The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1942, Page 12, Image 12

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    The OSEGOII STATESMAN. Scdem, O4oo. Sunday Morning. February I. IM2
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Miss Fehler
Feted at
A popular February bride
elect is Miss Audrey Fehler, who
will become Mr. Amedee Smith's
bride on Sunday, February 15.
The ceremony will take place
at the First Congregational
-church at 4 o'clock. Dr. R.
Franklin Thompson will offi
ciate, assisted by Rev. Robert
Hutchinson. A small reception
at the home of the bride-elect's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Feh
ler, will follow the wedding. Mr.
Smith is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold S. Smith of Port
land. .
A number of bridal parties
have been planned for the pleas
ure of Miss Fehler. Monday
night Miss Margaret Ann Bligh
and Mrs. Baine Cater of Cor-
' vallis will entertain at the D.
- K. Gemunder home in honor of
the bride-to-be.
Bridge will be in play during
the evening with a late supper
following. A miscellaneous
shower will honor Miss Fehler.
Bouquets of spring flowers will ,
provide the decorative note
about the rooms.
Bidden to compliment Miss
Fehler are Mrs. J. A. Fehler,
Mrs. Frank Bligh, Mrs. D. K.
Gemunder, Mrs. Roy Willough
by of Corvallis, Mrs. S. H. Pro
bert, Mrs. B. H. Drager, Mrs.
William Stein, Mrs. Oren Mc
Dowell, Mrs. John Kolb, Miss
Mary Ellen Mills, Miss Marjorie
Waters, Miss Barbara Williams,
Miss Phyllis Fisher and Miss
Phyllis Gardner.
Shower at Drsrer Home
Mrs. B. H. Drager and her
daughter, Mrs. William Stein
(Pauline Di-ger) of Portland
were he i i compliment
to Miss r. r Fi ly night at
the former's home. A salad sup
per was served md a crystal
shower feted the bride-elect.
Honoring Miss Fehler were
Mrs. J. A. Fehler, Mrs. Harold
S. Smith, Miss Virginia and
Miss Mary Louise Smith of
Portland, Mrs. D. K. Gemunder,
Mrs. Baine Cater and Mrs. Roy
Willoughby of Corvallis, Mrs.
P. J. Meany, Mrs. Robert Burns
of St. Helens, Miss Mary Ellen
Mill?, Miss Marjorie Waters,
Miss Phyllis Fisher, Miss Mar
garet Ann Bligh, Miss Mildred
Meaney, Miss Barbara Williams
and the hostesses.
Mrs. Fred Epeneter and Mrs.
W. E. Johnson entertained in
formally Monday night for the
pleasure of Miss Fehler at the
former's home on Kingwood
Heights. A miscellaneous show
er honored the bride-elect and
refreshments were served after
an informal evening. The table
was centered with a pink and
lavender shower umbrella un
der which the gifts were placed.
Guests were Miss Fehler, Miss
Jean Wilson, Mrs. Gay lord
Hibbs, Mrs. George Miltonber
ger, Mrs. Marguerite Pittenger,
Mrs. Oren McDowell, Mrs. Rich
ard Hiday and the hostesses.
jb(mrt Jtooh
but . . . We girls who belong to the Culin
ary Conservation Corps have adopted the
slogan of "Keep Us Frying."
Street scenes ... Driving around the
block looking for a parking place, we saw
a policeman put a woman driver out of a
loading zone. She drove on, the length of
two cars, double parked and went off and
left the car in the middle of" the street Pity
the poor policeman in a situation like that
No peace . . . Even the poo old tooth
paste tubes can't call their souls their own.
They are now listed under those things we
must save for defense. It's a grand day
though for the hoarding housewife who has
saved everything since the year one. Even
Vows Said
Miss Patricia Terhaar, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ter
haar of Mt Angel, became the
bride' of Mr. Avril O. Fry. son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Fry of
Scotts Mills, at St Pauls Catholic
church in Silverton at 8 o'clock
Thursday morning January 22.
