PAGE EIGHT fit OREGON STATESMAN, Satan, Orocjon, Friday Morning, Ftbraanr 6, 1942 ! Princesses Compete for Annual Carnival Ruler S ' ft- .-SF. v . , ' ' V 4" -lit', v,v A Girls competinc for the title of queen of the annual Civics dob carnival to be held Friday nlfht, February IS. at Salem birh school: (left to rirht) back row, Myrna Moore, Junior Crescendo; Gladys Dalke, Future Craftsmen; Elizabeth Kennedy, Future Farmers; Janet Rorers, Science; Nancy Wallace, French; Leona Tinglestad. Archery; middle row, Mary East, Que Dice; Calllne HUlman, German; Donna Donnell, Tri-Y; Lorraine Murdock, Commercial; Phyllis Neal, Crescendo; Alma Tantis, Home Economics; front row, Roberta Bulen, Nurses; Doro thy Mott. Snikpoh; Jean Newman, Social Science; Doris Berwick, Pep; Pat Fish, Latin. (Kennell-Ellls photo) Net Profit of Liquor Board Shows Gain Net profits of the tate liquor control commission for the year ending June 30, 1941. aggregated $3,107,197.65, as against $2,609, 685.10 during the preceding year, the commission's annual report released here Thursday revealed. Gross sales for the last fiscal year totaled $1029,657.10, with operating costs, including the cost of liquors, aggregating $7,222, 459.45. Agency liquor sales totaled $3,895,249.20, with a net profit of $1,199,043.76. j During the . past year the commission made available for public assistance $Wt3.19.95. From inception of the commis sion to June 39. 1941, there was turned over to the unemploy ment relief fund or public 'as sistance $17,454,9833. The net profit of the stores di vision, except for the year 1936, has consistently showed a per centage increase. There were 31 state stores and 11 agencies in operation during the period covered in the report. Five additional stores have been opened and 15 agencies closed since the previous annual report. Liquor sales during 1935, the High School Girls in Race for Title of Civic Clubs Queen Princesses competing for the title of queen of the annual Civics club carnival sponsored by the Salem high school Civics club, will be presented to the student body next Tuesday morn ing, according to Jim Smith, chairman of the publicity commit tee. Each club at the high school elects a princess who best typi fies charm and personality in her organization. The student body votes on the candidates and the girl recelviug the high est number of votes is elected queen. Two other girls receiving the next highest number of votes are named crown princesses. Voting will be Wednesday morning, but the announcement of the queen will be made at the Civics carni val next Friday night in the high school auditorium. "Arabian Nights," the carnival theme, will be used in the stage show and the gymnasium concessions. The princesses and their clubs are Nancy Wallace, French; Doris Berwick, Pep; Pat Fish, Latin; Janet Rogers, Science; Phyllis Neal, Crescendo; Mary East, Que first full year's operations of the commission, totaled $3,894,508.89 with net profits of $1,026,047.44. tmMit W 1 J 1 I I lUdllK ICa ddlcO our 40th Anniversary. We are holding our prices down consistent with highest quality despite rising prices. It's easy to select your fruits by the pound or the dozen here. We can serve you best wih pro duce that will meet your approval. Shop our grocery section and see for yourself! POTATOES YAKIMA GEMS50 lbs $1.10 LOCAL NO. &-Fine Burbank, 56 lbs $U9 DESCHUTES GEMS No. 2 58 lbs. $1.39 DESCHUTES GEMS-U. S. No. 1 100 lbs.. .39 FRESH FBUITS & VEGETABLES Grapefruit, Sunkist Arizona, doi..59c Yt case $1.29 Oranges, SunkUt, size 126, ft case ......$1.39 Oranges, choice, 126 size, 'a case $1.19 Lemons, Sunkist, doz , 15c Apples, fancy Ortley, Winesaps, Homes 4 lbs. 25c Lettuce, Imperial VaUey. 2 heads 9c Carrots, fancy, washed.l 3 lbs. 10c COFFEE GOLDEN WEST 1-lb. i Qfl L tin L . OAy 3 lbs. 90c FLOOD KITCHEN QUEEN .$1.79- 49-lb. bag. Crfcja; Spry, Ssawdrill . ;. 3 70c riILK - 4 for.33C rase S3.G7' Peets Granulated, Giant Site : 2.2c Van Cazna'a 20-ea. tia. idESniOATS ; 2 ,u, 23c : nsniz soufs; i lart cans , 25c Dice; Gladys Dalkie, Future Craftsmen; Leona Tinglestead, Archery; Lorraine Murdock, Com mercial; Calline Hillman, German; Jean Newman, Social Science; Dorothy Mott, Snikpoh; Lisbeth Kennedy, Future Farmers, Donna Donnell, Tri-Y; Roberta Bulen, Nurses; Myrna Moore, Junior Crescendo; Alma Yantis, Home Economics. -,t UAL Relaxes Stewardess Nurse Policy Coeds will make their appear ance shortly as stewardesses on United. Air .Lines Mainliners un der a new policy announced Thursday by Don F. Magarrell, director of passenger service for the company. Because of the war-time need for nurses the company has waived its previous require ment that air hostesses be registered nurses. United was the first airline to inaugurate stewar dess service more than 10 years ago. t A new class of coeds will be Plans for Social Hygiene Meet At Portland Discussed Here by Oregon Medical School Chief Dr. Adolph Weinzirl, director of the division of social hy giene education, University of Oregon Medical school visited at the Marion county department of health and filled speaking en gagements in Salem Thursday