IVfeCl X w"3 - i ll y il 9 1 Iia t s n j9e, r i iv 21 N HL rl- W M I anSOnWS S la 0 m fla CTJ-GC.. STATIZI IAII. Cc-ssa, Orjca. 7edssLry 22anag. Irci 4, IS 12 . CbssSSesl Advertising? Statesmen Classified Ads Ce!l 9101 Tbres Isserttoos per Hnf , , t!tc Ciz isxertlorisper Hns .40s One gnonta per line $L2S inntaum chsrzs 23c; S U. mla- inxuxa 83c; I tL mla. 45c, No reluads. Copy for this page aceepted un til g0 the evening before publica tion for - clsatiflratlon, Copy re ceived after this time win be run under the heading Toe Late to Classify." The Statesman assnmae no finan eiai responsibility tor errors which may appear to advertisements pub lished in its columns and in caters where this .paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment to which the typographical mistake occurs.'-- .-- The Statesman rtaerrcg the right to reject Questionable advertising. It further leserves the right to place all advertising . under , toe proper classification. ' , A "Blind' Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is tor the protection of the dvertisar and must therefore be answered by- latter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an - - m DH.. mA fUTHUIil UHU iHXI . Livestock and Poultry DAY OLD and started chicks. E. Elmmerman. 2480 Center. Ph. 2-2528. WE PAY 80s ser hundred for dead end worthless live stock. Top prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect. Salem, 8411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. ' Help Wanted Blale" 'WANTED Married man to work on dairy. Ph. 87ri5. J. M. Nichols. S mt sv of saiem on fen Koaa. r :A-1 AUTO- mechanic. Have , tools. 809 rdgewater, W. Salem. GOOD BARBER WANTED. Steady joo. uttum rrum, vaie, uregon. Help Wanted Female. ' BSKPR wanted Goad home It ary. Apply Sally's, Court St Liberty. ' GIRL, for -general housework and care oc children. Age z-ju. rn. azm HSKP, care of sen. children. Bd, wages ana pasement ape soa suos. WOMAN for hawkl ph. 74Se."WtT, Situations Wanted GARDENS . and orchards, any efxe. I ptowea witn rora tractor, n. ewr. PRUNING and lawn work. Ph. 7330. ' PAINTXNO, DECORATING. Ph. 7553.1 For Sale Sllsccnaneorjj $seS 4-tc. wal faahlon bedroom Set $77. SS IT in our Window. NASH I-TJRNrrURE CO Near Western Auto Come shop our large stock of bed - nmn sew. , i $1390 2-pc Mohair Freize Dav. and! Guur fsw.so. see it m our window. J NASH FURNITURE CO. Near Western Auto - New 9-pe. Breakfast Sets, $10 JSC , NASH FURNITURE CO. - - 837 JO (famous make! Inner spring - Mattresses . this week $15JS. 8-year factory guarantee. , Ni ASH FURNITURE CO. 'SPECIAL NASH FURNrTURE CO, !- -Alexander Smith Rug Cloaeout. at cost plus handling - i i- 22SX12 Alex. Smith Hags-. I -828.98 and up 10027x54 Alexander Smith rug sam vies at cost aii cioseouta. Shop our Large Stock for Better Buys TRAILER house, also 3310 N. 4th. - . residence. PIANO, like new, reasonable. 6550. CHERRY TREES. aU sizes. R-S. Box 117. A. . UnriUon, SUt St. Bd.; 4-WHEEL wagon trailer. 393 N. ISjUt St. j : j. TRAILER HOUSE, new and equipped. Xnq. Broadacres , Store, 3 ml. E. of I .Hubbard.""-. i SOO FT. 3-in. pipe. 1800 ft. l,i-in. Epe. 300 ft. 1-in. pipe. 120-ft. 4-ln. pipe. 4, 3x6. 2x10 Berry wire. 3 water tanks. 