The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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I ( - .
ommuiuty Clubs
gran committee for the Com
munity club Friday was In charge
of Irs. Joe Burr and Mrs. Horace
Bittoy. The refreshment commit
tee! was Mr. and Mrs. Pete Russ
and Mrs. Frank Weinman.
Two short plays were present
ed )in which Horace Bibby, Mrs.
Harry Boehm, Mrs. Harvey Aker,
Gus Harris, Frank Weinman, O.
G. McClaughery, Ruben Boehm,
Alice Jefferson, Bemice Russ,
Helen Rentz and Harvey Aker
took part.
Three musical numbers by Wil
lard; Hornschuch, Norma Jean
Weight and Oran Lowery. A
newly organized group presented
orchestra selections. Included in
the personnel were Mrs, Harry
Lovxe, Mrs. Henry Harris and
Oreille Klampe.
WEST SALEM Ludwig Peter
son was reflected president of the
Community club at the meeting
Elmer Cook was reelected vice
president and Mrs. Elmer Cook
will be secretary-treasurer for
the fifth consecutive year. The
nominating committee consisted
of Thomas Dalke, Dr. A. F. Goff
rier and Mrs. Fred Gibson.
Theodore Burns was appointed
chairman of the program com
mittee for the next meeting.
The club voted to purchase an
$18.75 defense bond. Stanley
Church of the state highway de
partment showed motion pictures
on traffic safety.
Guests Visit
North Howell
Mrs. Albi McCollum and two sons
of Corcoran, Calif., are here for
a two-weeks' visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rickard
and other relatives. 4i.
T. B. Holman of EugeneT who
formerly lived in this district and
raised turkeys, was a guest Wed
nesday at the A. BfWiesner home.
He is still in the turkey business
and reports a very successful year.
The recent sleet and ice condi
tion damaged orchards In this
community to a great extent, com
pletely ruined the large walnut
tree in the A. T. Cline's front
yard, destroyed many peach and
some filbert trees and played ha
voc, especially with older trees
and shrubs.
Recent arrivals in this district
are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blaney
and family, and Mr. and Mrs. J
Shields and daughters, of Elnido,
Calif. The Blaneys are at home in
the Bill Lehman home, which has
been rented by H. D. Coomler and
for whom Blaney will work, and
the Shields family are living in
Harold Dunn's "house.
Amity Woman
Club Hostess
AMITY The Amity Study club
will meet Friday at the home of
Mrs. C. S. Halloway on Nursery
street at 2 o'clock.
Lloyd Cole, Tule Lake, was a
weekend visitor at the home of
his, father and sister, W. E. Cole
and Mrs. Ina Jones. Cole who has
been in failing health for several
months is now in a nursery home
in McMinnville.
Roberts News
ROBERTS Mrs. Loui Johns
ton and Mrs. Rose Howland are
in charge of a social night and
card party January 24 at the hall.
Five hundred and pinochle will
be in play for everyone in the
community. "
The grange is sponsoring a
benefit barn dance February 7 at
the grange hall. Committee in
charge is Lee Eyerly, Melvin
Trindle and Mrs. Forest Edwards.
. Mrs. Frank Kovalski acted as
lecturer in the absence of Mrs.
Roy Rice, whose husband was
operated on in Portland.
, , The home economics club met
. at the home of Mrs. Nels Ton
ning with Mrs. iTon Poole assisting
A special meeting of the club
is called for Thursday with a co
operative dinner at the home of
Mrs. William Petersen to make
curtains for the hall.
Call Board
Today Rosalind . Russell and Walt
r Pidgeon in "Design for Scandal'
t4 plus "Bombay Clipper" with WU-
f liam Gargan and Irene Hervey.
BaturSay Olson and Johnson in
; '"HeUiapoppin." Plus "A Date With
in aicon, witn ceorce Saunders.
bftAND i
TodayWalter Pideeon. Maureen
- ,0'Hara. Donald Crisp, Anna Lee in
. "How Green Was My Valley." "Battle
' STATS; .
Today Joan Crawford. Robert Tavlor
I Greer Garson, Herbert Marshall in
."-When Ladies Meet." James Caffnev
and Betta Davis in "The Bride Came
CAPITOt. ' " '
Today Wayne Morris and Tom Brown
- in "Three Sons o Guns." Brenda
Marshall in "Highway West"
Friday Johnny Weismuller and Mau
. . reen O'Sullivan in "Tanan's Secret
f ; Treasure." Grace Hayes in "Zis Boom
i .Ban. '.- -
hoitrwooD v ' f
rnriav Lew . Avres. Larsine - Day.
