Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning, February 6. 1942 'PAC2 TBSHf Entertain for Guests DALLAS Anna and Margaret Friesen entertained at dinner Sunday: honoring Gertrude Van dermeer, Everett, WastL, and Helen Friesen, Dallas. i I Ti ei, When winter begins to bit and chap., your hand will be grateful (or Menthol turn. For Vf tnthoutum does far more than cool and tooth the Injured ikln. It contains medic inal Ingredient which assist na ture to more quickly begin healing. Jan or tubes, 30c. foi (EIHlAPPEliB CDArJGDS i;V.J BUY CEFEXSEKCXSS mkI STAMPS SO u . i WW WBfr r wiMlkiilBisfk. By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Wide World War Analyst for The Statesman Japanese failure to take the Singapore citadel within a reasonable time or to batter it into submission with shells and bombs could mark that name in the history of this war as Verdun was red-lettered in the annals of World war I. That was the first disastrous German failure of that war. It was the beginning of the end al though more than two years were to elapse, years of blood, sweat and tears, before that end came. Verdun cost the Kaiser losses from which his armies never ful ly recovered. Singapore, water protected from mechanized land attack, could cost the Japanese relatively greater casualties. Given air equality, its garrison probably could withstand siege for months or years. There are some signs that the first wave of great Anglo American reinforcements promised Singapore's defenders by General Wavell will be an air wave. As Japanese siege lines were manned ' along the mainland shore of Johore strait and the preliminary duel of the guns began, the first word that American army firhter pilots and planes had clashed with the foe over Java stimulated hope of the beleaguered British. Washington said only a few American fighter ships were en gaged; but that they traded two-for-one losses with the Japanese. While there is nothing to show that these particular planes rep resented fresh reinforcements shipped across the Pacific since the war began, it is reasonable to expect that the allies will build up land-based air power in Java to meet an intensified Japanese air attack on that central bulwark of allied- defense lines. The Jap planes attacking the island seem to be based on air craft carriers. No Japanese foothold yet attained in The i4ftt IIAIIC f XL XL They fit to IIAIIC Y LEE SLIPS oorous rayon $1.19 perfection! Glamorous rayon elaborately lace trimmed. Tearose color. Regularly 35c Women's PERCALE OQr APROHS &3C V Send all your friends VALENTINES Beautiful designs in bright colors. For teach er, your best r girl, everyone! w for wC Real Savings in Women's HOSIERY Ringiess dull rayon Newest Spring shades Fine gauge, picot top Plenty of glamour for lit tle money! Heel and toe are reinforced with mer cerized cotton. 19c Value! Men's Warm JERSEY 1 IT-GLOVES Lovely hand-colored HANKIES An exquisite gift for any lady. Fine combed lawn with hemstitched c " borders. Each wC Special Valentine Conversation r 7 HEARTS 10c. A - s 1 Regularly $1.00 Women's SLACKS 7Q Sizes to 42 t V Smooth-fit-Rayon PANTIES Comfortable, perfect-fitting panties' with lace and ribbon trim. Opaline col or. Three Q styles . 03C OF EIIAIIELWARE COOKING UTEIISILS Pudding- Pans, Bandied Sauce Pans, Baking Pans, etc. ;.; ONLY 3-QL DEEP PUDDING PAN S-Qt. KETTLE . With COVER LARGE DISH PAN GREY AQr DOUBLE BOILER - C STEAM COOKER White enamel TEA KETTLE Blue enameL 29 c 89 c iSK BUY V I wt ' 1 L tnnt Regularly $3.98 20-Pc Pottery Dinner $0.39 Ware Sets V Regularly 15c Men's Army Navy 1 pairs T70RE 9E-SOX 1 Quart "Aero wax No Rubbing Only! FLOOR WAX j..,),. U 136 No. Commercial St. The Store of "BETTER VALUES" SaWm, Oregon Netherlands Indies Is close enough to permit its use as a base for fighter planes escort-ins- -jMHnbers attacking Java south eoast objectives. - I That offers also a special tar get for allied air and sea patrols in the Java sea. Should they stum- ble.upon Japanese plane carriers hovering in those waters to launch and receive returning fighter escorts for land-based long range bombers a chance to smash the attack at its source would present itself. It is not yet clear whether the widening- and admittedly destructive Japanese air attack on Java bases is a covering move for an attempted invasion of that island, even before the battle of Sing-apore is fought to a finish, or primarily design ed to prevent air relief for Singapore. The first objective must be more immediately vital to the success of the Sing-apore siege than the second. Once an adequate force of American - British - Dutch planes was available to General Wavell on Java and other Dutch islands, he could decisively alter the odds at Singapore. Allied air control over that hot corner of the South Pacific, or even relative air equal ity, would largely nullify the effect of Japan's whole Malayan campaign. Water System War Boundary Is Outlined Boundaries of Salem water sys tem prohibited areas established this week by the war department probably are those discussed pre viously withiarmy representatives, C. E. Guenfher, system