1585 Market, at greenhouse. FORDSON - tractor, disc, plow,; St Jera. cow. C L Pulver, Rt. 2. Box ITS. BUY your Fragil oil circulator NOW, while all models are available. All cast Iron combustion chamber. Stainless steel burner burner easily removable. Strongly built to withstand tremend ous heat. Down-draft, hot-blast spreads flame and Increases heating capacity. The most beautiful thing that heats. NELSON BROS. "Bonneville' Store 308 N. Liberty , Ph. 7027 ' Myrtle wood gifts. Special prices. law s. utn u uoftoasn arm. . Wanted Furniture' ' F. N. Si GLENN WOODRY. Auo tloneers as furniture dealers win pay ri more cash or trade for furniture household goods. We buy or sell verytning. rn. CASH FOR used furniture St house-I bomi gooas. sorxcy. ra. iv. Wanted Miscellaneous .POULTRY. EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Northwest Poultry sand ' Dairy Koducts Co.. 1508 N. Front Ph, 7007. WANTED Kitchen furniture, gas range, inq. iraae, mornings. miscellaneous J : Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SER VIC4 . IN MOST" v CASES . - Bring or Mfl Your Plates for Fntr DA HARRY SEMLER. DENTLT Adolph Bidg, SUto St ComL Ph. 3311 , Western Adverti&irj Representatives George D. Close. Inc. -Can Francisco., Los Angeles 'Seattle . Eastern Advertising ' Representatives . r . WsroVGriffith Company, bie, , Chics? - New Vork. Dc trait - - ' Lonton. Atlanta . - t , . -; J - - - ' rnirrsd ct the PottoffU fit gatem, Or t son, as cond Class Matter, rso 1' Ad esrv morning excrr Monday. l usinass oiflc X1S Sooth Commercuii I C'JTCCTJPTICri RATT3: ' T'a'l F'ibscript-a Kates In Advancer I V iwxiirt Oregon: Ussiy ana fcunaT, uo. I J ce : 3 Mos. SliD: 8 lias. JLZH: II y?r i s c 3. L.sewhere 53 tnts per r. c r t ' i for 1 year la sdvsnce. tmt d -v 3 -. -N-van3s a cenu.- i r i it -ri r. l j ceests a mont: j a -. - r ! i a .tnce Li tisxtea anJ lloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone ($168) to Salem's oldest, largrst name owned end home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs wUl be end loans snad to strictest privacy. Ton will be given every stderatloa to the rrpeying ei your loan or granting of extensaone. 1 to IS MONTHS TO BJkPAY Tou an pay to fuB any ttaae. to reduce the cost - ONLY BORROWER SXQNS Ne endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. r.-- - - '-SEE ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-154 JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. . GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. 8-13k 134 So. Commercial St. Phone S1S8 First door south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground floor toeaUon PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for used cars No delay er red tope. Toe win retain possession or mo venicie 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SDIMONS 138 South Commerctal Street I Phone S16S . . Lie. Ne M192 FHA LOANS 4. asw Drtv loans Abrame as Ellia, Inc. Maansile BUg. UTK lMN n him MSlitaBtlal A ousinen property, wm tray monrag es or contracts. HAWKINS At ROBERTS. I inc, ilea I lor s. ouaroian rHiiming, For Rent Rooms' Sleeping rooms as shop. 345 Marion. ' HOTEL MARION Rooms. SDcclal weekly and monthly rates to perm guests.- Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals, at low prices. FOR 'RENT Sleeping room. 1 block north of postoffice. 