The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. Fe&uary 23. 1342 FAGS ELEYL7I mmn MMM SSjBJSBMBr' ' MM .SlllWSBi SaWsWeaaWsssassi MBHBB " nm ' MSsBBbbiM SssMNsMBSsV ' '"" " " J" Where You Get The Most For The Least. ..Statesman Classified Page Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per line 23c Six Insertions per line 40c On month per line ll2i Minimum charge 25c; S tL min - imum 33c; 6 tL min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this pfs eceepted un tttiattht evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finaa eUl responsibility for man which may appear tn advertisements pub lished in lta column and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertiin. It further reserves the right to place ell advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad en ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a 'Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry DAY OLD and started chicks. E. Zimmerman, 3480 Center. Ph. -. TARMER3 WE PAY 80c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Top prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING! WORKS. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED shoe sales person. See Mr. Keeney, Montgomery Wards. Help Wanted Male MAN for iteady position. $120-9150 per mo. to start. Chance to increase earnings. Car and references necessary. -Sales experience an advantage, but not essential. Box 1861. Statesman. MARRIED MAN, 45 yrs. or over for light wk. Salary Ac large apt. Answer Box 1838, Statesman. SINGLE man for dairy farm by the month. Rm., bd. and good wages. J. M. Nichols, B. 8, Box 141. Ph. 167F15. WORKING foreman. Hop ranch. Must know hop work .from beginning to end. Capable handling crew. Good wages. Chance perm. job. Prefer man now working. Refs. required. Give ref. and exper.' in answer. Box 1970, Statesman. WANTED Man to take complete Charge of grocery business in small town. Between 45 Be 59 yrs. A good, permanent position for the right per son in a college town. Send references St experience. Box 1991, Statesman. Help Wanted-Female EXPERIENCED maid for permanent employment a4gpocf' wages. State Ref erences. Box 1993, Statesman. TWO FULLY exp. waitresses with some fountain experience. Top wages If qualified. Apply at once at Mickey's Sandwich Shop. 479 Center. EXPER. stenog. Must be fast, accur ate and familiar with figures., Ph. 4083. GIRL- for housework. Phone ,4581. Situations Wanted YOUNG MAN wishes light work in exchange for rm. at bd. Ph. 6796. YOUNGGHtLw work, capable of typing, filing and bookkeeping, also meeting public. Write Box 1860. co Statesman. GENERAL, office work. Am fast, ac curate, neat Box 1992 Statesman. CARPENTER or cabinet work. 4369. PAINTING. DECORATING. Ph. 7552. For Sale Miscellaneous UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE, 439 Court St Salem, Oregon Odd Dressing Tables. Odd Vanities 10.50 to 19.50 Odd Wooden Beds 7.95 to 17.50 Odd Inner Spring Mat tresses J4.95 and up Guaranteed Brands Was Now Maple Dresser 31.75 24.50 Maple Dresser 59.75 19.75 Blonde Dresser 22.50 17.50 Blonde Dresser 14.50 8.95 Was Now Maple Chest of Drawers -24.50 15.75 Maple Chest of Drawers -19.95 15.75 Maple Chest of Drawers .24.75 15.95 Maple Chest of Draws 21.50 17.50 Duplicates in Walnut Finish Upholstered Spring Seat Rockers. Were 14.50 Now 10.95 - All Colors Big Reduction on Davenport and Chair Suites. Davenos and Bedroom Suites. BUY UPSTAIRS AND SAVE! LATE model Magic Chef gas range, excellent cond., 320. Ph. 4859. 2070 N. 19th. CHERRY trees, all sizes, Rt. 8, Box 117 A NO. 1 new onion seed, state test 89, $4.00 lb. H. F. Hanes, Gaston, Oregon. n AT Wi aIjw. wat.r used one year. Bargain. 1100 Edgewater! BALED OAT straw, 50c per hundred, $9.00 per ton. Joe Burke. R. 6, Box 530. USED LUMBER 2x4. 2x6. 2x8. 2x10. aiding, shiplap up to 18' length. Vari ous sizes Dines, faucets, cement dim. blks 3 steel water tanks. 1 galvanized tank. Some glass. 1 lg. boiler. 1583 Market St, at greenhouse. Wanted-Furniture F. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Ac furniture dealers will nay you more cash or trade for furniture it household goods. . We buy or sell everything. Ph. 8118. CASH FOR used furniture St house hold goods. R. Forgey. Ph. 149. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives . George D. Close. Inc. