The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 21, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tht OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Uregori, Wtdneiday Morning. Jcmuary 21. 1942
Local Newo Briefs
Superintendents Appointed Comi ErenU
Frank B. Bennett and H. W.
ams, superintendents ,: o Salem
and Silverton schools, respective
ly, were Tuesday named a com
mittee to arrange for care of
school children of the county in
Case of air raids, it was announced
at county defense headquarters.
Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, county
FeK 1 Willamette univer
sity centennial.
Feb. 15 National Christian
Mission opens here.
for blackouts.
Lutz florist Ph. 9592 1276 N. Lib.
Meeting Held C e n t r a 1 Wil
lamette valley funeral directors
school superintendent; in charge held a dinner meeting in the Argo
Of the defense, arrangements fori hotel Monday night at which Les
schools, made the appointments. I ton W. Howell, president, prtsid
Percy A. Cupper has been named ed. Wendle E. Weddle, Stayton,
to assist farmers in preparation discussed rationing of new cars,
and auto tires. J. Melvin Ringo,
Woodburn, reported that the Ore
gon Funeral Directors association
A t.f Uv 9 on4 9ft fie ton
r,uius oiuucm :., .,i
OI "efia Jwfaf so?. funeral directors' convention
waiter u. cawuas, oaieni iiic
man, as student body president at
; wasnington mgn scnooi in ron-
land, was leameu nere xuesuajr.
His father received a letter from modern policy. Scellars & Foley.
1 zouie voicnoK, lormer oaiem ooy M43 S. Liberty,
i wno is manager 01 uie unemai
1 theatre,' congratulating him on Rats Trouble Again Basement
j "Donnie's" 2 achievement Young 0f the city hall was fumigated
Edwards is assistant to volchok. Tuesday after another dead rat
If you operate several trucks &
cars, see us about a comprehen
sive liability policy. It is the
Savings insured to $5,000.00
are earning 3H at Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.
which made its presence insistent
was located. Alfred Mundt depu
ty city recorder, said he had fin
ally received the poison ordered
when rats bothered a few weeks
nlj T m.A Clot. Viianurav
B,nnn n-r. Tnpsrfav a- The P1SOn Supposed to
UlllVlua ........ LI11 4- 1 4U - 11
j that another slide lias blocked " " "u; ,ICVCUI e u '
j the South Santiam highway just
wesi 01 &oaa springs. prcviuu To 0pen BldsBids involving
, suae; was ueareu umy u-B rQad flnd bridge contracts aggre
; ago. Ulliciais saia a large ucw gatJng a CQst of approximately
of men was at work clearing the $500 0oo will be considered by the
- latest slide which covers the road state highway commission at a
i for a distance of more than 300 meeting m porUand Wednesday.
't. Two or three county delegations
If Salem housewives will buy were expected to appear before
: 4,-;- )cnc Hath towels the commission in connection
his month thev'll save money, with local projects.
; Bonds Backed The Central
Hall Incorporates Articles of Howell Farmers union is giving
incorporation for the West Stay- for a new building and
T" : i voii k. Uan instead investing its building
filed with County Clerk Harlan fund m defense savings bonds,
-TnHH hv FnH W. Diekman. Fred representative of the Marion
Denham, Merele Crane, C. C.
Lacy and Fred L. Comstock; prop
i erty of the corporation is valued
j at $500.
Jury Indicts
woman r or eer
Now in Pen
The name of Ellen Swenson, 1
who allegedly admitted to Cali
fornia officers' that she was the
writer of checks for another wo
man had been arrested and in
dicted in Marion county last fall,
headed the two . indictments
brought in Tuesday by Marion
county ; grand jurors.
-Charred by the grand Jury
with uttering- and publishing- a
forged bank check for S12.95 to
S. Schlesinger. Salem dress
shop proprietor, she will be re
Quired to appear here after she
has finished serving a term on
a similar charge in Tehachapi
women's prison in California,
officers here said.