282 N. Church. Heated rm. Board avail. Ph. 1294. NICE rm, mod. home, 968 Belmont. SLEEPING ROOM, 729 Court' CLOSE to, dean. warm. Ph. 449S. 8LP. RM, near state Mdgs. Ph. 21449. Room and Board ROOM & board for high school girl at vu, vau imi auicr. aw as. MEN. gar. R. L B. 183. Wallace Rd. GOOD BOBM. for two. SSS S. Church. LARGE downstairs front room. PrL lent, hot water. 2 meals daily, 1 on I Sunday, isss court, - BOARD St room. 329 S. 14th. LADIES. Ph. 2-1870. rm, bd. if desired CLOSE IN. 1144 Cantor. Ph. BETTER BRD. St rm. lit S. Coml St For Rent 'Apartments TWO 1-rm. apts. Ph. 4922. 2-&M. futn.' H4 N. Church. S or 4 rms, furn, lot, wat, gar. wasn. macn. su a. usv r. v. 1-RM- furn.. front ant. Llrhta. water. sib. Aauns. boo h. uoerty. n em. rATV , tal.lH .ill W..W i rezrg. jrn. era. za v-sn. . FURN, bath, st 'heat. rf, xar. am Mr-XMpim.' CLEAN S R.'a mod., close ta. adults. I neated. Maytag. 2 Marion St. FURN. APTS. 255 .Division. NICE 2-rm, $20. P. $222. VACANCY Olympic j. Apts. 3-nn. NICE funw small apt 890 Union. CHOICE apt, unfurn. The Devereaux. CLEAN 1 RM. turn, court snt PrL bath, laundry,, gar. Heat .St water furn. lsu iee. - s - - . . CLEAN, one rm. apt. 848 Ferry. LARGE mod." furn. 4-rm. apt, pit enu 739 no. capiuu. pn. it, ATTRACTIVE 9-rm, heat. 1411 Court 3-RM. heated. Frig. $20. 1580 Center. DESIRABLE S rm. - mod. amfurn. duplex. 60S s. Summer., Pfev TZS4. ' 1 RM. furn. 486 N. Liberty. FIRST FLOOR. 9 RM. PrL bath, oil heater. 1397. N. S-Roora furn. cabin. 813 aao. S-room turn. apt. $12. 1341 waller St. , FISHER apt available. Phone S7S7. COMFORTABLE, furn. 1-rm. apt. State St. Apts. Fb. 814X1 or ens. - 3 hot wat, heat bath. teL St washer. 83 N. Uberty. FURN. apts. SSJO up. 1210 8. 13th. S-R. furn. bathjljut. $13. 1440 Waller. For Rent Houses - WE HAVE THE PROSPECT Vt YOU Want to ' selL exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Lersen. Mr. Collins or Mr. trooawm witn ttawxme Roberta. .. HOUSES AND APTS. ' $20. $30. $40 and up. Furnished apt. light St water for $20. Close in. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State, Room . S-ROOM unfurn. duplex, adults. 441 M. JStn. rSOM S433. gfctAT.T. clean house, furn. or unfurn. Lots of oowers. Aauns. n. ua S-ROOM modern bouse, located 2009 3. Hlgn, $39. RICH lTrETMANN. REALTOR Salem's Lareest Home Builder 187 a High St : .- t ' Ph. S203 000000000000I000000000 MOD. I rms. hdwd. flrsj, fireplace. Basement, S33. x rum-apts, szs at sjb- - R. A. Forkner Realtor 1353 N. CapitoL . i wfc WW,..1 rnr.Y bunr. mad. nieelv fum refr. Asm one suburban. Ph. 8728. 248 D St. 2 MOD houses. 14S Hiehwey Ave (Capitoto dist). vacant mot s ana una. Twrw. mod. Aiome. S bedrms.. fire- I place, autom. beat. Nice residential dist N. Salem, $45. Ph. 21466. S-RM. house, adults, $64 N. Church. ." - ;. VOU tXZH ' i H IX SALAD FOt? OUR lloney to Loan CASH . roa TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR 13 or to "Salem's Personal Loan Center" SIS Court St, Salem a . Phone 44 S-228 M-278 State Ueense CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOB) Cash ma Hurry PERSONAL ; FINANCE CO. ill State Street S Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. anst ; Anto Loans - Willamette Credit Co. rrn floor guardian buildino LICENSE ft. M-159. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. WUl pay 6 interest W. B. UBABENHORaT O CU REALTORS Financial 5 For Rent Houses papered V painted Inside. garage, $32.50. Ph. 3283. 0000000000000000000000000 3-R. house. $12. 408 Madrons Ave. Thomas E. Cole. 1313. Center St. S-RM, 190 S. 13th. Ph. 8222. -SMALL furn. house. 2397 Haxei. State institutions. 480 N. 24th. 0s0000t0m00000,0000S00000000 S-R. hse, $23 1590 S. Church. Ph. 4953. 00J0000000000000S000000000 4-RM. furs, house. $20. Ph. 9472. Inquire 1538 Ferry. For Rent filberts. Creek. Close to. Ph. 7125. BUSINESS ldg."S63 N. Liberty. 6211. Junction Auto Court. South Commerc For Sale Real Estate - i" DANDY HOME BUY.. " Nice, modern. 1-H house fEnali type), lrg. living r, nice dining R, Sc only $4750. Worth more. Terms. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 807 Center - - - Ph. : $27 per mo. $100.00 dn, $25JI0 per mo. : auio court a csDins i house. S1 a, 2 a. way. $5000.00, 4 cosh. KICU JU KE1MANN 167 S. High Street Ph. 9 Salem's Largest Home Builder rage. Hdwd. firs. Plastered. $2250.00 a-rm. house to good ec tlon. Will trade for 1 acre. S2000.00 7-rm. house on S. ( Good corner lot and a splendid vestment. All plastd. bezn't. $1050X0 3-rm. house on Hanson Very reasonable down paymt. P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oreg. Bidg. " : Ph. IS? 396, Tacoma. Wash. ONE of the finest large homes ta iaiem. Good location. large 1 ooms, double plumbing, full scaped and on! only $8500. Terms. See Mr. Hardy witn MAWiuw: Realtors. lem. Terms. Nearly new, 5-rm., fully mo incl. automatic heat. $4500. terms. saow nuys s nouses on one and nuts. A good location. R. A. Forkner, 'Realtor 1853 N. " Capitol pay for self in rentmr rooms. G. X. VOSBURGH -P. 3598 1048 Cascade WHY PAY RENT? South 18th -St. $2100.00. . ' Evergreen Ave, $1750.00. , Duncan avenue,' $3500.00. ' ' S. Liberty Rd, $2150.00. " Your choice, small payment. balance like rent. j See E. G. KingweTl with ABRAMS It ELLIS, Inc. 411 Masonic Bidg. DO STUFF )t A mm JV4 i i. - - For Sale Heal Estate " ..V.',.; Acreage, w ' ' " I A Kelzer dist, ft alfalfa. 3-r. hse., 1 A. Kelzer disC 1-rm. house. Very ether lmprov, nr. chL Rt. 2, Box 123. best of garden land. Fruit s berries. ---' Terma, like rent. ; EAST SALEM Snail modern home. H. C SBIELDSOreg. Bidg. Ph. 8902. Unfinished upstairs. i acre Close in. ' - "?--;,'V;-l'--:U M Wanted Real Estate , FINX lt-room convalescent home and .MMMMHMaBallWBM Call Mr. Hartywith HAWKINS ?Jf I80 A-Muat be food soil, north ROBERTS. INC. Healtor - GOOD 8-acrt chicken ranch. Brooder j?"',!? listings. It yours la for house for 900 chicken. Total price Je pi " . . -i $1950 3O0 down and baL mo. See Mr. --i.," Johnson. with boodwlnwitn HAWKINS ROBERTS. L. EXXDY-28 Ore. Bid. Ph. 646 INC, Realtors. 11 ' i ""roirsALE'or Resort Property f j""-. j1:123 -80-- fffh- rSrtn ' " '' ' WIM. h new decor. Inrtdo. HefftVU toiS Basem't. furnace fireplace. New roof for Salem, s ; " . on has. and garage. Nice location. 1842 ; j, D. SEARS 507 Center Ph. 9442 N. Church. .............. Exchange Real Estate Opporttmitiei - ... ,, . "TT RESTAURANT on 99. North. $523. - , APTS. and houaea, well located Auto camp, rood cabins, etesmheat. to Salem. To trade tor coast property, well located., filled nightly. Must be Shown by appointment only. , ' seen to be appreciated. -Shown by R. A. Forkner, Realtor m fjr r, . " , isss n. capitoi. -, K. A. lorkner, Kealtor i ; ' - 1853 N.