Tht OREGON STATESMAN. Saltm, Ortgon. Saturdcrf Morning, Ftbruary 7 1912 TAGE.flVE Newo Briefs Delegation IXeard A delegation tt rasldants from the Capitola res idential district north of Salem ttpptftrtd Friday morning before t eounty court to urge action en a petition they had entered larller In the week. They ask that Abraxas avenue and Carleton way be given county road designation. Jasper Button, spokesman for the group, said that through traffic has been more responsible than local for the condition of the thor oughfares which connect the Pa cific highway with the Silverton road. A parallel road only a block away could serve, Judge Grant Murphy suggested, but Button maintained that, never theless, considerable through traf fic uses the route under discus sion. Lutz florist Ph. 9592 127f N. Lib. 1 Memorial Planned Construc tion of a building at the Big Brother farm, Lebanon, as a me morial to Mr; and Mrs. Chester A. Lyon, owners and founders of the institution, is planned by men who, as underprivileged boys, en joyed the hospitality and the character-building influence of farm a quarter century ago, Noel Webster, Portland, has notified interested persons here. Webster has been elected cha irman of a committee to raise funds and to work out plans, with Ernest C Burgard as assistant chairman. Fatalities Listed There were Ix fatalities in Oregon due to in dustrial accidents during the week ending February 5, the state in dustrial accident commission re ported Friday. The victims were Charles Cummings, Oregon City, farm laborer; C. W. Gayse, Lake view, logger; James E. McMurray, Prineville, log hauler; Niklas W. Busboom, . Marshf ield, laborer Virley T. Gabriel, Portland, labor er, and Thomas H. Medley, Sweet Home, planer. There were 797 in dustrial accidents reported to the commission during the week. Reported Safe Coila Graham West, formerly an employe in the veterans state aid commission of fices here, but for several years secretary in the office of the Bag uio Gold Mining company, has no tified her father in Forest Grove that she and her brother are "okeh." The radiogram was evi dently sent after reports of the bombing of BaguiorPI, shortly af ter the outbreak of war in the Pacific. Savings insured to $5,000.00 are earning 31,i at Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. Judge Assigned Chief Justice Percy Kelly of the state supreme court Friday assigned Circuit Judge Calvin L. Sweek, Umatilla county, to go to Jefferson county and try the case of Buell against Crook county. Ke will substitute for Circuit Judge Ralph S. Ham ilton of Deschutes county. Gets Appointment Charles Werkkala, Astoria, Friday was appointed by Gov. Charles A. Sprague as chairman of the Clat sop county welfare commission. ne succeeds can wyquist, wno has resigned to enter military ervice. Church Improves "Col." A. M. Church, Salem publisher, is re ported improved at Salem Dea coness hospital where he is under treatment for pneumonia. OBITUARY hooker Baby Hooker, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hooker, Aumsville, died at a local hos pital Thursday night. Funeral ervices held by Terwilliger-Ed-Wards funeral home at City View cemetery Friday afternoon. La Branch Mrs. Lurinda La Branch of 3604 Mate street, at a local hos pital Thursday, February 5. Moth er of Mrs. Agnes Chownirig of Portland, Mrs. Sadie Tallon of Salem, Sr. M. Gertrude of Mt. Angel and Alfred E. La Branch of Salem; sister of Mrs. Addie Towns and John Fairfield, both of Newport, Mrs. Laura Hurd, Rich ard and Delbert Fairfield, all of FJkton, Ore., and Joseph Fairfield of Salem; survived also by ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Recitation of Ros ary Sunday, February 8, at 8 p. m. at Clough-Barrick chapel; re quiem : service at St. Joseph's church Monday. February 9, at 10 a. m. Concluding service St Barbara cemetery. in Kennedy LeRoy Kenndy, of route two Turner, at a local hospital Thurs day, February 5,. aged 52 years. CALVAuY BAPTIST CHUnCH So. Liberty at E. Miller TouTl like CalVary "It's a friendly church with a I Calvary Message" 1 11:00 "Communion Meditation" ; ! 