The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Friday Morning, February 6, 1942 PAGE ELEVEN His Son Latest UWar Hero i A, X I . . -:. ... v . 4 , ( 1& Alexander R. NlniagCT, Sr., reads news Father of Second Lieut Alexander R. Nlninger, who has beeen awarded the first Congressional Medal of Honor of this war for gallantry In action on the Bataan peninsula in the Philippines, Alex ander R. Nlninger, Sr., of Lake Worth, Fla., will receive the medal for his son, who was lulled Jan. 12. Rarely awarded, the medal is the oldest and highest decoration conferred by the United States, lieutenant Nlninger, voluntarily, joined forces fighting against Japanese snipers. The heroic youth, exposed to enemy fire, con tinued to attack with rifle and hand grenades and destroyed several enemy (roups in fox holes. Wounded three times, he was finally killed. When bis body was found one enemy officer and two enemy soldiers lay dead around him. Sewing Meet Slated Today WEST SALEM Red Cross sew ing will be carried on all day to day at the city hall under the su pervision of Mrs. Fred Gibson. Materials have been secured from headquarters to make bed jackets, girls' dresses and baby quilts. Just a small amount of yarn has been received by this unit. Fifty five were present at the sewing meet ing last week. Art error was made in the city council news which was printed Wednesday. It should have stated that a deficit of $2,988.99 existed in the street improvement fund on January 1, 1941, and was reduced to $568.65, the first of this year. Edward Stortz, Salem, was fined $5 in police court for viola tion of the basic rule. Anne Howard. Amity, was ar rested by Phil Hathaway for vio lation of the basic rule. She posted and'forfeited $5 bail. Otters Bonds ' 77 Party Given Lyons Woman LYONS Mrs. Robert Fether- ston was honored with a shower recently. Guests were Mrs. Feth- erston, Mrs. Albert Julian, Mrs. Glen Julian, Mrs. Alva Wise, Mrs. Ray Nye, Mrs. O. S. Toland, Daisy . Weitman,. Beulah Lewis, Mrs. Hugh Gavette, Mrs. Mar vin' Toland, Mrs. Jbe Weitman, Mrs. Art Anderson, Mrs. Jack Coraforth, Mrs. Helen Bauer, Mrs. Pat Lyons, Mrs. Lyle Kin zer, Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mrs. Para Fetherston, Mrs. Vera Smith and Mrs. Vernon Fetherston.- , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reid;and children and Gordon Zellner were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burdick: in Mehama, th occasion honoring Burdick on his 77th birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Titus Bierley and Sherron and Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Walter and daughters, Reta and Vera, McMinnville, visited rela tives in Lyons recently. A benefit card party sponsored by the Faith Rebekah lodge, Ly ons Women's club and Sanuam Valley grange was held Saturday. Proceeds went to the "March of Dimes." Mrs. Jack Cornforth, Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs. Oscar Naue, Mrs. Roy Huber, Mrs. Art Ayres, Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs. Earl Al len and Mrs. Albert Ring, Lyons, attended a shower at the home of Mrs. George Berry, Fox Valley, honoring her daughter, Mrs. Al bert Carr. Librarians Give - Information on Reading Habits JEFFERSON A d die Ubbv: city librarian, announces that 40.9 per cent of the city's population availed themselves of privileges offered by the library. I The number of borrowers at the beginning of the year were 236 adults and 150 children. The end of the year found 234 borrow ers and 127 children or a total of 361 on January l.f At the end of 1941, there were 1941 volumes on the shelves, as compared with 1903 at the beginning. I The financial statement shows receipts for the year totaling $293.42 and expenditures $201.57. Mrs. J. G. Fontaine is president of the library board, Mrs. Fred Wied, secretary-treasurer. Other members are Mrs. Eugene Finlay, W. E. McKee and Miss Marguerite Looney. 