-4T s Ibe OEEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning. January 25. 1942 PAGE TWO CouoieWeds uzm I 7 OTTC7TTTT7Q " ileWeds At Qhurch lites At a candlelight service Sat urday night Miss Eunice Vir ginia Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jbseph Johnson, be came the bride of Mr. James II. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ; Thompson; The marriage ceremony tojpk place at the Im manuel Baptist church and Rev. James Wilson of the Pratum Methodist church read the ser vice at 8 'clock. Mr. Henry Beutler sang "Be cause" and "At Dawningand Miss Gladys Edgar was the ac companist. The, altar was bank ed with greens, yellow acacia and spring flowers. Miss Frances Robison and Miss Gladys Craw ford I lighted . the altar candles. The laltar cloth was laid by Miss Sidney and Miss Virginia Lively. Preceding! the bride to the altar was Miss Rowena McDon ald, bridesmaid, and Miss Alice Thompson, bister of the groom, maid of honor. Miss McDonald wore a frock of aqua taffeta with water! leaf design. The skirt was full, the bodice was fashioned with a yoke of shell pink! net, edged in silver braid and a sweetheart neckline. Miss Thompson's dress was of coral rose; taffeta with the water leaf design. The gown was made with a full skirt, puffed sleeves and self covered buttons on the bodice. Thoy carried nosegays of roses, carnations, violets and freesias. In Whit Satin The bride, walking down the center aisle! alone, wore a hand some mode of white slipper satin which) she had made her self. It was fashioned with a full skirt, terminating in a train. The fitted bodice was made with a sweetheart neck line. The long sleeves were puffed at the shoulders and end ed in points over 'the wrists. The waist was embellished with tiny self covered buttons in front. I A white I net veil cascaded over the train and was held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses and bouvardia. Mr. Vernon Johnson, brother of the brid, was best man, and ushers were Mr. Lloyd Griffiths, cousin of ihe groom, and Mr. Donald Meyers. Mrs. Johnson wore a soldier blue silk threpe dress with an embroidered yoke of matching braid for her daughter's nup tials. Mrs. Thompson was gown ed in plum silk with a matching satin vest. Both wore gardenias. A reception for members of the two families was held at the home of thq bride's parents. Miss Gladys Crawford sang. The bridal table was centered with a silver candelabra, which be longed to tpie bride's grandpar ents, and a bouquet of mixed spring floWers. Assist at Reception Miss Violette Schaffer, cousin of the bride, cut the wedding cake and serving were Mrs. Virgil Wilson, Miss Marie Wilks, Miss Nada White, Mrs. Donald Callahan, Mrs. Lorene. Griffiths, Mrs. Roy iLively and Mrs. D. H. Nash. Miss Leisla Darr was in charge of the gift room and Mrs. Mabej Gardner passed the guest booki For going away the new Mrs. Thompson jwore a costume suit of soldier! blue wool and a matching hat. Her accessories were wine suede. They will live east of Pratum where Mr. Thompson is engaged in farm ing. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are graduates of Salem schools and the bride is well known in mu sic circles. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. White and daughter, Nada, came from Coldwater, Kansas, for the wedding. Miss Mary Becker Is leaving this weekend for Tonguetfoint where she. has accepted a ivil service position. She will make her homei in Astoria. She, has . been with' the Marion c6unty agent's office. . SETS THE DATE Miss Barbara Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Williams, who will be married on " February 8 to Mr. LeRoy Amon, sen cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aman of ML AngeL The ceremony will be performed at "St Joseph's Calholic church. Cesten-Miller). f JTXK-S JL Y JL JL J.J-Jlo' X if To Many Easterner TODAY Mrs. Bizabeth Gallaher is announcing the engagement of her only daughter, Gwen Gallaher McCullough, to Lieutenant Carl E. Grant of Buffalo, New York. The tall, brunette bride-elect is a