The ceremony was read by Rev.
Father John Greene.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore
suit of soldier blue with ac
cessories to match, and her cor
sage was Of gardenias and bou
vardia. Mrs. BUI Imper, sister of the
groom, was the bride's only at
tendant She wore a dark blue
suit, and her flowers were fleur
, de-lis. Mr. John Terhaar, broth
er of the bride, was best man.
The bride's mother wore black,
- with a corsage of pink carna
tions. The groom's mother wore
dark blue, with a corsage of pink
' A wedding dinner was served
In the banquet room of Toney'.i
Cafe in Silverton to the wedding
party and guests.
; The couple left for Pendle
ton, where the groom Is sta
tioned at the Pendleton air base.
. Mrs, Robert DeTIieg (Marian
MacLachlah) left this weekend
for Portland to Join her husband,
Lt DeVlieg where they have :
taken an apartment
Camp Fire gvardiaas will neetr :
with Mrs. George BagnalL 1593
Madison street, Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Paul
Morse Is arranging the program.
Reveals Engagement ...
JOINING the ranks of brides-elect today is Miss
Eleanor Wagner, whose betrothal to Mr. Curtis
Guthrie is being announced by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Wagner. The groom-elect is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guthrie. There has been no date
set for the wedding. Miss Wagner and her fiance
are Salem high school graduates. He is now with
the California Packing company and Miss Wagner
is employed at Montgomery Ward and company.
(Jesten-Miller photo).
Luncheon at
Mrs. George Rossman will be
a hostess on Tuesday for a one
o'clock luncheon for a jjroup of
her friends.
The affair will be at the Ross
man home on North Capitol
street. Bridge will be in play
during the afternoon. Bouquets
of spring flowers will provide
the decorative note.
Covers will be placed for Mrs.
Leslie Scott of Portland, Mrs.
Harry H. Belt, Mrs. James T.
Brand, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs.
John Rand, Mrs. Douglas Mc
Kay, Miss Dorathea Steusloff,
Afoiv. ,
at that, I bet she never saved old tooth pasta
"Move over little tin can . . . and let me
in" said the glass jars put in prominent
places to be filled for infantile paralysis re
lief. The man who put them out said it was
merely a matter of pushing 14 others aside
to make room for this one.
line forms on right . . . We find the
lineup at the defense saving stamp window
as long as it's been at the auto loan wicket
all these years.
It never rains . . . We have ordered sev
eral nice sunny days for next weekend. We
want to dig in the ground. Let's see how
influential we are with the now entirely un
publicized weather man . . . Marine Buren.
Lester Meyers (Hilda Stand
ish) who was married in
Loo Angeles on January 25.
She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Standish of
Sweet Home and her hus
band's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Meyers of Sa
lem. OCennell-Ellis). '
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn. Adaas
returned this week front a three
month trip to the east.' They
spent some time in Pittsburgh,
their former home, and went on
to Washington, DC, returning
by way of the southern states.
Mr. and Mrs, Harris Uets will
entertain their pinochle dub at
dinner tonight at their North
Liberty street home. Guests will
be Mr. and Uii. William Smith,
Mr. and Mrs, E. IL Kennedy and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer,
Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mrs. Hom
er V. Carpenter, Mrs. James
Heltzel, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons,
Mrs. Gail Sanders, Mrs. Frede
rick Hill Thompson, Mrs. Cus
ter Ross, Mrs. Jay H. Stockman,
Mrs. L. C. McLeod, Mrs. George
Alexander, Mrs. James J. Pan
ton, Mrs. Grover Bellinger, Mrs.
Albert A. Siewert and Mrs.
Major and Mrs. Louis Faras-
worth and children, Mary Helen
and Rickey, are leaving Monday
for Temple, Texas, where Major
Farnsworth will be stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Miller and
daughters, Mena Jane and Pa
tricia Ruth, have taken the
Farnsworth home. The Millers
recently came west from Kansas.
