it means to dig other places than merely In the garden. Digging down into the darkest closet will often yield jh lot or material with which si woman can help in the war, ; ; !. " All : cannot be air raid war dens, but any woman can be : come ? an efficient .and much 'needed waste warden.' There Is 'fun in- seeking 'out discarded clothing or shoes from the atti? to put back into working .order. We proved some time ago that we could take a deep cut In the budget in our stride, and now we are telling the world about ; how - gladly well carry home groceries, : ride ; a bicycle and shave a little more of the sugar budget. But back to the immediate business of saving waste. Most attics will yield a dozen Dish Y ii. u; S2-PC. 20th Century Pattern A lovely style with a gold fin ished edge. Open stock available. Hampers A beautiful bench style in pop ular shades. Large capacity, of sturdy construction.- Serves as a stool in bath or bedroom. Marqu SL5L An outstanding bargain. Crisp new pieces in new colors. Bright en up that window for spring. : Slacks Boy's gabardine slacks In the best spring shades. A good, hard-finish they hold a' crease. Boys' IU U ' A brand new selection of boys' spring felt hats. Blues, browns & teals. ' -v. - chances for rehabilitation of clothing or household utensils. For instance, rubber tire patch ing kits come in mighty handy ; for pafchxfc; torn: wmcoa a leaky IwtterT bottlt'ox a'palr of galoshes," If the rubber Is oft and flexible, if probably ' worth saving. Use the cement : from ' the tire Ut to stick on f : a patch made from a pocket or ' taken from under a hem. Use the regular patches on the hot water bottle or galoshes.- -' . Wool garments found in the attic rosy easily take on a new form, Ravel -wool from -worn out knitted: garments, wind on the back .of a chair and tie se curely. Wash as for any wool ..' material and the yarn is ready to knit again, into sweaters. Even tag- ends 'will go Into aughans. . 8UVUI Mrs. W. J. Kerr aad daughter, . Mrs.;I)on Henery of Salem, entertained .with a bridal shower for Mrs. Douglas Dodele (Marian Kester), ; Friday..- The many gifts were opened by the bride's mother, ! Mrs.' W e s 1 e y Kester-as the honor guest is in California. , ;-- . W7 Sat Large, with a mantel "Fire Generous m Ff Pfl fNTl I j W W heat breakage. isettes yd. gain. STS. Small stripes. Bigger Mcoiufacturoro' Recipos . Manufacturers of food prod ucts constantly work oa recipes practical for home cooks to pre pare. Here are several from a wall known : manufacturer of oereals. Inexpensive, they should - be welcomed in the household. ATJtrag na oatuxal MEAD . H cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt ti teaspoon soda . - - 1 cup dried figs 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk ltt eupa Albert eats 1H cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder . 4 cup mashed bananas H cup nuts (chopped) 5 tablespoons shortening ' Boil figs " five "ite in 1 cup water, drain, and discard the water. Cut figs. Cream the shortening with the sugar, add the well beaten egg, buttermilk and mashed bananas, and mix well. Add the oats. Sift and measure the flour, reslft with the -soda, baking powder and salt. Stir thoroughly, add figs Mirroro framed plate glass mirrors, dressy novelty frame. Both and console styles. 