The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1942, Page 10, Image 10

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    Grangers' News
Ioq . Hilli grange juveniles are
making scrap books in the studies
el birds, a year's "nature project
Jerry Howard, local lecturer, is
arranging the program for Friday
Bight, which the local grange will
give at the Silverton grange meet
ing. Maurice Benson is master of
the local group and Conrad John
son is master of the Silverton
group. Essie Specht is lecturer of
Silverton grange,
ROBERTS A fair, sized crowd
attended grange Saturday night
and heard Robert E. Reider, coun
ty agent, and Frances Clinton,
Marion county home demonstra
tion agent, talk. .
. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice and Mr
and Mrs. S. L. Minard were ap
pointed delegates 'to attend the
meeting at the chamber of com
merce at which Miss Gardner, na
tional home demonsrtation agent,
will speak.
Mrs. Roy Rice, lecturer, will at
tend the lecturers' school at Cor-
Mrs. George Higgins, who has
just returned from a two months
trip east, including a five weeks
visit with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Car
renter and granddaughter in Del
aware, gave an account of her
The grange will sponsor a barn
dance at the hall March 7. '
A social night program will be
held ebruary 28, and everyone in
the community is invited. Pinochle
and 500 will be in play and games
will be provided for all children.
The HE club met Tuesday with
Mrs. Albert Blankenship and Mrs.
A. Cater assisting. Visitors were
Mrs. George Orsborn, Mrs. Al
fred Kleen and Mrs. Leon a
The club will hold its March
meeting at the home of Mrs.
George Bressler. Mrs. Henry
Bruce will be assisting hostesses.
Teachers' Course
In First Aid
Opens Soon
DALLAS A special course for
lay instructors in first aid will
be held in the Dallas city hall
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. from March
2 to 7.
All persons having standard
and advanced cards are urged to
take the course and qualify as
instructors. Teachers now em
ployed in the schools and having
their Standard card in first aid
are eligible providing they will
teach first aid after receiving
their instructors card.
Two standard classes will start
in Dallas March 9 and will be
held twice a. week from 8 to 10
p.m. The present class at the city
hall has reached its quota but
there are still a few openings for
pupils at the high school.
The class at the city hall will
be under the supervision of Mrs.
Ruby Irwin and Mildred Stafrin
of Dallas. Classes at the high
school will be taught by Fairfax
Parrish, Mrs. Heibert and Miss
Harton, all of Dallas.
Two standard classes were
started here Saturday. One is an
8 to 10 p.m. class and one Sun
day afternoon from 2 until 4
o'clock. Anyone caring to enroll
should bef at Dallas armory Sat
urday evening at 8 o'clock. In
structor for these is Dallas Dull
of Valsetz.
A standard first aid class was
started at Rickreall February 12
with 43 persons nrolled. Classes
are held twice a week with Ed
Gilmore instructor.
To date 131 persons have fiix
. ished their standard class in
Polk county, 15 have finished the
advanced class. There are about
200 now taking standard courses
and will be about 90 more start
ing the standard class March 9.
Guests Visit at
West Salem Home
WEST SALEM Visitors at
the home of Mayor and Mrs. Guy
Wewgent Thursday were Mrs.
James Owen Murray, Boise, Ida
ho, Mrs. Harry Baker, Seattle,
Mrs. Ethel Timmeran, Newberg
and Mrs. Anna Beach, Portland.
Robert Lemon, who is em
ployed at Tionesta, Calif., visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Lemon, last week.
Loren Vosburgh was operated
on for a brain concussion at a
Seattle hospital the last of the
week. He is reported progressing
satisfactorily and expects to be
moved to th ehome of his sister,
Mrs. Austin Mack, the first of this
Loren was injured in an auto
mobile accident in Salem last fall.
but showed no serious injuries
until a month ago when the con
cussion began to cause serious
Mr.iand Mrs. G, E. Vosburgh
went to Seattle last week to be
with their son. Vosburgh returned
Saturday and stated that his wife
would remain with Loren for
about a month.
i 18c
I Plus Defense Tax
Last Times
Lam our
Jon Kali in
CrAS" la
Hurries v
iZien Drew
in ' ;
v. "THE
A-c3 News and Conseiy
OAK POINT The home eco-
nomics club of Monmouth grange
met Friday at the home of Mrs.