7:30 "Episodes In Christ's Life" A beautiful candlelight recog nition service for teachers and officers of Bible School. E. L. Allen Pastor Public Invited I Coming Events Feb. 18 National Christian Mission opens here. Students in Tourney Two Sa lem high school students reached the finals of the district speech tournament at Linfield college Friday, and the debate team went to McMinnville Friday for its competition. Betty Randall, and Cameron McDonald won out to the finals in poetry reading and after dinner speaking, respective ly. Patricia Edgerton was elim inated in the former contest Coach is Norborne Berkeley. Cootie club dance, JFri. VFW hall. Report Prepared Report on the feasibility of the creation of the proposed Washington county rural peoples utility district is being prepared by the state hydroelec trie commission here and will be released about March 1. The dis trict would embrace 570 square miles, including the municipal! ties of Banks, Gaston, Cornelius and Tualatin. Hearing on the pro ject was held several weeks ago. Fill Viewed The deep fill at the Gates bridge is weathering well. County Engineer N. C. Hubbs reported after a visit to the new bridge this week, but suggested some braces be estab lished to prevent the 'settling of the fill from pushing against the bridge structure and closing ex pansion joints. Special attention. Inducted into military service, three weeks no tice. Must sell grocery store im mediately. This Is a good-paying store. Fixtures and stock at inven tory. Cash only. Ronner's Grocery. 605 S. 19th. Road Rocked The slippery portion of the South River road, where slides had occurred earlier this week, was Friday given a coating of fine crushed rock to cover the thin coating of slimy earth left there, County Engineer N. C. Hubbs said -Friday. Grand Opening Crawfish Tavern, Dine and Dance, Saturday, Feb. 7. 1 mile No. Underpass on 99. Free Gardenias for ladies. Dwelling P 1 a n n e d Building permit was issued Friday to Clar ence W. Hill to erect one-story dwelling and garage at 1390 Nor way street at a cost of $2400, and to F. Harlan to reroof dwelling at 1265 Waller street. $200. Rummage May Flower Guild, 1st. frmff Ph 97 N Hitrh Rat Injured in Fall Mrs. A. M. La- Due, 79, of 2010 Ferry street, was in "fair" condition at Salem Dea coness hospital after she fell near her home Friday and suffered a fractured left hip. She was treat ed by the city first aid crew. Veterans of Foreign Wars meet ing, Monday, 8 p. m. All com rades welcome. C. A. Robertson, Commander. ' . Autos Collide Orville Doyle Veneman, 151 North 13th street, and Richard L. Smith of Seattle drove autos which collid ed Thursday at 12th and Mission streets. Eagles Another big dance Sat. Nite. Fine music. Fun for all. Bring your friends. Husband of Mrs. Sadie Kennedy of Turner; father of Mrs. Isabell Butler of Zena, Mrs. Milton Albin of Toledo, Ore., Miss Evelyn, Miss Darliene Fay, Arthur and Lee Ray Kennedy, of Turner; brother of Mrs. Floy Honey of Kingman, Kan., and Willis Kennedy of Turner. Services will be held Sat urday, February 7, at 10 a. m from the Clough-Barrick chapel with interment in IOOF cemetery Hood Mrs. Irvine L. Hood at her home at 1015 West Ninth street, Albany, Ore., February 5, 1941 Survived by her husband, Irvine L. Hood, and three children, Vir ginia, Charmion, and Irvine, jr.; her mother, Anna Bos track; also five sisters, Mamie L. Bostrack, Nyssa, Ore., Mrs. William Wider- kher, Jefferson, Ores, Mrs. C. O Budlong, Albany, Ore, Mrs. Or- val C. Kennen and Mrs. W. C Thomas, both of Salem, Ore.; also three brothers, Russell Bostrack of Albany, Ore., John Bostrack, Jefferson, Ore., and Sherman Bos track. Salem, Ore. Funeral serv ices Saturday, at 2:30 p. m. from Fortmiller funeral home, Albany, Ore. Mlnaker Miss Victoria Charlotte Mina ker, at her home, 535 Hood street, Salem, Friday, February 6. Sur vived by four nieces, Mrs, Laura Howard of Turner, Mrs. Max Cov ert of Ferndale, Mich-, Mrs. Em met Lombard of Westby, Wis., and Mrs. Minnie Watson of Bran don, Canada; one great-nephew, Kenneth McKenzie of Port Town send, Wash. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick company., ; . Smith T . . Mrs. Mary Y. Smith, late resi dent oft 1889 Court street, at i local hospital Friday, February 6. Wife of Linn C. Smith ot Salem, Services will be held Saturday, February 7. at 3 p. m- from St Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. Geone H. Swift officiating. Frt vate committal services at ML Crest Abbey crematorium, under direction ef Clough-Barrick com pany. Crasher Imperative The HU- hee rock crasher is scheduled to reopen operations early next week in the Jackson hill section after a brief shutdown while the coun ty shovel was in use on the South River road. Wallace "Fine Condition of Paul B. Wallace was reported "fine" Friday night at Salem Gen eral hospital, where he has been a patient since a heart attack last month. Visitors are still forbid den, hospital attendants said. Spa Hearts wrapped for mailing. Banquet Tonight Jalmer Hvam, skiing instructor at Mount Hood, will be principal speaker for the 19th annual Chemeketan club banquet tonight at 6:45 at the Marion hotel. Event Scheduled A hog-calling contest will feature the barn dance given by the grange to night at Robert's station, accord ing to Lee Eyerly, chairman. Exclusive Heart Designs.