r. i! ! 1 Ceiling Set On Prices "... Silverton Tire Board - Gives Report for C Recent Applications ' SILVERTON The Silverton tire rationing board received no tice Wednesday that a new ceil ing, on used tire and tube prices to. counteract profiteering is now effective. The prices vary ac- , cording to the wear and size of the tires, the information states. ' ' . During the week ending March 10, four appl!cations were refused by the local tire board and two ' were deferred. Eleven tires and eight tubes of the quotas 18 and IS remain in the passenger car list. .Tires were granted Peter J. Burger and OV J. Schlottman, Mt Angel, Edwith Hatteberg. Silver ton and Luther Moore, ?Mt. An geL Inspectors were Brenden, Le- gard and Dickmaiur - - In the truck tire division IS tires, and 29 tubes of the quotas - 39 and .44 . remain Applications were granted to C a r 1 Sprauer, ML AngeL Alex- Gartsoff and J. V. Johnson, Scotta Mills; and -to Leo J. Wellman and .Freeman XJatchet, Silverton. Inspectors were Brenden, A. J. Ettlin, Le- Trd ana Enckman. . . In the case of Jacobsen the tire . "was granted because his was stolen according to the report ! made by the local clerk, Walter Ceren. 1 The board . reports that those -wishing tires and tire information 'should remember the hours of the clerk, which are from 10 to It mxa. and from 1 to S pjxl, each day at the defense headquarters. Rifle, Gun Group To Be Formed At Rickreall ' RICKREALL H. Amos has asked that men In the Rickreall rea who are interested in fornv ing a rifle and gun club for de- "lease meet Saturday in the Rick reall grange hall at pjn. If 60 men are available com . pany will be formed here. Earl ; Richardson of Dallas asked Amos to organize the group, .Both Pleasantdale , Teachers Rehired . PLEASANTDALE Mrs.. MU ; dred Trent, McMumvOle, princi pal, and Mrs. Wanda Davis, New- berg, primary teacher' of the T- Pleasantdale school the- latt vesr. have" both been retained. I r The Aloha Needle dub: met ; Thursday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Will Dennis for Red Cross sewing. The next meeting will be -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ; M Murphy. ORE. SPA A , ; LOW EVEQ7DAY PTUCEO In our market represent a savin? to all our 'customers. Why not join the throng of thrifty shoppers by visiting- the Blidget today? Our prices are amazingly low -Our quality exceptionally high. This week we offer Special TEDDED STEAK Swiss Cut BOtJID, stsaii Delicated We Do Not Quote Prices none-Rendered r1 LADD' atsMsseeoan - LJ FOBS DOUSES (- Picnic Cats Some tlore of Those Delicious Little Breakfast Pcre Pork - J n Ready to begin producing 25,000 whlcli Phelps Dodge Corp. nas ore will come 200 tons of copper. Biggest undertaking was amcoveriag the mountain of ore, rising in benches above the vast pit. Trains carry the ore to the redaction weeks and smelter. ." Friends Arrange Surprise Event ; On Anniversary ' MIDDLE GROVE A group "of friends and relatives came. In for a surprise birthday supper to hon or John Van - Loanen recently. Twenty five were present The remaining acreage and res idence belonging to William Fed- dern has been sold, to Bernard Moorman, route seven, Salem, who is employed at Ladd and Bush branch, United States Na tional bank. The Woman's Missionary group met with Mrs. Esther Van Loanen and Mrs. Kate Scharf at the Van Loanen home, with 11 members and 4. visitors, Mrs. Letitia Dar ner, Mrs. Anna Wirshing, Mrs. Julia Turner and Mrs. Earth, present.' On the program were Mrs. Es ther Van Loanen, Lydia Scharf, Leona Keppenger, Mary Wampler. The business meeting was con ducted by Gladys Cage. The next meeting is March 24, at the home of Anna Hammer. Friday night was the annual family night -supper of the "Am itieT dub. ' 3. r-ii-. " 1 'Plans" were made for a chicken supper at the school April 17, un der auspices of the neighborhood dubs far benefit of hot lunch treasury. Committee heads are: pianist, Evelyn Ried; song leader, vera Bassett; card and flowers, Esther . Van Loanen. ; . .. j r i iiy 5nlo-i'o Holts il Vamlri Choice ; imi