Go Financial Markets Farm mics' PAGE SIX Stock Market Shows Advance ; Finishes Fair Week But Day Irregular; Rail Buys Renewed NEW YORK, Feb. 1-JP)-The stock market Saturday finished a fairly satisfactory week with slightly irregular trends notwith standing renewed buying in the rails. i The Associated Press average f 60 stocks was unchanged at 37.9 but on the week showed a net advance of .3. Transfers of 223,410 shares were among the smallest since last October and compared with 228,140 last Sat urdav. The week's volume of 2,301,320 shares was lowest since last August. Among stocks emerging with modest fractions in the two-hour stretch were Santa Fe, NY Cen tral, Pennsylvania, Southern Pa cific, Southern Railway, Great Northern, Nickel Plate preferred, Republic Steel, Woolworth, Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, American Smelting, Du Pont, General Elec tric and Standard Oil (NJ). Fire stone was an exception with an upturn of 1. On the losing side for minor amounts -were US Steel, Bethle hem, American Telephone, West en Union, Texas Co., Anaconda, Kennecott, US Rubber, Consoli dated Edison, International Har vester, Douglas Aircraft and Youngstown Sheet. Th OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning. February 8. 1942 "Strictly Private" By Quinn Hail Grain Market In Recovery CHICAGO, Feb. 7-;P)-Halting its recent downward drift the grain market about-faced Satur day after new lows for the past month had been established in some cases and closed with small net gains. Late buying of dealers covering previous short sales accomplished the rally. Grains had sagged frac tions to almost a cent and soy beans more than a cent but clos ing figures were unchanged to higher compared with yesterday in the wheat and corn pits, - up for oats, up for rye and higher for soybeans. Final May and July wheat futures .prices were $1.28- and $1.30y4, corn 86V4- and 88-88. Wheat prices were about two cents lower than a week ago. CAMP Nl DEAR MOA'.- VMEU, THE BOXING BOUT IS OVERVT ws meg wr guy the cm. a v&v&z HELP5D WOLD ME UP By ONE HAMTXBuT I YoDfc SON PS-EVEM A BOGUS. awiwTGET m up AP FeiturM S-7 Salem Market Quotations Tb prices below supplied toy lo cal grocer are Indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by Ths Statesman :- VEGETABLES Cabbage Carrots, orange box Cauuxiower. crate Celery, green ., uaruc, ip. Hubbard squash Onions, 50 lbs. union, green Parsnips, orange box . Potatoes, 10 lbs.. No. 1 new Potatoes. No. 2, 50 lb. bag Radishes, ' aox. Rutabagas, orange box KnuoarD . 4.00 1.75 1.50 X.75 as 43 3.00 .65 1.75 3.00 1.00 .60 1.75 JS as Tomatoes, fancy hot house, lb. GRAIN, BAT AND SEEDS (Bttying Prices) Oats, No. 1 30.00 to 35.00 Feed barley, ton 33.00 to 35.00 Clover hay. ton, 12.00 Alfalfa bay. ton - Dairy feed, 80-lb. bag Hen scratch feed Cracked corn Wheat , 14.00 to 16.00 1.85 2.35 2.50 . JO to 1X0 EGGS AND POULTKT (Baying Prices of Andresen's) (Subject to Change Without Notice) BUTTER? AT Premium ... .42 No. 1 .41 No. 2 ; .38 BUTTER PRINTS! (Baying Prices) A h B Quarters Extra large white . Extra large brown Medium , Standard .40',i .26 .28 24 24 J6 ae as as js . JU, (Buying Prices of Marlon Creamery) (Subject to uiange luiuut ni BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 . No. 2 Pullets Cracks : Colored hens -Colored frys - White Leghorn Old roosters .42 .41 .39 EGGS Large A Large B -Medium A Medium B Pullets Checks and under grades Colored hens Colored fryers Leghorn fryers -Leghorn hens . Stags : Old roosters 26 M 24 22 J4 J5 a7 a7 as as J2 Mi No. 2 poultry -OS less. f.rVKSTOCK. (Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to Top lambs , 1150 Ewes 4.00 to 5 00 Hogs, top, 160-225 lbs. . 