The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Parties for
A Recent
-Several bridal parties are be
ing arranged this week for the
i pleasure of , Mrs. Donnell San
ders (Cynthia Delano) whose
marriage was recently announ
ced. :, '
1 This afternoon Mrs. Leon
Gleason and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz
will be hostesses for a dessert
luncheon at 1:13 o'clock in com
pliment to Mrs. Sanders. The
affair will be held at the subur
ban home of the Gleasons.
A white and yellow color
scheme will be carried out in
the bridal motif and bouquets of
daffodils and other spring flow
ers will be arranged about the
rooms. Contract bridge- will be
In play during the evening.
Bidden to honor Mrs. Sanders
are Mrs. Frederick G. Delano,
Mrs. James L Teed, Mrs. A. A.
Gueffroy, Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs.
Frank Shafer, Mrs. Burton My
ers, Mrs. Winston Williams, Mrs.
Charles Claggett, Mrs. XJlenn
Woodry, Mrs. Donald Cannon,
Mrs. Eric Butler, airs. Harley O.
White, Mrs, David "Wright, Mrs.
Elmer Daue, Mrs. Mose Adams,
Mrs. Ray Yocom, Mrs. Claire
Vibbert, Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen
and Mrs. O. A. Olson.
Bridge and Sapper v
Mrs. Wheeler R. English will
entertain for Mrs. Sanders to
night at her Chemeketa street
home. Guests have been invited
to bridge and a late supper will
be served by the hostess. A
shower will honor the bride and
bouquets of ranunculus, daisies,
daffodils and bachelor buttons
will provide the decorative note.
Honoring Mrs. Sanders will
be Mrs. F. G. Delano, Mrs.
James I. Teed, Mrs. Harry H.
Weinstein, Mrs. Lynn Heise of
Bakersfield, Calif., Mrs. Win
ston Williams, Mrs. C. Kenneth
Bell, Mrs. Thomas Drynan, Mrs.
Frank Shafer, Mrs. John
Hughes, Mrs. Thome H. Ham
mond, Mrs. Wilbur Cameron,
Miss Mary White, Miss Janet
Bower and Mrs. Arthur G. Up
ston. Mrs. Winston Williams has ar
ranged a dessert luncheon for
Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Thomas Holman on North Sum
mer street in compliment to the
recent bride. Several hours of
contract will follow the lunch
eon hour.
Music Teachers
Have Meeting
Members of the Salem branch,
i Oregon State Music Teachers as
sociation met on Wednesday at
noon in the Argo. Miss Dorothy
Pearce presided over a meeting
which followed. Mrs. . Mabel
Powers announced numbers- to
be played in the Iva F. Turner
memorial contest to be held the
first week in May when students .
of the ninth and tenth grades
i compete. Pianists will play the
r complete Haydn Sonata in D and
. violinists the Bach-Franco "Ar
1 laso."
JMiss Margaret Hogg, educa
tion chairman, announced the
Junior federation contests in
Portland on April 10 and 11 and
the state sylabus examinations
s In Salem, May 23.
New members introduced
were Mrs. Josephine Albert
Spaulding, Miss Clara Eness,
Dean Mel v in H. Geist and Mrs.
Charles O. Hargrove of Lebanon.
Others present were Miss
Pearce, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs.
Grace DeHarpport, Mrs. Mary T.
" Headrlck, Miss Frances V. Mel
ton, MrSi Bertha Junk Darby, !
Mrs. T. J. Amspoker, Miss Hogg, 1
Mrs. Walter Denton, Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson, Mrs. Jean Hob- j
son Rich, Mrs. Powers and Miss 1
Rufb. Bedford.
Initiation Is
In March
Chadwick assembly. Order of
the Rainbow for Girls met on
Tuesday night at Masonic tem
ple. Jean Rowland presided dur
ing the meeting. Mrs. G. A. Kee
ner presided as mother advisor
In the absence of Mrs. Wayne
alenry. '
Announcement was made of
tLl spring review to be held in
April under the direction of
Janice Lemmon. Initiation will
be held on March IB, when
Glendora Isaacs, Betty Boston
and Jean Smith will be taken in
as new members. Joan Tweedie
will join the local group as a
transfer. .
