The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1942, Page 13, Image 13

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: 1 J
Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, February 1 1942
Miss. Travis -To.
Wed in:
Miss Bette Travis. ,and . Staff
Sergeant' Carlton Alec Dearman, .
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dear
man of Goliad, Texas, will be
married in Tacoma Tuesday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock.
The bride will wear a two- ;
piece mist blue flannel suit and
a moulton lamb chubby. Her
accessories will be; brown. Miss
Eleanor Rosson will accompany ;
Miss TraVis to Tacoma and will -be
her honor attendant She will
wear a pastel blue tailleur and.
black accessories.
After their marriage Sergeant
Dearman; and his bride will re
side in Tacoma. He is now sta
tioned at McChord field. Miss
Travis formerly lived in Boston
and has been a member of the
state tax commission here. '
Activities for
Week Told
The American Legion auxil
iary will meet Monday, Febr
uary 2, in Legion home and the
national defense committee will
be in charge.
JMrs. Frank Marshall, presi
dent, has asked members to
bring books for. the Victory book
Another benefit luncheon is
planned for Thursday, February
5, in the dining hall of Legion
home from 12 to 1:30 o'clock.
Reservations may be made at
Serving on the luncheon com
mittee last Thursday were: Mes
dames Ella Voves, J. A. Garson,
M. Y. Brooks, H. B. Pearson, S.
G. Hinkle, Aub - Tussing, C.
V. Richardson, C. H. Jarvis,
Leon Habernicht, Phil Shobar,
George Averett, W. H. Baillie,
Frank Marshall, Julius Hopp,
Glen Kirkwood and Miss Mabel
McGee. ; -
The sewing group will meet
each Thursday afternoon, com
pleting articles for toddler age .
for the American Red Cross.
Another allotment of articles
has been promised by the sew
in" chairman, Mrs. H. F. Per
kins. Present Thursday were: Mrs.
Harold Perkins, Mrs. Onas Ol
son, Mrs. H. B. Pearson, Mrs.
S. G. Hinkle, Mrs. Glen Kirk
wood, Mrs. Julius Hopp, Mrs.
C. V. Richardson, Mrs. Phil
Shobar, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf,
Miss Jessie Rodman and Mabel
. McGee.
Citizens Invite
Service Men
Oregon's governor and Sa
lem's mayor are leading Salem
citizens in a round of entertain
ment for men stationed in this
vicinity.: Dr. Henry E. Morris,
head of the UHA, last week
made an appeal to citizens to
take service men into their
homes as often as possible.
Governor and Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague will entertain four
service men at their home for
dinner on Monday night. Mayor
and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick are
to be hosts to ten soldier-visit-ers
on. Wednesday at the Sena
tor hotel.
Rainbow Banquet
February 10
The Order of Rainbow for
-Girls is making plans for its
annual formal birthday banquet
Tuesday night, February 10. The
grand officers of the state of
Oregon: will make their official
visit at this time and the girls
have many interesting events
planned. '
Marie Ann Newman is chair
man of the ticket committee and
U members are asked to . call
her or Helen Paulson for reser-8
vations. '
. Grant FTA will meet at the
school Tuesday night at 7:30
o'clock. Miss Frances Clinton,
home demonstration agent of
Marion county, will tell about
her work and show colored pic
lures of Hawaii, which she visit
ed last year. The school band,
under the direction of Vernon
Wiscarson, will play.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. P
Auxiliary to Sons of Union
Veterans with Mrs. U D. Water
" man, 2 p. m. business and flocial
meeting. .....
ARY chib No. 1J at George
Stoddard home. 1420 North 4Ui
tract. ?3 p. m.
-. American Lesion auxiliary. S
, - p. m. . " . :
- Laurel Social Hour club with
Mrs. 3. B. Smith; Mrs. Jennie
Willis assisting. Ijvni.
Salem Central WCTU. at hall,
C4mp Fire guardians, with Mrs.
