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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1942)
fh OHEGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning. February 23, 1942 PAGE KZNETEQf Buying? Sailing? Trading? Let Classified Do It :Fos: You 4 1 i 1 Cteaslfled Advertlslns Statesman Classified Ads Cell 9101 Three insertions per line 25c Six Insertions per Line 40c One month per line - l2i Mtwtmntq charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; C ti. min. 45a No . refunds. -..;".. Copy tot this page accepted on to 020 the evening before publica tion (or classification. Copy re ceived after this ttme wul be run under the hearting Too Lata to Classify." - The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisement pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs.' The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for -the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman ts not at liberty to divulge infor maUon as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry 10 GOOD young double tested cows tor only $1000. B. Fenwick. 645 Ferry. DAY OLD "and sUrted chicks! Zimmerman. 3480 Center. Ph. 2-2526. FARMERS WI PAY 50c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Top prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORJfcS. Help Wanted Male ENGINE LATHE operators wanted. Harris Ice Machine Works. 625 N. Tillamook street, Portland. Oregon. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED egg candler wanted. Must be experienced. Ph. 7007. Situations Wanted GARDENS and oYchards, any size, plowed with Ford tractor. Ph. 6997. BOY, 17, wishes lawn wk. In ex Change for. rm. & bd. P. 6796. PRUNING and lawn work. Ph. 7330. CAENTERT?eU371phTll39i7' PAINTING. DECORATING. Ph. 7552. For Sale Miscellaneous USED DAVENO $29.50 Upholstered in brown tapestry -GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4615 DO YOU WANT TO SAVE ON FURNITURE PURCHASES? SHOP NOW I at UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St. Salem, Oregon Our Prices on One Piece or a House Full are ""Low" Reasonably Low Terms. Buy while the items you need can be had. Our stocks are ample now. A small payment will hold your purchases. Business as Usual Pays Everyone's Taxes and Expenses. , ;-BUY:UPSTAHtS.ANp SAVE! Large Unfinished Magazine Baskets 95c to S1.25 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. ma 175 N. Liberty Phone 4615 360 "N. Z. W. does, 3 bucks Sc 80 young. Rt. 4. Box 109, Boone Rd. Sc 99 E. Geo. Ditto. Used ROUND OAK Dining table $5.85 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. INC. J7S N. Liberty Phone 4615 APEX washer, like new, reas. 1258 S. ComX St. Used 3-pc. DINETTE SET $9.85 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. INC. S75 N. Liberty Phone 4615 PRUNES Italians, good quality. 40 60 to lb., 100 lbs., 5c., 50 lbs.. 5aC lb. 13 lbs. SI. Apples. 50c up., Pr. boxes. Franquette walnuts, 16c Sc 14c; May- ettes, 12',jC. Ernest Anderson. Orchard Bta. Rd. 1 mi. off Wallace Rd. VSED DRESSER, good condition $9.85 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. INC. 175 N. Liberty Phone 461S ALL KINDS of road gravel, crushed rork. washed mason sand, and con crete 'sand. Before buying call us and get our quotations. COMMERCIAL SAND St GRAVEL CO J. F. Ulrich (owner) 117 Court St. Phone S672 USED DAY BED $14.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. r 175 N. Liberty Phone 4615 Wanted Furniture - f. N. St GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Sc furniture dealers will Day you more cash or trade for furniture Sc household goods. We buy or sell ever jrtninf. ra. aim. ' CASH FOR used furniture Sc house bold goods. K. rorgey. Ph. 7445. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Electric stove and washer In good condition. Pay cash. Ph. 5053. POULTRY. EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co. 1505 N. Front Ph. 7007. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair "TWO-HOUR SER Vict IN MOST Bring or Mat Your Plates for Repair DH HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpta Bldg. State Com'l. Ph 3311 ALTERATIONS, repairing and tail ring. Economy Cleaners, ISM State. m. C033. , . .... ' ' '' J, ' .-. -5. 1 V ....-.!...' J- ' ' - f ADVERTISING Western Advertising -Representatives . - Ceorre D. Close. Inc. - Baa Francisco Los Angeles Seattle ' ! . Eastern Advertising ; ' Representatives - " :: Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. '.- Chicago, New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta Entered at te Postoffic at Salem. Omen, m Second das Matter. Rub- 'Ushed every morning except Monday BuMnta Qjfic 225 South . Commercial .Attract. - - - - . : " SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: Man RuhaerlotkHi Rates tn Advances .- Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. SO cents; a mos.; u axv; a rear $5.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per mo. or $4.00 for 1 year tn advance. Per copy S cents. ; newssianas rora. -fev- Pitr Carrier. 60 cents a month 17.29 a year in advance- tn Marlon and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRITE or Dhone (9168) to Salem's oldest, iars-st borne owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to IS MONTHS TO REPAY Tea can pay in full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made as furni ture or not. SEE ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. NO. M-1M JM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie No. 8-US 134 So. Commercial St. Phone B188 first door south of Ladd as Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new o used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO IS MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 91SS Lie No M-152 PRIVATE MONEY to loan on good real estate. Also fire Sc auto insurance, notary public C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 FHA LOANS 4tt. Abrams 6c Ellis, Inc. also prlv loans Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property Will buy mortgages or contracts, hawkins Sc Roberts. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to rerm. guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, deStfpus meals at low prices. ROOM w. garage. 490 N. 21st. , ROOM with garage. 1490 N. 21st. NICE rm., mod. home. 955 Belmont. SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court. CLOSE in. clean, warm. Ph. 4498. SLP RM. near state bldgs. Ph. 21449 Room and Board HEATED RM. and board. 168 N. 12th. MAN WITH steady income to room and board; no drinker. 889 Oak St. CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BHD Sc rm. 743 S. Coml St For Rent Apartments SMALL APT. 404 S. High. 1-rm. & 2-rm. f urn., heated. 633 Ferry, DESIRABLE 3-rm. modern, unfurn. duplex. 605 S. Summer. Ph. 7194. 2-r pr. bth.. st. h.. $20. 2064 N. Capitol FURN. apts. Leslie Manor, 310 Leslie. NICE furn. apt., bath. 590 Union. 2-ROOM apt. 265 S. Com! CLEAN, one rm. apt. 645 Ferry. S HEATED apU. 444 S. High. NICELY furn.. Its., h. waU refriav Ph. .6288. , -; .-J. -ves TTulTPrTprLenT FURN.. mod. 3-rm. 776 N. Com'l. 2-RM. furn., $12. Hot water, washer, gar.. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3946. 3-RM. duplex furn. apt. Frig., elec. range, autom. hot water 6c oil heat Adults. 771 S. 21st. LARGE mod. furn. 4-rm. apt., pri. ent 735 No. Capitol. Ph. 7694. CLOSE IN. 891 N. Coml.. S20. COZY apt, near capitoL 966 Center. ATTRACTIVE 3-rm.. heat 1411 Court DESIRABLE apt. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. COMFORTABLE, furn. 3-rm. apt State St. Apts. Ph. 21411 or 4370. 3 R.. hot wat heat bath. tel. Sc washer. 639 N. Liberty. 