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston, Atlanta Entered et the Postofice et gatem. Oregon, s Second Class Matter. Ph ' lished every morning except Monday. Business office US South Commercial Atreet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ma a Subscription Bates In Advance: Within OrefTon: Daily and Sunday, Me, 80 cents: 3 Moa. $1.50: C Moa. 1 year SS.OO. Elaewher SO eeats par mo. or SS.OO for 1 year tn advance. Per copy cents. Newsstands 5 cents. By City Carrier, SO cents a month: 7JU a year In advance) la Marion and adjacent uu"" Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITI or phone (9168 to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs win be discussed and loans made la strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration In the repaying of your loan or mm tin 8 of extensic 1 M 11 MONTHS TO KETAI Too can pay tn tuB any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SO ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-151 JTM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 81S8 rirst door south of Ladd dt Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new ot used cart No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle I TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 8168 Lie. No. M-132 FHA LOANS 4i. also prlv loans Abrama St Ellis. Inc, Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgsges or contracts, uawkjjns ot nuouna INC Realtors. Guardian Building. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICt IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State St Com'l Ph. 3311 TO AVOID the rush have your spring garments cleaned and pressed, redesigned and remodeled at The Economy Cleaners, 1880 State, pn. sow, WantedMiscellaneous POULTRY, EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co, 1503 N. Front Ph. 7007. For Rent Rooms SHARE pleas, home, lady. Ph. 8229. HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious metis at low prices. NICE rm.. mod. home. 955 Belmont SLEEPING ROOM. 723 Court CLOSE in. clean, warm. Ph. 4498. SLP. RM, near state btdgs. Ph. 31449 Room and Board CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BRD At rm 743 S. Com! St For Rent Apartments VACANCY Hawthorne Court Furn. or unfurn. 1000 N. Capitol. 2-RM. apt., part. furn.. lights, water. $8 mo. 967 S. Com'l. NICE 2-rm.. 320. P. 5222. VACANCY Olympic Apts. 3-rm. furn. 730 N. Liberty. NICE furn. small apt. 590 Union. CHOICE apt, unfurn. The Devereaux. 2-RM. furn. apt. On bus line. 2181 State. Pri. ent. Ph. 9892. CLEAN, 3-rm. apt. 2217 Lee St. NICE, small apt. 658 Center. 2-RM. furn.. $12. Hot W.. washer, gar. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3946. 2-RM. heated apts. 444 S. High. CLEAN 2 RM. furn. court apt. Pri. bath, laundry, gar. Heat St water furn. 1B11 lee. FURNISHED pullman apt.. Heated. private bath, refrigerator. 340 Union. CLEAN, one rm. apt 645 Ferry. LARGE mod. furn. 4-rm. apt.. pri. ent. 735 No. Capitol. Ph. 7694. CLOSE IN. 891 N. Corn!., $20. ATTRACTIVE 3-rm.. heat 1411 Court. DESIRABLE apt. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. 3-RM. furnished apt 1209 Court. 2-RM. apt. with nook. 260 Center. 3-rm. apt.. $20. 152 S. 13th. Ph. 8222. 3-RM. heated. Frig. 1580 Center. 2-RM. furn. 674 N Church. FURN. APTS. Adults. Maytag. Park, space. $10 mo. up 624 Vi N. Capitol. WELL furn.. Its., hot wat.. refr. 6288 COMFORTABLE, furn. 3-rm. State St Apts. Ph. 21411 or 4370. apt 3 R., hot wat.. heat bam, teL St washer. 639 N. Liberty. FURN. apts- $6.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. 2-R furn.. bath. It M., $13. 1440 Waller. FURN. COTTAGES. 2 miles south $10, $12 mo. Inq. 484 N. Church. For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT j IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins St Roberts. FURN. & UNFURN. USES. R. A. Forkner,, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol 4-ROOM bungalow, 3 bedrooms, base, furnace. $25 mo. See Bechtel or Need ham, 341 State St. Room 4. 7-RM. furn. in exchange for room and board. Adults only. Ref. required. fa. auia, ss rt. inn. Nice 3-rm, bath, gar., north. 5 9-tnt, base., furnace, close in. i-rm. mod., near Sr. high. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 FURNISHED 4 -room bungalow, clean, comfortable, walkine distance. Rent $20.00. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State. BLONDE 'M k7 ANlCMOTMUSTARP j ' . MUSTARD! SO I'LL M ' 1 L WHAT ' . KMTlSe. A2rfr- 2 r ' Money to Loan CASH FOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to Reduce ear or other contract payments. There's a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 315 Court St. Salem Phone 44 State license 8-228 M-278 CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOR Cash ina Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 13 State Street Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3131 License Nos. 3-123 & M-163 Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-199 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will pay 8 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS Financial 5 City, suburban loans, low mo. 0 pymt Int. only on unpaid bal. Rich L. Reimann, 167 S. High. Ph. 9203. For Rent Houses SUBURBAN, cozy bungalow, turn., $15. Ph. 21721. STRICTLY mod. furn. house. (The Willows). S8S WUlow St Ph. 4332, eves. 9-RM. furn. hse., 4 blks. N. of state hse.. $20.00 Inq. 513 N. Summer. 5-RM, 190 S. 13th. Ph. S222. NICELY furnished, 3-room house. Close in. 1129 Broadway. SMALL furn. house. 2397 Hazel. SMALL unfurn. hse. $17.50. Ph. 3282. MODERN 3-room furnished house. 1865 North Commercial St Inquire 2210 Hazel. 2 B FT) RMS- mod., $23. Ph. 4369. EXCLUSIVE apt tyne bungalow. Complete in every detail. Radio, fri gidaire, heat, etc. $63 mo. Nod a Way Motet 3355 Portland Road. 3 blks. N. Underpass. 3 R. house. $12. 403 Madrona Ave. 7-RM. mod., furn. 863 N 16th. 5-R mod., furn. hses, 433 Market. 2-RM. hse. Adults. 920 N. 19th. 5- RM. hse.. $18, 449 N. 23rdJPh. 8784. 6- RM- walking distance. Ph. 5359. For Rent 17 ACRES, modern house. 3 acres filberts. Creek. Close in. Ph. 7123. BUSINESS bldg. 863 N. Liberty. 6311. MODERN COTTAGES. 84 St UO. Junction Auto Court South Commercial For Sale Real Estate HOME BARGAINS $2800 will buy this 8-room home In East Salem, paved street basement and furnace. A real value. $2100 cash will buy this 8-room plast ered home with basement, located on Center street. SEE IT TODAY. $2750 will buy this close-in furnished home, located at 777 North Cottage. In good condition, basement furnace and electric hot water heater. Terms, $500 down, balance $25 per month. $150 down, balance $30 per month will buy this new modern 4-room home, just outside city limits. Price $3150. $350 down, balance $37.50 per month will buy this 5-room modern home just outside city limits. Big lot, nice view. Price $3350. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., With W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 THESE VALUES WONT LAST LONG IN SALEM NOW English type-double constructed mo dern home. 5 nice rms.. fireplace, fur nace. Cost $4500. Will sell for less than $4000. E. Z. terms. 3 blks off State St. Make an offer. 4 rm. home on Madison St Hwd floors, 2 large bdrms. f 1800, $200 down. 3 bdrm. home, well kept both in side & out Nice yard. 1 blk. from Richmond school. $2700. $300 down. BRAND NEW Modern home. 4 rms. St nook, nice basement dream of a kitchen, Venetian blinds. $3200. $300 down. Phone ART MADS EN 5580 $260 DOWN Bat $20 per mo., will buy this 3-r. home, large living r., paved st, near schools. Price $1260. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST At CO 134 S. Liberty St Realtors Ph. 4131 READ THIS We offer a nice little tract near Keizer school with 6-room house for only $2000. Will accept va cant lots or oi n acreage in exchange. See Mrs. with Childs Miller. Realtors, 344 State St, Phone 9281. $3500 Terms. Nice modern, 3 B. R. home, near Sr. high or will rent 330. poss. 1st. C. H. SANDERS 331 tf. High 5838. ',i ACRE lots on Larsen Ave. Just outside the city limits. City lights and water, szo.oo down and $10.00 per mo, See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. SPECIAL Beautiful 8-room house in Salem's best residential district. Hot water heat A grand buy for $8400. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs Miller, Realtors. 