Willamette university graduate and May Queen her senior year. She is a member of Delta Phi sorority, Cap and Gown and Pi Gamma Mu. The bride-elect was active in music and drama on the campus. She is now a councellor at Chapin hall at Northwestern university and will receive her mas ter's degree in personnel in June. The couple plan to be married in Evanston, 111., at the close of the spring term. Lt. Grant received his bachelor of science degree from the University of Alabama where he was a member of Theta Xi fraternity. He obtained his master's degree frbm Lafayette college in Easton, Pa LU. Grant is now in charge o the incendiary bomb division of the Chicago Chemical Warfare Procurement district Before entering the army service he was a chemical engineer. Gwen visited at the home of her fiance's parents during the Christmas holidays. Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carlon (Lois Riggs) will be interested to learn that they are leaving this week for Oak land, California, to reside. They have been living in Portland since their marriage several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Thorne H. Hammond are entertaining with an informal at home to night at their North Summer street place for the pleasure of the Carlons and a group of their intimate friends.' Librarians Are Feted at Tea ( Librarians who were in Sa lem Saturday for the Oregon Library association conference were honored at an informal tea in, the afternoon in the staff room of the state library. Host esses were Miss Eleanor Steph ens, state librarian, and staff members. Mrs. Hugh Morrow and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague presided at the tea urns. A yellow color scheme was carried out in the table appointments. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, jr., entertained Saturday night for San Francisco where they will attend the furniture mar ket n J Stiffs Hosts at Dinner Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, sr., have invited guests to a buffet dinner tonight at 5:30 O'clock at their home on North Winter street The "serving ta ble will be covered with a gold cloth and centered with a bou quet of red roses. Bright colored tulips win be arranged in the guest rooms. Cards will be in play during the evening. Covers will" be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Senator and Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, Dr. and Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Mr. and Mrs. Urlin Page of Silverton, Mrs. Vern Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Verden Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Healy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry U. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Stiff. Barbara Williams Is Surprised Miss Barbara Williams was honored with a surprise party Friday night at her home when Miss Lillian Holechek of Inde pendence and Salem entertained. Miss Williams will be married on February 8 to Mr. LeRoy Aman. s The evening was spent inform ally and a kitchen shower honor ed the bride-to-be. Refresh ments were served and a blue and white color scheme was car ried out in the decorations. Honoring Miss Williams were Miss Marvel Coon, Miss Bar bara Ruef, Miss Geraldine Pri mus, Mrs. Walter Holechek and Mrs. John Holechek of Inde pendence, Miss Betty Price, Miss Kay Pillette, Miss Irene Stobb, Miss Edna Stortz, Miss Irene Payne, Miss Avis Wick, i Mrs. Carl Williams, Mrs. Gladys Doty of Oswego and Miss Holechek. Stockmans Fete Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Stockman ; are entertaining as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin of Portland. , Saturday night the Stockmans were din ner hosts for the pleasure of - their guests at their residence . on Belmont street Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Judge and Mrs. - George Rossman, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. : Stockman. Daughteru ef St Elizabeth ' will meet at St Paul's Episcopal - parish hall Tuesday . afternoon for a I o'clock luncheon. Host- esses are Mrs. C