t ' ... 1 Thm OHEGOJI STATESMAN. SoUnu Onqoa. Sunday Morning, February 1, 1942 . FAGSKES Where You Get The Most For The Least.. Statesman Page Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads ... Cell 9101 Three Insertions per line 23c Six Insertions per line 40c One month per line IM Minimum charge 25c; t tL min imum 35c; 8 tL mm. 45c No refunds. , Copy tor this page accepted on to JO the availing before publics tlon for classification. Copy re ceived after this Um will be run under the heading "Too Lata to Classify." The Statesman assumes bo finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and tn cases where this paper is et fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using e "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FARMERS WX PAY Mc per hundred for dead end worthless live stock. Phone collect Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Help Wanted Female CALL ON friends with greeting card assortments. Easter, birthday, other occasions. Personal stationery; gift wrappings. Big profits, experience un necessary. Sam d In on aDDroval. Wl lace Brown, 225 fifth Ave., Dept. 3259, Hew YorK. For housework. Stay nights. Ph. 4581. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED girl wants work. car- Dig for children during day. Ph. 3083. For Sale Miscellaneous FRUIT AND nut trees, aooseberrv plants, shrubs, everything for home and commercial planting. Fruitland Nursery. 20 Center St. Phone 9077. UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St. Salem PRICES Go Down as You Walk Un. Shop our January Sale One piece of xumixure or a nouse uu At greatly roaucea prices, ana Right in the Face of Increased Whole sale Prices, with many furniture items aimcuit to secure. You are invited to call and be con Vtnced that you CAN BUY UPSTAIRS and SAVE I FOR SALE 2 whl. home made trailer nouse, IS m. whl. Also light 2 whl trailer with stock rack, double floor good 19 in. tires. Geo. J. McMillen, B. 4. Bx X38-B, so. of Salem at Sunny siae. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Fumi ture for S bedrms. etc.. deluxe sDrinss. dining set, rugs with pads. Occasional chairs, tables, wood range. 3-burner gas stove, mangle, bedding, dishes. All gooo trona. no n. lJtn, Sunday after noon and Monday. BARGAINS Mimeograph 820, speed " o'pnnt. new, 815. 12-tube radio, cabinet style $12.50, 2 ladies' fur coats. 83.00 each, large wooden barrel 81.00. Chev rolet radiator 84.00. 479 N. Summer St. CIRCULATING OIL heater, excellent condition. Phone 7016. 1185 Market. NEW DAVENO and chair $50. Alex ander Smith 9x12 rug and mat 835. gonsider trade for model A. 300 Salem eights Ave. Phone 22511. SHEEP and goat pasture and wood Stum page for sale. Ph. 4964. BY i OWNER Westinghouse elec . range, or will trade for late model Washer. 3445 N. Church. Closing out used furniture, dishes, novelties. Everything goes. 343. Marion. ALL KINDS of road gravel, crushed rock, washed mason sand, and con crete sand. Before buying call us and get our quotations. COMMERCIAL SAND St GRAVEL CO. i J. F. Ulrich (owner) ' SIT Couif-St. Phone 8672 BLACK it WHITE Montag range, 8 mo. oia. Lice new. swj. iws fit. Called in service. Must sacrifice electric range, dining suite. Ph. 3756. SAWDUST BURNER. Must seU at nee. 1143 Marion. ATMORAY. 120 cash. ISO E. Bush St. Wanted Fnrnit nre T. N. St. -GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods. We buy or sell veryuung. rn. sue. CASH FOR used furniture St house- bold goods. R. Forgey. Ph. 7443. Wanted Miscellaneous . POULTRY, EGGS, grain and burlap sacks : wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products Co, 1503 N. Front. Ph. 7007. Miscellaneous " Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVTCC Of MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SXMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. SVU St ComX-Ph 3311 For Rest Rooms f! r HOTEL MARION ' Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee ctnon, aeucMMa meals at low prices. LARGE heated rm. for men. Break- fast, undry ttdeaired. JPh-16 CLEAN rooms with garage. Ph. 4307, ,i - ADVERTISINQ Western Advertising: ? Representatives George D. Close, In. San Francisco Los Angelas . Seattle Esstet7x Advertising. Representatives ; Bryant. Griffith Branson. Inc. Chicago, New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta " Entered at the Postoffice at Salem. 