Joe Rogers, sr., at Oak Point B.
Swenson, Monmouth, Pomona
master, was a special guest.
This was the first time a meet
ing had been held in a residence,
and a large attendance was pres
ent. TALBOT The Sidney-Talbot
Farmers Union is sponsoring a
program and white elephant sale
Friday night in the Talbot school
house. -
Admission at the door is 50
pounds of scrap iron for the en
tire family regardless of number.
George Potts, jr., will be in charge
of a hot dog stand. Proceeds will
go to buy defense bonds. Every
one is welcome.
Social Events
Mark Calendar
WEST SALEM Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Lacey were hosts to members
and friends of the Just-A-Mere
card club Saturday.
Prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Fred Gibson, Captain and Mrs.
Charles Unruh, and Mayor New
gent for high scores; Mrs. New
gent and Fred Gibson, low scores;
Mrs. Ross Damrell, guest prize
and Mrs. Frank Wells, the trav
eling award.
Tnvited were Mrs. Ross Dam
rell, Mrs. A. Jolly, Mr. and Mrs.
Lynn Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wells, Mayor and Mrs. Guy New
gent, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook,
Captain and Mrs. Charles Un
ruh and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gib
son. The Jolly Time Quilters were
entertained with a waffle din
ner at the home of Mrs. W.
Welch Friday. Guests were Mrs.
George Lathrop, Mrs. Stella
Wight, Mrs. Homer Harrison,
Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mrs. Phil Hath
away, Mrs. Elmer Forbis, Mrs.
W. S. Sexton, Mrs. W. D. Phil
lips, Mrs. Mabel Hathaway, Mrs.
E. A. Dickson and Mrs. Elmer
A group of women were enter
tained at contract bridge at the
home of Mrs. Collet Rust Thurs
day. Grace Griffen won first
prize and Lillian Kayser receiv
ed consolation.
Attending were Louise Kellar,
Lillian Kayser, Viola Kellar,
Gladys Youngblood, Dor o t h y
Walker, Louise Jones, Grace
Griffin and Bessie Rust.
Freddie Parker was compli
mented on his fourth birthday an
niversary Saturday when his
mother, Mrs. Paul Parker, in
vited in a group of children.
Present were Freddie Parker,
Betty Lou Weaver, Raymond
Sellers, Kenneth Davis, Jeanne
Sellers, Bruce Davis, Gene Wy
ant, Shirley Haselton, Paul Wy
ant, Donald Wyant, Mrs. Leland
Weaver, Mrs. Louis Haselton and
Mrs. Charles Wyant.
Mrs. Verne Axelson and Alene
have been confined Jo their
home because of influenza.
Mrs. Lura Tandy, who is at
the Deaconess hospital following
a recent stroke, is reported as
slightly improved. Thomas Tan
dy, Ft. Stevens, was called home
because of his mother's illness.
Orchard Purchased
LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Coffee have purchased the 10-acre
orchard formerly owned by the
late Joe Williams. They plan to
build a modern home on the place.
For the present thex have rented
an dtaken up residence in the
former Fred Scott home.
of DECENCY from
the LIFE of a MODEL!
Her Beauty
Adorns the Cover
of Your
Favorite Magazine
Mid-Willamette Valley I
Reports from
Two Churches
Plan Events
'Silverton Trinity,
Immanuel Lutheran
Slate Jubilees
SILVERTON A second Sil
verton Lutheran church is an
nouncing plans for its golden ju
bilee meeting this year.
A week ago plans were begun
for the celebration in June for
Trinity church. Plans are now un
der way for the Immanuel Luth
eran golden jubilee, to be observ
ed in November.
