The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 04, 1942, Page 1, Image 1

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    !T"VT . .... .v.. '. A-fY ' ... :.. " , ' TTvV ......... . !TT1 fl.. i, J ' J lT -w- u JT1. 1 J A
Ssort helo yen relx
wbo liTe teca ccmlzj htrt . y
from th worries ' of war.
ta Increasirt nnmbrs c
- Band. hot. n,. iuubiirrers
, and, arrJe Java tat!j
akI eiies art remedyiax t&
V ... t FoUow tht tventa 9t
.. ... the SUtesmaa iport pare,
-' with tommenU by Al LUhU
. awsauoau .
"innrry-FEST yeah
Sdesu Oregon. Wedrioy Morning, March 4. 1942
Fric 8ci XTsmtsndi So
v :XTo.S:3
IJS Flier E)oVMi:'Ks
. -i " - . - - - f I'M .. - : -: - V N'rS J L 1 JL IV ' r : US Feed -i--
5 i- . - . , f
v t :- " -
In 1943
' Treasury Sets
New Goal for
. War Revenues
3 (AP) The treasury
asked Saturday that the in
come tax payments of most
, citizens be doubled next
: year as part of a steep gen-
1 Cral tax increase designed j
to raise $9,610,000,000. '
.. ,'7ar is never cheap,'
, said S ere tary Blorgen-
tnau, presenting tne pro-
" gram to the house ways
'and raeana committee, "but it la
a million times cheaper to win I
than to lose." ; -
; The "new taxes," he said, would
. t "be severe" and their impast "felt
in every- home," They contenv
plated extensive increases . not
; only In indiTidual income ;! ax
payments, but in corporation in
I come levies, together with new
i or higher,; excise taxes on a list
ot 15 such Items as! soda pop,
! candy and tirettes; and increas-
. ed levies on estates and gifts. Also'
' included was a 12,000,000,0000 in
-, crease In social security taxes, de-
tails of which will be disclosed
1 ' later. " f ,
The new rates on Individual,
: Incomes, , u proposed by ' the
i treaswy chief, would be ao se
t vere that a single -man earning
. $2580 a year would torn mere
" . thaar seven weeks pay - ever to
i the government. . Bis - payment
'would be S345, as compared
wltb $165. or aboat three and
one half weeks' pay, under the
. present rates. ;
' The tax bill of a married man
without children would be raised
" from $90 to $175 if his salary
is $2500; from $138 to $225 if he
.. earns $3000;: from $249 to $535
on $4000 and from. $375 to $805
' on $5000.
A married man with two de
; pendents would pay $32 (Instead
- f $12), on a $2500 income; $118
(instead of $58) on a $3000 in
' (Turn to Page 2, CoL 7)
Loom in May
. Marion county's primary bal-
lot, unpopulated to-dato save for
-.a few republican precinct com
mittee post filings and the name
of one justice of the peace, may
. offer some competition after all,
courthouse observers said Tues
day. - ;
While Commissioner Jim
Smith continues to mull the
, question of seeking another
term In office, Henry Werner
of Central Howell, candidate
. for the commissioner's Job. m
M49, admits he is "sniffing
around" with the Idea of pos
sibly entering the May race.
' Mentioned also prominently on
Salem streets Tuesday was the
name of Hoy Melson, former com
' missioner, who' is out of the city
this week and could not be
reached for a statement .
. - Although pracUcally.aU justice
posts in the county must be fuled
at elections this year, only filing
to-date is that of H. Overton,
' oj . . " . u a . a
tVOOQDurn, wno secxs 10 succeca
Japs Gaim US Vessel
TOKYO-(From Japanese broad-
casts)-March 3-r-The United tral Howell, Tuesday night, the
States cruiser Houston was listed driver and two of the f our per
Tuesday among 23 United Na- sons riding with him in the car
f'.ons warships claimed sunk by
1 ie Jaoanese in weekend naval
(lashes cf Java.