L. Bowes and . Mrs. W C. Gabriel Parties Are Scheduled They're Patriotic The coaling f ewr weeks will be filled with club activities including .defense and victory partfes, a president's ball and club installations. Miss Jean Rowland, daughter of Mrs. Edna Rowland, will be installed as worthy advisor of Chkdwick assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls at impressivef ceremonies Tuesday night, at the. Masonic temple at 8 I o'clock. Other elective officers to be installed include Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson, worthy associate advisor; Miss Margaret Forsythe, chairty; Miss Joan Remington, hope; Miss Jean Driggs, faith; Miss Helen Paul son, recorder; Miss Pat Schnei der, treasurer; Mrs. Wayne Hen ry, mother advisor. Miss Edith Mohr Is the re tiring worthy advisor and will conduct the installation services. She will be assisted by Miss Doris Berwick, chaplain; Miss Lois Robinson, recoder; Miss Helen May Cook, marshal; Miss Alice Rose, musician. Before the installation there will be a business meeting at 7:30 o'clock. The public is in vited to attend the installation. President's Birthday Ball On the calendar for Wednes day night is the President's Birthday ball to be held at Crystal Gardens with dancing from 9 to 12 o'clock. : Invitations have been sent to state officials, and there will be a grand march. Dancing will be held on both floors. Dr. Vernon A- Douglas heads the birthday ball com mittee. Mr. W. J. Entress heads the dance committee and announces that persons who have purchas ed tickets for the ball, but do not intend to use them, turn them in at the Marion county department of healths They will then be turned over to the sol diers to enable them to attend the ball. Dancing partners from ' one of the woman's clubs will be provided for the soldiers. YWCA War-time Tea A war-time tea will be a fea fure of the annual membership meeting of the YWCA Friday tichmrur UTAWiV-Of-a art4 fvfAitHc are invited to call between 2 and 6 o'clock at the association building on State street Mrs. Karl Becke, president, and Mrs. Esther Little, general secretary, will assist in receiv ing the guests. The theme of the meeting is "To A Pair of Hands." Mrs. Roy S. Keene, a member of the board, will give a talk on a woman's place in civil defense. Mrs. Becke will give a preview of the local YWCA and Mrs. Little will give a resume of the work during 1841. Mrs. Ray Yocom, head of the nominating committee, will pre sent the candidates for election by the membership to the board. In charge of arrangements for the affair are Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. Eric Butler, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. L. M. Purvine and Mrs. William Gahlsdorf. Woman's Club Defease Tea Two victory parties are slated for early February. The Salem Lady Hunters Organize i Mrs. Verne E. Robb was elected temporary chairwoman, and Mrs. Fred Krepela tempor ary secretary of a group which met to outline the organization of a women's auxiliary to the Salem Hunters and Anglers club. The club had voted, at a meet ing earlier in the month, for the formation of an auxiliary and It was the unanimous opinion of the group that the assistance of the ladies was needed to help carry out the objectives of the club toward better appreciation of Oregon's outdoor ; resources. A meeting is to be held Wed nesday night in the Willamette room of the chamber of com merce, and invitation cards have already been mailed to the la dies asking them to be present at the meeting when permanent officers will be elected. The women are already tak ing active part in the plans to entertain out-of-town guests who will be here ior the an nual banquet to be held Wed nesday, February 4 at St. Jos eph's hall. A turkey dinner will be serv ed, and entertainment during the banquet will be furnished by Monte Brooks' orchestra of Portland. f Members of Alpha Ma? chap ter of Delphians will study Ed gar Allan Poe, artist and critic, at their meeting Tuesday morn ing at 9:30 o'clock at the Sa lem public library.! Mrs. J. K. Hubbard win direct discussion assisted by Mrs. f S. Raynor Smith, Mrs. W. T. J Jenks, Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. George Ross- man and Mrs. H. B. Tatham. t Wedding Myrtle BerlfsUd Uoyd Reinwald Hilda SUndfrh Lester Meyers Los Margaret Catton Harold Johnson Barbara Crato Boyd Brown Episcopal Margaret Chadwick Harland Kruse hne. : flm HT1.... 