M. G. Gunderson will serve as
chairman for the Trinity observ
ance and Hannah Olson is serving
as chairman for the Immanuel
Trinity Dorcas society - will
hold Its annual birthday party
at Trinity church social rooms
Thursday night
The program will feature the
male chorus directed by Floyd
EUefson. Mrs. Ellefson will give
a group of readings. Birthday
cakes will be served following the
The Royal Neighbor lodge
will celebrate its annual home
coming here March 10. A pro
gram and supper is being
planned and all out-of-town
On the committee of preparer
tions are Mary Herr, Clara Enloe,
Ida Davis, Clara Hauge, Agnes
Naegeli and Elizabeth Ruther
ford. The local lodge is making plans
to organize a juvenile camp at Sil
verton. State Supervisor Mae Lo
gan and District Deputy Maude
Davis made such suggestions at a
recent meeting here.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliary will meet tonight at
the home of Evelyn Kennedy
when a handkerchief shower will
be given for three members who
have moved to Portland.
New members received into the
auxiliary, according to Marion
Tucker, president, are Mrs. Wil
liam Graham, Mrs. Will Egan and
Mrs. Charles Bayes.
Changes Noted
At Monmouth
MONMOUTH Some changes
in business on Main street are
being planned. San Russell ex
pects to operate his pool hall in
the new building being construct
ed for J. L. Norris.
Charles McAuley has leased
the Halliday building, and bought
the bowling alley equipment in
stalled there. He will partition the
front of the building and will op
erate the bowling alley, and Mrs.
McAuley will operate a restaurant
in the other section. The McAu
leys have been proprietors of the
cafe in the Nelson building for
some time.
Mrs. Mary Alderson celebrated
her 84th birthday on February 3.
She has been a resident of Mon
mouth for about 20 years, and of
Polk county for about 50 years.
1 ,-.13-
Caught Between a Bru
nette Elitzkreiff and a
Strawberry. Blonde
The Statesman's
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday
When Dancer Quit Her OCD Post
I .MII,M,W-!WMWJI,..pwiMMimi.W..J. " " Jl JL UH J II , L, WW UUI
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Mayrta Chancy, right, dictates resignation
Congressional storm over the appointment of Mayris Chaney, dancer
and friend of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, to the Office of Civilian
Defense, blows itself completely out as Miss Chaney resigns her
$4,600-a-year job as co-ordinator of children's activities in the OCD.
Miss Chaney dictated her resignation to Director James M. Landia
in her Philadelphia office and it was accepted. Since her resignation,
it has been reported Miss Chaney has received offers to go on the
stage. Landis, meanwhile, has abolished two divisions of the OCD.
New Curtails
SILVERTON Remodeled set
tings and new stage curtains will
greet the public Friday night
when it attends the junior high
school annual play night at the
Eugene Field auditorium.
The new curtains were a com
bined gift of the schoo" board
and the junior high school student
Mildred Larson will be in
charge of the stage arrangement
and Arthur Amstutz will be re
sponsible for the lighting. How
ard Harrison is coaching the play,
a three-ace comedy, "Don't Take
My Penny."
Betty Holm plays the part of
Families Return
To Minnesota
JEFFERSON After spending
a number of years in this district,
three families decided to return
to their former home in Minne
sota and left Monday.
They are Mr. and Mrs. M. De
Bord, their son and daughter and
their families; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
DeBord and two children; and
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dailey and
Marcella and Lavonne.
Marcella is a sophomore in the
Jefferson high school; and La
vonne attends grade school. The
DeBord family have been em
ployed on the A. B. Hinz farm
about two miles northeast of here,
and the Dailey family have been
employed on the Frank Wied tur
key ranch one mile northeast of
here for the past four years. Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Page are mov
ing from Marion to the Frank
Wied farm and will assist with
the work.
Can a
Beautiful Model
. Stay Pure?
Po Artists Fall
J? With
ineir Afnrli
ft Lays Bar,
the P,. .