344 State St. Phone 926 L 3-RM. hse . newlv decorated inside. Basem't furnace St fireplace. New roof on nse. ana garage. Nice location, isu N. Church. ' For Sale Real Estate ATTENTION, STATE EMPLOYEES & WORKERS OF SALEM ONCE AGAIN Rich L. Reimann, Salem's Largest Home Builder, comes to the rescue. Save your car and tires for the duration. On account of having our own Lumber yard, our own Plumbing company and Financing we are in a position to build you a new home within walking distance of your work and with in your income for only $100 down and balance like rent. This is for a short time only Applications and de posits are accepted now. Phone for appointment. Un less you mean business do not apply, our time is val uable, i Rich L Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High St Salem's Largest Home Builder $6200 A real home, 8 large rms., strictly modern, oil burner furnace, double garage. EXCELLENT VIEW. Terms. $2500 6-rm house, dose to Leslie Jr. HI., basement, furnace, fireplace, corn er lot. fruit St nut trees. Money to Loan at 6 Per Cent MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 5-R., fully mod. Hdwd. firs., furnace. Large bsm't, $2650. F. H. Weir 463 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 MODERN BRICK HOME S rooms, with basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, located at 2150 Chemeketa St. Price $4250, $500 down, bat $37.50 per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 $38003500 down. $23. well built, weU located home, north of state house, liv ing, dining, hwd., fplace. l B. R. down, full base., 2 garages. A C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 IT WONT LAST AT $1500 This 3-bedroom home has 14 by 24 living room, with fireplace, good kitch en, woodshed and garage. O. E. RAE 1253 State Ph. 6761 HOME BARGAIN Good 7-r. modern home, with base ment, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage- Located near Parrish school. Price $4500 cash. A WONDERFUL VALUE W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO.. Realtors lMJJLibertyJSt Ph4131 $1750 buys neat 4 rms., N. Salem. Terms. Sacrifice, nearly new 8 rms., aut. heat, fireplace St basement. Hollywood district. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. Mod. 2-bedrm.. $2700. Owner. Ph. 4369. For Sale Farms 128 ACRES, east. All very best soil. Will sell at bargain. See Johnson with. REEDY, 228 Oreg. Bldg. Acreage $250 DOWN Will handle this ten-acre suburban home with creek, new 4-r. home, two car garage. - Modern plumbing with electric water system. - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 1 A., Keizer district 1-rm. house. fruit berries. Terms, like rent. H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Business Cards in this directory run en a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.25 per line per month. Aulo Brakes Mike Pane. 273 South Commercial Batteries WTJLLARD batteries, all types. Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone R. D 600. Bicycles BICYCI.KS. New and reconuitioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Corn el P 4516 Chiropractic Physicians G. A. Sternberg. 348 N. Capitol. 3731. Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 8056. TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal. Salem Sand St Gravel. P. 8408. Florists Breithaupt s 447 Court. Phone tlBS. Funeral Directors Terwilliger Funeral Home. Ph. 6828. House Trailers GISSE TRAILERS $748 up Modern. better bit. lower price. Braces, ract. tth St. Independence. Ore. Mattresses' SALEM FLUFF RCG MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old made, rug cleaning et weaving. 8 13th St Wilbur I TeL 8441 Zwickers. l -- I CAPITOl BEDDING CO Phone 4069 Hot Dogs Without Mustard) For SaleReal Estate Ph. 9203. Evenings 3264 Money to Loan Any Amount Acreage RIVER BOTTOM LAND 60 acres, located north of Salem on Mission Bottom, 14 acres of hops, 43 acres prow tana, Datance Umber, lake water for irrigation. 5-room hi. A real bargain at $8500 cash. Immediate possession. 90-acre tract, located on River Road, about 6 or 7 acres of uncleared beaver dam land, balance timber and pasture, several acres under cultivation. Price $4000. 60 acres of river bottom land, about 3 acres under cultivation, balance tim ber and pasture. Lake water for ir rigation. Price, $3500, cash. If you are looking for some good river bottom soil, let us show you this property. See G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 10 ACRES of very best, east, dark soil, fair improvements. Must be sold in next 10 days. Will trade. See us at once. J. H. Johnson with, T. L. REEDY 228 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8468 . TIMBER AND PASTURE 265 acres, located 8 miles from Salem, about 40 acres plow land, enough tim ber to pay for the place, several springs for water, good road. If you are looking for a bargain, let us show you this place. Price $6500 cash. See G. H. Grabenhorst Jr.. with. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 POLK COUNTY FARM 240 acres, located in Polk county, about 8 miles from Salem. 8-room house, plumbing, electric lights, 150 acres plow land, balance pasture and timber. If you are looking for a real sacrifice, let us show you this place, $27 per acre. See G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with, W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 Suburban SUBURBAN NORTH AND GOOD I l'a A., A-l soil, nice fir trees, fruit, berries, good home, inside plumb., basement chick house, garage. Recom mend this a good buy! North. $2500, $650 down, $20 mo. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 8 RMS., 3 bedrooms, near Keizer school, $2000, terms. 3 A, 4-rm. hse., fine soil, elec. wat. system, $2200. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Wanted Real Estate IF YOU WANT TO SELL, exchange, lease or rent see Abrams 8c Ellis, Inc, Masonic Bldg. Directory Nurseries Fruitland Nursery, 360 Center. P. 8077. Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON. Ph. 4616. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 N. Church. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 213 S Commercial. Tele phone 9101. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 154 S Liberty. Ph. 6594. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call 1 for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers FOR SALE OR RENT. 819 N. Front Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOB RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph 9062 TOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer co rn. un. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection in your home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all mazes cieanen nogg tiros rn h Well Drilling SNXED DRILLING CO. Specialists for irrigation, city St do mestic wells. Test borings St blast holes. Estimates Without Obligation. R F. Sneed. 2505 Brooks St Phone 8809. R A. WEST. Rt 8, Box 443. Ph. 3-2296. Comfortable f ' ' - : . . . 1 . 'i ' . J -V'V 1 -'"' 1 m&MStin&i - 1.,i,t,,,,,T.w, jLt i - Left, tf Hue ealfskla If you have volunteered for any of the patriotic services. youTl find It very Important to have com fortable feet. There is now a complete war-time shoe wardrobe, three of the models from which art shown above. At the left Is att AWVS shoe In smooth flag blue calfskin. It is an enkJe-ntUng- ox ford that harmonises with ail the uniforms designed tor the distaff side of the Civilian Defense army.' It is welt-made, wtth an inner and outer sole-for greater comfort and protection. Center, the young 1 sir raid warden Is wearing a crushed leather oxford for comfort during hours of patrol duty. It hag only three eyelets to facilitate dressing in a hurry, extra breadth across the ball of the foot, and snug ly fitting heels. The shoe, right, is for work la the motor corps and all automobile driving. It Is a sturdy oxford with a ventilated vamp made ot crushed calfskin with an extra eyelet' at the ankle foe a super-snug lit These shoes were designed by Julius Grossman, noted shoe designer. Business Opportunities RESTAURANT FOR SALE Equipped and ready to o Derate, lo cated on S. Commercial St. Price 3600 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO., Realtors 13 s. uoerty St. fa, uu REAL OPPORTUNITY . Grocery department for rent Grossed $1200 last month. Will double this during summer months. Low overhead. Ideally located. Phone owner, 9843. MODERN equipped meat market doing good business. Box 1989. States man. SERVICE STATION tor lease. Fully equipped. Immediate possession. Gal lon age rental. Ph. 7676. For Sale Used Cars 1929 DeSoto sedan, good cond.. 6 tires. license. Gone to war. $130. 966 Center St. 35 CHIV. tudor. New tires. Over- hauled. Must selL Ph. 5723. OR TRADE equity 1941 Dodge Lux ury-liner sedan. Ph. 31533 after 8. 39 FOUR-DOOR Plymouth sedan. Perfect condition. 8573. . It 1943 Fair- grounds Road. WTLL SELL 1940 Hudson country club sedan, excellent rubber. Call 4052, evenings. 31 CM C. X.. W. B . $100. "29 Chev. S.W.B.. $50. 