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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1942)
PAGE SIX Dinner for Alumnae The home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jochimsen on Leslie street was the scene of a delight ful party Tuesday night when the Alpha Gamma Delta alum nae entertained their husbands and friends.' , A buffet supper was served and several hours of bridge fol lowed. Daffodils and other spring flowers provided the dec orative note about the rooms. : Covers, were" placed , for Mr. and Mrs! E. B. Bossatti of Dal las, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc Grath of Woodburn, ! Miss Bar bara Westerman and Miss Lil lian Holechek of Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Armpriest, Mr. and Mrs. James TurnbuU, Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Howarth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lathrop, Miss Cleo Saueressig, Miss Rosemary Sny der, Mrs. Winston Williams, Miss Margaret. Mullen, Miss Maxine Klinge, Mr. Calvin Kent and Mr. and Mrs. Jochimsen. Legion Women Plan Benefits Mrs. Roy S. Keene was the speaker at the American Legion auxiliary meeting Monday night at Legion home. She related her experiences at the outbreak of the. war in Honolulu and stressed the importance of pre ! paredness. Mrs. Aubrey Pussing, head of the Americanism committee, ar ranged the program and an nounced that the public schools are sponsoring a flag code con test Visitors were Mrs. E. F. Bless ing and Mrs. W. F. Walker. The ' rehabilitation committee, with Mr3. James Garson in charge. Is sponsoring a benefit lunch , eon Thursday at the hall from 12 to 1;30 o'clock. The auxiliary is also arranging a benefit dance for Saturday night The past presidents' club will meet at the home Wednesday and the sewing group will meet Thursday. After the meeting the auxiliary was joined by the post to hear Consul Russell Brooks. Miss Ransdell to Wed Mr. Hartley Miss Patsy Ransdell was host ess to a group of friends at an informal party at her home Monday night. During the even ing she revealed her engagement to Mr. Robert Hartley and gave the date of her forthcoming wedding as March 14th. The rooms were decorated with pussy-willows. Pinochle was in play during the evening and the guests found the an nouncement as the cards were dealt Present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nichols (Maxine LaDuke), Mr. and Mrs. Harley Miller, Miss Edith Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waddle (Lois Douglas), Mr. Phil Yoder and Mr. Robert Hartley. Hostesses Fete Club Members Mrs. Richard Slater presided at a bridge luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her home for the pleasure of her club. Mrs. Kenneth Perry will be a luncheon hostess today for members of her club. Contract bridge will be in play during the . afternoon. Members of the Adolynk club will be honored at a bridge luncheon this afternoon when Mrs. C. L. Newman entertains ' at her home. A hostess Thursday night will be Mrs. Tyler Brown when she aonors members of her club at bridge followed by a late sup per. SILVER TON Mrs. E. G. Morrison was hostess at a whist party- Saturday night in com pliment to her son-in-law, Max Scriber, -on his birthday anniver sary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Max Scriber, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Naegeli, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. 'McCanncl, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. Mor rison. . Here's EwTirac-Tesfol WayToGet ReEef Get after those distressing spells of coughing and ease misery of the cold the widely used Vicks way . . . Boll some water. Pour It Into & bowl. Add a rood spoonful of Vlcks VapoRub. Then breathe In the beaming medicinal vapors. With every breath you take VatoRub'a medication soothe irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear head and breathing pas sages. FOR ADDED BELIEF. ..At bedtime rub Vlcks VapoRub on tfcroat, chest and bock. Its poul- tiivranr.r art ion works to bring? you coaxors wnue you tecp. . . -v fr avtiiiii MAXINE BUKuN Editor Visitor Is Guest at Teas Mrs. L. Harter Markwood of Berkeley, Calif., who is a guest for a fortnight at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. James J. Panton, is the incentive for much entertaining this week. Mrs. James Walton was a tea hostess Tuesday afternoon at her home on East Superior street A group of (riends called at 3:30 o'clock to greet Mrs. Markwood. Mrs.. James J. Panton presided at the tea urn and Miss Rovena Eyre assisted the hostess infor mally. Daffodils and iris pro vided the table centerpiece. Mrs. Snyder Kromer has in vited a dozen of Mrs. Mark wood's friends to her home on West