PAGE TEN Th OREGON STATESMAN.! Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. January 27. 1842 ait i 3fc 'j" iiri-- r I a By KIRKE Wide Werld War Analyst For The Statesman Twitch-American air and sea assar strait than give allied peoples a stimulating taste of victory. They have slowed indefinitely front conquest It is still fronts. That is true in Libya and even in Russia where red arm E operations arc primarily of de- lensive-offensive nature The battle of Macasar strait, tike MaeArthar's g-rim and deadly stand In Luzon, Is throw ing a parrinrj monkey wrench tat the Japanese war design. Tokyo's indicated strategy de aaands full use of that direct waterway from the China sea to the Java sea and the heart of the Netherlands Indies.' Macassar passage is vital to Quick overrunning of the Nether lands Indies. It is also essential to blocking relief from the Pacific aide to all but besieged Singapore. Unless that strait, Singapore strait west of Borneo or the various Das 1 -sages east of Celebes island can be forced before the united nations tally sufficient air and other now tt to turn the tables in the Pacific, lie whole Japanese conquest pro ct might collapse on itself. That appears to be the view f General wiveU, British gen eralissimo of the allied com mand in the sector, and of Ad miral Hart, his American naval associate. They have concen . trated air and sea forces to j guard that central sea pathway, : and have scored heavy blows at astounding ly small casualty ;' costs in ships or men or planes. Short inside communication lines by sea and air from Dutch island bases have been effectively ' used to meet (the enemy thrust down Macassar strait. Since no British forces Were noted in the actions, presumably they are dis posed to guard the Indian ocean and Singapore strait routes to the Java sea. News from Libya and Malaya made the Macassar victories all the more stimulating to allied ob servers. Even axis spokesmen were at a lossl to explain British back-tracking in Libya. "However, It suggests heavy transfer of em pire troops, nival units and air power to othet theatres, perhaps to the Pacific theatre. There remains the most erlti eal war front of all, the At lantic. Despite axis submarine raiding in American waters, ar rival of an American expedi tionary force In North Ireland is announced. Its site, composition and mission are undisclosed. I Presumably, however, it means American manning of essential bases in North Ireland for spring operations in the eastern Atlantic. Whether the American forces will relieve British units or merely supplement them is not stated in Washington. The dispatch! of American troons as well as technicians to North Ireland, however, has possible major significance. The best Irish bases for conduct of the Atlantic battle are in neutral Eire, South ern Ireland. If available to British American anti-submarine forces I these bases would virtually double their effectiveness. Since f his country was forced Into the war by Japan's attack and the German-Italian declara tions of warj the possibility of , American use of bases in South ern Ireland has been a question f prime importance That may riot be. in the cards ; yet. If ft evr comes, however, AmericanCfniTfHE In Knrih Tralont would be available to take prompt i advantage of that favorable break ; for the allies. j Union to Seek Cause Of Delay in Payments PORTLAND1, Jan. 26-P)-CIO- Internauonar Woodworkers of America officials said MnnHav they would call on Gov. Charles A. Sprague Tuesday to demand an explanation; of the state unemployment compensa tion commission's delay on sea sonality payments. Frank Gordpn, secretary of the IWA Columbia river district council, ; said approximately 4500,000 were! due western Ore gon loggers. He cited the Seaside seasonality case which was de cided in the porkers' favor sev eral months ago. Dr.T.TXam, NJ). . Dr.G.Cnu, NJ. , DILCHAN LAM CMnes M41e1n C. .. 