I:lo Alien llanos Self
nOSEBURG, tlarch 3H)
li-nckco Flcrcanoj 57, an. Xtal-
1 n alien, made out his state and
federal Income ,tax reports, then
i hiirrclf In his cabin at a
r.-.3 r"-r here Tuesday morning.
m , m .aujci ruHnrwwiiii ' . mm &
-ooi ML AIO
n eSlT At
. BAY id. lAJtDEN
- 1 OOLfA
. i rA ; .
i ' " ' V psitTS ill '
V I-A55at,
VJ -H AS7-ASjme -
" J '-PTA40-A43lac-
" - .tfUAVSTA PSOaAtt
1 V fWCTJLyAA44A4 ssc
": ?' Vsoviuii , ' -A i "
f.7 l- Vlu1 X lV . ,. 1 AW ; AT3-A75WL ! ' ' AS3 i
; moW VTr,wut x:?T3 I III f !
- - MrtJTAKY AREA V fcS' f JUJ
PI iaortimo zom "A-r J ' - Sv M J
- agTMcra zoNi -r ,s,Nfc. - ,
:;,' ptoHwrmxom , , ""tiajuaha ;?";; -vw
W-; -AtAW HAv , 'N- 1
Five Salem Zones Are in Restricted Area
Valley'Meei ;
Scheduled on
Businessmen repress nliag
WlUametto valley cities from
McSSnnviUa en the north to
Corvallla and Albany on tho
south have been invited to meet
with Salem men at the Marion
hotel here at o'clock next
Sunday .afternoon. They will
discuss problems expected to
arise out of construction of the
Albany-Co rvall is cantonment,
it was announced Tuesday.
KlH A TI4 2
; ;
A 11 f-g " Til 1 a 11 nh
XXUIU if AlOllclIJ
. " "'
When an automobile driven by
Merle Diarmit of 797 South' 25th
street leJt the highway and over
turned at Loverall's corner, Cen-
were injured.
Diarmit received a two-inch cut
in his forehead. Jean Richardson,
nurseV at - tht ' state . tuberculosis
hospital, sustained a cut of the
left eye and suffered from shock
and bruises, first aid crew mem
bers said. Leah 'UcXeilV also cf
the hospital's nursing staff, re
ceived a puncture wound in ' the
right arm and bruises and con
tusiens ca the hca3.'
Skills Survey
JLXarion County Head of
CanTass Urges Every:
"Woman to Register
While thousands of registration
cards poured into her office at X7S
employment service headquarters
here Tuesday, Mrs. David Wright,
Marion county chairman of the
survey of skills of women issued
s statement thanking workers
over the county for "their 100 per
cent cooperation! in conducting
the canvass. K ,' . .
- Women who retained the reg
istration cards to na our at their
leisure are umd by lira. Wright
to complete their : retrxiloa
and post them- at once.
I "Some have been missed," lira.
Wright declared. "In some pre
cincts 'it "is practically. Impossible
to reach; all women residents 13
years of age or over at any given
time; there is also" . a' constantly
shifting population, particularly
large just jiofy butjwe want every
woman to have an opportunity to
Jom in tthls voluntary Vecistra
tion," she said, asklEg that these
who have not received cards call
at the employment . ofiice, 710
Ferry street, Salem, or write to it
to secure registration cards.
areas. V
Civil Defense
Office Force
Meet Ordered
llartosi county eivClaa de
fens office personnel , have
been requested to report to the
office in the TTW hall tonight
to bo fmgerprfaited, whether or
not this is their night to . work.
B When civilian reserves were
registered . last - summer they
were told they must be wilUnr
to have fingerprints taken and
recorded. Air ratf wardens and
some other branches of the ci
vil def ease services , have . al
ready been so rerUtered. -
Rollin Ivis
Goiincil Job
A' series "of firsts in city elee
tion preparations . was -broken
Tuesday ..when. Rollin-CX-Lewis,
255 Richmond street, filed his can
didacy for . alderman from the
fourth ward. Only council candi
date to file previously was E. W,
Acklin, from the first ward.