Lionel BarrmoN In -Dr. Kildre I
' Weddins Day." Jackie Cooper. Gail
' Patrick. - Ian .Hunter In "Gallant
' Sons." . jT -' -.
Today "Ht Yo Saver,1 ! with Lee
Powell. Herman Brix. "She Couldn't
: Say No." wito Eva rdeii and Roger
rrTday "Covered Wafon JJay? wjth
; Three Mesquiteers. "Here Comes the
Navy" -with. James Cagney and Pat
- O'Brien. "Adventures ol. CapUin
I; MarveL .'"'.:; " S - :
,-v;-5: WANTED r ,
Walnut " meal - and Filbert
meats. Cash on delivery. Egh-
racking Co
C5 N. Trent . TeL 7S33
WACONDA Mrs. F. P. Run
corn entertained recently for
members of the Waconda com
munity club.
Following the covered dish lun
cheon, election of officers resulted
as follows: Mrs. F. P. Runcorn,
president; Mrs. E. J. Becker, vice
president; Mrs. M. B. Lucas, sec
retary; Mrs. W. E. McGilchrist,
treasurer. Mrs. Allyn Nusom,
Plans were discussed for the
annual club party to be held be
fore spring work is begun.
Mrs. W. H. Kraber was appoint
ed in charge of arrangements for
Red Cross sewing which the club
will take up at its next meeting.
Cards were played with prizes
for high score received by Mrs.
Robert Runcorn, Salem, and Mrs.
A. J. Rasmussen, Labish Center.
Members present were Mes
dames Ward Lundy, W. H. Kra
ber, A. J. Rasmussen, P. J. Russ,
B. J. Miller, Frank Thompson,
Allyn Nusom. all of this and
neighboring communities; A. L.
Lamb, Wade Weekly, A. W.
Broyles, E. J. Becker, all of Sa
lem. Guests were Mrs. Robert
Runcorn, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. F
M. Hill.
; RICKEY The meeting held
at the school house Monday to or
ganize a community club was well
attended and permanent officers
elected were: President, Mrs. L.
J. Stewart; vice president, K. D.
Birch; secretary, Mrs. Wolker, and
treasurer, Mrs. Harry Meyer.
The program was put on by
Willamette students under the di
rection of esley McWain. The
next, meeting will be held Feb
ruary 6.
ary meeting of the Spring Valley
Community club will be held Frl
day at 7:30.
A special program has been ar
ranged which includes a report
from Mrs. George Lewis, who was
at Honolulu aT the time of the
bombing of Pearl Harbor. Another
feature will be sound moving
pictures by the US marine corps
The public is invited.
Lodge Heads
Take Office
and Rebekahs will hold joint in
stallation here Saturday night fol
lowing a 6:30 o'clock joint supper
Immediately following the supper.
the Oddfellows will hold their
regular meeting.
To be installed for the Odd Fel
lows are noble grand, Olum Lar
son; vice grand, S. Tegland; war
den, W. F. Carbel; conductor,
Howard Meyer; inside guard,
George Winchell; outside guard,"
Bruce Bennett; right supporter to
the noble grand, R. E. Skiafe; left
supporter, C. C. Amos; supporters
to the vice grand, Axel Olson and
Charles Meyer; chaplain, S. A.
Gay; secretary, George Christen
son; finance officer, John Gehrke;
treasurer, H. E. King.
Mrs. Roy Skaife will install for
the Rebekahs with noble grand,
Olga Olson; vice grand, Nettie
Larson; warden, Helen Mulkey;
conductor, Frances King; chap
lain, Kate Porter; inside guard,
Helen Stanbraugh; outside guard,
Mary Andrews; musician, Gladys
Case; supporters to the noble
grand, Myrtle Steward and Alice
Egan; supporters to the' vice
grand, Maybelle Gay and Sylvia
Hubbard Raises
Red Cross Fund
HUBBARD Saturday night
the Hubbard community- under
the direction of the local Red
Cross, 'held a carnival to raise a
fund for civilian defense. Over
$100 was realized.
