0 Vv 4 fin f- Woodburn Chinches i By KIRKE SIMPSON Wide World War Analyst For The Statesman A startling and unexplained British set-back in Libya head lines the war news: It makes North Africa an unknown quantity in both allied and axis strategy Besurgent German tank units under heavy air protection have stabbed eastward again nearly 100 miles to retake Ageda bia, offensive- advance base of the British. The news obviously jar red London spokesmen. There and in Cairo the battered axis forces under Nazi General Rommel had been represented as whittled down to rearguard defense size, able only to delay, not to halt, the British annihilation drive. Yet they have leaped east ward and according to Cairo accounts, they have encountered only British 'light forces." A similar attack in the same re gion last year precipitated a re treat that threw the British al most out of Libya. There was no mystery about IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Divine worshiD 11 a.m. Sunday school and Bible class 10 ajn. Tuesday Bible hour is postponed one weeK. inursaay choir oractice 8 Djn. Saturday, con- firmant class 1U a.m. ine congregation in snnnsorini a series of special meet ings beginning Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Li. K. jonnson oi iviamam raua and Rev. Gulhaugen of Astoria will be guest speakers. The meetings wui con tinue afternoon and evening until Thursday, closing Thursday night. La dies Aid society Thursday 2 p.m. H.t- esses will be Mrs. nermanson, Mrs. Vick and Mrs. H. Mathieson. Special meeting of the congregation Monday. Sacred Music TofBe Played In Concert A concert of sacred masic is to be I presented at the Calvary Baptist church, South Liberty and Miller streets, Sunday at 7:30 p.m. by Mr. arid Mrs. Reginal Green way, Vancouver, BC. Greenway, a concert violinist, was a professor of violin for 16 years and Mrs. Greenway is an accomplished harpist and accom panist,; Together they will present a program based on classical transcriptions of spiritual songs and hymns. During the program, Greenway will play the 'TOeremin," which is unique in that the performer never touches it while playing, The tone quality is similar to that of the viola or cello and is pro duced by manipulation of the hands. Mr. and Mrs. Greenway have just recently completed a 9000 mile tour of the United States and Canada and have given concerts in many leading cities. Greenway will give a brief sermon following the concert. The public is invited. " NIDAROS LUTHERAN- Mrt cAnrioc CurHav imriav that In a futile effort to save school lo'a.m. Choir practice' at Ko- Greece from axis conquest, Brit- gens Thursday. 8 o'clock. ain left little more than a token methodist force to hold Libyan gains and Ralph E. Smith, pastor 9:50 a.m.. i j j v , j ; . , , Church school, offering a class for ev- scaled down her air and sea block- erv acc CedriC schartf. Supt. n a.m.. ade.in the Mediterranean waist worship service. 6:30 p.m.. youth fei- line, the Sicilian straits. The Brit- lowsn,p lsh gambled with Libya and lost. christian That they have similarly gam- all Morning service" ll: Liston bled with Singapore, even Austra- Parrish, pastor. lia, and already lost HongKong, church or god is the charge raised against Prime H. s. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school Minister Churchill by his parlia- " "mD' at . evening worship. 7:3ot mentary critics. A full-dress war midweek prayer service Wednesday, debate, to be capped by another 7:30, vote on Churchill's war leader- free methodist I Corner of Young and Gatch streets. Ship, Is impending. Rev v. M. Abott, pastor. Sunday The lOSS Of Agedabia, unless it school. 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; I young peupic s jiuuj. viv .1 11. n- can be explained on high stra tegy grounds, will add to the heat of the London war debate. j It is possible the Libyan re treat can be so explained. The British still hold Bengasi and the Libyan hump, which are Important as air bases imple menting British control of the central Mediterranean. Pressure upon both London and worshlP " gelistic service, 7:30 p.m. ST. LUKE'S CATHOLIC Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier pastor. Rev. J. J. McGrenra, assistant pastor. Sun day masses 7. 