3-RM. furnished apt. 1209 Court S R. furn. aot Close in Prt. bath, Its, h. water, wash. 1234 S. ComX FURN. apts, $6.50 up. 1310 S. 13th 2-R. turn., Jit, $13. 1440 Waller FURN. COTTAGES. 2 miles south $10 $12 mo. Inq. 484 N. Church. For Rent Bouses NICE HOME in the country, modern except basement. Garage, large gar den space. S17. Ph. 2ZF16. MOD. 4-ROOM house, auto. heat. garage, fireplace. Evenings. 1105 Rural. HOUSE. 4 room. Very neat. Has hot & cold water & snower. our miles south. Place for cow & chick ens. 2 A. land. Immed. poss. Ph. 5837. MOD. 4-rm. turn, court cottage. Gar age, water and garbage service. P. 3282. FURN, UNFURN. HSES. $15 to $45 O. E. RAE 1255 State Ph. 6761 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sea exchange, lease, rent see Mr Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins Sc Roberts 3 RMS. furn.. wood, lights, gas. ear. washer, $20. 2261 Hazel. Ph. 7864. 3 R. house, $12. 405 Madrona Ave. 7-RM. mod, furn. 863 N 16th. MARCH 7 6-rm. house. 3 blocks east of capitoL Furnace. Ph. S9S3. 3-RM. mod, furn. Frigidaire. Adults. Inq. 2210 Hazel, after S p. m. TO responsible adults 2',i A, 3-rm. house, outbid, ml. from city. inq. Box 9. Duncan Ave. (suvenon mo.) 2 NEW 4-rm. mod. homes. Prt. ga rages, utility rms, elec range, refrig. OtXTJ. FURNISHED HOUSE. H. L. tifL. PART furn. S-R, $10. S350 Myrtle. 3-RM, partly furn. Also 4-rm. house. $10 and $13. Inq. 2249 Broadway. BLONDE "Be) i,ir BfcGVJOCC? I WEARjlm. 1 1 fIlleT V&tT PS AFRAJD)..V1 I J lll VEI-L II 'fuSJS S ( I !. .". STRANGE MOSES ffT , l PEAR. fT MkSMT 3 WJTVWAT Money; to Loan CASH FOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to' Reduce ear or other contract payments. There's a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Loan Center" SU Court St.. Salem Phone 444( State license S-22S M-278 CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOE Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 811 State Street S Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. J191 License Nos. 8-122 & M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M 159 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest - W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS Financial 5 City, suburban loans. low mo. O pymt. Int. only on unpaid bal. Rich L. Reimann, 187 S. High. Ph. 9203. For Rent- Farms 7-ACRE farm. Close in. Modern house. Wired for range. Ph. 4881. For Rent SMALL High street store room. Op posite courthouse, xi. L. a tut. BUSINESS bldg. 863 N. Liberty. 5211. MODERN COTTAGES. $4 & up. Junction Auto Court South Commercial For Sale Real Estate Have you ever wanted to atop pay ing rent? There is no time like the present 4 rms.. full basement with furnace, fireplace, newly panited inside. A lovely lot with nut and fruit trees. close to grade Sc Jr. high school. A very good buy at 3i3u, only siuu an. and $27.50 per mo. 4 rms. and nook, fully plastered This is in West Salem. If you don't need a large house this is a nice little home. $2250, only $100 dn, and S22.50 Der mo. 5 rms, hardwood floors throughout. This is walking distance to town. Hitx are your tires? $3100, $100 down and only $23 per mo. New 4 rms. St noo! .i acre fine garden soil. i"2 "can havs a fine garden and chickens here, iou or nice big trees. I blk. 'to bus and 2 blks to a nice Dig marxei. sarou, iuu en. ana E23 per mo, inciuaing taxes ana in surance. These are all good buys and cer tainly beat paying rent. RICH L. KE1MAX41N 167 S. High Street. Ph. 0203 Salem s Largest Home Builder NEW SUBURBAN HOME Ten acres with new 4 R. home., tim ber, creek, S miles out. $250 down, bal. per mo. rnce stuuu. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 FOR $6500 One of the most outstanding pieces of property consists of 9-rm. house with two z-rm. apts. upstairs, ana s-rm. on the first floor. Full bsmt, wood furn. Also 4 rms. at back on paved alley. Selling because of sickness. Terms. See Mr. Larsen with HAW KINS Sc ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. 