The ward four position is now
held - by A, O. Davison, who Js
running instead this time for the
city , recordership. "k -: r I
" Lewis, former city fireman here
for several years, la a member of
the firm of Reinholdt and Lewis,
Venetian blind manufacturers.
re a s
On : Coast
Zones Outlined in ;
Order; AU Enemy
. Aliens to Move '
. (AP)-Evaeuation of enemy aliens
and American-born Japanese from
all the 'coastal area and much of
' tht fertile Inland valleys of the Pa
cific coast was promised Tuesday
In asweeping; army- order setting
. tip new prohibited and -restricted
Lieut. General J. L. Dewitt, com
mandinjr i general of the , western -defense
command, marked off naif
of the states of Washington, Ore- r
goq, California and Arizona as
military area one,' from which ene-;
my aliens will be excluded by f u-
tare order. He hinted this exodus
would start soon. ' '"
. The general Indicated - that ' he
considered American-Japanese po
tentially j more dangerous to the.
nation's welfare than German and
Italian aliens. Japanese, including
those of ! American birth, will be
. moved first f roan strategic areas. .
Later Germans and Italians will be
ordered out in a continuing evacua- -
tlw'nproMbly;, lasting ; for months'.
(turn to Page 2, CoL 1)
Corvallis and
Albany Named
Areas Abont , Same as :
. Recently Decreed iii
Orders by Biddle
Seven of the 89 local zones
which the Western Defense com
mand Tuesday prescribed as pro
hibitive to enry by- enemy aliens
are located in Salem, Corvallis and
Albany, study of a map issued by
LL.Gen. JohnTL. DeWitt dis
closed. ""''C''1-!-', ';"i'y 'f''
Five such zones outlined in Sa
lem are essentially the same as
those recently decreed by the
United States attorney general.
They are described as follows:
A-K; Pumping : station; the
area, bounded by State street.
Church, Oak street and Willam
ette river. . . . i
A-15: Eeservoir . and tank
area bounded by Lincoln, Fir,
and Iloyt streets and South Riv
er road, -
A-16: Casdalaria CelfhU re
ervolr area bounded by Coyt,
Commercial, Hansen and Socth
Civer road. . '
A-17; Telephone bull dins
: (Turn to . Page 2, Col. 2 )
Jilonday's 7eatiier
Weather forecasts withheld
and ter.?ertnre data delayed
by i army request. Elver Tues
day, L2 feet. Max. temperature
Monday, 53,' mhu 35. Calnfall,
.13 inches. -
Befenol(bifl& On
Allied , Troops :
Seven Miles
Invaders Fail to Add
Reinforcements as
Air, Sea Units Hit
BANDOENG, Java, March 4.
-(Wed"nesday)-(ff)-The Dutch
and their allies have driven in
filtrating Japanese invaders
back seven miles in an impor
tant sector,, it was disclosed to-
-day, -and 'are beating;' forward
in a supremer counter-offensive
aimed at casting every one: of
the enemy into the sea.
The push, location of which
was undisclosed, f o 1 1 o w e d a
three-day stand during which the
allies had yielded no ground since
the Japanese invasion began. .
Allied bombers ' and warships
likewise ' were in : heavy :i action
against the enemy's ships and sea
lanes. . - ..Xif' '. : P'ii'.s
AniiDward turn in the fortunes
of allied forces afield already had
been indicated by an announce
ment of the Dutch command that
not a single one of the enemy's
three initial beachheads had . been
extended, and by the, declaration
toward midnight of an authorized
pokesmaii;.;C 'y-
"It can be stated without reser
vation that the situation remains
well in band, on all fronta.w -
(This degree of optimism was
not shared in London, however.
