FAGS 1112 Swift! Efficient! Economical! ThaS's G J&ds Tlit OREGON STATESMAN. Satav Ortepn. Tutsdcrr Morning; februcry 17. 1SI2 . Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per llne-25c Six insertions per line 40c One month' per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min- Imum S5c; 8 ti. min. 45c No refunds. . Copy for this pax accepted un til 1 30 th evening before publics tlon for classification. Copy re ceived after tola time will be rua under the beading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock and Poultry SALE 2-yr.-old Jersey Shorthorn heifer. B. G. Kliewer, Kt. 3, Box 753. Salem. DAY OLD and started chicks. E. Zimmerman, 3480 Center. Ph. 2-2524. TARMERS WE PAT 50c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Top prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect. Salem. MIL MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS Auctions" Henry Christiansen's furniture AUCTION SALE TODAY 1 -JO P. M. at his home . 240 North 18th St "Russ" Woodry, of the Nash Furniture Co., Auctioneer, Ph. 3503 Help Wanted Male MARRIED MAN for dairy and farm work. Rt. 6. Box 48. ,i ml. So. of State Bt 4 Corners. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED waitress to work at Texaco Dinette. Jefferson. GIRL for house & office wk. Per manent. Call 1410 S. 12th. GIRL or woman wanted for house work, care of 1 child. Call after p. m.. 1KJU rl. IIUI. EXPERIENCED egg candler wanted. maT.. W - ' - nm PIAA Salesmen Wanted OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN 411 Masonic Bldg. Situations Wanted EXP- PRACTICAL nurse. 1099 M11L CARPENTER. R. Wells. Ph. 21394. PAINTING, DECORATING. Ph. 7552. HANDY MAN Auto camp. Keep up work or lawn, garden work. Walter Davidson. Mrs. Shoemaker, 885 Gaines. GIRL, for housework and care of 5 year child. Call after 6 p. m. Ph. 6894. For Sale Miscellaneous i HALF HORSE reciprocal pump, "Complete. Suitable for irrigation, base ment pump or fire. V. Howard, Gen. Delivery, Salem. FOR SALE Tips from the new. sen sational blackberry the Nectar Berry 10c each. Call 2129S for location. PRUNES Italians, good quality, 40 80 to lb.. 100 lbs., 5c.. 50 lbs.. 5',ic lb. 15 lbs. $1. Apples, 50c up.. Pr. boxes. Franquette walnuts, 16c St 14c; May ettes. 12 lie. Ernest Anderson. Orchard Bts. Rd. 1 mi. off Wallace Rd. USED furniture. 1145 S. 14th Ph. 3578. GOOD 250 EGG incubator for sale, reasonable. T. C. Mountain. Aumsvule. GERMAN Shepherd puppies. Ph. 6731. ALL KINDS ef road gravel, crushed rock, washed mason sand, and con crete sand. Before buying call ui and get our quotations. COMMERCIAL SAND At GRAVEL CO. J. F. Ulrica (owner! J17 Court St Phone 8672 Wanted Furniture W. N. St GLENN WOODRY, Auc tioneers & furniture dealers will pay Sou more cash or trade tor furniture i household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 5110 CASH FOR used furniture St house bold goods. R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Electric stove and washer In good condition. Pay cash. Ph. 5055. EXPER. MAN and wife wish to care for small apt. house ir exchange for rent Box 1892. Statesman. POULTRY, EGGS, grain and burlap Sacks wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co 1505 N. Front Ph. 7007. Miscellaneous Dental. Plate Repair TWO-HOUR . SERVlct IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. Stat Coral. Ph 2311 ALTERATIONS, repairing and tail oring. Economy Cleaners, uao state. Ph. 6055. OnfionS0tatesmatt ADVERTISING ' Western' Advertising Representatives George D. Close. Inc. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Grtfflth Company. Inc. ;, Chicago, New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta ' Entered the Postoffic at Salem, Orepxm, as Second Clot Matter. Pub lished every morning except Monday. Business oice MIS South Commtrcial direct. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. 