IH OEEGON STATESMAN, Scdoxn Orogon. Friday Morning. Fstfxnarj 23. 1342 fags xn?z y Valentine tor "Ismoka Stogi" Trom Randolph's flying line. We send this Valentine, To the Japanese Mosquito, Known as Hirobito." Thus, two aviation cadets at the "West Point of the Air" at Randolph Field. Texas, hope for the day when they may deliver sneh a 25-pound note in person. The cadets: . Jesse W. Pienezxa of Tallahassee, Ala., and Byron J. Kleuslnr, of Glenview, I1L Veteran State Aid Commission Reduces Loans by Million in 1941. Reports Secretary The World War Veterans State Aid commission reduced its outstanding loans by more than $1,000,000 during 1941, the annual report of Jerrold Owen, executive secretary, will disclose to the board at a meeting here today. The commission's loans aggregated $7,144,680.51 on Decem ber 31, 1941, as against $8,355, 104.21 on December 31, 1940, and $9,510,084.01 on December 31, 1939. Outstanding realty contracts r e c e I v a ble on December 31, 1941, amounted to $5,010,505.70, . investment in s t a t e-o w n ed property $2,097,726.93 and the state aid sinking fund $2,912,- 439.19. During the calendar year 1941 the deficit of $15,103.26 was elim inated and on December 31 of that year there was a surplus of $290, 352.22. This makes a surplus for the year of $305,455.59. During the year 1941 tax levies in the amount of $448,393.50 were re ceived without which an operat ing loss of $142,937.91 would have been sustained. Number of loans in force on December 31, 1941, totaled 5734, J representing $7,144,680.51. This was a reduction of. from 6273 loans on December 31, 1940, representing $8,355,104.21 and C758 loans on December 31, 1939, aggregating $9,510,084.01. There were 2816 contracts in force on December 31, 1941, amounting to $5,010,505.70, as against 2645 contracts on De cember 31, 1940. totaling $4, 871,366.16. Delinquent accounts on Decem ber 31, 1941, totaled 1422, aggre gating $83,180.22. This was a re duction of delinquent accounts from 2165 on December 31, 1940, representing $139,159.32. The number of state-owned properties on December 31, 1941, was 921 as compared to 1160 on December 31, 1940, and 1311 on December 31, 1939. Value of state owned properties on December 31, 1941, was $2,097,726.90 as against $2,725,853.96 on. Decem ber 31, 1940, and $3,179,127.06 on December 31, 1939. Salary reductions during 1941 aggregated $6355.60. ... Administrative costs of the commission in 1941 aggregated $111,618.52 as compared to $116,530 in 1940 and $122,756. 47 in 1939. The 1941 adminis trative costs included capital outlays $2337.48, office expense . $16,729.36, salaries $84,099.42, traveling expenses $3401.09 and . miscellaneous $5L17. Net sales of the commission for 1941 totaled $724,865.48, with net sales ot date of $6,509,541.12. The legal department handled 21 property foreclosures during 1941, with 6 in process of comple tion at the tune the Teport was prepared. C ' : Sale of Multnomah county properties in 1941 yielded a total volume of $441,630, an increase of 42 per cent over the previous year, and the largest total since 1937. : : . ; In a general resurvey of prop erties , in February, 98 prices were raised an average of $223 each or a total increase of $21, 428 for the year. The majority of these were sold at advance prices. Defense workers gener ally assumed to form the ma jority of home buyers in 1941. Collections on loans and con tracts for 1941 totaled $853,192.12 compared with $749,830.03 for the previous year. The increase was 13.78 per cent Delinquent loan collections were $235,619.29 as compared to $254,688.87 for 1940. On December 31, 1940, delinquent accounts totaled $78,344.90 where as on December 31, 1941, they to taled $53,511.96, a percentage de crease of 31.70 per cent The average rented properties dropped from 309 in 1940 to 251 in 1941 or a percentage decrease of 18.78 per cent. Salem Woman Funeral Set Funeral services for Mrs. Marie LeDik. 80. who died in a Salem hospital Wednesday, are to be held Saturday at z p. m. irom me Clough-Barrick funeral home, with Rev. M. A. Getzendaner of ficiating. Concluding services are to be in Belcrest Memorial park. She was the widow of John Lepik, and lived at route four, box 67R. Mrs. Lepik was born in Esthon ia, and spent her girlhood in Len ingrad and Moscow, Russia. She came to the United States in 1906, settling in Baltimore, Md. She moved to Columbus, Ohio, in 1913. She and Mr. Lepik came to Salem in 1922, where he was employed at the paper mill. She is survived by her brother, Anton Hans Hansen. Club to Build Model Planes In answer to an appeal by the US army and navy the Model Airplane club at the Salem high school will start production of 70 accurate scale models in March. Bill Hamilton, Salem high sen ior and club secretary, was inter viewed by a representative" from an engineering school in Los An eeles. Calif. The models must be built to perfect scale so that they will look like actual planes through the gunner's sights. The planes will be used for practice targets by amateur gunners. Model airplane builders from all over the nation intend to help the government. Crisco, Spry, Snowdrift 3 lb. can... ... 