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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1942)
PAGE TWO Bataan Troops Writer Describes How 300 Enemies Killed In Heavy Jangles ; (Continued from Page 1) forward surge of the Americans and their allies. One of the prisoners captured carried a message from Lieut .Gen. Tsunehiro addressed to - Lieut Gen. Naoki Kimura, com manding the 16th division and to the emperor of Japan: . "We are surrounded by the : enemy and It is becomlnr ; doubtful whether our forces l can collect enough strength to .. hold out "Our unit has suffered 152 : casualties, redactor its fighting strength to such an extent that maintaining our position be comes precarious our ammu nition and food supplies are low banzai!" This morning Capt. C. A. Crome, husky South Carolinian with his arm in a blood sling, shouted in his fog horn voice: "Surrender, you s, we've cot you surrounded." The answer came back in perfect English: "Nerts to you, Joe." So CaDt Crome ordered the tanks into actionJ Prior to this, however, the Japanese gave further signs that their fanaticism fades under fire. When grenades exploded near them they were heard sobbing and moaning in fear. Many of them turned their backs to bullets which killed i them. The Americans believed that many of them would have liked to surrender but feared they would be killed by their captors. The Japanese landed at night time In small boats on the tip of one of the many points slop ing from the Bataan mountains Into the ocean. They had or ders to advance up a narrow roadway winding through the trees to the main north-south road in western Bataan and to cut this artery between the American front lines and the rear positions. They carried an anti-tank gun on wheels and numerous light and heavy machine guns. The Japanese failed completely In their mission; never advanc ing within four miles of the main road. Soon after they landed American mortars plastered the tip of the landing point and Ame rican infantry and Filipino scouts rushed from the highway to check the Japanese advance. They cornered the Japanese in an area approximately 125 yards square with a winding roadway through the middle. The Japanese had their back i and flanks on rocky cliffs drop- ping down to the China sea. When infantry contact had been established, American mor tars had to cease firing. Gen.. MacArthur troops fan ned out with Americans on the flanks and Filipinos in the cen ter and began their creeplngly slow advance. The Japanese meanwhile dug frantically Into fox holes two feet wide and four feet deep and in a network of trenches around the bases of trees. Oth ers climbed trees, lashed them i selves to limbs and began snip ing. They were so well con cealed that even when killed their bodies could not Immedi ately be located. For some days our troops were able to advance only thre to five yards through underbrush that was so thick it was impossible to see an arm's length ahead. Our troops were forced to crawl on their bellies, inching -' their rifles forward with their fingers on the triggers until they were so close they could hear the enemy breathing. Then both the Japanese and the Americans aimed their ri ; ties at invisible targets, shot once and lay still again. In these stages of the fighting the roads were covered by Japa nese land mines and anti-tank guns. The trees were so close to gether hand grenades could not be thrown and one American . said to another: "I wish Bob Feller were here to toss 'em down the middle.n The day before yesterday (Tuesday) in the afternoon the ; tanks went in and after several hours knocked out two machine gun nests beside the road.1 The majority of land mines had been removed by the infantry. Discus shaped mines which' the Japanese hurled failed to: blow the tracks off the tanks or do any damage other than jarring the crews. The tanks were back all day Wednesday, knocked out a Jap anese 11 mm gun and went back in at S a. m. Thursday when they t thoroughly combed the now flattened and scarred battlefield, shooting down Japa nese who attempted to escape by Jumping; from trench to trench, la one long trench the tanks machinegunned tot the ': enemy. -, --'..n--: :; When the Japanese had 'been cornered, American : tanks with hold their" : fire- for several mo ments hoping they would surren der. la a last defiant gesture two Japanese .'who were manning a riow Useless machinegun,- took off their shoes and hurled them at a tanlc. V' ':p::.l.yy: h'A The Americans were unable' .to loavo the tank without being shot ao they tan