FAGEN1KZ Where You Get The Most For The last... Statesman Jhm OSEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Ongoa. TuMday Morning. February 3. 1941 Classified Page Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertion! per line 25e Six insertions per line 40c One month per line 41.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this paga accepted un tU 8:30 tbe evening beiort publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time i will be run under the heeding Too Late to Classify." , - Th Statesman assumes no finan cial mnnnaihilitv far eTTOri WtUCU may appear to advertisements pub lished, in ita columns and to cases .Where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. . . The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It- further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "'Blind' ad. Livestock and Poultry ONI SOW with 8 S wks. old pigs, 83.50 ea. 8 weaner pigs, choice. 5.50 ea. Altoeether 845. U 70-lb. feeder pigs, 87.50 ea. 1 ml. N. Middle Grove sen.. Rt. 7. Box 423. A. F. Sommer. TEAM. GOOD young horses. 2800 lbs.. 7 and 8 rears old. with harness. farm wagon, plow, harrow and disc, 8245. Call at Grange Place, l'i miles east on O st. FOR SAUt A No. 1 Jersey-Guern sey cow to freshen with third calf about March 1. 878. Vernon Robins, X. 4. B. 70 D. l',4 mi. out Pac. hwy. south. FARMERS WI PAT 80e per hundred for dead ana worthless uve stock. rnone eoueci. Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Help Wanted Female SEVERAL YOUNG ladies. 18-34. Neat, aggressive, high school gradu ates to travel with mar In cir. work. See Mr. O'Gara. 7 to 8 p. m.. Hotel Senator, Thursday night. ELDERLY woman with no home or family for housekeeper. Good cook. Do shopping. John Murphy, 2040 Ferry. For housework. Stay nights. Ph. 4581. Situations Wanted CARPENTER work. Wells. Phone 2-1394. Reasonable. R. For SaleMiscellaneous FRUIT AND nut trees, gooseberry plants, shrubs, everything for home and commercial planting. Fruitland Nursery, 260 Center St. Phone 9077. CIRCULATING OIL heater, excellent Condition. Phone 7016. 11 83 Market. SHEEP and goat pasture and wood gtumpage for sale. Ph. 4964. BY OWNER Westinghouse elec range, or will trade for late model washer. 2449 N. Church. Closing out used furniture, dishes. novelties. Everything goes. 343 Marion. FOR SALE or trade Complete set of meat market equipment. Inq. Lee V. Eyerly at Airport. ALL KINDS of road gravel, crushed rocK, wasnea mason sand, and con crete sand. Before buying call us and COMMERCIAL SAND 8c GRAVEL CO. J. F. Uh-tch (owner) SIT Court St Phone 8672 Wanted Furniture F. N. At GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers 6c furniture dealers will pay tou more caan or traae tor furniture household goods. We buy or sell veryunng. rn. sua. CASH FOR used furniture & house- SKua gooas. k. rorgey. Ph. 7443. Wanted Miscellaneous USED bedroom suite. Ph. 21726. POULTRY. EGGS, grain and burlap sacks wanted. Hiehest ch nrir paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co, 1309 N. Front. Ph. 7007. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVTCt EN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMIJ.R MCNTTsT Adolph Bldg, State dr Com l Pb 3311 For Rent Rooms ; HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, da aeudoua meals at low prices. ' " - ft r- i r-ri LARGS heated rm. for men. Break fast, laundry if desired. Ph. 2-1623. " CLEAN rooms with garage. Ph.. '4307. SLEEPING ROOM. 723 Court FURN. light hskpg. .water, -heat 696 N. C room. lights. lottage. HSKPG. room, heated. Ph. 3941. NICE, WARM, near cap. 966 Center. CLOSE tn. clean. warm. Ph. 4498.1 NICELY furn, heated rm. 179 8V 