Birthday Dinner
At Kepharts
Friends of Mr. Lenard Kep
hart were surprise dinner guests
at his home on Salem Heights
Saturday night. They were in-
vited by Mrs. Kephart in cele
bration of his birthday.
A large birthday cake center
ed the dinner table, around
which were seated Mr. and Mrs.
Royal Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Lafky, Miss Maria Dare,
Mrs. C C. Geer and Mr. and
Mrs. Kephart Pink and white
was the color scheme.
Miss Kelley Now
Mrs. Steiger
Miss Frances Kelley, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kel
ley of Salem, became the bride
of Mr." Jack Steiger, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Steiger of Sa
lem, at a quiet ceremony mt the
McMlnnville home of Dr. Wil
liam G. Eyerson, president of
Linfield college, Friday after
noon at J o'clock. Dr. Everson
The bride wore a blue wool
. suit with beige accessories and
an orchid corsage. Miss LaBurna
Kelley was her sister's only at-
; tendant and Mr. Max Liphart
was best man.
The couple will reside in Sa-
; lem. The bride attended Will
amette university and her hus-.
. band is now a student at Will
amette. . 2 . ,
V1U I UK i
Patriotic Theme Used
Dances Are Planned
I "
Patriotic holidays and Valentine's day are the incentive for
entertaining fluring February. Organizations and clubs are
planning defense and victory parties.
Delta Phi Valentine Tea
On Sunday, February 8, Delta Phi alumnae will entertain
with their annual Valentine tea at the home of Miss Doris Un
ruh on D street Calling hours are from 3 to 6 o'clock. Invita
tions have been extended to friends of alumnae, house girls,
mothers and patronesses of the sorority.
Miss" Doris Unruh will greet guests and presiding at the
tea urns will be Mrs. Herbert Rfhe, Mrs. Roy S. Keene and
' Mrs. Lu S. Covert.
Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins is in general charge of the tea and
assisting with arrangements are Miss Marian Bretz, Miss Doris
Unruh, Mrs. William Thome, jr.. Miss Marjorie Van de Walker,
Miss Elizabeth Lewis, Mrs. Mervin Brink and Miss Bertha
Woman's Club Defense Tea
Salem Woman's club members are completing plans for
their defense tea to be given Friday, February 13. All proceeds
will be used for defense purposes The annual scholarship tea
usually held at this time will not be given this yea and the
loan has been paid in full.
The tea will be held at the home of Judge and Mrs. Percy
Kelly, '292 South 17th street, from 3 to 6 o'clock. All interested
nsnnni in Slalom snH viinitv ar invitH
Receiving guests will be Mrs. George H. Swift, president of
the club; Mrs. Herbert Rahe, vice-president; Mrs. R. R. Board-
man, secretary; Miss Eula McCully, Mrs. J. Deane Patterson,
Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Marie Von Eschen, Mrs. George Ailing
and Mrs. Saul Janz.
At the door will be Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. I. M. Schannep
and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt. Assisting about the rooms will be
Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Mrs. John L Rand, Mrs. T. A. McBride,
Mrs. W. S. Levens, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. Albert Gragg,
Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. L. H. McMahan
and Mrs. Rex Davis and Mrs. Kelly.
Presiding at the tea urns during the afternoon will be Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. Carl Sumner Knopf,
Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. L. O. Clement and Mrs. Leslie Scott
of Portland.
Serving will be Miss Rovena Eyre, Mrs. John Carson,
Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr., Mrs, Charles
Pratt, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. Harris Lietz and Mrs. R. D.
A musical program will be presented during the afternoon
and soloists include Mrs. Leonard Kephart, Mrs. David Cameron
and Mrs. Mary Schultz Duncan. Mrs. Percy Kelly is heading
the committee.
Junior Valentine Victory Ball
Junior Woman's club members will hold their Valentine
Victory ball February 14 at Veteran's hall. This is an annual
affair and this year the proceeds will be used to purchase de
fense bonds.
Russ Brom's orchestra from Portland will play for danc
ing from 10 to 1 o'clock. Miss Maria Dare heads the directorate.