The refreshments committee
for the next . meeting -includes
Helen Mae .Armstrong. Pearl
Denneke, Pat Mansfield, Betty
Jean Simmons, Grace Shields
and Irene Young.
Mr. and Mrs. J. r. GUmonr
passed through Salem on their
way from Kitsap, Wash to
Oakland, Calif and stopped for
a short visit with their aunt.
Miss Constance Bason. Mr. GH
mour recently returned after
several months working on Mid
way island.
f decorated - CaLureJ 1
Ureal Ware $1.5
perns t53 :
' f J Pcsi IVare n
J Coaslele V J
J i J Coca Thurs. Eva.,
v J VJ - by Appointment
IZi First Kat!assl rak Clig.
tir et - -
Hat Styles to
Be Featured
At Benefit
What's new in spring hat styles
will be shown at the bridge ben
efit given by the Salem Junior
Woman's club on March 1ft in
the Woman's clubhouse. The
bridge benefit and style hat
show will begin at 8 o'clock.
Funds from the benefit will be
Used to pay expenses of the
club's delegate, Miss Hattie
Bratzel, first vice-president, to
the National Federation conven
tion in Fort Worth, Texas, in
Mrs. Maurice H. Saffron heads
the committee for the benefit,
and on the committee are Mrs.
Joseph Tompkins, Miss Iogal
Zimmerman, Mrs. Maurice
Brennen, Mrs. Fred Gast, Mrs.
Bert Walker and Mrs. George
For that visit to grandmoth
er's, she wants to wear her best
frock! Let it be made from Pat
tern 4002 and stitched up dainti
ly at home by you, Mother
she'll be so proud. On the dress
in the foreground, Anne Adams
uses a gay little yoke trimmed
with self-ruffles isn't it sweet?
The side pleats begin below the
yoke and a half -belt holds them
in place. For this "visiting dress"
sheer dimity is just right . . .
Make an everyday version with
yokes and sleeves of contrast,
trimmed with bought ruffling
and with pleats top-stitched
down to the waist; and for
warmer weather, a little sleeve-
Pattern 40S2 is available in
children's sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
Size 6, dress all one fabric, takes
2 Mi yards 33 inch fabric; dress
with contrast, 1 yards 35 inch
fabric and yard contrast; sun
frock, 2 yards 33 inch fabric.
ONE CENT to cover cost of
mailing) for this Ann Adams
pattern. Writ plainly SIZE,
YOUR role in the 1842 picture
is to be thrifty, yet look your
smartest and prettiest Let the
colorful new Anne Adams Spring
Pattern Book help you plan a
sew-and-sava program, with its
easily saade, promptly available
Sittcrns far every mg: Trim
Uored modes, gay prints, cot
tons, evening gowns, house ear.
Charming . young-world gradua
tion, school and party clothes,
too, PLUS several patterns for
defense sewing. Order your copy
Send your order to The Ore
gon Statesman. Pattern Depart
ment, Salem, Ore. .
Picket Special
Tharsday Lnncheea
Choice of
Sou? or Dessert
Roast Pork with
Sage Dressing
Coffee, Tea or
. .. Battemilkr ,
- . Tr 1 , rjggnfrr... nl
.Town and Oown, Lausanne
hall, 2:30 p. m.
Pythian Sisters, social meeting
With Mrs. C. J. Push. 7 JO p. m.
Little 3 Garden club of Salem .
Heights, with Mrs. Lewis Judson,
1 p. m. dessert luncheon.
woman's Benefit association,
WCTU. f p. m.
American Legion auxiliary
benefit luncheon, 12-130 p. m,.
Legion home. u
KCKT club with Mrs. Delia
fcheUberg, S47 South Commercial,
p. m.
Maccabees, S4d at Fraternal
temple, s jp. m.
S d. n
Merry Mingle
Scharf, 1p.m.
Mingler. with Mrs. Dan
Past Presidents, United Span
ish War Veterans auxiliary, Mrs.
