VAGZSIZ Mrs.- Darby Will Be 1 Mrs. Claude Darby will be the honor guest at an au revoir party tonight when Mr. M. Stephen con, Mrs. Glenn Paxson and Mrs. Carl Schneider entertain at the former's suburban home. Mrs. Darby and her children, Norma Jean, Marian and Bobby, are leaving Friday for Vallejo, Calif,. where they will join Lt. Darby, who is stationed at Mare Island. i . Guests have been invited to an evening of bridge with a late supper following. A handker chief shower will honor Mrs. Darby. Bouquets of early spring blooms and flowering shrub will decorate the guest rooms. Honoring Mrs. Darby will be Mrs. Ellsworth Ricketts, Mrs. R. T. Melin, Mrs. Luther Jensen, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Mrs. Ivan Merchant, - Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs. Oren Chase, Mrs. William Iteeves, Mrs. Cecil Gardner, Mrs. Robert Stanley, Mrs. Roy Rem ington, Mrs. Carl Schneider, Mrs. Glenn Paxson and Mrs. M. Stephenson. Hospital Group Will Sew Salem General hospital aux iliary members will make cur tains for the hospital Friday morning at the nurses' home. The women will sew all day and bring their lunches. Mrs. Wil bur Berry heads the committee in charge of arrangements. The regular "monthly meeting of the auxiliary was held Tues day morning with Mrs. Lowell Kem presiding. Mrs. Lester Barr was appointed head of the flower committee for the hos pital this month. Mrs. Lewis Griffith will head the rummage sale committee which will be held March 27 and 28. A nominating committee was appointed and includes Mrs. E. M. Page, chairman, Mrs. Charles Sprague and Mrs. Chandler Brown. The names will be sub mitted at the March meeting. The auxiliary sent $225 to the hospital to be used for improve ments in the kitchen. Pattern Here's "Lots of Good Luck" to every smart housewife, from your own designer, Anne Adams Pattern 4989! It's an easy-torn ake apron With lucky sham rocks scattered about on the bodice and skirt. They're easy to applique with the Sewing In- structor's aid, and are very gay in bright green cotton appliqued on green-and-white checked gingham. Make the scalloped hem border of green cotton too. To keep from slipping off your - shoulders, the straps button to gether , in back; the optional pockets are handy too. On ver- ' sion B, the hem border is omit ted and ric-rac used as trim. The pockets and straps on this version , may - be made of con trast if you like. Pattern 4389 is available in sizes small i (32-34), medium (36-38) arid large (40-42). Small size, i view A, .takes 2 yards 35 inch, fabric and yard contrast; rview B, 2'i yards 35 Inch fabric " and 4 yards ric- rac : : ' '' i - Send fifteen cents (15e In coin Write pUiny SIZE NAME. AD- .. . DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. -. Here come the Spring Fashion Parade, in the new Anne Adams -Pattern Bock JUST OUT! Each tyl is newsy, smart and easy to make. .The latest silhouettes aro shown in day and evening modes. , There ate trim street outfits; smart town-and-eountry . com rnutersr A rr; -can-designed prints and cottons. fci;mming on-a-toud-iet matron - styles. Graduatum and weddmr gowns. Deb oate--maWry Uy and p. . ' tv clothes. A booMul ot fashion .- !ff fr f;fteencent5 Pattern fifteen ' cnts. Book and I aUern together, - t-a ers'v-fsve cent. '. "' " '-, i your erder to The Oregon . Statesman. Pattern Department, , Salem. Oregon." 4989t ' J l t MAX FN E BUKaN Editor Date for Rites Set A former Salem girL Miss Geraldine Mathes, will be mar ried to Mr. Everett Nelson of Portland on Sunday, February 22. The announce ment was made known Tuesday night at an informal party at the home of the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Ica Wilcon, in The Dalles. The ceremony will take place at the First Congregational church in The Dalles. Miss Mathes has been residing in Salem and was connected with the public utilities com mission here. She is a member of Beta Sigma Phi, national ed ucational sorority, and attended schools in The Dalles. Mr. Nelson is the son of Mrs. Ann Nelson of Moscow, Idaho. He is a graduate of the Univer sity of Idaho and a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. He is now with the Union Pacific and the couple will reside in Port land. Miss Mitchell Heads Group Officers of the Tri-County Dental assistants' society were installed following a dinner meeting at the Argo on Monday night. Mrs. Lucille Waud, presi dent of the state organization, Mrs. Jane Cooler and Miss Inez Benta of Portland installed offi cers and took the charter mem bers of the new society into the state organization. Salem officers are Miss Mar ion Mitchell, president; Miss Grayce Jones, vice president; Miss Ann Clemens, secretary; Mrs. Olga Hinges, treasurer. Members of the Tri-County Dental Assistants' society, fourth