-The Spa. Tax Stamp Taken W. F. Brown, 714 South 21st street, told city police the auto tax stamp was taken Thursday night from his truck. Cabinet Group Makes Retreat This Weekend Cabinet and members of UqI versify Vespers, Willamette stu dent body group at First Metho dist church, are on the annual midyear retreat to the coast this weekend. Part left Friday after noon for Nelscott, and others go this morning. Accompanying the group, who will plan second semester events of the organization, are Pres. Carl S. Knopf, Prof, and Mrs. Ken neth McLeod and Ruth Cramer, church director of religious edu cation. Cabinet officers are Leo Bald win, Fort Shaw, Mont., president; June Woldt, Portland, vice presi dent; Jean Jackson, Astoria, sec retary; Harriet Monroe, Park dale, deputations; Martha Hugh ell, Meridian, Ida., worship; Mary Helen Wilson, Idaho Falls, Ida., Cookie Jar; Tom Hall, Golden dale. Wash., social; Reeva Schmidt, Pendleton, art; Doris Laney, Yaki ma, worship; Mary Margaret Livesay, Dallas, music; Don Tas ker, Van Nuys, Calif., social; Dix Moser, Tenino, Wash., publicity; Helen Davis, Pendleton, Sunday school; Margaret Pemberton,Hills- boro, music; Winston Taylor, Sa lem, past president. Others attending the retreat are Reba Lehman, Portland, Lou ise Wrisley, Pendleton, Grace Cramer, Connie Anderson and Dorothea Graham, Salem, Betty Holm, Naselle, Wash., Lois Moore, Great Falls, Mont., Margaret An derson, North Bend, Jean Van Skike, Huntington Park, Calif., Hilma Breuser, Fainier, Miriam Ferrin, Cottage Grove, Doris Holmes, Dallas, Wesley Durland, Hood River, Jean Fries, Vancou ver, Nadene Mathews, Vancou ver, Wash., Jim McKenzie, Gol- dendale, Wash., and Bill Herrick, LaPaz, Bolivia. Ex-Willamette Student Guest At Service Manning Nelson, tenor, who has been studying in Chicago the past year and a half, will be featured at the youth service Sunday night at the First Methodist church. He was a senior scholarship student in Willamette university and is here to answer the call of the government. He will sins How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" (Liddle). The youth fellowship chorus will sing "Lord Make Me Strong" and "The Church's One Foundation." Rev. Glenn Olds will preach the sermon on "A Sense of Destiny. In the morning service First church will have its own Scout troupe No. 13 attend in a body with the scoutmaster, M. E. Pal- leske, and members of the troupe committee seated with the scouts. They are Dr. Robert Gatke, Dr. Vern Bain, Dr. George Lewis, Oren Stratton and Arthur Lamka Dr. Harrison will preach the sermon, having for his subject. Fascination Around the Corner on the Road of Life." The cathe dral choir directed by Dean Mel- vin Geist will sing, "Arise, Shine" (Scott). Scouts in Charge Of Sunday Rite Boy Scouts and deacons of the First Christian church will be in charge of the Sunday night pro gram, the third in a series of group-sponsored services. It starts at 7:30 p. m. Under the plan, members take an active part in the program and in this way church leadership is developed and apathy in regard to services overcome, according to Rev. Guy L. Drill, pastor. The - beginning services were by the Keystone class and Chris tian Endeavor groups. February 15 the Christian Mission will be introduced at a union service in the high school; February 22, the children's church will have charge of the service; March I, Philathea group; March 8, .deacons; March 15, Crusaders; March 22, Willing Workers; March 29, adult women. (Bible school leaders), and Easter Sunday, the special all-church program. Marion Gountyjto Receive Fund Deposited in Food Stamp Plan .Return -of $17,500 posted by the establishment of the food stamp plan here may be anticipated late next week,, the county court was notified Friday by the state welfare commission. A change in the law, simplifying handling of food stamp funds and a de- crease in the number of clients using the stamps has made poss ible the return of the county's share of the originally-established revolving fund, the notification declares. CIRCUIT COURT Bertha C. Mitchell vs. Jess J, Mitchell; suit dismissed on basis of stipulation. Esther Ritchey vs. Edward Tarks; order overruling defend ant's motions and requiring him to plead further within 10 days. Adrian J. .May vs. William CL Peterson; default judgment of $1894.46; cost bill of $40.30. . Hiram A. Crum vs. John Ii. Torrens; trial to reconvene