FAGS Where You Get The Most For The Least.. Statesman Classified Page fn OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning, February 25, 1342 Classified Advertising Statesmen Classified Ads Call 9101 Tbre insertions per Line 25c Six insertions per . line 40c One month per tirm $1.23 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min - lmum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c. No . refunds. Copy for this page accepted ua UI 630 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the "beading "loo Late to Classify." The Statesman assume do finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place . all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge infor mation aa to the identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry IS MTT V-TT r.' nnA hull IMtiaiMn Sc springers. Inq. Hoods Grocery, Grand Konae Agency. 10 GOOD young double tested cows lor only 91000. a. en wick, ms jrerry, DAY OLD and started chicks. E. Zimmerman, 3480 Center. Ph. 2-2526. FARMERS WE PAY 60c per hundred for dead end worthless live stock. Top prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect Salem, 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Help Wanted Male ELDERLY active man. living quart ers furnished, steady job. Salem Boat House. 100 Chemeketa St SINGLE man for dairy farm by the month. Rm., bd. and good wages. J. M. Nichols. R. 6, Box 141. Ph. 167F15. WORKING foreman. Hop ranch. Must know hop work from beginning to end. Capable handling crew. Good wages. Chance perm. Job. Prefer man now working. Refs. required. Give ref. and exper. in answer. Box 1970, Statesman. WANTED Man to take complete Charge of grocery business in small town. Between 45 & S3 yrs. A good, permanent position for the right per son In a college town. Send references & experience. Box 1991, Statesman. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED maid for permanent employment at good wages. State Ref erences. Box 1993, Statesman. TWO FULLY exp. waitresses with some fountain experience. Top wages if qualified. Apply at once at Mickey's Sandwich Shop, 479 Center. HOUSEKEEPER for one gentleman. In modern country home. Permanent for right party. Write R. C. Raines, La comb, Oregon. EXPER. stenog. Must be fast, accur ate and familiar with figures. Ph. 4083. GIRL for housework. Phone 4581. WOMAN or girl to care for baby, very little housework. Board, room and wage. 790 N. Coml. EXP. WAITRESS wanted. No Sunday c holiday work. Apply 347 Court. Situations Wanted GENERAL office work. Am fast, ac curate, neat Box 1992 Statesman. CARPENTER or cabinet work. 4369. GARDENS and orchards, any size, plowed with Ford tractor. Ph. 6997. PRUNING and lawn work. Ph. 7330. PAINTING, DECORATING. Ph. 7552. For Sale Miscellaneous S-WHEELED trailer, completely en closed, new tires, 1 spare tire & wheel, $35.00 or will trade for part word. ', mile Nor. Badger's Corner, Rt. 7, Box 4S3-B. ALMOST NEW Bigelow rug. cost r, sell $30 & stairway carpet, 1537 Winter. WOOD RANGE. 1983 Fairground Rd. CHERRY trees, all sizes, Rt. 6. Box 117 A NO.. 1 new onion seed, state test 89, $4.00 lb. H. F. Hanes, Gaston, Oregon. 39 GAL. Wesix elec. water heater, used one year. Bargain. 1100 Eagewater, BALED OAT straw, 50c per hundred, $9.00 per ton. Joe Burke, R. 6, Box 530, USED LUMBER 2x4. 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, aiding, shiplap up to 18' length. Vari ous sizes pipes, faucets, cement bldg. blks.. S steel water tanks. 1 galvanized tank. Some glass. 1 lg. boiler. 1589 Market St., at greenhouse. Wanted Furniture W. N. St GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Sc furniture dealers will oav you more cash or trade for furniture it household goods. We buy or sell veryuung. ra. sue. CASH FOR used furniture & house- bold goods. K. rorgey. Ph. 7449. Miscellaneous TO AVOID the rush have your spring garments cleaned and pressed, redesigned and remodeled at The Economy Cleaners, 1880 State, Ph. 6059. FINGERPRINTING Offers opportun. to be of pub. serv, In this defense emerg. Here's your chance to do something worthwhile by prepar. for well-paid posit in Finger printing, Classify5. Filing. Write Fin gerprint. uorDett DKig, t-oruana, ur. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives George D. Close. Inc. Saa Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta . Entered at Hie Potofice at Saltm, Orepon. as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every morning except Monday BtuiMsa office 215 South Commercial ftreet SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Matt Subscription Rate bt Advance: Within Oregon; Dally and Sunday, Mo. M cents; t Moa. li0: Mos. SIM; 1 .year $9.00. Elsewhere SO cents per mo. or S8 00 tor 1 year ta advance , Per copy S cents. Newsstands S cents. . - By City, Carrier, 9 cents a month: ftM a year in adranc to Marion and djacent countlea, Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or Phone (916S) to Salem's oldest, largest borne owned and home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans mad ta strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration ta the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to IS MONTHS TO REPAY. You can pay la full any time to reduce the cost. f ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans mad oa furni ture or note. SEX ROY H SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-1S3 JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. s-ua 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 first door south of Ladd Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOAMS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re dues payments. Money for . new 01 used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Ue. No M-ltt FHA LOANS Mi. also prlv loans Abrams & Ellis, Inc, Masooio Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential Sc business property Will buy mortgages or contracts, hawmks at kuh&kts. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVlCi. IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State & Com'L Ph. 3311 WantedMiscellaneous YOUNG woman wants woman to share home and expenses. Reasonable Box 1859, Statesman. POULTRY. EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co, 1509 N. Front Ph. 7007, For Rent Rooms SHARE pleas, home, lady. Ph. 8229, HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. NICE rm., mod. home. 959 Belmont. SLEEPING ROOM, 729 Court CLOSE in, clean, warm. Ph. 4498. SLP RM, near state bldgs. Ph. 21449. Room and Board CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BRD & rm. 749 S. Com'l St For Rent Apartments 2-RM. furn. apt. On bus line, 2181 State. Pri. ent. Ph. 9891. ; CLEAN, 3-rm. apt. 2217 Lee St NICE, small apt. 658 Center. 1-RM, furn., $12. Hot W.-, washer, gar. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3946. . - - $20 Close in apt.. 3 rooms furnished. Private bath, lights & water furnished for rent. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State, Room 4. 2- RM. heated apt. 444 S. High. 3- RM. duplex apt- furn or unfurn. 575 N. Capitol. FURN. 3 room court apt Garage. water & garbage paid. Phone 3200. BANCROFT31mT tsTMON. Church. Ph. 5822 or 7402. T1IaRGEIOOm'aI 175 S. 14th. CLEArTMT7urnourtTotrT. bath, laundry, gar. Heat Sc water furn. 1811 Lee. FUrUMSHErT'pul private bath, refrigerator. 340 Union. DESIRABLE 3-rm. modern, unfurn. duplex. 605 S. Summer. Ph. 7194. CLEAN, one rm. apt. 645 Ferry. LARGE mod. furn. 4-rm. Dt . rri. ent 735 No. CapitoL Ph. 7694. ATTRACTIVE 3-rm.. heat 1411 Court DESIRABLE apt. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. 3-RM. furnished apt 1209 Court 2-RM. apt. with nook. Center. 3-rm. apt. $20. 152 S. 13th. Ph. 5222. 3-RM. heated. Frig. 1380 Center. 2-RM. furn. 674 N Church. VACANCY Hawthorne Court. 3 rms. furn. 1000 N. Capitol. FURN. APTS. Adults. Maytag. Park. space. $10 mo. up n. Capitol. WELL furn.. Its., hot wat, refr. 6288 COMFORTABLE, furn. 3-rm. apt state at. Apis. rn. znii or 4370. 3 R-, hot wat, heat bath, tel. & wasner. k n. moerty. 3 R. turn, apt Close in Pri. bath. its, n. water, wasn. use a. uomL FURN. apts $6.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. la7uraOU19 1440 Waller FURN. COTTAGES. 2 miles south $10, $12 mo. Inq. 484 N. Church. For. Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. cooawu wtta Hawkins St Roberta 7-RM. furn. fit exchange for room and board. Adults only. Ref. required. fn. auio. n. inn. rms, new, N. E. rms, duplex. IN. E. .506 rras, 1097 N. Winter. furn, new, north. 