- Capitol . . :. For Sale Farms FOB SALE or trl. for al ertate- . . Garage business and equipment. k- . ., POULTRY RANCH cated in sawmill town near canton 15 Acres. food s-r. house, water 333 M" St.- Pallas. Phone 644. system. Utility room, woodshed, barn iyyuru"J"""J" " J ,J- - ' ' L -WUUUI" a. ISfV KrochoiM SHOT SHOPa located to Salem, cult, as crop. About 11 miKt wast, wraaie or teasa. Good soU & well located. 500 kens. 2 R. A. Forkner Rfftltnr eowt, S heifers U lurniturt, AU for U wrlicrf neailOT $5300.00. terms. 1853 N. Capitol : CATTLE it SHBZP RANCH - tie sjcraa, only $29 per acre. Wonder- ' -. . . . - .. ful chance. About 12S A. cult, lota of SERVICX STATION for lease. Fully good pasture Sc water. Some saw tim- equipped. Immediate possession; Gal- ber. weU located. Will take a small knage rental. Ph. 767S. place or tocome piopeily for around 1.rwwww. half of the price. - .!'. JAS. rx SXARS. REALTOR BUILDINO on Dallas hwy, S ml. out 807 Center Ph. 9442 of Salem for lease, fine location for chicken dinner. Box 2004 Statesman. SACRIFICED RANCH HOME cl-lT J For a few days I have' the special 1 for Sale -Used, CaTS price of $2100 tor this 30 acres place. , riiihwX1 A31" 41 ; FORD convertible, 6000 miles, UJ balance in 6too I400 . payments. William otT vetcC Skawhy 2005 N. CapitoL Salem. . -. church & school. About Vik mUes out. . T ';" VV" -rurwj"ur-run' 'n-r A rare bargain. 1937 FORD. Easy pymts. Car or cash. JAS. D. SCABS, REALTOR . Inquire 1148 Fir.. ' i 807 Center . Ph. 9442 r.'-r-"". r? 37 FORD. Radio, heater; good tires CHOICE 40 A. FARM and motor. 159 Gerth Ave . West $5500 Good soil and bldg, about Salem. Call evenings. JO A. cult, haL fine - pasture, live creek, Jr water . piped ; , : to 'house. , DeSoto sedan, good cond, tires. Ji5nber- ."1ht id part ueense. Gone to war. $130. 90S Center St. trade for a good home. See my agents, Louis Bechtel or Mabel Meedham, 341 . , ' ..... . state. Room 4... -. Wanted Used Can 000000000000000 ' ' " PERSONS interested in purchasing LARGE ear preferably Buick, 29 to a good aU-purpose farm situated four 31. Must be la good rubber. Rt. 1, miles east of Corvallia in Linn county. Box 149. Aumsville. Oregon, get to touch with Robert L. -'. Marks, Referee. First National Bank .... - - building. Albany, Oregon. Sale at pub- WANTED TO BUT 30 or 21 model be auction Court House. Albany, A Coupe or Roadster. Write Box 1988, March 12. 1942, at 100 a. m. to the Statesman. . - . r highest bidder for cash to hand. 372 : ' --- -1 crM riYW ottom butkUna . - : For Sale WcmkI DISTANT OWNER OFFERS .This . , .-. .-h -ot, nice 16-acre farm for quick sale at . RG ir-T-, "r. IT: $2250; located on pared highway and "Svwrnhiira i "rvvJ"Lru near good schools; 2 houses and fair , YT,?? Pbon w';i r v. . . MrMSirwith OiOds Miller. Py1:10 Realtors, i44 State SU Ph. pRY WOOD. Th. i860. : y '' 40 A, good barn, house & outbuild- RYWTODTYsir'wo IngS, $6800. " - - -"-u-i-nn.-."LT--'-nriJ-r-J---U-rxj-U-!-r 153 A, 42 A. CheblisSou. 