The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1942, Page 12, Image 12

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    Stream Pollution Discussed
Silverton's Izaak
SILVERTON Stream pollution from the Silverton Canning
company's waste and pollution expected from the flax plant now
under construction at Silverton were discussed at the Monday
night meeting of the local chapter of the Izaak Walton league.
W. Clark Bachman, president
of the chapter, reported that san
'ltary authorities had already
ruled that the waste from the flax
plant would have to be treated or
stored before it was released, and
Dr. P. A. Loar, state director of
the Izaak Walton League as well
as local director, reported that he
had Seen informed that the Sil
verton Canning company would
have to install a settling basin and
treat its waste before dumping it
into the sewer.
Tern Hewitt, ef the Veterans'
camp, and Harry Buckley, of
the recreational area above
here, spoke concerning the as
' sistance which league members
can give the forest service in
fire prevention. Waltonlans are
being asked to report any suspi
cions character seen in the for
ests and to report any auxiliary
H. B. Latham, secretary-treasurer,
reported that the league
had-$170 in its coffers. The league
voted to use a portion of the funds
in 'cleaning up the chapter park
near Silverton and in repairing
the fish pond and dam.
Included in the report of 1941
league activities, Bachman named
the three fish plantings which had
been accomplished under the di
rection of the league with the as
sistance of the CCC and the rec
reational area. The fish were
furnished by the state game com
mission. The group voted to invite
membership from ML Angel,
Marquam and Scotts Mills and
.elected Edwin Overland and
.Albert Morris to superintend
.Officers were reelected to in
clude president, W. Clark Bach-
ftooDBY (c'.'Lr) special:
; I
, I I '
Idtfroet eflo,Mla
bowl ni 1 iefrtes
f RM la l-cae
UfM" witch fat III.
tsre . upplyiaf
total sf T.Way
- Lamp Offered Is' Similar to Illustration
Here . Is Our Special Lamp Offer!
One of the, most unusual offers ever made! Buy
anything: you need in home furnishings, including
floor coverings, amounting: to $35.00 or more . .
and this beautiful lamp (as illustrated) is yours
for the give-away price of $1.00. Remember, this
offer does not apply on purchases before or after
this sale, contract items excluded. - ...
Libertl Credit Terms . As Usual
Walton Unit
man; vice-president, Edwin Over
lund; secretary-treasurer, H. B.
Latham; director, Dr. P. A. Loar
Albert Morns was elected as a
new director to replace Norris
Ames. .
Program Spt
At Aumsville
AUMSVILLE At the Women's
club meeting Thursday at the
home of Mrs. T. Y. McClelian
committees were appointed for the
benefit program to be given by
the club February 20.
Mrs. Charles Martin is chair'
man of the program committee;
Mrs. Bland Speer, publicity; and
Mrs. Ethel Wright, chairman re
freshments. Present for the afternoon were
Mrs. Jennie McClelian, Mrs. Ethel
Wright, Mrs. C. F. Hein, Mrs. R.
T. Mountain, Mrs. Ruby Potter,
Mrs. William Forgey, Mrs. Emma
Condit, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs.
Elmer Klein, Mrs. George White,
Miss Minnie Petersan, Ernest
Towle and Mrs. Luta Fuson.
Mrs. G. Justdal has been ill at
her home the past four weeks with
C. D. Boone is confined to his
bed with influenza. He has been
ill two weeks. ,
Connie Roberts was here for
the weekend from Seattle, where
he has been employed at the Boe
ing airplane plant.
9Th!s tplcndd Lena? wi3 add
charm, and an abundant;
of sight-saving tight to yetar
bomt. Tht beautiful 19" dia
meter, genuine parchment
iztd -shade, with smart
braid trim top and bottom
and sk rosette trim orna-
mtBttUssatno6nted by Ten-
He (simulated onyx) finlaL
As Offered
Your choice of an assort
ment of bases, in Antique
Ivory, or Cronze finish.
Extra heavy, flat
reeded fabla Mm
sivo. 14 flaltl
b the ricMy oreia4
Tealte fslaaletetf
ays) tfoae whist
hoMi the "Nlaht
Ufhf. Heavy, cast
faery hast,
worm -
Reports from The Statesman 's
Crowd Attends
Shower Given
At Turner
TURNER Mrs. Leo Klokstad
and Mrs. Adolph Nelson were
hostesses Thursday at the home
of Mrs. G. W. Goodwin, lor a
shower honoring Mrs. George
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Richard Holt and daugh
ters, Mrs. Juanita Moulett, Mrs.