Mon day morning, with arguments slated to commence at that time. State vs. John L. Start; order by Judge E M. Page transfers case to justice court. State ex rel Ada McClintic vs. Roy McClintic; order of contin uance to February 17. PROBATE COURT Minnie Spranger estate; order to Arno C. Spranger, executor, for partial . distribution of estate, with $1849 to go to Minnie E. Sykes and a similar amount to himself. Delia Small wood estate; order appointing C. W. Nist, Chester O. Goodman and Helen Codington appraisers. O. L. Hatteberg estate; final de cree to Martin O. Hatteberg, Wil liam T. Hatteberg and Edwin Hat teberg administrators. Harvey J. Clements estate; or der determining state inheritance tax at $289.70. Joe Tricoli estate; Florence Burkhard, administratrix, ordered to deposit immediately with state land board all moneys held by her belonging to estate, following failure of attorney to appear at time set to file revision of final account. Edwin L. Wieder estate; final order. Henry Steuernagel estate; order settling final account. JUSTICE COURT Larry Ward; no operator's li cense; $1 and costs. Earl P. Wallen; larceny in a store; waived preliminary hear ing; held to answer to grand jury; committed to jail on failure to post $500 bail; alleged to have taken two paintbrushes from a down town Salem store. Floyd R. Mehlhoft; no operat or's license; $1 and costs; fine suspended and costs paid. MARRIAGE LICENSES Frederick Eugene Smith, legal, physical director, navy, 1325 North 17th street, and Bernice Hum phreys, legal, typist, 1895 West Nob Hill, both of Salem. Sam B. Harbison, 27, attorney, and Susanna Helen Walery, 27, clerk, both of Salem. MUNICIPAL COURT . Stanley B. Wolcott, 1143 Eighth street, West Salem, violation of basic rule, fined $5. Joseph E. Smith, Sheridan route one, failure to stop, fined $2.50. Floyd S. Anderson, Portland, drunk, fined $10. H. W. Baker, 465 Columbia street, jaywalking, $1 fine sus pended. Special Musical Numbers Planned Sunday morning services at the First Presbyterian church will start at 10:55 a.m. with the play ing of the organ prelude "A Mission Festival" (Diggle), by Prof. Frank Churchill. At 11 a.m. the church session, numbering 24 members will take their places in seats especially re served for them each Sunday morning. W. Irvin Williams will preach on the topic "The Spires of Faith, and the senior choir, directed by Virginia Ward Elliott, will sing the anthem "I Will Lift up Mine Eyes" (Rogers). A solo. "Be Merciful Unto Me O God (Berwold) will be sung by Jo sephine Bross. A number of new members will be received into church membership during the morning service. A preparatory class for young people desiring church member ship will begin at 9 a.m. under the leadership of Don Dour is, youth director and will continue at this same time on the next six Sundays. Members of the Sunday school department will occupy the church balcony, whfch is reserved for young people each Sunday. Missionary Work Told in Pictures , "Europe, Its Influence on the World and Why is to be the sub ject of Mira Bell Chilling as she speaks and shows pictures of mis sionary work in Europe at Im manuel Baptist church at 7:30 p jn. j Miss Schilling is a representa tive of the European Christian mission. She has spent some time on the Russian border and has been in the work over 20 years. The public is invited. Speaker Draws Crowd ? Dr. Walter D. Kellenbach, bril liant blind evangelist, who is to be at Calvary Baptist chuch Feb ruary 24 to March S, has just closed a crusade which drew oyer 2000 people in Battle Creek, Mich., according to Rev. Edward L. Allen, local pastor. ' Marion county at the time of Death Takes Salem Woman Funeral Services Set Today for Prominent Civic Club Worker Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Yantis Smith, late resident of 1889 Court street, who died Friday morning in a Sa lem hospital af ter a brief ill ness, are to be held tndav at S il p.m. from St. Paul's Episcopal c hu r c h with Rev. George Herbert Swift officiating. Priv :. v. ate - concluding ' services will be Mrs. m.y. smith held at Mt. Crest Abbey crematorium, withClough Barrick funeral home in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Smith, one of Salem's prominent matrons, was the wife of Linn C. Smith, assistant man ager of Ladd and Bush-Salem branch, United States National bank. She was born in Baker, Ore., and spent most of her life in or near Salem. She and Mr.' Smith celebrated thir 25th wedding an niversary last summer. Mrs, Smith, at one time a member of several clubs, was active in many charitable and civic enterprises in Salem. She is survived by her widower. r Church Services in Salem AMERICAN LUTHERAN 340 N. Church street. Rev. Mark A. Getzendaner. DD. pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m., Oscar Luidahl, Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, broadcast over KSLM. Sermon subject, "Glori fying Christ." anthem. "Bow Down Thine Ear. O Lord." Evening service. 