I I1 'I PAGE SEC ' : rr . . -. ;. . f Ul I Dean Milan Is Guest r Speaker Scan Ava B. Milan, head-of the home economic! depart ment at Oregon State college . and chairman of the Oregon nu trition committee for defense, was the guest speaker at the t Women of Rotary luncheon ; Monday noon at the Quelle. She introduced Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Marion county chair man of nutrition .for defense, and Miss Frances Clinton, Ma rion county home demonstrator. Dean Milan stressed the im portance of extending the use of enriched bread and flour and to expand scjhool lunches. She announced that a new film, "A Modern Miracle," dedicated to the bakers and millers of this country, will soon be released. Mrs. K. H. pPickens, president, appointed Mrs. Robert Elfstrom as chairman from the club to assist with the inventory of wo men's skills. I , The tables were decorated in red and white and the speak er's table was festive with a bouquet of fed carnations, red tapers and hearts. The smaller tables were decorated with red and white balloons tied together with cellophane. Red and white gum drop figures marked, places for the guests. j Special guests were Dean Mi lan, Mrs. E. E. Hills, Mrs. L. W. Gleason, Mrs. Howard Maple, Mrs. Bjarne jEricksen, Mrs. Oli ver Judd, Mrs. Brewer Mills, Mrs. A. J. Johnson and Mrs. L. O. Clement Members attending were Mesdames T. J. Amspoker, L. O. Arens, Fred Anunsen, Eric Butler, Clarence Byrd, Frank Crawford, Vernon Douglas, Preston Doiighton, R. L. Elf strom, Lee Eyerly, Charles Fowler, M. c. Findley, O. F. Franklin, Sifas Gaiser, Melvin Geist, Tinkhiam Gilbert, C. E. Guenther, Grover Hillman, Paul Jackson, W.jT. Jenks, Gardner Knapp, Carl; S. Knopf, A. A. Lee, L. F. LeGarie, F. E. Loose, Ivan Lovell,! W. G. Morehouse, G. O. Madison, H. G. Miller, R. H. Mitchell,) W. W. Moore, H. ' H. Olinger, !Carl Ostrin, J. C. Perry, Chester Pickens, K. H. Pickens, Edgar Pierce, Thomas Roen, A. A. Rogers, Lloyd Riches, George Scott, B. E. Sis son, C. A. Sprague, Ivan Stew art, Nels Toiining, Ellis Von Es chen, H. O. V.'hite and Ray Yo- com. Cards in Plav At Thomas' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas were hosts to members of the Knot-a-Kare! club and their hus bands. Pinochle was played and honors went to Mrs. Maurice Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner and! Judson Bressler. Members and guests present were Mr. anjl Mrs. George Gard ner, Mr. and; Mrs. Judson Bress ler, Mr. and! Mrs. Maurice Gus tafson, Mr. jand Mrs. Albert C. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur An dresen, Mr. nd Mrs. Carl Woltz, Mrs. Irene Birch, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Suppej Party At Seeley's Mr and j Mrs. Glen Seeley were hosts for a delightful sup per party Saturday night for a group of thir friends. The buf fet table wis centered with an arrangement of China lilies, acacia and greenery. Bridge was in play during the evening. Guests wejre Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence. Lister! Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron, tyr. and Mrs. Donald Madison, Mjr. and Mrs.- Howard Pickett and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ton Mudd. Marridge Vows Are Spid Word has been received here of the marriage of Sgt Donald M. Polk, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Polk of Salem and Miss Margaret H ;len Maxwell, daugh-i ter of Mrs Velma Maxwell of ' Wilmingtonj NC. The marriage was performed January 12 in Conway, Sfc. The couple will make their jhome in Wilmington, NC., where Sgt. Polk is stationed" with the army air corps. Mr. and. Mrs. Georre Otten spent the Weekend in Portland and accompanying them home for a visit Was Mrs. Joseph Ral ston. . ST. LOUIS A recent guest at the home (of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Manning was their daughter, May Manning, Portland, ' She ; is em ployed in he new Providence hospital. -' , ' L Bill Aurand of this vicinity, who has ; been v working - in the ship-f yards at Portland, has come home with a slight touch of pneumonia but is; improving. r4 NCItTH SAJJTIAM Mr. . and Mrs. Ivrle j Crane have had as their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wodaewoda of Salem." Mrs. Wod zewoda will I be remembered here as Bonnie Crane.