14th RM, home privileges, close to. 8228. SLP RM, near state Mdgs Ph 2144S NEAT; warm comfortable. Ph. 7772. " Room and Board CLOSE IN. 678 N. Cottage. , J ADVERTISING . Western Advertising Rcpresentatlvef . Raorea ft. Qom. Ina. San Francisco Los Angeles : Seattle Eastern Advertising , . -. Representatives. Bryant Griffith 8i Brunaon. Ina. v , Chicago. New York, Detroit . Boston, Atlanta . . ' 8jBaSSBslBBVBa8SBBBBtTBSSaBBBSB V. . ' Entered ef A Pottoffic e SmUm. Ortgon, as eTecowd Class Matter. n Hahd aoerv snominff excent Monday. Business offiet tlS South Commercial . Street. i - ' - ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: VtaO Subscription States In Advance). Within Orefoa: DeUy and Sunday, M. 80 cents: S Mae. Slio: Uoe. slftO; 1 year 83.001 Elsewhere 80 cents per me. or S6J?0 for 1 year In advance. Per opy a cents. Newsstands 6 ecnta. s y City Carrier, -60 cents a month. 87 JO a year tn advance In Harlan and adjacent counties, ; , Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAU WRITE or phone - (9163) to Salem's eldest, largest noma owned and home managed finance institu tton. Your financial affairs will be diicusaed and loans made In strictest p.rivmcZ You will be given every con sideration -tn the replying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to II MONTHS TO RIP AY You can nev tn fun an um Lreduee the cost ; ui.x aUKKOWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. - " STOt ROT EL SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-1M . JIM CLARK. ASST UGH. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. 8-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 1168 rirst door south of Ladd e Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new et used cars No delay or rod tape. Ton will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 8188 Lie. No U-U8 FHA LOANS 4tt. also priv loena Abrama At Kills. Inc, Masonie Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential at business orooerty Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS Ss ROBERTS. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. Room and Board ROOM & BOARD. ? meals daily. 1 on Sunday. 1533 Court. TABLE BOARD by week or month. Special rates. 1366 State. Phone. 3406. BOARD 8c room. 1434 Ferry. Ph. 8519. LARGE, warm rm . 1st floor. Meals if wanted. 1698 S. Liberty St Heated rooms and board. 168 N. 13th. BD. "and RM. Ladies! Ph. 21870? CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BRD. At rm. 748 S. Com! St For Rent Apartments 2 BEDROOM, furnished apt Hot water heat Urge Uving rm, garage and grounds. Call 145 N. 14th, Winnie Pettyjohn. 3 R.. It., wat. heat 630 N. Liberty. bath. tel. 8c washer. FURN. 3-room apt. ec bath. Heat St water furnished. 1369 Chemeketa. DESIR.. mod. unfurn. J-rro. duplex. Avail. Feb. 7. Ph. 7194. 609 S. Summer. 812-8201 3-r.. furn. Wood, gas. lights. Pri. bath, washer. Also cottage for couple. 2261 Hazel. Ph. 7664. 3-RM. furnished apt. 1209 Court. WELL furn.. close in. Ph. B567. NICELY furn. corner, roomy, clean ph. 6288. 2-RM. furn. apt. light, water, 82.25 week. 1290 Oak. Ph. 527S. 2-RM. APT, 12 mo. 260 Center St FURN. PULLMAN apt.. 810. Furn. 2-rm. apt.. 10. 2253 N. Firth. LARGE LTV. room, sleeping porch semi private bath. 668 S. summer. 2 RMS. and kitchenette. Frig, heat lights, water. 420 S. 20th. Phone 6997 Unfurnished 4-rm. apta. Ph. 2-1783. "singleTin-nTheTt VACANCY. Feb. 1. Glendora Apts. 3 TV1- The Devereaux. CLEAN, newly painted 2 rms., kitch enette, ht.. IgtS, WtT, 420 S. 20. P. 6987. CLOSE IN, 8 rm. first floor. Gar. 1047 S. Comt CLOSE IN. 891 N. Coml, $16 mo. 3 R. furn. apt. Close In. Pri. bath. Its, h. water, wash. 1234 S. com L FURN. SING, apt, $6 mo. 832 Water. VERY nice htd. apt, S23 1980 Center. 