7:30 o'clock, installation services. Ser mon bv Rev. E. Sawyer. Seattle, pre sident of the Pacific Lutheran synod. Luther league. 6:30 p.m. Monday; church council: Wednesday, ladies guilo"; Saturday, catechetical instruc tion. BETHEL BAPTIST North Cottage at D street. J. F. Ol- thoff, DD. pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn.. Arnold Frey. Supt. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "God's Time to Work." Youth Fellowship Hour. 6:30. Evening service 7:30 o'clock, sermon subject. "My Eyes." Prayer meeting Wednesday. 7:43 p.m. Choir practice Thursday, 8 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST South Liberty and Miller street. Rev. Edward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m., Edward Schunke, Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, ser mon subject. Communion Meditation, young people, pioneers and Juniors, 6:30 p.m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock, sermon subject, "Episodes in the Life of Christ." Candle light recogni tion service for teachers and officers of the Bible school. Midweek prayer and praise service 7:30 p.m. Choir re hearsal, 8:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Corner of Fifth and Gaines streets. H. E. Snavely, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. Mrs. A. P. Voth, Supt. Morn ing service 11 o clock, sermon suo- ject. "The Receiving of the spirit. Evening service ociock, sermon subject. "For the Wages of Sin Is rwath." Tuesday. 2 D.m.. the Mission ary band will meet at the home of Sam Rich, 1910 soutn commercial street. Wednesday, Bible study and prayer, 7:30. Rev. R. F. C. schweaier. district Supt.. will be here for that service. CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) 18th and State streets. F. H. Theuer. BD, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn.. Otto Gronke. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "One Thing Is Needful." Dorcas society Wednes day, 2 p.m. Confirmation class Sat urday a.m. CHURCH OF GOD! un South 22nd street. Rev. Cleo Watts, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Moraine service ll ociock. tvemng service. 7:30 o'clock. The Church of God on the air 3 to 3:13 Sunday af ternoon over. KSLM. Week services Wednesday and Friday. 7:30. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENI 13th and Center streets. Rev. W. W, Ha. Daator. Sunday school 9:43 ajn.; morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. and Mn r S. Jenkins, returned mission ary! from Africa. Evening service 7:30 o Clock. Rev. J. -aui Aiexanaer, sneaker, sermon subject. "Grow in Grace." CHURCH XF CHRIST Corner of Cottage and Shipping streets. Sunday school 10 a.m.: morn ing service 11 o'clock, communion, 11:45. Voice of Restoration, 2:15 on KSLM. Young people's class. 6:45. Ev ening service 7: JO ociock. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN 17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly man, pastor. Sunday scnooi :s am Morning service. 10:50 o'clock, ser mon subject. "The Way of Redemp tion " Christian Endeavor meetings, S -.m o m. Evenin service 7:30 o clock Sermon suDJecl, guesi speaKer, nay Zack. Indian evangelist. EMMANUEL MENNONITE (Pratum) Daniel J. Unruh. pastor. 10 am Sunday school, classes for all age froun. Homer Weltv. SuDt. 11 o clock, morning worship, sermon topic. "Walk In the Spirit." 7 lJ.m.. Christian En deavor. 8 o'clock, evening service. Sons service and sermon, "The Pos- ihilitv of Brine Born Again." Wed nndiv. 7.30. Bible study. Collossians, chaoter 2. and prayer meeting: also children's choir practice. 8:30, senior choir practice. ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST 17th and Nebraska avenue. Rev. C. r Aaodman. nastor. Sunday school. 9:43 am. Morning service. 11 o'clock. sermon subject. " Savin Knowieage. 8-30 ojn Christian Endeavor. Bobby Clark, leader. Evening service. 7 JO o'clock, sermon subject, "It Makes No Difference. nSST BAPTIST North Liberty at Marion streets. Irv ing A. Fox. DO, pastor, sunoay scnooi 9:43 ajn- Fred Broer. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "The Mission of the Seventy." Even ing service 7 JO o'clock, sermon sub ject, "The Moat Disastrous Refusal la the WorW." The ordinance of Baptism. rOUK' CORNERS BRANCH la tha Auburn cttowl. Sunday 9:43 aun.. Leon Lambert. Supt. HAYES VILLE BRANCH In Hayesville KhooL Sunday school 9:49 a jju. Dewey Davu, bust, first church or christ, ...; JICUNTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day school 11 mm. Services 11 ajn. and 7 JO ajn. Sermon sublect. "SDtrit." Wednesday aaeetinaa at 7:30 p.m. im chide teattmoniea of healing through Christian Science. Free public reading room 305 Masonic building open dauyJL Evangelist Here irS i -: SA WO" Ray Zack, above, Indian evangelist will speak Sunday night at the Court Street Christian church. He comes from the White Swan Yakima mission and is now at tending school at Northwest Christian college, Eurene, Dean Collins Guest of Men Dean Collins, author, lecturer and present member of the Ore gon Journal editorial staff, will be guest speaker at the February dinner meeting of the Presbyter ian Men's club Tuesday. A native of Polk county and former editor of the Polk County Observer, Collins has been on Portland newspaper staffs almost continuously since 1911. He was one of the members of the "Ore gonian Hoot Owl Classics," a pop ular radio program of a few years agr, and was author of the 1928 Rose festival pageant: "Where Roils the Oregon." He will speak on certain phases of the present war. Church Forms Needed In the future all church no tices are to be written on spe cial blanks which are now avail able at the church editor's desk. from 11 a.m., to 9 p.m. Wednesday until 7 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN High and Center streets. Every Lord's Day Morning. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Hear Brother Chas. G. Da vis on "The Truth of the Bible. Tne Ninety and Nine Men's class. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Hood and Cottage streets. Rev. J. F. Lawson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. Lena Troutt, Supt. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock. A special musical pro gram is being arranged. Evening serv ice 7:30 o clock, evangelistic. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Cottage at Marion streets, Robert A. Hutchinson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service ll ociock:. ser mon subject, "Security in the Storm." League of youth at 6:43. Michael Car- olan will sing "The Publican" at the morning service. FIRST EVANGELICAL Corner Marion and Summer streets. Rev. Paul P. Petticord. pastor. Sun day school 9:45 a.m., Wilson Launer, Supt. Morning service ll ociock. ser mon subject. "The Power of His Presence." Ernest Friesen. minister of music. Evening service. 7:30 o'clock, sermon subject. "Do Christians Have to Sin Every Day!" Youth groups. 6:30 p.m. Bible study and prayer servcie, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. FIRST METHODIST Corner State and Church streets. Dr. J. C. Harrison, minister: Ruth Cra mer, director of Christian education. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Nursery, 11. Morning worship 10:50, sermon topic. Fascination Around tne Corner on the Road of Life." Cathedral choir will sing "Arise. Shine" (Scott). Youth fellowships and University vespers. 6:30. Evening worship, 7:45. Rev. Glenn Olds preaching on A Sense of Des tiny." Evening soloist,. Manning Nel son singing, "How Lovely Are Thy fellowship choir will sing "Lord Make Dwellings" tLiddlel and the youth Me strong" and "The cnurcn s one Foundation." FOURSQUARE GOSPEL 19th and Breyman streets. Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.: morning service 11 o'clock, spe cial choir selection, sermon subject. "Fishing for Men. Crusader service, 6:15 p.m. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Evangelistic service, special musical program, testimonies, short sermon. "A Major Operation." Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., prayer and praise service. Friday, 7:43 D.m.. Bible study. Saturday. 2 p.m.. children's church. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chemeketa and North 'Winter street. W. Irvin Williams, pastor. Donald Douris. director religious education. Sunday school. 