- The ? Wodze wodas were en route to San Diego ! to make their home. Wodzewoda has work in a' Bearby airplane factory. ' ; ' :0 MAXINE BUKrJN Editor J Home Rites Event of Sunday The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Skewis on Center street was the scene of the wedding of their son, Mr. Robert Skewis, and Miss Mildred Muller Sun day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. W. Irvin Williams of the First Presbyterian church of ficiated. ! For her marriage the bride chose a blue afternoon frock trimmed in brown. Her acces sories were brown and she wore a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. William Skewis attended the couple. Others present for the ceremony were Mrs. N. M. Ballard, grand mother of the groom, Mrs. F. M. Chittenden, Miss Marlon Butler of Ladner, BC, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Skewis. The bride is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steele of Hood River and attended schools there. She also went to Belling ham Normal school and Belling ham Business college. Mr. Skewis is a graduate of Salem schools and attended Oregon State college. He is a member of the engineering re serve and will return to active duty at Fort Leonardwood, Mis souri, this week. His bride will remain in Portland where she has a position. Auxiliary Has New Officers American Legion auxiliary was well represented at Marion coun ty council Friday when officers for the council were elected. Mrs. Cecil Lueck of Mt. An gel was elected president; Mrs. O. A. Palmateer, Salem, vice president; Ann Powell, Silver ton, was made secretary-treasurer. Entertainment followed the business meeting. Present from Salem were: Mrs. Earl Andreson,, Mrs. Bles sing, Mrs. Don Madison, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Frank Marsh all, Mrs. John A. Olson Mrs. Austin Wilson, Mrs. George Averett,-Mrs. Al. Fielen, Mrs,. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. O. A. Palmateer, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorg, Mrs. Har old Perkins, Mrs. Irl McSherry and Kathrine Brown. The next meeting bf the coun cil will be in Silverton Febru ary 13th. 1 About 75 guests enjoyed the benefit luncheon sponsored by the auxiliary Thursday. An other luncheon is planned for this Thursday from 12:00 to 1:30 o'clock, in the dining hall of Legion home. Reservations may be made by calling 3369. The sewing group met to begin a new allotment of Red Cross sewing and plan to meet again next Thursday, Present were: Mrs. Harold Perkins, Mrs. W. H. Baillie, Miss Jessie Rodman, Mrs. Aubrey Tussing, Mrs. Julius Hopp, Mrs. Stanley Kreuger, Mrs. J. TeSelle, Mrs. Mabel Mc Gee, Mrs. C. H. Jarvis, Mrs. Clarence Collins and Mrs. L. V. Perkins. The auxiliary will sponsor a benefit dance the evening of February 21 in Legion home. It will be semi-formal. Reserva tions may be made at 8787. Salem friends are Interested to learn of the birth of a son, John Eugene, to Lt and Mrs. Bert Caster in Portland on Tuesday, January 20. The Cas ters formerly resided in Salem and he is now in the army ser vice.: Mar? circle of Jason Lee church will meet on,, Wednesday with Mrs. EugeneKitzroiller, 1660 North Church street, at 1:30 o'clock. Members are asked to make reservations by1 calling 3942. j The ; regular meeting j of the Pringle Pleasant Point, Social club calendared for Thursday afternoon