2-R. furn, bathjtiit, $18. 1440 Waller. nrRiM COTTAGES. 1 miles south 610. $12 mo. Inq. 484 N. Church. For Rent Houses are have the PROSPECT rr vnn Want tn aelL exchange. lease, rent see Mr Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Coodwtr with Hawkins 6t Roberta. s-rm. furnished. 822.90. 4-rm. turn Ished. 825- S-rm, 812 90. M. H. stegner. 920 N. Commercial. - MODERN 3-room house. partly furnished, cir. oil heater, firepiacei shower. Klngwood Heights, can esw, S2S 8 rms, 669 Norway St 1 396 rms, mod. dplx. : 40 New, mod, 9 rms, 2340 S. 12th. p- CRANT-?2 Cour?Tfh, fL4? . 5-RM. furn. hse. 1598 Court. S-R. furn, clean, garage. Reasonable I to nartv who will five owners care See me after Jan. 28th. 919 S. 12th St BRAND NEW. 2 bdrms, elec. range 6c water heater. Oil circ, gar, $30. 356 S. 17th. Inq. 494 S. 17th. Ph. 7377, 7-RM. house, vacant Feb. 1. Garden spot Reasonable rent Inq. 791 If, ComL - " - eomnleterv furnished cottage, inrliirtinr rarave. heat lights, etc. Nod- A-way Motet aaaa r-orumaa 3 AND- rm. 2249 Bdway. NEW, modern 6 rms. 862 N. 16th. 10-RM. unfurnished bouse " MELVTN JOHNSON. 729 Court St aa n-nat Mm mII ! aLsM-4 fpgftf Adults. Inq. 339. s. latn. hiw. modem. S-room house, shower, (fireplace, oil cir. heater, is per mo. Klngwood Heights.. Phone m, - FURN. AND UNFURN. HOUSiES. R; A. Forkner, Realtor 1893 W. Capitol , f J f 4-R. mod, win rge. 2339 Portland Rd. MODERN furn. 1 bedroom hoc Phone 360L 799 Norway. BLONDES rm : " miliu ( geetyts 1 1 T I gill '" l.J j - ' m!'''''' " I iusJ i V A - V --Sv I 0mmmmmmm aa as mm MM ssai ' ., , ... T " Z ' if J "B v -itt -XT. t n a. ' y. - V x ,r -V t , . T v to Loan CASH FOR TAXES CAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS . or to Reduce car or other contract payments. There s a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 815 Court St, Salem Phone 4446 State license S-228 M-278 CALKINS FINANCE CO. 000000000000000 FOB Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 612 State Street 8 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 8181 License Noe. 8-118 & M-169 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Go. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDTNQ LICENSE N. 14-158 Loans Wanted WANTED PSTVATX MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest . W: H. URABENHORST & CO. REALTORS For Rent Houses " SMALL furnished house. 10-Rm. unfurnished house. MELVTN JOHNSON 723 Court St. 5-RM. furn. house on farm. 810. Gar den spot fruits. Inq. gas station. nrunc a earner. For Rent SMALL HOUSE, garden 8c berries 440 N. 22nd st Ph. 3096. 13 per mo. 9 RM. mod. unfurn. hse. 4 rm. mod furn. apt. Ph. 7528 or S13L For Sale Real Estate 4 ROOMS, large living rm, fireplace. i Dea rooms. Kitchen, newly decorated full bsmt. furnace, laundry trays, new water tank, large lot with outdoor fire place. Nicely landscaped with fruit trees. Close to McKinley and Leslie schools. 83150; terms $100 down, bal ance arranged to suit. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 Salem s Largest Home Builder BARGAIN OWNER LEAVING CITY Nicely furnished 9-room house, ga rage. 4 large lots, near Highland school. All for 62250. Phone for appointment. K1CH L. KEIMANN 187 S. High Street Phone 8203 Salem s Largest Home Builder 2-RM. house, adults. 920' N. 19th. ; SMALL business room on High st. soon avanable7See H. L. Stiff. FOR SALE Nice 4-rm. house. Well located in north Salem. Price 81790 for quick sale. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 9031 NICE SHAKE home at 234B Myrtle. large lot. Take a look and then call Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS As ROB ERTS. INC, Realtors. 