. Georce BacnaU. 1S8S Madison
street, 1 p. m.
Yomareo class with Mrs. Marie
Von Eschen, ISM Court street.
130 dessert luncheon.
- North Salem WCTU with Mrs. -f
. Lorene Chadwick. 139 North
Winter street S
Salem General hospital sux-
- Uiary. YWCA at M a. m. -
Grant PTA at school, JM p. m.
AAUW Literature group with
' Mrs. J. A. Jekterks. IMS Center
' street. p. m.
rruiuand . Woman circle, at
. , ' the church, 2 pjn.
. , Marion County Veterans as
sociation. American Lutht ran
: church. aU day. covered ih
: luncheon, business meeting. It 3"
' . Executive board WSCS iP
- Methodist church with Mrs. . O.
, . Wellinf. vSO North 16th street, v;
" 2 p. m..
WILL MARRY Miss Wiletta Griffith, daughter of Mrs.
G. E Griffith, whose engagement to Mr.: Robert Prime, son
of Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime, has been announced.
There is no date set for the wedding. The couple attended
Salem schools and he is now at Fort Stevens. (Kennell-EHis.
Theodora Bouffleur Weds Mr. Arter
In Glendale Friday Night
The Wee Kirk OThe Heather
at Forest Lawn Memorial park in
Glendale, Calif., was the setting
for the marriage of Miss Theo
dora Bouffleur of Los Angeles,
formerly of Salem, daughterof
Mr. and Mrs. P. T; Bouffler of
Salem, and Mr. Paul W. Arter,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Arter of Huntington Park, Calif.,
on January 30. Rev. Glenn Phil
lips of the First Methodist church
in Hollywood read the service
at 7:30 o'clock.
The bride wore a white satin
gown fashioned princess style
with lace yoke and Queen Eliza
beth collar. Self covered buttons
extended from neckline to waist
line in back and there were lace
inserts on the train. Her finger
tip length tulle veil was caught
jorie McCallister, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mc
Callister of Corvallis, form
erly of Salem, who is be
trothed to Mr. Edward C.
Miller of Liberty, Indiana,
son of Mr. and Mrs. E G.
Miller of Lafayette, Indi
ana. The bride-elect is now
attending Oregon State col
lege and will be married
May 28. She is a member
of Delta Delta Delta.
Circles Meet
On Wednesday the following
circle meetings of the First Pres
byterian church will be held:
No. I Mrs. N. J. Lindgren.
leader, meetings with Mrs. A.
F. Marcus, 1411 State street, at
2:00 pv in. No. 2 Mrs. W. W.
Moore, leader, meets at home
of Mrs. C. A. Sprague, 425 North
14th street, at 1:15 p. m. No. 3
Mrs. John Anderson, leader,
meets with Mrs. Tinkham Gil
bert, Orchard Heights, West
Salem, at 2:00 p. m. No. 4 Mrs.
F. E. McCracken, leader, at
home of Mrs. Oscar Cutler, 750
South Summer street. White ele
phant sale, 2:00 p. m.
No. 5 Mrs. S. A. Baldwin,"
leader, dessert luncheon at home
of Mrs. Fred Anuhsen, 020" Les
lie street, at 1:15 p. m. No.
Mrs. W. R. Dallas, leader, lunch
eon at 1:15 p. nu at home of
Mrs. Douglas McKay, 395 Jerrls
street No. 7 Mrs. Howard
Pickett, leader, birthday party
at home of Mrs. L. O. Clement,
345 North 17th street, at 20
p. m. No. 8 Mrs. Walter Pugb,'
leader, meets with Mrs. H. B.
Glaisyer, 773 Stewart street, at
2.-00 p. m. .
Daughters of the Nfle will.
meet in Masonic: temple for a
sewing session. The affair be--gins
'with a 1240 o'clock lunchr
eon. The committee Includes
Mhl Harold Phfflippl,,Mrs. WU-
lis Brown, Mrs. Paul Hauser,
"sr, Mrs. Adolph Bombeck and
Mrs. A. K. Stanley.