9:45 aon.. J. J. Fitz- simons, Supt. Morning service, 10:55 o'clock, church nursery. Sermon sub ject, "The Spires of Faith." Evening service ( usu o ciock, service rrom till 8 JO broadcast over KSLM. Special Boy Scout anniversary service with Cubs, Sea Scouts. Explorer units and Bov Scout troops of Cascade Area. Sermon subject, "scouting a uoy s Religion." Fellowship in social hall following service with special music. Scout songs, colored slides of Camp Pioneer, and refreshments. Boy Scouts Mondav. Don Douns scoutmaster, Monthly Men's Club dinner Tuesday, 1 ma wmm & L(t Lil1 m ::7 L3-u Jm Mr-TV Bv7rat4 KQk tor an eooklaf ygryafsa My-Te-Fute Ersporatet Milk, lafcy tias, far tSe, SUft Cs. sf 41, Bur-extrt-rich MT-Tt-Fint Milk in this handjr size fine for small families. ' " ' Jn atTVriR Kv7rat4 Special Observance Notes Anniversary of Scouts More than 130 Cubs, Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts- and Explorei Scouts wiil take part in a service being held at the First Pres byterian: church Sunday night, in observance of the 32nd anni versary of scouting in "America, : Aa address entitled "Scout ing A Boy's Religion, will be given by the pastor, W. Irvin Williams; who was himself a scout and a scoutmaster. Don ald Dourls, youth director and scoutmaster at the church, will receive the award of the Sil ver Beaver, with presentation being made by W. L. Phillips, vice-president of the Cascade area c on n e 1 L Phillips was a recipient of the Silver Beaver award In 1936. Seats will be reserved in the church for the Cubs and scouts, who will march into the audito rium at 7:25 o'clock. Members of the Sea Scout ship Willamette will act as ushers. Theodore C. Roake, skipper of the Sea Scout unit, which is, sponsored by the Salem Veterans of Foreign Wars, will lead the audience in the salute to the American flag; Tom Brand, ex plorer scout from troop 8, will read the call to, worship; David Putnam, first mate of the SS Wil lamette, will give the prayer; and the scripture will be read by Verne Scott, patrol leader of the troop 13 explorer unit. C. E. Jansen, packmaster of Rotary Pack 1, will lead Cubs in their promise, and Kenneth Murphy, assistant scoutmaster of troop 8, will lead scouts in the oath. Robert H. Day, member of the Salem office staff, will con clude thg service with the scout master's -i benediction. Special music will be furnished by the senior choir, directed by Virginia Ward Elliott, singing the anthem 'Fear not, O Israel," with a solo by Willard Hornschuh. Or gan numbers by Prof. Frank 6:30 with Dean Collins, Portland news paper man; speaker. Choir practice Wednesday, 7:30. Bible study 7:3Q. Camp Fire Girls Wednesday and Fri day. FIRST SPIRITUALIST 248 North Commercial street. Frieda Wagner-Merhaut. Services 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. . No host luncheon at 5:30 Everyone, welcome. Free methodist Corner Market and Winter streets. David L, Fenwick. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., William Zimmerman, SuDt. Morning service 11 o'clock vounc people's service 7 p.m. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Midweek prayer service Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Corner , of Highland Avenue and Church street. Herman H. Macy. pas tor. Sunday school 10 a.m.. Clifton Ross. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock Message 'by the pastor. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Junior and senior Christian endeavor. 6:30 p.m. Mid week prayer and praise service Thurs day. 7:30 p.m. IMMANUEL BAPTIST Corner ' of Hazel and Academy streets. Warren C. Hale, pastor. Sun day school 10 a.m. Morning service H o'clock, sermon subject, "The Hands of Christ." Evening service 7:30 o'clock, Mira Bell Schilling, mission ary of European Christian Mission, will speak and show pictures on "Eur ope Its influence on the World and Why." Prayer meeting Thursday, 7.30 p.m. JASON LEE METBODIST North Winter at Jefferson street. S. Raynor Smith, minister. Church school 9:45, morning worship. 11 o'clock with the pastor preaching on "Christians Facing a New World." Choir direct ed by Robert Klempel will sing. In observance of Scout week the Sea Scouts wiil be guests of honor. Inter mediate league. 5:30. High school and college leagues, 6:30. Evening worship. 7:30. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry streets. Howard C. Stover, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.. morning 'service 11 o'clock, sermon subject. 'What Trouble Does to You and What You May Do to Trouble." Anthem, "God Is Our Refuge" ( Wool er). Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Ser mon subject. "Middle of the Road People." Young people's chorus. Chris tian Endeavor societies, 6:30 p. m. Leslie methodist South Commercial at Myers street. Joseph Knotts. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "Abraham Lincoln and . His Bible," anthem by the choir .Evening : service 7 JO o'clock, sermon subject "Christianity a Disturbing Force." Three young people's societies, 6:30 pjn. Prayer meeting Thursday, I'M p.m PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE 420 State street. G. M. Eads. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning serv ice, 11 o'clock. Young people's serv ice. 6:30: pjn. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. ; PENTECOSTAL MISSION 315'.t North Commercial street. J. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastor. Sunday school, 2 p.m. Services. 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Services Tuesday. Thursday, Sat urday, 730 p.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Comer of Hood and Summer streets. N. C. Erntson, pastor. Sabbath school Saturday. 9 30 a.m. M. T. Madsen. Supt. Morning service 11 o ciock. Ser mon subject. "The Church and Its $3.34 u aOut (or aO iooktai at Church Churchill will include the pre lude: "Souvenir" (Drdla); offer tory, "Cantilena" (Scarmolin); and the postlude. "Meditation" (Pache). , Following the service, a fel lowship for scouts, parents and friends will be held in the so cial hall and a program of tames, songs, and special music presented. Sea Scout Angus Erwln will play several num bers or the accordion. Acorn awards for bringing new boys into scouting will be ' pre-i sented to Scouts Jean MacLean and Ross Morrow of troop 8, and a talk will be given by Scout Ex ecutive R. R. Ruddiman and col ored slides of Camn Pioneer shown. Refreshments will be served by mothers of the church troop. Noon P raver Rites Slated Under the sponsorship of the Salem Ministerial association, a series of noon-time prayer serv ices for all Salem church people interested in the success of the Christian Mission to be held in Salem February 15 to 20, has been planned for this coming week. f W. Irvin Williams, chairman of the group announces that the prayer meetings will be held each day from Tuesday until Friday in the carrier room of the First Me thodist church. ' Time of the meetings will be 12:20 until 12:50 with the follow ing schedule of leaders: Tuesday, Dr. J. C. Harrison, First Metho dist; Wednesday, Rev. D. L. Fen wick, Free Methodist; Thursday, Rev. W. I. Williams, First Presby terian, and Friday, Rev. Irving A. Fox, First Baptist. A special invitation to attend these services is extended to business employes and merchants for whom the 12:20 time was chosen. Holiness Croup Meets Marion County Holiness associa tion will meet at the Wesleyan Methodist church, 15th & Mill street, Tuesday for its regular monthly meeting. There will be preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. Rev. Oscar Brown and Rev. Dillon Mills will be speakers. Purpose in the World." Sunday even ing service 7:30 o'clock, speaker. Dr. M. L. Naff, sermon rubject, "Victory Out of Chaos." SALEM EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE (Assembly Of God) 13th and Ferry streets. Eric M. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.. Roy Ferguson, Supt. Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon by pastor on "Latter Day Pentecost. God's An swer to the Backslidden Church." 6:30 p.m.. young people's service. Billie Oliver, leader. 7:45 p.m.. evangelistic service, sermon subject. "The Rich Man and Lazarus." Tuesday, 7:45, tes timony and preaching service. Fri day, 7:45, dedication of parsonage and official reception of the new pastor. E. M. Johnson and family. All former and present members and friends of the Tabernacle urged to attend. Re freshments served at church. Parson age open all afternoon. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Corner Madrona avenue and Lib erty road. Enoch Zimmerman, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.. Rev. C. F. Skelton. Supt Morning service at II o'clock, observance of Scouts' 32nd an niversary: morning message, "Strong for America." 8 JO o'clock. Christian Endeavor. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sun day school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject "Children of Light." Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p.m. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school, 9 ajn. services at 10 a.m. Lutheran radio hour Sun day, 1 p. m. over KALE, Portland, and KWIL, Albany. Dr. Walter A. Maier. speaker. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.. Robert R Board man, Supt.. Morning service I'M o'clock in the chapel. 11 a.m Sexa gesima Sunday, prayer service, ser mon by the rector, choir under direc tion of Ronald Craven. Evening serv ice 7:30 o'clock at St Mary's Ep Cpisco- pal church. Wood burn. WESLETAN METHODIST Mill at . 15th streets. Lowell I. Gil ger. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. WYPS. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 p.m. Teacher's training class Friday, t p.m. 184 II LiWtv M