1-1.,,,.- .- A n ' Bene Travis Serjeant Alee Deannan Tacoma Charleen Edwards Vernon Obert . L Barbara WIUiam LeRoy Aman St. Audrey retuer Amedee Smith.,..: Edythe Thomas Harold Smlther Edith Wendelin Paul Sheldon, Marianne Z wicker Charles Esplin Margery Hoereth John Long Woman's club, is sponsoring a defense tea at the home of Mrs. Percy R. Kelly on Wednesday, February 11. All Salem women are invited to" call between 3 and 6 o'clock. Mfs. Kelly is heading the committee in charge of arrangements and an nounces that the money will be used for defense activities. Mrs. Mary Schultz Duncan is arranging some music numbers for: the afternoon and singing wilj be Mrs. David Cameron and Mrs. Lenard Kephart. Officers of the club, headed by Mrs. George H. Swift, president, will be in the receiving line. Junior Clnb -Victory Ball The Valentine Victory ball to be given by the Salem Junior Woman's club will be held on woman s ciuo wui De nem on Valentine's day, Saturday, Febr- uary 14, from ten to one o'clock at the Veterans' hall, Hood and Church streets. The proceeds of the dance will be used to buy defense bonds. Buss Broms' orchestra will play and Miss Maria Dare is chairman of the event. Assist ing her will be Mrs. George Roth, Mrs. Joseph Tompkins, Miss Susanna Walery, Mrs. Evelyn Akers, Miss Mabelle Frazer and Miss Trommlitz. Marguerite' Newcomers Are Honor Guests Miss Eleanor Stephens and Mrs. Frankie Schmidt, newcom ers in the capital, were honor guests at a smartly appointed dinner party Friday night when Mrs. Phillip Barrett entertained at her home on North Winter street. The honor guests and hostess were classmates at the University of Washington. The occasion also marked the birth day anniversary of Miss Steph ens. Spring flowers In varied colors decorated the dinner table. The evening hours were spent In formally and Miss Lorena Jack and Mrs. Waldo Zeller talked about their trip to Honolulu. Other guests were Mrs. E. C. Forsythe, Mrs. James Jennings, Mrs. Lyman McDonald, Mrs. Paul Barden, Mrs. George Ross man, Mrs. L. C. McLeod and Mrs. Francis Wade. ENGAGEMENT TOLD Miss Marjorie Weum, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Turley of Portland, whose betrothal to Mr. Richard L Cooley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, has been revealed. The wedding is ; planned for the spring. CKennell-Ellis). Miss Keuscher Complimented Miss Nadine Keuscher, bride elect of James Fortune of Se- attle, was the honor guest at a ' bridal shower Friday night when Mrs. George Gilham entertain ed. The evening was spent in formally and refreshments were served ty the hostess. x Guests bidden were: Mrs. George Mentzer, Mrs. Leslie Keuscher, Mrs. Clarence Keus cher, Miss 'Peggy Clendening, Mrs. Anna Disbrow, Miss Berty Pallison, Miss. Maurine Kues cher, Mrs. Bob Keuscher, Mrs. "Vernon Mentzer, Miss Edithe Thomas, Mrs. Boy Fortune, Mrs. Clell Thomas, Mrs. Wayne Mentzer, Mrs. Jack Polk, Mrs. Lillie Ostrom and daughter Erma of Portland, and the hon or guest, Miss Nadine Kuescher. calendar American Luthc January 23 Aagele January 25 home- January SO -January 31 January 31 -February 1 -February 3 Jebruary 1 -February Joseph' February is ...February 31 Pott April 4 .Aprils -May 10 WILL MARRY Miss Virginia Jcrrman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan B, Jarman of Santa Monica, Calif., for merly of Salem, who has revealed her betrothal to Mr. William J. Thompson, son of Mrs. Ruby Thompson, of Medford. formerly of the capital city. The wedding & planned to take place here in February. The bride elect is attending. Willamette university and is a pledge of Beta Chi sorority. (Kennell-Ellis). i T , -i -r i-i , I 1 ft Hn Cl PS" K lGCt J011 CU- I -L-'-L lO Complete Details For Weddings January brides-elect are completing plans for their wed dings, and parties are being given in their honor. - Miss Barbara Crain and Mr. Boyd Brown have announced members of their bridal party for their wedding which will be solemnized on Saturday.