"Robert Mitchell, Mrs. Harold
Squires, Mrs. Chester Stewart,
Mrs. Albert Robertson and Ed
ward, Mrs. Emma Saliday, Mrs.
A. E. Spencer, Mrs. H. Bower,
Mrs. J. A. Versteag, Mrs. W. R.
Hogsed, Mrs. John Regier, Mrs.
Herman Johnson, Mrs. Ray Gil
lispie, Mrs L- E. Peterson, Mrs.
Ray Grim and daughter, Mrs.
Ina King, Mrs. Arthur Robertson,
Mrs. Ed Burgess, Mrs. Sherman
Miller, Mrs. B. E. Kimsey and
children,- Mrs. Ed Nelson and
sons, Mrs. W. B. Nelson, Salem,
Mrs. C. Farmen, Arlene, Jean and
Sonny, Jefferson, Stella Barnett,
Mrs. G. W. Godwin, the honor
guest and -son Harold, and Mrs.
Leo Klokstad and Buddy, and
Mrs. Adolph Nelson and Marlene.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend included Mrs. Homer
Haggard, Mrs. Earl Grim, Mrs.
Lily Lyons, Mrs. Eart Standley,
Mrs. Roy Witzel, Mrs. Alice Da
vis, Mrs. John Rolfe, Mrs. Cro
shaw, Mrs. Amos Ackerson, Mrs.
Earl Prather, Ethel and Violet
Farmen and Erlyn Klokstad.
Schools Ask
AMITY Petitions are being
circulated in Whiteson and Amity
asking for a vote to consolidate
the two school districts.
Whiteson, about two miles
north of Amity, has discontinued
its school for a number of years
and the pupils from there have
been attending the Amity school.
Mrs. Nellie Whitney, Hillsboro,
who has been a guest at the home
of her son, Lloyd, since before
Christmas, returned to Hillsboro
Friday. She is a sister of Mrs.
George Clark of Amity.
K. E. Burke, president of
Northwestern Christian college,
Eugene, and a number of stu
dents will present a musical con
cert at .the Christian church of
Amity Sunday afternoon.
Silverton Club
Seats Officers
SILVERTON Irene Geroux
was installed as president of the
Royal Neighbors club at its meet
ing Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Hattie Bentson.
Other officers installed were:
Vice president, Ethel McClung;
secretary, Margery Rye, and
treasurer, Velma Thompson. In
stalling officers were Mrs. . Her
man Naegeli and Mrs. Gertrude
Moen. The club will meet again
at the home of Mrs. William Rue
on February 18.
Birthdays were observed at the
Tuesday night meeting of t h e
lodge. Included as honor guests
were Velma Thompson, Nellie
Amundson, Mary Jones, Eliza
beth Rutherford, Mary, Herr,
Margery Rye, Nellie Lorenson,
and Evelyn Kennedy. Mrs. Marie
Thomas was also placed at the
honor table in commemoration of
her 20 -years as a member of the
Arranging the evening and
patriotic decorations were Jose
phine Hartman, Alice Egan, Irene
Geroux, Ida Bowman and Edith
Grace. Plans were discussed for
the annual homecoming event
March 10.
Visitors Entertained
At Victor Point Home
Russel Gray, Toledo, spent the
weekend here with her narents.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Humphreys.
ratricia Alexander, Albany, ac
companied them and spent the
time with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Phillip Fischer.
Mrs. Marion Fisher, who has
been ill, is recovering satisfactor
ily. Her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lambrecht,
West Stayton, visited here Sun
day. . y
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Robl
are announcing the birth of their
first son and fourth child. -
Community Club
SWEGLE Jeanne Dubuis re
signed as secretary and Ruby West
was elected to take her place at
the Friday meeting of the com
munity club.
The program was presented by
Mr. Sanders, a teacher at the blind
school, and two of his high school
girl students. Local musical num
bers were given by two trios of
students. 'Delores Huckstep, Nor
ma Conklin, and Delma Lake and
Joan and Eleanor Smith and Joan
Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Isacs. Pauls
and Mr.' and Mrs. , George Yost
were on ; the refreshment com
mittee. Mrs. Anton Feskens, secretary
of East Salem defense group
-Willamette Valley Mew
Salem. Oregon. Wednesday
Talk About Your
What price priority! Someone stole the tires and wheels from little
Walter Scott Hanson's buggy in Chicago. Never mind, Walter, maybe
Price Administrator Leon Henderson 'can do something about it
Liberty Club
Hears Agent
L I B E RT Y Frances Clinton,
Marion county home demonstra
tion agent, was guest speaker at
the meeting of the Liberty Wom
an's club Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Harold Lane.