""'nfflriWfl'rrrminiiirjriiiiiiMi mjiitnT nn mn- intfunnnnn p rTini 'wbit-w iy
." ' ' ' ' . j
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;v-r . .n.
with orange blossoms. She car
ried a nosegay of freesias and
Mrs. Robert Nies was the mat
ron of honor and wore a tur
quoise organza frock made prin
cess style, with puffed sleeves.
She carried a nosegay of yellow
flowers. Mrs. Ernest Monroe
(Marguerite Hansen) was the
bridesmaid and ' wore a yellow
organza frock and carried a
nosegay of blue delphinium and
yellow sweet peas.
Mr. Irwin Black was best man
and ushers were Mr. Robert Mc
Eachen, Mr. Wilfred Holdridge
and Mr. Richard Berk.
A reception at the home of
Mrs. P. D. Smith in Los An
geles followed the wedding. Mrs.
Philip T. Auffleur went south
for her daughter's wedding. An
other out-ofrtown guest was
Mrs. Howard Egerer of Portland.
The couple went to Palm
Springs on their wedding trip.
The bride attended Salem
schools and her husband went
to Huntington Park schools and
Los Angeles City college. He is
now with Lockheed Aircraft.
Girl Reserve's
Members of the Parrish 8th
grade club, with Miss Lois Rob
inson, adviser, have planned a
Valentine party and are mak- -
ing a drive -for new members.
Committees were appoointed for
the party.
Members of Leslie 7th and 8th
Girl Reserve club will meet next
Thursday after school. They
plan to hold a spring member
ship drive.
The 9th grade Girl Reserves
of Parrish met with Mrs. Nohl
gren on Thursday. They made
final plans for a roller skating
party and for candy sales to
raise funds to buy a defense
bond for the club. On Friday
evening about fifteen girls and
their guests went to the Mellow
Moon for roller skating and re-
turned to the YWCA for re
freshments. Miss Valeria Kan
was chaperone.
Members of the Leslie 9th
grade Girl Reserves . met with
Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren on Wed
nesday. They worked on cork
lapel pins and made several doz
en cookies to be added to those
being made for the soldiers at
the airport. On Saturday mem
bers of this group enjoyed a
swirnming party at the YMCA,
returning afterward to the YW
for refreshments and games. Ac
companying the group were sev- .
eral guests of club members and
the club adviser. ,
At the Inter-club council
meeting Friday, a membership
drive was discussed, with the
plan presented whereby the club
succeeded in getting the most
paid members between now and
Junior Membership , d a y 4 in
March would receive a free day
at Smith Creek camp.
At a meeting of the Tri-Y
cabinet at the high school on
Thursday after school, Clarice
BusseQe reported on the pro
gram for the Victory dance Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren
and Mrs. Ellen Fisher were
The mid-winter conference of
high school Girl Reserves will
be held February 6th and 7th
at Forest Grove. Ten delegates
will be chosen at the next gen
eral club meeting on Tuesday.
Alice Faye Daugherty, the camp
and conference chairman, will
also attend.'
Members . of the Chemawa
Girl .Reserves, will, choose two
delegates and the School for the
-Blind will have one for the mid
winter conference next weekend.
Read in
Miss ; Lois Savage, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Savage, "
became the wife of Mr. John '
G. Dietz, son of Mr. and Mrs. -E.
H. Dietz, in the Westminster :
Presbyterian church in Seattle
Saturday night They were at
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Tehle (Phyllis Miller).
The bride wore a pale blue j
silk afternoon dress, turf -tan -accessories,
and an orchid cor-
sage. Mrs. Tehle wore a gold f
dress with chocolate' brown ac-j
cessories and a talisman rose
'The bride and groom both re- I
side in Salem. They will take a I
short honeymoon trip through f
. Washington. On their return, ?
they will live at the Elaine
apartments. Mr. Dietz is an em
ployee of the Cherry City Bak-
ing company.
