Tlx OEEGOIf STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning. February 5 1942 ' PAGE ELEVEN Where You Get The Most CSssslfled Advertising Statesman Classified Ads , Call 9101 Three insertions per line 23c Six insertions per line ,..,40a One month per Una , SL23 Minimum charge 25c; S tL min - imum 35c; S tL min. 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un ta 830 the evening before publics- tion for Classification. Copy ra eeived after thia time will d run under the heeding "Too Late to Classify, i The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tor errorr which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where thia paper la at fault will reprint that part of aa advertise ment la which the typographical ipi.t. k occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further, reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser . and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry TEAM OF GOOD young horses, 1800 lbs., 1 and 8 .years old. with harness, farm wagon, plow, harrow and disc. Call at Grange Place. IVi miles east on D st. FOR SALE A No. 1 Jerser-Guern sejr cow to freshen with third calf about March 1. $75. Vernon Robins, R. 4. B. TOP. lla mi. out Pac. hwy I - Help Wanted GOOD GIRL for general housework. 1349 B St WANTED Experienced glove operat ors. Steady work if competent. Thur low Glove Co. 100 NE Union Ave Portland, Oregon. Help Wanted Male COMBINATION fry cook and sand wich young man. neat. Also one kitchen man. Apply at once. Mickey's sanowicn snop. MARRIED MAN without children and not over 45 years of age, for dairy farm. R. 5. Box 43, east of S. 11 st "wANrSMm witlTr 1 Silver ton. 1 Woodburn. I Dallas, to demon strate oil burners. Good commission, A. C. riemingl 143 Court St. YOUNG MAN with car, preferably student, to handle small motor route. See Mr. Clark, The Statesman. 3 YOUNG MEN, 18-14. with above average ability to travel U. S. A. in special sales work. Must be high school Saduates, with plenty cn the ball. See r. O'Gaca, 7 to 9 p. m. Friday night Hotel Senator. Help Wanted Female GIRL for position as dental nurse. High school education required. Call 8825 for appointment or at Painless Parker Dental office. Friday morning. SEVERAL YOUNG ladies. 18-24. Meat, aggressive, high school gradu ate to travel with mgr la dr. work. See Mr. O'Gara. 7 to 9 p. m. Hotel Senator, . Thursday night ., For housework. Stay nights. Ph. 4581. Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK. 35c nr. Ph. 8701. CARPENTER work. Wells. Phone 2-1394. Reasonable. R. For Sale Miscellaneous UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St. Salem. January Sale Prices extended to February! We can not say how long these low prices will continue! Several Fine Living Room Suites A PRICE Odd Bedroom Suites and Odd Pieces 33 orr Odd Dining Room Tables 23 OFF All Furniture and Furnishings, Rugs. Linoleum. Lamps, Mattresses. Odd Chairs. Desk Chairs. Everything at Big Discounts! BUY UPSTAIRS and SAVE! Sale Prices Every Day FOR SALE or trade Complete set f meat market equipment Inq. Lee O. Eyerly at Airport. ALL KINDS of road gravel, crushed .rock, washed mason sand, and con crete sand. Before buying call us and get our quotation. . COMMERCIAL SAND gx GRAVEL CO. JT. F. Ulrica (owner) BT Court St Phone 8873 WanteJ Fornitare F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Auc ttoneers 8t furniture dealers wfll pay you snore easn or trade tor nnmurt Jk household goods. - We buy or sell verythlng. Ph. oils. CASH FOR used furniture t house- hold goods. R- Forgey. Ph. 7445, Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Good home for young. small tvpe female ataephenL aunon Polk County Humane Society. Phooe 4B72. POULTRY. EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Highest easn - prices paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co. 1505 N. Front Ph. 7007. