Tlx CIEGON STATESMAN. Salem. "Oregon. Wednesday Konsiai March 4. 1S43 PAGE SEC Mrs.' Kern .Will Head Auxiliary - Mrv Lowell E. Kern was re- -elected president of the Salem General hospital auxiliary Tues day morning J at the regular" ; meeting of the- group at the YWCA. Other officers are Miss Bovena Eyre,, first vice-presi-dentf Mrs. Chandler . Brown, -. second vice-president; Mrs. I V.; Ben so n,. recording -secretary ; Mrs. Warren Pohle, correspond mg-seeretary. - r - - k New members of the board of directors electedfor a one-year term are Mrs. George Flagg, Mrs. Ralph BV Cooley, Mrs. Harold . Olineer: . two-year term,- Mrs. Henry V. Compton," Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs.' William S. Cole; three-year term,. Mrs. Robert W. Craig, Mrs. Wilbur Berry and Mrs. Harry Crain. Auxiliary members made 30 new pairs of curtains for the hospital in February under the direction of Mrs. Wilbur Berry and 25 blankets were marked by group of members who meet regularly for sewing. Mrs. Lewis Griffith announced the rummage ' sale dates as March 27 and 23. Mrs. Allan Carson was appointed flower chairman at the hospital for March. I Legion Wives In-Session The American Legion auxil iary met Monday for a busi ness meeting. . Mrs. Fred Gahls dorf, . hostess, presented the guests Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bentley. : Mrs. Aubrey Tussing, Ameri canism chairman, announced Washington school as the win ner in the flag code contest sponsored by the auxiliary. This is the sixth year the school has won. Hazel Green won in the' rural section. Flags were presented to the winners. The sewing committee has completed . the American Red Cross allocated material and ar-' tides for -the local .hospitals, Miss Jessie Rodman, acting chainnanT reported. More Red Cross sewing Is expected in a short time. ' Mrs. Phil Shobar '. and her , community service ' committee spent sixty hours on mobiliza tion. The committee is soliciting for more books for the boys in service. It was recommended that the auxiliary donate five dollars a month to the UHA .for the remainder of the unit year. . . The luncheon committee for the next benefit luncheon in the series to be held . March 5 are ' Ostrin, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, Mrs. A. J. Crose, Mrs. Frank Ji- ..rak, Mrs. Harry Wechter and Mrs. Aubrey Tussing. Another i benefit dance ' will ; be held March 21. Bride-Elect Is?Feted ' Miss Dorothy Biegler "enter tained on Sunday night for Miss Beth Hansen . who recently an- 1 1 nounced her engagement to Mr. William J. Biegler. The bride- elect is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Hansen and Mr. . Biegler's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biegler of Salem. Miss Hansen and her mother . will leave this : week for Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where Mr. Bie gler is stationed and will remain 'for an extended visit. Attending the party were Miss Beth " Hansen, Miss Margaret Anderson, Miss Dolores Volk, . Miss - Rose Biegler, Miss Carol . Hansen, Miss Betty G r a i g e r. Miss Bernice Biegler, Miss Eileen Hansen, : Miss Sylvia Erichson; Mrs. Tony Volk, Mrs! Tony Bie gler. and Miss Dorothy Biegler. Salem neigh ts Woman's club will meet at the community hall Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and Mrs. Louis Ander son will preside.' Hostesses will be Mrs. H. R. Woodburn, Mrs. Charles Sawyer and Mrs. Frank Erickson. Miss Frances Clinton, home demonstration agent of Marion - county, , will be the speaker. Each Wednesday is Red Cross sewing and knitting day at the hall. The regular program meeting of the WSCS of Leslie church will be held at the home of Mrs. A. W, Metzger, 1715 North 22nd ' street today at 2 o'clock. Trans-' . porta ti on will be furnished, and . " roembers are to meet ' at the church at 1:45 o'clock.1 Mrs. Charles Vick, Mrs. E. A. Rhoten and Mrs. G. A. Boyce will assist; Mrs. C A. Downs and Mrs. Metz ger willl present the lesson.