Mrs. Leonard Gottfried and "
Mrs. James B. Haley entertained
the bride with a trousseau
shower at the Gottfried home
on Pearl street, Thursday night.
Mrs. John Coomler received -high
score in pinochle. Dessert ;
was served at 8 o'clock.
Those honoring the bride
Were Mrs. William Dyer, jr., ?
Mrs. Dee Morrison, Mrs. Don
Hamilton, Mrs. John Gottfried, v
Mrs. Arnold Jarvis, Mrs. Dale
Johnson, Mrs.
Robert French, 4.
Mrs. Robert Carpenter, Miss ;
Bonnie Lou Pf affinger, Miss '
Inabelle Creech, Miss Lucille ,
Bushnell, Mrs. John Coomler j
and the hostesses, Mrs. Leonard
Gottfried and Mrs. James B.
Registration is in progress for ;
the Iva F. Turner Memorial;
contest, endowed by the late ;
Joy Turner-Moses in memory of ;
her mother. Student violinists ;
and pianists whose teachers are
members of the Salem Music
Teachers association, and who
are in the ninth or tenth grade,;
are eligible.
it .-
. VISITING Mrs. Wallace
Claymore (Marian McRae)
; who is a guest at the home
of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel McRae. She
jwas married October 3 in
Los Angeles and her hus
band is a lieutenant in the
army air corps. (Kennell
Ellis). -
MtjnrT P-TrHH
Vlfc?fc?UIlVj VUllt?U
To Organize
A meeting of interested per
sons, and one member of each
Salem club, has been called for
the purpose of organizing a
committee to solicit funds for
the Pacific Protective society:
The session will be held on
Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock
In the Santiam room of the
chamber of commerce.
: Dr. Gussie A. Niles has been
appointed chairman of the cam- -paign
in Salem. Former mayor of
Portland, Joseph K. Carson, jr.,
is the state chairman for the
Louise Home building fund
drive. The following are honor 4'
ary sponsors from Salem and
Marion county: Dr. Silas Fair
ham, Rev. D. L. Fenwick, Mrs.
C. A. Graham, C. H. Gram, Mrs;
Robert E. Leigh t, Douglas Mc
Kay, Judge Grant Murphy, Mrs.
M. Wilson Savage, Walter E.
Snyder, Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner
and JUL D. Wooley. Miss Mary
Jewell Ladd, a member of the
staff of the Louise Home is here
in the interest of organizing the
campaign in Salem and Marion
The funds to be raised will
be used to increase the facilities
of the Louise Home. The Salem
quota has been announced as
$1300, soon as the committee
has been, called together, plans '
will be formulated to raise this
sum. -
The Louise Home is a girls'
village situated, .nine miles east
of Portland, on a 22 -acre tract,
which gives plenty of room for
producing much of the mOk,
butter and vegetables and meat
necessary. It is a non-denominational,
non-sectarian, non
racial hospital, school and home
-caring for three distinct
. classes of girls: clean delinquent
cases, housed in the Louise
Home building; clean maternity
cases, housed in the maternity
cottage, and venereal and ve
' nereal-maternity cases, cared
; for in the juvenile hospital. Ad
: mission Is by parents, guardians,
i voluntary application or court
I order. Age limits axe from 12 to
21 years.
I ' The home now has -capacity
fOf 109 girls,' which- has become
. Inadequate, and must be im
. proved. j . . . t
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NEW BOARD MEMBERS Elected as members of fl board of directors of fee Salem :
Young Women's Christian association at the annual tea meeting Friday afternoon are
left to right," Mrs. Carl Sumner Knopf, seated, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. Mervin Fidler, Mrs. .
William Merriott, seated, and Mrs. James T. Brand QCennell-EUls). I d
and Heard
FASHION NOTES ... Out shop
ping during the week . , . Mrs.