90x100 CORNER ON NORTH CAPITOL m business zone with 6 lares rooms. basement and garage, 84500. Terms ar ranged. O. E. RAE. 1253 State St Phone 6761 Business Cards In this directory ran on s monthly basts only. Kate: SL25 per Una per month. Aoto Brakes Mike Panek. 879 South Commercial Batteries WILLARD bakeries, all types. R. D. Woodrow, 394 Church. Phone 8600. Bicycles BICYCLLS, New end reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'cL P. 4918 Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Root repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 8096. TELEPHONE 4490. R K. Northns Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand St Gravel. P. 8408. Florists Brelthaupra 447 Court Phono 8198 Funeral Directors Terwllliger Funeral Home. Ph. 8828. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG : & MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, aid made, rug cleaning & weaving. Uta wunur TeL 8441 Zwickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phoste 4008 Nurseries Fruitland Nursery. 280 Center. P. 9077. For Sale Real Estate 8 RM. a. furnace, automatic heat ;ood condition, near jr. hi. to trade or Portland, $2700. One acre and small house, beauti ful trees and view, $800. Fau-mount -tun, a rms, automatic heat fireplace, a real home, terms like rent, this is your opportunity. 84800. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court street paved, $2900. $250 dwn, $29 mo. o rooms, strictly moaern. ait con ditioned, all hardwood firs. $4950. At tractive terms. PINK OF CONDITION T rooms, modern, hot water heat $5500. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court Ph. 6744 OR RENT. 3-rm. house. M acre, "i mile west of Auburn school. Phone 3327 Acreage IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 2tt acres, IV A. strawberries. JS-room modern house, wired for elec range. Has elec. water system. Total price $2250. 1st cash payment $850, bal. like rent. See Louts Bechtei or MSDet Needham. 341 State St, Room 4. Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE Extra e tract near city limits. Has S-rm. hse. with elec.. bath. etc. ariety of fruits Ac nuts. Price only $4500. Owner will accept hse. in Portland or Salem. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller. Real tors, 344 State St Ph. 9261 SPECIAL 3-rm. hse. on aood lot of fered for 81000 or liberal discount for cash, see Mrs. euis witn cniias k Miller. Realtors, 344 State St Ph. 826L Wanted Real Estate WILL PAY CASH Want 4 or 5 room house, in good condition, within walking distance, Priced between 81800 to $2500. Write Box 1970, co Statesman. For Sale Wood WOOD, ph. 8370, Green. 418 N. 81st Wood Sawing WOODSAWTNG. Phone 7073. 830 N. Coml. Phone Lost and Found LOST Man's topcoat, camel hair, brownish to color. . Liberal reward. Ph. 3485 or 1563 Court LOST Brown male terrier. "Laddie" wearing harness. Phone 4376. , Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. No car too new for us to buy. From 810.00 to 81000.00. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best to Transportation 440 Center St Phone 21535 TOP CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED CAR OR EQUITY ANY MAKE ARNSBARGER MOTOR CO. 369 N. COMMERCIAL Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS I Club Elite. Box 71 -Q, Main P.O., Los Angeles, Cel. WANTED Protestant family tn Salem to keep 3-year-old boy, Sundays from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Postoffice Box 224, Valsetz, Oregon. Directory Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 43294 Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow. 394 N. Church. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros.. 194 S Liberty. Ph. 6984. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers To Buy. sell or rent 818 N. Front Ph. 21768. , Transfer U-DRlVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9068. rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland daily - Aeent Pierce Aoto Freight including Calif, points Larroer Transfer co ra - uu. Vacuum (leaner Serrice FREE Inspection tn your home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all makes deanera Hogg Bros. ph. eoza Well Drilling C J. Pugh. 2123 Myrtle. Phone 8338. S. A, WEST. Rt 8. Box 443. Ph. 8-8296. A Tempted Appofit For Sale Used Cars Two Lots of BARGANS We Always Have ... V Fords Chevrolels Plymouths or most any other make or model included complete stocks of GOOD USED CARS in wm oAva you money, and we MOTORCYCLE "C" To Buy or Sell Your Car 270 N. Church St. Phone 8502 N. E. Corner Church 6c Chemeketa. Phone 7922 Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer Open Evenings State Motors Home of Salem's Finest Used Cars 1941 Packard 6 Sedan 2-tone green paint Radio, heater. seat covers. 100 tires. This 'car has low mileage 6c looks & runs like new. 1940 DeSoto Custom Sd. Overdrive, S driving lites, $0 tires. Gray paint Driven 19.000 miles. As near a new car as you can buy. 1939 Packard 6 Sedan Radio, 90 tires. Original maroon paint Motor perfect You cant wrong on this one. 1937 Dodge Sedan fo Black finish. Heater, 80 tires. Motor perfect Thousands of miles for some thrifty buyer. 1935 Pontiac Sedan New paint Heater, motor very good. 90 tires. Here Is a buy. These cars can all be bought on 13 down and up to 18 months to pay. 12 Months Guarantee STATE MOTORS. Inc. 340 N. High St Phone 9171 Packard 1937 Packard 120 Sedan This is a beautiful car. A-l condition thruout. Equipped with Heater & Defroster. Lots of Rub ber. Can be bought for $550.00 L0DER BROS. 460 Center Salem Legal Notice NOTICE NOTICE is. hereby given tha the undersigned has been appoint ed Administratrix of the Estate of F. E. Sherwin, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims -against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at 413 Masonic Building, Salem, Oregon, within six (6) - months from the date hereof. d-" ..Dated and first published Jan uary 20, 194iV Last publication February 17, 1942. : FLORENCE M SHERWIN, Administratrix. CARL T.POPE, Attorney tor Administratrix, 413 Masonie Building, Salem, Oregon. -J. 20-27; F. 3-10-17. For Sale Used Cars in on of the largest, finest and most Oregon. can- prove XTI BARGAINS SHR0CK 1941 PONTIAC 6 coupe. S pass. Pine condition. Good tires. 1358 N. Slat. FOR CASH. "36 Olds cpe. ood shape, 89 rubber, $339. Phone 1937 International pickup. Good con. dltion. 70 Lansing. Ph. 23222, Schmidt "33 V8 sport roadster. Radio. beater. Good shape. Go inn to the navy, must sell. J. O. Muckridge. Mt E. Keizer, Rt X. Box 103, Salem. 29 Chevrolet license. $25. 2348 Myrtle 1928 PONTIAC. good tires, good mot or, $20. 1740 State St. Casserole Is Handy for Family A woman, talented in mak ing casserole dishes, finds little food to discard from her kit chen. Casseroles are famous as appetizing and popular places to put every little bit of fresh or canned vegetable and yester day's meats. Chinese chow, gets Its name from the soy sauce used to fla vor it CHINESE CHOW 1 cup chopped diced meat 1 cup chopped diced celery cup diced green onion 5 tablespoons shortening or drippings 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 3 2 teaspoon each, prepared mustard, sugar and salt tablespoons flour cups milk 1 cup broken macaroni or spaghetti cooked (measure before cooking) Saute onions