the steel monster over the Japanese -position. : v At 1 p. m, the tanks returned Mop Up Jap to their outpost only 25 yards from the edge of the battlefield. Crew members and a bunch of the boys from Wisconsin, many of them college graduates, climbed sweat-covered from the tanks and reported they had not lost a man, had broken the enemy resistance and had pushed the survivors in to the thickets bordering the cliff where the infantry was pursuing them. We could hear a few Japa nese still shooting. I went to the battlefield with a few in fantrymen assigned for the fi nal mopping up. Foxholes and trenches were piled with Japa-, nese bodies in some places three deep. But at least one was still alive. He suddenly popped out of a fox hole 40 yards away and fired two quick shots which passed harm lessly over us. An American soldier cooly drew the firing pins from two grenades and tossed them accurately into the Japanese foxhole and then walked over and fired several rounds of his tommygun to make sure. I asked the tank officer, Lieut. K. B. , Bloomf ield of Janes vllle, Wis, what he , thought of the Japanese. They're tough cookies," he said, "but we can take 'em." An American air force officer, Capt Horace Greeley, chimed in: "Speaking of wars, anybody who wants a punch in the nose just has to tell me Filipino scouts aren't swell soldiers." European War Reports Vary Rugs, Libya Fronts Unchanged ; Trouble o Spots Appearing (Continued from Page 1) smash the German lines before Leningrad. The Russians themselves ac knowledged German counterat tacks on the central front, and it was in this vaguely-defined area that the nasi command claimed the better part of two red army divisions were en circled and wiped out. In North Africa the British lines seemed to have stiffened, for the official word was that there had been "no change" in the seesawing battle of Libya. But quite possibly with axis urging a new trouble spot for the British appeared to have de veloped at Tangier, directly across the strait from Gibraltar in Mo rocco. There Arabs and Spaniards demonstrated against British bus iness concerns and the only de tailed account of the rioting came from nazi sources. But if the British possibly were facing trouble from a new quar ter, the axis partners also were running up storm signals. In nasi-occupied France 200 persons charged with attempt ing to bomb a German army building at Rouen were arrest ed, and there were other dis turbances at Tours and Amiens. Italy's civilian population, al- , ready asked to tighten its belts virtually to the last notch, faced new and more stringent restric tions. And, for the second time in three days, the axis this time at the Berlin end gravely reported that Britain, probably with United States assistance, plans a full scale invasion of Norway. The war of nerves, it seems, is one that two can fight. Britain was angrily aroused over the likelihood that the axis African comeback was launched through reinforcements carried by French ships. But Britain also is sued the encouraging news that convoys still are coming through in the battle of the Atlantic. Practice Teaching by Students AtiUaraetteStart&Thiseek Willamette university seniors in education began this week practice teaching under the supervision of regular teachers and Dr. Robert Lantz, professor of education. This is the largest practice group ever had at Willamette, but the number of men is con siderably smaller than usual. The students and their subjects are: Margaret Anderson of Portland and Mary Barker of Salem, Eng lish composition; Betty Boydston of Dallas, advanced French; Bar bara Compton of Salem, business English; Bob Daggett of Poison, Mont, physical education; Robert Dean of Woodburn, advanced al gebra; Lucy Mclntyre and Doro thy Moore of Portland, world his tory; W. Worth Mackie and Mary Elizabeth Ross of Salem, Ameri can history; Madeline Morgan of Stayton, physical education. "' FJdon Morse of Payette, Ida., biology; Helen Newland of Port land, dramatics; Hermie Palmer of Hermiston, English literature; Nell Reeder of Waldport and Madge .Thompson of .San Mateo, Calif., "English, composition; Mrs. Hulda Saucy of Salem, French; Albert SiUinger of Salem, inter national relations; Bob Voigt of Salem, art. Teaching; at Chemawa - Indian school are Gwen Griffith jot Olympia," Wash., physical educa tion; Gene . Stewart of ' Salem, chemistry and biology; Carl Bow man of Skalem is teaching instru mental music at Richmond grade school,; and , Marion Hermanek of The Dalles teaches vocal music at Leslie junior "high school. ' ' ' Thm