pags czvm . . in the ISeuu The OBEGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning, February 13. 1812 il ! ran WALDEN, NY. Visibly annoyed - at what he considered excessive challenging of venire men during a ' jury, trial, Justice of the Peace Henry Wiley-ordered the court room cleared, clamp ed on his hat and departed. . "There's too much monkey business every time we have a Jury trial here.'V.he said to the offending attorneys. ' "You can take your case some place else," pared for parking problems of the future. i "In anticipation of the car riage trade," he petitioned the city street commissioner for per mission to place a hitching post near his doorman. CHICAGO A Valentine is oh its way to soldiers at Camp Forrest, Tenn. in a crate. . It's heart-shaped," "five feet high and filled with candy, cookies, peanuts, cigarets, cigars, potato- chips, shaving cream, tooth paste and games. It weighs 1000 pounds. It's from Mrs. Frank Bering. CHICAGO (Jpy- Operators of a club cafeteria placed small Amer ican flags atop each table's sugar bowl in honor of Lincoln's birth day anniversary.- Ration-minded customers, . they said, looked twice, used less sugar. " BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (JP)- The art editor of the Birmingham News received a call from head quarters or an exhibit of modern surrealist art. The caller pleaded "Will you please send back that book we loaned you de scribing these paintings? We're trying to . hang them now, and we don't know which is top and which is bottom." TALLAHASSEE,-Fla. (P)-The persistent sounding of sirens in downtown Tallehassee put the Florida State college for .-women's air raid alarm system into ope ration recently. Classroom bells, centrally con trolled, were rung and students who 'heard them went to shelter areas to await the all-clear signal. When it didn't come, someone called the fire department and learned that it wasn't an air raid -nor even a practice. A siren salesman was demon strating his wares to city officials BOISE, Idaho (JP)- Mrs. A. A. Belk wonders if the wild geese she saw. ever got back on the beam. Flying north in traditional for mation; the geese suddenly' scat tered when a bolt of lightning flashed nearby. , The birds soon returned to for mation, but the last Mrs. Belk saw of them they were flying south, i GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (JP)-. It's all right with City Clerk George Ver Wys if women have to run the city's polling places at next Monday's primary election. Ver ; Wys said many men who formerly did the work have no tified him they would not be available because they are mak ing- more money on defense jobs. "That suits me,said Ver Wys. "Women write better." CLEVELAND (JP)- Japan ave nue SW is just plain W. 36th street how. . By unanimous vote the city council slapped the cheeks of the Nipponese by crossing from the books forever the name Japan avenue. MARSHALLTOWN, la. (JP) Iowa Republican Chairman Fred B. Gilbert has protested to Rep. Joseph Martin, national republi can chairman, against "hiring dancers" to "build morale." Wired he: "Taxpayers object to being teased as well as stripped." MILWAUKEE (JP)- Thinking to save his automobile tires, Attor ney Jerome Treis, 33, took his family for a ride in a horse drawn buggy. He succeeded admirably in his conservation purpose, but will spend some time in bed as a re ' attMM wmm tfir home mm ' ' - i . , ... . ; National. Defense Week February 12-22 J. cad J. COMPLETE FIRST AID KIT - 99 10 Double Seel Adhssivo Tape, Vk2'2 ycrds, 5 25 DOUDLE SEAL DAND-HESIVO, 35's D.; & D. DANDAGESi 2x10 YARDS'; D. & D. STERILIZED COTTON, 2-OUNCE 25 WORTHY ANTISEPTIC, PINT ; -' 15 MERCUROCHROMEi Vz-OUNCE ! 