A number of completed gar
ments, sewn for the Red Cross,
were turned in to Mrs. Schalk,
who has charge of that project
here. Mrs. Mervin Seeger report
ed that the todler knitted pack
was nearly finished for the Red
Cross. ;
Plans were formulated for the
annual husband's dinner, which
this year celebrates the 17 th an
niversary of the clubs. It will be
held February 28th at 6:30 p.m.
in the grange hall.
Committees in charge will be:
kitchen, ' Mrs. Henry Staggs, Mrs.
J. L. Watt, Mrs. W. D. Olden, Mrs.
Lon Shuttleworth; dining room,
Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. Charles
Krauger, Mrs. Floyd Barnes, Mrs.
Morris Stewart, Mrs. M. Seeger;
and program, Mrs. Laurie Walker.
The club is cooperating with the
school in a paper drive this week.
Anyone having paper of any kind
is requested to bring it to school
or call a member of the club and
it will be picked up. The paper
will be sold and funds used in de
fense work.
Mrs. Lane served refreshments
at the close of the meeting assist
ed by Mrs. Nancy Brooks and
Mrs. Floyd Barnes. Thirty were
Builder Class
Dines, Studies
WEST SALEM The Builders'
class met Monday for a no-host
supper and study period with Ro
ger McVey as the teacher.
The men laid a new floor on
the stage in the church basement
Leo Estey supervised the job.
Present were Rev. and Mrs.
Don Hiickabee and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Cameron. Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Martsolf, Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Phillips and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Forster, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hath
away, Mrs. Preston Fausht and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Led' Estey
and Betty Jean, A. Landers. Mr
and Mrs.: Robert Pattison and
Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Leiehton
Dashiell and Laurice and Roger
And He Still Hasrfi Had Enough
mmmmtmmKmmmmmvmfl w. jjsw'jpimxwi' wwweywwwseatss
, . .
V .
i ; -
' - -.... ....-... .,:...,,
j&ucel LenOsKM aad Lieut.
Hi waj Vrted t a tubmarlna to th bottom cj fha Btraiti of
cover. lEa-as bombed from a destroyer. Rescued, he was then
uown from th reacue ,ahlp, wounded toy shrapnel and machine gun
SfI . . . tV-t'61 e left, wanU more action!, Be
wanted to Jota .the l&yj, and applied In New. York, above, but ht
was rejected because he is not a eitlxen. Marcel now is applying for
citizenship, r
78 Community
Morning. February 11. 1942
Meanest Thief !
Dinner - Served
Legion Groups
WEST SALEM The elk dinner
given at the Legion hall was at
tended by approximately 80 peo
ple. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White,
who were observing their 20th
wedding anniversary were com
During the business meeting of
the auxiliary plans were made
to assist the post in sponsoring a
benefit dinner February 22. A re
port; of the hospital and welfare
committee was given, and requests
were made for army cots for the
present emergency.
Mrs. Elmer Cook will be chair
man, for the survey of women for
national defense.
The post presented the auxiliary
with a $25 defense bond.
The two units will hold a joint
meeting next time to observe the
Americanism program. Mrs. Nel
lie Hammer will be in charge.
Doctor Attends
Portland Meet
frier, attended a post graduate
medical session at Portland the
latter part of the week.
Everett Smith went to Seattle
the last of he week o esek em
ploymen. Marion Miller, Cottage Grove;
Walter Rehb, Salem; and Clar
ence Kienle, Corvallis, were fined
$5 each for violation of the basic
Mrs. Charles Ramp left to visit
her sister at Portland. -
Mrs. D. J. Bradford and chil
dren, and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Mil
ler spent the weekend at Ne
halem visiting Bradford, who is
employed there by the state high
way ' department
Meetings of the Kingwood Gar
den Club have been postponed in
definitely, according to the presi
dent, Mrs. Claud Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas and
children, Pendleton, spent the
weekend at their home here.
Sews for Red Cross
LINCOLN Lincoln Goodwill
club will hold the regular meeting
in conjunction with Red Cross
sewing at the home of Mrs. Ivan
Merrick, Thursday afternoon at 2
o clock.
tWnaader K IX Leete
Women Plan
Benefit Tea
At Hubbard
HUBBARD The Hubbard
women's club met at the home of
Mrs. Lenore Schorr ' Wednesday
with Mrs. Schorr, Mrs. Eva Welch
and Mrs. Sadie Scholl as hostesses.