'Ortgon, $ Second Class Wlattrr. Pub lished every morning except Monday. turineu ipice 213 South Commercial treat. ' - ,- - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall SubscrtptioB Kates te Advance. Within Oregon: Bally and Sunday, Ssov 0 cents; 3 Mos. $lio; f Moa $lM: 1 year $3.00. Elsewhere 80 cents per ma Ir 88.00 for 1 year to advenes. Par aWy S cents. Newsstands 8 cents, t y City Carrier, so eents a me s year tn advance la lisrtaa Jacent eountiaav Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or Dbone (91S3) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned ana nome . managed nnance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your or granting of extensions. 1 to II MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay tn full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture, or note. SEE ROY R. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie No M-1S2 JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION - Lie. No S-123 134 So. Commercial St. Phone S1SS First door south of Ladd Si Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money tor new or used cars No aeley or red tape. You will retain possession or tne vewcte 1 TO IB MONTHS TO tAX ROY H. SIMMONS ISA South Commercial Street Phone 916S Lie No I4-15J FHA LOANS suit, also orlv loans Abraros At Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. WX LOAN on farm, residential At business Drooertr Will buy mortgages or contracts, uawmm ot kvduiis, INC Realtors, Guardian Building. For Rent Rooms FURN. light hskpe. room. Lights. water, heat. 690 N. Cottage. NEAR STATE HOUSE. Ph. 8378. HSKPG. room, heated. Ph. 3941. ATTRAC, DBL., warm. 955 Belmont. NICE, WARM, near cap. 966 Center. CLOSE in, dean, warm. Ph. 4498. NICELY turn, heated rm. 175 S. 14th. SLP KM. near state bldgs. Ph 21449 NEAT warm comfortable. Ph. 7772. Room and Board CLOSE IN. 678 N. Cottage. TABLE BOARD by week or month Special rates. 1366 State. Phone 3406, BARDSmiw LARGE, warm rm., 1st floor. Meals if wanted. 1698 S. Liberty St. Heated rooms and board. 169 N. 12th COMFORTABLE rooms in modern home with board. 1410 court, m. zi&w, BD. and RM. Ladles. Ph. 21670. CLOSE IN. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BHD it rm. 743 S. Com'l St For Rent Apartments J-IL. bath. It., w., gar., 820. P. 7113, 2 BEDROOM, furnished apt. Hot water heat, large living rm., garage and grounds. Call 149 N. 14th. Winnie Pettyjohn. 2-RM. turn. apt., light, water. 82.23 week. 1Z90 oak. fti. azie. FOR BUSINESS GIRLS 2-bedroom. S-rm. apt. Living room 18x33, with fireplace. Automatic hot water and oil heat. 468 N. winter. COZY 3-rm. furn. apt. Very reason able. 60S S. Church. Ph. 7370. FURNISHED AND unfurnished apart merits from SIS to S45. O. E. RAE. 1255 State St. Phone 6761 2-RM. APT, 812 mo.. 260 Center St. FURN. PULLMAN apt.. $10. Furn. 2-rm. apt, $10. 2255 N. Fifth. 2-RM. FURN. apt, private bath, new ly decorated. 745 Ferry. LARGE LIV. room sleeping porch. semi private bath. 666 S summer. 2 RMS. and kitchenette, -Frig, heat. lights, water. 420 S. 20th. Phone 6997. Unfurnished 4-rm. apts. Ph. 2-1785. Single turn, heated apt. 160 Division. 3 R. 818 N. Coml. $20. Tel. 5860. 2 RMS apt. 674 N. Church. VACANCY, Feb. 1. Glendora Apts. 3 RMS. FURN. The Devereaux. CLEAN, newly painted 2 rms, kitch enette, ht, lgts, wtr, 420 S. 20. P. 6997. CLOSE IN. 2 rm. first floor. Gar. 1047 S. Coml CLOSg mf wi rT A one and 3 clean room, partly furn. 580 N. Liberty. Ph. 6792. 2-RM. turn, $12. Hot w, washer, gar., 2590 Lee. Ph. 3946. 2-RS4U $15? 