700 Sno-Kreen Shortening lb. can. 630 Sardines Cm cans .. 150 New Garden Seeds Bulk and Package Top Quality Heals With meat prices ad vancing, top quality costs no more than in ferior quality. Bacon Squares Sugar 4 JZgjL cured. Lb... A 9 y Pickeld Pigs Feel Good and 4 TmL tasty. Lb. .. iUp Fresh Smell Columbia River 4 lbs. ... 250 Bib Steaks Cut from young beef. Lb 250 Hinule Han Soups 3 250 BIIISO or 0XYD0L Large OC package Cm& SHRIMP 190 Wet or dry Potatoes Extra good. 50 lbs. No. 2's. $1.19 loyal luesl Coffee, lb. 25c BOTH GLASS CUP & SAUCER. 15c Value 40c 111 II ISfc 3 51 c like Large Heads Ilazda Ligkl Glebes Caniy Bars, Gin Court St. - Kingvood - Ilarion St. MASTER CLAMS 20c Flat Cans 15c Franco-American SPAGHETTI 3 cans 25c 29c 29c 29c No. 2 Cans w cans No. 2 Cans v cans Franco American v cans Argo Fresh Green LIMA BEANS Sunkist Tiny New POTATOES MACARONI Walla Walla Fancy SPINACH No. m Size Cans cans 29c BROOKFIELD CHEESE is 63c SUNKIST APRICOTS 19c TOMATO JUICE 3 cans 25c Sunkist No, 1 Tall Cans 177? ; ' - ' loioHseuive ' S! I find thai when I slop ny fa voriie Bnsick Market and slock ny puniry shelf wilh lie fine feeds I alvays find there in abundance too . . that I an nore than pleased for I an al ways able to do so at a saving! Mighil suggest yon share this saving, too, by shopping a Bu sick Ilarkel ioday?" BUSICK MEAT DEPARTPIENT We Are Now Featuring a uu une 01 owin gpWt Branded Steer Beef This beef chuck roast is rich in Vitamins . . . guaranteed tender Plan vour Sunday dinner around one of these eco nomical roasts . . . Excel lent served with potatoes and peas. SWIFT'S SELECT chum 27c Per Lb. COBIIED BEEF Boneless Brisket Premium Cured 290 lb. SMALL PORK HEARTS 1- j "Add Titamins "and Variety to x our ivicnti SWIFTS SELECT They Excite the Appetite SWIFTS PREMIUM BACON . ! III . . o - r a Tact with inai owcev onwn. gTD : 2 45c Distinctly Different from Swilt s oieer dckl 35c 31c OYSTERS Wlllapas, pint.. 29c SMELT. FRESH DAILY SALMON - FILLET OF SOLE FLOUNDER - COD 35c CHEESE surtft'i Brookfield sliced. Lb- Processed, American, Brick, Swiss COTTAGE CHEESE, KRAFTS 1Q- Country style chive. Pt. wv Creamed UMe pt. Vn'll A 1 i i ' - "j ousick JoaKers! J: ashingion Cljerry Ilni Cakes ".a icing with oodles of Slr , chm.es and nals. 3 sizes.. 490, 290, & 250 Chocolale Cake, Chocolale Fudge Idngv Three sizes , . 490, 290 and 250 Cherry Angel Food 390 lMt 290 ol Cross Buns, dozen 230 Cherry, Apple or tlince Pies 280 Downy Flake Donuis 230 Cherry or Apple Turnovers 3 ,, 100 gJkrCrasi read .... 3 290 aUU&U Large LbaVes ....... ; f fl S HI W Jlt D S: T II U 21 Heres a coffee value you'll not be able to duplicate for many a moon. This coffee teas contracted fot over three months ago and does not reflect todays wholesale price. As Sunkist coffee is one of the higher grades of good coffee the price naturally goes up along, with other coffees; Buy and , savet -' ' . " Pound Tins Pound : Uns I if Fift f V&M : 1 W i "If 12 ounce eunce 15c 43c lOTACIDER BUSICK PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Grapefruit TS 6250 doz.490 Fancy Ilewiown Apples . 6 ,h. 250 CALAVOS 50 6 f.r 250 m doz. 49 1 250 111) ATTPFC Southern Navel UIIHiiUbiJ Sweet Sunkist Spencers lomaloes sSeVais 2 cans Snnkisl Peaches Elberta. packed at Yakima. No. IY can... 12 for $2.87 Sunkist Clingstone, larte halves. Can... 12 for $2.73 Snnkisl Apricois Whole, No. V,i can..... 12 for $2.73 25c Snnkisl Pineapple Sliced. No. H can. 12 for $2.73 Sunkist Pineapple QQ- Jolce, 41-ox. can fc9C 12 for $3.43 Sunkist Cnt Siringless Beans can llC 12 for $1.29 Picnle , .' 0 tk mm Tina . for X3C Snnkisl Corn Cream style or .4 whole kernels dS cans - 12 for $1.47 25c Sutliisl Peas " 29c Early 4 Oarden. ,, cans 12 for $L7e Snnkisl Tcndo Calszi 14-ei. bottle. . d2 bottles S for 47c ' Snnkisl Prunes Irc. 2 pk'r. 19c Snnkisl Peaches Package, dried, 15 C Tomaio Soup leans 15c Campbell's Columbia River Fancy SILVERSIDE SALMON 15-ox. cans, as Ions as J stock lasts, 2 cans TOC WESSON OIL Quart cans 55c SNOWDRIFT.. 6 lbs. $L39 CRISCO 3 lbs. 70c SPRY 3 lb. can 70c Grade A Creamery Duller Lb. L.. .i 39 ft 2 lbs. 77c i5"iiUUll SALMON flat cana....!..: mm cans 49c Banner Margarine-V 2 lb.... - 33 c 2 ibs. 37 c 2r45c Dinner Bell Marrarlne...... All Sweet Manarine Glass Jar Snnkisl Deels 10c Pacific Oysters west for soup, O elect. 10-ox, caB d2 for 25c I i. . t 3 SIC: ic