777 N. COTTAGE ST. Good 3 R. home with cement base ment furnace, double garage, includ ing furniture. Price $2750. $500 down, bal. $25 per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St - Ph. 4131 URGENT Illness forces -sale of this fine, well built 10-room house, right downtown. Could not be replaced for twice the amount asked, $6000. Will accept small house as part. See Mrs. Ellis with Chi Ids Sc Miller, Realtors, 344 State St, Phone 9261. 5-RM. hse., newly decorated Inside. Basem't, furnace St- fireplace. New roof on hse. and garage. Nice location. 1S42 N. Church. HOME BARGAIN Good 5 R. plastered bungalow home with full basement, garage, cor. lot, paved sts. Located on E. Center St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price $2100 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 HURRY HURRY Buy while there is a selection among low-priced nouses We offer: : 1140 N. 16th, 2 lots, 5-room house tor slaw. 319 S. 18th for $1975. 620 S. 18th for $1250. 411 S. 16th for $2000. 1310 WaUer for $1250. As us about these. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs St Miller. Realtors, 344 State St., Phone 8261. We are headquarters for good homes. 4 Bdrm, close in, very modern $8000 3 bdrms. Walnut Park . 5500 3 bdrm, close in 5000 3 bdrm, new 3500 5 rm, lot 75x150 2250 S rm, car. Sc w. shed. 1630 EASY TERMS. ALL See Johnson or Green with . T. L. REEDY 22S Oreg. Bldg. Ph. S4S6 NEW 0 R. strict, mod. hdwd fir. gar, lg. lot. Nr. sch. Attract, loc. Furn. or unf. $3000. EZ terms., 355 Madrona. AT CORNER 21ST St CHEMXKETA We offer a S3 by 129 sot with home of large rooms, two porches, double garage. Possession now.. Priced $4000 nmitea tune oniy. O. E. RAE. THE REALTOR 1253 State . Ph. STfll For Sale Real Estate $22503 rm. house, 2 bedrms, fire place, plastered and bsmt Fruit St shrubbery. Terms reasonable. flT50 4 rm. house and bath, electric water heater, hdwd. firs, wired for range, garage and shrub bery. In food condition. Very reasonable. $4200 An attractive home, new and with a wodnerful view; 4 rms. and bath, fireplace, hwd firs, bsmt and furnace. Venetian blinds, garage, floored attic, terrace drive in West Salem. $5800 8 rm. house and bath. Bsmt Sc furnace, oil ; burner. S bed rms. upstairs. 1 downstairs. In Sood condition. Nice place for a irge garden. Barn for horses. Fruit and shrubbery. Garage. Upstairs floors carpeted. P. H. Bell, Realtor 420 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8121 SMALL, new S rm. house. V A. North. Good welt electricity, close in. Inq. 20 Fan-haven Ave. PRIVATE MONEY to loan on good real estate. Also fire St auto insurance, notary public. C H- SANDERS 231 N. High 38 For Sale Farms 100 ACRES. 6 miles east . -$4500 68 acres. 10 acres beaverdam. baL river bottom $8000 IS acres. Lake Labish $4250 10 acres, 3 miles Salem. Well-improved black soU $4000 1 acre, 0 rm. mod. hse. $3500 T. L. REEDY 228 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 6466 BY OWNER: 15 A. with 6 rm. mod ern house, basement, furnace, dbL gar, family orchard, running water, equipped for irrigation. Outside Stay ton city limits on W. Stayton Rd. Write Rt. , Box 169, Stayton, or phone 2325, Stayton, evenings. 130 ACRES. S miles south of Salem, 24 acres In hairy vetch, berries, cherry and prune orchards, pasture, timber, creek and spring water. Buildings, electricity, cat-tractor and farm im plements. Phone owner 6191. BARGAIN About 24 acres, near Pratum. All stock, and equipment, in cluding furniture, for quick sale, $5600 cash. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Ph. 9203 Acreage 80 ACRES FOR SALE Located about 7 miles east, creek, all Willamette silt loam soil, 28 acres in crop, balance stump pasture. Price $75 per acre cash. If you want good soil this is it. W. H. GRABENHORST, Sc CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 TIMBER BARGAIN 80 acres fir and oak timber, located on paved highway. Price $2100 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST, Sc CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Suburban REAL SUBURBAN HOME $5000 Strictly modern, 5 rooms. Ac reage 65x200 ft Grand view. Has elec. water heater Sc wired for elec range. Also house, 4 room, also elec. heat er & wired for elec. range. Grand view. Real buy. See Louis Bechtel or. Mabel Needham. 341 State. Room 4. Business Opportunities RESTAURANT BARGAIN Fully equipped, located at 158 S. Commercial St. Price $600 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO,Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 BEER Sc WINE, good location, one of best in town. Cash. Box 1985, States man. . . i BEAUTY Shop, well established busi ness. Fully equipt. Phone 333, McMinn ville. Ore. APTS, income $250 per month. Will take home close in as down payment 818 Grant, Klamath Falls. SERVICE STATION for lease. Fully equipped. Immediate possession. Gal- lonage rental, m. 7S7S. BOTTLED MILK route, in Salem. Possession March 1st Dial 2-2968. Business Cards in this directory run ob a monthly basis only. Rate: $L25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 273 South Cornmerdal Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 S Com'cL P. 451$ Chiropractic Physicians G. A. Sternberg. 346 N. CapitoL 373L Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. BOSS. TELEPHONE 445a R. E Northneaa. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. stents dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal. Salem Sand Si Gravel. P. 0408. Florists Breithaupt-e 447 Court Phone tlOS. Funeral Directors TerwUliger Funeral Home. Ph. CSSS. Blattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO Sk alATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, aid made, rug cleaning & weaving. S 13th Sx Wilbur TeL S44l Zwtckera. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4080. Nurseries Fruitland Nursery. 280 Canter, P. OCT!. Firm, Dogwood! For Sale Used Cars REAL VALUES s 1941 Chev. Mas. Del. Sd. 5309 actual miles: heater, dark green finish. 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor Good tires, heater, very clean. 1940 Chev. Mas. Dl. Tud. Good tires, heater, interior like new. 1940 Pontiac Del. Sedan Radio, heater, good tires, light blue finish. 1940 Olds 6 pass. Coupe Maroon finish, good tires, heater. 1939 CHEV. MASTER DEL. TUDOR 1939 PLY. DEL. SEDAN 1938 CHEV. MASTER COUPE 1938 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 1938 FORD 60 COUPE 1937 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN 1937 FORD 85 SEDAN 1937 FORD 60 TUDOR 1937 DO 1X3 E DELUXE SEDAN 193S PLY. DELUXE SEDAN 1937 GRAHAM SUPER SEDAN 1935 TERRAPLANE SEDAN 1936 FORD DELUXE SEDAN 1935 FORD DELUXE TUDOR 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN 1935 DODGE DELUXE TUDOR 1935 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COUPE 1935 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1934 BUICK SEDAN 1937 CHEVROLET PANEL MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Sts. Ph. 4702 Plymouth 1938 Tudor Sedan ALL-STEEL BODY Sc TOP. NEW DARK GREEN FINISH,. VERY CLEAN UPHOLSTERY, MOTOR AND GEN ERAL MECHANICAL CONDITION FIRST CLASS. 90 Tires You will have to hurry. Only $565 SALEM AUTO CO. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH Quality Used Cars N. Com'l. at Center St Phone 4673 '41 PONTIAC Streamliner. 80 tires. radio, heater. 10.000 miles. Enlisted Must sell equity. 410 S. 24th between 5 Sc 8 evenings. 103S CHEV. truck. L.W.B.. 4-SDeed trans, dual wheels, high rack. A real buy. See Chambers at Shrock's, 270 N. Church. 33 CHEV. stand. 4-door sedan. Ex ceptional shape. $323. 2063 S. Cottage. Ph. 3684. 