Hi C2EGOII STATESMAXt. Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning, January 22, 1942 TAGS ELEVCf Swift! Efficient! Economical! That Classified iMds Clusifled Advertising Statesman Classified Ads CcU 9101 Three insertions per line 25c Six insertions per lint , ..40o On month per ! line '. f L25 Minimum charge 25c; S ti. min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c No refunds. . . j Cod for this out accented tU 83 the evening before pubnea tloo for classlflcsttoa. Copy re ceived after tbia ttme will oe rua under the Seartlng "Too ; Let to Classify." The Statesman aawmea no nnan eial responsibility for errors which may appear tn advertisements pub lished in its columns aad tn cases where this paper Is at fault wlU reprint that pert of aa advertise ment la which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Adan ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and mutt therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. livestock and Poultry FARMERS WX PAY SOc per hundred for deed and worthless live stock. Phone collect. Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING! WORKS. Help Wanted Male REGISTERED PHARMACIST. Salem Store. Straight prescription work. 48 hrs. per week, good salary, permanent for qualified man. State age, ex perience, other qualification!. Box 160, co statesman. WANTED 3 'furniture salesmen. Write Box 1957,. Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANTED Young woman for cashier. nancue reports ana zumg. salary sw. it ; . . . T . nnic, siaiing age ana experience. Box 1938. Statesman. RELIABLE GIRL for general house work and care of children. Age 18 to u. rnone bxiv. Situations Wanted A TARSI to operate by the month. Family man. good farmer and worker. Understand stock, box 19S. Carpenter, new or remodel. Ph. 3486. For Sale Miscellaneous UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE JANUARY SALE PRICES Discounts of 29 to 90 Sample Discounts 1 I I New High Grade Dsv. and Was Now Chair ; , $118.50 879.90 New 9x12 rugs 44.90 32.90 New Daveno Blue and Wine" 64 50 42.50 New 5-pc. Bed Room Suite 89.50 69.00 Odd Dressers, Beds .Chests. Vanities. Nite Stands. Mat tresses ii 29 off Occasional Chairs--and Rockers, Mirrors. What - Not Shelves, Lamps, Lamp Table. Coffee Tables, End Tables 25 off Several Used Davenports Prices Cut in. X. Buy -Up- Stairs and -Save 12 to 18 Months to Pay. USED 5-pc. dinette set .s $14 JO GEVURT 1TZ FURNITURE CO. 171 N. Liberty Ph. 4613 8 Storewide Jan. Low Prices NASH FURNITURE CO. Look I New Platform Rockers $12.95; Velour covers; New guaranteed Inner Spring Mattress, reg. $27.90. now 14.95, in the carton, f. o. b. store. New $39.50 9x12 wool Ax. rug. $26.50; New 9x12 Belgium rugs. Leaf design 16.90; 9-pc breakfast sets $10.95. Easy Terms Compare Our Prices CASH TERMS TRADE USED davenport $9.75 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 373 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 TREE ROSES. 1140 Unlon.Ph. 7938. LADIES' GRAY caracul fur coat. Size 18. Very good condition. Route 7, box 30. Ph. 4269. SLIGHTLY used wood circulating heater - $29.90 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 FRIGID AIRE. 4 lino, rugs, davenport. chair, uood cond. 873 jn. Liberty. USED wood range .... $19.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 279 N. Liberty Ph. 4619 NEW, latest model L or H electric range. Has slight chip. Special $119 JO, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. . 453 Court St. ' January Clearance ; SHOP THE , NASH FURNITURE CO. ; i "For Better Buys" large Stock 3 floors 3 warehouses. USED. PART porcelain wood ranee. i Good condition ". .324.90 ' GSVUKT2 FURNITURE CO. ' 279 N. Liberty Ph. 4613 t. -,- , USED DUO-THERM oil. heated $39.95. Terms.- GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. - 493 Court St USED full porcelain wood range With coll A $44. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. JSC 273 ti. Libesty Ph. 4613 REPOSSESSED 6 cu. ft Leonard re frigerator, looks like new and guar. anteed. $109.99. Easy terms. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. ' 453 Court St SPECIALS s . NASH FURNITURE CO. New 4-pe wslnut bedroom set. now $59; reg. xwjhj: very urge stocx. $99 8-pc Living Room Group; now $69. Easy terms. Tor Real Values Shop our Large Stock 73 LAYING millets and 13 roosters, 89c each, if taken by Fri. night. Rt 3, Box 636 A. Browning Ave, ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Georre D. Close. Inc. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle . ; Eastern Advertising v ; Representatives Bryant, Griffith a Branson, Ine, Chicago, New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta a rntsred at the Postoftice at Salem, Oreoon. as Second Class Matter, roo- lished every morning except Monday. ButintMM office 315 South Commercial street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: stall Subscription Rates ta Advance.. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, .Mo. year S5.00. ausewuie k ar tsoa for 1 rear m aavanc. Per copy 3 cents, Newsstands cents. ly City Otrrier. 84 eeate aeaonth. 87 J a year adjacent em In ad ta afarion Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS ec Dhone 19183) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration tn the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to It MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay In full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Leans made on furni ture or note. SEX ROY B. SIMMONS, MGR. Lie. No. M-1S2 JTH CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lfc. No. S-13S 1S4 So. Commercial St Phone 91 SI first door south of Ladd tt Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location rrs AN OLD CHINESE CUSTOM to settle all obligations the first of each year. This msy be an old Chinese custom but It's a pretty good way to start 1942 in any country. Let us consolidate and settle all of your bills now. You repay with one small installment monuuy. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 319 Court St.. Salem Phone 444 State license S-22S M-Z78 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain poraession or me vehicle 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie No M-ltt Trade Miscellaneous TRADE radio for wood. See Mr. Janz. Geo. C Will Music Store. Wanted Furniture r. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Sc furniture dealers will psy you more cash or trade for furniture & household goods. We buy or sell everything, rn. anu. CASH FOR used furniture Sc house hold goods. R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Fordson tractor and plow State price. Rt. 2, Box 87, Salem. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVIC IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEM1XR. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. SUte & Com'l Ph. 3311 WELDERS Before you buy, see and try the new G-R Arc Welders. Valley Welding CO B state St., saiem, ore. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. 2 WARM sleeping, rms. Ph. 9539. ROOM, BATH, twin beds, business women. Phone 4791. Housekeeping "rooms. 408 N. Cottage. SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court. NICE, WARM, near cap. 966 Center. CLOSE in, clean, warm. Ph. 4498. NICELY fura. heated rm. 173 S. 14th. SLP RM. near sUte bldgs Ph 21449 NEAT warm comortabIe. Ph. 7772. Room and Board CLOSE W 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BHD. & rm. 745 S. Com'l St For RentApartments WeU furn. apt. 1U. & wat. pd. P. 6288. FURN. 3-R.. bath. It, w. $20. P. 7113. CLOSE IN. 891 N. Com!.. $1$ mo. 2-RM.. hot wat., Ughts. 486 N. Liberty. COR. 3-rm. mod. 658 Center. LOVELY 3-R. apt Ideal for bus. girls, Close in. 439 No. Winter St 3 R. - furn. spt. Close in. Pri. bath. Its., h. water, wash. 1234 S. com'l. 3 RM. furn. apt. 1209 Court. 2-RM. FURN . $12, washer, hot water. garage, grnd. fir. Z590 Lee. m. J&ui NEW 3-RM. aDt.. close in. New re- frig, range. Private entrance. Ph. 8134. 