241 tiott Liberty r-Ulrt Portland General Flee. Co. Otiitt pea Tuesday and Saturday eniy 1 a. m. ( 1 f. m.j to . m. CenanHatioa, . Blood prewar . aad axliia tet art fret of charta, U rcari la Badness : on use asEDm L. SIMPSON forces have done more in far tne main tnrust or japan s multi- campaign ana nine is wnai counts. a defensive fight for the United Nations on all Library ; Group Attends Meet SILVERTON Mrs. H. B. Latham, Mrs. G. B. Bentson, Sil verton public library board mem bers, Lillie Madsen, librarian,! and Gladys Fletcher, librarian at the public schools, attended the Ore gon Library association meeting at Salem Saturday. This was the first formal meeting of the Ore gon-formed group and the Sil verton library became members of the association. Annabelle Jensen, sophomore student at Pacific Luther college at Parkland, Wash., is spending a few days between semesters as a guest of her mother, Mrs Hans Jenseri. Miss Jensen plans to re turn to her work Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Latham spent Sunday at Portland as the guests at the Foster Cone home Mrs. Cone is the daughter of Lathams. The S. M. McClungs have re turned from a visit in California with their sons-in-law and daugh ters, the Noel Riffes and L. J. Roels. Mr. and Mrs. James Case (Ruth Gregg) are announcing the birth of a daughter, born Januarv 22 at the silverton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riding of Woodburn are reporting the birth of a daughter at the local hos pital January 23. Plane Crash Probe Starts SEATTLE. Jan. 26-(P-Paine field authorities undertook an in vestigation Monday of the crash of an army pursuit plane into two Everett homes Sunday. The plane, on a routine train ing flighty developed motor trou ble over the bay at Everett and the pilot, Lieut. Laune C. Erick- son, bailed out. He landed in the water uninjured and was quickly rescued. Portland People Visit at Lincoln LINCOLN Mr; and Mrs. Rob ert Crawford and daughters. Jran and Peggy, Portland, were visit ors here this week. They motored down to spend the night with his mother, Mrs. Lois Crawford While here they visited Mrs Crawford's parents, Mr. and Mrs H. E. Smith, Monmouth, and their sister-in-law. Mrs. i Dick Smith, who is being congratulat ed on the birth of a son. Lois Crawford returned to Portland with them and will spend a few days with relatives there. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Yenckel. Thursdav were a small group of old friends from Corvallis, the Yenckels for mer home. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, for meriy of Lincoln and now of Monmouth, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of their first grandson. The baby born to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith at the Deaconess hospital is named Richard Robert, jr. Mrs. Smith will be remembered as Marion Walling, daughter of Mri and Mrs. Tracy Walling of this com munity. 1 Talbot Sets First Aid Class at School TALBOT Mr. and MrsJ Bar clay of Jefferson organized a first aid class this week at the Talbot schoolhouse. Classes will be held at 7:30 Tuesday and Thursday nights. I David Turnidee returned horn recently from Washington. DC where he went to attend a pepper mint growers meeting. He re turned the southern route and visited his son Dale in California, Benefit From Study BRUSH CREEK Th jnm - . -, - v. . and Alice - Jensen, who . aire at- wuuuis insv ia classes, naa an opportunity to put into nractir some of the' work they had ln studying recently. Returning from a recent ciass, mey had not gone two blocks before they came upon an accident While they gave as sistance they did not learn who the people, were. i Service Men . Where They Ar What They'ra Doing SILVERTON HILLS George Porter, son of Mrs. A. H. Mires, has gone to Portland to enlist in the navy. Another son, Clarence, has been in the navy for 19 years and is now stationed at Pearl Harbor, i ABIQUA Jack Butler, who has been in eastern Oregon, has joined the navy according to word received here by his moth er," Mrs. W. "L. Butler, LaMonte Dunagan, of the navy, spent i short furlough here with his par' ents. SILVERTON Oscar Specht, aviation cadet, has earned his wings at Mather field, Calif., ac cording to information received by his parents, the Carl Spechts at Silverton. SILVERTON Mrs. Ray Van diver, the former Beatrice Leo nard, has received word that her husband, Lt Vandiver, is weLL A brief message written December 14 merely stating that he was well and somewhere on the Pad fic, was received during the past week. WASHINGTON, Jan. The navy announced Monday the temporary promotion of several first lieutenants in the marine corps to the rank of captain, among whom was Richard M. Baker, Salem, Ore. Dick is the son of Chester Baker, long time employe of The Statesman. Lt Glenn F. DeGrave, officer In charge ef navy recruiting in this district Monday