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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1942)
Tested Help Wanted WANTED experienced flove operat ors. Steady work it competent Thur low Glove Co. 100 NK Union Ave, Portland, Oregon. Help Wanted Male MARRIED MAN to do gen. farm work. Ph. eve. and Sunday 13123. Day S823. - Help Wanted Female CALL ON friends with greeting card assortments. Easter, birthday, other occasions. Personal stationery: ctft wrappings. Bia profits. Kxperience un necessary, samples on approval. Wat lace Brown. 225 fifth Ave, Dept. 375, New Xotk. : GIRL or youne woman for hawrk. and care cbua. mi. ezs - WANTED, GIRL OR woman for gen eral housewora. Apply tu H. Bum mer St. Salesmen Wanted RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN a ir!or to former dealer In a dis trict where Rawleigh products have sold for many years. Experience unnecessary- Fine opportunity to step Into a permanent profitable business. See J H. Thiessen. Marlon hotel, 1 to I p. m. Wednesday only, cATve-u&M tn fTsletwiars snH Specialties. Full or pan wme. aunaara Adv. St Printing Co . Tort Scott, Kansas. Situations Wanted HOUR WORK. 35c hour. Phone 4723. parpenter work. Reasonable. R. Wells. Phone 2-1394. For Sale Miscellaneous UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORK 439 Court St. Salem, tiniiim Kala Prices extended to February I We can not say how long these low priceawui conunuei Several Fine Living Room Suites i DDire OdJ Bedroom Suites and Odd Pieces 23 OFT Odd Dining Room Tables hol nrr All Furniture and Furnishings. Rugs, T innl.ii tt T m nm MjkttrftSSM. Odd Chairs. Desk Chairs. Everything at tiig inscoumsi BUY UPSTAIRS and SAVE! ; Sale Prices Every Day 500-20 tires and 2 flOO-18 for repair JL 1. Box 34. P. 3889. NEW shipment ot unfinished chests Of drawers. All sizes. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Inc. Xli N. Liberty Phone 4615 PIANO. ALMOST new. small size. Will sacrifice, leaving town Monday. Can arrange terms. See Sunday. Mr. Smith, Argo hotel. NEW and slightly used men's gar ments bought, sold and exchanged. O. K. Cleaners. 1140 N. Capitol. USED 3-pc. enameled dinette set, with extension table .,...114.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Inc. 27S N. Liberty Phone 4615 GOOD LOCAL potatoes S1.7S 100 lbs. la mi. west pen annex. R. M. Harmar. USED oak buffet $7.65. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Inc. 175 N. Liberty Phone 4615 GRAND PIANO for sale. Consider trade. No dealers. After 6:30 p. m. 859 Center. USED 2-pc. mohair living room suite, good condition $29.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Inc. S75 N. Liberty Phone 4618 COMBINATION radio-phonograph. 25 records. Ph. 635, Turner. Hull's Place. MY $125 equity in an unfurn. 5-rm. house. Large lot. good district. Terms. S. D. Mohr. 2195 N. 4th. USED youth bed. complete with mat tress, $19.50. Looks like new. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. Inc. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 TOR SALE, five good show cases. MORGAN'S DRUG STORE Phone 444 Monmouth SLIGHTLY USED 3-pc. walnut bed room suite - .f. $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO . Inc. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 ALL KINDS of road gravel, crushed rock, washed mason sand, and con crete sand. Before buying call us and get our quotations COMMERCIAL SAND 8c GRAVEL CO. 3. F. Uh-ich (owner) 317 Court St Phone 8672 Wanted Furnit ore F. N. St GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 5110. CASH FOR used furniture & house hold goods. R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. Wanted Miscejlaneou s WANT PIANO to store for use. Responsible party. No children. Inq. 425 So. 23rd. WANTED Vibraharp. Heir. Rt 2, SUverton Miss Elda GOOD USED hall caroet. 27" wide at least 17 yards long, or 25 yards or over, iiox ivu, statesman POULTRY. EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Highest cash prices paid, wonnwesi rouitry and Dairy Products Co., 1505 N. Front. Ph. 7007. Miscellaneous Dental Plat? Repair TWO-HOUR SERVTC4 IN MOST - CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repatr DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State & Com! Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. TWO 1-ROOMS. Phone 5539. . SLP. rm, gar. 555 N. Church. ,Cy0itj5oti$tate8matt ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives . George D. Close, Ina. Sah Francisco Loo Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising t Representatives Bryant Griffith at Branson, Inc. Chicago. New. York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta -e : Knfered at the Pestotfb at t aim, Orepo. a Second Close Mattwr. Pub lished every torrao except Monday. ' Business office SIS South Commercial Street. ' -- ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' Ma a Subscription Rates la Advance, Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo. M cents; $ Mos. $LM: Moe. $2J0-. 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 60 cents per mo. or $6.00 for 1 year ta advance. Per Copy 3 cents. Newsstands ft cents. By City Carrier, M cents a mooth. ftlb year ta advance ta iiartosi and adjacent counties. and Approved for Results II That's Classified j ilLdveffismg Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or ' rjhone (B1S31 ta Salem's oldest, largest home owned ana noma managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made ta strictest privacy. You will be given every eon ski erati on la the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 ta II MONTHS TO REPAY You can par a full any tuna to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS tto endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or not. SEE ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-15S JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-1SS 134 So. Commercial St Phone tin First door south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK. LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money tor new or used ears No eeley or red tape. You will retain po-seasion of the vehicle 1 TO IS MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phono 9188 Lie. No M-152 FHA LOANS 4 also prlv loans Abrams St Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on ram. residential St business property Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC Realtors, Guardian Building. For Rent Rooms Nice sleeping rm. 1336 Court. Ph. 4328. RM.. pit bath, close In. Ph. 4791. SLEEPING ROOM. 72S Court. NICE, WARM, near cap. 966 Center. CLOSE in, clean, warm. Ph. 449. RM., home privileges, close In. SLP RM, near state bldgs. Ph. 21449 NEAT Warm conortable. Ph. 7772, Room and Board HEATED rmi. and board. 168 N. 12th. ROOM & BOARD. meals dally, 2 on Sunday. 1563 Court CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BRD. St rm. 746 S. Com! St For Rent Apartments 2. $15. $10. L W. 452 N. Church. 3217. LARGE mod. furn. 4-rm. aDt.. DrL ent. 735 No. Capitol. Ph. 7694. LARGE. weU furnished apt., strictly modern. A real home. Call 143 N. 14th. 3 RMS., cozy, clean, It., heat, wat. gas. gar., $20. 606 S. Church. Ph. 7370. FURN. 3-R. Lt.,w..gar.. $20. P. 7113. ATTTLCnV DESIRABLE apt. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. 3-ROOM duplex apt., furn. or un furn. Apply 575 N. Capitol. 3 RM. furn., and kitchenette. Lights, water, ph., washer. 541 Mill. $13. TbANCROFt7X7C 3 1-R. apts. 340 No. Church. Phone 7402 or 5822. ed apt. First floor. 1358 Chemeketa. LARGE LIVING room, sun porch, semi private bath. 666 S. Summer. 2 RM. furn. Private bath. Frigidaire. Adults. 340 Union. 2-RM. furn., $12. Hot water, washer, gar. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3946. 2-RM. apt., $15. 152 S. 13. Ph. 5222. NEWLY DECORATED 2-rm. unfurn. Lts. & wat., $12. 1620 Ferry. COMFORTABLE, furn. 3-rm. apt. State St. Apts. Ph. 21411 or 4370. 3 R . hot wat.. heat, bath, teL St washer. 639 N. Liberty. DESIR., mod. unfurn. 3-rm. duplex. Avail. Feb. 7. Ph. 7194 605 S. Summer. $12-$20l 3-r, turn. Wood, gas, lights. Pri. bath, washer. Also cottage for couple. 2261 HazeL Ph. 7664. 3-RM. furnished apt 1209 Court. CLOSE IN, 2 rm. first floor. Gar. 1047 S. Com'l. 3 R. furn. apt. Close In. Pri. bath, its., n. water, wasn. i . tumi FURN. SING, apt, $6 mo. 332 Water. FURN. apts, $6.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. 2-R. furn, bath JtJJt, $15. 1440 Waller. FURN. COTTAGES. 2 miles south $10. $12 mo. Inq. 484 N. Church. For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT ST YOU Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins at Roberts. 5-RM, wired for range. Mod. conven. Garden spot. At 2061 State. Ph. 6888. 7-RM. mod, furn. 862 N. 16th. 533 Richmond Ave.. S25. 2055 S. Church, elec. range and re frig. $32.50. 396 E. Superior. 5 rms. and attic, $32.50. 1015 N. 15. 6 rms, $35. Several suburban homes. $5 up. WINNIE PETTYJOHN ,.477. 5i0??.-- " ---- 8-RM. house. 1132 Hines St $27 5-rm. sub. Base, fur. $27 5-rm. mod. Near Sr. High. aHANDERS-231 N. Higb-5831 rm 1S4A Kansas. 