John Camden, who allegedly
burglarized the Daue drug store
on South Commercial street late in
October, was indicted in the second
true bill reported by the grand
Sidestepped Death in Pearl Harbor Attack
t iw 1 V n 11'' '1 1 1 1 KTHliMXMii'' iKmaiii'nii
i - i
I , - ;v
.1 .1
Coordinator Plans Request for
Operation of Statewide Radio
Network to Aid Civil Defense
jm..,.j.i..YaM1..M i-iri'i .ij 1 w" innn'MiiYiiidBTiriii -nV- iny"'irifirn'fitia r
Jess J. Mitchell was released! Ensign R. E. Thomas, jr. of Rockford. HL, a 1941 Annapolis graduate, said he literally sidestepped death
from charges of threatening to
commit a felony against his wife
in the one not-true bill reported
by the jury.
by running three steps from a bomb which killed four of his mates In the attack on Pearl Harbor,
Here, with his mother, Mrs. R. E. Thomas (center), Ensign Thomas is about to receive a piece of
cake from Norse L. Miner in a San Francisco bay area naval hospital.
ota Pa OTA llriArc Naw
limato I atnc O G
Short T ihprtv Kules on Motions in Lourt;
And Two Autos McMahah to Instruct Jury
T .1 n i
i Tnt1 tr.r1:, :L: Instructions to the jury in the $4638 damage action of M. D
ernoon after a few hours of free- Vinyard Vs- Postal Telegraph company are to be followed this
dom during which he stole two morning in Judge L. H. McMahan's department of circuit court
autos and was apprehended by the with opening of the damage case of Fish vs. Southern Pacific
son of one of the owners. ' company.
State noliee said Prathn - A new set of rules for his de
county defense savings commit'
tee, was notified Tuesday, open
ing days of the bond pledge drive
in Oregon.
May Vacate Road Possibility Expert, reliable roof repairing,
they might order vacation of a j Johns Manville materials. Mathis
sh6rt road running to the river Bros., to s. uom i. rnone 4b.
from the W. S. McCloud place
..4K t Tff-r,r. wa intimated Educator S p e a k s Dr. W. C
Tuesday by members of the Mar- Giersbjach, president of Pacific
ion county court following Mc- university, Forest Grove, will
Cloud's report that a bridge on speak ) on "Education and the
the road had been washed away American Plan" at the luncheon
by waters of the Santiam. The meetirig of the Rotary club to-
road is reportedly little used. day. j
Meeting Place , Changed The Student Pledged Sigma Nu
American Legion hall at Che- pledged Clay Patterson, of Sa-
meketa and Cottage streets will lem, last week, according to an
be the scene tonight of the Jan- announcement from the dean of
uary meeting of Marion county men's office at the University of
voiture of the 40 et 8 society, not Oregon
the Quelle as previously an
nrrnrHinir to Chef de I Two Wheels Recovered Bi-
Gare Sephus Starr. cycles with Salem licenses 54 and
398 were recovered downtown
Annual Meet Set Election of Monday night by city police af
officers is slated for the annual ter tney werc reported stolen.
meeting of Marion county coun
cil of the American Legion, to be Parolee Missing Mary God
iat the Stayton post Friday night, frey, 19, a Hillcrest home parolee
iThe meeting was postponed from who was residing at 2395 North
December, when blackouts were rourtn street, was reported miss
ing Tuesday.
Topic Told C u r r e n t events
will be considered by the Truth
Study class at its meeting Wed
nesday at 155 South Liberty
street. Olive Stevens is leader
Lost Brindle and white dog, part
Bull Terrier (Micky). P. 5684, rew.
Dairy Owner
Talks Horses
For Deli
Ibeinff conducted.
Meeting Slated The Townsend
fclub No. 4 will meet in the High
land school tonight at 7:30
, . In this city January 17th, Lillie
Josephine Crawford, late of 182
TSunnyview avenue, Salem; age 73
ears. Wife of John H. Crawford;
mother of Mrs. Earl A. (Edna)
.Wood and Mrs. Charles (Opal)
Ruggles, both of Salem, and Mrs.