tt the home of Mrs.: George Grabenhorst has been " postponed. , Mr and . Mrs. Joseph Felton and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Stan dish were weekend gdests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Satchwell in Kelso, WashT v y'f. u ! ' 1. - ' Mrs. I V. Benson was host ess to members of her study club Monday afternoon . to ease nissnv 05 CHILD'S com n::nft:.iMi!!Prfa SOCIETY mm J- CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY St Cecelia Guild with Georgia Clark, Miner street, 8 p. m. Executive board of Salem Coun cil of church women, YWCA, 2 p. m. BPW dinner. Golden Pheasant, :0O pjn.. Dr. Willis Merriam. speaker. - Alpha Mu Delphians, Salem public library, 9:30 ajn. Daughters of St. Elizabeth, parish house. 1 o'clock luncheon. Missouri club with Mrs. L, Pet erson, 1080 Cascade Drive, 1p.m. FOE auxiliary card party, KP hall, 2 p. m. AAUW Latin American group, YWCA. 7 JO p. m. Ladies McCormick class. First Methodist church. Beta Chi mothers, chapter house, 2:30 p. m. Eastern Star Social Afternoon club, 1:15 dessert luncheon. House committee of YWCA. 10 a. m. Minute Women for Christian Mission meet at YWCA. 1 :30 p. m. WEDNESDAY Sewing group. Order of Ama ranth, with Mrs. E. - P. Saabye, 2415 Nob Hill street, ail day. Working for Red Cross. AAUW radio group with Mrs. Guy Hickok, 1100 Chemeketa Street, 2 p.m. - Nebraska auxiliary. Mrs. Clara McDerby, 1660 Waller, covered dish dinner, 12:30 p. m. Knight Memorial church tea, 2 p. m. church parlors. Woman's association. First Pres byterian church, board meeting, 12:30 p. m. regular meeting, 2 p. m. 'Red Cross first aid class, YWCA, 7:30 p. m. Family budgeting class at YWCA. 7:30 p. m. THURSDAY Past Regents DAR with Mrs. C. C. Geer, Salem Heights, 1 p. m. Benefit Legion auxiliary lunch eon, 12 to 1 :30 p. m. Legion home. Auxiliary sewing group, 1p.m. at Legion home. Town and Gown, Lausanne hall, 2 p.m. FRIDAY Annual YWCA meeting and war-time tea, 2 to 6 p. m., YW. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steinke (Beth Morehouse) on the birth of a son, Clayton, Jr., Monday morn ing in Astoria. The baby's grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Steinke and Mrs. W. G. More house. The Steinkes are living in Seaside while he is stationed at Fort Stevens. Letter Carriers Wives Meet The National Association of Letter Carriers auxiliary met Saturday night in . the YMCA with the new officers presiding. After the business meeting the branch joined the ladies for a social hour. Those present were Mrs. Mar ian Yung, Mrs. Phebe Wagers, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, Mrs. Al dene Scott, Mrs. Esther Roth rock, Mrs. Pearl Nichols, Mrs. Violet Kenagy, Mrs. Elsie Jory, Mrs. Lillias Garrett, Mrs. June Garrett, Mrs. Gladys Boyce, Mrs. Ada Crawford. Goodmans Hosts At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Goodman will be hosts at din ner tonight at their home on North Church street. Spring flowers will be used in the ta ble decorations and the evening hours will be spent informally. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Eoff, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hadley of Inde pendence and Mr. and Mrs. Goodman. AAUW Latin America group will meet tonight at the YWCA at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Amie Mills will talk" on Columbia and Mrs. Herbert Rahe will discuss the literature of Latin America. Miss Esthel Gulley, who lived in Bolivia for four years, will tell of her experiences. On Friday night Miss Da Cat ton was honored with a miscel laneous shower by Mrs. W. Johnson. Miss Catton will mar ry Mr. Harold Johnson on Fri day. A buffet luncheon was' served late In the -evening. Miss Rovena Eyre will' enter tain informally" at tea this af ternoon at 4 o'clock for the pleasure of Miss Barbara