529 Court H. P. GRANT Ph. 6744 3 RM. house. S10. 899 McGilchrist St inquire S4B so 12th at BLONDE . I, ' - -' J - . HI I -f - 'Hit C00We.O3MS il'lhlU NOV. YOU MJll. vr ' ( N AND WATCH V '( STAY RJSHTTWSRSJ 1 ' 7--ME3IVETHE J VW8JE t GST Y&Q i&hr f puppies s ths pups i r p23 - tL4 sAtsr bath J JJLJ 1?l - a ''' '" """ '" mn li i I 1 1 1 iii ii ii'ill ill I ' ' '"! in ! ' i i mm i i.T iiiS """ " ...... rTTT v m, . it ' Money to Loan CASH FOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to Reduce car or other contract navments. There's a loan plan for every need at -saienrs personal Loan center 319 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State license S-Z2S M-278 CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOB Gash ma Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. SU State Street Doors West of Capital Theatre Ph. 2191 License Nos. S-122 & M-163 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 9TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M 159 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay interest W. H. GRABENHORST CO REALTORS Financial 5 City, suburban loans, low mo, 0 pymt Int. only on unpaid baL Rich L. Reimann. 167 S. High. Ph. 9203. For Rent Rouses SMALL unfurn. hse. $17.50. Ph. 3282. MODERN 3-room furnished house. 1863 North Commercial St Inquire 2210 Hazel. 2 BED RMS ., mod., $23. Ph. 4369. 3-RM. for 2 people, has stoves, $18. 2- bedrm. Full furnished. $22.50. 3- Bedrm. Close in. unfurn.. $20. ROBERT F. BUDROW, REAL ESTATE iz Ladd Sc. Bush Bldg. rti. mm 9 RM. MOD. FURN. 449 S. 21st St EXCLUSIVE apt. type bungalow. Complete in every detail. Radio, rn gidaire, heat. etc. $65 mo. Nod a Way Motel, 3355 Portland Road. 3 blks. N. Underpass. 3 R. house. $12. 409 Madrona Ave, 7-RM. mod, furn. 62 N 16th. S-R mod., furn. hses. 439 Market 2-RM. hse. Adults. 920 N. 19th. 9-RM. hse., $18. 449 N. 23rd. Ph. 6784. S-RM., walking distance. Ph. 5359. For Rent Farms . WILL LEASE Harvest 5 or 6 tons per acre berries. Keizer district, best condition, your chance. Owner sick, do not delay. H. C. SHIELDS Or eg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 For Rent 17 ACRES, modern house. 3 acres filberts. CreeK. Close in. m. 71Z3. BUSINESS bldg. 863 N. Liberty. 6211, MODERN COTTAGES. $4 Sc up. Junction Auto Court South Commercial Wanted to Rent S BEDR. mod, walk, distance. P. 7041. For Sale Real Estate THESE VALUES WONT LAST LONG IN SALEM NOW English type-double constructed mo dern home. 3 nice rms, fireplace, fur nace. Cost 14500. WUl sell for less than $4000. E. Z. terms. 3 blks off State St. Make an oner. 4 rm. home on Madison St Hwd, floors, 2 large bdrms. $1800, $200 down. 3 bdrm. home, well kept Doth in side Sc out Nice yard. 1 blk. from Richmond school. 12700. sauo down. BRAND NEW Modern home. 4 rms. Sc nook, nice basement, dream of a kitchen, Venetian blinds. $3200. $300 down. Phone ART MADSEN 9580 READ THIS We offer a nice little tract near Keizer school with 6-room house for only $2000. Will accept va cant lots or open acreaee in exchanee. See Mrs, Ellis with Childs Miller. Realtors, 344 State St, Phone 8261 RENT-SAVER Comfortable, well-located, east, with corner lot and holly trees. Paved and paid. $1750. Your down payment might eet it 529 Court H. P. GRANT Ph. 6744 LARGE LOT, with X small houses In N. Salem. $900 cash. 4- R. hse., plastered, mod. except bsm't Reasonably close in, $1250 cash, 5- R , fully mod. Hdwd firs, furn ished. Large bsm't, $2ssa. F. H. Weir 465 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 Mod. 2-bedrm, $2700. Owner, Ph. 4368. Vm ACRE lots on Larsen Ave. Just outside the city limits. City lights and water, $20.00 down and $10.00 per mo. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. SPECIAL Beautiful 8-room house to Salem's best residential district Hot water heat A erand buy for S84O0. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs Miller. Realtors, 344 State St, Phone 9261. S GOOD nouses on 1 lot close in. 6-rm. Sc 3-rm., both plastered, rage, wired Sc good condition. Paved St St alley pd. $2750. Low terms. ROBERT F. BUDROW, REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 6969 8-RM. house and lota. See owner. 2580 Laurel avenue. 