The installation service for
Hubbard Rebekah lodge will be
held January. 23. Mrs. Myrtle Mc
Alpine, Eugene, the president of
the assembly for Oregon, will be
present and members of the Mon
itor and Butteville lodges are also
Officers to be installed are: Eli
zabeth Vredenbug, noble grand;
Eva Welch, vice noble grand:
Merle Rogers, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Ora Soderholm, finan
cial secretary and Mrs. George
Leffler, treasurer.
Club Meets Today
PIONEER The Pioneer Sew
ing club will meet with Mrs.
Frank Dornhecker for an all day
meeting today.
Valley Events
January 72 small fruit growers
meet, Forresters hall. T JO p. m.
January S3 Seed growers all day
meet, chamber of commerce. t-M a. m.
Always 2 Smash Hits!
"She Couldn't,
Say No"
With Roger Pryor
' - : Eve Arden
ffi,Yo SOvcr
With -Lee Powell, Herman Biix
News and Comedy
MM - Willamette Valley iNe w
Reports from The Stmexman's
SimdaV School
Representatives of
Four Communities
Due at Jefferson
JEFFERSON The Jefferson
district Sunday school convention
will be held at the Marion Friends
church Sunday beginning at 2
The program will include song
service, led by Mrs. William El
mer, devotions, Rev. William Wat
son; special numbers, Jefferson
Methodist school, Marion Friends,
Scio Baptist, and the Clipfell fam
ily; memory verses and testimon
ies, in charge of Rev. William El
mer and a business meeting in
charge of Glen Thurston, presi
The convention message will be
given by Fred deVnes, county
president. Mrs. William Watson
will be in charge of the children's
Attendance is expected from
the Sunday schools of Talbot,
Scio, Jefferson and Marion.
Saturday, Delores Underwood
invited a few friends to the home
of her grandmother, Mrs. Lloyd
Bilyeu, to help celebrate her 13th
birthday anniversary.
Refreshments were served by
Delores mother, Mrs. Jack Un
derwood, her aunt, Mrs. Pete
Harper, and grandmother, Mrs.
Lloyd Bilyeu. Guests included
Lola and Mary Thompson, Flor
ence and Betty June Ricks, Irene
Harris, Dorothy Cooley, Maxine
Talmadge and Stanley Harper.
Mrs. E. S. Bruce and daughters
TV-1t,i'j Tiui nnrl Trc Rrh .tamisnn
and small dauhgter Patricia Ann,
where thev will make their home,
Bruce and Bob Jamison have
been there working f orsome time,
Bobby will quot school soon and
will also leave for California.
Mrs. Paul McKee left for Port
land Monday for several days vis-
lt at the home of her son-in-law
ana uauKnier. ivir. ; uuu ua.
Charles Harvey.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company are extending
hir line in thp Parrish GaD dis- I
Wt. AoDroximately 11 families
will be benefited.
Illness Prevails
In Turner Homes
iuii-r.xv jut ciiiutmiw.
mumps mthe community h a s Mesdames Bernice Boulder, Del
1Z Cr. Phine Finnicum, Harriet Edwards,
sell, wife of the Turner superin-
. , - , . . I
uucu'u' ev.v,
nowara oaxer ana oumcjr uu
Mrs. Elizabeth Ball and Edwin.
Flu and severe colds are preva
lent, Norman Mellis having been
very ill the past weeK witn liu
and tonsilitis at is home north of
Turner. He is employed at the
tuberculosis hospital. Mrs. N. W.
Hutchens is able to be up after
a two weeks' siege of flu, and her
granddaughter. Margaret Ann
Prather. daughter of - the Earl
Prathers. returned Monday to
Turner grade school following
two weeks' absence.
Mrs. Ada Mathias is ill at her
Turner home and Mrs. Collins
and Mrs Nii; fiunnintf arc a-
sisting in caring for her until
rnnoni! Mn K ron.,
permanent! help can be secured.
Her sister.' Miss Hettie Small in
also in poor health at the home
of Mrs. Luta Fuson in Aumsville
after having the flu. i
Mrs. Stella Miller is visiting in
Las Vegas, Nev., with Lieut and
M"L.36?.SC JMards and Mr,. OUve Smith took
naiuiinj ana pians o DC gone lor
in Al. TUT I
Ttli. " m , ,
Hunsaker ! Dickey, formerly of
Miss Miriam Grimes is spend
ing two weeks in Redmond visit
ing with ; relatives and friends.
Mrs. Anna Smith returned to her
home here. Sunday after several
days in Salem with her son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Alvro Hussey,
of the Red Cross pharmacy.