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special -weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marioa Coffee hop, delicious meals at low RM. prt bath, close In. Ph. 479L : SLEEPING ROOM. 723 Court NICE, WARM, near cap. 968 Canter. CLOSE , in, dean. warm. Ph. 4498. ' ADVERnsma .Western Advertising Representatives . Ceorve O. Ooee. Ina. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising: Representative -Bryant Griffith ft Branson. Inst. Chicago, New York, Detroit . Boston. Atlanta : Entered at the Postofflde at Ealem. Ortffon, as second Clots Matter, itio Mshed avsrv morning txetvi Uondav. Fusmess office tl$ South Commercial SUBSCRIPTION RATES: : Mall Cahacrlntsaai Sates ta Advasesv ents; S Moe. Ilia-. lios. t (V KleMrhmr SA cents ner mm. r tS.OO for 1 year la advance. Per cony a cents;, wtmwmxom a cents. i y City Carrier. esnts snottSt. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITS or phone (1163) to Jem's oldest, iarctat borne owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest , privacy. You win be given every slderatlon In the repaying of loan or granting of extensions. 1 tO IS MONTHS TO KEF AX You can oav In fun any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEE ROY H. SIMMONS. UGR Lie. No. M-151 JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. 8-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone tin First door south of Ladd at Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce navmenta. Money for new Of usea cars no aeiay or rea laps, sow will retain possession or tn venicie 1 TO IS MONTHS TO fAI ROY H. SIMMONS lis Smith Commercial Street Phone B1SS Lie. No M-132 FHA LOANS 4. also Drtv leans Abrams & Ellis, inc. Masonic tuag. WX LOAN oa farm, residential St business property Will buy mortgages or contracts, bawkins a kobekts. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVIC4 IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpta Bldg. SUU Coral-Ph. 8311 For Rent Rooms RM.. home privileges, close in. 8229.1 SLP. RM. near state Mdgs. Ph. 11449 NEAT warm comfortable. Ph. 7771. 1 Room and Board CLOSE, IN. 678 N. Cottage. BOOST 8c BOARD. meals dally. 1 on Sunday. 1563 Court. BOARD & room. 1434 Ferry. Ph. 5513. Heated rooms and board. 168 N. 12th. BD. and RM. Ladies. Ph. 21670. "CLOSE 1uNTn44 Center?h?8630r" BETTER BHD. & rm. 743 S. Com! St For Rent Apartments 2-RM. furn. $12. Hot water, washer. gar. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3940. 2-RM. apt. $15. 152 S. 13. Ph. 8222. NEWLY DECORATED 2-rm. unfurn. Lts. & wat. $12. 1620 Ferry. COMFORTABLE, furn. 3-rm. apt I State St. Apt.. Ph. 21411 or 4370. COZY apt. near capitoL 968 Center. 3 R. hot wat. heat. bath. teL 3c washer. 639 N. Liberty. FURN. 3-room apt. Ac bath. Heat & water furnished. ijos cnemeKeta. DESIR.. mod. unfurn. 3-rm. duplex. Avail. Feb. 7. Ph. 7194 605 S. Summer, 7ZZZZ??in Ormi "ZZI I lighU. Prt. bath, washer. Also cottage for couple. 2261 HaieL Ph. 7664. 3-RM. furnished apt. 1209 Court WELL furn., close In. Ph. 5567. NICELY furn., corner, roomy, clean. Dh. 6288. i 2-RM. APT. $13 mo. 260 Center St Unfurnished 4-rm. apts. Ph. 2-1783. Single furn. heated apt 160 Division. I CLOSE IN, 2 rm. first floor. Gar. 1047 S. Com'l. 3 R. furn. apt Close in. Prt bath. its. h. water, wasn. uh a. tool. FURN. SING. apt. $ mo. 932 Water. Ftra.!50p?0XO13 2-R. furn. bathjitiit. $15. 1440 Waller. FURN. COTTAGES. 3 miles south $10. $12 mo. inq. 484 M. cnuren. For Rent Houses 5-ROOM modern house. 199 N 23rd. 4-ROOM house, corner S. 13th Hines. Phone 5987. daytime. 8-HM.. 1877 Chemeketa, oil heat Inq. 525 N. Capitol or Ph. 8196. $20 4 rms. 1840 Kansas. $27.504 rooms, 770 Belmont $356 rooms, modern duplex. H. P. .GRANT 529 Court 6744 PARTLY FURN. $10 per mo. Wat paid. 2348 Myrtle. t BEDRMS. elec. water heater, elec. range, uu uwi iuiimvc, wv. Ideal for couple. No dogs. Avail. Feb. 7. 1928 N. Liberty. Ph. S9M after S p. m. NEW 3-rm. house, bath tc garage. Water furnished. 