12.35 Sow? JZ 00 to 9.50 Veal, top 13.50 Dairy type cows e 00 to 7.00 Beef cows 7 50 to 8.50 Bulls - 8 00 to 9.50 Heifers 6.50 to 8.00 Dressed veal , HOPS (Baying Prices) seeaea 1041 Crop . 1942 contract WOOL AND Wool Lambs MOHAIR .33 J34 .40 .33 Quotations at Portland Produce Exchange Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Feb. l-iff)-Today's closing quotations: Air Reduction ....35 Curtiss Wright 77B Fheips voage ai Al Chem & Dye 138 Douglas Aircraft 63 Phillips Pet Allis Chalmers -28 Dn Pont De N American Can ....63 Eastman Kodak Am Car & Fdy 31 Gen Elec Am Rd & Std Stn 4 Gen Foods Amer Roll Mills ..liy Gen Motors Am Smelt & Rf 40 Goodrich Am Tel & Tel ....128 .1244 Proc & Gamble 134 Pub Serv NJ . ...26 Pullman ...35 Radio ; ...33 Rayonier .. .14 Republic Steel 40 47 ...14 ...26 ..2 ...10 ....17 y4 Goodyear 12 Safeway Stores 40 Great North 24 Sears Roebuck ..54 Greyhound 12 Socony Vacuum ..8 Illinois Central ....7 Sou Calif Edison 19 Inter Harvester ..50 South Pacific ..-13 Inter Nickel 28 Stan Brands 4 Int P & P Pfd 59 Stan Oil Calif "..22 Inter Tel & Tel ....2 Stan Oil Indiana 24 Bendix Aviation 33. Johns Manville ..57 Stand Oil NJ ......33 Rpth steel 63 V Kennecott 34 Stone & Webster 5 Roeine Airolane 17 Libbev-O-Ford ..22 Studebaker 4 Borden 20 Lockheed 21 Sunshine Mining ..4 Bore Warner 22 Lowe's 40 Texas Corp 37 Calif Pack .. 19 Monty Ward 28 Trans-America 4 Calumet Hec 6 Nash Kelv 4 Union Carbide ....65 Canada Drv 11 Nat Biscuit 15 Union Oil Calif ..lift Canadian Pacific ..4Ms Nat Dairy Prod 14 Union Pacific 75 National Lead ....14 United Airlines -11 N Y Central 9 United Aircraft -30 N American Av ..12 United Drug 6 N American Co ..9 United Foods . 64 PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 7 IAP) Butter prints: A grade 40',ic in parch ment wrappers, 4i'ie in cartons; a grade 38', 2 in parchment wrappers, 40',fec in carton. Butterfat First quality, maximum .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port land, 40-40',ie lb.; premium quality maximum of 35 of 1 per cent acidity). 41-41 lie lb., valley routes and country rints 2c less or 38&c; second quality cents under first or 37i-38c. Eggs Prices to producers: A large 28c; B large 27c; A medium, 26c; med ium B 25c. Resale to retailers 4c higher for cases, cartons 6c higher. Cheese SelUng price to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 28ic lb.; loaf 29',ic lb.. Triplets to wholesalers 26'ic lb; loai ztvac id. x. o. o. iuiuuiwk. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 7 (AP) (USDA) Hogs: Salable for week. 2980 Barrows and gilts fid -eh. 140-60 lbs. 11.50(312.35 do 160-180 lbs. 12.25 12.75 do 180-200 lbs. 12.50 12.75 do 200-220 lbs. 12.25 12.75 do 220-240 lbs. 12.00 12.60 dn 240-270 lbs. 11.7512.25 do 270-300 lbs. 11.50O12-00 Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120, 10.50 11.00 r.Hh! Salable for week 2625. SlM.ru. ed. 900-1100 lbs. - 11.50 12.50 do com 750-1100 lbs. 8.00 10.00 do md. 750-1100 lbs. 10.00 10.50 Gd. 750-900 lbs. Heifers. ' r do med. 500-900 Ids. do com. 500-900 lbs. Cows. good, alt. wts. - do med. au wis. do- cut-corn, all wts. do canners. all wts. Bulls (yearlings excluded). beer,' gooa au wis. 10501155 9 25 10.50 7.500 925 8.50 8.75 7.25' 8.50 5.75 7.25 5.00 5.75 9.75102S 9.50 10.00 85 8.50 8.50 8J5 do sausage, good, all ts. ' do saus," med. all wts. do cut-com. -all wts. - Vealers, gd-ch. aU wts 13.50 15.00 do com-mea ail wts. .auu.w do cuL all wts. --,.,, 750 9M Calves, gd-ch. 400 lbs. on 1I.0012.S0 all wts. 8.00011.00 do cull 40 lbs. dn. 50 8.00 SheeD. salable for week 2830. Ewes (shorn) gd-ch . 5.508 .0Q do, com-mea a.suv sju Lambs fd-ch 11.50 12.25 o med-gd 10.50 1125 do common . . , . 850 1025 No. 1 XUXh oat-veteh. fl tw W Juanv ette valley clover.. ton. (thy. eastern utmbu. Mohair 1941. 12-cnosrJi. 45c -.tt', -hniMiirr: Filberts: BalonV Tumbo klc. Urge 18,ic. fancy 17e. baby 161W "O.i uutnuv. ZDc. large c. nw . W Tin ut s-Prlces w whotoairs: First grade Franquette, , lumbo.Zic; Jarge 20c: , medium oc; omj medium 17c: - Daoytc -r3 ii.mkn nnnr- laxtfe 20o Jo J secona Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 7 (AP) Wheat Open High Low Close May 1.1.04 - , 1.04 1.04 1.04 ' Cash grain : Oats. - barley, corn un quoted. No. 1 flax. 225. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white. 1.01; soft white excluding Rex, 1.03; white club. 1.05: western red. 1.04. Hard red winter ordinary. 1.01: 10 per cent. 1.05; 11 per cent. 1.12; 12 per cent, 1.15. Hard white Baart 10 per cent, 1.16: 11 per cent, 122; 12 per cent. 126. Today s car receipts: wneai, so; car- ley, 1; flour, 2; corn, 4; oats, 0; hay, 1; millfeed, 4; flaxseed, l. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 7 (AP) Country meats Belling price to retaU- ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 1Z9-1W, io-iovjc id.; ugni win. iz-ijc; vealers. fancy 21-21'ic; heavy. 15-16c; lb.; lambs 191i20c: ewes 6 to 10c; good cutter cows, 14-15c; canrer cows, 14- 15c; bulls, 16-17C lb. Lambs. 20-21c lb.; ewes, 5-lOc lb. Dressed turkeys Selling price: Hens 28-29c; toms. 28-29C lb. Buying prices Toms, 27c lb: hens, 26 27c lb. Live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 rrade Leghorn broilers, under Hi lbs. 18c; over l',4 lbs.. 18c: fryers 2',-4 lbs.. 20c; roasters, over 4 lbs., zoc; colored hens. 20c: Leghorns, under 3i lbs., 17c: over 31i lbs. 19c; old roosters. 8C lb. Rabbits Average country killed, 28c city killed. 28-30c. Onu ions Oregon 2.65-2.75 per 50-lb sack; Yakima 225-2.40; seU 11-12C lb. Potatoes White locals. 2.50 cen tal; Deschutes Gems.3.00 cental; Klam ath Falls. 2.90-3.15. Yakima No. 2 gems, 1.15-125 per 50 lb. bag; Idaho Gems, 2.85-3.25. New Calif, white. 1.85-2.00 per 28-lb. bag. Florida red. 2.75-3.00 Der 50-lb. bae. Hay Selling price on tracks: Alfalfa large grade lTanquewc? jyi I7erbabv 15c lb.: Soft shell, large Mc; a-.- T a . is.- medium isct pw Wool 1841 cUp, Oregon ranoi nom inal 32-33C ib.; :rosored, 34-37C lb. Domestic flour Selling price, city delivery.. 1 to 22 bbL lots: UmOy wmt- tents. 