Lefelle street Thursday af ternoon. Tea will be served by the hostess. Miss Broer Wins State Contest Miss Kathleen Broer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broer and concert master of the Salem Philharmonic Symphony orchestra, is the winner in the state contest sponsored by the National Federation of Music clubs. The announcement was made Tuesday by Miss Frances Virginie Melton, state chairman of student musician and young artist contest. Miss Broer competed in the contest Saturday and Dr. Boris Spiro, a Finnish musician, was the judge. He commented on the fine technique of her hands, feeling and rhythm. Miss Broer played Mendelssohn's E. Minor Concerto, which she will play at the coming Philharmonic con cert here in March. The national contest was for violinists only and the national winner will receive a year's tu ition and lodging at the Juilliard Institute in New York City. Miss Broer will compete in the district contest, the time and place to be announced at a later date. The winner will then go to San Francisco for competi tion. Mrs. Carter Is Honored Mrs. Lester Carter was the honor guest at a shower Tues day night when Mrs. Richard Nelson entertained at her home in Kingwood Heights. Cards " were in play with a late supper served By the hostess. Honoring Mrs. Carter were Mrs. Grover Hillman, Miss Cal line Hillman, Mrs. James H. Nicholson, jr., Miss Jean Kneass, Mrs. Russell McJury, Mrs. Clay bourne Dyer, Mrs. Robert Bur rell, Miss Frances Roth, Miss Maxine McKillop, Miss Helen Wiedmer and Miss Barbara Wil liams. TURNER On Valentine's day, Miss Zena Estelle Hogsed of Nespelem, Wash., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hogsed of Turner, became the bride of Roger M. DeLorm of Enumclaw, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. DeLorm of Olympia. The ceremony took place at the Turner Methodist church with Rev. John Mitchell reading the wedding vows at 2 o'clock. Miss Iris Lee Hogsed and Mrs. Nema Poitres of Klamath Falls, sisters of the bride, sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly," with Mrs. J. O. Russell at the piano. Mrs. Russell also played the wedding marches. Miss Marjorie Showers and Miss Sophi Thadei of Port Alexan der, Alaska, lighted the candles. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a bridal gown of white brocaded satin with her tulle veil held in place by freesias. She carried a bou quet of gardenias, freesias and pink carnations. The ; bridesmaid was u Miss Pearl Hogsed, , sister . of the bride and Pauline KitzmUler of Dallas was the flower girl. Mr. Boyd Walter of Enumclaw was ' the best man, ushers were "Lloyd' Grim and Edward Hat- ' field. . - For her daughter's wedding -Mrs. Hogsed wore a navy blue silk crepe dress and Mrs. R. H. DeLorm a navy suit. Both wore gardenias. A reception followed at the home of the bride's par ents. The newly weds will live in Nespelem. For traveling ; the r bride wore navy blue coat with red accessories and a gar- ' denia corsage. v.-.. MUSIC The HOME CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Sweet Briar club, with Mrs. , Percy Castle. Royal Neighbors of America, Mrs. Zula Webb, 1295. North 17th street, all day meeting, covered dish dinner. AAUW literature group with Miss Elsie Miller, 1180 North Winter street. 8 pm. Salem Writers' club with Dr. and Mrs. Morton Peck, 1552 Court Leisure Hour club dessert luncheon, 1:30 p. m. with Mrs. Milton Meyers, 1055 Court street. THURSDAY Faculty Women's club at Delta Phi house, 1610 Court street. 2:30. Chapter G, PEO, Mrs. B. F. Williams, East Center street, 1 p. m. The PLEF club, with Mrs. Mary Aplin, 1397 North Commercial street 8 p. in. Public affairs committee, YWCA. meet at YW, 10 a. m. FL club with Mrs. Dorothy Hauge, 160 North 18th, 8 p. m. Hayesville Woman's club, with , Mrs. W. R. Powers, 12:30 p. m. Lions auxiliary, luncheon at Godfrey's, 1 p. m. Later a meet ing at Mrs. L. M. Ramage's. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, with Mrs. Kittie Baumgardner, 273 South 19th street, 8 p. m. . FRIDAY Woman's Relief Corps, 2 p. m., patriotic program, 2:30, public invited. Ann Judson circle, First Bap tist church, dinner, 6:30 p. m., church parlors. Sigma Tau Mothers, dessert luncheon, with Mrs. L. M. Ram age, 1106 Leslie srteet, 1:30 p. m. Woman's Alliance, Unitarian church, Mrs. Roy Burton, Oak Rose street, 2:30 p. m. BRUSH CREEK L. H. Meyer and his daughter entertained at dinner Sunday in compliment to Mrs. Ludvig Meyer's birthday anniversary. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Meyer and daughter, Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson, S. P. Mo berg, Miss Corinne Moberg and Mr. Meyer and Miss Meyer. Pattern Nothing is such a thrill as a new spring hat, except a new spring frock! You can have both if you order Pattern 4999 by Anne Adams. The hat has the smart back drapery the frock has the new bodice gathering and narrow panels so flattering, to your figure! Make up the frock in a lovely sheer crepe glowing with spring blossoms make the hat in bright contrast The slim-and-narrow skirt and front bodice panels may also be . of contrast, and a draped three quarter sleeve is optional.' By all means follow the Sewing In structor it's, clever, concise, complete! Plan this stunning ensemble now as your style sa lute to spring "gadabout' in it all season long and be assured of that fashionable ensembled look. Pattern 4999 is available in misses' and women's sizes 12r 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 dress, takes 2 yards 39 inch fabric; hat, yard con trast. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (plus ONE CENT to cover cost of : mailing) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE, , NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. - . ' YOUR role In the 1942 picture -Is to be thrifty, yet look your smartest and prettiest. Let the colorful new Anne Adams Spring Pattern Book help you plan a ' sew-and-save program, with its easily made, promptly available patterns for every age. Trim tailored modes, gay prints, cot-' tons, evening gowns, housewear, -.Charming young-world gradua tion, school and party clothes, , too. PLUS several patterns for - defense sewin. Order your copy r - NOW! PATTERN BOOK TEN Scntl your order to The Ore- " gon Statesman,' Pattern Depart ment. Salem, Ore. -CENTS. . 4999 A -Lii VJhA Th OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Miss anoy, Mr. Kaser' "Married At the First Christian cljurch. in Seattle on February 14 Miss Margaret Canoy, daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Canoy of Salem, became the bride of Mr. Raymond Kaser, son of Mrs. 1 'Alice Kaser of Salem, - Rev. Warner Muir - read the service at 3 o'clock. For her 'Wedding, the bride chose a pow- der; blue jacket ensemble with matching hat and veil. Her ac cessories were navy and she wore a gardenia corsage. Miss Eleanor Bechtel of Sa lem was the honor attendant and wore a rose wool suit with brown accessories and a corsage of violets. Mr. Jack Peavey of Seattle - was best man for Mr. Kaser. Members of the two families went north for the ceremony and Mrs. Cahoy wore a navy blue jacket dress and a corsage of pink rosebuds and iris. Mrs. Kaser was gowned in a blue redingote frock and her flow ers were lilies-of-the-valley. A reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Halbert in Seattle was held after the wed ding. Mrs. Halbert cut the bride's cake and Mrs. Robert Mathieson of Seattle assisted in formally. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kaser are graduates of Salem schools and she has been in the office of Allen Hardware the past year. Mr. Kaser is with Boeing Air craft and the couple will reside in Seattle. Officer Visits Auxiliary Mrs. Helen Smook, grand president of district No. 4 auxil iary to B'nai Brith, was a guest of the Willamette Valley auxil iary at a banquet on Monday night and a luncheon Tuesday noon. She was guest speaker at both meetings. Bnai Brith district No. 4 of which Mrs. Smook is head, con sists of the eight western states, with 65 auxiliaries. National headquarters are in Washington, DC. Following the banquet held at the Marion hotel, Mrs. Smook led a round table discussion of cur rent problems. The luncheon meeting Tuesday was held at the Golden Pheasant. During the meetings, reports of the Willamette auxiliary of 31 members, revealed work done by the group this winter. Over 40 large and many more small pieces were done for the Red Cross, according to a report to January 1, and a contribution of $25 given. The group is organ izing a first aid class and is cooperating with the United Service organizations. Members are planning to form a "cookie brigade" to furnish sweets for soldiers at the nearest encamp ment. The Pacific coast auxiliary maintains a non-preventive and tuberculosis clinic in Los Ange les. Another activity of the or ganization is a vocational guid ance service for students, it was revealed. Mrs. Smook is a broker in Oakland, California when not on business for the organization she heads. Tea for Oregon Church; Women Officers of the Salem Council of Church Women will be tea hostesses to members of the Oregon State Organization at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Spra gue this afternoon. Michael Carolan, Vivian Benner Garri son and Wendell Johnson will furnish music. Pouring during the te,a hour will be Mrs. Fred Tdbze, jr., Mrs. Carl "Sumner Knopf, Mrs. Esther Little and Mrs. W. Irvin