-ives of
Are Girfc
Wo Pose
in the
N Advamce
ta Pricca!
MAT. 18C
eye. 22c
I Plu Tax
' Shew Tub
" f Secrets:
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, AfleettoB- ,
, ately: im-.
e I
Ilita Hayworth, Dennis Blorgan,
Merle Oberon in
78 Community
Morning. February 25' 192
Group Attends
WOODBURN The annual
homecoming of Woodburn lodge,
AF & AM, was held Saturday at
the Masonic temple.
Past matrons of Evergreen
chapter served a dinner with
about 65 members and guests
present A musical program was
presented, Marvin Mattson,
Woodburn, played his Hawaiian
guitar and Hubert Aspinwall
sang several solos.
Worshipful Master August
Moeding presided over the spe
cial session. Frank W. Settlemier,
past grand master of the grand
lodge of Oregon and George
Leslie, worshipful master of New
berg lodge, were escorted to the
Several members of other
lodges were in attendance and
out-of-town members present
were: L. R. Tweedie, Dr. V. D
Bain and J. W. Moore, Salem; E.
A Proctor and Ralph Maupin,
Portland; Keith O'Hare, Camas,
Wash., Rex Bentley, Astoria and
Lloyd N. Klinger, Eugene.
rf . -.v .. f- ..... .... y -
am.- 1-f .Ir&f.-1.. AVTK .-fj. fj. -
Mil I ilPa fca aalW f
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2nd Ilii
Meet Benjamin 1
1 . .
JtorfTorW. 1
And Love8t -'
IV Flrst-Eoxnid Kaoekoat for CnplJ When a Cloud
i Packs Dynamite la Her Lily Whit Mitts i
"bisot to toe nEnnr' - -1
Month's Tire
Quota Filled
5 WEST SALEM Tire permits
were- issued to six motorists last
week by the rationing board of
district 27-3. The allotments in
cluded some tires of obsolete sizes.
No more 'permits will be issued
before next' month because Polk
county has reached its quota for
Receiving permits were C. Mer
rick, Bill Sonnerf, M. P. Leek,
Owen Williams, C. C. Alderman
and Mrs. W. B. Jackson.
Mrs. H. C Hummel and Mrs.
Clara Gehrke entertained mem
bers of the Entre Nous club at
the city hall with a night of 500.
Defense stamps for high scores
were presented to Lottie McAd
ams, Mrs. Harry Smart, Mrs. Ro
bert Pattison and William Krue
ger. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Smart, Mrs. Robert Pattison, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mayor and
Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mr. and Mrs.
William Krueger, Lottie McAd
ams, Captain and Mrs. Charles
Unruh, Mrs. Norris Looney, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Forster, Mrs.
Clara Gehrke and Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Hummel.
Mrs. Nellie Hammer was in
charge of a program' oh Ameri
canism at a joint meeting of the
Kingwood American Legion and
auxiliary Thursday. Hugh E. Ros
son, Portland, was presented by
students of Meisinger studio, Pra
tum Mennonite church quartet,
Joy Hill and Miss Edger.
Members of the auxiliary voted
to adopt as a unit project the tak
ing of plasma blood tests, with the
necessary arrangements to be
made immediately by Mrs. Karl
Books may be left with Mrs.
Lois Neiger, who is chairman of
the Victory book drive.
Mrs. Mobley gave a detailed re
port of the hospital committee
concerning sewing identification
labels into children's clothing.
Mrs. Lillian Williams reported on
the members' activities in con
nection with civilian defense.
Mrs. Leo Estey and Betty Jean
Estey were introduced as new
Illnesses Reported
has been confined to his home
here for the past few days suffer
ing from a severe cold. Meyer is
parts man at a Silverton garage.
Mrs. Anna K. Jensen is report
ed improving from influenza,
which confined her to her bed for
several days.