132 S?1X Ph. 322 " 2-RM. apt. 283 s! Coml." S R furn. ant. Clone in. Pri. bath. Its, h. water, wash. 1234 S. Com l. 3-RM, PRI. ent, washer and teL S-rm, pri. bath, both $18.50. Inquire 639 N. Liberty. FURN. SING. apt. '"tj m. 3 VERY nice htd. apt. $23 1580 Center, rURN. apts, SS.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. 2-R. furn, bath Jt. At, $13. 1440 Waller, FURN. COTTAGES. 2 miles south $10. $12 mo. Inq. 4B4 r. cnurcn. For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell.- exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin -i witn uawains at Roberts. CLEAN 4 rms. Its. and wat, garden. $11. Cozy furn. trl. hse, $3. 1647 Waller. S-RM. furnished. $22 M. 4-rm. furn ished, $23. 3-rm, $1230. M. B. Stegner, 520 m. commercial. MODERN 3-room house. partly furnished, cir. oil Heater, fireplace, shower. Kingwood Heights. Call 4633. 4-R. house, full base- ac furnace, kit Chen range, rm. in base, br. nook, gar, Vacant Feb 13. szs. pn. an. J-R. FURN. hse, with fireplace, ga rage. $23. Ph. S46S. J. U- Jonnson. BLONDE ., il ( DA-SWOOP ) , j ( I HEAASTT?AICSS,) S NOtSE V; 4 (POVWCTARS) : fl".-.. 1 Money to Loan CASH FOR TAXES GAR REPAIRS OLD BILLS DOCTOR BILLS or to Reduce ear or other contract payments. There's a loan plan for every need at "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 313 Court St.. Salem Phone 4448 State license S-22S M-27S CALKINS FINANCE CO. FOB Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 112 State Street Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License Nos. S-123 & M-163 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. 84-158 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay interest W. H- (RA BENHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent Houses GOOD RENTALS BECHTEL-NEEDHAM 341 SUte. R. 1620 State, 3-r z bedrooms .S2o 1105 Mission. 4 bdr.. fire, furn. gar. : $27.50 l',i blk. No. state bldg. . 1 A, mod. 6-r, in country $ 1 A., mod 6-r.. country villa $ Also houses for sale, easy terms. -Dandy 3-room suburban. 7 S-rm. sub., base., fur. 7 5-rm. mod, near Sr. high. -Dandy 1 br.. base., fur., hwd. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 rms.. 665 Norway St. !.50 1097 North Winter. rms.. mod. dplx. 40 New. mod., 5 rms, 2340 S. 12th. P. GRANT 529 Court Fb. 6744 WE HAVE houses to rent J. H. John son with T. L. Reedy. Ph. 6466. 5-RM. furn. hse. 1598 Court. MODERN 7-rm. house, some furni ture. 1511 N. Summer. 5-R. furn.. clean, garage. Reasonable' to party who will give -owners care. See me after Jan. 28th. 915 S. 12th St. BRAND NEW, S bdrms.. elec. range & water heater. Oil ctrc. gar, $30. 356 s. lvtn. inq. 44 s. I7tn. Pn. 7577. 3-rm. house. 1955 Virginia. Ph. 7297, 7-RM. house, vacant Feb. 1. Garden spot. Reasonable rent Inq. 791 N Coml. 4-RM. completely furnished cottage, including garage, neat, ugnts. etc Nod' A-way Motel, Portland Road. 4 RMS, modern. 1523 SUte. 3 AND 4 rm. 2343 Broadway. NEW, modern 4 rms. 862 N. 16th. 10-RM. unfurnished house MEL V IN JOHNSON. 723 Court St MODERN Srms. Nr. Leslie school. Autom. heat, dbL gar, $33. Ph. 8941. 4-RM, $11. 2-rm. 86. 80 Williams Ave. d-rm. iut, water, it. et gar, r. til i, 3-RM. furn. house, oil cire- elect ret. AQUllS. inq. 333 s. urn. Business Cards In this directory nut on monthly bssts only. Sate: $L25 per lias per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 273 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow, 384 Church. Phone 8600. Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 & Com'cL P. 4318 Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair, rree estimate. Kennedy. P. suae. TELEPHONE 4430. & E Northness. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand St Gravel P. 8408. Florists Breithaupt s 447 Court Phone 8183. Funeral Directors Terwilllger Funeral Home. Ph. 8828. Ilattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG St MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, wld made, rug cleaning at weaving- s utn wuoor Tel. 8441 Zwickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 406. Nurseries Fruitland Nursery, 280 Center. P. 8077. DOIT BE IT5k5TENEB PEAR, REMEMStK, W5 WAJCW POGS DOWN TVERE TO PROTECT 1 t For Rent Houses FURN. end unfurn. houses and apts. R. A.. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol 3-R, $13. 5-R., $18. 4-R, l-JPnUl, 5-RM, N. Salem. $22 JO. Ph. 2563. j SMALL house, furnished. 2397 Hazel. SMALL turn, suburban home. P. 3723. For Rent 8 RM. mod. unfurn. hse. 4 rm. mod. turn. apt. Ph. 752S or 3131. For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE 11500. 4-room cottage on Yew street Excellent terms, immeoiate pos session. 84900. A modern home with S bed rooms, aouoie garage, corner un. This is very good. $2000. A 5-room cottage with a smaller nouse in rear or un, ootn in gooa eondition. $6800. A large house on N. Commercial. 3 Deorooms. laeai zor roomers and boarders. Close in. 87000. Roomers and boarders. S bed rooms, a oen in casement, u now grossing $300 per montn. This is a gome concern and ready for immediate occupancy. Located close in on S. Commercial, P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 LOOK LOOK LOOK 4 apartment bldg. only 5 blocks from downtown Salem. Gross Income $75 per month. Will sacrifice at $3800; terms. Don't oass this ud. 5-room modern home, price reduced lor quick sale. Only $3200. Terms. 5-room mooern nome. close oown town. Automatic oil furnace. Out-of- town owner .offers this home for $3500; $400 down, $30 month. y-room ooardinx home close aown- town. A going business. Owner leav ing, willing to sacrifice tnis oanay business. We also have one of the best equip ped dairy farms in this valley, only 3 miles from downtown Salem, all under irrigation. No stock goes with place. See this at once, it will go fast. For Salem real estate bargains see the Rush Realty Co. Real Estate and Insurance 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7022 OWNER WILL SACRIFICE Here's your chance to' get a real buy direct from owner. 5-room plas tered house, hardwood floors, base ment, on 2333 Mason street. Just off Commercial. Owner's too far away to handle. There Is around $1400 against property. Will take $400 for equity or will trade ror any Kind or stocK. pay merits can be paid $20 a month. This is a real sacrifice for someone. Write or see owner, L. M. Christensen, Yachats, Oregon. HOMES AND GOOD INVESTMENTS $250 down, price $2500. 5-rm. house, basement and furnace, garage. N. Cot tage street. 7-rm. house, plastered, basement, ga rage. A peach of a buy. On Mission St. ?500 down payment. Coast property. A dandy cabin near Dorchester house on coast, $950 , or trade for Salem and pay difference. JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 507 Center St. Phone 9442 4 ROOMS, large living rm, fireplace. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, newly decorated, full bsmt, furnace, laundry trays, new water tank, large lot with outdoor fire place. Nicely landscaped with fruit trees. Close to McKinley and Leslie schools. $3150; terms $100 down, bal ance arranged to suit. RICH L. REIMANN -J67 S. High Street Phone 8203 Salem's Largest Home Builder 4-RM. MOD. hse.. well located on N. Summer. Price $2700 cash. 3- rm, Just off S. Com'l St, $2650. A real buy. Good terms. 4- rm. mod. except bsmt, fairly new. Just off N. Broadway. $1223 cash. F. H. Weir 465 Center Realtor Ph. 8411 BARGAIN OWNER LEAVING CITY Nicely furnished 5-room house, ga rage. 4 large lots, near Highland school. All for $2250. Phone for sppointment RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 Salem's Largest Home Builder 3 ROOMS, strictly modern. Air con ditioned, all hardwood firs. $4950. At tractive terms. H. P. GRANT. 829 Court Ph. 8744 Directory Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON naints. Liberal terms. R. D. Woodrow. 384 N. Church. Printing De- partment, 215 Commercial. Teie- Phone 8101 PIumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 134 S Liberty. Ph. 6584. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers To Buy, sell or rent 111 N. Front Ph. 21768. .Transfer U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 187 S. Liberty. Ph. 8062. rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland daily, Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points Larmer Transfer co. po. . jljl - Vacnum Cleaner Service FREE Insoaetlosi tn rour home. Au thortsed Hoover semes. We service an maxes eieaners. uogg Bros. rn. sua. Well Drilling C J. Pugh. 2123 Myrtlo. Pbone 8336. BL A. WEST. St 8. Box 448. Ph. S-328. Bravery In Numbstrsl have six US For SaleReal Estate S RMS. Hollywood dist hdwd. flrs fireplace, full basmt, furnace, 2 rrs. old. $4500. y ' 2-Bdrm. hse, Hollywood dist, bsmt and furnace. $2650. R. A. Forkner, Realtor j1853 N. CapltoL . . MODERN HOME 8 rooms, complete in everr wav. in perfect condition, basement furnace, fireplace, cor. lot, paved st, located in Koseaaie Add. price $5000, $1200 down. baL FHA terms 833 per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Ltoerty St. . Ph. 4131 MOD. 4 rms, 1 A, eh. hse north. $2450. $200 dn, bus. 172 S. Liberty. 3 RM. s. furnace, automatic heat. good condition, near Jr. hi. to trade tor Portland. 82700. One acre and small house, beauti ful trees and view. 8800. Fiunraunt mil, rms, automatic heat fireplace, a real home, terms like rent, this is your opportunity, $4800. W1NMXC PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court street IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This Fairmount hill home, fine lo cation, large-lot, double garage. Price $3000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. UP YOU WANT A GOOD VALUE THIS W. H. 'GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 $200 DOWN S-rm. nlastered house. Da in. Daaemeni, rurnace, garage, pav ing, ciose to ous ac scnooi, biboo. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St - Phone 3723 ESTATE AND MUST BE SOLDI 5-room plastered home, north. Inspect ana suDmit your offer. NEAR NEW HIGH SCHOOL! $3600 Terms. Nice 4 B. R. home, Venetian blinds, lot 50x100. EXTRA NICE HOME &: LOCATION 84500 buys these 5 large rooms, strict ly moa., urn. attic. House 3 years old. Lrge tot ouxiou. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 NEW HOME $3350 5-r, oak floors, oil floor fur nace, fireplace, excellent view, large lot, outside of city. A -REAL VALUE, $500 down, bal. $35 per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 4 s. laoerty St. Ph. 4131 $2250 $500 down, base, fur, gar. ciose scnooi at dus. worm. CLOSE IN, GOOD INVESTMENT! Only $2250. terms, 8-room plast house, upstairs rents $22. Cor. lot 80x90 St. imp. in. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 forsalT" 7 -room. Large lot 4-room. Mew sud. 3 rooms, new, acre 3 Bedrooms, Walnut park 7 rooms, close in. Very good See us ofr Farms, also. Very easy terms J. H. JOHNSON with T. L. REEDY Phone 6466 $150 DOWN. NEW HOME 4-r. with 2 bedrooms, earase. utility r, oak floors, fireplace, oil floor fur nace, gooa location outside of city Price reduced to $3150, bal. $30 per mo, W. H. GRABENHORST & CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 FOR SALE Three, three-room furnished apart ment house, good location. Will sell at bargain. Estate property. Price $2200. Five-room house, one acre ot land north of Salem. Price $1000. easy terms. A new. modern five-room bouse, corner lot Price $3250. FOR RENT A complete office building. Will ac commodate an office staff ot from 10 to 13. $160 per month. Tnree-room modern house at S14 N. Cottage. $23. 2ix-room plastered bouse, basement furnace, electric range with house. Rent $23. We write fire and automobile in surance. Tell us about your insurance problems. We appraise your property wnen you insure ft J. F. ULRICH CO, REALTORS 317 Court St Phone 8672 LOOKING FOR A GOOD BUY? WELL HERE THEY ARE 10 acres on Wallace Rd.. Dlastered 2 bedrm. house, basement filberts and fruit $3600. 30 acres to trade for Salem borne. 6-rm. new house in Salem to trade for small acreage near Salem with 8 or 6 rm. house. 