in the interest of control of social diseases. I . While in the capital Dr. Wein zirl discussed plans for the north west regional conference -on social hygiene to be held at the Mult nomah hotel in Portland, February 12. , The primary purpose f the conference to the war situation and changes brought aboat by the enormous dislocations of man power. Dr. WelnsM stated that Salem and community Is bound to face many problems If a cantonment is established south of Monmouth. He said that there Is a definite need for social protection in wartime, 'With special, reference to the veneral diseases. Dr. Weinzirl will preside at the morning and evening sessions of the conferences and the public is invited to attend all meetings, din ner and luncheon. At the aft ernoon conference, Mrs. T. W. Delzell, formerly of Salem, will represent the citizens and Dr. W. Wells Baum, Salem, president of Oregon State Medical society, the private physician. Gov. Charles A. Sprague honorary chairman of the so cial hygiene day committee and Dr. Weinzirl Is chairman. Others assisting on the general com mittee are Dr. Baum, Dr. Verne D. Bain, Salem, Oregon state department of education; and Mrs. George Moorhead, Salem, chairman of committee on ar rangements. Thursday Dr. Weinzirl and Mrs. George Moorhead, director of health education, spoke on the problems of syphilis to NYA workers and Red Cross home hy giene nursing class at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. In the afternoon a pro gram was held at Chemeketa for youth being trained in defenses,, industry. Is Importance of national social hygiene day, February 12, was called to the attention of Ore gon citizens in a statement re leased by Gov. Charles A. Sprague here Thursday. A conference, stressing social hygiene education, will be held enrolled shortly at the company's school for stewardesses at Chica go to be trained as replacements for United's present staff of 225 stewardesses, Magarrell said. m HIJIIJ.H, IKMumMIWQHjMIHg .IIIIIIHIHIW )WW . ." "".... ;.t,..,.. mm $iesc IIUCOA 45c COFFEE PEABSOITS . 23c 22c 3 lb, .63c BEST, SPECIAL, Lb. ... AmrUGHT , 2 lb. . ........ 38c WIIEATIES Vktg. 10c TEA TREE TEA Lb 76c SOFTaSUH Pkcj. CMIDY DEPABTIIEIIT Orang Slics. Choco lcrtos ; JoHy ' Bocms, Cnem Mix 22c Good Green Stamp Values POTATOES 50 lbs. .... $1,05 EGGS Grade A Lara 2 Dot. . 57c APPLES Ortly. Good full boxos for Ealing or Cooking Each $1.29 OQAIIGES Delicious. Itipe, Juicy 2.49 15 Por Com Half Caso FLODH Ranioiia hard rt C what. 49 Ibsl & n&Zf Clipper hard I g whecrt 49 Ibe iisAi Kitchen Queen. 49 lbs 179 79 'PEAS Good Quality 3 cans 25c BAIITAII conn 3 cans 27C IIILE Borden, Alpine, Carnation Tall Cans 2 for 17c SOAPS Camay 2 bars .... 13C Oxydol OCa Lg. Pkg. b7U Gkm size - 66c 25c GQISC0 3 u. 60. 7Cc 139 SUAnSDOUII Ccrner N. Cosuaerdal cai Chesatketa ESrtels. ' v Flxene 733S V7E EECE3YE THE EIGHT TO LIMIT ,QU ANTHILL - in Portland February 12 under the sponsorship of the social hy giene education of the University of Oregon medical school and the American Hygiene association. "I would like to urge citizens to unite with responsible leaders in the campaign ; for control of venereal diseases," Governor Sprague said. Albany Reports Workers Sign For Camp Jobs ALBANY, Feb. 5 The local of fice of the United States employ ment service is accepting registra tions for men seeking: employment in the building of the proposed Albanx-C o r v all i scantonment Over 200 having- been registered up to noon according to Wayne Robinson, assistant " manager. An early start for work on the can tonment Is expected here as a re sult. of the calling for. bids this week on erecting the cantonment administration building. The men registered to date are said to include some who acted as foremen during the construction program at Fort Lewis, Wash, as well as many residents ot Tiinn, Polk and Benton counties. . ' . .' 1 ,il Salem office of the US employ ment service has not yet received nn)N trt wristeT men wishing to work In thi proposed army can tonment 1 south of Monmouth, Manager W. H. Bafflie said Thurs day. , .' ' .v'- X:jr, Camp Stays Qosed - t IANON--Firlinn, the camp for girls held for the past 12 years by the Girl Scout council of Lebanon, will not be open this year.' 'vj Food prices rising" so rapidly that It is difficult to plan costs In advance and difficulty in getting trained personnel were reasons 4naiM hw fWMin?! V 9fj a ... 14S Ho. Connerdal SL Plicae 4310 We Close Saturday Highi ai 8 O'Clock mm ti 4JF Lb. dmO Box UNGRADED IN WOODEN BOX BXULOGG fiU BB&EF 5l(C Drifted Snow o 10-lb 25-ib One lb. 2-lb Tin S3, (S Ivory Snow, lg. . . 23c R Binso,Ig.25c-2pkgs.49c IrOKtOeS CliSCO, 3-Ib. pail . . 70C Size Vk Cans Oxydol, lg. . 25c 2 Pkgs. 49C czi cans dJj Vi Ctoeolate .Eclairs sl 15c larsDii iWS In Cello One Lb. OC LiptonTs pligs. m v o nte Puniui: StL0IO)' u 2 cm yJU Alamo Grapsfrnit Jnics Unsweetened 4&-oz. Sfsinfold Sancrlnanl She 2H . cans CnnilEES 2 d52. fcr 39c ' Fancy rare Gold, - LETTUCE, ca. ; .; . . . . ; S c Garden-Fresh, Solid XXeads GnAFEFDuTT 1 d:z. 39c CME0T5 . 4.11: i:r 10c : Bulk. Washed. Very Crfcm - 41-7 r"T ':. -