Crain, bride-elect of Mr. Boyd Brown. A group of her intimate friends have been . invited to call. Mrs. Glen Seeley, Mrs. J. Ly man Steed and Mrs. Gene Van deneynde will attend the state board meeting of the University ot Oregon mother-in Eugene Friday afternoon..' . t Rectal Soreness Get Relief New Easy Way Sit In Comfort, Don't fcegtect Rehy raw troken rpots rtmnd rectum. Few pUccs are so liable to iafectioa. A quick dependable reliever of wetal sonatas is Fro-tor-moa Rectal. Brings aooUuna' aeaaa of eomfort "Pon contact, forma pretecttac film over aora area, help deatro Infectiona germa, akig Nature keal VP raw, broken timet. Ho oil 1 greate to (tain clothing; Sold ea aaoaey back roar ante. Get tfaia aaeocra relief tody k foe PROLARr.lOri RECTAL Fred Meyer Drug Section . Th OSTGON STATESMAN.? Salam, Monday Mrs. Kenneth Pttrand Mrs. Robert Needham were the honor guests at a 'surprise party Modi-' day night" wheht Mrs! Robert Joseph and Miss Margaret Wag ner entertained at the former's suburban home. ' ,f A dessert supper was served and guests were seated at a large table centered with a! bouquet of pink carnations flanked by pink candles in crystal holders with blue bows. Contract bridge was in play during the evening. Honoring Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Needham were Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Mrs. Creighton B. Jones, Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mrs. Elbert W. Roberts, Mrs. Leon Perry,- Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs. James J. Hague,! jr., Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr., Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. Harold Hauk, Mrs. Howard Adams, Miss Margaret Wagner and Mrs. Robert Joseph. The meeting of the McCor mick class of the Firjt Metho dist church, which was to have been at the home of Mrs. Vir gil Huhn this afternoon has been changed to the fchurch. It will be a 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon meeting. Miss Hutchins Is Mrs. Bogdrt Miss JEvelyn Hutchins, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L.. R. Hutch ins, became the bride of Mr. Ivan Bogart, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bogart of Sheldon, Mo., on Thursday at the ; home of Rev. E. Johnson. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a blue costume suit, trimmed with fox fur; her corsage was of pink rose buds. Mr. Ralph Bogart, brother of the groom, was best : man. An informal reception followed the ceremony. Committee Will Meet Wednesday Committee members for the Junior Woman's club; reception to be given on February 23 will meet with the chairman, Miss Dorothy Cornelius Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock at; the cham ber of commerce. The reception will honor Mrs. Saidie Orr Dun bar, past president of the na tional federation of? Women's clubs. j Members include Mrs. Verne Robb, Mrs. Harry Baer, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Talbot Bennett, .Miss Hat tie Bratzel, Miss Kay Morrow, Miss Hazel Shutt, Miss Beth Bil lings and Miss Maxihe Rogers. Mrs. Paulson . To Entertain Mrs. Oscar Paulson will en tertain with a dessert bridge this afternoon at her home on Broadway street. Spring flowers will provide the decorative note. Bidden are Mrs. Rex Putnam, Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. Kirby Brumfield, Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. Ralph Morgan, iMrs. Win ston Purvine, Mrs. Clem Clark, Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Har old Shogren and Mrs. A. C. Newell. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Paulson has invited members of her club for sewing and tea. Party Given For Student Bob Larrikin was - host at a party honoring Elmer Scheeler, who will go into government service next week. jThe party was held at the home of Mrs. Mignon Lamkm at 340 South Winter street. uuesis lor tne anair were Miss Nadine Orcutt, Carmen Newell, Miss Elizabeth Hamil ton, Peter Faminow, Tony and Warren Nunn, Elmer Scheeler and Bob Lamkin. ; Persona and business cor respondence that evidences good taste and good man ners can be carried en with the aid of our fine sta tionery, j i A large selection of stock, fine Inks, and individual design will help yon to de cide smartly here.? Phono 9101 Today! - STATESIlAn - Pcilishkrj Co. JOB DEPARTMENT 215 S. Commercial : " Ongoa, TuMdoy Morning. January 27. 1842 By Dolores Boland It's About Tune to have a chiffon or net cape to veil bare shoulders and add glitter to a decollete gown. Cut along those three 4lnch lines in diagram.' Roll-hem neckline and' circle edge. Sew on large sequins or groups of small sequins or beads. Bridge Clubs Meet Today Tuesday is a popular club meeting day and several host esses are entertaining their clubs today. Mrs. Hollis Huntington will preside at bridge and luncheon this afternoon at her home on North Winter street. Places will be laid for 12 guests. Mrs. Percy R. Kelly will fete members of the Round Up club at a bridge luncheon today. Spe cial guests will be Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. George Rodgers. Mrs. Karl Becks will entertain at luncheon and bridge today for members of her club at her North Summer street home. Mi-s. William A. Martin has invited her club to a salad luncheon at her home on North Church street today and several hours of bridge will be in play during the afternoon. Mrs. Harold Olinger will hon or her club at a bridge luncheon today at her Mission street home. r i r l The More ipnds IFou Sny fhe More Planes Willfly This Axis war upon us is a matter of life or death for America, your free America ! Now, as never hefore in all our glorious history, our Army, Navy and JVIarine Corps urgently need planes, tanks, ships and guns! Literally billions of dollars are needed im mediately to produce these and other weapons of defense ... of offense . . . and of Victory! They must be produced now! The money must be secured now! Let's do irthe voluntary way, the American Way, the Defense Bond way! If we are to smash the enemy out of our seas and blast him from the air over our heads, every dollar you can spare, every dime that is FACTS ABOUT DEFENSE BONDS (SERIES E) HOW MUCH DO THEY COSTf TOU LEND UNCLE SAM S1t.75 $37.50 S75.00 $375.00 1750.00 beforo then, you can cash the bond tamo cm caan-m vaioes u printed ta each Bond. XSatorally, the longer yom bold the Bond, up to 10 years, the more money you'll get back. But you'll aerer get less than yon pat in. :i . j "S"" Wltg tkm interat rate? "When held to maturity, the Boada yidA t.9 per Tear om jmm rreatmct, eoaipotmaed tmiUMlr get S4 for mitry S3.,- Whtn&I go to aW Bond? Te your local Bank, Port Office, Sarinr and Lou Asso ciation, or otber Defesaa. Bond Agency. - What about Defhua Stamp? faring DefeaM Stamp ia a eoavemeat way of aaVinc -j "j " raen tawMf buy a Bond? Start oaTinn i sj -i on Aiwtnmi run, WITH PERFECT SAFETY! X-n m i ; Oregon btate ; Mothers Oregon" State college mothers: -gathered at the YWCA Monday; . afternoon for their third meeting -with Mrs. John. Carkin presid ing. Dr. Dan Poling., assistant dean of men at Oregon State college, was the guest speaker and talked about the housing andthe problems on the campus activities , and work of college' men. Tea was served late in the afternoon and hostesses were Mrs. Arden A Reed, Mrs. Fred i'S.j Anunsen, Mrs:' Percy Blun-dell,- Mrs. J; Bi . Bywater, Mrs.5 E. ! W. FDmore- Mrs. C. E. Hat field and Mrs. Oscar Paulson. Others attending were Mrs. Clarence Blundell, Mrs. Lula Lindsay, Mrs. Flora Strawn, Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, Mrs. N. P. Autonomoff, Mrs. M. F. Wooden, Mrs. Lewis