4 SILVERTOl-f Total circula tion at the Sflverton public li trrarjr In 1941 topped 194 by 951 according te report sab pitted at the city council Men day night. I The animal report shewed thai the 1941 total was 174SL Poring the year 280S abound magasinea were also circulated. - v. January's ; total this year was 1647, which was 204 over Decem ber. Donors to the Ebrary during January weie Mrs. H. J. Iverson,' i Mrs. Fred Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Lindholm, A. J. Titus, Max Myers, Mrs. Wilbur Fiske, :Dr.? C W. Keene, Mayor and Mrs. Re ber Allen, F. G. McDonald, Mrs. Foster Cone, Bonnie Jean i Me- , Pike, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Latham, , Mrs; William Scarth sr. and Mrs. O. E. Lee. Monmouth Starts Saturday Classes MONMOUTH Monmouth high school will hold classes on Sat urdays, starting Feb. 7, to shorten the second semester by 15 days. The action has resulted largely from student initiative, it was said by school authorities. The PTA observed Founder's day Monday. Rev. W. A. Elk ins and O. C Christenson, OCE fac ulty member, were introduced by L. E. Forbes, chairman of the program committee. Mrs. Oscar Groves presided for the president Mrs. Vernon Parsons. The training school contributed Ralph M. Lerey Any nary crew that sinks a U-boat off the Atlantic coast will receirt a prize of $200 in defense bonds from Ralph M. Levey, New York manu facturer. The offer has full ap proval of Rear Admiral AdolphuS Andrews, Commandant of the Third Naval District. Levey is holding a thousand dollars worth of bonds. its quota of $17 to the March of Dimes, it was reported. An interesting visitor in the eighth grade this week was Mrs. Fannie Guthrie, 83, who- told some of her adventures in cross ing the plains, when Indians des cended upon the camp of the emigrants. Historic Site To Be Marked WOODBURN The pioneer town of Belle Passi, center of much early activities in t h 1 s part of the Willamette valley In early days, will have a mar ker placed at the old town site. The local chapter of Daughters f American Revolution, which bears the same name; is spon soring the . move. Belle Passi chapter has ar ranged to hold a program at 2 p.m. Sunday at the site of the old settlement, south of the present Belle Passi school en the Pacific highway. Tentative arrangements have been made to secure Mrs. Howard P. Ar nest, Portland, state regent for DAR as main speaker of the occasion. Old timers will remember Belle Passi as a main stopping place on the old stage road before Wood burn existed. The name, like many early pioneer names. Is French in origin. Belle is French for beautiful and Passi means place. Phone Line Repaired Phone Line wlmt brf . & OAK POINT The telephone line in this community is in op eration again after the sleet storm. Hugh Rogers," Charles Wil son and Rodney Peterson were out one day getting it in repair. Party Winners Named NORTH HOWELL Tuesday night's card party at the grange hall resulted in high score being taken by Mrs. George Mcllwain and Evan Beals, jr., and low by Mrs. K. D. Coomler and George Mcllwain. Five tables were in play. The next party is scheduled for February 17. Land Being Cleared NORTH HOWELL A tractor bull dozer has been operating re cently in this community clearing land for James Richard,, -Joe Schmidt and Pete Schmidt 170 North Commercial In Downtown Salem ca O ca Q State of Oregon Inspected Meats .MILK-FED Breasl Sled:, lb. 25c CLcps, Ik 20c 1 Hi-Grade TW Smoked Pork, CM7T7m MAMS CMOPS. Hall or Whole tbl... J Ss3ar-Ccrcj 2) C HHICE IIEAT (nc DACOn B&CHS LnLL lh. Lh. . . . . . . titA LARGE Jl'ICY7T snuu sM (7? f Vzfl FirairaCxs : .J v2 c WmM, l tA : : Lb-. : Mum Mc PPDy Sc DOLCSIHV or UVEDUDDSTIIi. 2190 VV ?n ?n? Si:, lb. . 22: ' - - r 1 Swift's Regular 5 lo 8-lb. Averaae, Lb. Serve it with baked yams and minted carrots. Yum! IMS Skinned Lb. CenPak, Morrell's Pride or Swift's Premium. eel ioasl ... MM. Blade Cuts - Steer Beef Gy yowr family lh rffllit nutrition wary day-put mt6t on your tablol SoFoway uniquo Guaranfocf Mat$ plan moans mora for your moat monoy. Our moat exports buy only tfio f botttr-oaHng" gradts of mtat. tboso diolco mtats arl proparod with spodal caro, and doltvorod to Safoway markets in iust tho amounts oxpoctod to stfl right away. Unltit you'rt pttastd mry cut and ovory timovovr mono backl Pork Liver Lb. Or Pork Hearts Bacon Jouls Lb Full of Rich Flavor Sirloin Steak Grain-Fed Steer Beef Lb. 2JI)C Armours' Bacon By the Piece Lb. I i3 . 