US Cantonment Work Started Headquarters Site Is East of Wells; Speed Asked in Contract (Continued from Page 1) bany-Independence road. The site is about eight miles from Albany and about 12 miles from Corvallis by the most direct roads. The Albany US employment office has not received any re quests to assign workers to the project Manager Thomas O. Palmer said Saturday afternoon. MONMOUTH, Feb. 7-While no official information on Polk Benton cantonment progress is available, this community is humming like a beehive on a sunny day. Strange cars are bringing new people into town. Houses long vacant are being rented. A survey made some months ago listed approximately 17 empty dwellings, due to the much smaller registration of col lege students. Now, only two dwellings are left vacant it Is reported. The chamber of commerce housing committee, headed by C. F. Gillette, has listed all available apartments and rooms, also. Some apartment house owners took few if any students last fall, agreeing to house cantonment workers when they came. Engineers are to be quartered here soon, according to report,' in the former telephone office build' ing where their drafting unit will function. Families of these men will live in Monmouth it was stated. Relocation of highway 99W is said to be slated, and In this con' nection a suggestion made hero in November by R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, that a new stretch of highway, running south from Rickreall, bisecting the area between Monmouth and Independence to reconnect with highway 99W south of here, may be built if the cantonment be comes a reality. One of the personally inter ested local men Is Philip Schwelaer, rural mail carrier, whose route winds through the proposed cantonment territory. Fully three-fourths of his more than 80 daily miles are in this sector. He may soon lose his pat rons of some 20 years, and will probably acquire many new ones among the cantonment construc tion officialsand crew. US Generals Given Crosses By MacArthur (Continued from Page 1) neuvers," they were able to es cape a large-scale enemy pincers movement, the war department said. Gen. Wain wright, a native of Walla Walla, Wash., and a for mer cavalry officer, won the distinguished service medal for superior staff work with the 82nd division in France during the first World war. He is a 190S graduate of the military academy. Gen. Jones was born in Quincy, Mass., and was commissioned in the army from civil life October 1, 1911. Serving in the Philippines as a colonel when the invasion started, he was promoted on De cember 18 to brigadier general on recommendation of Gen. MacAr thur because of outstanding lead ership in action. County Board Prohes Poor Farm Close Possibility of the abolition of the county poor farm is foreseen in an investigation now in process by the county public welfare commission. County Judge Grant Murphy revealed Saturday. . The poor farm, established ap proximately 1871, cost the county $6627.05 in 1940 and $6226 in 1041, Murphy said. Number of in mates averaged 18-0. ."' No definite action, no recem ' EaendaUea for the elimination mt the tana as a county project has , yet been made, the judge point ed oat If, on the other hand the persons eared for : there could be cared for as well or better by old age pensions at a lesser cost to the county, he in dicated, there could be avo ob jection to the change,: Information as to the general situation of indigents at the farm is - in process ; of preparation for Welfare - Administrator Marion Bowen, it was said. OSEGON STATESMAN Satan, Three Salem Youths Face Theft Counts Juveniles provided material for a majority of city police reports Saturday as the roundup of youth ful offenders continued to explain recent disappearances of proper ty in the Salem area. Three 17-year-olds, including one lad police believe may never before have mixed with the law and was merely an "onlooker" on this occasion, are cited to go be fore Mrs. Nona White, county Juvenile officer, Monday morn ing on charges of attempting to steal a tire. A 11-year-old boy, whose al legedly signed confession ob tained by state police is on file at city police headquarters, was apprehended by a state officer after he had reportedly taken Dr. C B. McCullough's ear from its parking place near the Wil lamette university eampos and driven it into a power line pole four miles east of Salem on State street Saturday morning. The boy, who two months ago told police and Mrs. White that he had "borrowed" without permis sion a car and later returned it to