- 1 Friends ef Mn and r Mrs. John Pollock: (Clare : Marshall) will be interested- to learn that they are making their home in, Portland 'where he is engaged In defense work. . : A'.: ert r : r rJ -,an (lie-. rlja rcpfin-cr) of Can Fran-' r ' -co . is f pen ding the week in '- i zt ite horr? of her mo- Mrs. Jchn French. II : "? t!- ulll meet at tie I c-2 cf :::. Cira CIrod,' 14C3 Ourt s'rrrt 5:23 Vednesday ' r a r--' r:t urrr- Later, the i v.lll t'tsnd the institute r 1 f, r MAXINE BURtiN Edit or i Shower ' for : A KpHpnt . "T. Mrs. Donnell Sanders (Cyn- -thia DeLano) was honored at a , . kitchen gadget . shower Monday night iwhen members of Beta Sigma ; Phi entertained at sup- i i per at the Spa. Mrs Lawrence s Brown was in charge of ar rangements. A business meeting preceded the party and plans for the annual - fashion bridge to be given on March 25 were 'completed.' Honoring Mrs. Sanders were Mrs.. Frank Shafer, Mrs. Tho- , mas Drynan, Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Lawrence Brown, -Mrs. D wight Parsons, Mrs. Leo- ' nard Loetterle, Miss Isobel Mielke, Miss. Dorothy Cornelius and Miss Mary . White, Nesbitt-Forgey Vows Said -: -. . . - i . Mr. Merl Nesbitt of Albany married Mrs. Mildred Forgey of Salem, daughter of Mrs. Hallie -Lynch, Saturday night at the . parsonage of Rev. H. C Stover. Mr. Nesbitt is the son of Mrs. , Madge Nesbitt of Albany. Mrs. Catherine Creson was matron of honor and Mr. John W. Simon of Eugene served as best ,man,The bride wore a dress of powder blue trimmed in rose colored lace, with a corsage of orchids. Matron, of honor wore a dress of soldier blue, shirred around the neck. Re ception was held at the home of Mrs. Hallis Lynch with relatives and close friends attending. A linen shower was held for the bride several days before the wedding at the home of Mrs. Catherine Creson. Attending were the honor guest, Mrs. Hal lie Lynch, Miss Alta Versteeg, Jenny Winchcomb, Olive Wise, Elsie "Townsend, Florence and Marjorie Bressler, Elizabeth Creson and the hostess.-;" , Y OmCirCO UiOSS -p-, , . j 1 " IintertQineCl Mrs. " J. C Harrison enter tained members of the Yomarco class of the First Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at a dessert luncheon. A agisting hostesses were Mrs. D. H. Mo- sher, Mrs.- Walter-1 Window, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. M. E. Palleske and Mrs. Grant Day. Thirty five members were present and special guests were Mrs A. G." Ervin, jr. and - Mrs. Kortzeborn. Daffodils, daisies and yellow candles provided the table ; centerpiece. Mrs. Grant Day presided at the serving ta ble. Tj Robert Stevens Has Birthday Robert Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stevens, cele brated his ninth birthday Tues : day afternoon when Mrs. Ste vens entertained for 12 of her son's friends at their home on North 23rd street s The patriotic motif was car r 1 e d out in the appointments; and refreshments. Games were during the afternoon. -Honoring Robert were Wayne Rogers, Phillip Eggstaff, Allan Watkins, Gary Campbell, David .Thompson, Donald Martin, Da vid Hoake, Neal McCrary, Jack Forristel, Scott Anderson and Dick Fortmiller. Miss Francis, Clinton, heme demonstration agent for Marion ' coun, was guest speaker at the ' regular Monday . night business ' meeting of Rotana club. After a brief talk on the objective of " the home demonstration : pro gram. Miss Clinton told of her trip through the South Sea isl ands last year and showed col ored -. pictures of the various places she visited. . Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hall have had . as their ; house guests for -"C several days Mr. and Mrs. G.