Williams. STAYTON Miss Rose 11a Cord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cord of Stayton, and Mr. Karl Krietzer, son of Mrs. Libbe Kreitzer of Stayton were " united in marriage on Saturday, February 14, at a ceremony in St Mary's Catholic church at 9 o'clock.: Father George Snider horn officiated The bride, was attractive in a black suit with white accessories and a gardenia corsage. Miss Thelma Hanken of Mt Angel, a cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid. Mr. Dick Schuetz of Stayton was best man. The . newly weds are former students of Stayton high, school, the groom graduating .with the class of 1940.' After a short trip the couple will be at home at the Jones apartments in Stayton. ; TURNER Mr. and Mrs. John ' Schifferer ' announced the ; en gagement of their daughter Mar- garet to Allen McRae, son of Mrs; Fred. Kurtz of Salem. The wedding will be an event of the early spring, depending on army orders..' . "K. - : ' - f The' bride-elect -is from Tur ner, and attended ; the Turner high school. She has been work- - ing at the state tax commission for the past three years.. Mr. McRae attended Salem high school and Eastern Oregon nor mal. He is with the. army air f corps and stationed at March Field,' California. - . Oregon, Wednesday Morning. February 18. 1942 :.:,: : '. " t I , ' , -" f Vim ENGAGED Miss Jecmette Clarke, formerly of Salem and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harlow of Eugene, has announced her betrothal to Mr. Robert Hartman, son of Mrs. A. R. Hartman of Dallas. The wedding will be an event of March 20. Miss Clarke and her fiance are students at Oregon State college. Mrs. Greig Fetes Book Club Mrs. C. E. Greig entertained for her book club on Wednes day. Dr. Voigt, a special guest, displayed his hobby collections. Books were exchanged during the evening and refreshments were served. Those enjoying the evening were Mrs. Ann Taylor, Mrs. W. Kennedy, Marie Thompson, Grace Birogo, Ina Boyer and the hostess Mrs. Greig. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Margaret Steele on Jefferson street on February 25. Veterans Meet With Auxiliary The United Spanish War Veterans were the guests of the auxiliary after the regular meeting Monday night at the VFW hall. Entertainment was provided by Misses Orvetta, and Violet Cooper, Miss Naomi Mer rick and Miss Margaret Martin of Spring Valley who sang and gave a number of readings. Conrad Buckles gave an address on "Patriotism." Following the program a hobo lunch was served by the ladies. White Shrine of Jerusalem met at Masonic temple Monday night in a hall decorated with spring flowers. Miss Ruth Moore, wor thy high priestess, and Mr. M. F. Grub, watchman of the shep herds, presided. Mrs. Robert Scott and Mrs. Miller B. Hay den, past worthy high priest esses, and Mr. Julius Aim and Mrs. W. R. Dry, past watchman of the shepherds, were intro duced. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford and the men served refreshments at long tables dec orated with pussy willows, can dles and flags. A miscellaneous shower was given for Mrs. Ivan Bogard, the former Evelyn Hutchens, at the home of Mrs. James Lawless, Wednesday. Present were, Mes dames Ivan Bogard, Lillian Cum mings, Gladys Mase, Gladys Kroner, Christine Daniels, Ellen Phelps, Irene Emmons, Irene Speed, Ula Ritchy, Lila Gamble, Edna Sheperd, Sophie Wheeler, Marion Hutchens, and the Misses Myrtle Lane, Elsie Seburn, Wan da Gamble, Edith Lawless and Donna Hutchens. inussTf CLEATJSirJG CREAMS UMircoHr I IACH time I ' . REG. $1.75 . Emulsified Cleansing " Cream for dry, thin, sensitive skins , - - - . v O. Pink .Cleansing; Cream "V (cold cream type) for normal : V or slightly .dry skins ' - H : O liquefying Cleansing . I Cream for normal or oilj skins ' - ' - -t-p WILLETTS - . Capital. Drug Store ; : Corner liberty State P. 3111 to Be Held Friday Miss Marian McPherren of Salem, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McPherren of Al bany, ' will be married to Mr. Glenn Smith of Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith of Albany, on 'Friday night at 8 o'clock at the home of ' the bride-elect's parents in Albany. Rev. Thomas If arnes will of ficiate before members of the two families. Xhe bride will , wear a soldier blue suit with black accessories for her wed ding. Miss Margaret McPherren will be her sister's only attend ant and Mr. Donald Schliske of Lebanon will act as best man. A reception will follow the ceremony. The bride-to-be attended Al bany schools and Capital Busi ness college. Her fiance is a sen ior at the University of Oregon and a member of the ROTC. Mrs. Wilbur Cameron enter tained informally for Miss Mc Pherren Thursday flight at her home on North Liberty