The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, February 17. 1942
Couple Will
Many in
Tea guests of Miss Mary
Frances Entress Sunday after
noon learned of her engagement
and coming marriage to Mr. Rus
sell William Langford, son of
Mrs. James Langford and the
late Mr. Langford. The tea was
held at the home of the bride
elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Entress.
Saturday, March 7 has been
set for the wedding day and the
ceremony will take place at the
Entress home. Miss Judith Jen
sen and Miss Marjorie Rumer
passed the announcement cards
to jthe guests as they arrived.
Mrs. Entress, her daughter,
and Mrs. Langford received in
formally in the living room
where bouquets of daphne, Ore
gon grape and pussywillows
" were arranged.
Mrs. O. H. Horning and Miss
Lois Steinke presided at the tea
urns and serving were Mrs. H. O.
Taylor, Mrs. E. L. Stow, Mrs.
Donald Ringle, Mrs. Dorothy
Ringle and Mrs. Irving A. De
France. The table centerpiece
was of yellow narcissus and
acacia flanked by old ivory tap
ers in crystal holders.
v The bride-elect attended Sa
lem schools' and is now connect
ed with the state accident com
mission. She is a member of the
Salem Junior Women's club.
Mr. Langford attended Ne
braska schools and was a pre
medics student at Willamette
university for two years. He is
now with the Willamette Iron
and Steel in Portland.
Bridge Clubs
To Meet
Parties are informal this week
and hostesses are arranging
luncheons and suppers for their
club members.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Adolphson
entertained their pinochle club
at supper Sunday night. Special
guests were Dr. and Mrs. Verden
E. Hockett and Mr. and Mrs.
Harris Lietz. Members are Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy and Mr. and
Mrs. George Nelson.
Mrs. W. J. Liljequist honored
her club at a bridge luncheon
Monday afternoon and special
guests were Mrs. W. P. Ellis
and Mrs. Letha Staats.
Mrs. Chandler Brown has bid
den her "sewing club to her Fair
mount Hill home this afternoon.
Mrs. Carl Schneider will honor
members of the Bono Tempo
club at a bridge luncheon this
Mrs. Earl Headrick has invited
members of the Modern Drama
class to luncheon at Godfrey's
today and will study during the
afternoon at the Headrick home.
Mrs. Wilmer Page will preside
at luncheon and bridge today for
her club at her Chemeketa street
- home.
Mrs. Earl Snell will entertain
members of the Town and
Country club at luncheon Wed
nesday afternoon at her Fair
mount Hill home. Mrs. H. T.
Clark of Portland will be a
special guest and bridge will be
in play during the afternoon.
Congratulations so to Mr. and
' Mrs. Charles Kay Bishop (Eloise
Conner) of Washougal, Wash.,
on the birth of a daughter,
Eloise Kay, on Sunday, Febru
ary 15, in Portland. The baby's
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Frank C. Conner of Stamford,
Conn., and .the great-grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Gabrielson and Mrs. C. P. Bishop
of Salem.
A card was received Friday
from Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Gurr and son, postmarked Jan
uary 8, New South Wales. The
card merely sent greetings, but
. Indicated to friends the safety
of the family, who have made
their home at Kuala Lampur for
r years. Mrs. Gurr, formerly Ma
rie Messersmith, is a graduate
of Willamette.
Mrs. Benjamin F. Williams
will entertain members of chap
ter G PEO Thursday afternoon
at a .1 o'clock salad luncheon.
Green Garden club met at the
home of Mrs. William Heilman of
Labish Center. Mrs. Heilman gave
a talk on heather, showing 2
specimens from the gardens of
Carl Stalker, a florist near Port
land. Mrs. Heilman has 19 dif
ferent varieties of heather in her
garden. .
. The flower arrangements for
the afternoon were spring flowers,
Mrs. Howard Edwards, chairman.
, A special meeting" will be held
at Mrs. Wflliam McClure's home
Jn Salem tonight at 7:30. Joe Van
Cleave state chairman on birds,
will be speaker." A general invi
tation is extended interested gar
deners. 1
Mrs, Percy Henderson will be
-hostess February 28. Chrysanthe
mums will be the subject. .There
will be a "mum" exchange. .
To Teller
IHserj at
ffoit Drops
V-X Couib Drops
Tr EnVltr-TlfiB"- Woaasrful
Miss Clarke
Announcement has been made
in Corvallis of the engagement
of a former Salem girl, Miss
Jeanette Clarke, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Harlow of Eu
gene, to Mr. Robert Hartman,
son of Mrs. A. R. Hartman and
the late Mr. Hartman of Dallas.