49c 7Ja-?Ja. bakers hard wheat net, i?, blended hard wheat 585-6 JO; soft wheat 550: bluesiem 600-620. Hops i94u ic:. i v . rrrv Cascara bark 1940 peel 10c lb.: 1941 10c lb. .1 medium Wool in Boston tincrnv V.K ' ( API (USDA) Original . bag territory . wools running bulk fine wools Of average to good French combing length were sold to day in the Boston market at $11.10 11.12 scoured basis. Average to short French combing length wools brought mostly Sl.06-l.iu, scourea dbsis. uruca three-eighths blood combing territory i- ,mtmA st M-M cents. wuvia . - scoured basis, and graded quarter- blood combing woo is ai wj-sj ee. scoured basis. Stocks and Bonds February 7 Compiled by The Associated Press STOCK AVEsAGKS Net change 30 15 15 60 Indus Rails UU1 Stks A 2 A 2 UnchUnch Saturday 84.1 1TJ Previous day 84 0 ' 17i Month ago 542 16.1 Year ago 1941-42 high J3 9 19.J 1941-43 low 8L7 .13 4 182 374 262 37J 262 37.6 34.4 ' 422 35.5 45.0 242 35.4 id" 10 BOND AVERAGES .. -. . .,i . . Rails Indus -OtiL Frgn . Net change A 2Unch. P .1- Unch ; Surday.- 64T 1032 1002 45.4 ; pleviow day - 64.1 1032 1002 45.4 Month ago 632 102.7, 100.5 44.1 Year ago - 622 104.6 100.0 412 1941-42 high 62 105.4 1022 51.4 1941-42 w JZ 682 102.6 982 38.0 Scout Benefit Set Thursday MT. ANGEL A dance and card party for the benefit of the Boy Scouts community sport fund will , be given at St Mary's school Thursday. " Cards will be played in the clubroom, and the dance will be held in the auditorium. Russ Broms dance band will furnish the music. Tickets are being sold by the scouts and the entire community is being asked to back the effort to raise funds for youth activi ties. This will be one of the last lo cal dances before the lenten sea son, which begins February 18. III A HUBBY There ii no personal or business emergency which we cannot help you meet with a conveniently, speedily arranged loan! Drop into our offices for full details ... STATE FIHAIICE CO. S44 State Lie. S-216 M-222 Phone 9261 Am Tobacco B ..48 Am Water Wks ....27s Anaconda 27 Armour Illinois ....3 Atchison 35 Aviation Corp 3 Baldwin Loco 13V4 THE LONE RANGER The Monkey Wrench In the Machinery! By FRAN STRIKER Caterpillar Trac 38 Celanese -19 Chesa & Ohio ... 36 Chrysler 48 Col Gas & Elec ....1 Northern Pacific ..6 US Rubber ...15 Second Defense Meet Scheduled On Tuesday SWEGLE Tuesday night a de fense meeting with representa tives from all east Salem districts was held at Swegle school. Sirens were the chief item of business with a fire engine for tommunity use considered. An other meeting will be held Tues day night at the same place. Lead ers hope there will be members from each community present as a vote will be taken. The American Red Cross emer gency drive report was sent in with Swegle over the top this time without all the sums , given by families at places of business. Quota was $63; sum raised, $65.50. Workers were Mrs. F. M. La Due, Mrs. Menno Dalke, Mrs. C. L. Stark, Mrs. Walter Biggerstaff, Gladys Dalke and Edith Stark, With Ralph Nelson chairman. Mrs. Harold Holler was honored at an informal party Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Os car Forgard on Hollywood drive. Guests were Mrs. Victor M. La Due, Mrs. W. F. Starr, Mrs. Wal ter Fisher, Mrs. Lottie Olson, Mrs. Ralph Becker, Mrs. Harold Bunn, Mrs. J. J. Wilson, Mrs. Charles E. Low, Mrs. William Hensell, Mrs. C. J. Pattison, Florence Kleeman, Ann Becker, Mrs. A. Munson. Mrs William Hartley and the honored guest. Commer Solvent ..8 Consolid Aircraft 17 Consolid Edison 13 Consolid Oil 5 Continental Can ..26 Corn Products -53 Crown Zeller 11 Ohio OU ...8 US Rubber Pfd ..64 Otis Steel 5 US Steel 52 V Pac Gas & Elec ..19 Vanadium 19 Pac Tel & Tel ... 