announced the opening of a new navy re serve classification enabling male students of high schools and col leges aged 17 through 19 to join the reserve at once, remaining in school until the end of the cur rent year. The new class will be designated as V-L According to word received by we lieutenant acceptable appli cants in the new class will be enlisted immediately upon com pletion of the necessary papers, then released to inactive status to finish the school year. PORTLAND, Jan. 2&-(Jp) Plans to provide copies of the new testament to all men of the armed forces stationed in or de parting from Oregon were made Sunday by the Oregon state Gi deon cabinet. Distribution of 635. 000 copies already has been com pleted. Arthur Feilen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Feilen of Salem, Is home ort leave from the US navy. When his boat docked in San Francisco he had.,n attack of appendicitis and will report back for duty next week. He was In Pearl Harbor at the time of the Japanese bombing. LIBERTY Latest war story of interest here Is that concern ing; an eighth grade pupil who wanted very much to enlist In the US marines. He did too! He Is Thurman Campbell, 18, rather over the average age r eighth graders bnt old enough to join the marines If he had his grade school diploma. Thurman talked It over with the principal, Joseph Watt, who took the matter np with . the school board. The school board members were willing to assist young Campbell In his desire to serve his country; were will ing to grant him his eighth grade diploma with the permis sion of Mrs. Agnes Booth, Ma rlon county superintendent The marine recruiting office stated its willingness to accept Campbell. Mrs. Booth was willing and signed a diploma, so did the schoolboard and the principal. Young Campbell, who has a brother in the navy and ano ther in the army Is now In a marine training station. Pupils Present Varied Program ' GATES A program was nre- sented in-the auditorium of the Gates high school January 22 by the freshman and sophomore classes. It consisted of selections bv th freshman-sophomore band mem. bers; a humorous skit by Tommy Shelton and Richard Sears; two songs by a girls sextet; panto mine and a game, three grand prizes for which were defense savings books containing defense stamps. Bomber Noses at Dalles THE DALLES, Jan. 26-OPV-An army bomber, forced, down iy icing conditions, nosed over as lt attempted an emergency land- City Women's Ambulance Corps Chief Promoted Promotion to captaincy and Company F of the Oregon women's ceived by Hazel Payne, formerly the Salem unit Capt Payne's company In cludes Newport, Toledo and Salem units. Her promotion featured Friday night's meet ing of the Salem unit, with Sgt frank Jlrak announcing ad vancements and presenting in signia. Cannalite Weddle, formerly sergeant, was given ranking as first lieutenant and placed la Funeral Services Slated Today For Henry j. Belle, One of Salem's First Business Men i i Funeral services for Henry S. Belle, 96, one of Salem's first business men, who died at a Salem hospital Sunday morning, will be held, today at 11 a.m. from the Clough-Barrick funeral home with Rev. Robert Hutchinson officiating. Mr. Belle died Group Awaits Material for Red Cross i SILVERTON Mrs. C. W. Keene, local chairman, Is report ing that Red Cross sewing ma terials will not be available here until after the first of February. Knitting, however, will go on as usual and there is said to be plenty of yarn. Bundles for Brit ain, Inc., has been taken over by the Red Cross management to facilitate acquisition and distri bution of material, it was re ported. The closing date for receiving bids for carrying mail on a star route from Silverton expires to day at 4:30, according to informa tion received here. The route from Silverton extends up the Silver Falls highway iand the Bridge Creek road to Hullt and returns via the Power Creek road. George Hubbs, local real estate man, has recovered from an ill' ness which kept him from the office for several days. ' John S. Gertlitz is among the 512 Oregon men who have en listed in the marines since the attack at Pearl Harbor. Silverton friends have also learned that Duane Hewitt, Salem, formerly of Silverton, is also among the enlistees. Bob Leonard, son of T T. Leonard, who has been study ing radio technique at Oregon Institute of Technology, has en listed in the navy and is on