-January 31 at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. George H. Swift Miss Ruth Bedford will play the organ music and wedding marches. Miss Crain has asked Miss Marylee Fry and Miss Barbara Johnson of Klamath Falls to be her maids of honor. Barbara's uncle, Mr. Theodore Arenz of Portland, will escort her down the aisle and her father, Mr. Harry N. Crain, will give her in marriage. . Mr. Merle Berry of Portland will stand with Mr. Brown as best man and seating the guests will be Mr. Bill Snell and Mr. William Rickman of Eugene. Reception at Crain Home A reception at the Crain home on South High street will follow the wedding. Assisting in the dining and living rooms will be Mrs. Frederick Lamport, Mrs. Theodore Arenz of Portland, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr., Mrs. David Bennett HilL Mrs. George Otten, Miss Rovena Eyre, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. D. C. Roberts and Mrs. Ronald A. Gemmell. Serving will be the Misses Barbara Mil- Miss Ardys Richardson, wha has .been with the state indus trial accident commission, has left for Olympia where she has accepted a position. She was secretary of the Young Republic club last year. Birthday Party At Rowland's Jean Louise Rowland, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Row land, celebrated her sixth birth day ' anniversary Wednesday when Mrs. Rowland gave a party in honor of her daughter. The table was attractive with the birthday cake and six can dles. Little black caDDed snow men on-white bags of candy served as place cards. The aft- ernoon was spent in games. Those bidden to honor Jean were: Anne Vassey, Sonja An derson, Josephine Clark, Joan Hammond, Mary Margee, Bever ly Johns, Alice Joy Miller, Lois Freeman and Carol Svinth. - Mrs. Waldo Zeller will tell of her experiences in Honolulu at the time of the Japanese attack wuung tuiu uieuus oi me "icuiuiuu uiurea uvea- MAmlitM - - -i A - ..a ucwuy uwiuuw aw a. iea meet- tog in the church parlors at 2 UUUUk- will officiate at 8:30 o'clock. ler, Marianne (Owen, Sybil Spears, Sally McLellan, Leone Spaulding, Patricia and Suzanna Schramm of v Corvallis, and Nancy Duttonl Mr. Boyd, Who is with Boe ing Aircraft in Seattle, and Miss Fry, junior: at the University of Washington, will arrive in the capital Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr., will entertain at dinner Friday night at their home preceding the wed ding reheasal for members of the bridal party, f Krause-Chadwkk The home of Mayor and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick will be the set ting for the f marriage of their daughter, Mils Margaret Chad wick, and Mr. Harland Melvin Krause, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Krause of Wisconsin, on Sat urday, January SI. Rev. S. Raynor Smith will read the service at 8 o'clock. Mayor Chadwick will give his daugh ter in marriage and the bride elect has asked Miss Carmen Wood of Portland to be her only attendant Mr. Orin Johnson of Spokane will be Mr. Krause's best man. There win be a reception for the wedding guests after the ceremony. Mr. Krause and his bride will go to Spokane on their wedding trip and will reside in Salem at the Roberts apartments. Miss Chadwick was honored at a bridal party In Portland when Miss "Wbod entertained for the bride-to-be and a group of her Kappa Kappa Gamma soror ity sisters from Oregon State college. Swenson-Nissen February has been chosen as the date of the marriage of Miss Cleo Nissen and Mr. Oscar Swenson, Willamette university students. The couple will . ex change their jjrowi at the Xmman uel Lutheran! church in Albany at 2:30 d'clock in the afternoon. Rev. Ralph Heins will offici ate and Mrs. Reins will play the wedding music. Mr. Michael Carolan wills sing preceding the ceremony. Mr. G. P. "Nissen