95 Warner Pic 5 Packard 2 Western Union ....25 Paramount Pic ...14 Westing Elec 76 Penn RR 33 Woolworth 26 MOW, RED5K1M, "YOU fiCOtR OUR X WHO'S THAT MAfll I HIM Ci-LED LOME RANGER. W-9 OF ALL THE FTXXSTUfTTS, CUWS0M,THI5 15 THE WORST YOU HADTUH BRING THf? LOME RRnGEfi RIGHT MTUH OUR CAMP. TORRANCE. I THOUGHT THE r-VVKED rVM S V MAM WAS I WEU-.THE MASKED rWi AfTSOV'RATCE, H MOW WE CAT1 I im A rxvt An Irttot PCMEERS TILL WE PUT THE LOME RAMGER OUT OF THE WW POLLY AND HER PALS It Must Be Love I By CUFF STERRET Rummage Sale Plans Made PRINGLE William Schendel and Mrs. P. Gurgurich entertained the Pringle Women's club at the clubhouse Wednesday. A no-hostess luncheon was served at noon. .Plans were dis cussed for the rummage sale to be held February 14. A white ele phant sale was held with Mrs. Sadie Kottek acting auctioneer. Members present were Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. H. Stapleton, Mrs. Holden, Mrs. F. Clark, Mrs. F. Wiltsey, Mrs. O. Davis, Mrs. H. Barney, Mrs. J. Melchert, Mrs. O. Hoge, Mrs. J. Fahy, sr., Mrs. J. Klinger, Mrs. J. Fahy, jr., Mrs. R. Hetzler, Mrs. E. Kottek, jr., Mrs. G. Adams, Mrs. E. Kottek, sr., Miss E. Schendel, Mrs. Schendel and Mrs. P. Gurgwich. Miss Rick ett was a guest of the club. Hostesses for the club February 18 will be Mrs. O. Seeley, Mrs. W. McCarroll, Inez Simmons and Irma Simmons. Lebanon Rites Held Friday . u,DAf(Urt final rites were read at the Lowe Mortuary Friday for Fred Joseph Cunningham, 72, who died Tuesday. Rev. Ferris Dodd, former pastor of the Leb anon Assembly of God came from Brooks to officiate. Interment was in the Powell cemetery. The deceased, who has lived in Oregon since 1903, was bom in Plum City, Wis. He was married there to Verena Hoffmeister, who died 15 years ago. Five sons and five daughters survive him. Two sons, Roy and John are in the service, .Roy, Fort Lewis, and John, Fort Canby. The other sons are Elmer and Raymond of this vicinity, and Carl, Salem. The daughters are Grace Cunningham and Mrs. John Sheppard, Albany, Mrs. Lewis Ensor and Mrs.-Mer lon Grove, Lebanon, Tessie Cun ningham. Garberville, Calif. He also had five grandchildren. ! Jean Growers JEIect STAYTON The Stay ton Bean growers met in the ccramunity vaii hi week and elected new f firers. President Alfred Hoff man; North Santiam; ;. vice presi dent, Howard Gilbert and secre Women Meet at Hayesville Home HAYESVILLE Mrs. Robin Day entertained the Hayesville Womanfs club Thursday. Mrs. Clifton, who has charge of state defense recreation, was the prin cipal speaker. Special guests were Mrs. R. M. Radak, Mrs. Edith Prime. Mrs. G. C. Farmer and Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mr. and Mrs. George Carey and Dick expect to move to Portland about the 15th of the month. George has purchased a dental laboratory. Carl Stettler was among the men left Monday to work in the ; ship yards at Tacoma. He had received his training in a defense training class in Salem. MICKEY MOUSE Girls Will Be Girls! By WALT DISNEY Diphtheria Case In Isolation INDEPENDENCE Laura Ni chols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Nichols, was