The wedding will take place on
March 20.
The news was revealed at a
party in Corvallis when Miss
Cornelia Funk entertained for
Miss Clarke. Attending from
Salem were Miss Elizabeth Anne
Herrick, Miss Irene Grice, Miss
Shirley Adams, Miss Eva and
Miss Ruth Davis.
The bride-elect attended Sa
lem high school and Corvallis
schools. She is now a student
at Oregon State college. Mr.
Hartman will receive his de
gree from the school of phar
macy at Oregon State college in
Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron
had as their weekend guests
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCormick
and son, John Lee, of Eugene.
Dinner guests of the Camerons
on Sunday were Mrs. Otis Calef
and Mr. Fred Calef of Inde
pendence, Mrs. John Bell of
Farmington, Wash., and Mr.
Donald Nagel of Portland.
St. Anne's Guild
The home of Dr. and Mrs. A.
D. Woodmansee on South High
street was the scene of the St.
Anne's guild meeting Monday
afternoon. Tea was served late
in the afternoon and assisting
hostesses were Mrs. Walter Soc
olofsky, Mrs. Fred Moxley, Mrs.
Hugh Morrow, Mrs. Charles
Huggins and Mrs. Woodmansee.
A bouquet of daffodils centered
the tea table.
The guild made tentative
plans for a New England sup
per to be given this spring. Spe
cial guests were Mrs. Lynn
Heise of Bakersfield, Calif, and
Mrs. A. L. Adolphson.
Others attending were Mrs.
Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Wallace
Carson, Mrs. James Humphrey,
Mrs. Lee Brown, Mrs. Ross Cop
pock, Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs.
Robert Wilson, Mrs. Robert
Brennan, Mrs. Parker Wickwire,
Mrs. Robert Sears, Mrs. Walter
Kirk, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs.
Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Howard
Rex, Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mrs.
George Schwenger, Mrs. Vernon
Perry, Mrs. Harold Olinger, Mrs.
Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. Freder
ick Hill Thompson, Mrs. Charles
Heltzel and Mrs. George Weller.
At a meeting last week at the
home of Donna Mork the Kin
unka Camp Fire Girls of Salem
- Heights elected Ha Crittendon
president; Donna Mork, vice
president; Wilma Gorton, secretary-treasury;
Jean Gorton,
song leader.
A basket social and dance are
to be held at 8 o'clock Thurs
day night at Fraternal temple
by Salem Macabbees, tent hive
No. 84 for persons interested.
The unit is raising money for
purchase of defense bonds.
Woman's Relief corps will
sponsor a card party with Mrs.
E, A. Kyle hostess at her home
at 965 North 16th street on
Thursday. The card party, at 2
o'clock, is open In the public.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Flemming
celebrated their 55th wedding
anniversary on February 10. The
Flemmings have one daughter,'
Mrs. A. D. Propp of Salem.
The Book-A-Month club will
hold a postponed meeting today
at the home of Mrs. I. L. Dar
by, 1805 South Church street.
Mrs. Ray A. Yocom is chair
man. CLO VERDALE The Better
Homes and Garden club met
Thursday at the home .of Mrs.
John Petersen, presided over by
Mrs. Louis Hennes. A war com
mittee was appointed, consisting
of the present officers and au
thorized to donate and use the
money on hand for . any war
emergency fund. Five dollars
was voted to be donated to the
Turner defense for a first aid
station. , :; : r
1 Flans were made for the din
ner and entertainment of . the
members' families February 20.
J The Four-Leal Clover J club
. will meet Wednesday; at the
' home of Mrs. Betty Drager. '
The I1011E
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Legion .
Home, S p. m.
White Shrine, Masonic Temple,
8 p. m.
Salem Central WCTU. 2 pjn
at hall..
American War Mothers, Mrs.
Addie Curtis, 245 East Meyers
street, covered dish luncheon at
noon, all day meeting.
Order of the Eastern Star. 8
p. m.. Masonic temple.
Sweet Briar club, with Mrs.
Percy Castle.
Royal Neighbors of America,
Mrs. Zula Webb, 1295 North 17th
street, all day meeting, covered
dish dinner.
AAUW literature group with
Miss Elsie Miller, 1180 North
Winter street,- 8 pm.