, 'James (Beatrice) Drury of New
port; sister of Mrs. Esther Oliver
and Mrs. May Gritton, both of Sa- Reinstatement of horse - drawn
lem, and Douglas A. Hanna of vehicles on his milk routes, other
Portland. Five grandchildren sur- tnan those in the most heavily
vive. Member of First Christian populated sections of Salem, was
church. Services will be held in suggested here Tuesday by Hans
the chapel of the W. T. Rigdon Hofstetter, proprietor of Curly's
company Wednesday, January 21, dairy, which claims to handle 50
at 3 p.m. Rev. Guy h. Drill will cent of the milk distribution
officiate. Concluding services in for Salem,
Belcrest Memorial park. I. Hofstetter said consolidation of
milk deliveries in Salem and oth-
Odenborg er Oregon towns and cities would
Curtis G. Odenborg, late resi-1 conserve a large amount of rub
dent of 260 Strand avenue, at ber and gasoline
local hospital Monday, Jan. 18 at
the age of 42 years. Husband of
Mrs. Florence Odenborg of Salem,
father of Arlene Odenborg and
Ernestine Loveland, both of Sa
lem; son of Mr, and Mrs. Christ C.
Odenborg of Albany; brother o
'Mrs. Anna Swanson and Mrs.
Clara Larson, both of Cottage
caped about 9:30 a. m., took
from 16th and Center streets a
car owned by Oscar Wright, 43
Falrhaven avenue, drove to
Brooks and abandoned it, with
out gasoline.
partment is to be issued shortly,
Judge E. M. Page announced
Tuesday during motion day pro
ceedings. Only two readings of
motions will be in order hence
forth and if the proponent has not
Japanese Here
Gives Refunds
To Red Cross
The Marion county chapter of
the Red Cross was a good many
dollars richer Tuesday, for the
generosity of a Japanese family.
J. C. Marioka stepped to the
desk at the 1 o e a 1 Red Cross
headquarters Tuesday morning.
offering a check to the attend
ant saying "For the Red Cross
from my family." The check
was for $83.50, his yearly re
fund for the state gasoline tax.
Then he stole the auto of C. K. appeared at the expiration of the
Ogura, Brooks route one, butt time allowed, the motion is to be
halted at a stop sign and was held I automatically overruled and the
by Tom Ogura until police ar- proponent given 10 days in which
rived, shortly before 2 p.m. to plead further
Docket in his department crowd
ed up to March 30, Judge Page
Tuesday set for hearing Rader vs
Barner, March 30; Klett vs. Klor-
fein, March 31; Bedient vs. An
derson, AprH 1, and Penney vs
Rutherford, April 2
Six default divorce decrees were
handed down Tuesday by Judge
Elwood W. Hewett vs. Kath
ryne L. Hewitt; decree of divorce
to plaintiff recognizes property
Geraldine Pettit vs. Lyle F. Pet
tit; decree of divorce, custody of
minor child and $25 a month sup
port money to plaintiff.
Evangeline Breneman vs. H. E.
Brenemart; decree ; of divorce to
Josephine Sharping vs. John H
Sharping; decree of divorce and
restoration of name Josephine E.
Radak to plaintiff, -recognizes
property settlement
health has arranged two venereal T' decfee o. f" l
disease education programs for i"-""1" J aeienaam
Thursday. Dr. Adolph Weinzirl, ,ui u ,
.- H!!.inn .:oi Dolores Kautz vs. Edward C
education. Universitv of Orison uetree 01 uivorce 10 piain
medical schooL will be the main UI1' cusioay 01 minor cnua ana
speaker. He will be introduced by ia a. wp010 support money to
Mr nrro vt k- TWrtftrheoH Hi. piamuii s mouier, ranees iva-
rector of health education. Marion 5ieei
county department of health. state of Oregon ex rel M. B
Thursday afternoon Dr. Wein- "ayaen, district attorney, vs
zirl will speak at the Mt. Angel Kex Aiongnt; reply denied that
monastery and at the Mt. Angel Preparation of state and federal
academy. The films, "With These tax returns and coUection of in
Weaoons" and "In Defense of the terest and principal due estate
Nation," will le shown. were legal services.