3-RM. UNFURN. The Devereeux. 3.RM.. PRI. ent.. washer end tel. 3-rm.- pri. bath, .both $18.50. Inquire 639 N. Liberty. gRisaptTioTltTO NICE 1R, $19. 192 S. 13th. P. 5m FURN. SING. apt. $6 mo. 332 Water. VERY nice htd. apt. $23 1980 Center. 2-R. furn.. bathjtit. $19. 1440 Waller. 1-2-3 rms. 250 S. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE mod, apt 1411 Cyurt. UNFURN. upstairs apts. Ph. 21785. FURN. COTTAGES. 2 miles south $10, $12 mo. Inq. 484 N. Churcn. BANCROFT 2 ants, for rent, 340 N, Church. Ph. 9822 or 1402. For Rent Douses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins ec Roberta BLONDS CAM I SPEAK)1 BY THAT NAMS UPMlLi. f WAVSTHSJ' j ill ; C STtOP IT I SfuilttL.' irP t wW $w IW1 trm temtrnm grwfcJML fan. V BUM mm rmi : . . - ' " Ln '.J. V - -- 1 m i ii iiiMMMjSMMMaasaA. n ii. ii.ii- Hn i in ill I ii aSBaSBBBBSkt i i i nm Money to Loan roa Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. S13 SUte Street I Doors West eg Capitol Theatre Ph. 2191 License Noe, S-US kl-189 Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. BTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD INQ UCENSS N. M-198 FHA LOANS 4W. also ortv Abrams or Ellis. Ine, Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential t business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest W. & GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent- Houses 9-B M, S-O CI K Mw nil Mr $29. 4 R, stoves. $18. Furn. 4-R.. $27. 4- K., fl9 Sc SZZJO. P. 71U. ti ACRE, 5-rm. semi-modern $18. Va cant. See owner today at 179 Elma Ave, FURN. unfurn houses and apts. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1 1853 N. CapitoL FOR RENT Mod. bungalow, two bedrooms, fireplace, furnace. Others $15 to $40. Cozy 3-r. bung., 820. Furnished. see Louis Becntei or Mabel Neeonam, 341 sute, R. 4. 3 RMS. & bath with one lot $12.50, 4 rms. & bath, garage, small barn, urge chicken house. lVs acre ground 820. 529 Locust St. 5-ROOM furn. house, garage, clean, reasonable, party who will give own er's care. 919 S. 12th. 5-RM. furnished house 8c 1696 N. Cap. P. 4332. evening. garage. SMALL 3-rm. furn. house. P. 8198. 3-RM. furn., mod., Frigldalrs, mon. Adults. 1863 N. Com'L $20 4-RM. MOD. electric water Mr. and range. Inquire 1189 Sixth, W. Salem. 10-RM. unfurnished house ' MELVTN JOHNSON. 729 Court St. NEW. modern 4 rms. 862 N. 16th. 5-RM. furn. house, garage, 1042 3rd St. adults or baby. Ph. sy&qeve. NEAT 4-R. for couple, will decorate to suit. 1130 Wilbur, or lnq. i8 JJun can. Cap. Dist. I For Rent BUSL OR shop cpace Reas. Ph. 8211 For Sale Real Estate A HOME AND INVESTMENT Just think I For 6 days this aDart ment house has been cut to 88500. Two blocks from the postoffice. consists of io apartmenu. income better than $200 per month. This property speaks for itself. Terms. See Mr. Larsen, with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. GOOD HOUSE, basement, furnace, Hollywood dist.. 82650. - 5-rm., hardwd fls. full bsmt, fur nace, oouble garage, 83500. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1893 N. Capitol. 6-RM. house. i blk. from the tele phone office, bath, woodshed, paving, easy terms, $1500. siow 3-rm. nouse in n. Salem. Dlast- ered. bath, earase. pavlne. 2 lots, close lu scnooi. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 VERY NICE, new home. S rms.. hw. floors, full basement, furn.. fireplace, Urge lot Can be handled on easy icrms. oee mr. irooawin Wlin HAW, KINS 8c ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. 6-R. (3 BR.), bath. 1 A., close in. it ice cut severely tor quick sale. Con sider Ute model car as dn. payt. 172 a. uoeny. Business Cards in this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.25 per -line per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panek. 