its parking place is said to have told city police Saturday that since that time he had re- enacted the stunt no less than three times. On two occasions he used the car to travel to and from high school dances, he said. Saturday morning he was in a hurry to meet friends at Silver Falls park and crashed the borrowed vehicle, When first apprehended late last year, he was warned and freed, he said. Oregon Goes On War Time Follows US Change Early Monday Morn ; Will Conserve Power PORTLAND, Feb. 7-()-Ore- gon goes on daylight saving time or war time, if you prefer at 2 a.m. Monday. The confusion over whether the change from standard time was to come at 2 a.m. Monday or 11 p.m. Sunday was dispelled Friday when Gov. Charles A. Sprague altered his original proclamation to 2 a.m. Monday. His earlier rul ing was based on an understand ing that clocks throughout the nation would be moved up at 2 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, which would make it 11 p.m. here. i But now that everything Is cleared up and the change is to be made when 2 ajn. rolls around in each time belt, just set your clock ahead one hour when you go to bed Sunday and when you arise youll be on war time for the duration. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7-)-A war effort in which everyone can Join saving daylight begins Sunday night. The average individual's con tribution need be no more than remembering to turn his clocks and watches ' ahead one hour be fore retiring Sunday night Rail roads, airlines and the raid will move up to the new standard time designated "war time" by President Roosevelt at precisely 2 a .in. Monday. The clocks will remain ahead until six months after the war. Chairman Leiand Olds of the federal power commission an nounced that a study would be made of electric power records over the nation to determine how much power capacity hi being saved by the new lime standard. Prior to the outbreak of war, it was estimated that an hour -SpteoUp- -Hi T.e nation's, clocks would save about 750,000 kilo watts of electricity power capa city equal to making 1,000,000 horsepower available for indus try. Sugar Plan Is Proposed By McNary WASHINGTON, Feb. 7-P)-A proposal to alleviate the sugar shortage by using government controlled surpluses of wheat and corn to produce industrial alco hol was laid before Chairman Donald M. Nelson of the war production board Saturday by Republican Senate Leader Mc Nary of Oregon. In a letter to Nelson. McNary said he bad been advised Oat under existing price levels, . wheat and corn could bo roa- verted . into ethyl alcohol nn - Ingredient of smokeless powder i cheaply as could molasses, i sugar eane product McNary j wrote Nelson that the conversion of surplus wheat and corn ' would . make available for domestic consumption about one fifth ot the production of sugar for 1941 which otherwise would be used in the industrial alcohol field. McNary said he was advis ed that there was sufficient exist ing distillery - facilities to t a k e care " of the diversion. Oregon. Sandcy Meaning, Fabmarr 8. 1942 Outlook Black As Japs Spread Allied Bases Fight Artillery and Air Duels With Invaders (Continued from Page 1) ation carried out at the cost of the three naval vessels. For Am- boina, flanking the most direct supply route westward from the United States and Australia to the Indies, also gives the invader a fresh foothold only 630 miles from the chief north Australian base at Port Darwin. For Singapore, standing firm after a week of siege and still on the; ready against any sign of the expected Japanese front al attack, the whine and blast of shells was added to the al ready painfully familiar thun der of heavy air attack. The first barrage directed at the city Itself did little damage but to many it sounded like the warn ing signal that an all-out as sault was imminent. In apparent confirmation of that view was the appearance of small boats on the Japanese side of Johore strait A possible sound ing-out : of the British defenses, they promptly came under the withering fire of imperial guns which blew a number of the craft out of the water. In the Philippines there were signs of a gathering Japanese of fensive in a three-hour bombard ment of American forts at the entrance to Manila bay includ ing Corregidor, the fortress to which it has appeared for some time that General MacArthur eventually may have to withdraw his forces now on Bataan pen in sula. There was no news from the Burmese land front along the Salween river some 100 miles east of Rangoon. But that city, target of a