Mrs. Louise MurrelL Mrs. Grace
Cramer and Mrs. Effie Bell spoke.
Plans were made for the chil
dren's farm home tea to be held
in the K of P hall February 18.
The Boy Scout troop and Scout
master Kenneth Murrell attended
the Congregational church in
Hubbard Sunday.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Congregational church is holding
a benefit dinner Thursday.
The Hubbard public schools
plan to hold classes an extra hour
each day. This will allow school
to be dismissed about two weeks
C. C. Hepler has been in Phoe
nix, Ariz., at the home of his son,
who has been Very low following
a major operation.
The choir of the Congregational
church will hold its annual pro
gram of music next Sunday at 8
Joe Van Winkle visited at the
home of his parents in Hubbard
on his return ; from Washington,
DC, where he has been going to
school and working for the war
department Joe has enlisted in
the navy air corps and will start
service upon his graduation from
Willamette university in June.
Sister Guest
At Shower
MONITOR Mrs. Carl Herig
stad entertained recently honor
ing her sister, Mrs. Mabel Lynch.
Present were - Edna Wormdahl,
Carrie Tyler, Mary Thyker, Anna
Paulson, Nellie Thyker, the host
ess and honored guest
Charles Tyler is seriously ill in
the Oregon City hospital. He has
been there since Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Oathout re
turned Monday from a' week spent
at Nelscott
Glen Losey : has leased and
opened up the former Grilley
garage on the highway at Wood-
Mrs. Tim Dent and baby, Sis
ters, spent the weekend with Mrs.
Dent's mother, Mrs. Edna Willig,
Mrs. Ida Dimick, Stanley Dim
ick and children, drove to Beav
ercreek Sunday where they visit
ed at the Lloyd Schramm home.
Mrs. Stanley Dimick is spending
a few weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Conyne were
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Conyne; Donald.
L. O. Lenan drove to Portland
where he visited Merton O. White
at the veterans hospitaL White ex
pects to be home in a few weeks.
Group Enrolls in
Nursing Class
28 has enrolled in the home nurs
ing program arranged for women
of Suring Valley and Lincoln. Mrs.
Irene Damn is instructor.
The meetings will be held at the
Spring Valley school house Mon
day and Thursday nights.
Included in the class are Mrs.
Joe Hackett Mrs. Pearl Cooper,
Mrs. Letie Clark, Mrs. Grace
Crawford, Mrs. Grace Dodge, Mrs.
Lois Neiger, Mrs. Goldie Edwards,
Mrs. Helen Crag, Mrs. Grace Mc-
Kinney, Mrs. Helen Wilwert, Mrs.
Dot Walling, Mrs. Rosalie Mickey,
Mrs. Clara Williams, Mrs. Glena
Abrams, Mrs. ; Lizzie YenckeL
Mrs. Louise Windsor, Mrs. Jennie
Evans, - Mrs. Inga Deedon; Mrs.
Stella Chance, , Mrs. Edith Bid
good and the Misses Janet David
son, Lois Chance, Margaret Mar
tin, Violet Cooper, Naomi Merrick,
Betty Dodge and Orvetta Cooper.
Schwab j Funeral .
Slated Tdday
MT. ANGEL Funeral services
for Paul Schwab, 39, prominent
Mt Angel business man,-who died
at a Portland- hospital . Monday,
will be held this morning at 8:15
o'clock from St Mary's church.
Interment will be in Calvary cem
etery under -the! direction of Un
ger mortuary, j I .' ' : 't.
Pallbearers will be E. B. Stolle,
George Schmidt Alexander Shar
back, O. L. Withers, W D. Harris
and Peter Gores.
Valley Events
Felraary ll-Sefl ' problems aa4
fertility, Start hy haU, lJ p. m.;
Red Hills stub a, Ukcrty; If..
' Fekrurr 13 "SoU Brablrma sad
fatuity, St. Past city hau, t:3S p.
m.( Keys! Ktisakers haU, Qaiaaky,
rcknurr IS rry mt tarm hkr
eeds, tpoasereS y graaf , caaaiber
caauaerce. a f da. .