and celery in fat until done, add flour, mix and add milk. Cook until thick, add meat and seasonings and cooked ma caroni, bake until brown. Another casserole (this recipe may be cut down) will make an excellent family dish. 1 cup brown rice Va cup fat Vi pound hamburger 1 cup drained peas 1 cup juice from peas (add water) 1 teaspoon each, salt, chili powder and sugar 1 minced onion 3 cups tomato 1 tablespoon minced parsley Brown raw rice in fat in a frying pan. Add meat and sear, add rest of ingredients and put in a greased casserole. Bake an hour at 350, top with crushed bran, then cover and bake 15 minutes. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of HORACE D. HOBBS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made and entered on the 24th day of January, 1942, H. M. Hobbs was appointed administrator of th e estate of Horace D. Hobbs, de ceased, and that said H. M. Hobbs has duly qualified as such- ad ministrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, with the proper vouchers and duly verified as re quired by law, to said admini strator at the office of Fred A. Williams at 501 Pioneer Trust Building in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 24th day of January, 1942. H. M. HOBBS v . Administrator of the Estate of HORACE D. HOBBS, Deceased. FRED A WILLIAMS Attorney for Administrator J 27 F 3-10-17-24 By CHIC YOUNG P SOCIETY (Continued From Page 6) WOODBCKN Miss Marjorle Viol.t Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, and Corporal; Clarence Edwin Enos of Woodburn, the , son of Mr. and. Mrs.; R. C. Enos, were mar ried at 8:15 January 23 in the chapel at Fort Lewis. Lieuten ant M. L. Cook, chaplain, offi ciated. ' ' Miss Rose Fields of Woodburn was bridesmaid and Darrel An derson of the anti-tank company was best man. Miss lone Ander son of Woodburn and George Adams of Los Angeles, another member of the anti-tank com pany, sang. Cecil Simmons of Bend played the organ. - Jack Lee of Woodburn was usher, f The bride wore a mist blue street-length crepe dress with brown accessories. .Her corsage was an orchid. Following the ceremony wed ding refreshments were served in the anti-tank company mess hall. 4; Both Corporal and Mrs. Enos are graduates of Woodburn high school. Mrs. Enos has a posi tion with the telephone company in Portland. . BROOKS Mrs. Harry Loe mis and Mrs. R-4y Cozel enter tained with a shower at the home of Mrs. Carl Asp tn wall Thursday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Wayne Giesy of Amity, the letter's J daughter. Prizes for guessing games were won by Mrs. Dale Slater, Miss Neva Ramp and Mrs. W. B. Russell. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Giesy, Mrs. Fay Loornls, Mrs. Howard Ramp. Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom, Mrs. Charles Watts, Mrs. Harry Bosch, Miss Neva Sue Ramp, Mrs. Patsy Brutka. Mrs. Leo Ramp, Mrs. George Harris and Mickey, Mrs. W. N Vlnyard, Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy Mrs.: Harry Sinsleternr. Mrs. Dollie Ramp, Mrs. R. A. White, Mrs. W. B. Russell, Mrs. Britt AsplnwalL Mrs. E. C. Giesy Mrs. McKinny. Miss Eleanor Gregg, ; Mrs. Jessie Wood, of Amity, f Mrs. Dale Slater of Ocean Lake, Mrs. Elrha Russ. Mrs. Bernie Frenck and Lou ella Mae of Sheridan, Mrs. As plnwall, and the hostesses. WOODBURN There will be a card social held in St Lukes hall next Tuesday beginning at 8 o'clock. The following com mittee Is In charge: Mrs. O. Mc Nulty, chairman; Mrs. Etta Mc Grath, Mrs. Otto Meier, Mrs. L. Mlenek, Mrs. John Merrick, Mrs. Frank Muck, Mrs. Leo Muck, Mrs. Leo Muck, jr., Mrs. William C. Miller, Miss Marjory Miller, Miss Helen Muller, Mrs. William Murphy, Miss Virginia Murphy, Mrs. L. C. Moshberger, Mrs. Thomas P. Murphy, Mrs. Naftz ger, Miss Ernestine Nathman, Mrs. Edmund Nielan and Mrs. Joseph Nibler. - For a deUrhtfnl breakfast or gracious Sunday night supper, dip rings of bread in a French toast mixture and bake them at the table in a hot waffle baker until brown. Serve these with a tart; fruit sauce or jelly melt ed down. Word n lb 72 'A 23 is 53 55 36 71 40 41 44 4& 0 SO 53 56 HORIZONTAL 1 metal thread S worry 9 restrain IX -avouch 13 case askance 14 rubber tree IS granulated starch . 