his way to the naval base at San Diego. George Manolis, local defense bond chairman, reports the drive is progressing very well. Mrs. A. F. Blackerby, who has been ill at her home here for the past week, is reported improving. Hog prices at the Harry Walker auction sale during the past week were reported as surprisingly poor, while cattle averaged fair and household goods only med ium. The Walkers are moving to Portland where Walker is em ployed in the shipyards. Birthday Party riven at Gates GATES The first birthday party of the year was given Wed nesday honoring Mrs. Mabel Tay lor at her home. Members of the clu bwho at tended were Velma Carey, Lil lian Kelle, Frankie : Johnson, Maude Davis, Irma Greene, Jessie Heath, Martha Bowes, Blanch Dean, Eva Bevier, Blanche Syver son, Marietta Smith, Lou Collins, Ruby Horner, Mabel Knutson, Ruby Winters, Hazel Devine, Katherine Turnidg. Guests were Myrtle Hesseman and: Rosaline Smith. First honor at euchre was given to Frankie Johnson, second to Ruby Winters and consolation to Jessie Heath. Fred Ritner has started work seven miles east of Gates, pre paring a road for logging opera tions. He expects to be logging there soon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ball of Cloverdale visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs,: Clarence Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moberg. Gates, announce the birth of a son born at the Deaconess hos pital in Salem January 22. The boy will be named Larry Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brown left Wednesday for Astoria where Brown will drive a gravel truck. Community Benefit Given at Marquam MARQUAM A silver tea was recently held at the i home of Mrs. O. S. Rice with Mrs. J. L. Jones and Mrs. A. F, Jack as hostesses. The tea was for the benefit of the local community. A group of young people and adults of the local Methodist church are attending the school of religion held at Salem Wed nesday nights. j ing late Saturday on The Dalles airport It missed the runway and landed on soft ground.-; to Captaincy to position as commander of ambulance corps has been re lieutenant and commander of ; command of the Salem unit - Other advancements: announc ed Include First Sgt Ermel Klein; Platoon Sgt Evelyn Hebel; Sgts. Leona Teske and Errria Coover ; Corp. Ruth Hunter; Pvts. First Class Frances BalL Flora Hen ningson, La Verne Proctor, Wau nits Bramel, Mary Brand, Lola "Weekly and Helen Lawrence. after a severe illness of about a month; although he had been in poor health for some time. N He was born in Norway, March 2, 1845; In 1862 at the age of 17 he arrived in New York. He lived for a time in Minnesota, came to Portland In 1872, and later ac cepted; a position as clerk with Breyman Brothers, pioneers Sa lem merchants. He conducted severs business ventures himself here for many years, including merchandise, real estate and in surance concerns, the latter of which he sold to the present op erator, Fred Mangis. ' Mr. Belle managed the Sa lem Woolen Mills store from 1890 until it Was taken over by the late C. P. Bishop, and re mained with Bishop as a clerk for many years. He was asso ciated with David F. Wagner later J in a mercantile business for a number of years. Mr. Belle married Nancy Swe gle in 1878. Her father, Charles Swegle, a covered wagon immi grant of 1843, later became one of Marion county's largest land owners and taxpayers. Mrs Belle died May 30, 1931. A charter member of the Woodmen of the World and of the United Artisans, he filled all of the offices of the latter lodge auring his membership. He was stUl a member of the WOW at the tune of his death. Mr. j Belle is survived by two aaugmers, Mrs. C. E. Stricklin, Salemi and Mrs. Leslie Yates, Portland; one granddaughter, Nancy Stricklin, Salem; and a great granddaughter, Jackie Kel ley, San Francisco. Patents Have ond Son FOX VALLEY Mr. and Mr Ross Kellogg are the parents of a son born recently at the Dea soness: hospital, Salem. This U tneir second child, both boys. The, county rock crusher plant ax ine j. e. Jungwith farm has teen operating this week, crush ing roc for road repairing. A small crew of men and two trucks are working. Mrs, Leonard Snyder and two sons, Ronald and Kenneth, and Mrs. Daisy Johnston were Thurs day callers at the Jack Johnston home.! The first aid class has an en rollment of 50 members. About 70 men and women had planned