Tickets may now be obtained from members. Patrons and pat
ronesses will be Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. GlennB. Paxson.
Senior Century Ball Slated
Important event on the calendar for Willamette university
students is the Senior Century ball, scheduled for February 14.
The formal affair will be at the Salem Armory from 8:30 to
11:30 o'clock. All students and faculty members are invited,
and invitations are being sent special guests including Governor
and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague.
During the evening the century girl, Nancy Austin, will be
presented and the century theme will be used in the decorations.
Visitor Is Guest
At Tea Today
Mr. and Mrs. Vera Wells and
Mrs. Elva Martin are entertain
ing as their house guest this
week Mrs. Ed Christensen of
Prairie City. She will be remem
bered as Grace Savage and was
formerly in the surgery at the
Salem General hospital.
Before leaving for Norfolk,
Va., to join her husband, Mrs.
Christensen will visit with Cap
tain and Mrs. B. F. Pound at
Fort Lewis. Mrs. Christensen
is an electrical engineer in the
navy. She is a sister of Mrs.
Pound and Mrs. Martin.
. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Riggs are
entertaining informally at tea
today for the pleasure of the
visitor. Her friends have been
invited to call between 4 and 8
o'clock. Among those bidden are
Mr. and MrsW. E. Savage, Lor
na and Diane Riggs, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Smith of Marshfield,
Robert and David Riggs, Mrs.
Elva Martin and Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Wells.
Miss Mathews
Is Married
Miss Jeanne Mathews, daugh
ter of Mrs. Roland Hopper of
Sisters, became the bride of Mr.
Keith Perkins, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Perkins of Baker. The
couple was married in the par
sonage of the Baptist church in
Weiser, Idaho, on Friday, Jan
uary 23. Rev. E. Frye officiated.
The bride wore a blue wool
afternoon dress with brown ac
cessories and a corsage of roses.
Miss -Shirley Perkins, sister of
the groom, was the honor at
tendant and Mr. Frank Goodwin
was best man.
Mrs. Perkins is a graduate of
Salem high, school and her hus
band is employed at the J. C.
Penney company in Baker where
they will reside at 1719 Madison
street Their new home will be.
finished this spring.
Dr. and Mrs.' William LJdbeck
art entertaining as their dinner
guests today Mr. and Mrs. C
Cutsforth of Gervais, Dr. and
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons and Dr.
and Mrs. A. Terrence King.
Dr amd Mrs. Ralph K. Farrlne
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Spears are spending the week-
end at the former's beach home '
at Neskowin-, , ,. .
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MARRIES SALEM MAN -Mrs. Lawrence Bladsdell
(Charlotte Burkholder), who was married January 16 at
me First Presbyterian church in Vancouver, Wash. The
; groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L A. Blcdsdell of Salem.
Vows Planned
Miss Charleen Edwards and
Mr. Vernon Obert of Seattle
will be married on Saturday,
February 7. The First Nazarene
church will be the setting for
the ceremony and Rev. A. J.
Schocke of Pasadena, Calif, wfU
officiate at 8:13 o'clock. A re
ception at the home of the bride
elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Edwards on Chemeketa
street, will be held after the
. Dr. and nrs. Hareld Ollager
and Susan are weekend guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bishop
at . their Portland home. ,
BETROTHAL TOLD Miss Bertha Klarfein, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Klorfein of Salem, who has mamced
her engagement to Mr. Gerald Swodrgon of Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Swatzberg of Santa Barbara OaliT Th new
was told at the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority an the Univer
sity of Washington campus January 19. Nqi date has been
""set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller).
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At Church Rites
Miss Barbara Crain is now Mrs. Boyd Elden Brown. The
young people were married at a beautiful ceremony Saturday
night at St. Paul's Episcopal church. It was at 8:30 o'clock that
the vows were exchanged with Rev. George Herbert Swift of
ficiating before several hundred people.