will give his daughter iri marriage. Mrs. Cletus Snyder of North Bend will be her sister's matron of honor and bridesmaids will be Mrs. Albert Klassen (Delma Jean Jones) and Miss Ruth Nissen, younger sister of the bride-to-be. I Mr. Jack Hedgecock will serve as best man for Mr. Swenson and me usners are Mr. Albert Klas sen and Mr. Robert DaeeetL A reception at the Nissan fenm to Albany will follow the wed ding. Mr. Swenson will enter the army-service this month and Miss NissenJ will complete her studies at Willamette, receiving her degree In June. She is a member of Beta Chi sorority and Mr. Swensorfs fraternity is Kap pa uamna Kno. Past Rerents of DAR will meet Thursday for a I o'clock covered dish luncheon at the Salem Heights home of Mrs. C. C Geer. Mrs. C. C Clark will give uu on xne anama .canal zone. .. .: Kioq fri ffitK x 1Vllbb VJUlIlln TO KTr VV iVir "Hllie MTS..U. jk. Griffith. is todav announcing the betrothal of her oaugmer, Mass Wiletta Griffith, to Mr, Robert Prime, son of nr and Mrs. Frank V. Prim Kn date has been set for the wed-4 oung. The bride-elect attended ; Sa ' lem schools and b. i ' . xenoeo .university of. Oregon aiier graduating from Salem a . ' 1,11 mga school. His fraternity - is Kappa Sigma. He is now sta- uonea .at Fort Stevens. Vows Will : Be Said Tonight Mlis Myrtle Herigstad win walk: down the Isle of the Ameri can Lutheran church tonight' to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Lloyd Reinwald. At 8 o'clock Rev. M. A. Getzendaner will j- unite the couple in marriage. The bride is the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Herigstad of Woodburn and Mr J Reinwald's parents are Mr, and Mrs. Henry Reinwald of Sa lem. I Arrangements of acacia, car nations, iris and fern will bank the altar. . Tall white tapers in candelabra will cast a soft glow over the church. Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist will sing before, the bridal party enters and her numbers are 0 Promise Me land "I Love You Truly.'' Miss Gladys Edgar wfll be the organist : - : j ' Mrl Herigstad will escort his daughter to the altar. She has chosen a white satin gown. The gathered skirt ends in a train and lace Inserts embellish the dress on the bodice and lace panels extend from the skirt to the train in back and front The long sleeves are full at the shoulders and the neckline is sweetheart style. Her full length tulle veil will fall ijfrom a crown of rosebuds and she will carry1 an arm bou quet of Joanna Hill rosebuds and bouvardia. Bridal Party Miss Louise Black will be the maid of honor and her frock is peach made with a full skirt and puffed sleeves. She will carry A nosegay of narcissus, roses and violets. Miss Ruth Reinwald, sister of the -groom, and Miss Frances Hertz will light the altar can dles They will wear pastel blue chiffon dresses and corsages of pink, and white carnations. Mr. Elton McGilchrist will stand with Mr. Reinwald as best man and ushers are Mr. Elvm Thomas, Mr. Forrest Edwards and Mr. Lester Herigstad, broth er of the bride. Mrs. Herigstad has chosen a teaT blue dress with white trim ming for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Reinwald will wear navy blue and both will have cor sages of gardenias and freesias. A reception in the church par lors will follow the wedding and the bride's table will be centered with the wedding cake flanked by colonial bouquets of pastel flowers. Mrs. Elmer. Suing will cut the cak and Mrs. Robert E. Mars land of Milwaukie will pour. Serving will be Mrs. Louis Ra mus, Mrs. L. J.. Stewart and Mrs. Lester Guthrie. Fpr traveling the bride will wear a beige ensemble with brown accessories. Mr. Rein wald and his bride will reside at the Elaine apartments. Miss Hergistad attended the Woodburn schools and Mr. Rein wald was educated in Salem and attended Willamette university. He is now with Krueger's gro cery. A Valentine j;":j-j::H;:S;:;!n!fi V' "PHOTO- $050 Eyes, Lips, Cheeks in Natural Colorl 4 PROOFS TO CKOOSE FROM I'lEiltlELL ELLIS ft J Artist Fhotocjrapherg 423 Orocon Udq. , Phone 7833 ,., Proposal