heavy bombing as sault early in the day, was raided by a formation of 24 Jap anese fighter planes, three of which were blasted eat of the skies by the RAKs Hurricanes. The Dutch, who raised their score for 63 days of warfare to 59 Japanese ships either sunk or damaged, marshalled their strength for another anticipated Japanese frontal attack the long- anticipated drive on Java, heart of the islands and site of the allied southwest Pacific command head quarters. From Tokyo, by various routes, came a number of unsubstantial ed claims in tne laminar axis vein that a Japanese submarine had sunk a large destroyer in the Java sea (Tokyo earlier in the week asserted it 'Virtually had wiped ouf the Dutch Indies fleet); that 'its naval forces had sunk 29 submarines and 50 sur face ships of 300,000 tons up to January 31; that, not counting the Malayan campaign, it had lost a total of only 3382 men killed and wounded to 29,700 allied troops killed or captured; that it had de stroyed or captured 399 allied vessels, compared to Japanese losses of only 10 transports sunk and 16; damaged; that 914 allied planes had been destroyed on the ground or in the air, against Japa nese losses of 153 planes. State Banking Unit Set for Alien Survey The state . banking department has been assigned the duty of compiling, the required reports for all departments of the state of Oregon that may hold or control or have knowledge of any prop erty of any nature belonging to any foreign national. Gov. Charles A. Sprague announced here Saturday. No person who is a national of any foreign country Is ex cused from reporting in his own behalf concern'ci- In nro- peTty "or interest in property because of any. doubt he may have as to his status as a na tional The treasury department, Washington, DC, has forwarded to Gov. Sprague information concerning reports that are re quired of all property subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States on either or both June 1, 1940, and June 14, 1941. The re port must be made as to either or both dates if any foreign country whatever or national thereof had an interest in prop erty, the total value of which is or was $1000 or more. School Plans Hot Lunches Hot f lunches will be served children at Highland school each noon beginning Monday, an nounced Arthur' Myers principal, in a letter to parents this week. Two cooks will prepare balanced hot lunches for the 200 children expected to eat in the lunchrooms each day, says the letter. ' Cooks are being furnished through the WPA, menus will be made up of surplus commodities, supplemented by food purchased with the small fee asked for the lunches. - J - . Each child who is able to pay will be asked for a 5 cent daily food fee. Those unable to buy lunch j will receive it free. No child will be refused lunches, the principal states. WW Conclave Raps Defense, Alien Program Resolutions dealing with the handing of aliens, urging more extensive fingerprinting and cit ing desired alterations in the ci vilian defense program are ex pected to be' presented to the state council of administration of the Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars department at the VFW hall here this morning. Today'! session is to open at 9 a.m. Civilian defense procedure, with some criticism of the con duct ef the program In arions parts of the state, was discussed by speakers at the opening session of the council Saturday night Complaining that veterans "had been "signally ignored" in the defense program, Richard F. Compton, state VFW disaster re lief chairman, asserted there had been "bungling." Department Commander Louis E. Star urged the veter ans to report unsatisfactory situations in order that they may be presented to proper authorities. Other speakers included Bryan H. Conley, Marion county de fense coordinator, representing Gov. Charles A. Sprague; Capt. John H. Schum, reporting on na tional VFW activities, and Dwight Alderman, lecturer on civilian defense. Air Force Plans Told Two-Million Man Unit Aimed to Provide US Crushing Superiority (Continued from Page 1) Reserve or regular army offi cers will be assigned, along with cadres of enlisted men. The ranks then will be filled out largely from selective service recruits. These 27 divisions are among the 32 which Stimson said re cently would be added to the land forces this year to increase them to 3,600,000 men. The two-million man air force was closely tied in with plans for producing 185,000 warplanes this year and next. It would work out to ratio of ten or 11 men for each plane. With the need for