A similar program was given State Industrial Accident com
Monday night at Lebanon at the mission vs. Lowell M. Lambert;
sawmill and lumber workers' un- I default decree to plaintiff; cost bill
ion, CIO, and Friday night Dr. for $11.40 filed by plaintiff com-
Weinzirl will speak at the Wash- mission
Health Board
Sets Program
ington county Federation of Wom
en's Clubs at HUlsboro.
State Industrial Accident com
mission vs. James A. Kapphan;
order overruling demurrer of de
J. Cornelius Hafley vs. E. Haf-
Police Dog Killed
T A VP T.ART5H Torf th nn
lice dog owned by Frank Matthes le plaint for divorce, alleges
for 10 years, was killed when hit
by a motorist.
Salem and Stayton Tire Ration
Boards Announce First Okelis
cruel and inhuman treatment;
married December 17. 1920, in
Durant, Okla.
G. A. Etter vs. F. E. Etter;
answer to motion for modification
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. R.
Walker declares lather of minor
children is willing i to pay $25 a
month support money for their
care and that such a sum is de-
Alsman, M. Grouser, Jfif PSL
$52.19 is due
Aumsvme; w. a. Karuan, Turner; crop income.
derson, William Moriarty, Charles
Albert Sommer, wesiey
Curtis Winegar, Myrle
later by the W. T7 Rigdon com- pinger,
Beeanse. wonld-be purchasers
most sign their eertlfleates In
the presence of board member
r clerk, those approved la Sa
lem 'who have not already re
ceived their certificates fare
asked to call at 5t Leslie street
to sign and receive 'the; iper-
mlts. "" .'V '. - t -i ? . "I"
Stal ton's ration board, Ini Sat-
Schrank ' ;
in Oreeon City;- Monday. Jan
uary 19. Alvin Wesley Schrunk,
aged 73 years, late resiaea w
Canby. Ore, Father of Mrs. Ida
Tohnson ot Salem. r Mrs. AU $jt
!joyce and Francis Schrunk of
'rS brother of M urday: night session, awed nine
Rednwna, -v nA certificates for tires which , may
M Charle GhTofTiapleton. be obtained by caUing .t. the
I1- ?ilel r2TV- ,ht irand- board office, H. 3. Rowe, chair-
s"iynr'; man. has announced.
rchasers are
Mack Hamby, . Jeiierson; uony
Steincamn and Clarence Coffin,
pnt nrpn muu ivt w - m i ,
. . - . n,niments Approved as purchasers
iLituuiviM l
'later by the W. ,T "igaon vy-
Byron B. Shuck, Paul Lambrecht,
George Nettling, Fred Fery and
H. A. Baysinger, all of Stayton.
Stayton board Saturday also
announced authorization as In
spectors of CUad Lewis and
George Seniles, Stayton; Roy
Philllppi, Mebkma; Roy McKee,
Jefferson: O. E. Koberta, Aoms
vUle; J. H. Wolf and The. Min
den, jrw of Soblimity. ,
Pointing out that quotas are not
cumulative from month to month;
Rowe Tuesday urged logging
operators and other users of heavy
duty tires to place their applica
tions while a quota is still avail
able and before ; the ; anticipated
spring rush begins, lest operations
be tied up.
casehe had taken
holds that
tiff from bean
Pirit announcements of aDDroved tire purchasers were made clared sufficient by Walkers and
Orovt Mrs. Minnie Hays of Spo- UsoJ Sat-m and Stavton ration boards in accordance with 1 108 have admitted $50 for
- All J "J ' . .. . . I ftftnniAv't VAi-kl.
iicane, ran. iviaun " . federal i requirements that names of those receiving certificates 0 iCTL "T . ,w
teof cons- of.