- H. ' Murray of Flathead Lake, Mon-' .tana who were enroute to their home - after : a winter's stay in ; California. Mr. Murray is Mrs.V Hall's, father. ; v--:; -r ' w-,': Mr. and Mrs. It. LeVee ef Se attle,; formerly of Corvallis, are the parents of a baby boy." The other' is the former .Lucile tMa- : vJer, daughter-of . Mr. and Mrs.v R. E. Majer of iSaleni This is the LeYee's first child. ; , llrs. George nug and ZIrs. Geore"IIcffinan will entertain members of Kappa Alpha The . . ta : alumnae . . at " . the . former's I.cme on Fir street Thursday ' "mht - , :.-.-. Mm. mm cOb calendar wedkesdat - ' - Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club, Mrs. Nora Busey, IfrM South Cottage street, no-host luncheon. 1230 p. m. AAUW Literature' group. Mrs. rioyd Utter, 44 Oak.- p. m. - Jaaon Lee Woman's Bible class, 1 p. m. at church. -. -- North section. First Congrega tional church, with .Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaugh, 1547 Court street, 2 JO p.- ra. South Section. Conrreeatlonal church, with Mrs. S J. BuUer, 433 - Royal Neighbors Sewing club) with Mrs. Minnie Williams. . 1273 Oxford street, covered dish lunch eon noon. - .- Delta Zeis alumnae, with Mrs.-. William Bradford. 575 N. 14th street. Ladies circle Knight Memorial church, 12 JO luncheon and busi ness meeting. - -. St. Paul's Guild and auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church, joint' luncheon meeting, 1 p. m parish haU. TBVKSDAT rruitland Woman's circle, with. , Miss irma Bruce, 1p.m. PLEF club with Miss Daisy Hayden, 930 Imp nperial Drive, 7o. Willamette Tenthivt No. , Maccabees, American Legion home, 7:30 p. m. m Chapter G, PEO. Mrs. Earl Cooley, . 2270 Center street, 1:19 dessert Liberty Woman's dub, Mervin Seeger home, 2 p.m. Daughters of unior nion Veterans of the Civil War. , Woman's ciub- lMMia. a n. m Sewing croup of American Le- ' gion auxiliary. Legion home, 2 p. m. , . FKIDAT WTC, American Lutheran church, 2 p. m. Florence Vail Missionary so ciety. Calvary Baptist church, S p. m. - Woman's- Alliance Unitarian church, Mrs. Charles South, 33S North Summer street, 2:30 p. m. Engelwood Woman's club, Mrs. R. H. Sanford. SSft Thompson, S p. : m. -- ' : -. ' I-. . - Salem Heights Woman's club. Community hall, 1p.m. TUESDAY Macleay 4M club with Mrs. Fred W. Lange, 855 Belmont, 2 p. m. Garden Club Meets Mrs. A. A. Taylor "and Mrs. Lewis . Judson entertained the Little Garden club of Salem Heights Thursday. v Mrs. V. D. Bain spoke on , "Making New Lawns and Reju venating Old Lawns." , Mrs. F. H. Thompson : t o 1 d t about herb gardens and present ed each member with several re cipes using different herbs. Members present were Mrs. V. D. Bain, Mrs. R, D. Cooper, Mrs. D. D. Dotson, Mrs. . Alice Edmundson, Mrs. F. H. Thomp son, Mrs. Charles Sawyer, Mrs. William Neimeyer, Mrs. Frank Miller,.' Mrs. Carl Harris, . Mrs. Homer McWain, Mrs. Paul Grie- ' benow, Mrs. C A. Graham, Mrs. Woodburn. Annual Meeting On April 8 The YWCA membership com mittee met at the association building Tuesday morning and M.MMA M.J. .1 1 spring membership meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 8. : There will also be a meeting of the Uirl Reserve groups at this time. Committee members who met were Mrs. Esther Little, general secretary of the YWCA, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, membership chairman, Mrs P W VnMa TJtrm ' ArtV,,v Selander and Mrs. William Gahlsdorf. Chemeketa chapter, Daaghters of the American Revolution will meet Saturday at 2 o'clock with Mrs. John Carkin,. 