Arrangements of cala lilies and cathedral tapers in candela
bras decorated the altar and
chancel. Miss Ruth Bedford
played the wedding marches.
On the arm of her uncle, Mr.
Theodore Arenz of Portland, the
tall slender bride proceeded
down the center aisle to the
altar. Of Ivory faille brocaded
in chenille was her princess
style gown. The waist was tight
fitting . and made with a high
neckline and round collar. The
sleeves were wrist length and
tiny self covered buttons ex
tended from neck to waist in
front The flowing skirt termi
nated in a full, circular train.
Her ivory veil of illusion was
train length and cascaded from
a tiara of seed pearls. She car
ried a quaint bouquet with a
lace frill of Ophelia roses and
bouvardia. Mr. Harry N. Crain
gave his daughter in marriage.
Precede the Bride
Preceding the bride were her
two maids of honor, Miss Mary
lee Fry and Miss Barbara John
son of Klamath Falls, Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority sisters.
Their frocks were identical and
were net over taffeta. Miss Fry
wore mist pink and Miss John
son's was moon blue. The skirts
were full and the torso length
bodices were enhanced with
Miss Elisabeth Lord and Miss
Edith Schryver entertained In
formally at dinner Friday night
at their Mission street home for
the pleasure of Mrs. Russell
Brooks, a popular visitor tn the
capital. Covers were placed for
eight and a green and yellow
color scheme was carried out in
the table decorations.
Mrs. Iran Merchant wta ea-
: tertain the Gamma Phi Beta
alumnae at her home Monday,
February at a C30 o'clock
dinner. Assisting hostesses will
beMrs. Carl Nelson and Miss
Jean Kneass. . .'.
Urs. Xebert K. Shlnn has re
turned from a week's stay In'
Portland with her parents. Dr.
and Mrs. W.J.Kerr
t) 4
gold thread embroidery forming
a floral design. The necklines
were round and the sleeves were
They wore shoulder length
matching tulle veHs and carried
fan shape bouquets of pink
sweet peas and blue iris. Clasp
ed around their necks were gold
clover leaf lockets, gifts of the
bride. .
Standing with Mr. Brown as
best man was Mr. Merle Berry
of Portland and seating the
guests were Mr. Bill Snell and
Mr. William Rickman of Eugene.
Mrs. Crain chose a model of
black crepe and lace with black
velvet ribbon insertions for her
daughter's wedding. In her hair
was an arrangement of garden
las. Mrs. Waldo Brown of Hub-'
bard was present for her son's
marriage and wore a pink lace
gown with orchid corsage.
The Crain home was the scene
of the wedding reception. ,Bou-f
quets of white stock and free
sias decorated the living room
where the bridal party received.
The bride's table was centered
with the cake which was en
circled with a wreath of smilax
and gardenias. White candles in
silver holders guarded the ar
rangements, f
Grandmother Cats Cake
Mrs. Noble J. Crain of Chico,
Calif., cut her granddaughter's
cake. She wore a black velvet
gown and gardenias. Assisting in
the living and dining rooms
were Mrs. Frederick Lamport,
Mrs. Theodore Arenz . of Port
land, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Dan
. iel J. Fry, Ji, Mrs. David Ben
nett HilL Mrs. George Otten,
Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. E.
J. Scellars, Mrs. Donald C. Robr
erts, Mrs. Ronald A. Gemmell
and Miss Rovena Eyre. A group
of friends who assisted in serv
ing were the Misses Barbara
Miller, Marianne Owen, Sybil
Spears, Sally McLellan, Leone
Spaulding, Patricia and Suzanna
Schramm of Corvallis and Nan
cy Dutton.
The newlyweds went north on
their wedding trip, and Mrs.