E. Z. Buckles. 1240 North 4th
street. 1p.m. luncheon.
Missouri club, at Cherry City
auditorium, 7:30 p. m.
Fidelia class, Jason Lee church,
with Mrs. Fred Klaus, 1049 North
19th street, 6:30, covered dish sup
per. Three Links club, I OOF temple,
1 p. m.
Juvenile Neighbors of Wood- .
oraft. Fraternal temple, 4 p.m.
Salem Council of Church Wo
men. 10 a. m.. First Baptist
Church. .
Liberty Woman's club dinner
for husbands, grange hall, :30
P. m.
Veterans' Wives
Hold Meeting
Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliary met Monday with
Mrs. Walter Wickart presiding.
Miss Doris Hansen was initia
ted. The auxiliary plans to start a
home nutrition class as soon as
an instructor is available. State
department senior Vice - Com
mander Herman Lafky spoke on
Americanism and comradeship,
and said that the national com
mander for Veterans of Foreign
Wars will be in Salem March 10.
Mary Ringwalt was installed
flag bearer and Caroline Free,
historian by Department Vice
President Edith Mudd.
The auxiliary voted a $10 con
tribution to the Louise home.
Mrs. Solon Shinkle announced
a dessert luncheon March 3, at
the home of Mrs. Bert Tompkins,
1009 South 12th street
Red Cross sewing will be done
at 142 South High street Friday
Several of the past presidents
and the president, Mrs. Wickert,
will attend a luncheon meeting
Saturday in Portland, for all
presidents and past presidents of
the state.
Salem Folk at
A number of Salem folk were
in Portland Tuesday night to
hear the Seattle Symphony or
chestra conducted by Sir Tho
mas Beechum at the Portland
Among those attending were
Miss Alice Crary Brown, Miss
Elizabeth Lord, Miss Edith
Schryver, Mrs. David Eason,
Miss Frances Virginie Melton,
Mrs. George Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Spaulding, Mrs. W. A.
Scott, Mrs. William Everett An
derson, Mrs. David Bennett Hill,
Mrs. William Lytle, Miss Doro
thy Pearce, Mrs. Andrew. Dun
can, Miss Helen Yockey, Miss
Lena Belle Tartar, Mr. Mark
Hatfield, Mrs. Clarence Noble,
Mrs. F. Ivan Brown, Mrs. Wal
ter Denton, Mrs. Walter Zosel,
Mrs. Robert Wyatt and Miff
Carolyn Brown and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Spaulding of Dallas.
Mrs. Verden E. Hoekett will
entertain a group of mothers
and their children at an Inform
al' party this afternoon at her
home on South High street The
group meets twice during the
Douglas McKay was speaker
at the meeting of the Sons, of
the American Revolution In
Portland Monday night Karl
Pease, state vice president, also
attended from Salem.
at tho
Miss Griffith
Will Marry
Mr. Prime
The date has been set for the
marriage of Miss Willetta Grif
fith, daughter of Mrs. G. E. Grif
fith, and Mr. Robert Prime, son
of Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime.
The ceremony .will take place
Saturday night at the First Con
gregational church. At 8 o'clock
Rev, Robert Hutchinson will
read the double ring service.
Mrs. Harris Lietz will sing pre-
ceding : the wedding.
Mrs. Marvin Larkins (Irene
Zamzow) will be the honor at
tendant and Dr. Frank V. Prime,
Jr., of Corvallis will stand with
his brother as best n.
After the ceremony the couple
will greet their guests in the foy
er of the church.
Miss Griffith attended Salem
schools and is now with' Hawk
Ins and Roberts Inc. Her fiance
is a graduate of Salem schools
and later attendedhe Univer
sity of Oregon where he was a
member of Kappa Sigma frater
nity. He is now stationed at Fort
Vows Said
Orden, daughter of G. E. Van
Orden, Portland, and Allen Frie
sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Friesen were married lit the Frie
san home Saturday at 8 o'clock.