8:30 and 10 a.m. (high mass) followed by benediction. Week day mass. 8:13 a.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Geo. R. Cromley, minister. Sabbath school. 10 a.m.. Otto Jones, Supt. An nual election of officers at the opening of the Sunday school hour. Morning BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN Washington for effective allied re- Inforcement of Pacific and China 10M5ornMnrf. Tffi'lup? sea bastions has been increasingly heavy as British back-stepping FULL GOSPEL Lnra Sorensen. rjastor. Sunday school down the Jviaiaya penmsuia wem 10 a.m.; Morning worsnip u a.m. Tk. nnlv nil H xoung people wmw yjn. evwiu uiiii.wv.. " and fourth Sundavs In the month, with briffht snots in the far Pacific are a service on the first nd third Sun- , mr i. ji .H i navs in saiein at. uic ajcmwii wuv uenerai jviacAruiurs suuu " W,. home children's church 7:15 Luzon, and American, Dutch and p.m. Evening service, 7 :45 p.m. Prayer Chinese counter blows by air and Church Services in Salem I AMERICAN LUTHERAN North Church street. Rev. M. A. Getzendaner, SO, i pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn.; morning service, 10 o'clock. Sermon subject, "A Trans figured Life. -r BETHEL BAPTIST North Cottage at D street. J. T. Ol- thoff. DD. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. Arnold Frey, supt. Morning serv ice 11 o clock, sermon subject , coming Events." Bible school teachers' lunch eon at boon; youth fellowship hour, 6:30; evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Ser mon subject, "wnat uoes it uosxjo rji ter Heaven?" Prayer meeting Wed nesday, 7:45 pjn. Choir practice Thursday, 8 p.m. , CALVARY BAPTIST South Liberty and Miller streets. Rev. Edward L- Allen, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., Edward Schunke, Supt. Morning service 11 o clock, sermon sub ject, "Now What?" Young People. Pio neers and Juniors, 6:30 p.m. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Concert of sacred music presented by Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Greenway. Vancouver, BC, followed by brief sermon by Green way. Midweek prayer and praise service Wednesday, 7:30, cnoir re hearsal, 830. CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) State and 18th streets. F. H. Theuer. BD. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.. Otto Gronke. Supt. Morning service, n o'clock, sermon subject, "Ripe Unto Harvest." Brotherhood, Tuesday, 7 -JO p.m. Confirmation class, Saturday, 9 a.m. CHURCH OF GOD 940 South 22nd street. Rev. Cled Watts, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m Morning service. 11 o'clock; evening service 7:30 o'clock; revival meetings each night and also for the comma week. Evangelist Reppond doing the speaking. Nightly Services. Of Evangelical Are Continued Under the ministry of the con verted New Mexico cowboy Everett Solan, the round up con tinues at Salem Evangelical teber nacle, 13th and Ferry. The evangelist, preaches every night at 7:45 o'clock except Satur day and creates interest by draw ing his illustration while he is speaking or singing. Each night an oil painting is presented to the person who brings the most visit ors to the service. On Sunday will be special serv ices and features. At the morn ing service the pastor, E. M. John son, will speak on the subject, which was postponed last Sunday, "Christian Cannibalism." This message will be illustrated by Sloan in pictures drawn while the pastor is preaching. The evangelistic service will begin at 7:45 at which time Evan gelist Sloan will preach on "The Ten Virgins." COURT STREET CHRISTIAN 17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly man, pastor. Sunday school 8:45 a.m Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker, Supt. Morning service 10:50 o'clock, sermon subject, "The Divine Catalvste." Evening serv ice 7:30 o'clock, sermon subject, guest speaker, K. E. Burke, president of Northwest Christian college. Special Church Forms Needed In the future all church no tices are to be written on spe cial blanks which are now avail able at the church editorVdesk. school 9:45 a.m. Love feast 10.30 a.m.; morning service 11 o'clock. Bishop Wil- iuun x-earce wiu preacn. Missionary service 2 :30 p xa.., address by Mrs. J. M. Daniels, general WMS, president. Ev ening service 7:45 o'clock, sermon by Bishop Pearce. , FOURSQUARE GOSPEL 19th and Breyman streets. Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. morning service 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "Joy In God." Even ing service 7:43 o clock, evangelistic service, sermon subject, "Made Straight." Special musical program. Crusaders Sunday night 6:15; prayer and praise service, Tuesday 7:45 p.m.; choir and orchestra practice Wednes day, 7:30 p.m.; Bible study Friday, 7:45 p.m. Children's church Saturday, 2 p.m. Everyone welcome to all serv ices. FIRST CHRISTIAN Center and High streets. Rev. Guy L. Drill, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m., E. W. Cooley, Supt. Morning service 10:45 o'clock by the pastor. Sermon subject, "The Real Questions of the Hour." Children's church 11 a.m. Mes sage by Mrs. Guy L. Drill, a continu ance of the theme "Adventuring in Friendship." Evening service 7:30 o'clock, sermon subject, "A Young Master of Old Obstacles." Christian En deavor 6:30. The Keystone class of the church will have charge of the open ing and the devotional part of the night service ana some very interest' ing special numbers have been pre pared. FIRST BAPTIST North Liberty at Marion streets. Irv ing A. Fox, DD, pastor. Sunday .school 9:5 a.m. with classes for all ages, Fred Broec. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon subject. "The Test. Junior choir, "The Master Walked in the Garden" (Jordan). Gospel service 7:30 o clock, sermon subject, The numbers by the "Talent Group" from standing Wonder of the World": Sen the college. jor BYPU. High school BYPU and the Volunteers fi:la n.m Pre-oraver serv CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ice 7:30 D.m. Fidelis class room. Prayer . T T . . Vfl? I pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Mrs. A. P. voth, supt. worship, ll ajn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Cottage at Marion street. Robt. f lil 21; hTn&t ty 9:45 a.m.; morning service 11 o'clock; fasting and prayer beginning at 10 ' "t-i.- nn a.m. Tuesday at 7:30, guest artists Mr T rfv....i . : : 1 I Of y win -.r in"' . rtiT&Zr. $ Carolyn Brown. Mrs. H. R. Mitchell, 358 N 19th street; sermon subject. "They Also Serve. Evening service 6:45 o clock, league of youth. Morning service soloist FOUR CORNERS BRANCH OF ' FIRST BAPTIST At Auburn school. Sunday school CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE thV.'S7. 9:45 a. mih n.on snriB anrt Itnrv Rnnriav srhnnl I Lambert, Supt, song and story. Sunday school 9:45 Evangelists Jarrette and DeU Aycock wiu nave charge oi the entire sunaay ROSED ALE FRIENDS Un, STV, VS school -C-Canck: will last from 9:45 until 11. No service from 11 to 12 o'clock. Young, people's services omitted. Regular service 6:30. This will be the closing srevice of the revival Campaign with the Ay cocks. EMMANUEL MENNONITE Pratum. Daniel J. Unruh, pastor. 10 a.m., Sunday school classes for all age groups. Mr. Homer Welty,. Supt. 11:00 morning worship, sermon topic, "So boon Kemoved. 7 p.m deavor, junior, young people, adults 7:00, evening service, song service and sermon from Revelation: "A New Hea ven and a New Earth. Wednesday, dren's choir, same hour choir practice 8:30 senior meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. sea. British retreat in Libya to yield Agedabia back to the axis could mark a strategic move. The main British army in Libya obviously must be standing somewhere west of Bengasi and the Libyan hump, possibly with new orders. If that is what deployment of only "light" British forces about Agedabia means, it would be sig nificant The explanation must be the transfer of empire forces from the Near East and Mediterranean to bolster allied defense resources in the south Pacific battle zone. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday, at 11 a.m. in church edifice, Second and Garfield streets. Sunday School Moved to Salem Birthdays Noted At West Stayton WEST STAYTON The Birth day club met 'Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Leo Odenthal with Mrs. Verne Cham berlin as co-hostess. Refreshments were served to the following members and guests, Helen Gilbert and Ruth, Belpha Downer and Gary, Hazel Crane and Janet, Edith McMan- non and Frankie, Cora Sills, Mrs. Ivan DeSart, Janice and Allen, Sallye Goss, Elizabeth Van Nuys, T.rvra Ranrl. Marv Hankel. Minnie Because oi tne aesirucuon oi Anen. Lottie Comstock. Edith the church building by fire last otewart. jennie Schaf er. Edna Sunday, persons usually attending Wilkinson and Wayne. Minnie Sunday school at HayesvUle are Dickman, Oma Lacy, Christine asked to come to the services ai Forrette, Aliyce Chance, Ada 9:45 a. m. at the Fust Baptist Stewart, Lera -Snoddy, Mrs. Sid church in Salem. Aldiege and Carol Lacy, the Arrangements will probably be hostesses and Marlene Odenthal, made later to have the Sunday Shirley and Charlie Chamberlin, gchool in the Hayesville school Sandra and Terry Ruggles house. Women receiving birthday gifts from the club were Cath rine Ruggles, Edith McMarmon, Edna Wilkinson, Vivian Cham berlin, Mabel Odenthal and Jen nie McClellan. The club will meet again Janu ary 28 at the home of Mrs. Dick- man, with MrsrrIma Lacy assist ing. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Spry are the parents of a daughter born Bishop Dagwell Confirms Class At St. Paul' The Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dag well, will visit St. Paul's Epis copal church Sunday morning to address the church school, confirm several candidates to be presented by the rector and deliver the ser mon, at the 11 o'cldck srvice. Three vestrymen will be in stalled, Lynn F. Cronemiller, Var ney E. Kuhn and Glen S. Paxson. The other nine vestrymen include: R. H. Baldock, Henry V. Comp- ton, Donald Young, George L. Arbuckle, Dr. W. Wells Baum, Dr. Charles D. Wood, Wallace P. Car son, George H. Otten and E. J. Scellars. sic, choir. 88th anniversary of tne first church building, now the parish it initial I ntnm i vn nirvnt ltn ana weDrasica avenue, riev. v. r-nmr n H,Chinrt vpmi. iH uuoanian, PMiur. ounaay scnuui i -v,,,,v, urmon ntootr no.. o a.m.. Virginia naean. supi. morn- c,,ho in . m rirm ing service 11 o clock, sermon sub- Sllnt Mnmir unHM n nwk- it "A T.nHk1. D..,.nl Diu itv". -W I "r " . P. . .m.. Christian Endeavor. Evening serv Head of Bible College Speaks K. E- Burke, president of North west Christian college, Eugene, will be guest speaker Sunday at the Court St. Christian church. President Burke is widely known lor his interest in young people .... . j. i - and nis success in Duuamg me january 20 at the Salem Dea- conege at Eugene into a Christian hospital. This is the sec educational institution, 01 wiae m- ond child and second daughter Xluence. 11 - A group 01 me young peopie Mrs, sie Bone and daughter from the college will bring sev- Nancy, are spending the weeK in eral. special numbers. Eugene friends. visiting relatives and Mill City Churches CHCRCH OF CHRIST Sunday school 10 a.m.: morning serv ice. 11 o'clock; subject. "True Patrio Knitters Get Together WOODBURN Free Instruction In knitting for Red Cross work is given at the Woodburn city hall every Wednesday and Saturday f 4 A v vt H.Tv-c Tna Tf an. iium A - V '"to- rhrlctin EM.or fi-30 nm Son IS the Instructor, fcvery WO- Service 7 :30 p.m., subject, "Contradict. ." w. s. Crockett, minister. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday school 10 ajn., service. 11 a.m., subject, "The Worst Old Man in Mill City. Christian Endeavors, ! 6 JO p.m. Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Study of the Fifteenth Psalm. Bible study ev ery Friday night at the manse, led by Mrs. Wolfe. man who is interested in knitting to God or wants to learn is urged to at tend these classes. Valley Events January 28 Livestock producers! Sil- verton armory. 9:30 a. m.; Hubbard city IL 1:30 t. m. January 29 Cow ' feeding discussion. Mt. Angel. American legion hall. 10 p. January 30, county pouiuymen, norvaia trrada school. 1:30 D. m. Januarv 29 Prunln demonstration. Russell AsU farm. Mistletoe, 1 JO p.m. "'; ' 1 I'' . January 31 Oregon Jersey Cattle club. Saiem, ioa mm. . ice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Sam son, a Strong Man Who Failed." FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST j, Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day school 11 a.m.: mornin clock: sermon ening service 7 :30 o clock, sermon subject EMMANUEL BAPTIST n.: morning service.il streete. Warren C. Hale, pastor. Sun subiect. Truth. Kv- d school 10 ajn.: morning service 11 7:30 o'clock, sermon ii, t .h, Th. rh.i. Truth." Wednesday meeitngs h niH nn i..nt Voin? 'a " c" "Zr ; W 1 P-m- nln . service y:jo . BL "'""ZX I'Vi' o clock, sermon subject, A rloiy wa reading room. 305 Masonic bldg. open tion... prayer meeting 7 JO p.m.. thurs- daily from 11 a.m., to 9 p.m., Wednes- riav ' day untU 7:30. y" I IKflV ITE MFTIinniST FIRST CHCRCH OF GOD I Vnrth Wintar Bt .TAfforcnn str R hooo ana cottage streets, Kev. J. i. pnn, smith minifr Th rhun-h Lawson; pastor. Sunday school 9:45 L-hnni o Mnirins opshin 11 m .: mornine service ll ociock, ser- ,hn h. nscinr urm nr..h on iiiv.il ouujcii, """.'""i"? " Christ and Crisis. Choir directed by bveimiB k mc i. Robert Klempel will sing. Intermedin subject. "Where Divine Footsteps ate leaBue. 5: 30. Hich school and col ieaa. Krayer ana praise meeung pami b-to Evonini wot-shin 'Singspiration' Featured Sunday Sponsored by the young people of Calvary Baptist church, an all church and community wide "sing spiration" will be held Sunday night following the service. Opportunity will be given each participant to have his or her old time favorite hymn or gospel chorus sung, according to Rev Edward L. Allen, pastor. Mrs. Fredrick Lehman is to be pianist and Ethel Mae Williams, leader. Membership Goal ' Set by League With 179 members already en rolled, a goal of 500 has been set for; the United Prayer league, ac cording to Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor of the local Foursquare church and organizer of the group Fersons mterested m joining this non-denominational group are; asked to send their names and addresses to Rev. Henderson at 480 North 19th street, Salem phone 6287. Health Record Made HAZEL GREEN A perfect health record was made by the following pupils last month Seventh grade, Sakae Kyono, Pa tricia Zaharae, Barbara Kobow, Marlyn Rasmusson, Naoma Phil lips, Caryln Haynes, Caroline Walster, 'David Worden, Oliver Cole, Alcin Schwengles, and eighth gride, Betty Gregg, Ruth Reiling, Roland Van Cleave, Susuma Ky ono, Alvina Scholtz. Tone t the ' ; J - "AMEN CORNER" BEYITAL HOUR J V. Directed by : Dr. Maurice O. Brock . ff ftf 1290 Kilocycles DDAMCDIE TONIGHT ALTOH BEIIEDICT'S OBCIIESTDA V 2 Miles North of Independence . - Admission 25c and 43c AT I Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon sub iect. "Will God .Sustain His Church?" Special music by quartet. Evening service 8 o'clock, sermon subject. "This Is the Way. Special music wiu be furnished by a trio of young ladies frpm Salem Deaconess nospitaj ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL 560 Chemeketa street. Rev. George H n. . . I tjnui, La o bui . Ljununj ovi . vv. , . i. ....... v.nrisiian m- R0Dert r. Boardman, Supt. Bishop Dagwell to speak. Morning service 7:30 o'clock. Service of the holy communion (in tne chapel), ll a.m., ugnt ev, Benjamin u. Dagwell wiu contirm son, pastor. Sunday school 945 ut, noy i erguson ana vjiiie acnenaw, Supts. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject. .Christian Cannibalism." This subject was postponed last Sunday-; evening service 1 :45 o'clock, Evan- elist Everett : Sloan, converted cow boy, speaking; on "The Ten Virgins." Special revival service every night ex cept Saturday tinder the ministry of evangelist Moan. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Madrona avenue and Liberty road. Enoch Zimmerman, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., Mrs. Harvey Peterson, Supt. Object lesson by Mrs. George Fast. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Rev. J. M. Franz, guest speaker. 6:30 p.m.. Christian Endeavor. Special music at sunaay school by tne George Fast family. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Four Di mension Love"; Christian Endeavor 6:45 pjn.: evening service 7:30 o'clock; prayer meeting Thursday, 7.30 p.m. 'Reace Based on ' Justice' Topic of Dr. Harrison "The Certainty of Peace Based Upon Justice" is the. subject of the closing sermon Sunday morn ing in the series on "Some Great Certainties" by Dr. J. C. Harrison in the First Metthodist church. A democracy at war, freedom in a democracy at war, the posi tion of some of the great church denominations, has Willkie the right as a citizen to refuse offi cial appointment in order that he may remain free to offer con structive criticism. These and other questions will be discussed. The cathedral choir directed by Dean Melvin Geist will sing "God Shall Wipe Away all Tears" (Cooms). Corydon Blodgett will be the soloist singing the negro spiritual "Were You There" (Bur leigh). At the night service Dr. Harri son will preach a sermon on "Mat ing Our Day Dreams Come True" and Ronald Craven will sing "The Seraph's Song" (Faure) as the solo. Special Scotch Iftnsie Featured At First Presbyterian Church ...It':--- - -'V: I : - Members and friends of the First Presbyterian church will enjoy a program of Scotch music Sunday with melodies and readings being included in both; the special music and in the congregational singing. :30. prayer meeting and Bible study, and deUverK sermon. Instal- The Epistle to the Colossians. Chil- lation of toree vestrymen. Special mu- Blind Evangelist To Preach Here Dr. Walter D. Kallenbach, Phila delphia, famous blind evangelist, will appear at Calvary Baptist church February 24 through March 8, according to Rev. Edward L. Allen, pastor. Dr. Kallenbach, who has degrees as a doctor of philosophy and theology, holds a Phi Beta Kappa key and is the author of a number of books. with a message by the pastor. Evening service 7:30 o'clock, evangelistic mes sage. Junior and senior CE meetings at e:3U. MiaweeK prayer ana praise service Thursday, 7:30 pjn. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. FIRST EVANGELICAL Marion and Summer streets. Rev. Paul P. Petticord, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. Wilson Launer, supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon 7:30 in the church parlors. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry streets. Howard C. Stover, pastor: Sunday school 10 a.m.. Mrs. Arthur Fisk, supt. Morning serv- subject, "Jesus Christ Announces His ice n o'clock, sermon ' subject. "What Reason for Cormne Into the World! I t. di.. i7i.v. ,u r,,,ki" ci - - - . . " . - - . w mKlll , , lilt UIC uwiw w Ernest Fnesen minister of music. Ev- rw Th0se Tears" (Del Riego) Rich- enmg,PEvlcl Ii30 o clock, sermon sub- arJ Smart. Anthem Praise Ye the ject. "The Difference Between Large Lord- (Molitor); evening service 7:30 and Small- Sins." Special musical num- oers: rno. cnoir anthem ana auet. Youth groups 6:30 p.m. Prayer service and Bible study Thursday 7:30 p.m o'clock, sermon subject. "The Use of the Bible Today." Young people, 630 p.m, LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial at Myers streets, Joseph Knotts, pastor. Sunday school 8:43 a.m.: morning service ll o clock sermon subject, "An Unfettered FIRST METHODIST Corner State and Church streets. Dr, J. C. Harrison, minister: Ruth Cra mer. director of Christian . Education. church school 9:45: nursery 11, morn- iuS .uiauii, ""if" sermon subject, special installation having as his sermon topic. The Cer- service cf the WSCS. Three young peo- tainty oi Peace Based on Justice." ca- pies societies 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting uimni uiuu, "AZJ, 11 Thursday, 7:30 pjn. wipe Away ah i ears" (Looms), xoutn PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE fellowships. 