The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning. February 20.. 1942
Local News Briefs
; Turkey Case Tried The $12,100
damage suit of W. W. Rutherford
and E. M. Rutherford, Marion
county, 'against , the Cherry; City
Milling company and Edward L.
Eyre & Co., has opened in Port
land before a jury and Walter
Tooze, circuit judge pro tern.
Plaintiffs and defendants had en
tered into a contract to raise 8000
turkeys in 1940, that plaintiffs were
to run, feed and fatten the 'fowl
and the defendants were to pro
vide feed, necessary funds for la
bor and supervision, according to
the complaint. Plaintiffs allege
that negligence in caring for the
birds as they were counted by de
fendants . caused exposure and
considerable loss, which the de
fendants deny.
Lutz florist Ph. 9592 1276 N. Lib.
- Defense Recreation Meets Slated
Miss Ella Gardner, Washington,
DC, recreation specialist for the
department of agriculture, will
hold two meetings in Salem next
Tuesday, at the chamber of com
merce rooms. They will be devo
ted to organization of recreation
for defense. The first at 1:30 p. m.
will be for 4-H club leaders and
older 4-H girls and boys, and the
lecond, at 8 p. m. will be for rep
resentatives of community clubs,
granges, service clubs and similar
Organizations that may -be inter
ested in recreational activities.
Savings insured to $5,000.00
ire earning 2M at Salem Fed
'jal, 130 South Liberty.
Canby Program Canby union
high school will present an hour's
patriotic program over radio sta
tion KOAC at 10:15 o'clock Sat
urday morning, reports Miss Fay
Sparks of Salem, director of vo
cal music at Canby high. Stu
dents in her department as well
is the band directed by Walter
Weathers and the public speak
ing department directed by Miss
Mnora Pierce, will participate in
Ihe program, presided over by
Rolla Reedy, principal.
This week buy Cabin Crafts'
Needlecraft rugs for bedroom en
lembles. Washable, colorfast, 27x
18 at $9.95. Better Bedding Store.
Obtain Licenses Elden Ander
Kn, 1086 Highland, and Fern Dell
Glover, 248 D street, both of Sa
lem; Ben Gipson, 220 Garden road
and Mary Re, 250 Summer street,
both of Salem; John Fetsch, 2340
North Commercial, Salem, and
Stella Barnett, Turner; Frank
Scales, Sweet Home, and Helen
Hanenkratt, Lebanon, and Leland
k. Hawk, Beaverton, and Ethel E.
Bainer, Willamina, have been is
lued marriage licenses at Van
couver, Wash.
Turkey dinner1 Sunday, Feb. 22,
at Kingwood Legion hall, Parkway
drive, W. Salem, 12 to 2. Adm. 50c.
Dubach to Speak Dr. U. G.
Dubach, dean of men at Oregon
State college, will be principal
speaker and discussion leader at
the annual Older Boys' confer'
ence here March 20 and 21, it was
announced inursaay louowing a
visit made to him by the program
committee. The theme is "Where
Do We Go From Here?" Mem
bers of the committee, from Sa
lem Hi-Y clubs, are Jim Smith,
chairman; Came ron McDonald,
Roger Wagner, Ronnie Clark and
Joe Yada.
Arrested i n Pendleton J. H.
Duncan, for whom Salem justice
court has issued a warrant charg
ing forgery, has been arrested by
Umatilla county officers and has
posted $500 bail, the Marion coun
ty sheriff's office was notified
Thursday Duncan, for whom a
"similar warrant has been issued
in Corvallis, has posted bond for
that account too, according to Pen
dleton officers.
Ownership Changes Certificate
of, assumed business name for
Cherry City Cleaners was filed in
Marion, county clerk's office
Thursday by E. H. Kennedy and
. Elma H. Kennedy simultaneously
with a certificate of retirement
from the same ' business by C. F.
Doane and Margaret C. Doane.
Joint Meeting Set Dr. Ralph
C Walker of Portland, a princi
pal speaker of the National Chris
tian mission here, is to give the
talk today at a joint luncheon in
the Quelle of the Salem Realty
board and the Retail Trade bu
reau. Eire Mission?