495 North Summer - street Reports from the state conference will be made. Mrs. W. E. Hanson is in. charge of the program titled "Existence of Citizenship Stand-. ards." Hostesses assisting Mrs. Carkin are: Mrs. R. W. Davis, Mrs. TJ. G. Boyer, Mrs. I. M. Shannep, Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. Edwin Jory, Mrs. S. L. Minard and Mrs. A A. Underbill. y- f ; ,:. ... . . . v ' Mrs. Rex Adolph will preside at luncheon and bridge this af ternoon at her North Summer street home for members of her . club. Additional guests will be Mrs. Harold dinger and Mrs. Vernon Perry. ' ; :::IX : '-1 -- .. - - V; Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser,r, Mrs. David Cam- eron and Mrs. H. Lawrence Lis ter are motoring to Portland to-' day to attend the regular meet ing of Nydia Temple, Daughters cf the Nile. - Sacarswea Camp. Fire Girls met at the home of the guar- . dian, Mrs. Richard Severin oh Friday. Plans v were made to .'.work for.woodgatherers rank in order to receive it at the grand council fire ' late ; in March. A covered dish dinner will be served at the home of a mem ber on March 10. ; , Mrs. Charles Clarrett 1 and Mrs. Vernon Perry have invited members cf their club to brid-e - r.nd supper Thursday ' niht at ths former's home. . to':! :Eritertairi - ' Mrs. Elmer OJ Berg, Mrs.. En r mett Kleinke"' and; Miss .Viola : Crozier have .arranged a - ' o'clock -luncheon for . Saturday : afternoon at the former's home Saturday on Center street The honor' . ; guest ' will - be Mrs. Max Mc- T-n-prMml Td Glasson (Betty Jelinek); . I llllvjl lllCLL I t?Ct February. bride .-.,"; ,je' . pj 1 1 rr- - A pottery2how'er will, honor J ildtClllt -Mrs. McGlasson .and the bridal -.motif will be "carried out in- the t ligfHoTl Cf ranriointments.' Snrinar: flowers i 1 lt?iDlV-4.C'l JAC? r .appointments. - Spring: flowers . will be arranged about the guest -rooms and the afternoon .hours ! will be spent informally. " ' " Covers will be placed for Mrs.' i - McGlasson, Mrs. Henry . Savery of Dallas,"Miss Kathryn Crcftier, , 'Mrs. Donnell Sanders, . ' Mrs. Glenn Newland,' Mrs. John. Jel derks, Mrs. Kenneth Kutch, Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, Miss. Viola Cro-' zier and Mrs. Elmer. O. Berg. . j 1 - ' - i . Rebekah: Meet Officer :". v Salem Rebekahs met Monday, with Mrs. Blanche Hull presid ing. An official visit of the state ' president of the Rebekah as sembly, Mrs. Myrtle M. McAl pin of Eugene was made. Other distinguished visitors were Ma deline Rossner, assembly vice president, ; Bertha McCullum, warden, Mabel Kennedy, mar shall, Vernlsha Newby, past president and representative to the ABA, and past, presidents, -Esther" Bond, Grace Christ en sen, Mae Jonas and Alma Hen derson and past grand patri- . archs, Robert G. Henderson and Carl 0:liigstxcm"';V:.:;;' ' Officers and. the degree staff conferred the . Rebekah degree upon Beraice M. Kretz, under the direction of the : captain, Mrs.- Clarence Townsend. As sisted by the staff, -Mrs. Robert - G. . Henderson presented a gift from the lodge to the president, Mrs. McAlpin. : s : : Other lodges visited . during i the meeting. From f the , grand . I lodge Mrs. McAlpin presented a pin for distinguished service to the IOOT orders, to Alma Hen derson who had gained 26 mem- bers for Salem. The committee announced arrangements for the play next Monday: "Aunt Tillie ville players. Alma Henderson, Beryl Muellhaupt and Lelia Ohlsen ' may be contacted for tickets. The regular lodge meet ing will precede the play at 7:15. Shower Fetes: Sister- Mrs. Chet Fitzwaters of Leba non was hostess at a shower Thursday, for her' sister, Mrs. Fred Harp, Salem. Guests were Mrs. Bernice Wallace, Miss Jess Piper, Mrs. Nell Beale, Mrs. Noah Piper, Mrs. Ed Guy, Mrs. LaVelle Loftin, Mrs. Ruth Weeks, Mrs. Ann Heinrick, Mrs. Ada Lowe, Mrs. Maxine Russell, Mrs. Cla- ra nusseu, Mrs. vi newux, aors. Myrtle Parsons, Miss Dixie Lee Walkinshaw, Mrs. Alice Devine, Mrs. Crytal Keebler, Mrs. Do lores Lumb, Mrs. Lenever Scott and Mrs. B. O. Nichols. MelLXI