The ceremony took place before
the fireplace, decorated with
carnations, stock, palms and
candles. Rev. Fletcher Galloway
of the First Nazarene church,
Portland, performed the cere
mony assisted by Rev. Weaver
W. Hess of the Salem Nazarene
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father and attended
by Katherine Carskadom Ernest
Friesen was best man.
Miss Marjorie Friesen played
the wedding marches and Fred
Schroeder sang "Because" and
"God Gave Me You." Elmer Fry
and Ernest Schroeder were
The bride was dressed in a
light blue suit and hat with
matching accessories and wore a
corsage of gardenias and freesias.
The mother of the groom was
dressed in light blue and her
corsage was made up of gar
denias. During the reception, Mrs.
Willard Friesen cut the bride's
cake and Mrs. Ernest Friesen
was in charge of the dining room.
Mrs. Olive Vogl, sister of the
bride, and Mrs. Elmer Fry
poured. Assisting with the serv
ing were Mrs. Henry Harder,
Helen Doris Friesen, Ann Eliza
beth Schroeder, Mary Helen
Schroeder and Rachel Fry.
Miss Francis Friesen was in
charge of the gifts and the guest
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Friesen are
both graduates of the Salem high
school. They left for a short
honeymoon at the beaches, and
after their return will make their
home in Salem. The groom is em
ployed at the West Salem box
Concert Drive
Will Open
The kick-off dinner for the
Salem Community Concert as
sociation drive will be held
.Monday night at 6:30 o'clock in
the Mirror room of the Marion
hotel. The drive will officially
begin on Tuesday and close on
Saturday, March 7.
Mr. Frederick S. Lamport,
president, will preside and Mr.
Herbert Fox of the Columbia
Broadcasting company will also
be a special guest and will tell
the group of the coming drive
and artists available for next
year. Mrs. George R. K. Moor
he ad Is membership drive
chairman and Mrs. William H.
Lytle, co-chairman. Anyone in
terested in selling memberships
- and earning a free one may con
tact Mrs. Moorhead at 3426.
The VFW daughter's unit will
meet today at 7 pjn. with Mrs.
Morris Cady, 990 North 14th
street, for a social evening.
ball of. tho f pot
here's a shoe that will not canst
tenderness or callouses at die ball
of the foot, A. day cushion of
live rubber . relieves some of "the
bock and pressure there. And this
Is oalf one of many ways la which
tn faaaou shoes are ibe most
comforubla smart shoes we bare
ever atted. . .
Oregon, Thursday Morning, rtbmary 33, 1842
Jadre and Mrs. Geerge Ross-
man will preside infonnally at
dinner tonight in honor of Mr.
A. L Schafer, Pacific coast
branch manager of the Ameri-
can Red Cross. Fifteen board
members of the Marion county
lt T) J t,..,. lun
wuitr xvcu wun vu
invited to the 6 o'clock dinner
which will precede the annual
meeting at the chamber of com
merce. Miss Carper
T"V1 -v
Plans are being announced
today for the coming marriage
of Miss Ellen Carper, daughter
of Mrs. Lola Carper, to Mr. Carl
S. Gretzinger, son of Mrs. Mar
tha Gretzinger. The wedding
will take place Sunday, March
1, at the First Methodist church
with Dr. J. C. Harrison offici
ating at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Corydon Blodgett will be
the soloist and Professor T. S.
Roberts will be the organist
Mrs. Stanley Blume will be
the matron of honor and brides
maids Include Miss Ruth Niel
sen and Miss Fayse Boetger.
Irvadein Carper will be flower
girl tor her sister. Lighting the
altar candles will be Mrs. Ches-
ter Nichols and Miss Margaret
Mr. Aubrey Gretzinger .will
stand with his brother as best
man and ushers will be Mr.
Stanley Blume and Mr. Harold
There will be a reception, in
the Carrier room of the church
after the wedding. After a hon
eymoon the couple will reside
in Salem at 463 North 17th
The bride-elect is with the
unemployment co m p e n s ation
commission and her fiance is
with the Salem post office.