2305 rms, 1695 Berry. rms, rum. . . w-a row.. -- " , , H. P. GRANT 529 Court 6744 4-R. house. 365 Fawk St. C J. JACKSONr-341 SUte St Salem. MODERN 7-rm. house, 1511 N. Sum mer. Also 6-rm. house on N 19th. BUDROW REAL ESTATE Ph. $965 5-RMS, 1548 Mill St, $16 mo. BLONDES j I I i TV LAUNDRESS IS ATTWECOOR- a v W B WTZM Tl sr ar-r tTm -r r wt UP TLE SOR-EO CLOTVES N A BUNDLE AND IT HER? Money to Loan CASH FOR ' TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to ; Reduce ear or other contract payments. There's a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Loan Center SIS Court St.. Salem Phone 444S State license S-228 M-27S CALKINS FINANCE CO. won Cash ina Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 812 State Street Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License No. 3-122 St M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. BTB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-159 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. URABENHORST t CO. REALTORS For Rent Houses WE HAVE for lease from one to three years, a strictly modern home of 6 rooms, completely and nicely fur nished, with two acres cherries, wal nuts and berries, a wonderful garden spot lovely yard with shrubs, 3 miles from city limits, northwest $35 per mo. LINDGREN St JOHNSON 175 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 ALMOST NEW. 5-rm, house, located 2063 N. Liberty, $30. RICH L. RETMANN 167 S. High Phone 0203 2-RM. HOUSE with shower. Inquire 666 Thompson Ave. HOUSE RENT in exchange for care of elderly lady. Inq. 1060 Jefferson. : NEW 5-r.. range, $20. 3-r.. $13. 5-r., $15.50. 4-r, $20. 172 s. Liberty. P. 7113. FOR RENT or lease Strictly modern 7-rm. house. Close in. Ph. 3033. STRICTLY mod. S-r. and attic. Close in. $45. Owner. Ph. 7654. MOD. 4 R. house, base, furn, firepl. Adults only. Avail. Mar. 1. 150 E. Bush. 9 RM. Fireplace, garden spot 441 S. High. 6 RM. modern house, partly furn ished. 2330 N. Liberty. 3-ROOM modern house. 199 N 23rd. 2 BED RMS., elec. water heater, elec. range, oil floor furnace, elec. reing. Ideal for couple. No dogs. AvalL Feb. 1923 N. Liberty, rn. knm aner p. m. 3 A . 2 ml. west Salem, house, lights. $15 mo. Inq. Rt. 1. Box 55, Klngwood Hgts. BRAND NEW. 2 bdrms, elec. range St water heater. Oil ctrc, gar, $30. 356 S. 17th. Inq. 494 S. 17th. Ph. 7577. MODERN, furnished 2-rm. house. garden spot Phone sise. 2-RM. house, adults. 920 N. 19th. SMALL furnished house. 10-Rm. unfurnished house. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St MODERN furn. 2 bedroom house. Phone 3891. 755 Norway Business Cards ta this directory run on a monthly baaia only. Bate: $L2S per Hat per month. Auto Brakes Hike Panek. 279 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Wood row. 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLkS. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Cont'd. P. 4516 Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair, rree estimate. Kenneay. f. soos. TELEPHONE 4450, R, E Northnesa. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand 6c GraveL P. 940$ Florists Breithaupt'a 447 Court Phone 9199 Funeral Directors Terwilllger Funeral Home. , Ph. t92S Mattresses SALEM FLUTr RUO & MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses ld made, rug cleaning at weaving. uta ai wuour Tel 8441 Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4089. - ca. H TO 1 - lly"" ' I I I i rVft.V --..,Trr " v 11 . , V wiwi J osr li i - J I . . ?TVtt? 1 I I H LX J Pt-ase iww ms it r- ii sfiVl ? r-fcV-i V II For Rent -Houses MOD. 4-ROOM house, auto, heat, garage, fireplace. Evenings. 1105 Rural. 4-R. mod, wire rge. 3235 Portland Rd. HOUSES AND APTS, $11 to $40 Furnished bung, S rms, dose in, $30.; Also furn. apt, 3 Urge rms, light and water and garbage hauled, private bath, for $22. Seven-room house, partly furnished for $20. Houses looked after for: non-resident a specialty. Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham. 341 SUte. Room 4. MODERN 6-ROOM house, close to state house. J. D. Sears. Phone 9442. For Rent BUSINESS bldg. 863 N. Liberty. 5211. MODERN COTTAGES. $4 St up. Junction Auto Court South Commercial For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE or rent new small cot tage. Built-ins, garage, elec. furn." or not. $750 cash, $800 terms. Call Sunday (day time). H. F. Sawatzky, 118 Han son Ave, Salem. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE 3-bedroom modern home, close in. Automatic oil furnace, carpeted to walL You can move right in. Only $500 down, $30 per month. Call us for splendid buys. Rush Realty Co. Good Auto and Home Insurance 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7022 STRICTLY MODERN 9-room house with garage on a corner lot 65x118 feet. Priced at a sacrifice because of leaving city. Would cost at least $1000 more to construct today than asking price, which is $3650 and $500 will give you possession, terms to suit on bal ance. You will have to aee this to appreciate it. Corner Morgan Ave. and Turner road, out of the high tax dis trict, LINDGREN St JOHNSON 175 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 TWO GOOD INVESTMENTS Sacrificed sale. 7-rm. house, good location, close in. Basement and good lot. Needs some repairs. Look it over and make offer. ANOTHER GOOD ONE 6-bedroom home in fine location. Fine for rooming house. Has garage, basement, furnace. Price very low at $4750. Terms. JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 507. Center Phone 9442 wesTIsaIGcmhcimIe 5-rm, basement, furnace, trays, trash burner, nice lot, $2750. Terms. A snap. JAS. D. SEARS. 507 Center. Ph. 9442. $3150 An excellent buy, close in. Lav. rm, din. rm, kitchen, 2 bed rms., bath, basement furnace and garage. Creek lot $2000 5 -room cottage and small house in rear. Good investment. Will take a small tract in part pay. $10503 rooms and about 1 acre. Lights and well. Good place to start a home. P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 NICE home. Walnut park, 3 bedims, $5500. S rms, St attic. Full bsmt. Nearly new. Englewood dist, $4850. 1 A, nearly new S-r. hse. Bsmt. Large chick, hse. Small barn. Plenty of fruit. Price $3750. 1 A, 5-r. hse. Small barn. A beautiful home. $3500. J. H. JOHNSON with T. L. REEDY 228 Oreg. Bldg Ph. 6466 CLOSE IN FURNISHED HOME Five r. home, furnished, basement furnace, double garage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price $2750, $500 down bat $25 per mo. Located 7 blks. north, EXCELLENT VALUE. W. H. CRABENHORST St CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 HERE IT IS Immediate possession of that house you have been looking for 8 rooms, conveniently arranged and in perfect condition. Fine base ment hot water heat, double garage, large lot with beautiful trees and shrubs. Close in. north. Price $8400. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller, Realtors, 344 SUte St, Phone 9261. FAIRMOUNT HILL. NEW HOME Complete in every detail. 6 nice large rooms, this home has the best of every thing. General electric hot water heat, electric range, electric refrigerator, all rooms large, double garage. You will Uke this home. Price $12,000 cash. W. H. CRABENHORST St CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Directory Nurseries Fruitland Nursery, 260 Center. P. 9077. Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph 4325. Paints and Lacquers I paints. . 394 N. terms. R. D. Woodrow, Church. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. programs, ooou or any aina 01 print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 213 S Commercial, Tele phone 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Transfer U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 a Liberty. Ph. 9062. rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland daily, Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Tranater wo. ra. aui. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection ta your home. Au- uionzea noover service, we seme m make cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 0022. Well Drilling C Jf. Pugh, 212S Myrtle. Phone 9338. B. A. WEST, Rt C Box 443. Ph. 2-2296. Bundles From Bumsttad! For Sale- Real Estate HOME BARGAIN tllU fH .ill w A - 1 1 - WW UU W . Wl ered home with oak floors, cor. lot paved sts, basement furnace, garage, located on N. Winter St ITS A BUY. W. H. CRABENHORST St CO- Resltora 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 BY OWNER 1 bednn. nihurhan home. Venetian blinds. Inquire 1740 SUte. 5-RM. plastered house. 2 lots, nice yard. A real bargain at $2000. ' ACMI REALTY CO. Ph. 22210 1440 Wallace Rd, Rt 1, Box .163, Salem, Ore. ATTRACTIVE HOME Located in Rosed ale Add, nearfv new modern in every way, 3-r, hard wood floors throughout nice large rooms, good -basement, with fine heat ing plant cor. lot. Price $5000. $1200 down, bat FHA terms at $33 per mo. This home is in perfect condition. . W. H. CRABENHORST St CO, Realtors ih s. uoerty St. Ph. 4131 CASH ONLY $1750 Buys 9 rooms on corner. East Walk ing distance. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 6744 Va ACRE lots in planned, restricted subdivision. Close ih. city lights and water. $15.00 down and $10.00 a month. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. MODERN 5-rm. house, full basement hdwd floors. By owner, $3350. Ph. 22526. NEW HOME, $150 DOWN Good 4-r. home with two bedr, un finished upstairs, oak floors, fireplace, oil furnace, garage, ready to occupy. Price $3150, bal. $30 per mo. W. H. CRABENHORST & CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 or 7973 NEW MODERN home on Sunset ave nue. Full basement pipe furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, unfinished attic Price $4300. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC, Realtors, in Salem. 4 ROOMS, large Irvlnx rm. fireplace. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, newly decorated. full bsmt furnace, launory trays, new water tank, large lot with outdoor fire place. Nicely landscaped with fruit trees. Close to McKinley and Leslie schools. $3150; terms $100 down, bal ance arranged to suit. RICH L. RETMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 Cl T . tlAm. D.,iU.. FOR SALE TWO NEW HOMES Located in Rosedale Add, both mod ern with basement and furnace, two bedr. Price $4700 St $500. $500 down, bat monthly. READY TO OCCUPY. W. H. CRABENHORST St CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 ULTRA modern new home. Won derful view. Going into the army and will seU for $6500. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS Be ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. 2 BEDRM. hse. with laundry ' rm. wired for elec. range. Lge. garage. $1400 cash. Ph. 5111. 8 to 5 or call 2230 Mission after 6 p.m. I HAVE 1 or 1 new homes that I can sell for $250 down and bal. on easy terms. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC, Real totrs. 8 RM. hse. and 6 lots. 2580 Laurel. See Owner. Frank A. Brown. OWNER LEAVING Salem Must sell beautiful new home, completely mod era, nice residential district Shown by appointment Price $5500. Terms. Call owner also. 5-RM. hse, newly decorated inside. Basem't furnace 6c fireplace. New roof on hse. and garage. Nice location. 1842 N. Church. CLOSE IN GOOD INVESTMENT Only $2250. Terms. 8-room plast house, upstairs rents $12. Cor. lot 80x90. St imp. in. OUT OF TOWN OWNER SAYS SELL! 11800 5-room plast, north. Lot lOOx 150. Must oe sold, him your oner. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5638 Dlen builtins. You will like it, $3000. $300 down. 825 oer mo. . 6-Rm. house at the edge of Salem, one year old. A good one. Owner moving away on account of emergency, F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 NEW modem home with 1 acre. Good grounds. Lots of fruit. Near Sa lem. Priced for quicx saie. sioou. Almost new 2-bdrm. home in Salem. Near bus 6c school. Sale or trade for small acreage near Salem. Some real bargains. ACME REALTY CO. Ph. 22210. 1440 Wallace Rd, Rt. 1, Box 163, Salem, Ore. 5-RM. home, furnace, fireplace, hwd. firs., large view lot $3150, easy terms. Partly finished home, fireplace, large lot with trees. $900. 3-Rm, attractive home, shower bath, $1000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court St. SEVERAL thousand dollars private money to loan on good real estate. Also fire 6c auto insurance, notary public. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 5838 3 BEDRM. home, walking distance from city center. Fireplace St furnace, $3150. $350 on. 3 Bedrm home on S. 23rd. Nice back yard. Lot of shrubbery. $2750. $300 dn. New streamline 4 rooms 6c nook. The kind of a kitchen women like. N. Church. $3250. $300 dn. PH. ART MADS EN 5580 EXTRA NICE HOME 6c LOCATION $4500 buys these 5 large rooms, strict ly mod, unf. attic. House 3 years old. Large lot 60x160. Fenced. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 SMALL. Suburban home. Is acre, close in. 50 Morgan avenue. VERY FINE 5-rm. house. See W. A. Cladek. 1435 N. 18th. Phone 4277. BARGAIN OWNER LEAVING CITY Nicely furnished 5-room house, ga rage. 4 large lots, near Highland school. All for $2250. Phone for appointment RICH L. RETMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 Salem's Largest Home Builder Exchange Real Estate 11 ACRES just outside city limits, east and paved road, with 6-room house, aR In good condition, to ex- mnmm nr hnma in eitv of eOUSl value. Price $4000. Let us show .you in is property. . LINDGREN 6x JOHNSON 175 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 FOR SALE OR TRADE 109-acre IMLL (II. , X miles city bus. 8 miles Salem. Also 29 acres, a mues xrorn aaiezn. -iiy cxm venience. Clear. Give offer. Widow, old. Write Mrs. M. Oakman, Rt 3, Box 545. t LOTS in St Johns dist, Portland, on saiem nouse. soa n. viurca. For Sale Farms INVEST YOUR MONEY IN FARMS NOW $4500 WlU buv this fin 8150-acre farm, ten miles from Salem. Pudding river runs through this property. 