18 assign 18 custom ' - ' ,20 helmsman 21 more pallid 23 exigency : 25 collection - effects ,28 a particle . 28 otherwise - 22 again - . related S4-grievou8ly . 1 . 18 pitcher' L 37 baking . chamber' 1 23 entreat ' 40 venture 42 one who -fails to keep 44 ene who . , -detests 49 value too highly 81 within 84 receptacle 66 Persia t shift 87 quaint 88 seasoning & sea bird f VERTICAL 1-lived Answer to 47 fashion DM igKpC-S ; . 1, t ' .. .K- - . . "! French Bread Hard to Make ; r A request came this week for ; a recipe for Trench bread, with I the suggestion that it be pub lished. . French bread, unlike most other breads, is baked on an sAven hearth under steam. This makes it impossible to bake suc cessfully in an ordinary home oven: The dough has less sugar and shortening than the ordi nary bread. Today's Menu Menu for today will include a springlike salad and an interest ing main dish. Cabbage-onion salad Creole veal chops Buttered new carrots Chocolate cornstarch pudding Marguerites eee . The marguerites are that old fashioned favorite, marshmal lows toasted on the top of gra ham crackers. - CREOLE TEAL CHOPS 4 rib chops (cut inch thick) 4 tablespoons flour Vt teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper 4 tablespoons chili sauct V cup tomato Juice . 2 tablespoons butter Sprinkle chops with flour, salt and pepper. Fit into shallow, buttered baking dish. Add rest of ingredients. Cover and bake an hour in moderate oven. Turn chops several times. Uncover and brown five minutes. BROOKS Mrs. Eva Edwards was hostess to the Brooks Gar den club at her home in Salem Thursday for an all-day meet ing and no-host luncheon. Mrs. Lena Henny presided. Mrs. Olive Beardsley, who has just returned from a trip to California, told of the inter esting and historic places she visited and displayed branches laden with fruit including orange, grapefruit, olives, euca lyptus and cotton. Mrs. Edwards presented the club with a myrtle wood gavel. The flower committee for the coming year was appointed as follows: Mrs. Anna Dunlavy, Mrs. Gertrude Reed and Mrs. Mary W ampler. Meet Called to Form Red Cross Aid Class UNION HILL The first meet ing to organize a Red Cross first aid unit for this area will be held at the Union Hill grange hall Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Any one interested is asked to attend. A class in nutrition will also be organized for all those who are interested. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. SO A J JkAM. F. C. Degree, Wed Feb. 4, 7 JO pu m. By order W. K. Puzzle 10 'A n 70 75 23 30 34 'A 41 91 S3 53 'A 3 1 European mint t adjust ' 4 irregularly indented I v standard -6 become less severe T enakeUke ' fish - 8 figure of speech - - twofold 10 highest male voice 11 encounter 17 Juice el , apples 1 seed ' covering 21 peel 22 over agaia 24 relieve 27 smell . . . 29 diminisher SO turn about l " ;fixed point 81 observer S3 eommand S5 solely S3 pure. : . " 41 external . nnrle Saturday's pusxla. 43 eouree of oil 44 professional tramp :- 45 eager., -x''vs-. as roerd 48 portable SO macaw 82 number of years la a decade S3 anineralizel ' rock - 3.-- . h mm