FAGS TCI Tfcsj OniGON STATESMAN. Scdem, Orecjn. Friday Morning. March 23. Htt In WAtNEK UOS. HAIIST HITf m mm mum nm - mt mm Added Superman in . "THE ARCTIC out Bwnmt tonal GIANT KntM If M1MM IMSA COMPANION FEATURE It'i Weird It's Wacky! "NO HANDS ON THE CLOCK" -Chester Jean Morris'- Parker Last Times Today . Barbara -Stanwyck lloel McCrea. Pat O'Brien ' in "gambling lady" plus : in technicolor BETTY GRABLE DON AMECHE CARMEN MIRANDA , ' to vV :, .,,;;. "DOWN ARGENTINE - WAY" ' '-''-. 2t Starts Saturday w&tA . wrt: -e6." i " V "" from their nj nests? Wdd COMPANION FEATURE Zza (sx$ - . - C2EP. :C1 .US ISAOT C? TEXAS Bar rain Matinee E Saturday Plus Tax GEIIE AUTHY . . . ' IN InJIC7BEr - tlus .- ;. New Serial! : , ?owi Radio's - Greatest Action Show Blazing with Jew Thrills on the Screen C . i .TS ," .with -t TAYLOR ' SprigTcnn Opens at 005 Ten Scholarships Air Raid Damage on Malta, Bombed Many Times MONMOUTH- The spring term, opened -Wednesday at Ore gon College of Education, immediately, following final examina tions Monday "and. Tuesday. Registration is not expected to ex ceed 300.: - ih z 'tz.tz ':i-.f..' '-::':.;: Vs-x-i r. -: ---7Ai' suencejin algebra courses -is being;-offered-, this, term; evening faculty - course t in ' first aid ' is being . offered . also, with Helen Fabricius of the department of physical education' as 'instruct CitfJProivides:: VdcdniLots "' For Gardens ' ; - 4 - v '.'. - ; i - - " Don't cut down.' the .old pine tree! At least, don't take such a drastic step just to make avail able ground for growing a. victory garden,' members of the city coun cil's property committee' said 'In effect Thursday when', tbey V au thorized the 'city treasurer to loan to residents of the city some 200 vacant lots -owned by .the muni cipality. '- t.:. jC.C .Borrowers "of the, ground, from whom no rent,"will be asked, are to sign an agreement 'In fact, three or four alreac'have.They will ,use .the ground for garden purposes opiy, make no f perma nent improvements, and ' will ' re lease their gardens to the city and any purchaser of said lot or lots should the ground be sold during ! the garden season. No charge for labor or garden seed is to be held against the city or the purchaser. The lots,, made available as wartime emergency, may be used for vegetables, but the agreement contains no cliuit forbidding planting of flowers if the gardener should so desire. or.v. . , , . Ten students ' were awarded scholarships which will pay their tuition and fees this term. They are: Eva Carson, .Yachats: Rober ta -Johnson; Hillsborp; Maxine H: Johnstua, Raimer;BerniceLehr man,' Brooks; Barbara "McClellan, Neotsu ; Kathleen V McGI n nf s, Troutdale; Harriet, ;Waalen. and Bonnie Greer, , Portland; Wayne Wmters, ; Oregon ,City, and ? Lois Heater,' -West Linn. piW, .--".- Mr. and. Mrs ."Leonard 'Moore entertained with, a series of; din- ner parties over ine weexena. iaj- urday night . they, were hosts to Mr. and - Mrs. Fred Schou . and their children: . Sunday . their guests were Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Bowman, daughters Marion and Edna; Mr.' and. Mrs." Laird Linde man and Leland. Monday night the Moores held a housewarming party in their newly decorated basement for a large group of school staff members, their wives and husbands. ' Armed Forces Get Books SILVERTON Silverton's first gift of books to the boys in the armed forces left this week when Eleanor Stephens, state 'librarian of Salem, and Ruth ' Stratton of Portland, called to collect the vic tory books . donated by 'Silverton people through the public library, The collection numbered 370 volumes. Among the. heavy do- nators in the : local community were ..the Willard Woman's club, of which Mrs. Harvey Kaser is president, and the Silverton Ro tary club, headed by Glenn Bried welL Earl Adams was in .charge of .the Rotary collection. , r The local library staff, reports that the campaigVis' tai. carriea on ana inai . dooks ,wui be receivedat any time. People are still asked to put theij names in the volumes so that thef boys will receive a personal toucK with the volumes they