60 cents; 3 Mom. $li0: 3 Mob. 3330: 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per ma. or $6.00 for 1 year in advance. Per Copy 3 cents. Newsstands S cents. By City Carrier, 66 cents a month; $7.20 a year in advance In Marlon and adjacent counties. . Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or Bhone (3168) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned ana noma managed nnance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You wul be given every sideratlon in the repaying of your loan or granting or extensions. 1 to IS MONTHS TO REPAY You can nay tn full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEE ROY R. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No M-15J JIM CLARK, ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie No S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 313 First door south of Ladd St Bush bank Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new oi used cars No aelay or red tape. You will retain possession or tna venicie 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 8168 Uc No M-132 PRIVATE MONEY to loan on good real estate. Also fire & auto Insurance notary public C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 FHA LOANS 4,i also prlv loans Abrams St Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg WE LOAN on farm, residential St business property Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC.. Realtors. Guardian Building. For Rent-Rooms fiOTEL MARION Rooms. ' special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. ROOM With garage. 490 N. 21st. IN PRIVATE family, near the capi toL Phone 6378. ROOM with garage. 1490 N. 21st HEATED rm., adj. bath. Ph. 7394. NICE rm, mod. home. 953 Belmont, RM- pit bath, close in. Ph. 4791. WARM, clean rooms in modern home, good beds. 689 N. Church. SLEEPING ROOM. 729 Court CLOSE tn. clean, warm. Ph. 4496 SLP RM. near state bidgs Ph 21449 Room with hskg. prlv. Close. P. 8229 Room and Board MAN WITH steady income to room and board; no drinker. 689 Oak St ELDERLY ladies, reas. Statesman box 1994. LARGE, comf. living-sleeping rm.. suitable for 2; board as desired. Ph. 4406 CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Fn. B63Q. BETTER BRD. St rm. 743 S. Com! St For Rent- -Apartments 2-RM. furn. apt. Lights, water, $2 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. 3-R. FUR.. ST. HEAT. B. Ref., ar, zoos rx. ia puot. CLEAN, one rm. apt 645 Ferry. 3 RMS close, desirable. Ph. 5825. 2 HEATED apts. 444 S. High. NICELY furn.. Its., h. wat, refrig, Ph. 6288. 2 RM. APT. Pri. ent. 1370 Chemeketa. BANCROFT 3 one-r. apt. 340 N Church. Ph. 5822 or 7402. FURN. 3 rms.. Its, W.,' gar., wash er, $15 St $20. 172 S. Liberty. P. 7113. 3 RMS. furn.. wood, lights, gas, gar washer. $20. 2261 Hazel. Ph. 7664. CLOSE IN, 3-rm. furn. apt. Shower lights, water, garage. 860 Mill. FURN.. mod. 3-rm. 776 N. Comt 2-RM. furn., $12. Hot water, washer, gar., 2590 Lee. Ph. 3946. 3-RM. duplex apt. Furn. or unfurn. 579 N. CapitoL FURN. APT. Private entrance and private bath. 643 Union. - Unfurnished 4-R. apt. Phone 21789. $12 2-r. furn. Heat 1397 N. ComX ONE LARGE room, nicely furnished. ITS So. 14th. FURN. apts. Leslie Manior. 310 Leslie. PRUNING and lawn work. Ph. 7330. 3-RM. duplex furn. apt. Frig elec, range, autom. hot water At oil heat Adults. 771 S. 2lst. LARGE LIVING room, sun porch, semi-private bath, (too s. summer. LARGE mod. furn. 4-rm. apt pri. ent. 733 no. capitoi. pn. 7894. Miscellaneous ATTENTION (This Request Approved by the Due to the scarcity of burlap bags, it is imperative that farmers conserve their bags in order to assure themselves of a supply for harvesting 1942 crops. Gather up all the bags on your farms, tie them 50 to a bundle, tag each bundle with your name and address, take them to your nearest truck line terminal running to and zrom Portland, and prepay the freight to us. We will thoroughly vacuum clean and completely mend each baa7. They wul be returned to you