6:30. even-ng worship, 45. 420 State street. 10 a.m., Sunday sermon topic. Making Our Day hnoi- u .m mmh mnnhin hmif Dreams Come True." Ronald Craven 6:30 r,'m.. v'ouni? neoDle's service. 7:30 will be the evening guest soloist singing "The Seraph's Song" (Faure). p.m.. evangelistic service: 7:30 n.m Wednesday, midweek Bible study and nraVM prvlr f . u irrls nflietnr Chemeketa ana North winter streets. PFVTvrosTAi. missiam W. irvm Williams pastor; uonaia 315'.i North Commercial street. J. C ljouns, airecior rengious raurauun. anci uaiSy Wilson, pastors. Sunday ouiiuay senwu a.m.. a. j. i- school 2 p.m. Morning service 3 pjn Simons, supt. Morning service, iv: Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Week ociock, cnurcn nursery, sermon sud- night service Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Thurs- jeci. uv. nmnem; my ancip ,nci aay. 7ao p.m. Saturday. 7:30 pjn. My Voice (Roeers) and tear Not. u . Israel" (Spicker). Evening servi:V 730 REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS o ciocK, sermon suDject. nooerx CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Burns. Special program Scotch music 1 7th -and rhpmpVMa trwh. Sundiv ana reaaings. jsagpipe soios: n m" a 1 school 10 ajn.; morning service. 11 a Man tor a inat tuurns); ine o'clock: evenine service 7:45 o'clock: ureen nuis oi lyroi tnooerison), adult Study class. 6:45 pjn. prayer nigs u oanejr lournsi, inu meeung Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Ain Wee House." and "Annie Laurie," sung by Mrs. Gordon McGUchrist. ac- comDanied on concertina py wimam McGilchrist. Sr; Boy Scouts Monday, 7:30 p.m. Choir practice Wednesday. 7 -30. nihl studV class Thursday. 1:30. Camp Fire Girls ) Wednesday and Fri- aay, at 4. FIRST SPIRITUALIST 248 North Commercial street. Rev. Lulu Mittlesteadt. Portland, pastor. Af ternoon service 2:30 p.m. Evening serv ice. 7:30 p.m. jio host luncheon 5:30 pjn. Every body welcome. FREE METHODIST Corner Market and Winter streets. David L. Fenwick, pastor. Sunday SALEM EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE 13th and Ferry streets. Eric M. John' Always 2 Smash Hits! MM LAST TIMES TODAY James Cagney In Pat O'Brien in "HERE COMES THE NAVY" f-glus The . Three Mesquiteers ' in "COVERED WAGON DAYS' Chap. 5," "Adventures of Captain Marvel" i News -Comedy Matinee Fins Ta 18c Evenings i;t.iVi:-A?.r.i.i18c Now riaying; pius Defense Tax Continuous Today 1 to 11 p. m. Lew Ayres Lionel Barrymore Laraine Day In Dr. KUdare's Wedding Day but Hunter Gail Patrick Jackie Cooper in "Gallant Sons" Pins Tax Also News, - Colored Cartoon and Final Chap, of Serial "SKY RAIDERS" rwe Laugh Packed H1U Flos TX Continuous Sunday 1 to 11 P.M- lob HOP! And Second Laugh-Packed Hit! , IT'f UllCir 1 I mm m Wrm t" V ' asw- a mzM m ; EngMBsakK. Favorite old Scotch nines will be played on the , bag pipes by W. R. : Tomison, Silverton, in cluding, "A Man's a Man lor A That" (Burns), "The Green Hills of Tyrol" (Robertson), "Rigs O Barley? (Burns), and "Scots Wha hae" (Burns). 'Mrs. -Gordon McGilchrist will present two solos, singing "My Ain Wee House" and "Annie Laurie," accompanied on the concertina by William McGil hrist, sr. A solo, "John Anderson, My Jo,!;and reading, "The Cot-J xers aaturaay wigni, wiu De given by William McGilchrist, sr.. : Familiar Scotch airs being sung by the congregation will include:; "Bank of Loch Lo mond,' I "Coming Through the Rye," and "Auld Lang Syne," with Virginia Ward Elliott di recting; oody and Esthel Ben ner will accompany the song service on the pianos. W. Irvin Williams will speak on the theme, "Robert Burns." Prof. Frank Churchill will play the following organ selections: Prelude, "Adoration" (Holy City), Gaul; offertory, "Inter mezzo i (Durham) ; and postlude, "March in D" (Roberts). This service ? will be broadcast over KSLM at 7:30. Two anthems will be present ed by the senior vested choir at the Sunday morning service. Di rected; by Virginia Ward Elliott, they will sing "My Sheep Hear My Voice" and "Fear not, O IsreaHKSpecker), with bass solo by Willard Hornschuh. W. Jrvin Williams will speak on "Do," and Prof. Frank Chur chill will play the following or gan selections: Prelude, "Noc turne in E Flat" (Chopin); of fertoryj "Berceuse (Delbruck) ; and ! postlude, "March in F" (Shackley). A church nursery is provided for - small children of parents " wishing to attend the morning: service, which starts at 10:55; a. m. i . I The balcony of the church is; reserved each Sunday morning for the members of the Sunday school 'competing in a church at tendance contest. It has been Silverton Churches - IMMANUEL - Bible and Sunday school 10 o'clock Sunday. Morning services 11 o'clock. Subject: "Result of a Worthwhile Tes timony." Communion services in the Norwegian language 10 o'clock. Lu ther league Sunday night 730. leader, Edward Hausrrt. Midweek prayer and devotional hour. Thursday. S o'clock. Choir hour Thursday night. B o'clock. Board of deacons meets with the pas tor following the morning service. The Severtson Memorial association meets in Eugene at the Sunset home Tuesday night. 7:30. Board oi airectors meets Tuesday, 13 o'clock, J. M. Jenson, pastor. TRINITY Sunday school and Bible classes. 10. Morning services, 11. Theme: "Fields White Unto Harvest. Luther league Sunday night, 7. Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr will lead, vesper services 4:30: cnoir rehearsal Wednesday, 730. Confirma tion classes on Saturdays at 9:30 and 10:30. M. J. K. Fuhr, pastor. CALVARV Sunday school and Bible Classes. 10 ajn., Olga Johnson. Supt. Morning services, 11. Norwegian services at 230 pjn. Rev. H. E. Engebritsen, guest speaker at both services. Luther league , meets at vera Heiaenstrom. pre sident. Naomi society, Tuesday. 7:30 at church, Olga Johnson, hostess. -Choir rehearsal Wednesday, 8 o'clock. Oscar Satrum, director. Rev. Olaf Rogne. Augsburg college, Minn., wiu speak Thursday night at 8 o'clock at a public meeting. O. C. Olson, pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45. Mrs. John Jor. dan. Supt. Morning services, 11. Theme, "A New Revolt in Religion." Junior Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Lor raine Evans, leader. Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening services. 7:30, Theme. "Thou Hast Sold Thyself." Thursday night Bible class at church, 730. Friday adult choir practice. 730. Russell Myers, pastor. METHODIST ' Sunday school 9:45, Fred Baker, Supt. Morning worship, 11 with Mrs. Jesse Bunch, conference president of the WSCS, speaking for the woman's so ciety annual thank offering. Youth and young adult fellowship meeting 7 p.m. Church board of missions will meet at parsonage Monday, 7:30 p.m. Wesleyan circle, Tuesday, 2 pjn., church social rooms. Choir practice Wednesday, S o'clock. Classes Organized RICKREAUL Red Cross adult first aid classes will begin here February 12 if an instructor can be obtained by that time. filled to capacity with nearly 100 young people during each Sunday of this month. See It Again and Again! MELIDi OVER! 11th BIG DAY i -1 Mai. 22c Eve. 30c Plus Defense Tax Special Attraction March of Times "Battlefields OF THE Pacific" This Is Not a War Picture! It fa a Background For S 4 Today's News Continuous Show 1:53 4:30 74 :3S raisTsffdTQ Nov ShowinoH ! v .f - tt v.- f f f " ) EI! S L4 1 HE MOST ENCHANTING ROMANCE THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN! The Queen of Song I Magic Music! The NEW Technicolor masterpiece . . on imperishable love story that is now a great screen triumph I mnni MH1N 1 CCnI IAN RAYMOND HUNTER A FRANK BORZAGE Production Tgt m PWy br Of. SlMMrt .. . - - i tr' 1 m Mwfla DiiMMl by MAN tOtZAOf When An Irresistable Force Meets SHOWTIME SmUln': 1:0 - 4:25 - 8:10 -11:45 Partners: 3:00 - 6:33 -10:10 An Immoveable Object . ? Mat I8c Ere; 22c Plus Tax 1 lidLl k Sunday - 9;15 P3L