VjOnraCl ' -rr , y,. y rleaClS LiUiD r The Young Business and Pro fessional Girls' . club of the YWCA held an .election of of ficers at their regular meeting Monday night at the YW. Offi cers elected were: president, Melba Conrad:, vice-president, Vera . Wood; secretary. Lillian ; ; Davis; 'treasurer,' Mildred. Yet - ter. me new omcers wiu.oe Installed at the next meeting.. The girls discussed the nation wide banquet " which ; will; be held March 10 and are planning to attend the banquet in Port land. The Salem club will make ; the favors for this banquet and will meet tonight at the Y to work on them. v Mr. and Mrs. Arthur - T. Fax have invited guests to a bridge supper Friday night at their South Liberty street I home for the pleasure of Mr. Hugh Mor- -row on his birthday. Twelve guests have;;been bidden and bouquets of spring flowers will ' r be used for decorations. ' Mr. and ' Mrs. Wallace Hog and daughter, Julie, of Leth bridge, Alberta, Canada, "are spending a week in Salem at the home of Mr. Hug's mother, Mrs. George Hug.'t Mr. Hug -is now with the Royal Canadian Air Force. , " . nayesville Woman's club will meet Thursday with Mrs. R. U. ' Griffin at 2 o'clock. Members are to bring Red Cross sewing materials. iti.r'?-'' ' ZT J-. :.'.v:, The study class of WSCS ,f First Methodisi church will meet at i today ' In thehigh school ", room of the church. ; WHAT CAUSIS v CPIUFSY? A booklet containing the opinion! f fam ous doctors on this Interesting subrtct wt& t stnt FREE, white they last, to any feeder writing to the Educational Dlvisioiv 523 Fifth Ave, New York, N. Y, Dept. A 122 Miss Frances and Eden Deris Freisen entertained the Gleaners class of the First Evangelical church, at their home in West Salem. Those . present "were the Misses; Sylvia Mattsoiv Dorothy Walgumoth, Lucile Biar, .Agnes Kleeman, Joan Bair, Joyce Mur phy, Betty Korb, Evelyn Hilfl ker. Mavis Beck, Gladys Brandt, Helen Withers, Boris Amundson, Jean Brown, Miss Frances and Helen Doris Freisen. y "Funds for Fellowship" bene fitted and one group of mem bers of Salem branch, American Association of University Wom en," became - better acquainted -Tuesday' during the tea hour at the home of. Mrs. Charles "A. Ratcliff on Ratcliff drive. Co hostess for the charming and in formal afternoon was Mrs.' Har ry G. Keeney of Monmouth. ; - First fronds of wild currant pussywillows and narcissus were arranged around ' the attractive living rooms. The oriental. note, provided by porcelains and other pieces of Chinese craft collected ,by Mrs. . Ratcliff when she tra veled across the celestial empire a few years . ago, was deepened by a tall bouquet of pale japoni- ca and f orsythia used in front of the ; tiled ifireplace.-:- "; . Women attending donned bad ges, telling! name, university and degree or degrees as an aid to acquaintance. The tea was the first of a series planned by the - branch to obtain funds for its na t t o n a 1 and state scholarship pledges and to aid its 200 mem bers to know one another bet- ;. ter. s;: . . ' Guests of Mrs. Ra lei i f f and Mrs. Keeney were Miss Eliza beth Rader, Mrs. W. F. McBee, Mrs. C A. Fratzke, Mrs. R. I. Lovell, Miss Mary E. Eyre, Miss Eleanor Stephens, Mrs. -Ellen. A. Fisher,' : Mrs. ' George Rossman, Mrs! Herbert E. Rahe, Mrs. R. W. Clarke, Miss Lois E. La timer Mrs. Dorothy CasselliusK Mrs. A. C Fj Ferry, Mrs.' John. Jel- . derksv-Mrs. Ber Walker and Miss isabet cmids.. : . . . v:" " ? BirthdaV Party 7 . 1 Gay Affair Mrs. W. C. Drakeley enter tained Saturday afternoon with a party honoring her son, Billy, on his fifth birthday. Games were played. The table was cen tered with a pink and white birthday cake and small favors marked the place of each guest. Mrs. Clifford Pierpoint assisted Mrs. Drakeley in serving. ' Guests bidden (were. 