20x34. King brand pie plates. sue. Full guarantee for ; Glass : v Ready-Made Drapes Ready-made drapes in new tex ture weave cretonne. These wont last long at this price. A reel bar Sport Shirts Boy's sizes in serviceable cotton poplins, ambs and-, gabardines, large selection. ;--, - - Polo O 3 - i boys sizes -in horizontal - Sturdy, washable .knits. sizes 59c. and chopped nuts and when blended pour into well greased bread pan SKxSK. Bake : 1ft hours at 325 degrees. Slice thin for serving. JLEZSJ OAXXZAL C00SES . X cup shortening t. cups brown sugar . X eggs v 1 teaspoon soda " Ya cup boiling water t cups flour I cups Albers Carnation oats 1 teaspoon vanilla 'Cream shortening and brown . sugir. Add eggs, well beaten, " and sodVr dissolved in boiling ; water, s Mix flour wiflt Albers Carnation oats. Then mix all ' ingredients together. Add 1 tea spoon vanma. Drop by spoon-, fuls on greased pan. Bake in hot even (400 degrees). , OATMEAL MUFFINS . 1 cup cooked Albert Carna tion oats 1 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt t tablespoons sugar lgg - -: X tablespoons melted shorten ing on oil . ltt cups mCk . Sift . and measure flour. Re Floor Lamps New f-way lamps ia bronze er tvorr finish. Celanese rayon shades to match. Far below to day's market prices. Oilcloth A new shipment ef fresh, bright patterns. Neat checks, small and large florals, in gay, new shades. Window Shades Washable cottage shades for yonr windows. Hemember these -for your spring house cleaning. . Men's? Oxfords A smart, llack wing tip oxford, with rubber heels and soles. Ex ceptional value. AH sizes. - -. Boys' Oicfords . unu Sturdy, plain-top oxfords. Black only. All leather, construction. Rubber soles and heels. Sizes ZVt to 2. . . . slft with salt, fugar and baking powder. Add mCk to oatmeal. Add beaten egg and melted shortening. Add dry. ingredients, mixing Just until well blended. Drop into well greased muffin tint. Bake 23 minutes at 400 degrees. ' - t. Today's Menu . - ...-: , , : Potato vegetable chowder will be at the day's piece de resist ance, and wCl be followed by smelt as a main dish. -; Potato vegetable chowder . Smelt with tartar sauce j -v .v Spinach . Rhnbarb Betty . , POTATO VtXalTTAEIJt CnOWDESr (Serving 4) 1 cups cubed raw potatoes H cup dieed celery . H cup chopped onions '. 4 cups water 1 teaspoon salt - tt teaspoon white pepper . S tablespoons flour 5 tablespoons butter . , 1 cups milk Boll gently for 13 minutes, fa A sturdy, long-wearing rug ef Jute-fleece pile, A fine, new se lection ef colon. 2Tx43". ! . Wardrobo Closet A convenient storage closet for your extra wearing appareL Com plete with moth vaporizer. 2L.$ Ctottcn Chenille rugs. You- will want one of these fringed, wash able rugs. Fast color. 24"x43"; -. Saddle Women's and Girls oxfords to brown andwhite. Bed rubber soles and heels. An Ideal shoe for sport and work.- A medium-heavy shoe of t!l leather. Elack Uydrite Cnlsh.-All sizes. ; corered pan, potatoes; celery, colons, water, salt and pepper. Add flour blended with butter and milk. Simmer several mln- tite:-.. ; ..v r,.',-. ,' GrxVAIS Clas ErIcMBalji tex, Sanaa resident of Gervais, was married , to Lealand A Hawk at the home of her sister to CathUunet, Washington. iirc3 ll:.:;3 ymnZ) ' 1 4aliiiy - TJostses say year 1 HT-in insula II si lis f fcjaySBbesce atanwkiAkeratesutifi tba Ussdaad kmm yeakeahay. vWtbay t4 iaoi aad des vork riaai la taa sfaetbisd ssaay seopla aave to sat e miskta, yrassesi oessstirsssawiihsiaaatiMaWasaMasi srkk mr iiilasis ae kbada. TJasi'S d5 taiiiwai wMsselnsvsiabiatrsstful xWaea AsweOar ef kaiasy ta 'tCoTS ta lag puas. kM of. sea aad las Doat waiU Ask aWvMfav rukvi byaiii lasstae rssn. Tbsy gr fcappy fkft sstd will ke itellaUMrtdMlsAasiioim. pes vasts iissa yeatMoea. Get Peaas Raj, AILS Throw Hugo Rugs Work Shoes