navigators, bombard iers and ground crews, as well as pilots, such a proportion has long been considered about right. A million men for the 60,000 planes that are scheduled for pro duction this year would give a ratio much higher than that, and permit thorough training for a considerable number of men while their fighting planes are under construction. The men are to come, it was assumed, from volunteers and se lectees. An important source of men lies in the graduates of the civil aeronautics commission's training courses. They have turn ed out some 75,000 civilian pilots, all of whom are pledged to make themselves available to the army and navy when and if needed. West Point is to turn out fliers, too. General George C. Marshall, the army chief of staff, who was at the military academy today, authorized a statement that a number of cadets would be grad uated as pilots. Oregon's Ducks Outsplash OSC CORVALLIS, Ore, Feb. 7-(Jf) The University of Oregon swim ming team scored a decisive 56 to 19 victory Saturday over Ore gon State college. The Oregon Frosh. deadlocked with" Use's Rooks' until'' the final event, the 400-yard relay, also won, 41 to 34. The Oregon State varsity, com peting without three regular starters, won only one of nine events, the diving competition In which Gallaher of the Beavers nosed out Smith of Oregon. Robinson, Oregon, led individ ual scoring with ten points. Summary: Medley relay Won by Oreeon (Nel son. R. Heustis. Allen). Tune. 3: 12 J. azo free Kyle won : by Robinson. Oregon; smith. Oregon. second; Letoumeaux. OSC. tlrd. Tim. 1:23-2. 50-yard free style Won by Weitxal. Oregon; Stark. OSC, second; Mead. Oregon, third. Time, 25. Divinf Won by Gallagher. OSC: Wilson. Oregon,' second; Corbett, Ore gon, third. 100 tree style Won by Heustis. Ore gon; Nelaon, Oregon, second; Stark. OSC. third. Tune. 36. 150-yard back stroke Won by Weltzel. Oregon; Eyman. OSC, second; Woodward. OSC. third. Time, 1:47 A. 200-yard breast stroke Won by Heustis. Oregon; Stone. OSC. second: Ketchik. OSC. third. Tim. 1:40. 400-yard tree stylo Won by Robin son. Oregon: Smith, Oregon, second: Hytinin, OSC. third. Time. S:1S. OO-yard relay Forfeited to Oregon (Allen, Mead. Nelson. Heustis.) Fishta Scmstimes Results Frcm Piles Thousands of rectal suttarors might say themselves from humiliation and serious complies bons of Tistula or deep-seated abscesses " by - recognizing that an. ordinary ease of Piles should not be neglected. Loom the facts by writing- today for a FREX copy ef an up-to-the-minute, 122-page illustrated book' on Fistula. Piles (hemorrhoids), rectal abarr a. related . ailments and colon disorders. A postcard wUt do. It may save you much trouble and worry. The McOeary Clinic. E61T Ems BlytL. Excelsior SDi-in. Ma. - ' - Salem Awaits ' Church Meet National Christian Mission Program to Open Next Sunday : (Continued from Page 1) begins, his aeries ot nightly ad dresses.. ' p These mass meetings will be held at the high schooL Head quarters for the mission is the YMCA, daytime meetings will be at the First Presbyterian church and noon sessions at the Elsinore theatre. f Each morning at li a, an. Dr. Thomas W. Graham, dean -of the graduate school of theology, Ob erlin college, Obertln, Ohio, will conduct a seminar on "Dynamic Christianity' On Wednesday,; Ifoursday and Friday at 2 p. m. group meetings on "Evangelism' will be under the charge of various leaders. Another daily event is the Seminar, "Put ting the Bible to Work," at 3 p. m. with Dr. C S. Knopf leading. Civic and social groups will get a brief foretaste of the mission's activities when prominent speak ers appear at their regularly scheduled meetings; Another pro gram feature, which has been scheduled for the convenience of employed people, are the Elsinore- theatre meetings at 12:20 p. m., addressed by Bishop Bruce R. Baxter. Dr. Baxter will speak daily except Wednesday when Dr. Paul S. Wright, First Presbyterian church, Portland, will give the address. , Youth night will feature a banquet, February 16, at which the Rev. G. Harden Stewart of the First Christian church, Van couver, BC, will be principal speaker. Ralph May, Willamette university student body presi dent, will be toastmaster. The banquet is to be at the First Methodist church at 5:45 p. m. Reservations must be made by February 13 with Don Douris at First Presbyterian church. Dr. Norman C. Thome, assist ant superintendent of public schools, Portland, and a leader in church work, will talk on "Why Bible Study" at the Sunday school workers' banquet Wednesday at 6 p. m. at the First Methodist church. Other dinners scheduled are Active club, Tuesday; employed women's, Wednesday and 20-30 club, Thursday. 