16 19 9c NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (JP)- A su" blacksmith recently received an okeh from the -local rationing board to purchase an automobile tire for this reason: ."So I can drive to farms, in this vicinity to shoe horses." ' ABILENE, Tex. (JP)- John R. Clark, Bible salesman, bought his gravestone 13 years ago. Several weeks ago he finished paying for his casket. He died the other day, aged 99. TAMPA, Fla. -(JP)- A Tampa woman took a larger cage con taining a big gray and black bird to the humane society. She explained it came from' Brazil, that it was too mean for her to keep. Wondering what to do with the bird, society officials were re lieved when a Hillsborough coun ty, farmer came in and took it off their hands. "Why that's just a plain old Florida buzzard," said the farmer. FORT RILEY, Kas. lJpy- A jackrabbit's kick blacked the eye of Pvt. Woodrow Kirkpatrick of Ripley, Term., and sent him to the infirmary for treatment. The soldier's stealth in creeping up on an imaginary enemy was so expert that he . surprised the rabbit, which he wasn't stalking. HOUSTON, Tex. -(JP)- John Mayo, drilled 118 dry holes in search of oil. His 117th attempt brought In a producer in Jackson county and The horse, frightened when the harness broke, bolted. The buggy sideswiped a tree and turned over. pinning Treis beneath. Now he was laid up with a fractured left arm and a shoulder injury. His family escajJed unhurt. BIRMINGHAM, Ala.W-Charg- ed with parking overtime, the negro preacher told the judge that: He had taken a Bible to a con demned negro In the county jail and had remained to pray and sing hymns with the prisoner. The judge let him off without a line. COLUMBUS, O. (JP) The ice cream merchandising institute, in session here, came up with this one "Victory sundae." Just pay an extra dime and get a defense stamp with your sun dae and flavor. DUBUQUE, la. -(JP)- Andrew Poulos, remembering the numer ous thefts of federal automobile tax stamps, stuck his on the rear view mirror. So a thief took the mirror, too. opened a new field : which has j been named for him. IRON RIVER, Wis--A Su perior (Wis) newspaper photog rapher who prefers to be name less has decided to let someone else take the best news picture of the year. Armed with his camera and a flash gun, the photographer set I out to take pictures of two 400 BATAVIA, O. (JP)-: The bees in Thurman Trees' trees brought sugar' rationing . ease., -- Workmen cut down a towering sugar maple in Trees' front yard in. nearby Felicity t- and found therein a wash tub full "of wild honey. ' BOSTON (JPh Whoa. - Manager Walter E. Seaver of the Lenox hotel, worried by auto mobile and tire rationing, pro pound, bears said to be sleeping in a cave near here. A friend had reported the bears were sleeping so soundly that when prodded with a stick they did not stir. The photographer stepped into the tunnel entrance. He shot a flash bulb hoping to see the ani mals. Five feet in front of him, and not sleeping, was a massive bear,. lunging toward him in no un certain steps. The photographer got out fast Radio Man Js Hero in Sinking --r -i I V f -f " 4 Is f N - t A' I 11 ' I K rTT tf ' ;- . t ' ' v. v '. .. l ... J ' Kenneth Slarnard and Captain Paul EL Brows Kenneth Maynard, ' hero of the torpedoing of the tanker, China Arrow, tent to the bottom by a U-boat off the AUanUe eoast, la. shown at Lewis, Del, seated beside the captain of the snip, Cap tain Paul Hoffman "Browne of New York. Maynard. radio operator .. aboard the vessel, stuck to hia post aa two torpedoes struck the tanker. Ha rigged up an emergency transmitter d k'Pt seudtag distress signals. Before ordered to abandon chip, he placed a book over the key of his set to that a continuous aignal would-be aenr imtll the vessel sank, The entire 37-man" crew was rescued from : lifeboat by a coast guard cutter. . VALIINITDHll Giits of Romance . That Say You Care Deauttful. Artistic, Dainty Flower Base Cologne Candle $1 .00 55c Slit Gem Siale tdqe Roior lladet 1 i V .00 Seamless Rubber Moire Fountain Syringe Guaranteed 69 6 Hewer Types Decorative Use as Center Piece Dipped ia Wax