ROASTS Tender SEIALL; UE3IEBS Tasty "By the. Slice or Piece,". Which Young - ' ' FOBS i STEM Sagar-Cared L05I ; BUCKS Medium Pure pork and. T0I2AT0 mi ins Our Gromd T.Itit Prodacts Are Prepared from Fresh Cuts cf .Inspected Meats , " USELESS TO PAY K0?J3 IUSSY TO PAY LZZX - - - - fhs Huge Copper Mine Ready to tons of copper or daily Is this bage spent nre years and 125,000,000 la King's Nephevrin Debut tier Is Um first pictur taken of the newest nephew of the Brltiii monarch, Prince William Henry Andrew JTraderick, the infant son or the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. Th Duko of Gloucester Is the king's brother. The duchess la the former Laury AUcs Montagu Douglass 8eott, daughter of tha Duka and Duchess of Bucdeuch and Quooasberry. Picture taken at Barnwell Manor, Nsrthamptonshtra, mn n r--nn l " in)i rAimHiii Clal Cl Choice . BLADE . BOASTS - , - Is Misleading. We SeH by Weight, No Tricky Bargains. Dainty, Lean tnoFS Back Weight Links. Ask the Folks "Who - Assorted : 4mm W fed W OrGOII STATnMAZL Cclem, Produce Herend, Aria open pit on of preparing. From that V Prepare ,Like Hasa t J1 - rl 20 A a ... ORE.&D.A.X mi SQDiiBiSjLi'LHl lb For Seasoning Have Tried .Them. U- f f mm, 1 - t Ortcru Kiay l lcrilsg. Hsrci Lincoln Guest Returns to Kansas Hornet LINCOLN Mrs. Cecil 'Emel sister of Mrs. I: I.- Mickey, left for Kansas Saturday." She' had vis ited here six greeks. ;U" : : Weekend guests at the home of Mrs, Lois Crawford were her daughter, Mrs. , G. A Haldeman and children ' . " - " " - I .A. representative from the- state forestry: department has arranged to attend the T iocoln Community club" xoeetin at ; the schoolhouse maay at s p.m. and show.movins pictures. The committee includes Mr. and Mrs. H. w. Ashford and Mr. and Mrs Boy Martm." - Former acquaintances "of; II X Mickey when Jie resided in Mis, souri, Mr. and Mrs; Baymond AI- us and Daby now cf Seattle, and his brother, John ABis,: were Sun day -guests at the Mickey home. Qthet: guests' .were MrV and' Mrs. Merle Johnson,. Portland. . 'Mrs. ' Iiofii -Crawford .has re turned from- Portland to see her sister, Mrs-. H. E. Smith, who is a patient1 at a' hospital, where she underwent a major operation. Her condition' is'sausfactorr. Mrs. Smith was formerly Bessie Simp son and Is wen known in thia vi cinity and in Salem where she at tended scnooL r i Cbildren Gather For Reunion at Pedee Home : PEDZZ All of the children of Mrs. Mabel Burbank gathered at her-homo' for a family reunion Sunday. "They were Billy Bur bank, Bremerton; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burbank, Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mills and three sons, Aisea; Mr. and Mrs. Vinta Mar quardt and three sons, Dallas; and Zona, Patty, Evelyn and Eu gene at home. ; , ; ' ' Mri and f Mrs. Martin Sheythe and slaughter of TiTlamook, spent the weekend at the Frank Shey the home. Mr. and Mrs. - Don Sheythe and ion, Mill City, visited here Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Eixa Boyington and family Monmouth, have moved onto the Smenia place. " . Lorna Lee. Van Den Bosdt en tertained a arouD of friends at a party:';r.Irjday.-'-celebTating her eighth birthday. . ; Webf bbt School ii Teacher DAYTON Mrs. Frank Os borne, Amity, teacher of the Web foot school, has been rehired, i "Early to. Bed. and. Early ; to Rise," three-act comedy, will be given at the Dayton union high school March 27 by the Junior class. Carola May of the Dayton faculty will be coach. 