And Second Feortura
Added i hewa. Cartoon end
T.y, mj sat
Basal P1!"'""'' V
i -'. J kMli v..,-,
Salem, OrqonTurday Morrlng. January 22. 1942
Film Actress Tells Engagement
g.:-.---if .-. .. , . . .'Mv.w,
f --r y .
vf- - A .
A x As
rri n x'
' 'f- ' - v . v ' 1 r-
Bath Hussey
Engagement of Screen Actress Ruth Hussey, above, and Lincoln
Fogarty of Kansas City, former captain of the Brown university
football team, has been disclosed by Miss Hussey in Hollywood,
No date has been set for the wedding.
Mother's Club
-Mil1C KnT"ll"
ers Circle club met Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Daniel Tomp
kins with Mrs. Adelbert Smith
and Mrs. Henry Taylor assisting
The Mother's Circle annual be
nefu prQgram will held at the
schoolhouse Saturday night, Feb
ruary 7.
Members spent the afternoon
doing Red Cross sewing. Some
limsneu wum was feiuineu aiiu
other work given out
Mrs. naymona maimer enter'
tained the Arrawana club at her
home Wednesday with nine mem
bers present. The time was spent
in knitting and sewing for the
Red Cross. Some crocheting has
also been done by various mem-
nu 0t;
Dorothy Dorsey, Evelyn Leach,
r ft "! mKco. ITtViAl C?rtr, Til
VIVO ' UUJVl f UIU1. WUUUf mm-
cme McFarlane and the hostess,
Refreshments were served by
the hostess assisted by Mrs. Fin
nicum. The next meeting of the
club will be heid January 28 at
the home of Mrs. Evelyn Leach,
A j Q U
Altt SOCiety tUSy
Tf7,.l f
WOODBURN The Presbyte-
nan Ladies Aid society met wed
nesday with Martha Black, presi-
dent, presiding. Devotions were
b Rowena Cole. . As a project
the ladies decided to "tack" a
number of quilts. The members
I A. A 1 l TT I J
wm eet, m cn,"c" cri?
I at 1 o clock to get started on this
work. Each one is asked to bring
i ors needle and. thread
Mrs. H. F. Butterfield was in
charge of the program in the ab
sence of Mrs. Carl Huber. Mrs.
E. J. Allen, Mrs. Butterfield, Mrs.
TT . T HIT T YIT Tll.k
I T r Lull ,
the hostesses Mrs. Clarence Warn
pole, Mrs. Thomas Sims and Mrs.
William Peltz.
Held Over!
and ;'
Mats, m
Eve. SOe
Add Tax
. -
Fred Astaire
Kite Haywerth
. - and :
. Ilarmoii v
.of Michigan"
Get Uch: 1:10,
445, 1:00, M
Harmon: sat,.
5 .55, S:5
Mate. It
Ere. e
Add fax .
78" Community Corres
Club Gives
Card Party
Woman's club will sponsor a card
party Friday at the home of Mrs,
D. F. Hillman in the Brush Creek
district, according to the presi
dent, Mrs. Harvey Kaser. At a re
cent meeting, the club also voted
o double the dues of members.
Frank Bower, prominent local
man, is reported ill and not im
proving as rapidly as hoped for.
Waldo Hills district still re
mains without telephone service-
Plans are going ahead for the
February Waldo Hills club meet
ing whirh will rnnsist nf th nrn
gram postponed from the Janu-
ary aaie. ine women will be m
charge of the program.
Child Buried at
Hopewell Rite
WHEATLAND Shirley Scog-
gan, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Scoggan died Saturday at
her home during, an attack of
Besides her parents she is sur
vived by three brothers: Victor,
Byron and Randolph, and one
sister, Nathelle.
Funeral services, under the di
rections of Macy of McMinnville,
were held Wednesday at the
Hopewell United Brethren church,
Rev. D. W. Jaycox, local pastor,
officiating. Burial was at Hopewell.
The Original Yellow Front Drug and
Candy Special Store in Salem
Stop That Hoarse Cough hy Using
Cera Beaedy
Hundreds of people are tak
ing advantage of our offer
to remove corns.