1337 N. Winter. MODERN, furnished 3-rm. ..-house, garden spot. Phone 8198. 8-RM. house. Phone 8659. A 2 mL west Salem, house, lights. $19 mo. Inq. Rt L Beat S3. King-wood Hgt. r.n rirc aH heater, basement r. raw. Urge lot $20. Phone $888. East State u WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to aeO. exchange. eat see Mr. Lersen, Mr. couins Mr. Goodwin with . Hawkms 4s Boberta 2-RM. bouse, adults. 920 N. 19th. small HOUSE, garden at berries. 440 N. 22nd st Ph. 3096. $15 per mo. 3-ft If. tim. house, oil emc elect ret. I Adults. Inq. 339 S. 13th. rband NEW. 2 fedrms- elec. range gt water heater. Oil ctre. gar. $30. 358 S. 17th. Ino. 494 S. 17th. rn. 1311. t NEW. modern, 3-roora house, shower, ffrvnuuMt. all eir. heater. 815 ner mo. Kiczwood Heights. Phone 4633. BLONDIE W?praUGI" Sibf7i VJUXT'Z ' V AKlf J P C3V BOTTLE OP PWSRJM5 lei UAMANtS 'OO ' Money to Loan GASH TOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to - Reduce car or other contract oavments. There's a loan plan for every need at -saienrs rersonai juoaa center" SIS Court St., Salem Phone 4446 State license S-Z28 M-278 CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOB Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Sll State Street Doors West of Capitrl Theatre Ph. 3191 License Noe. 8-123 & M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-Ug Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest W. B, URA BENHOHST CO REALTORS For Rent Houses 5-RM. furn. hse. 1598 Court NEW, modern 4 rms. 863 N. 16th. 4-R. mod.. wire rge. 3235 Portland Rd, MODERN turn. 2 bedroom house. Phone 3891. 755 Norway SMALL furnished house. 10-Rm. unfurnished house. MELVTN JOHNSON 72j Court St For Rent Farms SMALL FARM. mod. house. Near town. Wired for elec Ph. 4881. For Rent BUSINESS bldg. 863 N. Liberty. 5211. MODERN COTTAGES. $4 & up. Junction Auto Court. South commercial SMALL business room on High St. soon available. See H. L. Stiff. For Sale Real Estate DtruT TViUMTnurW U7 riffstf a J " r uT v or Domini hose. Priced low at $6500. Will accept small house as part. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller. Realtors, 344 State St. Ph. 9261. 4 ROOMS, lares 11 Tin rm. Areolae. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, newly decorated, fun bsmt furnace, laundry trays, new I? "'r8J Lil JUSS? SSSl f"f- J-t" .Ti schools. $3150: terms $100 down, bal- " arr?nIra M3CMANN J"0? REIMANSl .v, Salem s largest Home Builder DISTANT OWNER Offers 6-room, modernistic house, large lot fine view of . mountains and vaUey. Priced for quica, saie m . "W.wr. aw tors. 344 State St Ph. 926L mi an arasia w a Ma vuuue eas n im if ww 5-RM. hse- newly decorated inside. Basem't furnace Ac fireplace. New roof on hse. and garage. Nice location. 1842 n. vaurcn. Cards fa this directory ra a a monthly baala enly. Bate: Sl25 per Una per month, Auto Brakes I Mike Panek. 179 South Commercial Batteries I WTI.I.ARD batteries, all types. R- D. Woodrow, 394 Church. Phone 9800. Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Hirrr w. 147 S. Com'ci P. 4311 Chimney Sweeps Vacuuat cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof j repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 0068. TELEPHONE 4450. B. E. Northness. Excavating menu an..uinMUiM or mweo. win 1 Ior JC 5" eravei. P. ioa Florists 1 .. I oreitnauprs n voun. rnooe vivo Funeral Directors Terwilllger Funeral Home. Ph. 8328. Elattresset I SALEM FLUFF RUG tk . MATTRESS 1 no. mow Mattresses, m maoe, rug Cleaning ar weaving, s utB Sk wuour I TeL 8441 Z wickers. I . i CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. For The Least... For Sale Real Estate $2100 Living room, kitchen, bed room, utility rm. bath and garage. Will sell for 8100 down. f48S0 New home, north of Warner St Mod. in every way. 2 bed rms. $1500 4-rm. cottage, on Yew St Im mediate possession. Reasonable terms. P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone till NEW 5 rms. Very mod. Englewood dist, $4850. Easy terms. Some good homes also can ne oougni as low as $150 down payment See us at once for Real Buyst T. L. REEDY 6468 228 Oregon Bldg. OWNER LEAVING Salem Must aeU beautiful new home, completely mod ern, nice residential district Shown by appointment Price $5509. Terms. Call owner 5756. SMALL. Suburban home. , acre, close in. 50 Morgan avenue. VERY FINE 5-rm. house. See W. A. Cladek. 