9-RM. hse, newly decorated Inside. Basem't, furnace St fireplace. New roof on use. and garage. Mica aocanoa. uu m. unuren. -Real Estate EXCHANGE my eeuity in rooming house & restaurant combined, for small .house in town or country. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham,. 341 State St, Room No. Acreage 1 A.. Keizer district 1-rm. house. fruit, berries. Terms, like rent H. C SHIELDS. Oref . Bldg. Ph. 8902 FOR SALE or - trade, mod. 6-rm. house. Keizer dist, Vfc acre. Elec. water system. Phone 4907. Wanted Real Estate Vt YOU WANT TO SELL. exchange, lease or rent, see Abrams & Ellis, Inc, Masonic Bldg. Business Opportunities Lunch Rm. Fully Eoulnped on 8. Com'L Going Into Service. $550 Cash. C. H. Sanders, 231 N. High. BEER Sc WINE, good location, one of best In town. Cash. Box 1984, States- TLLNESS FORCES SALE Package wine & beer. Low overhead. nice, clean business. Woman can run. Box 1987, Statesman. REAL OPPORTUNITY Grocery debartment for rent Grossed $1200 last month. WUl double this during summer months. Low overhead. Ideally located. Phone owner, 9843. MODERN eauiooed meat market doing good business. Box 1989, States man. SERVICE STATION for lease. Fully equipped. Immediate possession. Gal- lonage rental. Ph. 7676. For Sale Used Cars 35 CHEV. tudor. New tires. Over- hauled. Must sell. Ph. 5725. OR TRADE equity 1941 Dodge Lux- ury-liner sedan. Ph. 21533 after 5. '39 FOUR-DOOR Plymouth sedan. Perfect condition, $575. 1945 Fair grounds Road. WILL SELL 1940 Hudson country club sedan, excellent rubber. Call 4052, evenings. 31 G. M. C. JL. W. B.. $100. "29 Chev. S.W.B.. $50. 2990 Brooks St. 40 OLDS 6 sedan, 19,000 ml, good tires. $795. E. Zane, 158 Duncan (Capitola). 1941 BUICK 5-pas. coupe. Deluxe equipped. Philco radio, heater, de froster, seat covers, chrome spotlight. Tires, 90. Call 6769 after 6 p. m. 29 DODGE sedan. 2 new tires. Ready to go, $45.00. 2348 Myrtle. 1936 PLYMOUTH COUPE. Ph. 5884. New tires. Between 9 and 10 a. m. 1939 Delux DeSoto bus. coupe. Ex cellent tires, cond. Radio, etc. Ph. 6196. TO TRADE eauitv in 37 Lincoln Zepher - sedan for cheaper car. bat small monthly pymts. Ph. 22711 or 3580 N. River Rd. 1931 CHEV. cabriolet. A-l shape. 8 new tires. Texaco Lunch, Jefferson, Oregon, Wanted Used Cars WANTED TO BUY 30 or 31 model A Coupe or Roadster. Write Box 1988, statesman. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Yes, dry wood. Ph. 22637. BEST DRY old fir, 16". 6663. DRY WOOD Phone 2-1446. DRY WOOD Phone 9560. 16-INCH OLD FIR. Ph. 18FS. FRESH screened sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph. 6444. OIGROTHwooXPh Og&TT OLD FIR. Ph. 3380. Ashcraft Business Cards in this directory mn on a monthly basis only Rate: S1JE5 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek, 275 South Commercial Batteries WHXARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W Scott 147 S. Com cl P. 4516 Chiropractic Physicians G. A. Sternberg. 346 N. CapitoL 3731. Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 8056. TELEPHONE 4450. R E. Northness. Excavating EXCAVATION OI all kinda. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Satan Sand & Gravel. P. $408. Florists Breithauprs 441 Court Phone 9199. Funeral Directors Terwilliger Funeral Horn. Ph. 6928. Klattresaes SALEM FLUFF RUG St MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses -id made, rug cleaning & weaving, 8 13th 4 Wilbur TeL 8441 Z wickers. , CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbona 4069 Nurseries Fruitland Nursery. 269 Canter. P. 9077. Ths Olt) Swixmalag Hoi Exchange More Pictures of That US Turret tuns of heavy i Jap bomb scores bit oa For Sale Wood WOOD FOR SALE. Ph. 3354. 2-CORD load, $11.50. Ph. 6217. Wood Sawing WOODSAWTNG. Phone 7073. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS I Club Elite, Box 71-Q. Main P.O, Los Angeles, Cat Lost and Found LOST Pair gold rimmed glasses fat blue case. Return 707 N. High. Re ward. LOST Set of car keys Monday after noon. Ph. 9650. Reward. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the circuit court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, appointed Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Robert S. Kutch, deceased, and has qualified as such. All persons Directory Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON. Ph. 4616. Experienced Reasonable Ph. 4329. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Libera terms. R. D. Woodrow, 394 N. Church. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, t54 S Liberty. Ph. 6594. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers FOR SALE OR RENT. 319 N. Front Transfer IT-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Peruana aauy Agent fierce auio Freight including Calif, points Larmer Transfer co ra. ai-si. Vacuum Cleaner Service VUCC fncnwtinn in TOUT homi. AU tborixed Hoover semce. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros rn. era Well Drilling , Rvrm DRILLING CO. Specialists for irrigation, dry St do mestic wells. Test borings Sc blast holes. Estimates Without Obligation. R. F. Sneed. 2909 Brooks St Phone 6809. B, A, WEST, Rt . Box 44S. Ph. 2-2296. ... k7 u ' : s . 1 TNI'? 'VfeWi'sH i-w-w . .... .I,,, , j 'mtiimm iiiii.iiiM-- -iiimiiii mir'T.'iaaaj 1 ' MV..sk.. V. Sn cruiser roar out extraction mmm - i - wmmm motor WBaJeboat oa 17. S. warship The US army's newest huge transport plane, known as the ' Donglas C-54, takes its maiden flight at Santa Monica, Calif, and lands safely after a 24-mlnute test cruise through the sky. Douglas Aircraft company officials, who described the big four-motored ship as the largest transport of latest design in the country, withheld comment at the finish of the first Journey. Its flying range and passenger ca pacity remained a military secret. Legal Notice having claims against said estate hereby are required to present same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at 1204 SE 73rd Ave., Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date of this No tice. Date of first publication, Febru ary 25, 1942. Date of last publication, April 1, 1942. GAIL H. PATHEAL, As such Executrix. F25-M 4-11-18-25-Apl. Ueut. Gen. Tonwyukt Taaaasbita This is Lieut. Gen. Tomoyuki Tamashita, commaruier-in-chief of the victorious Japanese which forced the surrender of the Brit ish in Singapore. Britain's lead er, Lieut. Gen. A. EL PercivaL signed the peace terms after re ceiving them front General Ta maatiita. Lodges Pacific Lodge No, SOvAJTJtAM. E. A. Degree. Wed- Feb. 23, tao p. pv. By order W. ML Bt CHIC YOUNG Raid on Jap Pacific Bases Vice Admiral William F. Baiter, V 5 'f fir " - Line of U. S. warships during; Cross Word 12 15 lb 19 21 22 27 30 52 33 37 45 45 47 2 155 So HORIZONTAL 1 Dance step i Who led ths Jewish people out f Egypt? 9 Insane "12 High mountain 13 Idolize 14 Cuckoo 15 What lake fa New York it the wteeea for winter tportef 17 Turns inside out 19 Mountain gaps 20 Hebrew high priest , 21 Docks S3 Which of the New England etatee hae no toaeoaett 27 Garden flower 28 Tallow tree 29 New; combining form 30 Upon SI Screw-threadlike curves , 84 Southern state (abbr.) , 35 Chicken disease . - , ' 37 Eternities 38 Placed on a mound, in golf 40 Unequal-aided triangla ' 42 Long-beaked fish 43 Decaliter (abbr.) 44 Mohammedan prince 45 Border 48 Signify 81 Lyric poem St What SwedUh chemist - - mmeaamumuer . M Strike gently . . 55 Foot-like part ' 56 Concede . 67 Note iaGuWs seal. ' YESTICAL . . , 1 Soft food , 2 Entire amount S Intervals 4 Posts . 1 J " . - , -- 6 Excess of chance -; Therefor 7 Before - . . i S Mora than on ' What American, SevohUionara - goneral conducted m gneniia .V.' Z t .Ml .. war org mgvam so ztwi I i VA Jr., left, mapping V i attack; aircraft carrier, arrow 1 f - -mnmt Puzzle 8 10 IT 14- 18 20 25 2J 29 Pa 93 34 it 39 42 44 48 49 SO n 10 Insect 11 God of lower world 16 Hearts . 18 Shade tre 21 -Snnnorts 22 Type of architectur zj rrnat rreneh author wrote "Twenty-thousand League m dor the Sea" t 24 Periods of fim 25 At no time 28 To fawn unon 28 Sprout 32 Skinningj 33 Discolor 33 Spanish priests S9 What eontinent has Germany mmoet entirely overrun J 41 Loiter 42 Small food fish 44 Paradise 45 Cleaning implement 48 Catania drink 47 Correlative of neither 4 Hindu eymbala . 50 Greek letter College degree (abbr.) Answer to yesterday's puzsl. a t U J U4 1 Ye tilt tf t iPlArrnpiLrOiTnoiftiA SnT lenc JraIvv 5 t a n dbe t sh avte la E a 1st aIUP awaIEjaJEr i AOs SEllkAliripA fpm i5blt-loI JTteIniTI - 'I - !