'Jane Martin, Mary.. Arnold, Judy Shrock, Marilyn Harland, Caro line Pepper, Susan Griery Janice Drakeley, : Buzzy Edwards, Har los Shrock, Jimmy . Fiske and Gary Pierpont jj r i i jf'x t S 11 MrS. MllCnell t tt IS IlpSteSS j Mrs. Ralph H. Mitchell was a luncheon hostess Tuesday after noon at her apartment at the Royal Court for a group of her friends. Contract bridge was in play during the afternoon and bouquets of daffodils provided the decorative note.' Covers were placed for Mrs Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter, Mrsj Frank Mo gan, Mrs. Abner Ki Kline, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs.-. Hugh Earle, Mrs. Arthur A. .Rogers and Mrs. Mitchell. r.nrT AWfinn ( .11 lh . , . ; Yvlll MeGt Mrs. R H. Santord will en Certain 1 members of the Engle- , wood Woman s club Friday, af ternoon at her home on Thomp son street at 2 o'clock. Co-host esses are Mrs; Lena Scharff, Mrs. Paul J. Nieswander and Mrs. Grant Hyames. - Mrs. VO. A. Chase will lead the devotions. Mrs Julius T. Hopp will give a; talk on the "Defense ' Program ! and Its Re lation to Women." Tea will be served following the program. - ; - ! ' 1 " ' Mrs. Donald Muellhaupt win be hostess to' the FL club - Thursday: when the state presi dent will visit the meeting. The gift . committee will be Mrs. Dorothy Hauge and Miss Cleona Naderman. . . ...... - The Salem Woman's , Golf club is starting, its season Fri day, a Anyone interested should be at the club by 9 o'clock that morning. ( ' ' Mr. Arthur Hamilton of New York City arrived by plane the first Of the week for a short - visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C S. Hamilton. . . J U lttl k . w If functional monthly disturb ances make yoa nervous, restless, hisnstrurs, cranky, fclae, at such taies-try Lydta. E. rinltham's Vegetable Coir pound. Famous to help rteve aucii pain arxl nTvons feeiirs cf yrcrr.fn'a "dlificul Five 'Divorce Decrees Granted"; Bov AjvardedKsIiap -Damage live divorce decree and at recently were handed -down Tuesday, by '.Judge E. HL Page in Marion county circuit 'court :x .,i . i::' t : .. To Eddie Lucht, minor, represented by Texi w. 'JLUcat, It his guardian ad litem, the judge awarded 573,75 for damages spe cial fcnd general sustained in an automobile-bicycle accident -near Monitor. March 9, 1941. Defendant in the case was . Fred Erwert, lso minor; , who was represented by his guardian .ad litem, Jacob Er- wert.; . - ' - : :" : At motion day .proceedings Oxtail Makes : ? One of the world's best , fla vored soup is made from the lowly ox tail. To cooks who know their less, familiar cuts of meat, ox tails offer variation in the menu. Here's a recipe for soup: OX TAIL SOUP 1 pound ox tail Joints Salt, pepper, flour , . '2 tablespoons fat 2 cups water v- 3 allspice, berries 1 cup diced carrots .1 cup shredded cabbage cup -minced onion 1 quart water . f' Dry ox ' tail Joints. Roll in flour. Brown in hot lard in a deep heavy kettle.' Add 2 cups water. Cover. Simmer 2 or 3 hours or until meat drops from bones. Skim off scum.' Remove all meat from bones. Add meat to broth. Add vegetables, 1 quart water. Simmer 20 minutes or until vegetables are t en d e r. Serve very hot. ' For a more filling soup, use whole small potatoes, whole small carrots, small onions and cup rice. Allow SO to 40 min utes to cook the vegetables. Today's Menu. . Artichokes will appear or the diamg table today as salad . .Artichoke salad . : ' ; !!' ; Soinach-cheese loaf ' -1 '": Baked potatoes . V-;."- ' IBaked Apricot; whip. ; , Make apricot whip with dried fruit," using a prune "whip re cipe. , - , i. 1 ' -v . . r The home of the Merry Master Bakers is cleanplenty of good soap and water used generously makes the floors and' windows anil machinery fairly sparkle..; decision in a damage action heard Tuesday, Judje Page set for trial the case of Bartlett vs. McKinney, executor, for-April 3; Matheny vs. Garnere.'