manager, said Thursday. The Candelaria Heights area, if such is the case, would be bounded on, the south by Hanson avenue, north by Hoyt street, east by Commercial street and west by Slough road. City reservoir and high tank would be included in an area bounded on the south by Hoyt street, north by Lincoln, east by Fir and west by Slough road. A radius of approximately 1000 feet around the standby pumping station at South Commercial and Trade streets was recommended and would thus include an area south of Court, north of Leslie, bounded on the west by the Wil lamette river and on the east by Church street. Included wOuld thus be Portland General Electric company's power plant, a portion of the industrial section of the city and the Southern Pacific's freight offices. Serv ice Men Wher The? Aro What Thiy'rt Doing Applications for the air corps will be received in Salem today and Saturday at the chamber of commerce by the northern trav eling cadet examining board of the US army air corps. Work will begin at 8 a.m. First Lt Robert C. Ingalls, public relations officer, made arrangements for the meet ing here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mover. 630 Union street, have received word that their son, W. C. (Bttly) Moyer, has enlisted in the army air corps and is how stationed at an air base near Spokane, Wash. Capt Stanley Jorgensen, re cently out of the Edgewater ar senal school of instruction, ar rived in Salem Thursday to serve as full-time instructor for coun ty civilian defense councils in ci vilian activities. Capt Jorgensen was accompa nied here by Maj. H. F. Osborne, assistant US regional director, civilian defense headquarters, San Francisco. Jorgensen will specialize in the handling of in cendiary bombs, gasses and other chemical warfare. WASHINGTON, Feb. Howard G. Roberts, Salem, Ore., was one of 24 assistant, surgeons appointed with rank of lieutenant (junior grade), the navy depart ment announced Thursday. Raymond Cannon, of the US Health Board Slates Series Qf Programs Marion county department of health has arranged a aeries of health .education programs this week. This morning at 1120 there will be an assembly at Washing ton school and the films, "Proof of the Pudding" and "Moving X Raywill be shown by Mrs. George :R. KY Moorhead, director of health education. This after noon the same program will be presented at St Benedict's school navy, is visiting this week at the Salem home of his uncle's family, Mr and Mrs. J. E. Cannon. Can non, who saw action in Pearl Har bor, is on leave until Saturday. : at Woodbum. A community club program will be given ' at White . school tonight and Mrs. Moorhead will show ; films on nutrition and an exhibit of nutrition, arranged by the Home Economics depart ment at Willamette . university, will be shown. Thursday night a nutrition pro gram was presented at the PTA at Jefferson and Monday Mrs. Moor head talked on tuberculosis at the Silverton Rotary club. . New Pastor Attends UNIONVALE Fifteen women attended the all-day quilting and Red Cross session Tuesday at the Evangelical church. Rev. Gerald Jasse, successor to Rev. D. W. Jay cox, who has been transferred to the first Evangelical church in' Portland, attended the meeting. Police Told to Make Sabotage Precautions Orders from Lieut. Gen. John L. DeWitt, commander of the fourth army, directing every precaution against sabotage on the Pacific coast, Thursday were transmitted to all sheriffs, police officers and the state guard by Gov. Charles A. Sprague. Special mention was made in General DeWitt's orders of the prohibition of alien enemies in certain districts along the Pacific coast. The city of Salem comes with in the regulation, because of cer tain industries located here, of ficials said. Portland Man Files For State Senator Victor Hasson, Portland, Thurs day filed in the state department here his declaration of candidacy for the office of state senator from the 13th senatorial district, Mult nomah county, to fill the unex pired two year term of Walter E. Pearson, who died. The term of Dr. George Ber nard Noble, Reed college, appoint ed by the Multnomah county com missioners to succeed Pearson fol lowing his death expires early next January. Hasson's slogan: "Roosevelt 100 per cent I Re spect labor unions. Support to win the war. F(ByiCTORY BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE BONDS STAMPS ' WAR NEEDS MONEY! It witt ooitmonmr o out nmmy mtirmon. Tom gorttf xnenf calf on you to blp now. 1 Buy ZWewe Bond or SUmp todMjr. tlAk rmry pmy dy Bond Day by pmtticiptin4 in thm Pmy toll String Flan. 'Bond oot I18.7S and up. Stamp ara J0i, 234 and up. : y" Tha halp ot arary individual i naadad. - t- :-- - Do your part by buying your hara arary pay day, . . . Bishop's Hurry Men-GREAJ SALE Comes to a Close! Most Sensational Clothing Values cflDME m mm week wmnfloDimr IFMLo-TTflD SAVE te TTfflDS IFDME NattnnMiflIly E&imaiwim CfldDttUnn JfeSjS DONT WAIT, MEN YOU KNOW PRICES WILL BE UP, YOU KNOW QUALITY WILL BE DOWN. BUY NOW, WHEN YOU ARE ASSURED OF THE SAME FINE BISHOP'S QUALITY AT PRICES YOU'LL LONG REMEMBER AS THE LOWEST! 145 .No. Liberty 145 No. s.