273 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCT.KS, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'cL P. 4518 Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair, rree estimate. Kennedy. P. 8058. TELEPHONE 445a & E Northne Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand Gravel. P. 9408. Florists Brelthaupra 447 Court' Phone 9193. Funeral Directors TerwUliser Funeral Borne, Ph. 692. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG & MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, aid made, rug cleaning at weaving, s utn as wuour Tel. B441 2. wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone OM Painting & Paperhanging Experienced acasonable, Ph. 4323. For Sale Real Estate 2 BEDRM- Walnut park. ultra 88900 modern a-Rm. very mod. New S-rm. close in $5500 $3000 -Km. large lot $2790 $3000 New 9-rm. suburban All Easy Terms 3. H. Johnson with. T. L. REEDY 228 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 6488 3 BEDRM. home. bsmt.. furnace, close In. Ex. value. 83190. 8300 down. Neat home for couple, rng. wired. A buy at si aw, s2uo down. ROBERT F. BUDROW, REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. . Ph. 5965 A BEAUTIFUL i-rm. house. Partly turn, full basement lawn, shrubs and trees, in a restricted dure. See W. A. Oadek. 1439 No. 18th. Ph. 4277. EXTRA NICE 1 bedroom home, mod ern and well-located. V acre, close in. Low taxes. $2100.terms. See this. Call Mr. Haroy with HAWKOis ac ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. GOOD, 2-BRM. home, north, flre- pUce, basement furnace, hw. floors, large, well-landscaped lot See - Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. WE HAVE a 3-year-old 3-brm. home, Ustered. hw. floors, V acre. Original oan. $2200. will Uke $2390. Small down payment BaL easy mo. pmti. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. IT IS HERE $7500 house for $5950. The best 6-room house we can offer for the price. It's well built and In good residential dist, near sute Didgs. Ask to see it See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller. Realtors. 344 SUte St. Ph. 9261. V. A. ex. solL $175. $5 on. $3 mo. Close In. BUDROW. Ph. 5969. LOOK 2 houses (unfinished). 1 lot N. Salem. Out of town owner will sac rifice. You can make some money here. See shields, oreg. Bldg. Fh. 8902 Exchange Real Estate CAN YOU MATCH THESE Three & half acres, east, good house. 6-R. $2200. Trade for house in Salem. vjioicv iui in roruino, aou, worm more, clear title and pay cash diuer ence for house in Salem. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Need ham, 341 SUte, Room 4. Acreage 4 A. 9-r. Be bath, close in. Consider late model car as dn payt. 172 S. Liberty. 2 A., near Salem, small house, barn. elec. Good well. $1500. 8 A. e-rm. plastered house, good barn. Urge chicken house, good soil, eiec. small stream. S42U0. 30 A., 6-rm. plastered house, barn, elec. 27 A. in culti.. good stream. $5000, $1500 down. K. A. FORKNER. REALTOR. 1853 N. Capitol. 5 A. close to Salem. 1 eood mod house. 3 small hses., renting. Must sell on account of health. $4350, $2750 cash wm nanaie. F. H. Weir 469 Center St. Ph. 9411 Suburban BARGAIN IN THIS HOME! . Hi A., suburban! Bus. oavementl $3950 $350 down, bal. $30 mo., inc. Uxes, interest, Ins.. 5-room mod. unf.. attic, late built. Dining 8c living, extra Urge. All rooms hardwood. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 Wanted Real Estate WANTED 5 to 20 acre tract, not over 8 or 7 miles from Salem, with timber, year round creek and fair bldgs. Will purchase on reasonable terms. Call at Hauieid Used Car Market. 351 N. Liberty. Business Opportunities COMMUNITY STORE, doing good business, living quarters, 2-pump sta tion, stock and fixtures, $3000. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol FOR SALE Best located suburban ser. station, near Salem. Buy small stock at invoice and equipment. Cor. East SUte & East Turner road. FULLY equipped service station for lease. GaUonage rental. Ph. 7678. FOR SALE Hi-way grocery store. with 8 ft. meat case and other eat mo ment. Also gas pumps. U mile S. of Corvallis on 99W. Write 444 S. 10th St., corvaiiis. Directory Printing FOR STATIONERY, eards. pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 313 S. Commercial, Tele phone 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros.. 154 S Liberty. Ph. 8594. Sawdust Johnnie Zumstein. 