59 acres of pasture and very good fir timber, 100 acres under cultivation and in crop, $4000 will buy 111 acres with old buildings. 100 acres under cultivation. A real bargain. aowe wm ouy 100 acres within six miles of Salem, on good road. Old buildings, 70 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and timber. $6759 will buy a very fine 64-acre tract, located north of Salem, Clear Lake district 62 acres under cultiva tion. Old buildings, good soil, paved road. . Call G. R. Grabenhorst jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 130-ACRE farm, well improved. A food one, - . 72 Acres, good improvements, stocked and equipped. Good cows and machin ery. Ready to go. 30 Acres, just east of Salem, good family orchard and bldgs. If it Is a farm you want aee these before buy ing. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 WE HAVE a large listing of farm properties. If you are interested you should look over our listings before you purchase. Grain, fruit or stock farms. We can satisfy you.. LINDGREN 6c JOHNSON 173 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 97 A, 52 under plow, timber, bam, chick & brooder house, elect, close school, cream St mail route. Price $4750, $2000 down, bat 5. 54 A, 7 A. timber 6c pasture, creek, berries. Place clear. Price $5000, $500 down, bal. 5. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 FARM SACRIFICE 139 A, located east of Salem on paved road. 75 A. under cultivation. Best of dark prairie soil, 7-room house, two barns and other outbuildings. See this farm today. IT'S A BARGAIN. Price $17,500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 Acreage 1 A, with 8-room house and garage, about 4', mi. north of Salem.. Price $3000. Trade for home in Salem about same) value. S4 A. with 8-room house, barn and chicken house, some fruit, elect, paved hwy. Price $1800. with $250 cash, bal ance like rent 9 A. with 3-rm. house and bam, 9 mi. east of city limits. Price $2500. Trade for house in Salem. Country store with living rooms, about 6 ml from Salem. Good location. Sell stock and fixtures at a bargain, or will trade. 14 A. of fine bottom land, all in cultv. 7 A. in alfalfa, only 4 mi. north of Ladd Ac Bush. A REAL BARGAIN FOR $140 per acre. 23 A. most all in mixed fruit Has a good 6-rm. house and double zarage. Paved road, grade and high school bus. Priced at a bargain or will trade for city property. LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US. WE HAVE SEVEKAL UUYEKSI ROSTEIN 6c ADOLPH. INC. HOVa N. Commercial St. BEST BUYS IN THE VALLEY Now is the proper time to buy dose in improved acreage. No city taxes to pay and keep cow, chickens, have fruit and vegetables. Here are few priced lower than time of depression, ft A, east, $1650. Would Uke car and some cash. ij A, east. $3650. Another 2',W A. for $2250. New, mod. house and 10 A. for $3800. Choice 6 A. for $2250. Also 5 A. for $1250 and 20 A. for $1600. 73 A. farm for $3675. We have other larger and smaller ones. Come in. let's talk it over. If you have any trades see Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 SUte, room 4, or phone 6963. We will call on you ana snow property, 26 ACRES, one and one-half miles north of Jefferson, on a paved high way. Willamette type soil, all under cultivation. A 5-room house, electric water system, bath, toilet This is a snap. $1000 down, balance terms. LINDGREN 6c JOHNSON 179 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 FIVE ACRE BARGAINS $1150 will buy one of these fine 8 located east 01 saiem near Swegle school, on good road, best of soil. Terms, $23 down, bal. $10 per month. See G. H. Grabenhorst, jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST 6c CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 244 ACRES 8 mi. Salem, 5000 ed. wood, 110 A. cult. Creeks 6c springs. Only $5000. terms. 34 Acres 20 A. cult All kinds ber ries, fruit spring piped to bldgs. $2750, terms. Have buyer for 3 to 8 acres, near bus line. Good house, 2 lots, just S. city limits. A real buy. H. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $902 2i ACRE BARGAIN Located 4 miles from Salem on good road. All in bearing cherries, small, new unfinished house. Price, $1650, terms, $100 down, balance $13 per month. See G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST 8t CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 710 acre, nice modern suburban home on D St. Plenty fruit Price $3900. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 TEN ACRE BARGAIN Located five miles from town. Mostly under cultivation, S-room house, small barn and chicken house. Price, $1850, terms, $350 down. bal. $13 per menth. See G. H. Grabenhorst, jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 2i ACRES, also 6 acres on Wallace Road. ACME REALTY CO Ph. 22210 1440 Wallace Rd, Rt. 1, Box 163, Salem, Ore. ONE-HALF ACRE HOME BARGAIN Located , mile outside city limits on paved road, good location, 5-room modern home, with garage, all In good condition. Price $3500, cash. See O. H. Grabenhorst. jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST 6c CO. 134 S. Liberty ' Phone 4131 $1000 to loan 6. home or acreage. One A, 4-R. house, elec, water sys tem, bath, garage, barn. N. 3 miles, $2500. Terms. Take house close in. 40 A, north. Polk Co, large house, elec, bam, $100 per A, $500 down. C. J. JACKSON 241 SUte St Salem INVESTIGATE THIS 106 acres, located 6',i miles from Salem on good road. Electric lights, old buildings, 25 acres of farm land, bal ance pasture and timber. Spring water. Here's your chance to make an excep tional buy. Price, $4000. $500 down. $300 per year. See G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 TIMBER TRACT 90 acres, located miles out gravel rd. Price $2500 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST 6c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 By CHIC YOUNG Suburban IS ACRES; close to city limits, on paved highway, all In fruit lovely location. The price is $1200 tor quick sale. Terms.-- LINDGREN & JOHNSON 173 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 DANDY SUBURBAN ROMS -Dandy 5-rm. home, small barn and poultry house, fine lawn and shrub bery. 2 A. rround. close in. Price $3250. JAS. D. SEARS, 807 Center. Ph, 9442. Wanted Real Estate WE HAVE Cash Buyers for homes 200. 83500 t and 86000. with double garage. List : with us. Private money to loan. - A C H, SANDERS-231 N. High 5831 t WANTED Good, modern S and 4 room homas. located in northeast Salem, ranging in tance irorn soow 10 fOUUU. 11 you nave a home like this you want to sell, au o. rt. irraoennorst jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST X, CD 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 WANTED AT ONCE 4A WTM AT mtra writH wwt V.14 - ... . WMUS. Near Salem or Dallas. Good cash pay ment ACME REALTY CO Ph. 22219 1449 Wallace Rd, Rt 1. Box 163. Salem. Ore. $2000 CASH for the best 4 or I rm house offered. Box 1972. SUtesman. WE SOLICrrw"stma for resll dence or farms for sale or rent Quick and efficient service. T. L. Reedy. 228 Oreg. Bldg, Ph. 6466. Business Opportunities BEER LUNCHES GAS This bUKilWMOK im nnw mmttina 4m w cesa of S250 nr mn TJvintf nn,r4.r. Total price $1300. GROCERIES St MEATS Cash sales ivnn tM nr ifn. - n tr mJ . Verv modern mifnmcnt Tnt.l nrin. $1150. liberal terms. Living quarters. BEER The largest draft outlet in Salem. $4500. with terms. e s ? LUNCHES Completely equipped, doing a profit able business. Beautiful living quarters. Price $150. which includes 8100 cash deposit on lease. - . e GROCERIES BEER GAS Located on cantonment highway: mis includes a 5-room house 6c income of $20 per mo. Price $1100. Terms, one third down. . Let me show you rental properties that can be purchased for a few hund red down St present renUls will pay for the property and show an increase. REMEMBER! I Rente are up 109 in Pendleton and 106 in Astoria, and the cantonment and airport will create a similar situa tion here. BUY NOW! T MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE 180 No. Commercial Suite 17 ATTENTION GROCERY BUYERS 1 Small grocery, close in, liv. qtrs. Nets almost $200 per mo. Sell fixtures, fur niture 6c stock for $1550. Cant equal) C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 INVENTORS Foresighted manufac turers already planning post-war sale of new non-military products. If you have a useful invention, oaten ted or unpatented,: write Chartered Institute of American inventors, Dept 25, Wash ington, D. C SPECIAL ATTENTION. Inducted into military service, two weeks no tice. Must sell grocery store immedi ately. This is a good-paying store. Fixtures and stock at inventory. Cash oniy. .ttonner s Grocery, cos s. 19th. AUTO COURT close to Salem. 