W) take the course. However, an ower class will have to be or ganized to accommodate all those wishing to enroll. Dr. Golden. ocio, is tne instructor. Legal Notice SUMMONS No. 29642 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON i For The County of Marion 5 Department No. 2 CITY OF SALEM, a municipal corporation of Marion County, State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. FRANK D. BLIGH and MIL DRED E. BLIGH, his wife; FREE- dhan MlCKENHAM and MARY MICKENHAM, his wife; HENRY MlCKENHAM and IVA MICKEN HAM, his wife; WILLIAM MICK ENHAM and MERL MICKEN HAM his wife: ROLAND MICK ENHAM and JANE DOE MICK ENHAM, his wife; and THE UN KNOWN HEIRS OF SAID ROL AND j MICKENHAM; HATTIE DICKENSON and ED DICKEN SON, i her husband; BIRD MICK ENHAM and LILLIAN MICKEN HAMi his wife; FLORA BENE DICT and JOHN DOE BENE DICT, the husband of FLORA BENEDICT; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF FLORA BENEDICT: CHESTER BENEDICT and JANE DOEl BENEDICT, his wife; GEORGE BENEDICT and JANE DOE BENEDICT, his wife; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF CLARA BENEDICT; JOHN D. DENS- MORE and ELIZABETH M DENSMORE, his wife; HAZEL DOWNING GOODMAN and BENJAMIN B. GOODMAN, her husband; A. I. EOFF and BER THA M. EOFF, his wife: EMMA VANDEVORT, a widow; JEN NELLE MOORHEAD and GEORGE R. K. MOORHEAD, her husband; NELLIE C. WILLIAMS, unmarried; JOHN A. GOODE, a widower; MARY M. FUSON and W. H. FUSON. her husband: JAMES GOODE and OLLIE GOODE, his wife; ALBERT M. GOODE and LEORA GOODE, his wifeg GORDEN D. GOODE and EDA' GOODE, his wife; V. A. GOODE and DO VENA GOODE. his wife; BESSIE E. LONG and JOHN LONG, her husband: DELIA GOODE, unmarried; ZOA hauman and FLOYD HAM MAN, her husband; EILEEN RAZ and HENRY RAZ, her husband; HENRY GOODE and DOROTHY GOODE, his wife; THE UN KNOWN HEIRS OF H. B. BOON, Deceased, L SMALE, and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF I. SMALE; ' OSSIAN J. SHIRLEY and MARY J. SHIRLEY, his wife, and JHE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAID OSSIAN J. SHIRLEY: M. M. FISHER and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAID M. M FISHER; muNKx lausrt and JANE DOE: LAMBERT, his wife, and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF HENRY LAMBERT, FRED B. MADISON and JANE DOE MAD- ISON, his wife; and THE UN- KNOWN HEIRS OF SAID FRED B. MADISON; GEORGE B. SIMP- SON and JANE DOE SDMPSON, his I wife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF -SAID GEORGE B. SIMPSON: ROY STRANAHAN and JANE DOE STRANAHAN, his Iwife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF SAID ROY STRANA HAN; LYNN LAMBERT and LO LA LAMBERT, his wife; EDYTHE McKNIGHT and DON MC KNIGHT, her husband; MAX SHELTON and LUCILLE SHEL TON, his wife; LEE SHELTON and! RUTH -SHELTON, his wife; DON RAY and VICTORIA RAY, his wife; LOUIS RAY and WIN NIE RAY, his wife; EFFIE MILL ER, a widow; ZONNA PEARSON and IVAN PEARSON, her hus band; CORA BICKFORD and RUSSELL BICKFORD, her hus band; IRVIN RAY and GRACE RAY, his wife; ELMER RAY and JANE DOE RAY, his wife; C. N. McNULTY and JANE DOE Mc NULTY, his wife; and THE UN- KNOWN HEIRS OF SAID C. N. McNULTY; UNITED BUILDING INVESTMENT CO., a dissolved corporation; and J. F. KABLE and C. H. KABLE, as trustees for the stockholders of UNITED BUILD ING INVESTMENT CO., FRANK E. KENNEY and JANE DOE KENNEY, his wife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF FRANK E. KENNEY; ELSIE F. DEVINE and JOHN DOE DEVINE, her husband; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ELSIE F. DEVBME; R. A. STEVENS and JANE DOE STEVENS, his wife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF R. A. STEVENS; D. J. McNERNEY and JANE DOE McNERNEY, his wife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF D. J. McNERNEY; NOAH L. GERBER and JANE DOE GER- BER, his wife; LENA STRAUSS AND ERNEST STRAUSS, her husband; ERNEST LEHRER AND JANE DOE LEHRER, his wife; LYDIA MIDBY AND JOHN MID BY, her husband; D. W. LEHRER and KATHYRINE LEHRER, his wife; E. F. LEHRER and MAUD LEHRER, his wife; PAUL LEHR ER and ELIZABETH LEHRER, his wife; DR. W. B. PECK and ALVINA PECK, his wife; A. W. CARBERRY and JANE DOE CARBERRY, his wife, and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF A. W. CARBERRY; RICHARD MUNN and JANE DOE MUNN, his wife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF RICHARD MUNN; IDA B. MUNN, a widow; ORVTLLE C. OGLESBY and DOROTHEA OGLESBY, his