110 CUI1E,
A guaranteed corn remedy,
safe, efficacious and reliable, v
stops the ache and soreness, ;
the first application. i ,
- $1.00
- Fever ,
Don't guess about your
Buy one for 790
Grand Officer
Visits Lodge
At Turner
TURNER Victoria chapter of
Eastern Star met recently .and
entertained ; for Mrs. Marjorie
Simpson, Portland, associate wor
thy grand matron of the grand
chapter of Oregon, who paid her
official visit. Mrs. Simpson in
stalled, new officers of the chap
ter, assisted, by Mrs! Merle Mur
phy, grand marshalt "
Mrs. Simpsdb was escorted to
the east and presented with roses
by Mrs. Carrie Thoma, new wor
thy matron of Victoria chapter.
Mrs. Esther Hartley, worlhy
matron of Euclid chapter, Jeffer
son, and Karl Steiwer, the wor
thy patron, also " were honored.
Following the meeting the school
of instruction, for the officers was
held, with Marjorie Simpson in
structing. 1
The refreshment committee in
eluded Mr., and Mrs. Lawrence
Edwards and Mrs. Alice Ed
wards, with Mr. and Mrs. J. S,
McKinney assisting.
The chapter made a contribu
tion of $5 to the Red Cross. An
invitation from Euclid chapter,
Jefferson, to attend; their meeting
February 10 was accepted. Offi
cers of Victoria chapter will join
with" those of Marilyn chapter,
Mill City, and Acacia chapter,
Stayton, for the annual district
Eastern Star meeting at ' Stayton
February 25. Visitors were pres
ent from Salem and Jefferson.
Lyons Women
Do Quilting
LYONS The Lyons Women's
club held an all day meeting at
the community club house Thurs
day to do quilting. A business
meeting was held with the presi
dent, Mrs Percy Hiatt in charge.
A book campaign was started
for all men in the service. Any'
one having a book; they wish to
donate is asked to bring it to the
clubhouse Thursday. Persons giv
ing boqks are asked to write their
name and address in them.
A first aid class was organized
with John Jungwirth, chairman
for this district, Dr. Golden, Scio
is instructor,. About 70-people
were present It is possible that
two classes will be held as 35 is
the number for each class.
HUOnmOUtn Adds
Mail Service
MONMOUTH This community
has the advantage of one addi
tional mail, incoming and outgo
ing, daily, from Salem, Postmas
ter Groves announces. Formerly
mail came from Salem at 7 a.m.
and at 4:30 pjn. Now, at 11:45 am.
an additional mall service each
way has been provided for.
Mrs. Alice Taylor is recuper
ating from an attack of mumps at
Mrs. Julia Alton's nursing home.
Mrs. Taylor, who had been house
mother at an Isolation cottage at
the Children's Farm home in re
cent months, had lived more than
60 years, she states, without ever
contracting mumps. She will soon
be able to return to her own home
here in town.
r itj
D E R - M A - MO L
sflua awittsa nf aiiiiBsBstf mm kanUssJ
J&15! !
' Ht iNIr IMbHIL WBtttefly WstA9 Q ftM T
, nda, to vmm m 4 ttfm trr.
Creamy centers, covered with delicious dark chocolate t
gust the right tang
1 $zzii
Grangers' News
TURNER At; the regular
meeting of Turner Surprise
grange held Saturday in the Odd
Fellows hall, -the: men of the
grange entertained the ladies
with a dinner, prepared and serv
ed under the committee com
prised of Fred Steiner and Ul-
win Denver, me aisnwasning
committee, was Raymond Titus
and Arthur Edwards.
Bert Peebles' was idMurman of
the program in which Fred Mit
chell, W. F. GulVin, Ulwin Den-
W . -i a
yer, Artnur iuiwaras ana r rea
Steiner" took part;
In February the women will
entertain the men. Plans were
made for the -Pomona grange
meeting at Union Hill Wednesday
With a large delegation expecting
to attend. Three j local members
hold offices in' the Pomona
grange. They are-Mrs. Alice Ed
wards, chaplain? Mabel Walker,
Pomona, and Raymond ,Titus,
The home economics club -will
meet January. 24) at the country
home of Mrs. A. H. Bradford,
with Mrs. Frances Coleman co
hostess. - s;
Church Group
Brotherhood of the Evangelical
church will meet Triday in the
church. Rev. G. R. Stover, Salem,
will be guest speaker. All men
are invited. ' 'it
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henderson,
McCleary, Wash, are . visiting at
the home of Henderson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson,
and with Mrs., Henderson's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Knox
Butte. The milj at McCleary,
where the Henderson's are em
ployed, is closed for repairs and
is evpected to reopen next week.