taken to an isolation hospital in Multnomah county with diphtheria. Miss Margaret Gillis, county health nurse, reports that all contacts in the home and com munity have been immunized by Dr. A. B. Starbuck, county health officer, and that every precaution is being taken against the development of other cases. Van-Zel .beauty salon and the La Belle beauty shop are both un der new management this week. Vera Couey, Salem, has taken ever the Van-Zel shop owned by Mrs. Frank Van Dyke, and Ard im xoung, roruand, announces the leasing of the LaBelle shop, owned by Mrs. Jack Bradway. Hatchery Enlarges Run EVENS VALLEY The Andrew Pederson hatchery opened its sea son s run here this week. The Pedersons have enlarged their ca pacity to twice that of last year, or to incubators for 64,000 eggs. The run for chickens and turkeys will last for several months. WANTED Walnut meats and Filbert meats. Cash ea delivery. TJlfh est price. MORRIS KLORFEIN racking Ce. ' (SIN. Front Tel. 7633 Meetings Slated At Jefferson JEFFERSON A meeting will be held in the sewing room of the city hall Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock for all who wish to knit for the Red Cross. Mrs. M. D. Looney, local sewing chair man, will have yarn and instruc tions. A clinic for diphtheria and j smallpox immunization for both I school and pre-school children will be held at the scroihouse Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Oliver Stephenson enter tained members of the Wedding King club Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Hart, jr. is president "ians lor sewing for the Red Cross were discussed. Mrs. Myr tle bandirur was a guest. - - Feted on Bithday r UNION HILL Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott entertained with a Dirtnaay dinner Thursday hon oring their son, Clifford Keith, on nis niui anniversary. v WELL TELL ME! K USSeRX f JY POUND f WW W?E YOU TALKING v-J ABOUT? IM TKT INU IU IfcLL YOU THAT THE VAN SWANKS ARE GIVING A. PARTY IN HONOR- OF h AUNT AND J YEH IT'S I unClE Si ly LA ISN'T IT STUPEFYING.' MARVELOUS? (HMM! EVIDENTLY J ( ATHAJ i YES. THAT'S WOMEN! THANKS. K 7 PUP, EH V- FRANTIC MY WIPES THE SAME ( M12. CHWJ ) v 7- ( FUROR WAS S WAY ABOUT THE y I I'LL KEEP in' V JUST OVER AN ) MC6iNTYS CLAMBAXE ! S TOUCH WITH ( INVITE TO THE WELL GOOD LUCXj J YOU'. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY With Their Shoulders to th Wheel By BRANDON WALSH ,JJA ' STARS AMWE- I UO&SSOA.XXOYOUHCmCEtlOUmST) I MR OUVER 6EZ '. THE Wy TMING5 lUTTtcL ISUttrCTXrCMArna:vrxi-Br 1 -DO YOU NOTICE HOWJ kyERYONE IS WORKIN K?T ARE IN THE WORLD. EVERYBOOV HAS j KIDS, V OLD OR ,WE rlTrr i!LlJfFASTEVERt3NEl5 A j4th LA5TCOUPIE OF Tg TO VJCRK FA5TIR THAW THEY WD TOOj OCR CDOFFiySi THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popey . The Dril and Dp, EIu Sa Dr.T.TXM. N.D. Or.43.Chu. NJ. DR. CHAN LAM Chtaeu McdlclB C. - til North liberty Upstairs rvrtUm 6ml PJc C. Ofrle pa Tcsa7 Sataraj arte tcU art f r f chart IS Im la CtuuMM ME RECRLIIKS tXTT UKH THE KIEuJ UMlFORKrS AUKTT JONES AN" CUVEOVL MACE FOR 'EM ft.: UUeAR -EW.THeV -5EZJ TMEV tUILl OESkK. I STARTED i 11 i a r-r AkT IF I OOWT MAKE 6M OO rT, AUMTi jokes aw ouve ttJILL GET SORE AT ME j i J 1 LIT 1 1 k US ADMIRALS GOT OUR TROUBLES, TOOj r-. i tary-treasurer, Frea comsxoc. -