read. ; 1 Monmouth Visits Sea Ex-Woodburn Man Buried WOODBURN Archie Engle, Portland, was in Woodburn re cently bringing news of the death of his brother AUle at Falls City. He was buried at Monmouth Saturday beside his wife.: Engle had been in poor health for sev eral years. , He was ; born on a farm near Woodburn in 1878 and lived here most of ' his life. He was a nurseryman,' and was 'chief of police here, for many years. He Is survived by four brothers, Joe and Archie, Portland," Guy, Woodburn, and Floyd, Ellsworth, Wash, MONMOUTH Weekend . guests of Principal and . Mrs. M. R. Thompson were their daughter, Patience, who iit employed In Seattle; ' Mrs. Tnompson s , sister, Mrs. E K. Nielan and son, Don ald, Olympia, . and their father, Robert H. King, Tacoma. Friday night the Thompson en tertained ' Mrs. Charles Grannis and her son, Stewart, San Fran cisco.' Grannis was , formerly, as sociated with Principal Thomp son in the Portland YMCA work. Grannis Is now USO head In California. Y 1 . Always t Smash Hits! Today and Saturday iCUMpVX "S oau.m jsMicyJU9smwrco 'tawryiCx.$moiij.icc Iks Plus 2nd Smash Hit 1 v . . v. -,v :'::, . . , -y. . .- . ; .' ; y .-" '' ': - v. y:-:-y. :-:-5: y'-y.-.' v:v-:.-::'y ' ." : -..:.":; 'V :" -':''. . . - . .- ' . s.- - - . :... S x .v " ''' '' ' 3 -:;:;:;x" . . ;:' :':. '. 'y ' '. ' ; .... . ....-:: vx-'yyy': ';:;:';'' :'y-Z-y'':.:y- ,V.-:V;; : '.Vr ' '- : " .i- ': "I:!.. A Volunteer Aircraft Observers ... ,, Slate Session at Silverton SILVERTON - A meeting ar ranged ; especially for volunteer aircraft observers, . but open. to others interested in . this phase .of defense work, is to be N held : at the Eugene Field auditorium Wed-f nesday . night at ' 7 ;. o'clock ; with Lieut. Robert L. Clark,- Portland, of the ' fourth; interceptor , com maind, as speaker. IJeut.' Clark Is bringing with him. his staff cfearts and maps to illustrate bis talk on the aircraft observation warning service." The meeting is, being ar ranged I by. Alfred Adams, local chief observer, dS:;''tHi Since the last? call,:- issued a week ago, a number of . Silverton folk" have' registered.for 'ryolun- . Malta, Britain's strategle bland base la the Mediterranean see, has been bombed taBdreae cf times by the Axis sine the war began. This picture, one of the lew receired in the United ttaias showing bomb damage there, shows tome of the wrecked buQdiagt after a recent air raid, During February, It has been revealed, Axis warplane attacks killed. 111 Persons and caused til Otter eatttalUee. Essay Winners" InYFWTilt Are Selected - - 1 SILVERTON Arthur Solbers .; won first" pme In the local divi sion of ;the r"Unity for Victory? essay contest .being sponsored, by me, veterans oi, ioreign wars auxiliary. - -' "' : .-.-fe Solberg" was presented $5 in cash at high school Thursday af ternoon, Mrs. L. F. Tucker, pres ident of the local auxiliary, mak ing - the -: presentation. - Solberg's essay will be entered in the state contest in . which awards will be announced on April 27. - Elizabeth Schulke , won second in the local division and Patricia Lincoln third prize,' each recelv Judges were Rev. Russell Myers, F. J. Roubal and John T. Hoblitt Committee in charge of the con test locally was composed of Gurine Standard, Mrs. Blanche Howell and Mrs. Edith Deverlcks. . IIs7 Send! , : Chapter l .7 ".; cf lb C::rcl -J' NEVS AND COMEDY Lodge Prepares For Convention SILVERTON Royal Neigh bors devoted much of. the meet big Tuesday, to practice for the convention at Salem. April "1J In which Silverton will put on ' the class adoption with Marlon Tuck er, drill team captain,, in charge. Mary Herr, president, presided. . The next meeting of the local group win be April T with the committee in' charge of , arrange ments composed of Marie Dahi, Ida. Bowman, Nefiie 'Amun4soh, Edith Beiigli, "Sylvia CanoyOlga Chalfan. This will be a birthday party, for those having birthdays to March or ApriL p .p V V The Royal Neighbor, club toe Wednesday 'at the hall and spent the; day practicing for the con ventionl.: Hostesses ' for -Wednes day were Mary Herr, Clara Enloe, Mabie