R. Franklin Thompson chic in
her bright red wool princess coat
and pert black felt . . . Mrs.
Howard Maple wearing a good-
looking brown coat with wolf
collar and brown hat with feath
ers . . . Mrs. James Walton wears
a smart Kelly green felt, a small
sailor with brown velvet trim
and a brown topper . . . The
Dyer sisters-in-law together . . .
Mrs. Qaybourne in all brown
and Mrs. William wearing a navy
blue suit under her grey fur
coat . . . her suede hat was pastel
blue as was her blouse . . . Mrs.
Frederick Lamport in black with
Persian lamb coat and black felt
hat . . .
Mr. and Mrs. David Eccles to
gether . . . the latter wearing
her mink coat over her shoulders
and a lovely black velvet off the
face hat, fringed around the
brim. They will soon be leaving
for Portland to resile ... A
good-looking couple . . . Lt CoL
and Mrs. Louis Farnsworth . . .
he in 'military uniform and she
in black with furs and a pert
black hat trimmed in pink . . .
Cleo Nissen, who will say her
I do's this afternoon to Oscar
Swenson, wearing a beige wool
fashioned princess style with
torso waist ..." brown velvet
formed a yolk across the neck
line and sleeves. A band of the
velvet edged the pleated skirt
. . . Incidentally Cleo designed
the dress herself . . . Mrs. Palmer
Bue (Willetta Sneed) down from
Portland for a few days, very
spring-like in white sheer wool
jersey with full skirt and elbow
length sleeves.
NEWS COMES about former Sa
lem people . . . June Locjnrklge,
in Portland this winter, surprised
friends by writing from Chicago
where she is now working . . .
She left by plane on December
29 and had intended to arrive
there by New Year's eve but due
to weather conditions the plane
was grounded . . . She is with
Jean Ferrill, Inc., a cosmetic
company and residing at Hotel
Parkway . . . After leaving Salem
this winter June was at Gill's in
Carmen Jean Vehrs was in
Salem for a few days this week
visiting with friends . . . She
now lives in Burlingame, and
is with the telephone company.
. . . Her mother, Mrs. Geneive
Vehrs, was here during the holi
days and is now continuing
studies at the University of Cali
Salem's army wives are scat
tered across the country . . . Mrs
Reynolds Allen, Sara, Molly and
Jimmy, arrived safely in Annis-
ton, Georgia a week ago and
were met by Lt Allen . . . After
the long train journey, they are
getting settled in a house which
Reynolds obtained . . . Mrs.
George Allen plans to go south
in the spring for a visit with
in Lawton, Oklahoma, are
Mrs. Roy Edgerton and , Mrs,
Robert Brownell ... the latter
wrote that they are having grand
. weather and go bicycling and
play tennis 'most every day
In Carmel are Mrs. Luke Shields
and Mrs. Louis B. Schoel ... and
in San Francisco are Mrs. Wil
liam Hammond and Mrs. Ward
A BUSY PLACE these days is
the Red Cross office . . . Rooms
are filled with volunteers cut
ting, wrapping and sewing . .
One day at the office saw Mrs.
Donald Young, Mrs. Laban
Steeves," Mrs. , Paul .Hendricks
and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey doing
office work ... Two others on
their way to work . . . Mrs. Hoi
lis Huntington and Mrs. James
B. Young, wearing sporty brown
plaid coats and felt hats . One
who can be found there most
every day is Miss Elizabeth Put
nam . . . she answers all the
questions and assists in general.
A few who came in for yarn to
knit a sweater, socks or helmet
for. the boys . - . Mrs. Robert
Craig, Mrs. A. G. Haag, Mrs.
--Redecorated Enlarge-:
Usual ITare gut
- r Perm C3
: f rush Ware f n f
( J CI Complete.. V t J
1 v J Open Thtrr. Eve.