2990 Brooks St 40 OLDS 8 sedan, 19.000 mi., good tires, $795. E. Zane, 158 Duncan (Capitola). 29 DODGE sedan, 3 new tires. Ready to go, $45.00. 2348 Myrtle. 1939 Delux DeSoto bus. coupe. Ex 6196. cellent tires, cond. Radio, etc. Ph. TO TRADE equity in 37 Lincoln Zepher sedan for cheaper car, bal. small monthly pymts. Ph. 22711 3580 N. River Rd. 1931 CHEV. cabriolet A-l shape, $ new tires. Texaco Lunch, Jefferson, Oregon. WantedUsed Cars WANTED TO BUY 30 or 31 model A Coupe or Roadster. Write Box 1988. Statesman. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Yes. dry wood. Ph. 32637. lSsT"1pinffi 16-INCH OLD FIR. Ph. 18F3. FRESH delivery. screened Ph. 6444. sawdust Prompt OLD GROWTH wood. Ph. 7093. OLD FIR. Ph. 3380. Ashcraft WOOD ' FOR S ASTPh. 3354" 20RD lod. $ir50. "pK 8217?' Wood Sawing WOODSAWING. Phone 7073. Lost and Found LOST Lady's gold wrist watch. First Natl Bank vicinity, new, r . sji. LOST Set of car keys Monday after noon. Ph. 9650. Reward. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS I Club Elite. Box 71-Q. Main P.O.. Los Angeles. Cat Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 30 A JAA 3JL T. C. Degree, Wed, March. 4. 7:30 p. m. By order W. M. By CHIC YOUNG Shoes Essential for oxford i tenter, crushed leather oxford; rlrht, motor eorp oxford Legal, Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the Estate of Anna J. Wood, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned, care Page and Page, Attorneys, 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. The date and first publication of this notice is January 29th, 1942. KB. WOOD, Executor, Estate of Anna J. Wood, Dec jr. 29; Fv 6, 12, 19, 26. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION No. 19S5S IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CHARLES G. HEN DERSON, also known as C. G. Henderson, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of the above entitled estate has filed his Final Account in the above en titled Court, and that Monday, March 9, 1942, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. in the Circuit Court Room of the above entitled Court has r nr 15 Zl 21 13 25 26 30 31 34 35 36 38 3 41 At 43 4& 46 SO 51 53 54 HORIZONTAL 1 mark of emission newspaper paragraph 1& symbol for erbium 12 idolixe 13 ancient city 15 edible seeds 16 cweetsop 17 malt drink 18 scanty 20 dty in Italy Zl fourth ealipll,; 23 the heart 24 to do wrong 26 storage box 25 garish 23 eymbol for selenium. 50 implore 51 eun god 52 southern state (abbr.) 53 guided 24 indefinite - - article SS -place In S7 land msaS' ure Fr.) X3 rarietyof , 29 teamster's command 40 Japanese coin 41 dash 43 believe 45 assistance 49 performs 47 cereal 60 most com monplace 82 mansion 63 continent (abbr.) W7, Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 2-25 : 1 i P A SHMO AJLTPl JAOOJRE !A Nil P ME R SI WpE R MjO NfT r olsjei ,c eIr a "tn e q klNEj AUglY '""13 al; '"Uhir; tl . War Work Legal Notice been appointed by the Court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published February 5, 1942. Date of last publication March 5, 1942. MARION B. HENDERSON ' Executor. HERMAN E. LAFKY Attorney for Executor 117 New Bligh Building Salem, Oregon. F. 3-12-19-28, M. 1. Ferdinand Singer Buried Tuesday ZENA Funeral services for Ferdinand Singer, 73, who died Sunday, were held Tuesday from Rigdon's with Interment at City View cemetery. Singer, who was born in Ruma nia, was married to Antonia Bay er in 1893. In 1898 they came to Canada and in 1900 to North Da kota. In 1909 they moved to Sa lem and since 1925 Singer had been doing commercial .gardening on Wallace Road in partnership with his son, Joseph. Survivors include the widow, two daughters, Mrs. Mike Focht and Mrs. Walter Johnston, and three sons, Joseph, George and Louis, all of Salem. n iw. lO II 4 X4 17 2d Z9 32 33 ''A 37 40 47 48 52 55 64 insects 66-tofish 8 half so em . (Pi) - pronoun 10 elongated fishes 11 feminine name 14 futile 10 Greek mar ketplaces 19 fruits of the oak tree 20- pastry 21 eeclesiast '22 legal claim 24 declared 27 coincides 28 withered 29 Paradise S3 enduring 86 electrified particle 88 herons SS Moham medan judge 41 consumes 42 Italian cola , 43 price 44 Persia 48 lair , 43 mountain - 49-JSore SI eymbol for i tantalum 2 mother VERTICAL 1 head eov-j ering 2 citrus drink 3 wandering 4 Gaelic 6-ymbol for tellurium 6 place under . restraint T row S r: SHM Aim