'Mrs. E. Demaray entertained the Past Matrons club Tuesday. The next meeting1 will be with Mrs. Frank Hole. - A large gathering attended the birthday anniversary meeting' of the American Legion at the post and auxiliary hall Tuesday. Elsie and Betty Carson of Hopewell gave a vocal duet and played accordion and guiter for their own accompaniment. Post to Choose Boy for State LEBANON Santiam post of the American Legion will again send a - boy to Beaver State Vat Corvallis this : summer. Frank Groves was made chairman of the committee to name the candi date, . .The son born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold : Darby , at the ' Lebanon General hospital will always have his birthday observed for he was born on St. Patrick's day. He is the second, son and third child in the family. .,v; New Pnpila Enroll at Wheatland School .'v : - "i r . i. " WHEATLAND Vivian Dick haut, a first grader, andMerlyn Dickhaut, a fift grader, are new students enrolled at the Wheat land school. ;. '. ISru Bobert Campbell. Salem, was a Monday guest at the home of. Mr. and Mn. Walter Kirk wood. She formerly! resided ' in the .Hopewell district. " Change tleaidencea AUMSVILLE Orvffle Potter and his mother, Mrs. Ruby Pot ter, who have been living in the Richards house, have moved to the W. J. Roberts home ;near Ro berta store.:.. ; . - - - - ; . Mr, and Mrs. Merle Jones of Portland, are here for a visit at the home Of his mother, Mrs. F. A. Garbew - Wednesday : Garbe and Merlo Jones made a business trip to Portland. . ,i Fcrxncra Unica I IwWJ , AUMSVILLE Farmers union will meet Tuesday. A discussion on rodent ' control will be led by tX HO Smithficld Nowd SMITHFIELD-Mra. Frank Recce of Rickreall accompanied Mrs. Harold Smith to Valley Junc tion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neufeldt motored to Gray's Harbor, Wash, bunaay. Ross Simpson is remodelintf the house on the Dolph ranch, which he recently purchased. They -will move 'to their new home soon. Dick BarteL Salt Creek, is help ing. . r, : 5 X -- Elsie Gleshrecht 1 mntnrA in Portland Sunday to attend the Baptist Orejeon Young People's conference. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hamm. West Salem, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mn. H. W. WalL. - Alfred Rupp has purchased the C Ramsey farm, . previoudy known as.the.Jake H. Rempel place.. Rupp. is movma his fam ily here this week. , They I sold theirranch near Falls Ciry re cently. , ' . Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Schmidt and family. Amity, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. GV. Bem r Mrs. Schmidt and Mr. Bern pel are brother and sister. - r Frank Wall is pruning his prune orchard this week. 2I 'i i ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reimer motored to Portland ' Sunday. Ulnesses Noted At Victor Point VICTOR POINT Several cases of Alness" are noted In the com munity.. Among them are . Mrs. J. L. Lang,, Mrs. Paul Jaquet, Mrs. Phfflys Fischer, Mrs. Clarence Jones and Fred Yost -Mrs. R. X. Archibald who has been at the homes of her daugh annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnLii Dzlk - Extra -' 10 Chr! cats 5a ; LJ .-. " i j cyni7i- J?it?i? tiny U IN YOUR DAILY BATH STOPS NEJtV0US".O. O n Large No. Vi cans. q While the7 last EXTRA SPECIAL! nr - mmk' r JL m r r- r - I. ters, Mrs. "Gregory and Mrs. ZJ warl BobV for several months has returned to her home in Carl ton. - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savage spent the weekend with relatives at Bremerton, Wash. . Mrs. Kenneth Boswell (Ruby Pennington) of Sisters, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. CcS. Eli flbuue a - - S;:dil C7. 13 Beg. 17c Ul Lan. IOC - With f-TTT- Z '49 c 14c With Covpea Only . Ul HUM I .raUA 1 bo vysr 1 nnrsraRnnnEAin CAP 3 for 14c . With Coupon Only -ONLY dot. for .Arizona Seedless DOZ. . LB. h n 'i tnoxoD (iv i (i t ijl ii" n ' aM "immtttmmj and UrsT Glen Pennington. Cay husband la in the service and is stationed at Monterey, Calif, :j, w "J.-mmmB m mm m mm mt ' ' Guest qI Blother . DAYTON Mrs. li A. Everett, Eugene, came Sunday, to visif a week with her. mother,' Mrs. Bes sie Wniisms, and uncle, Georgo Williams. V ' i i-e:l M..w . - i I a a 3 Castle Brand fl Sf 7Z 49-Ib. bae iiiS g cremgnt, Kitchen 1 Queen or Red, VhiH 49-Ifc. White & Bine, 7g n Swansdown, W v : Efiscp . ? I ffOEtiafiO g Extra special good qual- Ity. Large No. lYt cans S only as 1 2.9 5 4 il cans. Standby Cora id 5 with each 49-lb. Swana, down- Flour. O . : 4n 9?i?i53 -vs. Q AIRMAIL 200 g L S lbs.-59c MORNING hr l O star, Liv.isg(; n 3 lbs. 77e a a a n a n ft'VrVt r' 137 C:3I. . .: 3