96 A. , 1S-INCH OLD ' FTR Ph. 18F9. to cult., stream. good 1 nam. aoouo. t $1800 down. FRZSHvScreened sawdust Prompt R.rA. Fbrkneryt Realtor ::.J::.2I .185) N. Capitol . OLD GROWTB wood. Ph: 7093. 000000000000000000000000000 . . . ,T . OLD TEL. J'Jxu : Acreage , w -wTOproaaAi i ACRES, near SUbk&.. fruit. "RloaL SUM. Ph. 8217. sandy loam. $1500. $300 down, terms. 11 A, south, blags, fruit, berries, .. ....... $2250. $500 down. Vacant. Personal 1 H ATwt Wdgs, eleC, $1050,' $300 a wwsas dWrB BHmp1. GRANT MEET HEW FRIENDS f Qub EWe. 589 Court ' Ph. 8744-8330 Box 71-Q. Main P.O.. Los Angeles. Cat Cards la this directerr ran Painting Papfrlrnpgpg n s monthly bss Is eoly. ' Kate: SL25 per ' 1 1 ajs per , jerry jqhnson. ph. 4618. ; . th. .IU J Expeilenced nteaonabie. Pb, 4333." AutoBrakea I ; painu and Lacqners 1 Mike Panek. 278 South Cwnmerclal Um H asoj, ptg. Liberal i 11 ' terms. R. D Woodrow, 394 N. Church, . Batterieax-,; .1 : i 1 Printing . , W7XLABD batteries. aU types, R. D. " ' " I Woodrow. 3S4 Church. Phone 1600. STATIONERT. cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any kmd of print RiovkIps ' tog, call The Statesman Printing De- t P1CJC1CB partment, - 218 . 8. CoimerciairTeie- ' phone 9101 . BICYCULS. New and reconditioned. ' ' wott. 147 a com d p 4516 Plmnbing : ChiropracUe Physicians plumbing, general repair . Graber Bros, t4 S Liberty. Ph. 8594. ' a A. Sternberg. 241 N. CapttoL 373L - ' - -pr. ' Z . 'SchotJa.i r - Chimney Sweeps -- - . .. . 1 SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof STREAMLINED COURSES . . tepair. rree estimate. Kennedy. P. 805. ; Write, Phone otCall , : , for Booklet. 360 N?Capitol TELEPHONE 44941 y B, Northnesa. ; -" " - " - v j Excavating ' ! . 1 - . FOB SALE OR KENT. SIS N. Front . EXCAVATION OF "aU kinds. Base . menta dug. Dirt hauled or snored. Dirt ,f j. -. .. . .... f for sale. Salem Sand Gravel. P. 9408. ; Transfer -:t?"?r ; . FlnriiiiA U-DRIVE . :. TRUCKS . ' FOR RENT 1 ' " rwrma ' - Blankets fum. 197 a Liberty. Ph. 9062. Brefthattprs ffl Owrt Phong ll rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, ' ' . : storage, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to n . n. t Portland .daily: - Agent Pierce Auto Fnn!ral Directors i v rretght. including CUl poinU Laxatier Transfer Co PtL S13L ..... ",... ,- Terwiniger Funeral Home. . ' Ph, 892$. .' 1 1 1 Vacuum Cleaner Service vt Honse Trailers , ' , - FREE Inspection to your home. Au- rfeea 'min st tm u. thoriaed Hoover service; We service all - iSSvSSSXMSt Ho Bros Ph.,S0a I 9th St, Independence, Ore. , , T7ell Drilling 1 - Lawn Blowers - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm w SNZED DRtLLlNd CO. ' - 1 MitfWfT ground, F. X. Roach. 451X ' SpeclallsU for irrigation, city St do . rwu- MmM- y aaestie wells. Test borings & blast boles. ... - Estimates Without Obligation. ' KXattreSSea &. r. Sneed. 250S Brooks St. Phone S80S. SALEM FLUFF RUG MATTRESS W15T' I Co. New Mtrrreas's -Id ' made, rug - cleaning at weaving. 8 13th at Wilbur V OOd SaWinJT , Tat 8441 Zwickers. -.: , . , , CAPITOI BEDDINO Ca Phone iOes 'Wood sawing. Ph. 3323. Irs Cruelty to Animals! - - . ; : - -. .a. t a i wow has ) - I ,- K , ; r-s i r still ) 5-iVs v . - - - y Lost end Found LOST or stolen Golden Cocker Spaniel. Reward. 