- April' 8; Callaghan vs. Laidlaw, APrU 9 and, 10. ,"".."; jCULCCVt. COURT V -Edith E. Tobin vs. Edward J. Tobin: default order and decree of divorce to plaintiff. . U," :'. Mary Dockins vs. . Ormal - L. Dockins; decree of divorce by de fault to. plaintiff. , c Byrd E. Gunderson vs. Clarence E. ; Gunderson; , I decree Of ' divorce to plaintiff restores name of Byrd E. Gambni and recognized prop erty settlement , . . - . Blanche Allen vs.' George Al len; decree of divorce-to plaintiff by default- J. Cornelius Hafley vs. E. Haf ley; decree of divorce to plaintiff. Charley. Dryden vs. D. M. Dry- den; order of dismissal on motion of plaintiff. - V ; ;v New, York Life Insurance com pany vs. O'Brien; demurrer over ruled, w i" v: . Lydia Piel vs. William Phillips, Theodore Brabec and Mrs. Theo dore Brabec; order of dismissal based on settlement CT, Pfaff and Stella Pfaff vs. Martha Ettner, ,M. Clifford Moy- nihan and June Mojnihan; .com plaint for foreclosure of a mort gage, judgment ' of $594.87 and $100 attorney's feet : jEOBATE COURT v Telix LaB'ranch estate: final ac count by Alfred EL Branch, trus tee, shows receipts of ; $11,952 J4, disbursements of $10,182.54, re tention of $1000 at request of heirs as revolving fund for hand ling properties as their agent; or der approving account. - .-',; r Andrew, W Oirnish estate; Al ice Rabehs, Ada f B Wourms and Mabel Knight appraised at $1500 Ida May Ireland estate; final account of William O. Ireland, ad ministrator," ah o w a receipts of iS0L3S" and d fa but seinents i -f of $6306; hearing'set for April '4. Reuben . B. Kromling guardian ship; report by " M. B. Kromling. guardian, shows expenditures : ofj yiyty t: f: ., -' : - i'ftj-v y': :;y.y:y v:" ;-T" ;':'T: '-y ;v ' v $19.71, reports' ?-"7.c ,-taiance en hand..-" " - ,j'- ,'-v Myrtle "Scott estate; pelitiott- by " George, H, Scott .fqr .appointment as aaminisuravw o . esiaxe.. : Richard . W.' Hill and Louis K. HOI guardnship; Joseph'R. Xing, guardian of. ninors;. reports;, re-: ceipti, of $774.18 ;and '.disburse-, ments of $534,40 rwer year" pe-' 110a..- . . ..., V : . . ' - - ' ,;r, -. Clotilda DeGuire guardianship; Raphael DeGuire named guard ian of $5000 estate. , , , Rebecca J. Kershner estate! ap praised at $2179 Jl by Fred Rleck,' G. V.. Pontius and Max Delepinel" ;. jusnoE court - j , Acle Frank Johnson; driving at unnecessary, speed;. plea of inno cent; trial, set; for. Friday, March : 27, 2 p. rn. . ; . . , i - , L J. Bairey: failure to stop and furnish name and', address after . auto collision; tl0 and costs. , . MARRIAGE LICENSES , . James C. Phillips, 23. telegra pher, and, Bethel ,M. Eppers, 22, bow of uervais. ' xniwirnAT. r?nmrp - Will K. Gates, 161 South 14th street hauling logs without per mit fined $1. Isaac A. Benaroya, Seattle, vie- vu vjl ewuv iiuc) yuu af uou. E. H. Orcutt Salem, drunk, five- days sentence suspended. O. K. Hardy, 607 North Capitol street drunk, released on $10 bail. Joe ; McClendon,; Long -Beach, Calif, no driver's licensei paid A m a - - " - $40 bail. John toward Ellis, Idanha, no driver's license fined $5. Letter Qub to Watch Modern Dance Group . Before the meeting of the Girls Letter .club at the senior high school today a modern dance group from the ; University . of , Oregon will appear in the audi torium. '"; i : Exercises, modern dance tech- mques - ana aemonsxrauons wiu compose the program. Besides the instructor, Mrs. Merwin Moller, and the accompanist, Helen Pol ing, the following dancers, will appear: Madlyn Sterns,: Blanche King, Jean Read, Elizabeth Arm strong; Helen McEvoy, Maxine Parker and Eileen Ritchifw :. ; - 9 . m " A . A I oven x . SCAFt'3 f 1 m oaucfi 1 I . TC1SW7 f THomPuon OPTQCTwreT r AT YOUR GROCER'S I