2,2) Fresh Caught MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY detective-' 1 sUre gJJ dollar: tha best va- day- atw.r'rt ' Item or "&lx9 you' Hvery case. Join in the drive to collect Books tor men in in service! CT02Y coon CAMPAIOHt Cherub Milk - 4 tall cans 33c Carnation Milk & others 3 tall 26c V-8 Vegetable Cocktail, 46-oz. 29c Campbell Tomato Juice, 20-oz. 9c Cheerioats Pkg. 11c ffills Coffee, lb. 32c; 2-lb. can 61c Edwards Coffee, lb. 27c; 2-lb. 53c Airway Coffee, lb. 19c; 3 lbs. 55c Nob Hill Coffee, lb. 23c; 2 lbs. 45c Instant Postum 8-oz. can 39c Heinz Soups, asst. 2 16-oz. ens 25c Butter Kernel Corn, 2 No. 2's 27c Country Home Corn 2 for 23c Corn, Country Hom Whole Kern. Corn 2 No. 2's 25c Briargate Cut Beans, No. 2 can 11c San Wan Peas, fey., No. 2 can 12c Sugar Belle Peas, fey., No. 2's 12c "THE NUTRITIONAL NEEDS OF THE NORMAL INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING VITA MINS AND OTHER ISSENTIAL ELEMENTS, MAY BE SATISFIED MOST ECONOMICALLY AND SAFELY THROUGH WISE SELECTION , OF FOODS." L-StatNutriticiCommitt for Defense IS YOUR FAM1Y GETTING THE VITAMINS IT NEEDS? Perhaps you're ot as food a cook as you THINK! Government research states that a family can "eat well" and still be undernowrlshtd. "The Kitchen Course In Nutrition" will help you fcuild the health of our nation through a working knowledge of nutrition and food values. Enroll today! Send your Name it Address tad 25c to li IW ST m i - l A Jl Let Wrirbf Vi'Wi " m w sw a A Milk! V a .4-1 ca Heinz Strained Foods 3 cans 20c Ray Mai Pumpkin 2 No. 22 15c Highway Prunes, . No. 2Y2 12c Del Monte Pears, 30-oz. gl. jar 25c Harper House Pears, No. 2V2S 22c Bordo Dates, unpitted, lVk-lb. 25c Franco Am. Spaghetti 3 cans 25c Val Vita Pork & Beans, 2s 10c Swift's Veal Loaf, medium can 15c Red Hill Catsup, 14-oz. bottles 11c C-H-B Catsup,-14-oz. bottles 13c Paradise Sweet Pickles, qt. jar 29c Miracle French Dressing, 8-oz. 14c Duchess Salad Dressing, pint 21c Kraft Cheese V-lb. Pkg. 2 for 43c Peanut Butter 2-lb. jar 29c Libby Apple Butter, 32-oz. jar 21c Marasca Strawb'y Pres., 2-lb. 37c Royal Gelatin & Pudding 2 pk. 11c Jell Well Desserts & Pud., pkg. 5c Chocolate Drops Lb. cello 14c Gold Medal Cake Fir., lg. pkg. 25c Harvest Blossom Pancake Flour No. 10 sk. 39c Pure Lard, lb. ct. 17c; 4-lb. ct. 65c Kelloggs Corn Flakes 13-oz. pk. 7c Cream of Wheat Lge. pkg. 24c Grape Nuts Reg. size pkg. 13c Booth's Oval Sardines Can 10c Pink Salmon 1-lb. tall can 17c Zee Wax Paper 125-ft. roll 13c Facial Tissues, Stellar, 5008, 23c Puss'n Boots Cat Food, 4 8-oz. 19c Su-Purb Soap. 24-oc 17c; 50-oa. 37c Fel Naptha Soap 4 ban 19c Bluing, Ammonia W. Iadd BoL 5c Eighwcrf Sauexkraat No. lVi 9c CROVH FLOUR 24V'i-1bs. $1.05 $2.09 49-Ib. Ssck Hitchtn Craft ViUmln EmrkM FLOUR 89C slJs Rs. RITZ CRACKERS Ik. Boi 21 m , r if ssr J I r ORANGES Sweet NaTels... HRAPIRFRTTIT Arizona ... ' LETTUCE Firm and criso ... APPLES Winesaps or Delicious Our guarantee means this to you: you know you can buy fruits and ' vejetables popping-fresh ?vj tkie t Sefewty. 4KjC ..Jb. 4c lb. 8e lb. 6YzC ...ib. ..Jb. 19c Carrots Potatoes New ervp, u. 8. Ne. l's tender. Lb,5c fc'flSc CALAVO AVOCADOS Fancy. TOMATOES Red ripe, field grown LEMONS-Fancy Sunkist. ....:..... Jb. 10c CAULIFLOWER Snowball white, lowest vakU price. Produce Prices Effective f ri. and SaU, &(? f irMJl M Ci - ! (I'll lfliJf mm 'Sm . : r a Or 111.1 vhvetsud lsniEfam u.f nft : And : 35c :sm mtffis: Ar532fal5cf A1A .--..,.. IliilrliJ H,-T Itolthlfllt SfclHil m turn mmnfmf r- - ' siiE-s icicimiG-miD se shooio "Mt'i the best w t v beet yoa ieei ri,hl at tomtu-. Li5' 'tr. Ctt nick m,!.f ' tt tt Piece. X-:;.tier think- All o,. J.r.T"" w ?. waa5s s fi; f prin r - "Cfjrour money foet. ... . 1 I - . "t. J BV ' V .1 1.. . . I .3. - i - - - M J flssft 'SSB J