3-1253. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 380 N. Capitol Trailers To Buy, sell or rent 319 N. Front Ph. U78S. Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS rOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9063 rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points Larmer Transxer co. tm. iui. Vacuum CI diner Service rsnt inmectkm tn vour home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Ph. 6022. Well Drilling C J. Pugh. 2123 Myrtle. Phone 9336. SL A. WEST. Rt S, Box 445. Ph. "Died InicxncAon. Lady! For Sale Used Cart We Did It Before! We Can Do It Again! SELL UFETIME GUARANTEED tJSED CARS FOR LESS $ $ $ I '41 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN, fluid drive. 8000 miles. '41 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN '41 DODGE "LUXURY LINER" CUS TOM COUPE 41 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE COUPE '40 DODGE CUSTOM DELUXE SEDAN. low mileage "39 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN. raaio ana neater TRUCKS '40 Dodge Pickup, perfect condition, good tires '40 Dodge lVfc-Ton chassis '38 Federal l'-2 Ton, chassis and cab, A-l rubber HUBBARD MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Dist; 825 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 4119 29 Whippet 4 sedan, good condition, $25. Call between 4 & 7. eves. 525 Locust. 29 MODEL A. 18 In. wheels, heater, 365. 855 S. 13th. FOR SALE 1937 Ford club coupe. 2154 S. Commercial. Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. No ear too new for us to buy. From 310.00 to $1000.00. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters lor the Best In Transportation 440 Center St Phone 31535 TOP CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED CAR OR EQUITY ANY MAKE ARNSBARGER MOTOR CO. 369 N. COMMERCIAL GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C" SHR0CK To Buy or Sell Your Car 270 N. Church Phone 8502 N. E. Corn, Church it Chem. Ph. 1922. WANTED To Buy for Cash Late Model Pickups Arnsbarger Motor Co. 365 N. Commercial St. For Sale Wood WOOD Ph. 21448. WOCm-PhT 956o7 2ND GROWTH wood. Ph. 7338. WOOD. ph. 8370. Graen. 413 N. 21st Wood Sawing Wood sawing At hour work. P. 7073. 930 N. Com'l. Phone 3523. Lost and Found LUJ X munuay, awl wiiwi jwfi white and brown. Phone 3155. Liberal v svp.. . r J - . A . ...... reward. 1127 S. 25th. LOST Brindle 3c white dog, part Bull Terrier (Micky) P. 5684. Rew. LOST Near Roberts Station, tire Chain. Reward. Rt. 3. Box 900 G. S Hi g gins. TrOlWDWrist wstclTlh7479T LOST Glasses st Chinese Tes Gar den. Fri. p. m. Reward. Ph. 9806, eves. LOST White wire-haired terrier, Age 8 yrs female. Reward. Ph. 6411. Legal Notice ESTATE OF MRS. NELLIE TANNOCK, DECEASED NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF MRS. NELLIE TAN NOCK, Deceased. No. 47-334 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Paragraph Four of the Last Will and Testament of Mrs, Nellie Tannock, Deceased, direct ing and empowering the executor of the estate of Mrs. Nellie Tan nock, Deceased, to sell and con vert into cash all the real prop erty which the deceased owned at the time of her death, The United States National Bank of. Portland, (Oregon), the duly qualified and acting execu tor of the estate of Mrs. Nellie Tannock, Deceased, under and by virtue of said Paragraph Four of the Last Will and Testament of said Mrs. Nellie Tannock, De ceased, will on or after the 6th day of February, 1942, proceed to sell at private sale to the high est and best bidder for cash, or For Sale Used Cars "38 OLDS CYL, DELUXE SEDAN, radio end heater 38 PONTIAC 8 CYL. DELUXE SE DAN "37 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN, com plete overhaul 37 PLYMOUTH DEDUXE SEDAN 37 CHEVROLET MASTER