Brown wore a tailored moss
green silk crepe frock with an
tique tan accessories and squir
rel jacket Her corsage was of
violets and Jreesias. Mr: and
Mrs. Brown's new address will
be 1818 East Republican street
The bride was a member of
the Spinsters until her marriage
and served as president this
year. She coinpleted her sopho
more year at the University of
Oregon and ? wears the Kappa
Kappa Gamma key. Her hus
band Is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon and his fra
ternity I Theta Chi. He is now
with Boemg Aircraft
Christening to
Be Held Today
The-chapel of St Paul's Epis
copal church will be the setting
for christening services today for
Donald Carl Deckebach, H, son
pf Mr. and Mrs. Donald Decke
bach of - Portland, formerly of
Salem. The little boy will be
a year old Monday and today is
his father's birthday. ;
Rev. George Herbert Swift
will officiate at 2 o'clock. Mrs.
Homer Egan will be the god
mother and Mr. Charles Qaggett
and Mr. dive Ceurtier will be
the godfathers. '
Donald's grandmothers ' are
Mrs. F. G. Deckebach of Salem
. and Mrs. Clara Noble of Long
Beach, Calif: He has a sister,
Linda Carol, who Is three years
Mrs. Wllfttr F. Berry and
daughter, June, are home from
two months' stay in the east
In Providence, RL; they visfted
Mrs.. Berryt other daughter,
Miss Edith, who - is now an il
lustrator for a department store
In Providence.
Miss Barbara Williams and
Mr. LeRoy Aman have complet
ed plans for their wedding on
Sunday, February 8. The bride
elect Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C M. Wmiams and her
fiance's 'parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Aman of Mt Angel.
The couple will exchange
vows at St Joseph's Catholic
church at S o'clock: with Father
T. J. Bernards officiating.
Urs. Kenneth Girard of Oak
land, Calif, will be her sister's
matron of honor and Miss Es
teHa Mae Rowe of Spokane will
be the maid of honor. Brides
maids will be Mrs. Vern Steiner
of Lake Grove and . Miss Helen
Neal . of Emboy, Wash. Carol
Fallon will be the Junior brides
maid. Mr. Walter Kruse of Mt An
gel will serve as best man for
Mr. Aman and the ushers in
clude Mr. Russell and Mr. Gor
don Aman, brothers of the fu
ture groom, Mr. Vern Steiner
and Mr. Thomas Williams, the
bride-elect's brother.
There will be a reception at
the Williams home. After a
wedding trip Mr. Aman and his
bride win reside in Mt Angel.
Visiters in the capital for a
few days the past week have
been Dr. and Mrs. Robert Boa Is,
who have been residing in De
troit Mich. They are leaving
this week for Portland where
Dr. , Boals will practice. They
have been the guests f his
mother, Mrs. R. T. Boals.
Edythe Thomas
Is Honored
Mrs Floyd Crabtree was host
ess for a miscellaneous bridal
shower Friday night in honor of
her niece, Miss Edythe Thomas,
who will be married to Mr. Har
old Smither on February 21.
A pink and blue color scheme
was carried out ;n tho decora
tions. An Informal evening was
followed by refreshments.
Honoring the bride-elect were
Mrs. Charles Mollet Mrs. Clell
Thomas, Mrs. George Gilham,
Mrs. A. W. Smither, Mrs. Bert
Broer, Mrs. Fred Broer, Jr., Mrs.
Holland Clark, Mrs. Robert
Keuscher, Mrs. Elvin Thomas,
Mrs. Granville Perkins, Mrs.
Earl Schemp, Mrs. J. L. Sorab tn,
Mrs. Bernard Coon, Miss G) klys
Birch, Miss Anna Peters, Mrs.
Carol Cooper, Mrs. Clifford Car
ter of Sublimity, Mrs. Dale Crab
tree and Tommy of Stayton and
the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blad I of
Portland ( Geraldine Rinker) ire
spending their first wedding an
niversary in Salem at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
. Gordon Black.
The Alpha Psl Delta Mothers
club will meet at the home of
Mrs. Charles Strickfadden, 1590
North 21st street Monday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock.
A Valentine
Eyes. Lips, Cheeks -i
i in Natural Colarl I
I !
' t
Artist - Photoctrphert
; 420 Oregon Eldg.
T Phone 7833