Salem Writers club with Dr.
and Mrs. Morton Peck, 1552 Court
Leisure Hour club dessert
luncheon, 1:30 p. m. with Mrs.
Milton Meyers, 1055 Court street.
Faculty Women's club at Delta
Phi house, 1610 Court street, 2:30.
Chapter G. PEO. Mrs. B. F.
Williams, East Center street, 1 p.
The PUT club, with Mrs. Mary
Aplin, 1397 North Commercial
street, 8 p. m.
Public affairs committee,
YWCA, meet at YW, 10 a. m.
Woman's Relief Corps. 2 p. m.,
patriotic program, 2:30, public
Ann Judson circle, First Bap
tist church, dinner, 8:30 p. m
church parlors.
Willamette Pair
Tell Betrothal
Miss Jean Longley is now
wearing Keith Sherman's dia
mond. The engagement of the
couple was announced Saturday
when the bride-elect sent a
dozen red roses with a Valen
tine card, bearing the names of
the couple, to the Beta Chi so
rority house.
Miss Longley is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Longley
of LaMesa, Calif., formerly of
Bremerton, Wash., and her fi
ance's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. Sherman of White Fish,
The bride-to-be attended Will
amette university for two years
and is a Beta Chi. She is now
with the ammunition depot at
Bremerton and plans to return
to school next year. Mr. Sher
man will graduate from Willam
ette in June and is a member of
Sigma Tau fraternity. Miss
Longley was here for the week
end and attended the Century
Ball with her fiance.
.Miss Hills Will
Speak at AAUW
From its own membership, Sa
lem branch, American Associa
tion of University Women, this
month selects its speaker. Miss
Joy Hills, head of the social
science department at Salem
high school, is to address the
branch at its Saturday luncheon
meeting on the subject "We Plan
for the Future," drawing upon
sources in her own field of spe
cial study.
Members are to be given an
opportunity to discuss and elect
a method of meeting the
branch's payment for scholarship
purposes, directors decided at a
recent meeting.
Mrs. C. W. Jiles is in Portland
this week visiting with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Blevin Lewelling.
LIBERTY Miss Florence
Voigt became Mrs. Paul Free at
a home ceremony at the Voigt
residence on Saturday afternoon.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Voigt and her hus
band the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest C. Free.
Immediate members of the
families of the bride and groom
were present for the wedding,
which was performed by Rev.
Knowles S. Tontz of Brooks, who
also had performed the seryice
for the bride's parents.
. The bride wore a light blue
silk crepe frock with beige coat,
brown accessories and corsage of
gardenias. Barbara Gesner, the
bride's only attendant, wore a
chartreuse tailored suit and also
a gardenia corsage.
Lloyd Chapman was best man
for Mr. Free.
A reception followed the mar
riage service. Mrs.; Morse Stew
art and Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren
presided at the refreshment
tables. -
The couple left for a short
wedding trip. They will reside
. In Seattle, where the groom is
: employed at; Boeing Aircraft
company. '
Put a few drops of Ticks Va-tro-ttol
.biiiboiiwbumto w at Bulge,
neesa or tign of nasal irritation, ita
quick action aids VA
Nature's defenses ? v4
arainstcoldtJ'oUow J. Jzl: '
- directions la folder. VA-TIGX
Miss Perfect
Mr. -Lyon
To Wed
The day has been set for the
wedding of Miss Ruth Perfect
and Mr. Homer Lyon. The couple
will be married on Wednesday
night in the chapel of St Paul's
Episcopal church with Rev.
George H. Swift officiating at 9
The bride-elect is the daughter
of Professor and Mrs. Albert
Perfect of Los Angeles, former- j
ly of Eugene where Professor
Perfect was, a member of the
University of Oregon faculty.
Mr. O. K. DeWitt will give the
bride-to-be in marriage and Miss
Marjorie Price will be the only
attendant A reception at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. De
Witt on Court street will follow
the ceremony.
Miss Perfect attended the Uni
versity of Oregon, Los Angeles
junior college and University
of California at Los Angeles. She
is now connected with the sec
retary of state's office.
Mr. Lyon is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, sr., of
Marshfield. He attended Oregon
State college and the University
of Oregon. His fraternity is Al
pha Tau Omega. Mr. Lyon is
with the state board of forestry
and will be leaving this month
for active duty with the army.
Initiate New
Members The initiation service of the
Business and Professional Wom
an's club was held at the cham
ber of commerce Friday night.