Ex-Silverton Family
Busy in California
SILVERTON Friends here
have received news from the Ken
neth Hewitt family in California.
Hewett, who was science teacher
and head coach here a year ago,
is now teaching -at Bellflower, a
suburb of Los Angeles, and Mrs
Hewett is working as chemist for
the Arden Milk Farms. Mrs. Hew
ett writes that her father is very
ill and that her grandfather had
just died. J i-
"Buy Def close Bonds"
Tonite & Fri.
6:45 I
fiiippm rtnirnu
nu93cu.Tiucr.ufl i
"A Date with
the Falcon"
I Geo. Sander
i Pi ru tJu f l. j i
pH&l - i "BOMBAY J
I a With Wm Garcan
ii piB-i rQ?-fivi
Y I "A Date with IwJSiJ hjCt
7 I
135 N. Commercial Street f Phones 5197 - 9723
Prescripiioi Accuralcly Fffll5iL5.
. 189S 1141 "It Pays U Trade at Sehaefer's"
May we suggest "that you should always call your Doc
tor if you are ill or injured. Thin bring his orders to
as; by years onxperience we are prepared to fill them
accurately. : : .
it m
1 f
11 Hl
'l 31.00 IIIAI HLilL
CwblM Vbamfai I, '
- --. t5e and 56e-- j -
PewsUr White Liniment S6e
for these winter days!, .
G c
IMtlWll . fcnii i Na
tees to serve North Howell grangt
during 142, were named Wednes
day as follows: :11: ---t-.V-
Home economics chairman, Mrs.
Wayne I Strachan; vice-chairman, ,
Mrs. W. L Oddie; secretary, Mrs.
KT D. Coomler, and V treasurer,
Mrs. Thomas Bump. Agricultural,
L. A Esson, Orton Hilficker, A.
B. Wiesner, Barbara Davidson and
Florence Espe; legislative, W. H. ;
Stevens, 1 V. VanBrocklln, K. D.
Commler, Mrs. Thomas Bump,
Mrs-. Paul Damewood; hall com
mittee, Mrs. RoberBeer,' Mrs. C
E. Waltman and Joe Russ. Maga
zine and paper project, Mrs. A. T.
dine and W. H. Stevens.
Under! duly approved motions,
the organization y voted - to send
their lecturer, Mrs. A. T. Cline tb
the state lecturer'! school at Cor
vaRis in February, and to allow
the use of the grange hall at a
later date when the Central How
ell junior Fanners union group
wish to entertain.
Leonard Hudson, Smith-Hughes
instructor at Silverton, who pre
sented several interesting angles
on various national problems, dur
ing the I lecturer's hour, was a
guest - ' .
An exciting game of speed and
balance was won by Mrs. K. D.
Coomler and Wayne Strachan; a
talk on I curious rock formations
given bjf Mrs. Cline, with a spe
cimen of rock found at Grand
Coulee Dam in evidence, and an
amusing roll call, made the lec
turer's hour instructive and en
joyable.! The home economics -dub will
meet the first Wednesday after
noon in February at the grange
hall. Red Cross classes continue
to meet every Thursday afternoon
and all women are welcome.
WEST SALEM It was decided
by the i executive committee of
the grange to dispense with the
social meeting scheduled for to
night. Motorists Fined
WEST SALEM Chris Eismann,
Independence, who was arrested
the first of the month by Phil
Hathaway for violation of the
basic rule and failed to appear in
court was sent a special order by
the court to appear last week, at
which time he was fined $5 and
given a five-day suspended jail
sentence. Robert Miller, Wood-
burn, was fined $5 for violation of
the basic rule; Frank Perry, Sa
lem, paid a fine of $50 for reck
less driving.
Pins Tax
- TTT 1 i : I
It's the
Yet! !
Plus Cora panto
It's A ar lf7-f Mishtl Hilt,
CvWl If II IT,
, lt,
; : SchacfePs
j Vapsrizing 'C
I G::i3 Grease .
Especially designed for irri
tations of the throat and
nose, where most colds start
: This remedy is based on a
new idea for the prevention
of colds. Used at the first
sign of Irritation in the nose
or tipper throat, that unmis
takable feeling that you are
catching cold. Many colds
can-be voided altogether. '
Fri. and Sat. Only
Reg. 35c Tube
Shave Crcan-
3 l
f . til
ChapJ 12 oi "Sky Kaidcrs"