affiliating group in Ore gon, are Mrs. Olga Hinges, Miss Marilyn Williams, Miss Ann Clemens, Mrs. Barbara Haley, Miss Helen Stevenson, Miss Pearl Scott, Mrs. Laurel Savage, Mrs. Erma Ahrens, Miss Velna Alexander, Miss Grayce Jones, Miss Mary Ella Frisbee and Miss Marion Mitchell. The group plans to affiliate soon with the national organization. Guardians Feted At Bagnall's Mrs. George Bagnall enter tained the Camp Fire guardians ,. at her home Tuesday afternoon. Plans were formulated for the grand council fire to be held March 17 at the Leslie gym nasium. This will be held in conjunction with national birth day week. Attending were Mrs. Charles South, a new guardian, Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mrs. O. B. Bow ers, Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Mrs Paul Morse, Mrs. Lloyd Edgell, Mrs L. T. Graves, Mrs. Richard Severin, Mrs. Sidney King, Mrs. George Hoffman and Mrs. Bag nall. Salem Rebekah lodge met Monday and announced plans for the birthday party and so cial evening to be held next Monday for Rebekahs whose birthdays are during the month of January. Mrs. M. W. Ready and Mr. Marion Curry are co 1 chairman. Mabel French became a member of this lodge by transfer from Schuyler, Nebras ka.. c ""Miss Mary Swisher of Rye gate, Mont, was weekend guest at the Alpha Phi Alpha house on Court street Miss Swisher was a member of Alpha Phi Al pha during her two years at Willamette. She has just com pleted two terms at the Univer sity of California and i3 leaving tonight for Palo Alto to enter Stanford nursing school. Brash Cohere helpers will entertain members of the Sweet Briar club at the home of Mrs. A. E. Utley Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Leo Nelson will be the assisting hnstps. Miss Margaret Gillis, county neaiin nurse, will be the speak ; er.- . - , - Women's union ef the First Congregational churc h will meet today at 2:30 o'clock. The South circle will meet with Mrs. .Daniel J, Fry at 606 South High street and the North' eircle with -Mrs. L. O. Smith, 2015 Fair- , grounds road., , 1 ; v.: Mrs. F. D. Qoisenberry wDl - preside at a 1 o'clock luncheon J and ' afternoon of bridge Way . at her West Lefelle street home ' for members of her club. ' SOCIETY MUSIC The IIOUi; CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY AAUW Literature group with . Mrs. J. A. Jelderks, 1565 Center street, 8 p. m. Royal Neighbors Sewing club with Mrs. Sarah Peterson. 235 West Wilson street, covered dish luncheon. Pep Teachers club, no-host dinner, Sneider's coffee shop, 9:30 p. m. VFW auxiliary dessert lunch eon. Mrs. J. Benoit, 244 East Mil ler, 1:30 p. m. WSCS Leslie Methodist church, Mrs. J. S. Murray, 390 East Wash ington, 2 p. m. Luncheon and business meet ing. Ladies circle. Knight Me morial church, 12:30 p. m. church parlors. THURSDAY Fruitland Woman's circle, at the church, 2 pm. Marion County Veterans as sociation, American Lutheran church, all day, covered dish luncheon, business meeting, 10:30 a. m. Executive board WSCS First Methodist church with Mrs. E. O. Welling. 880 North 16th street, 2 p. m. Hayesville Woman's club, with Mrs. Robin Day, 2 p. m. PLEF club and husbands, with Earl Burks, 6:30 no-host dinner. Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, Woman's club, p. m. Business college girls of YWCA,. 7:30 p. m. Liberty Woman's club with Mrs. Harold Lane, 2 p. m. Junior Maccabees, Fraternal Temple, 4 p. m. Sewing group, Legion home, 2 p. m. FL club of Rebekahs with Mrs. Dorothy Hauge, 160 North 18th street, 8 p. m. Chapter G, PEO with Mrs. W. H. Wirtz, 750 Stewart, 1 p. m. Little Garden club of Salem Heights. Mrs. V. D. Bain, 1 p. m. Brush College Helpers, Mrs. A. E. Utley, 2 p. m. Spring Valley Home Missionary society, Mrs. W. W. Henry, 2 p. m. FRIDAY Eteri class business meeting and social, church at 8 p. m. YWCA finance committee, 10 a. m. Three Link club. lOOF hall. Woman's Alliance Unitarian church with Mrs. J. R. Pollock, 602 North Winter street, 2:30 p. m. SATURDAY - Chemeketa chapter, DAR with Mrs. J. G. Heltzel. 710 South Liberty street, 2 p. m. Business Girls Plan at Homes The Young Business and Pro fessional girls of the YWCA held a recreational meeting in the clubrooms at the YW Monday night. The group discussed plans for starting weekly "At Homes" at the Y for the service men sta tioned in Salem. The first of these parties will be held to night at 7:30 o'clock at the YW. The plan is to have one of these parties each week with the var ious clubs in the YW sponsoring the entertainment. Spring' Valley Home Mission ary society will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. W. Hen ry with Mrs. Ben McKinney and Mrs. Jesse Walling assist ing. Birthdays of Lincoln, Long fellow and Washington will be commemorated. Mrs. W. H. Wirts will enter