Assisting Miss Velma Romin
ger, chairman of the emblem
committee, were Miss Carolyn
Wilson, president, Miss Phebe
McAdams, Miss Helen Hiller,
- Mrs. Anna Morgan, Mrs. Mabel
Parker, Mrs. Edith Nye, Miss
Hilda Fries, Miss Letha Pelley
and Miss I sa belle Leeper. Music
was furnished by the McDowell
sextet, Miss Martha Pinson,
Miss Monica Rodakowski, Miss
Gretchen Rinehart, Miss Gail
Ferguson, Miss Marguerite
Shelley and Miss Lois Steinke.
. New members are Mrs. Anna
Biegger, Mrs. Flora Heider, Mrs.
Hannah Hanzen, Mrs. Ada Far
mer, Mrs. Esther Little, Miss
Dorothy Howard, Mrs. Marcia
Smith, Miss Josephine Mursell,
Miss Neva Luckenbaugh, Miss
Jereme Tipton, Mrs. Lucille
Kleinman and Mrs. Helen
Dr. Crane Will
Wednesday night, February 18,
Dr. Gertrude Boyd Crane will
speak to all interested "Employ
ed girls" on "Creative Living in
a Day of Collapse." Miss Crane,
who is professor of Philosophy
and Education at Pacific univer
sity, is well known in Salem as
an informed and vital speaker on
present day problems. All wo
men, clerks, office workers or
teachers, working in any capaci
ty are cordially invited to at
tend this meeting. The group
will meet for dinner at Miller's
Tea room at 6:15 o'clock. Reser
vations may be made up until
this noon at the YWCA or phone
The Salem Council of Wom
en's Organizations will meet
Thursday, 2 p.m. in Willamette
room of the chamber of com
merce. Mrs. Emma Wasson, di
rector of youth administration,
will discuss the functions of that
organization as applied to the
youth of Salem. Officer Louis
Burgess will explain what a po
liceman can do and what he
cannot do as governed by sta
tutory regulations.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick
Chambers and Miss Dorathea
Steusloff will talk informally
about their South American
plane trip to a group of Oregon
State college alumni at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr in
Portland tonight.
Would You Express
Your Sympathy?
Members of the School for
Blind student body celebrated
the birthday of . Oregon and
Valentine's day Saturday night
at a dance given by the sopho
more class in the school gymna
sium. Festivities began with the
showing of a technicolor film ti
tled "The New Oregon TraiL"
An exchange of Valentines
brought the evening to a close.
Mrs. Darby
Fetes Club
Mrs. James Darby entertained
members of her club with a
pinochle party Friday night at
her home3. Winning prizes were
Mrs. Edwin, Johnson and Mrs.
Louis Burgess., Refreshments
were served at a late hour.
Special guests were Mrs. Clar
ence Stanley, Mrs. Louis Bur
gess and Miss Betty Ferguson.
Members are Mrs. Harry Mohr,
Mrs. Paul Brandon, Mrs. J. F.
Van OsdoL ir.. Mrs. Robert B.
Law, Mrs. Ronald Crossland,
Mrs. Norris Walen, Mrs. Harley
Cross, Mrs. Edwin Johnson and
Mrs. Darby.
Club Members
Hear Talk
Mrs. Jennie M. Willis presid
ed over the regular meeting of
the Three Link club of Rebe
kah lodge Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Glenn Adams gave a re
sume of her trip through the
east and south. The club is con
tributing $5 to the fund for the
Louise home campaign.
Hostesses were Mrs. Pearl
Swanson, Mrs. Ida Steele and
Mrs. Irvin Hochstetler and
guests were Mesdames Elsie Pa
penfus, Coral Bellinger, Avis
Perrine, Glenn Adams, Belle
Carlson, William Beard, Dora
Morley, Sallie Curtis, Pearl
Harland, Lloyd Stiffler, R. S.
VanPelt, Mae Hill, Rhoda Nagel,
George Viesko, Daisy Mclntyre,
Laura B. Noyes, Horace G.
Loveland, Carrie Jennings, Ma
ry A. Gosser, Amie Mills, Mar
garet Montgomery, Clara
Shields, Gertrude Kirkpatrick,
Augusta Fleetwood, Eva Keene,
Lola N. McFarlane, Lena
Wright; Edgar Hartley, Sarah
Harter, W. H. Gardner, Jennie
M. Willis, Howard N. Hunsaker.
Birthday Party
For Daughter
Mrs. S. A. Barker entertained
Saturday for her daughter Sha
ron Darlene, on her 8th birth
day. Mrs. Clarence Weese as
sisted the hostess. Mrs. Anna
Vanderhoff, Sharon's grandmo
ther was a special guest.