1935 FORD V8 coach. Good rubber. $200. 1790 Water St 1S37 LINCOLN ZEPHYR. Radio, heater, sport light good rubber. Per fect condition thruout A steal if sold at once. See Chambers at Shrock's, 270 N. Churchy '35 Ford, good tires, cheap. 390 Gaines. Directory Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON. Ph. 461S. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow, 394 N. Church. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 213 S. Commercial. Tele phon 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, i54 S Liberty. Ph. 0594. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers FOR SALE OR RENT. SIS N. Front Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062. TOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil. briouets. Trucks to Portland daily, Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points. Larmer Transier pn. iul Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection tn your home. Au fhoriaed Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bree. Ph. S02X Well Drilling SN1XD DRILLING CO. Specialists for irrigation, city Sc do mestic wells. Test borings Sc blast holes. Estimates without Obligation. B. F. Sneed. 2503 Brooks St Phone 0800. K Ay WEST. Rt S, Box 443. Ph. S-229S. For Sale Used Cars Almost New Cars Almo st New Tires At Low, Last WILL TRADE FOR GOOD CARS WITHOUT TIRES ... SHORT TTMX ONLY! TRADE TODAY I TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE! 41 DODGE CUSTOM LUXURY LINER SEDAN Fluid Drive) 40 STUDEBAKER COMIX S-cyl. ' SEDAN. Overdrive, low mileage. 41 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Like new. 40 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE COUPE A real savings. 41 DODGE DELUXE COUPE Leather Upholstery. HUBBARD MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Dist. 52S CHEMEKETA ST. Sc HIGH ST. PHONE 4119 FIVE GOOD ONES 1939 Ford Deluxe Fordor $695 Radio and beater. Maroon finish. A real bargain. 1940 Buick Super Touring Sedan $1045 Gunmetal finish, heater. 1939 Chevrolet Coupe $645 Beige finish, radio, low mileage. 1941 Chev. Spcl. 5 Pass. Coupe $1025 Maroon finish, radio, heater, hot air defroster, low mileage. 1936 GMC Panel A Bargain $195 McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 CENTER ST. PHONE 3188 41 Ply 4 Dr. Sedan 39 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan 38 Olds 4 Dr. Sedan 38 Ford Deluxe Sedan 37 Plymouth 4 Dr. Sedan 36 Ford Coupe 36 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan 36 Plymouth Coupe 30 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM SAM'S MOTOR CO. OPPOSITE CITY FIRE DEPT. 453 Chemeketa Phone 7817 193 PLYMOUTH COUPE. Ph. 5884. New tires. Between 9 and 10 a. m. "29 CHEV coach. Ready to go. $23. Good tires. 2375 Myrtle. '37 FORD club coupe. 4 new re- caps. Ph. 6689. 1939 Delux DeSoto bus. coupe. Ex cellent tires, cond. Radio, etc. Ph. S196. 40 OLDS "6" sedan. 19.000 miles, good tires, no reasonable offer refused. E. Zane. 158 Duncan, Cap. Dist Wan led Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. No car too new for us to buy. From $10.00 to siooo.oo. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best in Transportation 440 Center St . Phone 21533 WANTED Best model A Ford for cash. Call mornings, apt 3. 1240 Center. Business Opportunities 11 RM. house with 3 apts. 1370 Chem. For Sale-Wood DRY WOOD Phone 2-1444. DRY WOOD Phone 0560. 10-INCH OLD FIR. Ph. lSFS. BEST DRY OLD TO. M". Ph. 6663. OLD GROWTH wood. Ph. 7093. FRESH screened sawdust delivery. Ph. 0444. Prompt OLD FIR. Ph. 3380. Ashcraft WOOD FOR SALE. Ph. 3334. S-CORD load, $11.50. Ph. S217. Wood Sawing WOODSAWINO. Phone T07X Transportation a WISH RIDX to Seattle Feb. SL Return Feb. 23. Ph. 21843 after 1 pjn. DRIVING to Texas. Take 2. Share expense. Call before 5 JO. 1385 Jefferson By CHIC TOUIIQ For Sale Used Cars - Year Prices!! 