10 cabins (9 modern), 5-rm. house and all cabins furnished. Located on 99-E. See my agent JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 507 Center Phone 9442 SML. LUNCH rm. 2133 Fairground. HWY. REST. Liv. quart, cheap. Ser. Sts. 6c groc, $225. plus invoice. Groc. St bldg. Ex. income. Very rea sonable. 172 S. Liberty, Salem. Ore. SMALL restaurant. $600. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 FORCED SALE! Good restaurant, good location, $1600. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 Lost and Found LOST Jan. 30th. black and white male. English Setter. Union Co. license. Reward. Ph. 5967. Cross Word it 12 14 17 18 20 21 22 2b 28 9 3? 23 34 3& 37 39 41 43 'A 43 9) HORIZONTAL 1 town is Italy 6 recede 8 evil f 11 citroa drinks 12 -exist 13 certain 14 crystallized ferrous sulfate 16 supplicats 17 -short for Theodora 18 domesti cated Indian XMT 20 fttQpefy 22 versed in literature 25 diminutiTg . . tor Timothy 26 mountain 36 farm machines 38 rweetsop 39 speed 40 illuminated 41 minced oath 43 lingering about 47 ancient Irish capital 48 note in Gaido's scale 43 Great Lake 60 Oriental , title " Answer to 1T g6oi 1ftft6frf1ADAM AMERICAN IV AT Sj SC A LE'.ST AR;. I ATE fAlCRgAlrf U St ,lV IT N 51 M 0 0 5ar TSoSn GlAlLEMAgag A v5N3ffilM NElB srtFtoi lilEfwlsl Bm TJ COT none, as a raxor 28 symbol for , ailTer 29 household . 30 iahaped ' worm . 51 Abraham's birthplace 52 plant exudation 14 feminine - name X5 eufflx in blo i chemistry Average tbae aC ssbtlsai tt aUaatas, DlsMseM br Saw IWswa beftbtts, la For Sale Used Cars 39 BUTCK, small aeries, da luxe heater, radio, defroster, seat covers, fog light 95 rubber. $723 cash. Caa be financed through - bank. Harvey HaUett 319 Brooks Ave, Silvertoo, Ore. ' 1939 HUDSON 8 de hue sedan, food tires and mechanical condition. $659. No trade. Lloyd Riches. Phone 3497. , "37 V-8, radio, heater, sport light, other extras. Sieberiing U. S. tires. See owner and car today only at 2219 Breymaa. . t$a Chevrolet Bconso . $23. 234$ Myrtle 1939 Four-door Studebaker. $271 cash. Ph. 0631 before noon- Wanted Used Cart : FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. Mo car too new for us to buy. From $10.00 to $1000.00. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape - Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best u Transportation 440 Center St Phontl53S TOP CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED CAR OR EQUITY ANY MAKE ARNSBARGER MOTOR CO. , 369 N. COMMERCIAL BEST USED rAR SIM raah mill buy. Must have good tires. Call any time Sat 367 N. High. Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION for lease. ruRv equipped. Immediate possession. Gal lonage rental. Ph. 7676. RENT, restaurant in beer narlor. Prefer exp. man 6c wife. Ph. 6026. For Sale Wood ORDER YOUR WOOD ahead 6c save. Regular $1130 big 2-cord load, special this week only at $10.79, Ph. 6217. 2-CORD toad. $1130. Ph. $217. FTR, ash. maple. Also hop poles fence posts. Ph. 4375. Wood Sawing WOODSAWTNG. Phone 7078, 930 N. Com'l. Phone 3523. Personal WEALTHY LADY wishes to marry. Alliance Box 95. Toledo. Ohio. IF YOU have blackheads, pimples or acne don't fail to aee me. Consulta tions, demonstrations free. 977 Edge water. WANTED TO LOCATE: Children of Otto Koehler from N. Dakota. Write or visit Mrs. Finster, 2255 N. Church. MEET NEW FRIENDS 1 Club Elite, Box 71-Q. Main P.O, Los Angeles, Cat Grangers' News LIBERTY The Red Hills grange will meet Tuesday in the grange hall. A covered dish din ner will be served at 7 p.m., with grange to follow. The grange has planned a Joint program with the Community club, to be held in the community' hall February 13. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4. A F.&AM. Mon, Feb. 9. E. A. degree. 7:30 p. m. Pacific Lodge No. 50 A -F.&A M. M. M. Degree. Wed, Feb. U. 7 JO p. m. By order W. M. Puzzle 8 ib 19 24 27 30 35 3a 44 45 52 2 51 rodent 62 delete VERTICAL 1 moccasin. like shoe 2 artificial i language 8 partition 4 tree 6 auditory organ ft Sooth American country it harass - 8 collefe official 9 macaw 10 Turkish governor 13 squirta 16-editor ' (abbr.) IS diminutive lor Elisabeth 20 commence 21 wild beast 22 parcel of land 23 excite to action 24 town in Belgium 28 tilts f 29 locust SO ype measures 28 African "desert 84 email apaee in network 85 dress ; ' 37 a different one - -88 ventilated 40 Chinese cola 41 Creek lettet 42 eunnsinf ' remark 44 tab 45 notour 48-ieamsterll - command' j yesterday's pnnle. CASH )4c if13