JUrK ana xaim Qrace, : Q3GSODK)0O -KTTYv GRAELE VICTOH MATURE JACK OASIS TSonq(ol the ; " ' Islands' ' ' AND TIu. White, end : Perfect" Before Singapore Foil ! J ', , ' y A d V ' ' These pictures, lust now released, show the last days In Singapore, the British FaciiJ ItUtlon ihlch f eU to the Japanese after they had mopped up on the Malay peninsula. . In its last days, Singapore was a helpless target for the' many enemy; bombers. At the top, civilian defense workers fight flames after a bomb hit Below, a pall of . smoke drifts over the city durina an air raid. Community RICKEY Fifty entertainers wUl take part in t the program sponsored by tiie.-Rickey Com munity club at the school house March 17 at 8 p. m. for the pur pose of raising funds to buyplay ground equipmenL Novelty numbers , and, a Variety of bands and musical Instruments win" be" featured n the program provided by the Priacilla Meisin-i ger stucuo, aaiem. , , . - i -,-:, fc.:Mrs. 1 J. Stewart is president of the club. Assisting are Mrs. E; ILWalker, Mrs. 'George,, James, Mn.' Malcolm Cameron, Lt. Ban-; deL Paul PerUch and Mrs.; V. O. SheldoiC ccninlt;chalrmen. f "'-'' -C-''.4 ''li '"""'.V:-:: SALEM HEIGHTS Commun ity club" meets tonight and a good program Is promised. - . ? PRATUM At the Community club meeting tonight the 4H girls wil-' serve refreshments for the benefit of their scholarship fund. Mats, ate Flu Tax act S:1S-S:I - : :4S-1J Ija-ias Endeavor Electa -'': 1 1 ; WOODBURN -- The Christian Endeavor of the First Presbyter ian church recently elected offi cers with the following results: President, Paul Doud; vice presi- dent, Vernon Frentyj secretary, Arlene Smolnesky; treasurer, Ma rie Morrison; pianist, Ellen Doud, and reporter, uaie uorrison. y Matinee FIzj Tax .ICc Evenlux 5V TODAY " JXFFRXY LYNN x 'UNDERGKOUND' -AND- Jean - ' - - Richard FACXE2 -ARLEN 'FLYING ELIND Mat. Its ' Bt. tie Pin Tux 1: Ji-- i IU1 T-iLfeo Tax L ZDr- 1Z1S1 And Second Feature Also News, Cartoon, Serial Victory Qiib Gives Funds AURORA The Victory club of Aurora, organized recently by a group of young women, donat ed $20 to. the Marion county .Red Cross, the proceeds from their recent paper drive, t. v The club win have their Red Cross unit as soon as materials are available. The unit wjn have their sewing room open two; dayi each .week ; at tta 'Community olubhan. . ;. AURORA A number of peo ple In : Aurora ' are "I exchanging realdeneee. Mtw and Mrs. pphaen layre are Jnovmg to the home 0L. the late Mr. and Mrs. S. A Miller on " the corner of ' Liberty street and Bobs avenue. . - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurst are moving to the residence on Lib erty street, vacated by . the Sayres. Mr. and Mrs. Deland. Robbins and family, Seaside,., win occupy the house vacated by the Hursts. Banquet Iana jSet . GERVAISW The Fldelis class met Tuesday to the Presbyterian church parlors and decided to again sponsor a father and son banquet' at the church April 7. Mr. and Mrs. C. L.' Jorgensen and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jelderks were hosts. - '' New Coiirses Begin Monday University of Oregon ' spring term extension classes,scheduled to begin Monday to the old high' school building, include ten-week courses in first aid, the psychology of marital adjustment and prin elples of social legislation. - Each course carries two term hours of credit. Classes meet from 7:15 to 9:15 p-xn. Saecessfal completion ef the first aid eearse, lnstnicted by Miss : Helen Fabrklns, entities students to American Red Cress first aid certificates. The class starts Monday night. A year of general psychology is a prerequisite for Dr. L. E. Forbes' class on marital : adjust ment Dr.Samuel.Hjrameson of the University of Oregon depart ment of sociology will present the course' in principles of social leg islation. These classes meet for the first time Wednesday night - ; Registration may be made at the ofice of the. city superinten dent of schools. ' teefjt aircraft ; observation,, but r.f more could .be used,- according vto j? civuian defense- headquarters ai ; Sflverton. V 'A - ; A card todex of dtizensregl ; :ered for dvflian defense Is be- ' "'' ing" made T and - kept at defense . headquarters, "showing in what division 'each registrant f Is 1 'now . r serving.! Efforts 'are being made , '--to -gather' and ''Iratologue ,all''civlt-" ; lan defense materia at the local .1- center and-: those, serving in , office I wfll endeavor to answer. ; what questions ,tHey ' can to " Gus . regard..