C O. D. tightly baled and fumigated, ready for use. The charge Is only 3 cents each bag F. O. B. Portland. Be certain ther are bundled and counted correctly, and that the bags are suiiaoie to oe reconainonea. ALL WORK GUARANTEED DAVIS BAG CO. 2256 N. Albina Atc, Portland, Ore. BLONDE i GOLLy COOKE -Uf ITM1KIKSWELOOKS I I 1 1 1 VUtCT ALBOSJsDS? "fl LOOKS PADRE UKE ) S UKEME ALL.MV ( WHICH OF US i ME EVERY -t FRIENDS SAY ) S SHELCOKSTWS LJ Money to Loan CASH FOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to Reduce car or other contract payments. There's a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Loan Center" - 319 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State license &-ZZB M-271 CALKINS FINANCE CO. - FOB Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. S12 State Street 8 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License Nos. S-122 St M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-159 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. WiU pay 6 interest W. U UKAouN UUKaT. as CU REALTORS For RentApartments CLOSE IN. 891 N. ComL. $20. COZY apt near capitoL 966 Center, ATTRACTIVE 3-rm heat 1411 Court DESIRABLE apt. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. COMFORTABLE, furn. 3-rm. apt state st. Apts. pn. uui or u. 3 R.. hot wat heat bath. tel. St washer. 039 N. Liberty. 3-RM. furnished apt 1209 Court CLOSE IN. 2 rm. first floor. Gar. 1047 S. Com'L 3 R. furn. apt. Close In Prt bath. its h. water, wash.. 1Z34 s. uomx FURN. apts $6.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. 2-R. furn bathjt Jt $15. 1440 Waller FURN. COTTAGES. 2 mUes south $10. $12 mo. lnq. 484 N. cnurcn. For RentHouses APRIL 1 Nearly new 5-rm. house. Mod., firepl attic finished, close in. Ph. 4293. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT DT YOU Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins at Roberts. FOR KENT FURNISHED Lovely home. 2 bedrooms, heat turn ished. S43 per mo. 3-room apartment and sleeping porch, heat and water furnished. $28. 348 N. lztn St. UNFURNISHED 1596 N. 4th St 7 rooms, basement and furnace, $23. 380 s. Z3rd St., z bed , fireplace, base ment and furnace, sjs. J. F. ULRICH CO.. REALTOR 202 Pearce Bldg. 317 Court St. Ph. 8672 SMALL furn. house. Inq. 2128 N Com. 3 RMS. furn., wood, lights, gas, gar. washer. $20. 2261 Hazel. Ph. 7664. 4 RM FURN. house. West Salem. SZZ-SO; 3 rm. house, $12.50. M. B Stegner. 520 N. Cornel. MOD. 4-rm. furn. court cottage. Gar age, water ana garbage service, jf . zvz. 7-RM. mod. house, some furniture. 1511 N. Summer. 6-rm. house on N. 19th. Ph. 2-2901. 3 R. house, $12. 405 Madrona Ave. FURN. St UNFURNISHED HOUSES R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol 5-R mod hse . $23. 190 S. 13. P. 5222 7-RM. mod furn. , furn. 862 N. 16th. MARCH 7 6-rm. house. 3 blocks east ox capitoi. Furnace. Ph. 5983. 5-RM. bungalow, newly decorated. 1911 snipping, pn. D639. HOUSES $20. $30 St $40 per month Houses furnished, $16, $18, $20. Apts $20. $32.50. Also for sale, furnished bungalow, $1650. some terms. Better one for $2250. worth 330M Nuf said. see juecntei-Neeaham, 941 state, Koom 4 COZY, modern, furn. hiinralmr. Clna in. aiso i suburban, pn. 7W. 248 street. Miscellaneous FARMERS! U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.) For Rent House $22 JO 5 rms 1699 Berry St, $30 4 rms new. N. E. $35 6 rms duplex, N. E. $32.506 rms 1097 N. Winter. $45 4-rm. furn new, north. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 6744-3330 MODERN furn. t bedioora house. Phone 21547. 758 Norway. For Rent Farms FARM 125 acres, finest bottom land. Write L. C. Alan. P.O. Box 436. Corvallis. Oregon. 7-ACRE farm. Close in. Modern house. Wired for range. Ph. 4881. For Rent BUSINESS bldg. 863 N. Liberty. 5211. "MODraNOOTTAGEs! $4XUp! Junction Auto Court South Commercial For Sale Real Estate PRIVATE MONEY to loan on good real estate. Also fire St auto insurance, notary public. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 THE BETTER HOMES 5 rms mod. dwelling, $3600. 3 rms., mod sawdust burner, $5500. 7 rms.. mod., hot wat. heat, $5500. 7 rms mod., sawdust burner, $6500. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 6744-8330 3 three-room apartment house, good location. Will sell at bargain. Estate property. Price $2200. J. . ULRICH CO., REALTUKS 202 Pearce Bldg. 317 Court St. Ph. 8672. 1870 No. Cottaee 3 bd-rm. home. bsmt., fireplace, h.w. floors, double plumbed. Upstairs arranged so as can be rented. $3900 for limited time only. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS It ROBERTS, Inc., Realtors $1800 Home 4 yrs old. 4. rms. all hwd. floor, but needs paint and kalso- mine. Madison St $250 dwn. Phone Art Madsen, 5580. 5-RM. hse.. newly decorated inside. Basem't, furnace St fireplace. New roof on hse. and garage. Nice location.' 1842 a. cnurcn. ON BROADWAY, 3 bdrm. home, fur nace, fireplace. Walking distance from city center. $3300, $250 dwn. Ph. Art Madsen. 5580. vSew"proiG!rty tic, oil heat. A grand buy for $5000. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs St Miller, Real tors, 344 State St., Phone 9261. $2750 6-rm. home on S. 23 St. Well kept house and yard, $300 dwn. Ph. 5580. iNICE 5 RM. shake house. 1938 Hazel St.. full bsmt.. turn., fireplace, h.w. floors. Unfin. attic. Very nice yard. $3900. terms See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 4 ROBERTS. Inc.. Realtors SPECIAL 2 houses, 3 rooms each with 2 gar ages on 1 lot 41x147. North 18th St. A GOOD BUY for $2500 or will trade for acreage east of Salem or south of airport. ROSTEIN & ADOLPH. INC. 110',i N. Commercial St. 1575 No. 17th New 6-room home. h.w. floors, full bsmt., fireplace, double garage. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, Inc.. Realtors BUILDING LOTS Building lots In Monmouth. 1 acres in the heart of town. Sell all or any Sart. An opportunity for somebody, urryl See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC., Realtors. BEST home Sc location in city. 4 bdrms., double plumbing. Large rms. modern in every way. Large lot with trees. Blk. from Englewood school. $6900. Ph. Art Madsen. 5580. $25 DN.. 3-R. & nk.. shower bath. elec. H. W. heater, wired for rg., built in kitchen. A close in, $1700. 172 S. Liberty, Salem. Ore. FORSALE by oerTlot 50x150. small unfinished house, garage, laun dry room, woodshed, elec. water sys tem, sewer on property but not con nected. Sm. dn. pymt. 1940 Howard St. SMALL house and V acre, close to City, north. $350. $25 dn.. $12 mo. ROBERT F. BUDROW. REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 5963 Business Cards tn this directory run en a monthly basis only. Rate: $L25 per I i a per month, Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 273 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'cL P. 4916 Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy, p. soso. TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand 3k Gravel. P. $403. Florists Breithauprs 441 Court, phone 9U3 FnneraJ Directors Terwilllger Funeral Home. Ph. 3823. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG St MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses M made, rug cleaning St weaving. S 13th Si Wilbur Tel. 8441 Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4069 That Wisdom oi Solomon For Sale Real Estate ! NEW HOME IfflflMn. With - kMlMAM, rnent. furnace, fireplace, an Ideal home l.zzr'-2x7m- "lea s47uo. &S Ttus W. H. GRABENHORST & CO Realtors f!, 7r?r - - - " 4131 f 1 TODAY'S BEST BUY $2250 buys dandy bungalow, 2 bed rooms, nice kitchen, lots of builtins, bath, basement, furnace, sta. tubs, elec washer, good furniture, garage, paving paid. Owner away. Home rents for rase rnonta. Equity cash, balance at $20 per month, which Includes Inter est, taxes and insurance. See Bechtel or Needham. 