40 DODGE DELUXE LUXURY LINER SEDAN. Very low mile age. OLDSMOBILX ft-cyL DELUXE SEDAN Radio and heater. 39 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 38 FORD TWO-DOOR SEDAN $7 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS! Club Elite. Box 71-Q. Main P.O.. Los Angeles. Cat Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF the State of Oregon, for THE COUNTY OF MARION In the Matter of the ) Release of Dower of ) Harriet Thiel, ) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. This cause coming on to be heard on amended petition of Cross Word 13 15 16 19 u 2S 25 29 32 34 n 59 40 49 45 HORIZONTAL 1 Feminine name 5 Afternoon parties ; 9 Variety of tea 12 Scent 13 Orient 14 Torrid 16 Atmospheric condition IT Wkt European, river flow fete tkt Meditrmnsan sec 4 ta Gulf of ths Lionf I mi tWke was tte sUetl sxm eHAduIt females Noakt 20 Uplifts tl Wkt dam of Uu PostosM Canal servu to form larg$ lalts tk torn nam$t in Leader 24 Above IS Squander 2$Not in the scale 28 Slight bow 29 Prices 20 Eeeentrie wheel-part 21 Half an em 52 Sloping roadways 53 Rent 24 Enibankment .25 Window sections ' - X Oyerconie 25 dost tie 29 Chtcse --- , ; r 19 What rfeer t Vtnvaula flow : miUt (e lse Atlanta 45 Hebrew high priest 44 Backofnack ' 4S Spirit , . 47 Sped . 45 Cast off 49 Sandy tract by aem 1 borlne 2 Lyric poem '4r-Wht Kniglt teas Uad of Os "Round labUrj . kAboond - Organ of eeariag T Like 1 Naxrew water passages Legal Notice A. H. Thiel, husband of Harriet Thiel. for an order authorizing him to execute a deed to the East erly 141.6 feet of Tract No. , ia Cloverleaf subdivision, excepting the southerly' 15 feet thereof lo cated In Marion County, Oregon, and by said deed to relinquish the dower of Harriet Thiel. an insane person. In and to said property, and the court being duly advised, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED. That Gaillord H. Thiel, Warren A. Thiel and Flor ence ITU el, next of km of Harriet Thiel and all Persons interested tn said real estate appear before uus court on or before the Srd day of March. 1942. to show cause, if any exists why such deed should not be directed to be made by this court, i IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That service of Chis order on Har riet Thiel be made by Dublication. as by law provided. E. M. PAGE, Dated January 19, 1942. J-23-30- r -0-13-20. NOTICE DOG OWNERS 1942 Doff licenses Are Now Due Male or spayed female $1 Female $2 Any person owning or keeoin? a dog must secure a license from the county clerk before March 1 to avoid a penalty of $1. Does becoming 8 months old after March 1 may be licensed without penalty at any time be fore they become 8 months old. H. A. JUDD, County Clerk, Salem, Oregon. F. 20-27 rr 1 r ' ,1 v.V Lovely Marion Blessing Is the first girl to sign up for parachute train ing at the Bronx, New York; Office) of Civilian Defense. Lodges i4c f Pacific Lodge No. SOA T-&AM. Stated Meeting Fri.. Feb. SO. :30 p. m. By order W. M. Puzzle 10 II 14 17 16 20 26 21 3 V, 58 44' 4. 46 4 9 Selected 10 Sharpen 11 Sweetsop 16 Female chicken IS Secrete 20 Impairs by inaction 21 Departed tS Wkat river t England flows eg 1 Stratfordt ISWhat tila ss Qusbse st netsa for its scntaryr. 1 8 Tranaportation coat X7 What mid maotom city in ClU seat ef low Stats CoUeatT 29 Cares 20 Express sympathy sz Network 23 Sunburned 84 Classic lanraago 85 Hawaiian food SO Who wa haavjfWoigKt hoxin enamvwn tn ztsij 17 Feminine nasae ' 28 Propagated 40 Open (poet) 41 Metal container . 42 Single unit , 45 Exclamation Answer to resterday's pnnle. ti-ra P rli I.. I olAlol OH S Alt- 6 R T . . 'TTSliSil.- sVl NPA NT .AVE ood'j io 5 P a 3. 1 g"5" Cage iAST " I Aeraae ta el s4sl M ssSsalaa, " - '!,v : - 1 ajaceni oounuea. , ' ' ' ''-) " . Y: )"'" i- I - . - .. f . - ( - " ' ,,'ySjsWsF'4"-''Sjii '&&&!&&4ltif00tt0K&ijr&it0gBpf--qgfjj