street. A miscellaneous shower honored the bride-to-be. Honoring Miss McPherren were Mrs. Wynola Hedges, Mrs. Mary Gatliff, Miss Marga ret and Miss Nola McPherren, Miss Shirley Ray, Miss Elma Hamar, Mrs. F. G. DeLano, Miss Cynthia DeLano and Mrs. Cam eron. Miss Smith Now Mrs". Hartz Of special Interest in Salem is the marriage of Miss Patti Smith, daughter of Mrs. M. C. Smith of 855 Gaines street, Salem, to Mr. Ross Hartz of Seattle in a double wedding ceremony at Paradise Inn in Rainier National park on Val entine's day. The other couple in the dou ble ceremony, performed by the Rev. Floyd Todd of the Free Methodist c h u r ch, National, Washington, was Miss Doris Benton and Mr. Eric Enholm, both of Seattle. Mr. Hartz is the son of Mrs. Blanche Hartz of Manette, . Washington. The young couple will live in Seattle. Wedding SI Zr it ti r I mem czfEKgl .1 On. at your -GROOER'S Todays Menu ""-Waldorf salad "will begin meal that ends with cake and baked custard. 1 Waldorf salad with pineapple ... Frizzled beef On boiled rice cakes Buttered spinach' Chocolate cake, custards . FRIZZLED DRIED BEEF 3 tablespoons bacon fat cup shredded dried beef - 3 tablespoons flour teaspoon salt k M teaspoon paprika. Heat fat, add bee cook until edges- frizzle. Stir constantly. Add flour. Cook slowly and stir until brown. Add rest of ingred ients and boil until creamy. This beef is very good on bak ed or mashed potatoes, boiled rice cakes or buttered macaroni. SUNNYSIDE Mrs D. B. Tay lor and mother and Mrs. Cliff ord Feeler and Gloria Jane spent Monday in CorVallis visit ing Mrs. Feller's sister, Mrs. Ruth Lilly. Mr. and Mrs. John Neuen sch wander and Fred were Sun day guests at R. Barry's. Richard McMillan fell on a pitchfork and ran it through the lower part of his leg Sunday. In fection shots were given and he is getting along satisfactorily. Mr: and Mrs. Emil Larson and family spent Sunday; at the pa rental William Larson home. Luther Billings were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Webster Sun day. VALSETZ Last week the loggers worked two hours over time and donated the money to the Red Cross. Monday night the high school girls were hostesses to the boys at a party. Last Wednesday Mrs. Star buck and Mrs. Fulcrumb of Dal las talked to the women who were at Red Cross meeting. First aid classes are being held sev eral nights a week in the school house for the benefit of the townspeople. Mr. and Mrs. George Arbuckle . entrained Tuesday night for San Francisco where they will vaca tion for ten days in the southern city and the hay area. Mrs. Roy Burton and Mrs. E. J. Huffman will entertain the Woman's Alliance of the Uni tarian church Friday afternoon at the former's home, Oak Rose street, at 2:30 o'clock. v!l- 1 "vs. HI T 1 1 Pure ingredients plus make Master Bread food. Plans Made for Initiation : Mrs. Blanche Hul 1, " noble grand, presided at a meeting of Salem Rebekah lodge Monday night Under, the direction of Mrs. Clarence Townsend, prac tice was held in preparation for the initiation March 2. Mrs. Myrtle McAlpine of Eugene, state" Rebekah assembly presi dent, will pay her official visit to Salem Rebekah lodge at that time. Committees making ar rangements foe the occasion are: refreshments, Grace Robertson, Alberta Walker, JBertsie Kretz, Pearl Swanson and Alice Adams; decorations, B e sS i e Edwards, Christina Cladek aad Edith Dar nielle; introduction, Muriel Cur ry, Wilda Siegmund end Edith McElroy; gift. Alma Henderson and Colene Lounsbury; hostess, Amie MUls, Helen McElroy and Mae Hill. Helen Pearce, Alma Hender son and Myrtle McClay are the committee for the play by the Hazel Green players, sponsored by the Salem Rebekah lodge March 9. The Salem lodge purchased $500 worth of defense bonds. The committee for a rummage sale March 13 and 14 is Mrs. Gustave Eriksen, Mrs. Clarence Town send and Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler. The Past Noble Grands associa tion of Salem Rebekah lodge will meet with Miss Verda Olmstead at her home, Wednesday at 8 o'clock. The noble grand and vice-grand of Salem lodge and all visiting past noble grands are invited. Mrs. Clem W. Ohlsen, president, announced the roll call theme as, "Ireland in the War." Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Car penter will have as their din ner guests tonight their son-in-law and daughter, Representa tive and Mrs. Robert S. Farrell, jr. of Portland. The Farrells are enroute home following a trip to southern Oregon and Bend. The regular luncheon meeting of the Music Teachers associa tion has been postponed from today to Wednesday; February 25, according to announcement made by the president, Miss Dorothy Pearce. vhls. ... yw-' 1 II, ... spotless cleanliness our leading health