wife; and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ORVILLE C. OGLESBY; R. E. TAYLOR and JANE DOE TAYLOR, his wife, and the UNKNOWN HEIRS OF R. E. TAYLOR; W. C. WINSLOW. administrator with win annexed of the estate of H. H. VANDE VORT, DECEASED; HAZEL DOWNING GOODMAN, adminis tratrix of the estate of R. E. DOWNING, Deceased; ALBERT ESTATE, INCv a corporation; PI ONEER TRUST COMPANY, a corporation, as, executor of the last win and testament of Joseph H. Albert, Deceased; JESSIE D. ALBERT; MARY JANE EOFF: JOSEPHINE HOLMAN ALBERT SPAULDING; SALEM FOUNDA TION, a corporation; Defendants. SUMMONS iu: Roland Mickenham and Jane Doe Mickenham his wife, ana unknown heirs of Roland Mickenham, Hattie Dickenson and Ed. Dickenson her husband, Bird Mickenham and Lillian Micken ham, Flora Benedict and John Doe Benedict, her husband, and unknown heirs of Flora Benedict, Chester Benedict and Jane Doe Benedict his wife, George Bene dict and Jane Doe Benedict, his wife, unknown heirs of Clara Benedict, Nellie C Williams, M. Goode, Leora Goode, Bessie E. Long, John Long, unknown heirs ofjH. D. Boon, Dec., L Smale, unknown heirs of I. Smale, Ossian Shirley, Mary J. Shirley, un known heirs of Ossian J. Shirley, M.: M. Fisher, unknown heirs of MJ M. Fisher, Henry Lambert. Jane Doe Lambert, unknown heirs of Henry Lambert, Fred B. Madi son, Jane Doe Madison, unknown heirs of Fred B. Madison, George B. Simpson, Jane Doe Simpson, unknown heirs of George B. Simp son, Roy Stranahan, Jane Doe Stranahan, unknown heirs of Roy Stranahan, Max Shelton, Lucille Shelton, Elmer Ray, Jane Doe Ray, C. N. McNulty, Jane Doe Mc- wuity, unknown heirs of C N. McNulty, Frank E. Kenney. Jane Doe Kenney, unknown heirs of Frank E. Kenney, Elsie F. Devine and John Doe Devine. unknown heirs of Elsie F. Devine, B. A. btevens, Jane Doe Stevens, un known heirs of R. A. Stevens. D. J. McNerney, Jane Doe McNer ney, unknown heirs of D. J. lie. Nerney, Noah L. Gerber, Jan Doe Gerber, Liydia Midby. John Midby, D. W. Lehrer, Kathyrine Lehrer, E. F. Lehrer, Paul Lehr- eri Eliza rtftti TVim -n.i Alvina Pir v x-.Zl I W, B. Peck? Del Z wT CarWr I jane uom carberry; unknown heirs of A. W. Carberry, Ida B. Munn, Richard Munn, Jane Doe Munn, unknown heirs of Richard Munn, Orville C. Oglesby, Doro thea Oglesby, unknown heirs of Orvffle & Oglesby. R. E. Tavlor. Jane Doe Taylor, unknown heirs or k. jg. Taylor. ; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified and re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication 6t this summons, and ij you fall to so appear, for want thereof - tha Watntf 4n I - I ; to the court for the relief prayed J or In Plaintiffs complaint on file in tha above entitled suit, to-wit: for a decree forever quieting title to and enjointag aiid ' restraining 'you "and TacTcf 7ou fTcSS hereafter -asserting or ' daiming any right title of interest in. the following described real estate or any part thereof, situated in the J City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon to-wit: ; Lots Five (5); Six (8), and Seven (7), Subdivision of Blocks twenty-eight" (28) to thirty-five (35), Yew Yar Annex No. 2 to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon! (See VoL 11 Page 27, Record: of Town; Plats for said County? and State.) Lot Nine (9) Block Fifteen (15), in . Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem, Marlon County,- OregonJ (See Vol. 2 Page 74, Record of Town, Plats for said County and State.) That part of the North 104 feet of Lot One (1), Block Fif ty-two (52) in University Addi tion to the City of Salem, Mar ion County, Oregon, (See , Vol. 1 Pace 32. Record of Town Plats for said County and State) lying East of the Oregon it California Railway r 1 g h t - of way. Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Block Two (2), New Cherry Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County,, Oregon. (See Vol. 11 Page 30, Record of Town Plats for said County and State.) Beginning on the East line of Sixth Street in Good Addi tion to. the City of Salem, Mar ion County, Oregon, at a point which is one hundred fifty feet South of the point where said East line intersects the South line of Washington Street and running thence East one hun dred three feet; thence South fifty-three feet thence West one hundrd three fet to the East line of Sixth Street; thence North along the East line of Sixth Street fifty-three feet to the place of beginning, and be ing a part of Block (2) Good Addition, and a part of lot Sev en (7) Tuxedo Park Addition to the City. of. Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), and Sixteen (16), in the Subdivision of Blocks One (1) and Two (2), Nob HU1 Annext to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. (See Vol. 12, Page 20, Record of Town Plats for said County and State.) Also, beginning at a point on the North line of. Rural Ave nue in the City of Salem, Ore gon, 60 feet easterly from the Southeast corner of Block Three (3) in the Subdivision of Blocks Three (3) to Seven (7), Nob Hill Annex, running thence northerly, parallel with the East ine of said Block Three (3), and along the East line of Alder Street as shown on the plat of said Subdivision of Blocks Three to Seven of Nob Hill An nex to the City of Salem, Mar ion County,s Oregon, 207 feet, more or less, to the center of a ditch or creek; thence south erly 16 degrees easterly along the center of said ditch or creek to the North line of Rural Ave nue aforesaid, being the South line of Block Two (2), Nob Hill Annex to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon; thence westerly along the North line of Rural Avenue and the South line of said Block Two (2), 60.45 feet, more or less to the place of beginning, being a part of Block Two (2) Nob Hill An nex to Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shown oh the dedi cation thereof. AU situated in the Subdivision of Blocks Three to Seven, Nob Hill Annex to the City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon. Lot Nine J9) Block One (1) Broadway A'ddition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore gon. (See Vol. 4, Page 1, Rec ord of Town Plats for said County and State.) Save and except the Oregon Electric right-of-way. I Also, That part of Lot Ten (10) in Block One (1) Broad way Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, (See vol 4, Page 1, Record of Town Plats for said County and state.) lying East of the Ore gon Electric Railway right-of-way, --...j.. Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Three (3), Broadway Ad dition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. (See Vol. 4, Page 1, Record of Town Plats for said County and State.) Lots Eight (8), Nine (9), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), and the West 53 feet of Lot Four teen (14) in Block 1. Brooklyn Addition to th City of Salem, Maion County, Oregon. (See VoL 2, Page 81 Record of Town Plats for said County and State.) Lot Ten (10). Block Three (3), and Lots One (ly and Five (5), Block Four (4). Brooklyn Addition to Salem, Marion county, Oregon. (See VoL 2; Page 81, Record of Town Plats fr aid County and State.) f and Three' (3) uuu vi if, jriesuDoi vi sion of Blocks Seven (7) and Eight . (8) of Burlington Addi tion to the City of Salem. Mar ion County, Oregon. (See VoL , Page 117, Record or Town Plats for said County and State.) Lot Seventeen (17) Block Two (2), Burlington Addition to tha City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. (See Vol. S. Page 38, Record of Town Plats for said county and state.) , wornmencing at a point on the East line of Lot No. T.vra, ty-eight (28) Capitol Home Ad- . ditlon to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, (See VoL J, Page 21 Record, of Town . . . . . . h lor saia county ana state.) na hundred tee t southward southward from the Northeast corner- of said Lot No..Twenty-eight (28), running thence southerly along said line fifty feet; thence West- waraiy - and parallel with the North line of said Lot one huni Ldred' ten feet; thence Northerly and parallel with the East line of sal d Lot Fifty (50) feet? thence I Eastwardly and paraUel with the North line of said Lot one hundred: ten (1 10) feet to the place of beginnins. j ,: f i LotlFive i (5),Block One (ill Bechtel and Bynbn'a CardweU Addition , to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. (See VoL B, Page 7, Record of Town Plats for said county and state.) Lot ? Three (3); Block Seven (7) and Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), Compton's Addition to the City of Salem, Marion Coun- ty, Oregon. (See VoL 2, Page 9, Record of Town Plats for said bounty and state.) 