Miss Enos Tells
The betrothal of Miss Doris
Enos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
N. S. Wood, and Mr. Raymond
A. Hoffman, son . of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond G. Hoffman, has
been announced. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Miss Enos has just returned to
Salem from several years' resi
dence in Portland. She attended
capital city schools and is now
with the Homer H. Smith In
surance company.
Mr. Hoffman, who is con
nected with Ladd and Bush Sa
lem Branch-United States Na
: tional bank of Portland, will
' leave Friday for service with
the US naval reserves.
Mrs, Apperson
Is Honored
Mrs. D. A. Apperson, the
former Grace Quackenbush, was
the honor guest at a dinner par
ty Tuesday night at the Quelle.
The floral centerpiece was of
daisies, narcissus and anemones.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Apperson, Miss Vilna Gilliam,
Miss Esther Hilmer, Miss Hazel
Harper, Miss Vivian Hinkle,
Miss Inga Benson, Miss Cleo
Walker, Miss Neva Ham, Miss
Gladys Wade, Miss Mabell
Simpson, Miss Josephine Marss
and Miss Anne Knight
Sewing society of the Wom
an's Relief corps will hold an
all day meeting at the home of
Mrs. Louise Koon, 833 Madison
street today and a no-host din
ner will be served.
The Original Yellow Front Drug and
Candy Special Store in Salem
Ilerve and Bone
g2S4asl HIlEOtsiH
For the relief of rheu
matism, sciatica, lumba
go, painful Joints, goat,
cold in chest, inflamed
tonsils, neuralgia, insect
stings, swellings, inflam
mation, sore feet, tooth
ache. Guaranteed to re
lieve or money refunded.
500 & 2.00
Blade in Salem
Got a Cough Yon
Do Not Want?
Ttrcsl tzi Lzzj
i urn ii a
will relieve it No need to
worry if you ' take a dose
of this cough medicine as
soon as you feel the old
cold: coming on. Get a bottle
today. Sold the - Schaefer
way; No Cure, No Pay. -
jr. - -f i -
r-Lnocf "NT
T. 7t 1 TN 7t
Y W C J f '
Several girls and women's
groups are planning meetings
with Miss Edith Gates, national
YWCA health and education di
rector, who will be a guest of
the Salem association today and
At 10 o'clock, today,. Miss
Gates will meet with the public
affairs committee of the YWCA.
In the afternoon jshe will meet
with the high school Tri-Y Girl
Reserve, the Chemawa Girl Re
serve and the Blind School Girl
Reserve cabinets. At 6 pan. all
business girls are invited to a
no-host dinner at the Argo when
Miss Gates will discuss business
girl's health and recreational
Friday morning the younger
girls committee of the YWCA
will meet with the official and
all youth leaders in the city are
invited to a no-host luncheon at
Schneider's coffee shop at 12
o'clock when Miss Gates will
discuss the various recreational
problems that confront the
youth leaders.
K v r
Attend Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Pugh
celebrated their 40th wedding
anniversary with their children
Wednesday night when the
group went to Portland for din
ner. The couple have lived in
Salem since their marriage.
The party included their sons-in-law
and daughters, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence S. Emmons, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Montgomery
and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cable, of
Portland. Mr. Allen Pugh of
Powell Butte is a son.
Wiener Roast
Before Game
Miss Margaret-Jane Emmons,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl
Emmons, entertained with a
wiener roast Friday night at her
home before the Salem high
school basketball game.
Making up the party were the
Misses Marilyn Hjort, Jeanne
and Janice Myers, Adele Hayes,
Joan Remington, Jean DeMytt
Patsy Schneider and Mary Anne
Women to Give
Friday night the women of
Mountain View Community club
will present the program, the
last in a contest between the
men and women of the club.
Those in charge are Mrs. Lloyd
Hoxie, chairman, Mrs. Robert
Worral and Mrs. Virgil White.
Dr. K. K. Adams, James Smart
and Don Wall are in charge of
The men gave an excellent
entertainment at the January
meeting. The public is invited.