Children attending the party
were Carole May Weese, Lowell
Weese, David Thomson, DeVo
nia Kleeman, Jackie Lyman,
Edwin Eckersley, Glenda Lee
and Sharon Darlene Barker.
. . s' VI
............ ... - . .
it rT!ii
A'?wwiw mmjssismxmHSpSBHmmmBsmmmmmmm
Tree Tea has more flavor because we blend it from
the world's finest teas each picked at its flavor
peak to assure you more enjoyment than you've
' ever before had from tea. .
Cherries on
Menu This
Week Sure
Simply because George
Washington cut down a cherry
tree in his youth, and then made
history by admitting it, we are
now enjoying national cherry
Canned cherries - make fine
desserts, worth remembering
especially this time of year
when fresh fruit is scarce. Here
are two recipes that use the
red tart variety, of the small
fruit i
1 No. 2 can red tart pitted
Vt cup sugar ;
Va cup cold water
1 tablespoon unfavored gela
tine 1 cup heavy cream, whipped
1 cup sliced bananas
Va cup black walnuts, broken,
or other nuts
Drain juice from cherries.
Add sugar and . heat to' boiling
point. Then add the gelatine
that has been soaked in the Y
cup cold water. Cool mixture to
thick creamy consistency. Then
whip and fold in the cream, ba
nanas, nuts and half the cher
ries. Pour into desired molds
and chill until firm. Garnish
with remaining cherries and
whipped cream, if desired.
Serves 8 to 8.
Torten Layer:
1 cup sifted flour
Vs teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk, slightly beaten
1 tablespoon sugar
V cup butter
Combine flour, salt and sugar.
Cut in tne butter. Add beaten
egg yolk and mix thoroughly.
Press this mixture into baking
dish 10 x 6 x 2 or a pie pan
'may be used. Cover with- cher
ry topping and bake at 425 de
grees for 15. minutes. .Then re
duce heat to 350 'degrees for
about 20 minutes. Serve hot or
cold. Whipped or plain cream
may be served with the torten.
Cherry Topping:
1 No. 2 can red tart pitted
1 tablespoon butter
14 cup sugar
4 tablespoons cornstarch
Drain juice, from cherries.
Heat to boiling point. Combine
sugar and cornstarch. Add
enough cold water to make a
smooth pouring paste. Pour this
gradually into the boiling cher
ry juice. Cook 5 minutes, stir
ring constantly. Remove from
fire and add the cherries and
Q 5
A FACT: Tree Tea has won from its lead
ing competitor NINETEEN times in un
biased taste tests. Tree Tea tastes better,
has more flavor. That's why, in 23 tests, it
won nineteen, tied three and lost only one!
w . .
,.r. ,-:'
As a Place ia which to spend your evemngt, tkit would be a fine
.pot to yesra for the 'good old dayi". Structurally it ihowt littk wear
f rom its years of service, but in general appearance it i
help by simple redecoration. How to redecorate it so that it wiU not
look like aa old rooln with new wall paper i
ft! rlM
pi m
New wood paneling will to change the character of this room that
no thought of 1190 will intrude. Any of many kinds of inexpenshre
wood paneling may be applied directly ortc the old plaster. The old
fireplace sad mantel can be retained "as is". Seats built on either side
make k appear that the chimney, was- set into the room on purpose.
Today's Menu
The salad is the featured dish
in today's menu.
Spiced beet salad
Meat pie
Buttered green beans
Fresh apple sauce
Ginger cookies
1 cup cubed spiced (pickled)
3 cup diced celery
Va cup cooked peas
1 teaspoon chopped onions
2 tablespoons chopped sweet
v v.
If, .sCv. ... t
r i - , ; v ww '
LL UM0 5 -A
, 1 W.
- .tr
1 X.,
a teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon pepper
Vi cup French dressing
Lightly mix Ingredients and
Losers Dinner Hosts.
DAYTON Thirty members at
tended the 7:30 dinner served
Friday by the losing side of a
membership contest in the Re
bekah lodge of Dayton. Mrs. A. W.
Burke, Mrs. Miles Maxwell and
Mrs. Theodore Perry were new
members added to the lodge in
the contest.
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