341 State. Room At- FINEST NEW" 5-RM. HOME Bim.T It's beautiful. Fully modern, has all tae iate iea tures. Fine view, location, $5000. Verv reas trmi ROBERT F. BUDROW. REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd St Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965 5-R. hse all mod. except bsmt. Full price, $2000, $200 dn. St $20 per mo, F: H. Weir 465 Center - Realtor Ph. 9411 $2600-HOME-1 block from Holly wood theatre; living rm kitchen. neoa sraau Dearms casement, rur nace, double garage. sozuo a tteal Home and WONDER FUL, view. 8 large rms hardwood tirs. tnruout, oil burner furnace fire place, double garage. Terms, s $3000 TO LOAN WILL DIVIDE . MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Ph. 3723 SNAP" " $2750 Good 5-r furnished Rome with basement and furnace, only 7 blks. out. $500 down, bar. $25 per mo. CREEK LOT. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO.. Realtors ii a. uoeny st. ih. 4131 Wanted to Rent WANTED Pasture with shelter for team of horses. Reasonably close in. pn. oihu. Exchange -Real Estate 33 A., unirnp., east, small bldg., trade iot city or smaller place. 5838. WILL TRADE fine 10 A., with bldgs ciose in, east, or good house in Sa lem for small acreage N. J, H. JOHNSON, 6466. 223 Ore. Bldg. FOR SALE OR VTRADE Apartment house in Dallas. 2 turn. apts., income $35, plus 5-rm. living quarters. Sacrifice at $1800 or trade for Salem property. See Mr. Hardy Wltn HAW1UN5 6c KOBtUtTS, IMC Realtors. For, Sale Farms SPECIAL 10 A. about 5 a. in oats a vetch; a r. nouse, gooa Darn, woodshed, elec. lights, well a water system, small year round creek. A GOOD LITTLE PLACE for $1500.00 with $300 down and szu per mo., including Interest. ROSTEIN a ADOPH. INC. : 110 N. Commercial St. ' - LOOK!! 48 acres all in cultv good black soil. can au be Irrigated. line bean land located 12 mL from Salem on paved road. Has a 3 room house, barn & chicken house. A REAL BARGAIN for $3500. or Would take part In trade, small acreage" or house in Salem. ROSTEIN a ADOLPH. INC. 110'a N. Commercial St. BAKGAiN-About 24 acres near Pratum. AIT stock and equipment. In cluding furniture, for quick sale, $5600 casn. 7- MISSION BOTTOM FARM - 166 acres, 7 miles from Salem. 60 acres cult- 14 acres hops, 2 houses. Lake for irrigation. Lots of timber. You can't go wrong on this at $15,000. RETAIL DAIRY 100 acres tn Linn county, about SO in cult., with water for irrigation. Fair buildings with electricity. 10 cows, bull, milking machine, delivery truck and retail mux route. Ail goes for $7000. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS, INC Realtors. 10 ACRES north. 1 A. pasture, re mainder peaches, filberts, cherries. 4 rms. and unfinished upstairs, barn, $2650. Will exchange for Salem home. o A gooa 6-rm. nouse. S3600. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR. 477 Court. Directory Nurseries Fruitland Nursery. 260 Center. P. 9077. Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON. Ph. 4616. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms, h. u. wooarow, 394 n. cnurcn. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or anv kind of m-int- imt. call The Statesman Printinc De partment, 215 S Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL reoalr work Graber Bros 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 363 N. Capitol Transfer U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S Liberty. Ph 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight, including Calif, points Lermer lTansxer to ru un. Vaehtim Qeaner Service FREE Inspection Us your borne. An thorrxed Hoover service. We set vice at makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph. 6023 Well Drilling C. J. Pugh, 2123 Myrtle Phone 3333. a A. WEST, RL . Box 445. Ph. 2-2296 " ' T" ' l I TWhJK -JJ t a , For SaleUsed Cars A SACRIFICE 39 Chrysler Royal deluxe coupe, 90 rubber, low mile age. $600, $200 down. By owner. 210 t airview Ave. CALLED to army '40 Chev. bust. cpe. Like new. Radio, heater. 