For PROMPT relief rub on Mux
terole! Massage with this wonderful
"otWMTKB-raatTANT" actually brings
fresa warm blood to aching muscles
to help break up painful local con
gestion. Better than m mustard
pUuteri Made is a strengths.
A wonderful assortment of all the most popular fla
vors In both light and dark coatings. Get these de
licious chocolates at Schaefer's the Original Yellow
Front Drag and Candy Special Store of Salem.
ID ilk
2 pounds' for 55c
Bring tout old shave cream, tooth paste and ointment
tubes to us, where they will be given to the proper
, organization for defense :
This is the official Penslar Remedy Store for Marion
4 county. You .will find these preparations of highest
quality and guaranteed to be exactly for what they
are esld and represented to be. J . -
Today's Menu
Swiss steak will be on the
menu for today. and canned
pears glazed with caramel sauce
will be dessert
Pineapple-cottage cheese salad
Swiss steak
Whipped potatoes
Spinach with lemon butter
Nut bread .
Pears with' caramel top
X pounds chuck steak (about
1 inch thick)
cup flour
8 tablespoons fat
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
teaspoon celery salt
teaspoon dry mustard
1 tablespoon minced onions
1 tablespoon horseradish
1 cup boiling water
Pound flour thoroughly into
both sides of meat Brown
auickly in fat Add rest of In
gredients. Cover tightly and
simmer until very tender. Turn
meat frequently, add more wa
ter if needed.
Mrs. Ralph H. Campbell has
invited members of her club to
luncheon and bridge Friday af
ternoon at her Center street
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sloan,
395 South 16th street, are the
parents of a girl, Laura Jean,
born February 18 at the Salem
General hospital
Mrs. James B. Young will en
tertain her club at luncheon and
bridee this afternoon at her
North Summer street home.
! ;V. - U
'Left go intheyarduhere W$ a.r phone industry.
But in the face of shortages in the face of new
problems that must be met, well do our best to take,
care of telephone service.
No matter how busy the day, or how hard the job',
telephone people are resolved to maintain that same
friendliness and consideration they have always
sought to make a part of every contact- and there
will always be time for courtesy.
flay a share in America with Defense Bonds
740 State St.
135 N. Commercial Street Phones 5197 - 972S
PrexcriFUsns Accuraleiy Filled ISJK
1819 -1542 "It Fays te Trade at SchaeferY
5 pounds $L23
Daughter Feted
DETROIT Mrs. Guy Anri
strong entertained at her homo
Thursday honoring her daughter
Mildred on her birthday. ? V
Attending were Mrs. ' John
Strake, Mr. and Mrs. .Richard .
Hansen, Carol, Richard and Del
ia, Mrs. O. J. White, Stanley
White, Mrs. A. V, Fisher, Mrs.
H. W. Beard, Mr, and Mrs. W. I
Krause and Rose Marie Baxter.
A son was. born to Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Picker at Springfield
February 19. This is their second
son and second child.
Guest, speaker at the Detroit
Church of Christ Sunday was
M. B. Madden, Turner, who spoke
onJapan. He and his wife spent
43 years as missionaries in Japan
and have been back in the United
States two years. Soloist at the
morning, services was W. L.
Krause. I
It is reported that Paul Rey
nolds of the Idanha Power com
pany underwent an emergency
Meets on Tuesday
UNION HILL The first aid
class met at the grange hall Mon
day night instead of Tuesday.
Next week it will be Tuesday at
8 pjn., the usual time.
Women Survey Done
of the skills of the women in this
district has been completed by
Mrs. Louis Will, school clerk, who
was in charge.
So replacements
for friendliness
There are bound to
be shortages in im
portant materialf
necessary to the tele-
Telephone 3101
rata Gone
What a ReUef!
The minute you apply
it the pain stops. The
mild medication deadens
the corn. Blade in Salem
by Schaefer. Sold the
Schaefer way no cure,
no pay I
- f r . V
Pcisca Oak
Heals - Soothes
Relieves instantly all eases
of poison oak. A crystal
clear, aromatic lotion that
leaves no trace on the Vfn,
Seld Only at Schaefer's
The Schaefer Way
50 & IMd