1, . - ) Beginning oh the West line of Lot One (1), Block Fifteen (15) Depot Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, (See Vol. 2, Page 54, Record of Town Plats for said county and state.) At a point that is 52 H feet northerly from the South west corner of said Lot; thence Easterly parallel with the South line of said lot 100 feet to the East line of Lot Number Two (2) in said Block; thence south erly along the East line of said lot to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along the South line of said Block 100 feet to the Southwest cor ner of the Block; thence north erly along the West line of said Block! to the place of begin ning, being the South one-half of said Lots One (1), and Two (2) , Block Fifteen (15), Depot Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon. - That part of - Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) in Block Twelve (12) of Highland AddK tion to the City of Salens Mar ion County, Oregojv (See VoL 2, Page 6, Record of Town Plats for said county and sta)e.) thai lies-easterly of the Oregon: Elec tric Railroad right-of-way. Lot Ten (10) In Block Thir teen (13) Highland Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. (See Vol. 2, Page 6, Record of Town Plats for said county and state.) - I Lots Three (3), Five (5), Sev en (7), and Ten (10) in Block One (1) of New Cherry Addi tion to thejCity of Salem. Ma rion County, Oregon. (See V6L 11, Page 30, Record of Town Plats for said County and state.) The Northwest quarteV of Block Fifty-one (51), in North Salem with Additions, Marion County, Oregon. (See Vol. 1, Page 34, Record of Town Plats for said county and state.) Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) , Four (4), Fifteen (15), Six teen (16), Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) and the West one-half (W) of Lots Five (3) and! Fourteen (14), Block Twenty-one (21) Yew Park An nex to Salem, Marion. County, Oregon, as shown by the duly recorded plat on file and of rec ord in the County Recorder's Office in Marion County, Ore gon. (See Vol. 2, Page 74, Rec ord of Town Plats.) Also, Beginning at the North west corner of Lot Twelve (12), Block Sixteen (16) Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shown by the duly recorded plat on file and of record In the of fice of the County Recorder for said county and state; thence easterly along the North line bf said (Lot 12, 44 feet; thence southerly parallel with the West line Of Lots 12 and 11, 100 feet to the South line of Lot 11 in said I Block; thence westerly along the South line of said Lot 11, 44 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence north erly along the west line of Lots 11 and 12, 100 feet to the place of beginning, being the West 44 feet of Lots 11 and. 12. Also, Beginning on the West line pf Lot One (1), Block Six (6), (Yew Park Annex to the City j of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shown by the duly recorded plat on file and of rec ord in the office of the County Recorder In said county and state; at a point which is 100 feet southerly from the North west corner ef said Lot; thence easterly parallel with the North line of Lots 1 and 2, in said Block 110 feet to the East line of said Lot 2, thence southerly along said East line 42 feet-Jto the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence westerly along the South line of Lot 2 and 1 fto the Southwest eomr of Lot i, thence northerly 42 feet to tne place of beginning, '? Also, Lot Three (31. BlorV Twelve (12); Lots One (1) and TwoS (2), Block Thirteen (13); Lot Three (3), Block Nineteen (l) i Lots Three f 3) Nine and Ten (10) Block Twenty-five l xxts Four (4) Five. r5. and Six (6), and the South ohe hlf i(S) of Lots Seven (7) and Jgni ts) in Block Twenty-six ana Lots Four (4). Five f5V and Six (6), Block Twenty-nine (29)t Yew Park Annex to the Cityj of Salem. Marion Count Oregon, as shown by the duly recorded plat on file and of rec ord In the office of the County Recorder for said countv mnA state. (See VoL 2. Page 74, Rec- oru oi rown ats.) inu summons. is served unnn you by virtue of an order made and entered by the HonorahW V. JM. Page, Judge of the above en- oueaicourt, on January 16, 1942, directing that the same be served T publication and designating the Daily f Oregon Statesman, as the paper; In which the same should be published. ' . j LAWRENCE N. BROWN, f i T. M. HICKS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ; Date of first publication. Janu ary 20, 1942. , s Date of last publication." Febru ary 17. 1942. : J 20-27 F 3-10-17.