13.000 mi. Tires 100. $700 cash. Marvin Pearson. Turner. '39 OLDS 2 -door. Best offer takes it See it at 143 S. Church. $550 for my equity In a special de luxe, 5-passenger Plymouth coupe. 280 N. West street, Monomuth. Phone S97. '37 FORD club coupe. 4 new re caps, pn. boos. WANT 36 or '37 Chev. plckun for Casn. ML Z14B3. 1939 Delux DeSoto bus. couoe. Ex ceUent tires, cond. Radio, etc Ph. C196. USEDCAH for sale 4M SouthCot tage street. 40 OLDS 6 sedan. 19.000 miles, good tires, no reasonable offer refused. E. Zane. 153 Duncan. Can. Dist. 29 CHEV coach. Good rubber. $23. 2350 Myrtle. 31 BUICK. heater, new battery. 3 ply tires, S79. 236 s. iBUi. Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. No car too new for us to buy. From sio.oo to siooo.oo. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best in TransDortation 440 Center St Phone 21539 WANTED Best model A Ford for cash. See me between 9 and 10 a. m 1240 .center St. WILL PAY up to $300 cash for best car offered. Must have good- tires. Walter G. Spriggs. Rt. 4. Box 6D. Salem, Ore. Acreage 12 A. 1V mi. E. of Jefferson. S rm. house, chicken house, gar., elec., good well. Mail and milk routes. All level. $1000 cash and terms. Millo De Bord Hlnz Turkey Farm. Parish Gap rd.. Jerierson. SPECIAL 65-acre farm in good dis trict. Priced low at $7500 or wul rent $500 per year. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs St Miller. Realtors, 344 State st Phone 926L 40 A.. Rood barn. 3-rm.. hse elec. 30 A. cult near Salem. $6800. 97 A.. 5-rm. hse new barn for 16 cows, 84 A. in cult elec paved road. $11,500, $2500 an. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol 1 A., 1 rm. house, fruit, good gar den land. Easy terms. 34 A 20 A. berries, fruit, grapes springs piped to house 3c bam. A real buy. See it. H. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg Ph. 3902 Business Opportunities HOT SPOT meat market complete, Killinssworth Ave Portland. Priced $1600, will take diamonds, trade or terms. V. Howard, Gen. Delivery, Salem. RESTAURANT BARGAIN $600 cash will buy downtown restau rant, fully equipped and ready to oper ate. A real opportunity, if you want in the restaurant Business. For par ticulars. - see. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 NEW. MOD. home, well located. In Holllvwood dist.. $4500. $1750 buys 4-rm. hse well located in n. saiem. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. CapitoL 11 RM. house with 3 apts. 1370 Chem. Income prop. State St. Owner. 31785. FOR SALE The gas station St gro cery store located at Lincoln. Will sell at inventory, pius nxtures. CffDUTPV STlTIflN fnr Villi V equipped, immediate possession. vai ionage rental, pn. ioi. For Sale Wood 16-inch old rnLjnuisrs nESTRYQLyTOriyC?66 'LGROWTHwoodTphTToaX FRESH screened sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 6444. OLD FIR. Ph. 3380. Ashcraft. WOOD FOR SALE. Ph. 3560. WOOD FOR SALE. Ph. 3354. "TcoRDoaZLSoTphTanr Wood Sawing WOODSAWING. Phone 7073. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS! Club Elite. Box 71-Q, Main P.O Los Angeles. CaL Transportation DRIVING to eastern Nebraska Can take three. Call 8121 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS I have been appointed adminis trator of estate of MARY V. CHARLTON, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate hereby are required to pre sent them, with proper vouchers, within six months from date here of, to me, at 214 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon. Dater 17 February 1942. EL CARL CHARLTON, Administrator CARSON, CARSON Sc CARSON, Attorneys for Administrator F 17-24; M. 3-10. By CHIC YOUNG Given NeUS Naval Commands A Y : ""mai ! V a 0 ii Vies Admiral Leary 0 -,rv V Naval forces of the United Nations in the Anstrallan-New Zealand area have been combined under the command of Vice Admiral Her bert F. .Leary of the U. a navy. At the same time. Vice Admiral William A. Glassford, Jr, has been placed In charge of the Asiatic fleet, henceforth to be known as the U. S. Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific. Admiral Thomas C. Hart, for two years oommander-ln-chlef f the Asiatic fleet, still remains as commander of the combined naval forces in the American-Britlsh-Duteh-Australian area. Legal Notice NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appoint ed Administratrix of the Estate of F. E. Shervrin, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against; s a i d estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at 413 Masonic Building, Salem, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date hereof.,; Dated and first published Jan uary 20, 1942. Last publication February 17, 1942. FLORENCE M. SHERWIN, Administratrix. CARL T. POPE, Attorney for Administratrix, 413 Masonic Building, Salem. Oregon. J. 20-27; F. 3-10-17. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of HORACE D. HOBBS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made and entered on the 24th day of January, 1942, H. M. Hobbs was appointed administrator of the estate of Horace D. Hobbs, de ceased, and that said H. M. Hobbs has duly qualified as such ad ministrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, with the proper vouchers and duly verified as re- Cross Word is 16 19 life 21 35 41 41 43 44 sT so ss ss HORIZONTAL 1 broad topped hill i chart; for -admission ft-eed i covering 12 angle v -formed by union of leal and stem 43 mingled 45 existed 48 necessity 60 carry through 52 prong 63 negatrro word 54 ancient - Mogul capital 55 stake in poker 14 cotton 5 . f3brie; 15 4dore-: 17 lowest - female voice IS conjunction 19 employing - 21 electrified particle 22 agitate 23 French measure . 15 largest " continent ' - 28 has faith : 52 4egmninoii3 plant; 34 intercalaU " 85 contrite 37 salver - 53 undivided helpi ; - ' 41 kind of light Answer to 1 WA OA RjTp01P,E.NnPrO"TP OVER MkS ESS PHEST GMT Ch p L g I jG L ELINIAIr E S rdDm"l i Irvli ivl '"1'T'i i fc"" AN T AMPE5IEID MNORrg I ER Tonlffiriis ElAlRLiTIAlMlSi JOIOIAIT IIm ef : .y ! ' J r," -v' - Vice Admiral Glasaf ord, Jr. Legal Notice quired by law, to said admini strator at the office of Fred A. Williams at 501 Pioneer Trust Building in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 24th day of January, 1942. H. M. HOBBS Administrator of the Estate of HORACE D. HOBBS, Deceased. FRED A. WILLIAMS Attorney for Administrator J 27 F 3-10-17-24 NOTICE OF TRADE-MARK OWNERSHIP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: General Shoe Corporation, a corporation of the State of Ten nessee, with its principal office) and place of business in the City of Nashville, Tennessee, gives no tice that it is owner of the trade mark "John Hardy." This mark has been used by General Shoe Corporation and is intended to be used by it as a trade-mark upon wearing apparel, principally Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, of its manufacture, and the; trade-mark was registered with the Secretary of State of Oregon on January 26, 1942. GENERAL SHOE CORPORTATION By Charles W. Cook, Assistant Vice "President F. 10-17-24. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. MAJJcAJC. Stated Meeting- rYU Feb. 30, 7:30 p. m. By order W. M. Puzzle 10 21 23 24- 50 34 HO 45 44 41 51 56 solemn wonder V. 57 nobleman VERTICAL 1 fluid rock 2 draft . , animals . J 8 obey 4 -beverage 5 practicabU j . -4otal 7 Paradise i, 8 wing 0 one who assuages 10 to the inside of 11 diving bird 16 track mad by wheel 20 profit 22 glossy fabrio 24 u supported 25 high - - noon tain 28 behold 27 fuilUesi 23 to contest in law 80 time 81 pen for swine SS detail 36 not wide 40 low haunt 41 tapir oi ' Brazil .42 check 44 volcano la Sicily 45 carry on, as war , 45160 sqnaxt ! rods 47 asterisk I. 49 river in England 51 noermin Satordayg pusk. ariatiMt 34 atlaatae. I I ma ill ml