1435 N. 18th. Phone 4277. NEW i rms- Cor. lot H. W. floors. full basement, fireplace. A dandy at easy terms. $3750. 6-RM. Large lot paved St.. near school $2250; $250 down payment. T. L. REEDY 6466 228 Oregon Bldg. BARGAIN i A. lot located at 1350 N. 21st St Nice hse. with 2 bdrm.. nv, rm. dn. rm. kitch. nook, bath, utility rm., with double garage. Lots of trees. S3150, $150 down. Dai. UKe rent. RICH I. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 Salem's Largest Home Builder BARGAIN OWNER LEAVING CITY Nicely furnished 5-roora house, ga rage. 4 largeqlots. near Highland school. All for $2250. Phone for appointment RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9103 Salem's Largest Home Builder FOR SALE Nice 4-rm. house. Well located in north Salem. Price $1750 for quick sale. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 NICE SHAKE home at 2349 Myrtle, large lot. Take a look and then call Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROB ERTS. INC. Realtors. Acreage MUST RENT at once 8 acres. 3 A. cherries, 4-rm. house. 3 mi. on Dallas Hiway. Rt. 4. Box 469, Salem. CHOICE 9 ACRES ON 99 HIWAY 4 miles Salem, grand view, good soil, about 3 A. in prunes, filberts, apples, l't A. of strawberries. House, 8 large rooms, hot & cold water, plumbing. Good furniture and insurance policy. Price $4000. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State, Room 4. Wanted Real Estate WANTED Good, modern 5 and 6 room homes, located in northeast Salem, ranging in price from $3000 to $6000. If you have a nome lixe tnis you want to aeu. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 Business Opportunities RENT, restaurant in beer parlor. Prefer exp. man 8c wife. Ph. 6026. SERVICE STATION for lease. Fully equipped. Immediate possession. Gal lonage rental. Ph. 7676. SM. GRADE A dairy. New Equip ment, for sale or lease. C. N. Smlder, 1444 S. 12th. Ph. 8079. For Sale Wood FIR, ash, maple. Also hop poles and fence posts. Ph. 4375. Wood Sawing WOODSAWING. Phone 7073. 930 N. Coral. Phone 3523. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS! Club Elite. Box 71-Q. Main P.O. Los Angeles, Cat Directory Nurseries Fruitland Nursery, 260 Center. P. 9077. Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph 4325. Paints and Lacquers Complete Une NASON paints. Libera) terms. R. D. Woodrow, 394 N. Church. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets; programs. Books or any Kino: of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 315 S- Commercial. Tele phone 910L Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL reoair work. Graber Bros. 154 S Liberty. Ph. 8594. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Transfer n-rmrvr. trucks for rent Blankets furn. 197 8. Liberty. Ph. 9061 rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil, briqueta. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, potnta Larmer Transfer co. m. ml Vaennnt Cleaner Service srsn fnsDaetiea tn Tour home. Au thorised Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Ph. 8023. WeB Drilling C J. Pugb. 2125 Myrtle. Phone 9338. R. A. WEST. Rt 6. Box 443. Ph. 2-2296. His Favodto Scant) For SaleUsed Cars . , Two Lot of BARGAINS We Always Have Fords Chevrolets Plymouths or most any erinaJte tor model included in one of the largest, finest and most complete stocks of GOOD USED CARS in Oregon. We CAN SAVE you money, and we CAN PROVE IT! MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS "C" To Bay or Sell Your Car 270 N. Church St Phone 8501 N. E. Corner Church & Chemeketa. Phone 7922 Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer open 39 OLDSMOBILE M". Best cash offer' takes it See it at 145 S. Church St 31 CHEV. 4 -dr. sedan. Must be sold at once. 550 Rosemont West Salem. "37 GRAHAM ford or sed. Cavalier. good ahap. exc. rubber. $300. 