Iheld.Thursday. January Gk
ipon. from the .WW? '""liU VmI Dwiebt
chapel, with Kev. aa. v- - - m Nela r.
daner officiating, interment ui -w-- - - "JIZZL.
City View cemetery. aerson,
In this city, Tuesday, January is. i-uiuIC v1Uu
20 MfloE. Horn, aged 64 years, Haslebacher, Dempsey Glover,
late reSdet of 59 Williams ave- Lyle Lorentx, Gordon Jasse, Oyde
late resiaem oi o .,, t shuttlewortb, Clar-
nue HUSDana 01 " 1 " . 'rZ irn-
Horrv. Funeral announcement 1 o w..-- , -
Dorothy Beyer vs. Roy Beyer;
order by Judge McMahan, based
on stipulation, declares that de
fendant is willing to protect
plaintiff with war risk insurance
sufficient to meet payments set
out in decree if he enters military
service as he desires.
State ex rel Jacoby vs. State
Industrial Accident commission
and state ex rel Reese vs. State
Industrial Accident commission;
demurrers sustained by Judge
Page in identical orders holding
that matters related to writs are
discretionary with commission.
Effie May Beck estate; order ap
proving final accounting and de
cree of distribution.
Julius Zielke estate; order ap
pointing Leonard H. Zielke and
Bernice Gwynn joint administrat
ors of estate of $1500.
Martha E. Moon estate; final
account by Ray G. Lucas, adminis- ;
trator; hearing set for February 25. ;
W. A. Gatchet; orders set apart
specified property to Emma M.
Gatchet and authorize sale of cer
tain personal property; appraised
at $4192.75 by L. R. Linn, Oswald
Johnson and George W. Hubbs. j
Andrew C. Snyder estate; L. I. :
Snyder named administrator; Fred j
Wagner, Henry Millie and F. B. !
Garrett appointed appraisers; es- i
tate tentatively valued at $6699 in
personal property in Marion coun
ty, $5420 real property in Marion
county and $7751 in real and per
sonal property in Clackamas county.
Nick Beer estate; final account
of Pioneer Trust company, exec
utor, shows receipts of $2391.47
and disbursements of $665.85;
hearing set for March 5.
Georgie M. Steinbeck; order
confirming sale of real property.
Miriam Jane Dixon guardian
ship; second annual account of
Martha Jean Adams, guardian,
shows leceipts of $741.91 and dis
bursement of $19.91.
Clyde L. Hamrick; larceny by
bailee; taken under advisement
following preliminary hearing.
Second charge of obtaining money
by false pretenses heard; held to
answer , to grand jury. Committed
to jail in lieu of total of $1750 bail
on two charges.
Roy H. Walker; burglary not in
a dwelling; held to answer to
grand jury; commitment issued in
lieu of $1000 bail.
Lionel Berry; non-support
charges dismissed at request of
private prosecutrix on motion of
deputy district attorney.
Howard Shepard; no operator's
license; $1 and costs.
Earl L. Bonney; no chauffeur's
license; $1 and costs; commitment
issued on failure to pay.
Robert R. Stark; non-support
hearing scheduled at 10:30 today.
Joseph Josephson; assault and
battery; jury trial St 1:30 this af
ternoon. Frank Yarborough, I d a n h a ;
threatening to commit a felony;
bail raised from $500 to $1000.
I van Bogart, 25, state hospital
attendant, and Evelyn Beth
Hutchins, 11, 1141 South Winter
Gilbert H. Ramage, 20, cannery
fieldman, and Jeanne Lee, 19, both
of Woodburn. f
Avery Garrett, 25, shipyard em
ploye at Puget Sound navy, yard,
and Edna May Laws, 28, both res
idents of Silverton.