Perfect Gifts 6 Perfumes Scent O Lite Colognes are. delightfully scented. These exquisite flowers of frail and delicate beauty are excellent Valentine gifts for Milady's boudoir. $1.75 EVENING IN PARIS ' $1.25 Cologne and atomiser . . . gift of good taste. Houbigant Quelque Fleurs Perfume M.50 In a key to her heart gift box. LENTHERIC BOUQUET $1.10 Miracle, Shanghai, Gardenia, Abientot and Confetti $1.00 REX FIFTH AVENUE COMPACT 50 Gold finished all-metal cases, decorated tops. YARDLEY GIFT SET Distinctive lavender fragrance talc and soap. $1.00 BALLERINA COLOGNE Three fragrances in gold encrusted bottle. CUTEX "EYES RIGHT" SET Compact travel kit with six manicure essentials. APRIL SHOWERS GIFT SET Eerfume, Talc and Cologne. ELMO GIFT SET Honeysuckle dusting powder and cologne. Bestovall Enamel Paint Household Cleaner Pints, 39 Quarts 69 Vz Gals.. $1.09 Gallon, $1.89 Easiljr and fficintljr clean woodwork, kitchen wall and linoleum. 1.75 49 89 '1.00 '2.25 50 Dr. West's Miracle Tuft Tooth Brush AT Exton bristle brush in steril ized container. Lifebuoy having Cream Fast . lathering, softens Otf beards quickly. . For Lovelier Tomorrows! O For Delicate Skin O Limited Time Only O Buy Yours Today . Sale Ends Saturday! "ELiO $2.00 Special Formula CREAM $100 Per Jar ' Try Elmo special formula cream for winter weary sJrin, J Created to relieve dryness caused by wind and exposure to sun. . . " . Sweetheart Toilet SOAP Lifebuoy Soap P 2 for 0 uc V The soap that smells clean. Lux Toilet Soap 7c 2 13c Tb soap of the Holly wuiT tura. Reg. 10c Size 3 for 20c usterine Antiseptic Gztim Bcst Sop 4 for 17 Umit4lars 25c 3-Ounce 23 50c 7-Ounce 39 75c 14-Ounce 59 FREE 10c Lclicn With Purchase of 7Sc TTccdbury Geld Crean $lJ25 4VIae Only 590' I J. Tek Tooth Irish : Kitaral er Myica Erlsflc li5 Woodbury - ColdCreom 97 lOVa-ex. J or 50nVoodbury Face Povdsr ::; 43? 7 shades for romantic skin loveliness. $13 Value ... . Fever i Thermometers A thoroughly in irate and easily read ther nometer.. 1 Minutje., 52.50 Vclue Crest Hot Vater Botf le , Seamlesi ':-S'l:tl ttmction. Water- T Jf tiht neck. 3-year . guarantee. , Cleaver Carving Knife Slicing Knife 99 69 Set of $1.98 3 I Cut-Rite Wax Pcpcr 125-Foot R.nt 13 yr Keeps sandwiches toft and moist. ' . mmmm' 4 v V clla i twi ll 1 cv' J' J lot rf ol Peep Cm-S Prices! I ON HOUSEHOLD DRUGS 35c Fred Meyer Canphoraled Oil, 4-oz., 23c $1.25 Fred Ileyer Oil of Eucalyplas, 6-oz.f 69c 25c Fred Ileyer Calamine Lolioa, 4-oz. 19c 20c Fred Ileyer Epson Sails, 1 pound, 13c MeT41 Spirits oi Anmonia Aromatic, 2-oz. 23c $1.50 Fred Ileyer Spirits of Camptor li $1.G3 geferFred Aromatic Fluid Exiractss;.73c 30c Uorhy Witch Hazel, qnarl 31c 49c Fred Ileyer Spirits oi Tnrpenline, pi. 29c 60c Fred Ileyer Tinclnre of Green Soap Pt 49c Tree 3 Test Blades With Purchase Package 12 Double Edge Razor Blades All for 250 MAILORDERS AH hcrna maricl () wil tx nailed pottage prepay. To all othor kctnt M 10 to com the cost of snaflinf and add 10 for all items under lad cral retail aalea tax law. Fred Meyer, Ioc P. O. Bat 670, Portland, Oregaa. Dr. Miles New , 1-a-Day Vitamin 0 Complex Tabs. 07 it Smetl StM 12 Tablett Medlam Siie 30 Tablets ;: Large She C9 JO Tablet! mSm m i - Each tablet cootain Vkam Bl 33J V: S. P. unks; B2 Riboflavio 800 Sherman Units. Also the PP' Factor, (i)Cmainidc) 10 Mf Titamin B6 Pyrtdavae) 015 Mg. : . " jlU Tt4 lleytr Dnrf Sttiwm Hew FeeW Retell Seles T ef 10 New ApBes H All T3trtt, terftiiMS, ate.. imdOU 1st Hw Tax Uw mn4 WM U Added N t ft tml Price t Hm Otock Staaids. Ab Mo Ordoea, ;j lOCALLY OVJNEDdQPcRATEP Prlctt Cod FrliaY Tanl I'raiay . - Regular 20c : CLOTHES BOOSO Sturdy Bristles, Wood Handle With This -,; Coupon i if - n i : i l i New Marvelous ' ?. :ViUmin Bl Ddl Planls Choice of Blooms 35c .Value ; Prenicf. Gnmonl Dz j Moth Proot r 4x27x60 New Guest Size ;r Ccsiscre E:zrr:i Toils! Scap I r 5 , r'V Tcilsl Tissne 1000'Sheet ' . 3 rcll3 :25i ;1 j-i .