197 Senate St West Salem, j ... . - ... Transportation TWO WANT fide to Nehr. Khars ex penses. Ph. Monitor. 3653. - Legal Notice ; NOTICE TO CltEDlTORS NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned hag been by the circuit court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, appointed Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Robert S. Kutch, deceased, and has Qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to ? present same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at 1204 SE 73rd Ave- Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date of this No tice.o. n -' 1 . ''. . . Date of first publication, Febru ary 25, 1942. Date of last publication, April 1, W42. . t f GAIL, H. PATHEAL, -As such Executrix, F23-M4-ll-lo-25-Apl. Funeral Plans Are Delayed SCIO , Funeral services for Mrs..Leona Elmer, 5L who died Monday at her home 10 mUes east of Scio, are pending word from distant relatives. fLowe mortuary of Scio and Lebanon is in charge and Rev. V. I. Loucks will offi ciate. . :-'vy-- : Mrs. FJmer, who was born in Nebraska and lived : there until she moved .to the Scio country seven years ago, wss a member of the Eastern,. Star and Christian church there. She had been HI for months and contracted pneu monia a few days ago. - Survivors include the widower. Arthur, two daughters, Mrs. M. H. Martin, near Scio, and Mrs. Frank Roe Wyoming, and two sons, Francis and Harry, in the navy near San Diego. Stv Patrick's , Tea Slated at TiirnerHome TURNER-The Methodist WSCS will sponsor a St Patrick's silver tea Friday at' the home of Mrs. I M. Small : with Mrs. Earl Prather. assisting hostess. All members and friends are invited to attend. - ' Mrs. Anna Windom spent sev eral days in Albany with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harvie and Lois, Harris Is an in sfructor in the Albany schools. Lois Gunning of Portland ' and her mother, Mrs. Emma Gunning of Salem spent Sunday here with Mrs. F.. C. Gunning. j. Margaret Ann Prather has re ceived two 14 inch dolls, a Chm ese girl and Hawaiian hula dan eer from her uncle, Darfel W. Hutchens, officer on an aircraft carrier with the Pacific fleet He visited in Turner last August pri or to leaving for the islands.1 Mrs. Bert Peebles entertained Sunday with an attractive dinner party honoring her husband and Ulwin E. Denyer on their birthday anniversaries.; . ; An arrangement of narcissus and . crocus decorated the table. with coverl placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ulwin E. Denyer, Verna Shank, Salem, Helen Peetz, Mrs. Thelma Norris, Joann and Gor don and Mr. and Mrs, .Bert Pee bles. " . Qub Quilts at Silver Cliff . SILVER CLIFF The Silver CUff Woman's club plans an all- day meeting and quilting ThursL4 day- at the r home of Mrs. Inez Heater In Silverton. ;;; Regular defense meetings are held for the district on Tuesday nights, twice a month. Delegates to the Silverton meeting bring home reports of this to the local group meeting at the school, here. Sunday guests of the Floyd Fox family and Mrs Carrie Townsend were former' Gresham neighbors of Mrs. Townsend and. Mrs. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Raker, now of Salem. - Patriots Discussed : LIBERTY The Liberty Wom an's dub lis scheduled to meet Thursday at Z pjn. at the home of Mrs. Mervin Seeger. Study pro gram topic will be: "Past Patriots among the Women of America." ,Lodge3 Padfle Lodge No. SOAJT JsA M. T. C Xgrte, Wed. starch 4, 70 pi m. By order W. U. Ey CZC TOUItQ Aurora Forms Victory Qub 7 AURORA Mrs, EUen ',: Sims, president" cf ' the ; Victory dub a I newly organized grtxip sponsoring' n Red Cross unit here, met Tues day sfternoon with committee members from the American Le gion auxiliary, Pythian Sisters, Woman's club snd Ladies' Aid society to outline the work to be done in connection with the unit, at .which time all organizations Recrnits-Alan Hale.' George Tobias from Canada's North vvoods, arrive at the air Held to Join the Royal . Canadian air fores la "Captains si the Cloads," new UakoIer film starting Friday at the lOsinero, . The west ef fearless men. ef recklesa women and ef matchless nd- ventnre . . . Taaa," starring William Holden, Claire Trevor- and . Glenn Ford, plays today threngh Satarday at the State theatre. Co-featored wUh -Texas- Is "Miss Felly with Zasa Pitta, Sitae Sixmnaerville and lusye ; Word n .2a .4 20 It 22 2b 4 73 23 V. 'A IAI- I lWht is tk4 targut fkt Wtt ' f IndUi iilandil t-ilTssmTme aaxati .-v-- ; a - S ef ore-- i w-'-My': r?: - s- "11 Sun disk . -."' J '; 12Woman under religious vows" W Spirit 'l-it' , t-: . r ' - ttt pswtviaf,;;i- C 16 Commit depredations ' , ; . 17 Malt drink . J IS Dismiss j lV' - -; , 23 Dove horse - - ,v ' : 22 Prepare with msrhvade , 5 Native metal i; v '" 25 Month ef the year ! . n-vsies . . . ;- i 3 Errvtian sun rod 3 Diminutive ef llobert . ?D Comrade : SI Like ). . . 5. J2 Wessel-Uls atimsl ; , ... r.cserre (abbr.) SSWk is Paar Gvxf MtVrf rt3lsil ef t::-r. vrtvu. v If TTkaf Eitcl'iK erci(U i !fnntini Miitii"Hflil i Af ITJUt TftglZk eeet-dVwmatlct 47 Ttkix eisaie? '' t 43 f,ick- . w-vi.:; '- 4 )-Dock ;- ' ' I ) Decalllcr (alir.V; d Wing,,,.. , , .. .. ' . L3 Clot - " 1 Tccestric wheel-psrt ? ' ' ' 2 f i--bcrsa Iadlaa 8 r.-rljstiisalt -r . ."- -4 C1J womsziih " ' 5 Csdroa - - TTkt t is Us if saw former -y Artencoa twngelxtl ''r .. 7 ,TZJX ' -8 ratraBCS' ' L:jr:t crircr.c!y pledged whole-hearted support -ta the plan. ""-'. ; The Victory club Is already con ducting a paper drive, the pro ceeds of which wCl be turned over -to the Red Cross. Stitchers Meet . McALPLV The McAlpIn SUtch era club will hold an all day meet ing Thursday with Mrs. A. N. Doerfler hostess. - Short cuts la sewing wUl be featured in the roll call and members will sew; for the lujstess. , h .' . and James Cagney, as bosh pUetn s , Puzzle 6 n 10 l4 25 2A n 22 30 S3 40 44 10 TFAat EgU isle was drained - ;rfnm fAe fsnsr -. S Kelatirg to the Udbossi -S J?vtnbol for teSariani ' iS VFAat wtytaiosl fccx aod U . g0u4Fst Fmuh mrt'ai we csla. ""Thruttd for hi$ umdtcaptil ; tl To speak . - - -tX Wh was Qun tAe twU$ , 23 -A&aoy' ' . 24 Prussian town 25 Ethical ' ' I" . . XtWh aport oVs in letti , 80 Foot-like part yC 83 Digging tool - -, . . 84-Trade arain : - - ' S5 What Ariatic country Its twtn th RtdSta sad tas fT 37 WhiU cornponnd . : . . S3 Outer rrronU ; -'7 4 Paldnoece - 44 Southern state (sltr.V i 4--Aiiow; ' , r v : A 1 -A turner toTes-er - "ptasls. 1 1 it''. cr. Avarate tbae ef sriat-mi U aUaaias. futriket. si ana ranwai SraiSata Is- I I- w r