Coming Events
Feb. 25 Marion county re
publican party rally, Salem.
February 27-28 State High
school speech contests at Wil
lamette university.
Feb. 28-March 1 Salem
Lions Kennel club annual show.
March 11-14 State basket
ball tournament.
March 20, 21 Older Boys'
conference, YMCA. -
March 21 Freshman Glee,
Willamette university.
March 27 Half-holiday, Sa
lem schools.
March 30 Last day for May
primary candidates to file.
Thefts Reported Mrs. Ruth
Larson, 1205 South 14th street,
told city police two auto wheels,
tires and tubes were taken Wed
nesday from her basement. Don
Goode, 965 Highland avenue, said
someone took the radiator cap and
tried to get the spare wheel and
tire from his car, "parked in front
of his residence. The door Casing
was broken by someone who en
tered his apartment Wednesday
afternoon, but nothing was taken,
Dan Weitzel, 17921$ .North church
street, reported.
The picket is
KSLM, 9:15 p.
"unfair." Tonight,
Goiinty, Glerk Recalled to Army,
Court May Name Substitute
Harlan Judd, who last December laid aside army garb and!
his second lientenancy to take over his duties as Marion county
clerk after an 11 -months' leave of absence, was notified Thurs
day to prepare to return to army service early in March.
The assignment, still tentative, would be to the quarter
master training center at Fort
Engineer Returns R. H. Bald
ock, state highway engineer, re
turned here Thursday from San
Francisco where he attended !
meeting of the public roads ad
ministration, state nignway . en
gineers and the army air corps,
to discuss emergency airplane
landing fields along the highways
in Oregon, California and Wash
ington. Baldock said a number of
the landing fields were under con
sideration. A committee was ap
pointed to conduct an investiga
Cootie club dance, VFW hall Fri.
Youth Sentenced Richard Wal
lace Tomlinson, 22, of Turner was
committed to the Marion county
jail Thursday by Justice of the
Peace Joseph Felton to serve a
30-day sentence for larceny of
gasoline. Two 17-year-old boys,
allegedly implicated in the under
taking, were certified to juvenile
court Tomlinson pleaded guilty
to the charge. He is said to have
taken gas from a truck belonging
to Minnie Peterson of Aumsville
as it stood parked on a Turner
street Tuesday night.
Buy Johns-Manville lifetime roofs.
18 months to pay; no down pay
ment. Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com.
Ph. 4642.
Parole Revoked Earl P. Wal-
len, held in the Marion county
jail since February 6 under sen
tence for larceny in a store, is a
parolee from the Washington
state penitentiary and when Mar
ion county releases him will again
become an inmate of that institu
tion, Sheriff A. C. Burk's office
was notified Thursday. Wallace
was paroled December 9, 1940,
Washington authorities declare in
the notification of parole revoca
tion. Rummage Fri. & Sat. 275 N. High.
tiimm in inrrr 71 f
Joseph E. Talbot
Joseph E. Talbot, above, Is a new
U. S. representative from Con
necticut. He succeeds J. J. Smith.
Talbot Is shown in Washington as
he took the oath of office.
Paper Firms
Boosts Wages
PORTLAND, Feb. 19-P)
Crown-Zellerbach and three oth
er pulp and paper manufacturers
will grant five per cent wage in
creases Friday to approximately
480 non-union office and super
visory employes in plants at
Camas. West Linn, Lebanon
Seaside, Booth and Cathlamet.
Workers affected are part of
several thousand not covered by
collective bargaining agreements
to receive wage increases in the
industry on the coast, operators
Ruling Made Vehicles, either
unladen or with loads, cannot ex
ceed 11 feet in height when op
erated on the state highways, un
less permission is given by the
state highway department or
county courts, Attorney General
I. H. VanWinkle ruled Thursday.
The opinion was asked by Dis
trict Attorney Orvin O. Robb of
Baker county.
Missing From Horn e Jack
Murphy, 40, was missing from his
residence at 633 North Front
street, Thursday, his wife, Mrs.