116 acre farm, the very best, new bldgs.. on paved highway. Sale at a bargain or trade for larger farm pre fer No. of Salem. ACME REALTY CO. Ph. 22210 1440 Wallace Rd, Rt 1, Box 163, Salem, Ore. 50x100 CORNER ON NORTH CAPITOL In business zone with 6 large rooms. basement and garage, $4500. Terms ar ranged. O. E. RAE. 1253 SUte St. Phone 8761. FOR SALE Modern 5-rm. and attic. nearly new, Englewood dist. Owner says sell. T. L. REEDY 228 Oreg. Bldg. P. 8466 3 ACRES with good 4 rm. plastered house, elec. water. All year spring on good road. $13508300 down, bat easy mo. pmts. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC, Real tors. 16x40 LIVING room, suitable location tor kindergarten or musical school. 7 rooms in all with 2-car garage and 100x100 lot O. E. RAE. 1253 SUte St. Phone 6761. VERY FINE 3-rm. house. See W. A. Cladek. 1433 N. 18th. Phone 4277. SELL or trade for acreage. 82500 house. Also 81800 equity in $3500 house. Box 1868. SUtesman. OR RENT. 3-rm. house." Vi acre. ',i mile west of Auburn school. Phone 3327 Exchange Real .Estate I HAVE clear lot in Portland. Trade on house in Salem, or acreage. Box 1808, . sutesman. EXCHANGE Extra good 20-acre tract near city limits. Has 5-rm. hse. witn elec.. Data. etc. variety 01 xruits St nuts. Price only 84500. Owner will accept hse. in Portland or Salem. See Mrs. Ellis witn cmids & Miner, Real tors, 344 JUUtFK 826L SPECIAL 3-rm. hse. on good lot of fered for 81000 or liberal discount for cash. See Mrs. Ellis with Child! St Miller. Realtors. 344 SUU St Ph. 9281. 1 A, SOUTH. New 3 bdrm. mod. house, double gar. Sell or trade for acreage, uwner. rn. -ww. For Sale -Farms ARE YOU A RANCH BUYER? See these before you buy. 30 acres about 18 A. cult, some tim ber and Pasture. 7 -room plastered home, barn for S cows, large hen house. Good road and good - location about 12 miles-out Priced very low at $2800: $1100 down. , ANOTHER GOOD ONE SO acres, miles of Oregon City. Price $2130. 21 acres colt and tots of good timber. A snap. JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 307 Center Street , . Pbone 8442 For SaleFarms For Farms R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol 34 ACRES. miles Salem. AH kinds fruit berries, running water. Some timber. $2750. . 28 Acres, an pavement 3 m. east Salem. Needs attention. $113 A, 3008 cds wood, -running water. Some Improvements, Your chance. 10 mL Salem. If It's Real Estate, See ' H. C SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 133 A, river bottom, greater part under plow, house St barn. Price $15,000. . So A. to under mow. a-i sou. creek. 7-rootn house, largo barn, $11,000. -' 63 A, good sou. east small house, large barn. 200 cords fir, creek. $6000. C H SANDERS 231 N. High 3831 M A- S-rm. nlastered house, alee. water system, stream, all fine soil, near school, $5000. $1500 down. w A. s-rm. bouse, bam, elec. 80 A- in cultt Good road. 86600. Easy terms. 133 A, 40 A. ChehaUs soil, creek. 90 A. cultt, bldgs. 86500, easy terms. n. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1833 N. Capitol SPECIAL Special bur In IS acres ot rich, river bottom land, all in cultivation. 7 acres in alfalfa. Only 4 miles north of Ladd St Bush bank. $2100. R OSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. HO1,! N. Commercial St Salem, Oregon Acreage 7 ACRES with a good modern 3-rm. home, barn, chicken house, lots of fruit Good location, paved highway wui traae tor nome in saiem. 2 acres of good land. 5-rm. house and garage. Priced to sell for $2500. Small down payment Balance like rent 10 acres of good land, some timber. Spring water. Has a 5-rm, house, barn, and chicken house. About 6 miles out. A good buy for $3000 or will trade tor saiem nome. 3 acres, only IV. miles east of Salem, Has a 3-room house, good barn, some fruit Priced for $3000 or will trade for a home in East Salem. We have a cash buyer for 20 to 30 acres without buildings north or east of Salem not over 20 miles. R OSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. -110','t N. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon LAND BARGAIN 197 acres, would make an ideal sheep ranch. 80 a. field, stock barn, 7 miles out. Price S3500 cash W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty. St Ph. 4131 ONE acre, 3 miles N, 4-r, elec water system, bath, garage, barn, $2500. Take small nouse, close m. $1000 to loan, home or acreage. C. J. JACKSON-341 SUte St. Salem, FOR SALE $6500 will buy 270 acre timber and stock ranch, enough wood to pay for the place, located 8 miles from Salem. See G. n. Grabenhorst, ir, with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO, Realtor 134 s. Lioerty street S A.. Hi mi. from city limits. The best of soil. Small orchard. 1 A. of berries, 5 houses, one 5-rm. mod. ex cept bsmt, four small houses, all rent ed. Owner must sell on account of health for only 84350: Dart cash. 2 A, 1 mi. from city limit. Mod. hse. except bsmt, fairly new. Elec water system, dbie. garage, barn and chicken hse, 1 A. in pasture. Price $2500; $500 down. baL like rent F. H, Weir 465 Center Realtor Phone 8411 150 ACRE SNAP 100 acres in crop, bal. fine fir tim ber. good all year stream. Price 84500 casn. Locatea 11 miles east on pavea rd. SEE THIS BARGAIN BEFORE YOU BUY. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 26", A., timber, estimate 100 cords per A. You figure it, say 30 cords per A. and sell stum page at $1.50 per cord Only 8 miles out. Isn't that a good buy at siooo cash? C. J. JACKSON 341 SUte St. Salem FIVE ACRES This tract has shack house. V under cultivation, balance timber and pasture, miles from saiem. must De cash. Price $575. Here is your chance to make a bargain buy. See G. H. uraoenhorst ir, witn W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty Street A., 3 mi. from Salem, 3-rm. house. lighU, double garage, close to school, $1308. 1 A., close to Salem, 3 rms. Si nook, garage, well, new barn, good sou, sev eral trees. $1400. MELV1N JOHN SUN. BXALTOB 725 Court St Phone 3723 FOR SALE 9'i acres located six miles from Sa lem. New house, garage, barn. well, electric pump, some timber, -house is uncompleted, but when finished will be 5-room house. A bargain at $1900, $500 down. . See G. H. Grabenhorst ir, with W. H. GRABENHORST 4c CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty Street 21', ACRES S MTJLESrROM SALEM 5-room modern house, wired for electric range, has electric water sys tem. z acres strawberries. Price 822S0; first payment $850 cash, balance like rent. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Need- ham. 341 SUte street FOR SALE 10 acres wooded tract on mala Pa cific highway south of Salem, spring water, good location for country home. Price $1500. See G. H. Grabenhorst Ir, with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty Street Wanteor Real Estate WE HAVE cash buyers for houses. $2000. $3500 and $6000, with double garage. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6S3S Business Opportunities WORTH THE MONEY 21s acres and store building and gas pump, located on Garden road at Swegle school, living quarters, well water, good location for grocery and gas. Price S17O0. sioo oown ana oat ance'$20 per month, lnt 8 per cent See G. H. Grabenhorst ir, with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty street ATTENTION GROCERY BUYERS! Small grocery, close in. Mv. qtrs. Nets almost sioo per mo. Sell fixtures, furni ture St stock tor $1550. Can not equal C. H. SANDERS 231 If. High 5838 LUNCH rm, on hwy. 88, cheap. Ser. sU. St croc 8223 plus Invoice, Kestau rant on hwy 88. new bldg. Si business. $3000. 172 S. Liberty. P. 7113. FOR -SALE: stock St eo. tn sta. or will trade for eq. m house. Good bus. Owner leaving. Phone 8087. 1211 Broadways By CHIC YOUIia Business Opportunities FORCED SALE! Good restaurant rood location. tlSOO. a H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 CABIN COURT ON 99-E Close to: Salem. 