---; - r-'-y, - SILVERTON.-. Mr.an4 Mrs- - 1 GB. Wyland areabuncing' the -; birth of a son at . the Silverton 'i hospital' March 18... v- ' y ). 1 George Crites. .who was .Injur ed in an automobile land , horse accident at Scotts .Mins,:; Is rei ported as; getting along , weH' at the local hospital. Ctftes sustain ed head injuries.- ; : Crawfish Feed Planned by . Legion Post f SILVERTON The annual crawfish i feed sponsored each spring , by the American Legion post is being arranged for early in April, although the exact date has not been set. The chairman wfll be selected and announced before long and the actual date wfll then be set . - . At the Monday meeting th annual - Part -'Commanders' night was observed, with a large num ber of past commanders present. and Joseph Carson, cepartmer. commander, and June Valian department adjutant . as guest speakers. Mrs. Harry Riches gave a group of vocal solos, accompan ied by Mrs. J. J. Lewis at the piano, i . : - ;. ,,l- r4" Aliipril THE'rTEW, JUinOR DUCwC LEAGUE OF AMERICA Adventure! Fun (arid Prizes! Membership U FREE! Get rear application for mem- bershlp ' at SCHOEN'S BAKE RY, all grocers carry big SA LEM'S ' ENRICHED BREAD, and to the lobby ef the "Elst- aore Theatre" Satmrday after noon. :-'' .- '': -... .,":; .' ; In THE 'ARCTIC GIANT Aatouted Cartooa la Technicolor now at the ; Mehama PTA Sponsors Sale For Lunches MEHAMA On Friday a so cial ' time i was had. at Mehama, sponsored j by. the PTA A pro gram was followed by- a white elephant , sale ' and a pie social. Proceeds amounted to $33.83. This sum is to be used for the hot lunches. ' " By permission of Cnet Xubln, Mrs. ;Wrf and pupts hiked ,to his daffodil patch where .'daffodils wore collected to ; use for .'deco ration., j . - ; . Charles Boucho. , who enlisted in the navy. Is, visiting here while waiting r to ' be ; sent; to Rhode Island where he is to 'take train ing. , - , . . - . ? j,. Mr. end . Mrs. I Parris . Bouche have purchased a piece 'of prop erty across , from ; the Erickson place . above - Mehama and : are building a house there. ' " - : . - ... .... .! . .1- .-. " Gels New .Territory ' V TURNER ROUTE ONE M. A Hfll's son,! Ross, Portland, visited his parents before going to south ern Oregon, where he has been as signed a 4 new,. territory, for his sewing machine business. ' Rites Set Today SILVERTON Funeral services for Hans Hanson, 77, .who died Tuesday, have been set for today at Trinity church at 2 pjn. with the Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr officiating. Mrs. Alvto Legard will be soloist Ilcrih irJ Bed lied Visit Oregon Gty . . , ST. LOUIS Mrs. Alex. Man ning, . Adaline ; Mary- and Ger trude of St Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Manning, Wood burn, motored to Oregon ' City Sunday to visit Sister Mary Evan geline, daughter of Mrs. Manning. --- - I-1- ... ....... "- , ; From The Dalles , UNION HILL Elmer Robens, The Dalles, J spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting with bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Robens, here. Robens is an employe of the state highway department Yczzt Tczd:r Pet Dczsh . Sczp Ileal, IB. Oic Lcb Cl:zbi,Lb. 23s Hzzii Sbata. lb. 27c (0)s ojlb. Fnncy Junto Sfco Bloalcnii cn.- .' . . . . Sliced llineei tT Fmily-Groimd s CZTll .'. , . ' ... .; , j ; ,': , "J, h (o r-Frc:MIauO.F ; f (og 0c r: ; Dqhnna or LivcrunrsI h ' tL!iCiv fjEiii'S .Dncon ; .ldd . . ... . . I , - . :- yiyr:'..-. '. - -, ".: : 4: .-:'v:.v -.'::. :':. -"' - Yonssj Choice G))3ri AU Cl ll n' Perk yVr Side. . yly ' Lo ; UJ. lJC;: -lb. lLj lJi ...... J . .. . :,- - T --- - - - . h . - -1 ' " . ' -? - ... " . A ':J: V L-JL.J.:.' - r!-" f ru... C::.3-cr r..,f. s.:. L. .