Rose Murphy, told city police. He
was reported last seen downtown
Wednesday night. Mrs. Murphy
said their child was sick.
Extinguish Fires City fire de
partment equipment was called
Thursday to extinguish a chim
ney blaze at 1860 Frederick street
and when some smoke appeared
in an attic in the 2200 block Ad
ams street.
T ' . wm.mmi
ji. E 1
Justice Murphy
According to report in Washing
ton, Associate Justice Frank Mur
phy, life-long advocate of Irish
freedom, may head A mission to
the Irish Free State in a more to
"normalize' Irish-American rela
tions. The mission'i ultimate ob
jective, it was said, would be im
brovement of relation between
the Eire government of : Prime
tehi!str Eamon da Valera and
the United Nations. V
Mrs. Marie Lepik, late resident
of Rt 4, box 67R, at a local hos
pital Wednesday, February 18, at
the age of 80 years. Sister "of An
ton Hansen of Salem. Services
will be held Saturday, February
21, at 2 p. m., from the Clough
Barrick chapel, with Rev. M. A
Getzendaner officiating; Conclud
ing services in Belcrest Memorial
Henry Edward Geistfield, of 146
Center street, Salem, Wednesday,
February 18, at the age of 72
years. Brother! of Mrs. Emma
Kuehn, of California, Mrs. L.
Plummer, of Indiana, and William
Geistfield, of Salem. Service an
nouncements later Jty ; Clough-
Barrick company. ' .
White " :r'-..
; At the residence. 355 North
Capitol street, Wednesday, Febru
ary 18, Dr Bertis Hayes White,
aged 64 years. Husband : or Mrs.
Edith White, and father of Ivan
B. White of Rio De Janeiro,- Bra
zil, and Mrs. Herbert Hardy ! of
Portland; brother of Alva White
of Mountain Home, Ida.; Will
White of Payette, Ida George
White of Lincoln. Nebr, and Mrs.
Minerva Working of Salem. Serv
ices will be held in the. chapel of
the W. T. Rigdon company, Fri
day, February 20 at 3 p. m. Dr.
J. C. Harrison will officiate. Con
cluding services in City View
cemetery. .
Worker Loses
Toe in Mishap
Peter Lermon, 43, 260 Park
avenue, suliered the loss oi tne
big toe on his right foot in an
accident late Thursday morning
at the Eyerly Tractor Equipment
It was believed a nut became
loose, allowing a traveling hoist
to drop on Lermon 's foot, crush
ing the first toe and injuring the
He was treated by the city first
aid crew and taken to Salem Gen
eral hospital, where his condi
tion was reported "good."
Warren, Wyoming, March 5, ac
cording to the notification.
Last year while Judd was out
of the county, U. G. Boyer, his
predecessor in the office, contin
ued, serving under appointment
by the county court as clerk pro
tem. Mr. Boyers death followed
Judd's return to office by only a
few days. No indication has come
from the county court as to this
State exrrel Miller B. Hayden
as district attorney vs. Rex Al
bright; on trial. Thursday before
Circuit Judge Austin P. Dobson of
Portland; taken under advisement.
Alta Marie Hanson vs. Paul B.
Cox; motions to strike.
Kantelberg vs. Prudential In
surance company; on trial Thurs
day, continuing today. . "
Louis F. Myers vs. Ivan E.
Crawford and Robert O. Adams,
doing business as Crawford Lum
ber company: order dismissing
complaint and releasing attach
Helen S. Gibbs estate; account'
ing by Bert T. Ford, attorney for
estate, declares that Lawrence
Trask, administrator, has left the
state and that Ford is ceasing to
practice" law here and is leaving
the city; shows receipts of $458,
disbursements of $169.32; $288.68.
is turned over to county clerk for
benefit of estate along with Ford's
resignation as attorney.
Lenna Moreland estate; ap
praised at $300 by Evelyn Jones,
Pauline M. Speerstra and Flor
ence Stewart.
Albert E. Fray, jr.; no tail light;
$1 and costs.