75 Park St 29 Chevrolet license. $25. 2348 Myrtle 1928 PONTIAC. good tires, good mot or. $20. 1740 Stat St Wanted Used Cars We Pay GASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too okL No ear too new for us to buy. From $10.00 to $1000.00. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best in Transportation 440 Center St Phone 31535 TOP CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED CAR OR EQUITY ANY MAKE ARNSBARGER MOTOR CO. 365 N. COMMERCIAL Lost and Found FOUND Navy pjg skin lady's glove. Call at Statesman office. Legal Notice NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 P. M. on February 16, 1942, and immediately thereafter open ed by the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the City Hall in said city for the sale of original street improvement bonds issued on applications for bonding of public improvements in the amount of Nineteen Thous and (S 19,000.00) Dollars, issued pursuant to Chapter 21 of Title 95 of the Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated for 1940, as amended. and described as follows: The City of Salem Improvement Bonds, Issue 3 F, issued on appli cations for bonding of public im provements, in denominations not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each; said bonds to be dated March 1, 1942, and to ma ture in annual installments as fol lows: 1943 - 41500.00 1944 $1500.00 1945 : $2000.00 1946 $2000.00 1947 $2000.00 1948 $2000.00 1949 $2000.00 1950 . $2000.00 1951 $2000.00 1952 .. $2000.00 Provided, however, that the City of Salem shall have the option to redeem said bonds, in numerical order, upon the payment of the face. value thereof with accrued interest on any interest paying date at or after three years from the date of issue of said bonds. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Sa lem. The bonds will be sold to the bidder offering the best price, considering the interest rate bid and premium, if any, on the par value of $19,000.00. None of the bonds will be sold for less than par and accrued interest Each bidder, should name the rat of interest at which the bidder is willing to accept the bonds at par. The bonds will bear the rate of interest designated in the bid ac cepted. ,- ' Each, bid, except bids submit ted by the State of Oregon, or any sinking fund of the City of Salem, must be accompanied by a certi fied check for two percent of the par value of the bonds, made pay able to the city as a guarantee of good faith. The bidder will be required to add to his bid a statement of the net cost of the dry if his bid is accepted. " The right Is reserved by the Statesman For Sale Used Cars Evenings Legal Notice Common Council to accept any bid cr reject all bids in the in terest of the city. The prior legal approving opin ion of Messrs. Teal, Winfree, Mc Culloch, Shuler & Kelly wlU be furnished the successful bidder. HANNAH MARTIN City Recorder Salem, Oregon. J. 22-29; r. 3 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice ig hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the Estate of Anna J. Wood, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned, care Page and Page, Attorneys, 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. The date and first publication of this notice is January 29th, 1942. , E.B. WOOD, Executor, Estate of Anna J. Wood, Dec J. 29; F. 5, 12, 19, 26. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Ne. 19650 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CHARLES O. HEN DERSON, also known as C. G Henderson, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of the above entitled estate has filed his Final Account In the above en titled Court, and that Monday, March 9, 1942, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. in the Circuit Court Room of the above entitled Court has been appointed by the Court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published February 5, 1942. Date of last publication March 5, 1942. MARION B. Executor. HENDERSON HERMAN. E. LAFKY Attorney for Executor 117 New Bligh Building Salem, Oregon. F. 5-12-19-28, M. 5. Honeymooners -14. Pat (Fasquale) D Cicco, Holly wood actors agent. Is shown with bis young bride, the former Gloria Vanderbilt, at a Miami Beach, Fla, night dab. It Is reported that Da Cicco will go to Washington for mil itary doty. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4. AJTAAJC TrU Feb. , SUted Meeting. 30 p. m. Pacific Lodge No. SoJLT MAM. U. M. Degree. Wed, Feb. U. 7 JO p. m. By order W. 1C. By cmc Toxmo SHR0CK 2 ' i V.. - V .-v ' e. Class: Uncover Nazi Gem Sale Plotters L L, y fen 'iPfr'cS Brun Schachner and Mathlaa F. Correa, inspect packages A plot to unload in U. 8. markets milllona of dollars' worth of dia monds seized by the Nazis in Belgium and the Netherlands In 1940 and theh use the money to finance Axis propaganda In the Americas has been disclosed in New York try federal officials. Four men and a New York corporation have been Indicted, charged with conspiracy in dumping loot and spoils of war. President of the company, Wer ner von Clemm, is said to be a cousin of the wif of the German, foreign minister, Joachim von Rlbbentrop. Success of the gem plan. It was revealed; depended largely on the effect of the intricate cod and communications system designed to deceive the British censor ship, Bruno Schachner, left, assistant U. S. attorney, and U. a At torney Mathlaa F. Correa, right, are shown inspecting packages and diamonds seized. Repelling Air r pi.U-.V-;' Neva af Bar rhotas These photos show fatiie attempt of Italian bombing aqnadron to pat BriUah warship oat of commission ia the MediterrMeai Uoata and I?1? Pttle, but London asaert. tSTnonTS Jota We?, Top pictore shows bomb that came near-bat missed hitting ship. Below, big gnns c-f British warship boom ia effort to bring down attacking planes. Ixoss Word 5 to Zl Zl 23 15 35 3' 34 35 41 hi 4J r5 50 5 S3 5 'A HORIZONTAL 1 cttyln Egypt bristle 10 symbol for tantalum 12 monsters ,13 garment makers IS edible - rootstoek 16 node . 17 compete 18 sufferers from leprosy 20 dty in Peru 21 eggs. 23 recline 24 primary -color . ' 25 ped 26 relating to a mountain -range 23 three-toed sloth 40 S-hape4 worm 41 cats off 43 to believe 45 American humorist 45 enemies 47 oaseoliat M EuTopeas chestnuts 12 backless seat 53 like Answer to SO completing T 82 musical ' direction W-eymbol for seleninm n, IT Insect S3 high (mo,) S3 lyric poem - 1 E .R?E L -IS PjTT SEM TOTlDjjT TEn .Ja T T ,6in E SaIi Ip f Alft ' i r 5 A - 1 ?ilWlwf-La?I ? 9 L f sail I I nd clff w ...Ploliri T I - 3?A 9f vilAlt tNlEl Avaraee tiaw ef ltWat 81 sthwta. MMteiaS tor KJas Wmtmm SssStasUk smi . &.w,mmrm..m' " r -fr' f - ..." ified Page Attack at Sea '1 - Puzzle 3 20 2 24 21 27 32 36 37 IT 40 7 149 54 formerly 55 furnished . with paddles TEETICAL ! 1 male swaa 2 grow eld . 9 Emerald Isle i 4 network ! 5 bone -' 6 Raxed .. . fixedly : 7 auditory - organs , S fasten 9 diminutive 1 for Albert 10 neat 11 on the sea 14 Roman poet 15 living persons 19 heavenly body 20 penitential , season 21 Danish eolni 22 weather cock ' 24 showered 27 eats away 23 land measures 29 March dato II woes S3 inciter m , 36 most painful 58 imitator . 41-i-Tibetan Clest rem , rooms -" 43 studies 44 Creek lettef 45 in favor of 48- pedaldigll 49 ancient . , El eoncerninf 52 therefore ' resterday's nuzzle. i fTJJ a rear ta adi adjacent countsaa. If t fXI H. 1 I 1 - - . . ,r" ' " ' ' ' - r-' . ..V. tmmmm . - - ' ' "