TWO-DOOR SEDAN, radio - -15 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 34 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN '33 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN and cab, good tires Legal Notice part cash and part credit, either as a whole or in separate parcels the following described real prop erty to-wit: The south half (S) of the southeast quarter (SEV4) of the southwest quarter (SW) of Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 2 east, of the Willamette Meridian in Mar ion County, Oregon. Bids will be received at the Trust Department of The United States National Bank of Port land, (Oregon); Dated this 29th day of Decem ber, 1941. Date of first publication, Jan uary 1, 1942. Date of last publication, Jan uary 29, 1942. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON). By L. B. Staver Assistant Trust Officer Executor of the Estate of Mrs. Nellie Tannock, De ceased. J 1-8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 P. M. on February 16, 1942, and Immediately thereafter open ed by the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the City Hall in said city for the sale of original street improvement bonds issued on applications for bonding of public improvements in the amount of Nineteen Thous and ($19,000.00) Dollars, issued pursuant to Chapter 21 of Title 95 of the Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated for 1940, as amended. and described as follows: The City of Salem Improvement Bonds, Issue 3 F, issued on appli cations for bonding of public im provements, in denominations not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each; said bonds to be dated March 1, 1942, and to ma ture in annual installments as fol lows: 1943 i $1500.00 1944 $1500.00 1945 $2800.00 1946 ; $2000.00 1947 ; $2000.00 1948 - $2000.00 1949 ' .$2000.00 1950 $2000.00 1951 $2000.00 1952 $2000.00 Provided, however, that the City of Salem shall have the option to redeem said bonds, in numerical order, upon the payment of the face value thereof with accrued interest on any interest paying date at or after three years from the 'date of issue of said bonds. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Sa lem. The bonds will be sold to - the bidder offering the best price, considering the interest rate bid and premium, if any, on the par value of $19,000.00. None of the bonds will be sold for less than par and accrued interest. Each bidder should name the rate of interest at which the bidder is willing to accept the bonds at par. The bonds will bear the rate of interest designated in the bid ac cepted. Each bid, except bids submit ted by the State of Oregon, or any sinking fund of .the City of Salem, must be accompanied by a certi fied check far two percent of the par value of the bonds, made pay- Lodges Padfie Lodge No. SOJOTAAM. District Meeting. Sat, 'aa. 34. p. m. By crder W. MV. By cmc YOUNG Legal Notice able to the city as a guarantee of food faith. S i The bidder will be required to add. to his bid a statement of the net cost of the city if his bid is accepted. fj:- The right' is reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid or reject all bids in the in terest of the city. The prior legal approving opin ion of Messrs. Teal, Wlnfree, Mc CuUoch, Staler & Kelly will be furnished the-successful bidder. HANNAH MARTIN City Recorder Salem, Oregon. j; I J- 22-29; T. S. NOTICE OF APPOLNMENT. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed by the Cir cuit Court ! of Marion County, Oregon, Probate Department, as Executrix of the estate of Her man Rieck,. deceased, and have qualified as such Executrix; all persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre sent the same duly verified, to me, at MS Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at ; Salem, - Oregon, this 1st day of January, 1942. HELENA RIECK, Executrix of Estate of Her man Rieck, deceased. RONALD C.i CLOVER, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. J 1-8-15-22-29. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE :: MENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have filed in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Marion County, Probate Department, their verified final account as Executors of the es tate of Belle Fletcher, deceased, They Battle Over Price Control ::;X;::".;::";V::;i :':Vx $N f 4 '' v J - yy- Lnii i Leon Hendersoa Battle between Leon Henderson, price administrator, and Claude R. WlckarcL secretary of agriculture, for control of farm prices under pending price control legislation, resulting in a public rebuke to the cabinet member by President Roosevelt, projects the two Washing ton officials into the national news spotlight The president, who has backed Henderson In connection with the measure, tartly re minded Wlckard that he could be fired. The senate passed the price control bin, carrying a provision permitting farm prices to Increase 25 per cent and gave Wickard veto power on any price order pro mulgated by Henderson on agricultural commodities. Mr. Roosevelt branded the price bill as a measure which would compel Inflation and said that giving one government official a veto power over an other was unsound legislation, Cross Word HORIZONTAL ,45 ocean L-fpesT4ike Heeone! i snouted fish 49 journey la 4 partof shoe K . circuit 8 Javanese 62 mound for tree J rolf ball itative metal f3 negate 13-exertinr ft-01! forea - o VMM- 15 dedicate- 17 froxen water 18 the iSp.) offspring TERT1CAL 1 divinity 2 land- 1 wrath 20 wager - 21 monk's title 22 joke Mndent bronze eS elitn. 2ft malt drink 27 v er green 28 Hinda 'garment 23 Greek letter 30 ointments 32 from" ' ' 54 talon r v 2S heavy .. , weight 27 literary i - t re-examine for- ' , collection - scraps - -18 musical -. .: . tastnanent . V 5 stitch.. . . - 40 mold . .41-bustla 42 (guided 43 food fish. , J ; 44 totiinti seals- image tfaae et rr zSt" 72$ ""II" IlII W Ws" Answer to teaterdaya puxxleV Legal Notice and said Court has fixed Tues day, February J, 1942, at ten o'clock A. M,. in the Circuit Court Room in the County Court house at Salem, In said County, for hearing of said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st day of January, 1942. EUNICE H. TOBIE and I SILAS. M. FLETCHER '. Executors, Estate of Belle ' Fletcher, Deceased. RONALD C GLOVER, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. J 1-8-15-22-29. Produce Mart Prices PORTLAND, Jan. 21 (-There was a fair increase in supplies on the East Side Farmers' whole sale! market Wednesday and the first' bunched carrots in some time; appeared. Bunched stock moved slowty but bulk offerings were In good call at 75 cents lug. Turnips brought 60 cents lug with a few from Jefferson at 80. Parsnips from there were 7 cents ug, 'although local offerings brought 80 cents generally. . No. 2 potatoes were mostly 90 cents for 50-pound sacks. No. 1 grad was firm at $2.25 cental. Dry onions went to $2 for the best; 50-pound sacks while broil ers were 50 cents for 25 pounds. Cabbage was somewhat neg lected although some fancy green kinds sold at $1.75-$2 crate and others down to $1.50. Curly cabbage was around .50 cents and red sorts $1 pony, crate. Japanese radishes, the first in a long time, brought 50 cents lug. Chinese lettuce was $1.35 crate. Spitzenberg apples were around $1 top for jumble pack. W v CUade B. Wlckar Puzzle 4r-cast a ballot 8-imiUta. . 6 pronoun 7 enoopa 8 Shoshoneaa t Indian iurabled 1 ft antipathies 11 Biblical ' word J4 deed i i It worthless - ;- Kt -20-colded ' y4-' severely. I a distant 22 fruit conserve 23 make clear 24 atmosphere 25 aeriform fluid 27 not many 28 Japanese ': coin 80 diminutive for Calvin SI to draw . along S3 obese -3 game pi fhtwfe ' 87 examines ,r ."s.. and verifies accounts ; 89-withers ' 40 cow aound 142 Coniedert Cv'-:vi-' general' 44 boat r:; . i personnel, : -45 pward 2 . i carving of ;V Ship's s--- planking 40 consumed 1 47 newt om- bining form 48 twice five 50 within a2JJJ V