VV rVaJI - ; by Appointment'
X. Phone XZZl "
135 First National Cank Blg.
castle rrar.r. wavets
Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Arthur
Rogers, Mrs. E. J. Scellars and
her mother, Mrs. Flora Thomas,
Mrs. C B. McCullough . . . Mrs.
Conrad W. Paulus, who has
made a number of garments this
year . . . Mrs. Douglas McKay,
'who was division leader for the
recent Red Cross drive, coming
in to check up last returns ...
Mrs. G. F. Chambers assisting
Miss Mollie Pearmine with in
structions ...
Any day of the week club
representatives inquire about
work triey may do for the boys.
. . . Here's the answer . . . knit
ting or sewing for the Red Cross
. . . attending first aid classes,
defense committee meetings or
soliciting for this and that drive
. . . defense .bonds now, but in
another two weeks they will
be taking an inventory of wom
en's skills ... all in all every
woman seems to be doing her
part for defense.
Mrs. James Stone and Miss
Margaret Mcgee will entertain
the recent graduates of AAUW
Tuesday night at the former's
home, 1595 Norway street
Twice daily the Merry MasterrSalesmen check
your grocer's supply of Master Bread -they
keep just enough on the rack to fill your
needs with FRESH Master Bread.
Red Cross Yam ;
Is Available
Yarn far the amy and navy
has been received by the Red '
Cress, aeeerduur te Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton production chairman.
Those wishing te knit, are urged
to call at the Red Cross office
as seen as possible. Iastraetlan
will be given for regulation
Knitting for the United
States fighting forces will take
priority ever refugee knitting,
stated Mrs. Hamilton yesterday.
Book Club at
Thompson's '
Wednesday, Mrs. Ina Boyer
entertained her book club the
Literaturettes, at the home of
Marie Thompson.
Dr. H. E. Morris gave a talk
on the activities and needs of
the United Hospitality Service
association of which he is chair
man. :
Those present were Mrs. Jack
Kennedy, Mrs. Ruth Geteman,
Mrs. Margaret Steele, Mrs. C.
E. Grieg, Mrs. W. K. Rush, Mrs.
William Andregg, Marie Thomp
son and: Ina Boyer.
'; f , Column ;
The -Itanyan Camp Fire girls
took a conducted tour through
the Cherry City Bakery Friday
afternoon as part of the require
ments of the nltional birthday
honor thejr' are working for.
! The group plans to keep
health chart records for t month.
i' .
. ; The Tanda group met Wed-
nesday night for a council fire.
: The guardian, Miss Estella
Smith, led the group.
? The sponsor, Nellie Harrison,
j gave a talk. Girls awarded hon
; ors were: Loreata Gariett, four
'swimming honors; Wilda Hunt, a
; membership bead. Beads from
the seven crafts were awarded
to: Opal Friezen, Pearl Mann,
Wilda Hunt, Dorrine Smith,
Evelyn Kfllin, Loreata Gariett
- and Magdalene Jackman.
The Okiclyapl Camp fire girls
of Richmond school went lor a
, tyke Thursday after school with
. Miss C Gueffroy leader. They
returned to the letter's home
for an outdoor supper.
Those present were Donna
1 Seay, Virginia Bowers, Edris
Stewart, Patricia Boyer, Mary
Taylor, Donna Bramel, Joyca
Holmstead, Ruth Fuller, Irene
Boatwright, Gloridean McDowel,
Miss C. Gueffroy.
Dinner Honors
Bridal Couple
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cheffings
were hosts on Sunday in their
Jefferson street home at a din
ner given in honor of their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cheffings, married
Jaunary 25.
Dinner was served to; Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Cheffings and Mar
ian, Mrs. E. J. Hoaglandi Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Pope, all of
Portland; Mr. Mike Bergham
mer, Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Berghammer, Mrs. Frank
Batchelor, Peggyjean and Fran
ces, of North Bend; Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Cheffings and Gordon
of Salem, the honor guests and
the hosts.
The bride is the former Doro
thy Harms, daughter of Mr. and '
' Mrs. John Harms of Aumsville.