There Dr. W. C Feekema of the
Netherlands colonial ministry
announced that the NEI govern
ment had been moved from Ba
tavta to Bandoeng and declared
his opinion that Java could not
hold out much longer unless re
inforcements, particularly air
craft, arrived, t
: (Allied military informants in
London also expressed the belief
that a Dutch withdrawal under
overwheLmi&g enemy force might
soon be - necessary probably to
the Bandoeng plateau for a de
fense comparable to General Mac-
Arthur's prolonged resistance in
the Philippines).
Great and violent air action
was proceeding. American, Brit
ish and Dutch bombers were hit
ting at the Japanese invasion
forces in Java waters and at near
by air bases, while the Japanese
were centering their force upon
Bandoeng military neaaquarters
in heavy raid of one and half
(Turn to Page 2. CoL 5)
Tire Requests Heavy
: No requests for new car pur
chase Jpermits were presented to
the Salem rationing board at its
Tuesday night session,, first since
receipt of materials- and regula
tions or new passenger automo
bile rationing. However, 40 appli
cations for tire: purchase certifi
cates, i largest number presented
at suy single meeung . ox . me
boardwere considered, Chairman
John Heltzel said.
Save for Defense hy f Shop
Salem Firs? New Slogan
: Save for defense. "Shop
With that sloean 22 Salem
nnnual ratnnai'fm
w.'- "
Because oaiem iwm uuu caaic
shopping facilities,, courteous personnels,-
greater values, good se
lections, smart-
er merchan
xlisei all at a
limited ex
pense" in - com
ing to the market-
To .- exempli
fy these advan
tages elfered
by trading in
merchants .will
Salem, the:
conduct.a special advertising campaign-listing
their prided bargains
and. services on a full page, with
color la the Oregon StatcEr:an to-
FDR Embarks
On0tUYear :
i !' . 'J-m.
jls rresiaeni
Nine years ago today Franklin,
D. Boooevolt was first tuaucu- ;
rated as president of the Unit-!
ed States. - )
rTht ' anniversary ; will' find
him pondering the problem of
prosecuting a war around tht '
globe. Just ' as March 4, 1933,
found Mm struggling with tht
peace-time problems of a great
depression. ';:-C'7;Vfr ;
Since that first oath-taking,
tht date of the Inauguration
hat been changed by eonstltu-
tlonal amendment from -March '
4 to January 28, so thai Mr.
Roosevelt's three terms fat of
fice win fall a Utile short of
the fun 11 years. -
US Destroyer
Sunli by Sub
More Than 100 Dead
- e ' t 1
xxi Aiiucik, xx oaveu;
Small Isle. Shelled VqJ1:
l- . - t.. ' 1 craft fire, from the .warships;; .-The
Tht ilrst United -States 'warship
ver. torpedoed - and 'sunk by an
enemy submarine in home waters
went down off Cape May. NJ, ln
the pre-dawn darkness last Satur
day after two hull 'shartermc.cxr
plosions. !- - - - ;-; ;-. - - ?" r-
The . vessel was the old World
war destroyer Jacob Jones, and of
her crew, which may. have totaled
as many as 145 officers and men,
all were killed except nine work
ers in tht engine rooms and two
apprentice seamen. . . : .
. Loss of the 120-ton ship,
ninth naval craft of the war
officially i announced - as de
stroyed by . enemy action, was
revealed by the navy , depart
ment Taesday In a conununl-
tut whkh tersely explained the:
,: (Turn to Pago 2, CoL S)
US, Brazil
Sign .Huge
Trade Pact
Tht United States, tht manufac
turing arsenal of democracy, and
Brazil, the worlds largest store
house of strategic materials, sign?
ed Tuesday multi-million dol
lar series of agreements design
ed to develop the tremendous re
sources, of the South American
country for tht use of the United
' Simultaneously, the United
States expanded its lend-least
aid to Brazil so it can strengthen
its defenses.