Last Day
and the
. If
'K'L f
Farmers Union News
3 MARION ; There was a good
attendance at this, local's . Farr
mer's union meeting Friday. -;
Art Page ! reported that the
building of the proposed co-operative
flax Dlant to be located in
or near Jefferson had been de
layed due to not getting a suit
able financing ; plan worked out
for the stockholders. ' . 7
President Charles Sarver stated
that SO per cent of legume seeds
used in the United States were
raised in Oregon. Carol Wilcox
stated commercial fertilizers were
carried at the co-op warehouse at
Jefferson,' 1
Homer Smith stated he expect
ed to add several new lines of
merchandise at the Salem ware
house and that extra help would
Church Board
Honors Pastor
LIBERTY The church board
of the Church of Christ at Liberty
held a meeting at the Joseph watt
home Saturday. After the busi
ness session the wives 01 ine
board members cave a "pound"
party, 'complimenting the minister,
Rev. George Alder and Mrs. Al
Present were Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Staggs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. Hickman,
Mrs. C C. Sargent, Mrs. S. A.
Austin,' Mr. and Mrs. Alder and
the hosts.
E. C. Free underwent an emer
gency operation for appendicitis
at the Deaconess hospital Satur
day. Also on the list of local patients
is Mrs. J. Harling, who is ill at
her. home and in the care of a
The H. L. Clark family is hav
ing a siege of illness. H. L. Clark,
sr., had an operation on a bad
knee this weekend. His mother is
also a patient at the Deaconess
hospital, ill wtih near-pneumonia.
Lavina Clark, a daughter, under
went an appendectomy a week
ago Friday. She has been brought
home and is rapidly recovering.
Community Clubs
WALDO HILLS Seven tables
of cards were played at the Feb
ruary Waldo Hills Community
club party. Prizes were won by
Mrs. Charles Meyer, Mrs. Elmer
Peterson, R. M. Morton, Clair
Brown, J. M. Doerfler and Ralph
Siaris Today
- - -
r - tL .a .
'iT if
Starts Toaile
: ''til
- t r: crossed
t -y I about,
I bout!
m H i ' : i
' -Am'-.-
A '.Greater Siar!
TwH Had . NEW Koy
Keren ... more likeable
m a role that fits his per
sonality like a i love . . .
treater action . . . gonxs
. . . and all th mHtfnv
backrronnd of the Gold- f ,
my m
be employed on busy days to give)
better service. " ,
, State President 1 Harley Libby
spoke stating the Farmers Union
program was to keep the farmers'
dollar on parity with industry.
A group from Orchard Heights
local, led by Mr. and Mrs. A.
Grice, furnished part, of the pro
gram. local talent Included Alar
Jory Tucker, Donna ; Aplet and
Mrs. Jim Wilson. s
; Delegates to th estate . conven
tion at McMinnville this week are
Charles Sarver, Warren Gray,
warehouse representative Homer
Smith'; alternates Jim Wilson and
Carol Wilcox;
car Johnson, state secretary of the
Farmers' Union, is attending the
annual session at McMinnville.
Election of officers will be one
of the features.
Mrs. Johnson has also served as
editor of the Farm Union paper
during the past session.
Mrs. G. W. Potts, sr. left Tues
day for McMinnville to attend the
Farmers Union state convention.
They are delegates from the Sid-ney-Talbot
Today and Thursday
Jar r.7 91 kk?m
Plus 2nd Smash Hit
News and Comedy
15c x1" 18c
Matinees Evenings
2 Top Fealures!
r v ,iu v n m i q
2 iff si
as Kav and his ritmrMnn r
caokks But the ham In
mruu , tp jam in ro
masce sad th iim,
- - - - ....
... Drama
rnnrorti j t
v m
m bkw mr M m. m vi . w
my mm BAND .
Starts Tonite
oe Pins
6:45 Two Hits!
r ana ' m
WW 11 .
goes riotous when
two couples get their kisses
. . . in this trade-
loTe and laughing
Autr Jqn Froxte
Trvtx fUchcrd Davits
Tlirobbing with ex
citement as an old
four-master plows its
way through a back
breaking storm.
Pins; Latest War News