1 With C. A. Keils, general chair man, and Rev. S. Raynor Smith, vice chairman, a Salem "Commit tee of One Hundred' as well as other groups throughout the val ley have made plans for the mis sion under the leadership of the following committee chairmen: Floyd Miller, civic and service; Tinkham Gilbert, finance; W. C. Winslow, program Dr. J. Edgar Purdy, publicity; Mrs. Esther Little, women, and Roy 'Harland, youth. Foxes Await Chemawa Came SILVERTON "Remember Mt. Angel" Is the slogan the Silver Foxes have set up in preparation for their Big 9 clash with the Chemawa Indians! here Tuesday night The Foxes led the Angels 27 to 12 at half-time last week, only to see the hill-top boys put on a rally and snatch victory in the last seconds of the second hall Silverton also lost to Chemawa by a one-point margin in an ear lier engagement at Chemawa; so Tuesday's game is rated a toss-up. The Foxes play a return game with ML Angel on the latter's floor on February 17, and outside Tuesday night's game with the Indians, only one more scheduled home game is left" on the Fox schedule, that being with Esta- cada on February ,20. Former Official Dies PORTLAND. Feb. 7-GPV-Marlr H. Skinner, 70, state superintend ent of banks frorfl. 1935 to 1939 umu ai a nospitai fcere Friday aft er a two-month illness. What Sort of Life Do You Lead? If you re a girl with i job, you depend on your eyes to help you do that Job welL You must see clearly, to be accurate and not make costly mistakes. K you're a homemaker, you depend on your eyes to help you do household tasks and care for your children, Indulge in your hobbies.. You need keen vision " H. need "a"" don't wait! g- Weekly, payments are as low as 9C FREE EXAMINATION : MORRIS OPTICAL 444 State St - Salem-Eogene-SaTerton - Phone 5528 US Soldiers Patrol Coast (Continued from page 1) was revealed, has taken ovei areas bordering the Pacific shor 1 olrmsr the stormy Oreffon ni Washington coasts. It is equipped with some of the finest military equipment ever possessed by an American armed force in the field. Motorists in the coastal areas are regularly examined before they are allowed to drive aeroas certain highway bridges. Ori entals of any nationality are la some eases detained for exam ination. Included In the force' defend ing the Pacific northwest are Sioux Indians, observed acting as scouts in the heavily timbered regions. Meliama PTA Slates Rite MEHAMA A program of pat riotic numbers and founders' day will be features at the meeting of the Mehama PTA Monday at 8 p.m. at the school house. Women of the community will take part in the candlelighting ceremony. Birthday cake will be served. ? . The pie social scheduled for Monday night has been post poned. - Gervais Pupils Present Play GERVAIS The student body of Gervais high school presents "Holiday House" in the high school auditorium Friday at 8 p. m. In the cast are Ray Miller, Marie Short, Carl Nibler, Mary St. John, Anna Mae Martin, Dar lene Calkins, Dean Booster and Jack St. John. The play is under the direction of Miss Rumgay. Wife of School Instructor in Aumsville Dies ATMSVILLE Mrs! J. S. Bid good, wife of J. S. Bidgood, an in structor in the schools here, died at a Portland hospital Thursday. The deceased came to Aumsville last' September with her husband. She has been in poor health many months, much of the time this winter remaining In Portland for medical care. Funeral services for James Stitts were held Thursday at the Weddle funeral home in Stayton, with Rev. J. B. Willis, Aumsville, conducting the service. Mrs. Wendell Weddle sang. The deceased Is survived by his wid ow, Carolina Stitts, whom he mar ried In 1812; two sons, Oakes V. Stitts, Washington,. DC, James H. Stitts, Aumsville: one sister. Mrs. Rebecca Parker, Portland. Burial services were at the Butler ceme tery at Aumsville. Pallbearers were William Forgey, Grover Phelan, Charles Malone, C. Wei senfels, Charles Martin and A. B. Ham. Word was received here Satur day of the death Friday of Mrs. Edith Lesley, Riverside, Calif. The deceased was the mother of O. A. Lesley, a former resident of this place. Jason Lee, Baptist Turn in 'C Wins Jason Lee and Calvary Baptist won "C" church league games at Parrish Friday night Calvary (30) (12) Episcopal 4 Weller 2 Stone - 2 Litke 2 Utter 2 Mize (17) Christ Lath. Fox 5 Hain 4 Battalion 7 Meier 1 Thielman Johnson Kenagy 7 Barbour 18 - Dowd 3 Seigfarth 2 Jasen Lee (22) Putnam 1 Reeves 14 Ryles FJrich Page 7