Judson, Mrs. Lloyd V. Bell, Mrs. W. H. Lorenz, Mrs. Clifford Jones, Mrs. Edwin L. Minar, Mrs. E. G. Ricketts, Mrs. L. C. Reinholdt, Mrs. Martha Harring ton, Mrs. Elmer D. Cook, Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs. S. L. Sun, Mrs. Josephine Lange, Mrs. UCOA: r at vni OVER 9,000 UNITS OF VITA MIN A ow in mtj pound of Nucoa! Firtt aMTfaria to M this pro tecf rr Titamin to Impor tant for growing childm Nucoa rccMtly iocrMMd its VttajBia A content! A raal contribution to bttttr Mnoaal autritiool FOOD FOR DEFENSE AT SMALL EXPENSE mm UPON MATURITY Y0V ., CET BACK ... $55.00 ... $50.00 ... $100.00 . $500.00 . . . . 11,000.00 i need at any tuM after 60 day from their "bw : uuBn arc ma lor as utue as iw. iaow; boy regularly. Kyow contpmy take adTaatace ol it XSU W. i INVEST IN Get Your rxn IP t L3 . ? ' Douglas Aiejvay. . -Mri. SanvH. Pxobtrt,-MravDK. Gemunder, ? Mrs. . .WiUiam n. Wood, ISni Earl B. DarV Mrs. John Carkin;. Mrs- R..D GitH ton. Mrs. Robert Shihn, . Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Mrs. ;H McKee and Mr George Nelson, Former GirhtoWedvj . iiariorie McCallister, .daughter of- Mri andMr. Mark McCallister or vorvuj, ly of Salem, announced her be trothal to Mr. Edward C. Mil ler of Liberty, flndiana, at the Delta Delta Delta house in Cor vallis last week. . Mri MiUer,-a gradiiate of Pur due, is county agent of Union county, Indiana! He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller of Lafayette, Indiana, and a mem ber of Alpha Rho . fraternity. Miss McCallister Is a senior at Oregon State college. Their mar riage will be In June, after grad uation. The Can-Do class of Leslie Methodist churbh is to meet Wednesday at 2 pjn. with Mrs. p. X. Hoereth, 1940 East Nob Hill. Mrs. Russell Stone is to assist the hostess. mm Olf iff AT YOUR GROCER'S NOW i m r fx v not absoluetly required for-the necessities of food, clothing, and shelter should be, yes, must be, loaned to your Government! We must act fast. Start getting your share of United States Defense Bonds and Stamps to- j day. Get them regularly, day after day, week after week. If you have already bought a Bond, 1 now is the time to get more! 1 Remember, every Bond you buy is a blow at the military maniacs attacking us that i every dollar you invest will come back to you, ivith interest on that brighter, happier day! when Victory is ours, and there is peace again throughout the world. - J can start buying Defense Bonds by baying Defense Stamps for as little as .'. . 4 .g . the mon taaoe date A Jht More baa a Defense SAFETY Tht Sham of T - Today's Menu .N - -A' good"m ta t iahiture wfll wrm th 'touls of dmertf b night table. . jsiiced Icffarnje salad - 4" '- -Browned rice and vtal' 4 "Mashed, potatoes' ' - t , ChbcolaU cake with. . - ? S Whipped cream. tep r - -f ' 'V -i'-l . :' 'r',r'i' BEOWNED WCE AND VlAll ; 4 Ublespoons bacon fat r : " lfcups bofled,Trtce i . .- .1 . ; 2 tablespoons-chopped onions Cup dice celery . . 2 tablespoons catsup . H teaspoon salt , '( ' V. teaspoon -paprika -1 ; cups d 1 ceil cooked veal (or other neat) j ,i cup gravy or milk . . Heat fat, add brown rice, 3 lons, celery. Add catsup and seasonings, pour over rest of in gredients, heated together and placed on warm platter. VlliHiiVtnitPim Tait the right steps to reTieve tlte diKomfort of chapped lip or chapped hands right now. Um MtitthoUhim. Irs cooling, toothing ingrtdienrs aro medicinal and therefore not onr c'nf relief and comfort bat alto aronwrt proper koaling of tM KM. Jars or tabos, 30c. Mil mtmmtzKszmai 10c 19 emu in Defema Stamps bora 5 cartndres. , ' 15 emta im Defenae Stamps bora a aol. ' dier a mess kit. ; in Defenae Stampa baya first, aid kit. 12.00 im .Defense Stampa bora a good warm blanket, i " IW.00 ia Defense Sumps boys I tted ; ; helmets. j , . . Dtftnst Bonds Yov Buy More Plan ts Wilt Fly