The agreements were the first
ouTgrowu. ox pieages oy uc am-
erican republics. that they would
......... -
for the fight against tht axis.
Salem First!
merchants are setting out today
tft'rfpmonstratu to thir trarlinff
. : ,
day (back page) and on each sue-
ceeding Wednesday for a total of
l& weeks.
Stores . participating la this
Save for Defense, "Shop Salem
rirst , movement - win uUlizo
t!;zj ia tielr wisiaws and sales
tars on merchandise, with the
"ilinute man of defense, em
ploying red, white and blae ecl-
. r.cncniternig tne publics' re
ception of the initial "Shop Salem
FirsV- campaign two years ; ago,
Eden. merchsntJ were interested
more than ever this year, and wel
comed the addition of two more
wet' i to the prcsram than over
previous years..
.Gilbert Isles
Affain Scene
. V.
Of Victory
Only One Officer Lost
And ; no Ships Hurt
Says' US Nary Report
WASHINGTON, lilarcii
3 (AP) A tbruling ac
count of an attack by 10
Japanese heavy bombers
on a United States aircraft
carrier and other warships
I In which 16 of the enemy
planet were shot down-
six by a single - Doughty
fighting plane ; pilot from
the carrier was told by
the navy Tuesday night.
A lieutenant Junior grade,3 Ed
ward H. OUare of St Louis, was
the hero who took the heavy toQ.
j T1 other 10 bombers were ae-
1 counted for by other tight ing
planet from the carrler.5two ol
carrier Itself and the other ships i
1 cruisers and destroyers suffered ,
I not a scratch. ;
t ' xiie : 6niiMnt sctioo occuma
tht course of recent naval p
j erations west . of the Gilbert is 1
i lands," a navy communique rela
ted, the carrier and - the tuidio-
i closed number of cruisers and de-
stroyers of the Pacific fleet were
fP ,M i0"
The location - lies along ' the
main supply route from the
United States to New Zealand
Australia. Whether . the
task force was convoying trans
ports to the western Faclfle
fighting, theatre or whether It
force Which participated -
in the foray en the Gilbert and
Marshal llslands ' January JL '
when 'Japanese land . bases and
IS enemy ships were destroyed,
was not disclosed. :
MH M A ' Oa m M
i ne iieei uniis wmcn raiaea ut
Marshall and Gilbert Islands pre
sumably Operated out of Pearl
Harbor, 2000 miles away , to tht
northeast The fact that the action
reported Tuesday night took place
west of the Gilberts on the Aus
tralian instead of the I Hawaiian
side, appeared to indicate that tht
ships were on a different mission.
The Gilbert islands, mandated
to Great Britain but seized by tht
Japanese, are approximately mid
way between Pearl Harbor and
Australia and southeast of the
Japanese-mandated Caroline is
lands. The attacking bombers may
have operated from bases in the
(Turn to Page 2, CoL S) ;,
Paris "Bombed
i y , . . rvi TT
Jrj :-VO'HOlir
RAF Attack
VIC H Y. Unoccupied France,
March 3 (-British planes bomb
ed airdromes and factories la
suburban Pari or two hours
Tuesday ;. night and there . were
Victims among the civilian pop
ulation," . a ; t e r s o- communiqut
I Said.
..iLiiu a -. IA
The first bombs were said to
have started falling at 10 pm.
j Paris time.
This was- the first announced ,
bombing cf Paris since the pre
Armistice German raids on
June S.: 1949. which . e a u S o d
mere tian 1C53 casualties, in
.clailrg Zli tt& i..;:T-r-z '
(It is ' known, however, t kf a t
British raiders have; made ocea-v
Sional bombing attacks on mili
tary air fields in the-Paris area
since the Germs took! over .the
city.. Before the 1 a ench surrender
the capital was declsred'anrepen,
unedef ended city ' tzi X h u S es
caped virtually, undajnaged afte
the Juno S, 1C43, "token. bomb
ing."); . -;-J r .