County Nurse
Club Speaker
Gillis, j county , health nurse, was
a . speaker -when Brush College
Helpers el ub entertained the
Sweet Briar club at ; Triangle
ranch, home of Mrs. A. E. TJUey.
Mrs. Leo Nelso nassisted.. '
Refreshments were served to
Miss Gillis, Mrs. Duane Gibson,
Mrs. Elmer Smith, Mrs. Dudley
Gibson, Mrs. W. C Franklin, Mrs.
Ray Binegar.t Mrs. Ray Chapel,
Mrs. C. C Chaffee, Mrs. Clifford
Chaffee, Mrs L. Mazae Mrs. Ma
rie Flint McCall, Mrs. Jennie
Buck, Mrs. Lett Lester, and Brush
College Helpers club, Mrs. Karl
Harritt, Mrs. A. W. Andrews, pre
sident, Mrs.t Louie Singer, Mrs.
Frank Woelk, Mrs. John Schind
ler, Mrs Joe Singer, Mrs. Clifford
Smith, Mrs. H. M. BuelL Mrs. Ber
tha Ganrow, Mrs. W. A. Rose
mond, Mrs. Mike Focht, Mrs. A.
E. Utley and Mrs. Leo Nelson.
Annual Sapper Served
MARQUAM -Hot tamales will
feature Abraham Lincoln's birth
day in Marquam when the Meth
odist women serve ' their annual
tamale dinner at the church hall
Thursday night beginning at 9
o'clock. i
Hurry! Surry! Hurry
Jul A Fev7 Days Left!
liens' Shoes
Women's Shoes
Ghildrens' Shoes
Hundreds of pairs of. new styles have
just arrived and have been added to this
Treads, Jolene, H a p p y Hikers, Douglas
. Shoes, and Peters Shoes. Prices are ad
vancing, and
Sizes to 10
EEEE. Hich,
Caban A Lew
For Women
One g r 6 u p of regular
$3.45 Gabardines. New
styles. Q7
Now spletfl
One group of large sizes,
Hid Leather Shoes
One large, group of fine
Health Shoes. Pumps
and ties, regu- tfO 00
lar $4.00 value s?AeCiO
Quality Saddles
Brown arid' white and
black and white saddles
with Goodyear welt and
Sir1..... -$2.83
A new shipment just ar
rived. Tan and white
wit h leather sole and
heel. Specially
Reg. $35 Oxfords
One large group priced
to clear at only, ; .,...7,.:,..
Sixes AH $5.95 ,
" i"1 I MeniW. I, Douglas and
Wdths : N J Peters Brogues. C Cl
EEEE. - Now priced at .: : sJ.C5
ALL $5X5 IIEII'S IIEn'S 11EG. $7.50
Genuine Kangaroo Shoes Health Shoes and Ox-
and Oxfords. For the fords i with built-in arch
man who insists ti J M M features; Now PF fC
on the finest. $LLSl priced at only.. $jj
mm mm
357 Slate Street - .
Sunnygldo Novg ;
grey family were Sunday guests
at Frank Zinns. , i .
Charles Crane,. Sweet '.Home.'j
visited several days at Edward
Millers. ; ' " v S :
Mr. and Mrs. Lata Sherwood
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Webster and Agnes, spent Sunday
at Scotts Mills, the guests of
Fred Smiths.
Mrs. Frank Zinn-spent two
days in Portland the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Flint, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Hoss and Mrs. Ed
wards, Portland, were- Sunday
guests at ; Clifford Fellers. ;
t Mr and Mrs. Clifford Pearson
were Sunday callers at the Lloyd
Phillips home. "V
Mrs. Margaret McMillen spent
Monday with Mrs. George Mc
Millen. r
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller were
business visitors 'at Albany, Mon-'
day, : ', v i'
Visits at Union HiU
UNION HILL Ada Scott, Port
lnL visited Sundav at the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters and
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peters.
Final Wind-Up
of This Great
All Greatly
these prices will soon be a
of the past. :
S) Brown
. Leather
Kany Sport
Shoe Models
with Leather
One group of Happy
Hiker low - heel flexies.
$5.50. a0eUy
BEG. $4.95-$5.95
Women's dress and
Health Arch Shoes and
our finest group CO CC
of sport shoes.... tpOeCD
Women's dress and
Health shoes, sizes 9 ft
UC9 0 71
and 10. Regular
$6.85 1 value...
Group. $4.95
Men's finest qual
snoes and ox
- I'lft.ii,;!
fords. Latest style
coiipniiY " - '
. Salem, Oregon