tain chapter G, PEO at a salad luncheon at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Sprague will be the assisting hostess. Your WITH THIS ' ' "' . - A teai w""- trUkmt ; Tb CCTCiOH STATESMAN Solcm. ion to Rev. M. A Getzendaner, new pastor of the American Luth eran church, and Mrs. Getzen daner will be the honor guests at a reception Sunday night at the church. The interested pub lic is invited to attend. Preceding the reception Rev. Getzendaner will be formally Installed by Dr. E. Sawyer of Seattle at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium. In the receiving line will be Rev. and Mrs. Getzendaner, Dr. Sawyer, Mrs. R. A. Horn and Mr. Ralph SkopiL Arrange ments are in charge of presi dents of the various organiza tions of the church with Mrs. Al Torgerson in general charge. Presiding at the serving table will be Mrs. Oscar Seders trom, Mrs. A. G. Anderson, Mrs. El ton Thompson and Mrs. J. Al bert Sholseth. Young girls of the church will assist in the serving. Bouquets of daffodils and other spring flowers will be used about the reception rooms. Legion Group Hears Speaker The American Legion auxil iary met Monday In Legion Home for regular business meeting. Mrs. Frank Marshall presided over the business ses sion and the program was in charge of the national defense committee, Mrs. Charles Low chairman. Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, hostess, presented guests, Miss Hattie Skelton and Mrs. Roy Nelson. The assembly heard an in formal address by Judges James T. Brand who gave a vivid word picture of the life of Abraham Lincoln and compared that per iod with the present. Mrs. Ernest Arneson, Salem nurse, spoke briefly on the part women can take in defense by helping to keep the nation healthy. Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, finance officer, announced another luncheon for Thursday f$pm 12 to 1:30 o'clock at Legion Home. Mrs. Verne Ostrander, poppy sale chiarman, reported a com mittee meeting. Rehabilitation committee will meet in Legion Home, Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Gar son, chairman. Serving at Thursday's luncheon are: Mrs. O. A. Palmateer, Mrs. James Garson, Mrs. M. Y. Brooks, Mrs. S. Hinkle,.Mrs Julius Hopp and Mrs Lloyd Perkins. Tri Delts ifeet At Braun Home Mrs. W. J. Braun, Mrs. Rob ert Sprague and Mrs. L. V. Ben son entertained the Delta Delta Delta alumnae at the former's home Monday night. A dessert supper was served and later the members knitted and sewed for Red Cross. The alumnae voted to buy books and magazine sub scriptions for the Victory Book campaign. Attending were Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Close Schmitz, Mrs. Carle ton spencer, Mrs. Harold Strawn, Mrs. Fred Moxley, Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Mrs. Walter Soc ,olofsky, Mrs. Clarence Rose nheim, Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Miss Zelma Busch, Miss Gret chen Gamer and Miss Esther Baird, Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. L. V. Benson and Mrs. W. J. Braun. IN SALEM Grocer Is Featuring Timely Nutrition Displays of Nucoa .. "FOUR-FRONT """ 1 , utMMm r fTOOD rot CSTKSZ AT (OYi ism. Oregon. WdnMdor Morning. February 4. 1142 By polores Boland It's About Time to crochet scallops around the edge of a circle on felt about 17 inches In diameter. Turn under one side 11 inches from edge. 1 Fold corners: to meet. 2 Tie a '44 inch cord with pompons around hat and through points. 3 Tack points securely. Dr. Riley Is Honored Dr. Ethel Riley was honor guest at a luncheon given Satur day by members of the Daugh ters of Union Veterans of the Civil War at Miller's tea room. White and yellow narcissus and pussywillows, were used on the tables. Present were Dr. Riley, Mrs. Bertha Bergman, Mrs. Kitty Baumgardner, Mrs. May BacK, Mrs. Sarah Cutler, Mrs. Mary En tress, Mrs. Marguerite Elliott, Mrs. Bernice Laue, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, Miss Julia Webster, Mrs. Mary Sterns, Mrs. Effie Ulrich, Mrs. Laurene Stow, Miss Margery Bach, Mrs. Jennie Mil ler, Mrs. Margaret Ringle, Mrs. Elizabeth Skewis, and Mrs. Har riet Winkenwerder. Dr. Riley is leaving for Portland and G re sham, to live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Knox. Dinner Party For Pilot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laws en tertained with a family dinner early last week at their Union street home in honor of their grandson, Earl Morton Nichols, who has been called into active training with the navy air corps. Guests at the family dinner party included Mr. and Mrs. Oris Albertson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwan and son, Martin, of Portland; Mr. Ward Nichols, of Kernville, uncle of the guest of honor; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mc-Mahan,- Mr. Earl