Lyle Eagy, Corvallis, fined $100,
30-days jail sentence suspended,
driver's license suspended for one
Agnes R. Irwin, 146 North 24th
street, failure to stop, fined $2.50
Jesse L. Dorsch, Vancouver,
Wash.; J. Campbell, Houtzdale,
Pa.; Frank Tabsh, Santa Clara,
Calif.; Ernest Nelson, Duluth.
Minn.,- vagrancy, each sentenced
to ten days in city jail.
Lewis Flukey, Sweet Home, no
driver's license, car held for bail
Bill Stalling, 860 South 13th
street, drunk, released on $10 bail.
Guests at Rickey
RICKEY Mr. and Mrs. Bark-
ley Newman of Port Angeles,
Wash., were guests of Mrs. New
man's parents,; Mr. and Mrs. W
H. Humphreys.
-Request for operation of a statewide civilian defense amateur
radio network will be stressed by Jerrold Owen, state civilian
defense coordinator, at a meeting of defense coordinators of west
ern states and federal 'officials in San ' Francisco January 29.
Owen said Tuesday he already
had appealed to the federal com
munications commission which
ordered all amateurs off the air
and to army officials. He pointed
out that the network would be
of vital importance in event of
invasion or air attack, when tele
phone service probably would be
suspended for an indefinite per
iod. In such emergency Owens said
the radio would provide the only
means of communications be
tween the state and county de
fense councils. -
"I can see no reason why the
network should not be authorized
to operate," Owen declared. Owen
said the government ordered
amateurs off the air to prevent
fifth column activity, but it could
permit the network to operate
if the federal bureau of investi
gation checked each operator In
the state.
"It would be extremely diffi
cult to send air raid alarms to
counties without the network,
provided telephone and other
communication lines were out of
commission," Owen said.
Leslie Names
New Leaders;
Vote f Upset'
Jack Slater was elected presi
dent of the Leslie junior high
school student body on a ballot,
which students declared was fea
tured by upsets. Vice presidential
winner was Janet Gibson. New
secretary is Del ores Clement;
treasurer, Leah Smith; sergeant-
at-arms, Bud Smith; yell leader,
Don McLaughlin; song leader.
Dorothy Boyes.
A special assembly late next
week is planned lor installation
of the new officers.
Every roll room has been rep
resented on the executive council
in a new system of student gov
ernment tried at Leslie this year.
Roll rooms in which there are no
officers have elected other rep
resentatives, s
Retiring as student body lead
ers are Deb McLaughlin, presi
dent; Mary Lou McKay, . vice
president; Peggy Paxson, secre
tary; Donald Eastridge, treasurer;
Robert Strebig, sergeant-at-arms;
Billy Cox, yell leader, and Mar
cia Moore, song leader.
Return to Homes
son, Cranbrook, BC, and Oscar
Gustafson, Wheeler, who were
here to attend the funeral of their
sister, Mrs. Hilda Jensen, left
Thursday for their homes.
Daughter Arrives
Mrs. Percy Dunn are the parents
of a baby daughter, Mary Anne,
born January 11 at the Silverton
hospital. ; ;
Scouts Work
Class Slated
A course in fundamentals of the
Boy Scout movement, for persons
active or interested in the work,
was announced Tuesday by R. R.
Ruddiman, Cascade area council
executive. The one - night class
will be at the .chamber of com
merce one week from tonight,
January 28, at 7:45.
Instructors will be Charles S.
McElhinny, council president; Ar
thur W. Lamka, chairman of the
district training committee, and
Ruddiman. A six - weeks troop
leaders' training course will be
gin February 4.
The Scccess cf This 0Uic3
Depends on thVljtsaranee service we render our clients.
And we can reduce year Insurance costs.
'Oregon's Largest Upstate Agenc.
, Sclesi cad X-lcossCeld , .. .
123 XL Commercial - Salem - Dial 41S3
y w iy ONi w January 31 st
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Plate Frames
Chromed framti ;with
town notr, rfl. $1.0 pr.
Oval tmlfif with rftc
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SINGLE EDGE. Keen, long
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DOCILE EDGE, super-thin
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3 9tck
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