Roger M. Watts; illegal head
light device; $1 and costs.
Robert J. Prince; no tail light;
$1 and costs; fine suspended and
costs paid.
Bob W. Spires; defective muf
fler; $1 and costs.
John J. Meithof; hunting game
birds out of season; plea of guilty;
continued to May 5 for sentence;
released on own recognizance.
Ralph H. Hunsucker; passing
another moving vehicle on a
curve; $5 and costs.
Donald Howard Vander; charge
of driving without clearance lights
dating back to October, 1940, and
of operating an overloaded truck
dating back to June, 1941; two
days in jail on each charge; com
mitment issued.
Arden Hudnall, 1090 Rural ave
nue, no driver's license, fined $5.
Orville C. Wight, 551 North 1st
street, failure to stop, fined $2.50.
Michael Twadell, Eugene, vag
rancy, ten days sentence suspend
ed on condition he leave the city.
Nurse Aides
Course Set
By Red Gross
An intensive 80 hour instruc
tion course for volunteer nurses'
aides is being organized by the
Marion county chapter of the
American Red Cross. The course
is open to women between the
ages of 18 and 50, who are able
to give at least 150 hours of vol
unteer work during a year. -
The aides will work, under the
supervision of a graduate nurse.
The course, to be limited , to 30
aides, will include one-hour lec
tures . and demonstrations and
one or more" hours of daily prae
tice for five days a week.
Later the aides will be super
vised in practice in hospitals , or
designated training centers. -.
These members of the Volun
teer Nurses Aide corps are des
ignated for the emergency only,
and will not be qualified as gra
duate nurses or practical nurses
later. Registration should be
made through the local Red Cross
Miserable With A
Just try Va-tro-nol up each
nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen mem
branes, (2) soothes irritation, and (3)
helps clear cold-clogged ypCK
nasal passages. Fol- .fw
low thVoompkte di- JISmL"
rections in folder. YATZO-KSL
Ex-Tillamook Mayor
Is Taken by Death
' TILLAMOOK, Feb. lMflVFred
R. Beals," 73, ex-mayor of Tilla
mook and one-time state . repre
sentative from Tillamook and
Yamhill counties, died today. He
had lived here 56 years. - j
Survivors, include the widow,
Bird, and a brother, Arthur. Fu-
neratervices .will be held Satur
Pastor Speaks Dr. Paul S.
Wright, pastor, First Presbyterian
church, Portland, will address the
Salem Credit association at its
luncheon, session today. ;
Filbert Trees....
j -
-20e up
2-Yr. Apple Se Pear..
Peaches 25c and up LARGE QUANTITY
Many Choice Varieties of Rhododendrons and Camellias
Red Azaleas .. .40c Heather -,
See Us for Yoar Landscape Planting
255 N. Hich St. ( Phone 11
Parking in Rear of Sales Yard
Salvation Army
Youth Rally Set
For Saturday
Over 100 delegates, made up
of corps cadets as well as Young
People's league members, are ex
pected in balem Saturday for a
rally to be held at the Salvation
Army citadel, 241 State street.
Representatives from Eugene,
Albany, St. Johns, Portland, Ore
gon City, The Dalles and Salem
will be here for the parley, which
includes luncheon and dinner sessions.
Two conferences are to be con
ducted by Lt, Col. and Mrs. A.
D. Jackson, Portland, comman
ders of the southern Idaho and
Oregon division, Major and Mrs.
R. Gifford, Portland, and Cap
tain Elsie Guthrie, Portland, di
visional guard organizer.
At 7:45 p. m. a public session
is slated.
Appear on Program P u p i 1 s
from Mrs. Walter Denton's studio
who will appear on the Salem
YMCA lobby music program at 5
o'clock this afternoon are Ruth
Bain, Patricia Long and Patricia
Lion L u n c h e o n Held Dr.