Nichols, Mrs. Edna Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ramsden and Mr. and Mrs. Laws. Mrs. V. D. Bain will enter tain the Little Garden club of Salem Heights Thursday after noon at a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. Charles Sawyer will preside and the topic for discussion is pruning and plant ing of shrubs. Mr. and Mrs. Abner . Kline have returned from a two month's trip which took them to Chicago, Kansas City, Arkansas, Texas and California. The trav ellers had planned to spend February in Florida but due to war conditions returned earlier. DEFENSE" ! Of Flavor, delicious , First .Christian Groups Meet Members of Group No. S of the First Christian church wom en's council will meet today with Mrs. A. Vottone, 1195 North Fourth street at 2 pm. The aft ernoon win be spent in Red Cross Sewing. Mrs. Lyda Bowen is the leader and Mrs. Ralph Morgan will conduct the de votional. Four groups of the women's council will meet Thursday. Un der the leadership of Mrs. Harry Hunt, group I will meet at 2 p.m. at the Andy Hansen home, 562 Mill street, to listen to an' account of the Pearl Harbor at tack in Honolulu by Mrs. George Lewis. This group will do Red Cross sewing also. Group 3, with Mrs. C F. Doane, leader, will meet at 2:00 o'clock at the home ; of Mrs. J. L. Sorahan, 575 D. ' street Mrs. George Gibson is assistant hostess. The devotional will be given by Mrs. S. F. Mans field. Group 4 will meet at 535 North Winter street, in the home of Mrs. Susie Loyd. Mrs. T. L. Anderson is group leader. Group 6 will meet at the Charles B. Davis .residence, 13 91 Market street. Mrs. Sherman Smith Is their leader. DAR Meeting on Saturday Chemeketa chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution will meet with Mrs. James G. Heltzel Saturday afternoon at her home, 710 South Liberty street, at 2 o'clock. The topic for discussion will be "Defense of American Standards" and Mrs. I. M. Schannep will review the book, "Your America" by Grace L. Cole. - Assisting hostesses are Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. L. W. Pot ter, Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Frank H. Spears and Mrs. H. G. Smith. Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter is leaving for Portland today to spend the remainder of the week visiting with her sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrell, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Gilbert. Mrs. George Weller has in vited members of her club to a bridge luncheon this afternoon at her home on Shipping street. I quipMent . . In every department from flour blender to delivery trucks,1 only modern sanitary equip ment is used in producing Master Bread. M .S -x St. Embroider Laura Vtheefer Chrysanthemums Nff; COWL mi. NCIDUCSAPT StSVKX HC COM. , NCCDUCftAFT SOMCC, MC Rich chrysantherflums embroi dered in natural, colors make lovely decoration ion dinner or tea cloth, scarf or pillow top. YouH enjoy watching them grow under your needle. Pattern 204 contains a transfer pattern of four 8x10 inch motifs and four 45 Inch motifs; materials Fashion Bridge To Be GiVen Beta Sigma Phi members met at the chamber ; of commerce Monday night with Miss Cynthia DeLano presiding. Plans were outlined for the group's annual fashion bridge which will be presented in March, the date to be announced later. Miss Isobel Mielke was appointed, chairman of the fashion shew directorate. Proceeds this year will be used for defense purposes. A welcomed visitor in the capital is Mrs. Lynn Heise of Bakersfield, Calif. She is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krebs, and plans to be here for several weeks. The Heises left for Cali fornia in the fall. A club hostess- this afternoon will be Mrs. Lloyd Riches who will entertain at a bridge lunch eon at her home in Kingwood Heights. in Natural Colon recrulred: illustrations atit- ches. Send ten cents In coin for this pattern to The Oregon States man, Needlecraft Dept., 215 S. Commercial. Write plainly PAT TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Today's Menu Bananas will replace a vege table in the meal for tonight Lettuce quarters with . Thousand Island dressing Lamb cakes Glazed bananas Baked potatoes Apple dumplings with Lemon sauce GLAZED BANANAS At oananas 1 tablespoon lemon juice '.i cup cranberry sauce 1 tablespoon butter teaspoon paprika Split the bananas and place in a shallow pan. Top with the rest of the ingredients. Broil or bake ten minutes, or until the bananas are glazed and soft. Carefully transfer to the serving platter. May use any red jelly instead of cranberry sauce. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood burn of Seattle spent the week end in Salem with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Woodburn. AT YOUR GROCE1VS Of