10 cabins and 3-rm. house and 3-rm. home. All furnished and in good condition. A real buy for income. See my agent. ? JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 307 Center Phone 8442 For Sale Used Cart BUY NOW! Good Buys in All Makes and All Models SAM'S MOTOR CO. ACROSS FROM CITY HALL 438 Chemeketa St - Phono 7811 1841 PONTIAC 8 coupe, 3 peas. Fine condition. Good tires. 1358 N. 21st. - '40 NASH-LAF. de luxe eauioned se dan. 80 per cent rubber, 17,000 mL 1570 icuaon street FOR CASH. 3S Olds cue., good shape. ruoper, $339. pnone 32 PLYMOUTH coach, good paint and tires. Runs well. 880. Bliahs. 342 Ferry. 1837 International Pickup. Good con dition. 70 Lansing. Ph. 23222. Schmidt For Sale Wood WOOD. ph. 8370. Graen. 412 N. 21st Wood Sawing WOODSAWING. Phone 7073. 830 N. Coml Pbone 3323. Lost and Found LOST Blue knitted belt downtown. Phone 8435. LOST Man's toocoat. camel hair. brownish in color. Liberal reward. Ph. 3485 or 1563 Court OUND-WRSEThTsWt? LOST Black leather portfolio. In Turner. Jan. 20. 1842. Name, inside portfolio,- Geo. B. Kellems. Return to Turner Memorial Home." $3 reward and no questions asked. US Big Bombers Scoring Hits Four-englned Boeing; bombers like these, pictured In flight, co operated with American naval units In the large-scale attack upon huge Japanese convoy in the Macassar straits, separating Borneo from the Celebes in the South Pacific, bringing to st least 11 the number of enemy vessels sunk by forces of the U. S. in the Borneo area. Fighting off attacking Jap tighter planes, seven of the "flying fortresses'' sank one transport, set fire to another and shot down five enemy planes. ross Word 13 15 lb -22 23 28 3a 53 SI 38 42 'A 41 4& 48 55 54 ST HORIZONTAL 1 -public vehicle ' 4 aside 9 edible seed 12 room in s harem 13 open court 14 exclamation of disgrut 15 purss 17 -tines 19 fatigues 21fres : 22 gives forta 24 etadio 28 openwork fabric 29 Ireland ' 80 three: - prefix SI diameter - . (sbbr.) 22 rebellions 25 like 8 finish S3 weather- . - feock - 29 musical instrument ' 41 perusing 43 -hoase oi an ' SStstS ' t 44 slight bow 45 prim 47 atodght-1 Q herb of the aster family S3 female deer &4 aristocratie 56 eorrelativs of neither 67 the sun i ; 68 ducks : ,19 note in Answer to 4, 11! o vf n jo yff TgEg. ' BlATsfelA G T ATI -iltRRtTiNNilJO Atew ta ef erfeo 1 1 I 1 His WantedUsed Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OB EQUITY No car too old. No car too new for us to buy, from $10.00 to $1000.00. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape. Burgoyne Motor Co, Headquarters for the Best la TransporUtioa 440 Center St Phono XISSS We Pay CASH rOB LATE MODEL CARS 0RVA17S USED CARS- Center at Church Ph. 470S TOP CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED CAR OK EQUITY ANY MAKE ARNSBARGER MOTOR CO. SOS N. COMMERCIAL Personal BIRTH CERTIFICATES. All states, recorded; most states, unrecorded. Feet $2.50 and up. Write far Information. Birth Certificate Bureau. 112 W. 8th St, Los Angeles. MEET NEW FRIENDS I Club Elite. Box 71-Q. Main P.O, Los Angeles. Cat WANTED Protestant family In Salem to keep 5-year-old boy, Sundays from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Postoffice Box 224, Valsetz, Oregon. MRS. BRANT Palmistry Special $2 readings for 81. 1 Blk. N. Salem city limits on Portland Road. Sunderland Auto Court Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50.A TJtAJL F. C. Degree. Wed, Feb. 4 7 JO p. m. By order W. M. Puzzle 10 18 21 34 25 in 30 34 m- hA5 0 51 5? 55 56 2 feminine nam 5 European sen 4 imitators 6 crown of the head 6 ear .7 tear 18 liquid measure 18 lubricate 20 garments 22 church ; official 22 New Eng land SUU 26 this piece 1.1.3 .1.. 8 sTriftBtmia IS I v V77X YA 1 45 m W7X YA Gaidossesls a.rnedmsn 25 muse of lyris 10 incite - poetry YKltTlCAL naxcianu. 27 vertical pars 1 depress with taonsof of step . fesr ; plessurs id Bosscolinn yesterday'a puzxia. 88 dear S4 kffled 87 Biblksl character 40 fabled water- . nymph '42 put on 43 female horses 48 Ugh. - 47 paid notices 48 game of -. 49 fish eggs ? 51 mountain "pass It . psnw 5-ymbolfa mtibss - .