Ralph C. Walker, pastor of the
White Temple Baptist church,
Portland, was the speaker at the
weekly luncheon meeting of the
Salem Lions club Thursday noon,
V Avim :
i i lit
Made to Soil for $1.19
Tailored or Lace Trim
Bias or Four Core
Adjustable Straps
Rayon Crepe or Satin
Styled to Fit
Lovely, new, good fitting slips la tearose, or yvhitt. Xmbroldmd
bra top and ruffled edged ktrt Finished well to civ longtr
wear. At this price you can afford to get two er threa.
At AH Frtd Mtytt Wtmtn'g Wtmr Sttim
Rayon Knit Panties
9 Panty or Brief Sty lei
Double Crotch
Styled to Fit the Figure
Closely knit, long wearing panties to
wear under those new alackt or your
spring suit.
41 AU Trti Myw Wimtn'i Wtn Stttium
Full Fashioned
3 Thread Sheers
89c Value
Reinforced at Points of Wear
Deep Bemberg Carter Welt
The latest Spring shades are at last
here for vou. Lovelv dull finUhMi hm
that will make your dress and shoes (i pa
look much smarter. Sizes 8 V4 to 10 tt. yt B I .9U
At Att Frtd Mtytr Wtmm't Wr Sttitt
Defense Bonds
and Stamps!
I Li
Reg. 5c i
Steel Safety Pins i
40 to 0 With
a Card O Coupon
Void afttr Feb. 13, IMS
tfi Mtytr Wtmtn't Wtmr StctUm
Vf vf ir i ifcf ij
Senate Hits Pension
The senate rejected Thursday a
proposal by Senator Downey (D
Calif.) to authorize the payment
of maximum federal pensions of
$30 a month to all qualified needy
persons 60 years old or older.
DweUinff Permitted Lone per
mit issued Thursday by , the city
building department was to Ben
Reimann to erect one-story dwell
ing and garage at 2495 Myrtle
avenue at a cost of $2000.
Townsend C 1 a b Scheduled
Central Townsend - club number
six will meet at the court house
tonight at 8 o'clock. . . - . ,
Picket Special.
. Friday Luncheon -.
Choice of
Soup or Dessert
Salmon Patties with
: Obrien Sauce -:
. Coffe, Tea or
Buttermilk -
35 Ccnls
Anto Supply
Lower Level
Drug Bldg.
Dread and Cake Dox
$1.29 A Ac
Value U7
Peoratf4 to rsd or bhit. Bright
It&ia to 44 to your kUehia.
squsess oa
Cannitter Set
rieee 5QC
for your cooking b4.
ditst frbm noilinor -ft. I'
9gkx. eta. Various cslo'il
Garbage Can
VL 69'
Watt Ditk
5lf 17'
Fred Mc;
Supply Section I . .
tied Meyer Auto Supply Section Fred Meyer Auto Purely Section
Plentf e Defense Cerc3on
With Soodo Tho Succood
Dust Pan
lit T
Sweet Pea Collection
Shirt; T.mpl What Uf
CAwmm Blw ' Amhltim
King Whit rnf trine
3m8 ...
Meyer Auto .u
New Plastic Hm Couf Kni
Assorted Flower and r.
Vrrtbls Seeds SC 10
Lux Morcroe Fertiliser
Tbia coupling is usod 4
to fastsn two sprU IjC
pieces of hose togsther.
Hot Nossles
Vorjr handy tor jrour
i - : - . a
rsMsa aoss.
iiao it to aid
Just the
to nil
garden produo
tola E priag.
Fred Meyer Auto Supply Section - Fred Meyer Auto Supply Section
To Protert tverfreent, lie
DIack Leaf Forty
KKIt last nnd Inttctt, 2f
1- -f. ' ; c Aui in,, , .lion
Prices Good Friday Thru Monday
T?w T1TV7
Plastic Top
Syrup Pitcher
Ref. 25e
Onion Choppei
: Coupon
Re. 10c
Pkg. Vitamin D:l
for Plants
' Coopon
Fred Mever Auta Sunnl fiMHinn Vl Vn... tni. C....1.. ciimiI ivJ tfA.. Antn fiunnlv EaMInn ,
Void ater Feb. S3," 1942 1 Void fr Feb. S3, 19U ' .Void iter Feb; 23, 1941 r; is I