1 0N c Society Clubs ' Music See 2 Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning. February 22, 1942 G i v NO "- ' 4 4 i - - - -.:-. The former Ruth Perfect now Mrs.. Homer Lyon (right) was married Wed nesday in the chapel of St' Paul's Episcopal church. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. , DeWitt Mr. Lyon, left for army service this week. The bride is the daughter of Professor and Mrs. Albert Perfect of Los Angeles, formerly of Eugene. Mrs. Lyon will live in Salem. (Kennel-Ellis) rVi R. and Mrs. Frederick Goodrich Delano are today announcing the mar- ' riage of their daughter, Miss Cynthia Delano (above) to Mr. Donnell Sanders, son of Mr. Edwdrd O. Sanders, on December 31 in Stevenson, Wash. The wedding of the young couple ' comes as a complete surprise to their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Delano accompanied the couple to Stevenson. For her wed Uing the bride wore a navy blue alpaca frock with matching fez. Her corsage yras of gardenias. The new Mrs. Sanders is a graduate of Salem high schoofand Willamette university, where she was a member of Delti Phi sorority. She is president of Beta Sigma Phi, national education honorary, and has been connected with the Oregon Statesman. Mr. Sanders is also a Willamette university graduate where he was a prominent tennis player. His fraternity was Alpha Psi Delta. He is a graduate of Oregon College of Education at Monmouth and is working toward his mas ter's degree at the University of Oregon. Mr. Sanders is a member of the Coos River high school faculty, Marshfield. (Jesten-Miller photo). ( .. : ; -"N. .1 ' - - t -ys.:t 4 4 -r i " - - K I: I 1 ! 1 t ' ' . t i . - v . - I v ..lW :"i..:..:-.y.:v.;:: 1 . f ' - A t 1 mm iiMiiia umi "r f I ' ; . - v - J v ' rt. - M f '-11 - - - V l - . 1 " - vr A I ; . Av ' N" Mrs. Raymond Charles Busick, left, was married at a ceremony in the Presbyterian parsonage at Vancouver, Washington, February 14. She is the former Mildred Mae Stevens, daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stevens of Salem. The groom is enlisted in the United States navy and Mrs. Busick will remain in Salem where she is with the World War, Veterans state aid commission. (Kennell-Ellis) Mr and Mrs. Amedee M. Smith III Qeft) are pic tured getting into their car after their wed ding at the First Congregational church on February 15. Mrs. Smith is the former Audrey Fehler. A re ception was held at the home of her parents, Mr. qnd Mrs. J. A. Fehler. The groom Is the son of Mr. end Mrs. Harold Smith, Portland. flesten-MillerJ At the right are lieutenant and Mrs. William J. Thompson, snapped by the photographer at the re ception which followed their wedding on February 15. The ceremony was said at rV home of Dr. and Mrs. R. E Lee Stelner. The brV; ; the former Vir ginia Jarman, daughter of Mr. f-id Mrs. Dan B. Jarman. The groom's mother Is Mrs. Ruby Thomp son of Medford formerly of Salem. (Jesten-Miller) r A : v. . v -:. :. : - -V . li :-:x W'A ' V ' V- V , 'J''irr-;,--.- V - f - v 4& & 1' i ,.'AC A 7 -