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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1942)
I The' OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, January IB, 1942 PAGE ELEVEN Stork Brings More Girls SI LVERTON Girls are 1 out numbering boys in recent birth reports at the Silverton hospit al. Sons have been born to Mr. nd Mrs. Allan Foster and to Mr. nd Mrs. J. O. Russell, both on January 10. Daughters have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wright, Se attle. January 9: to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farley, Molalla, January 10, and to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunn, January 11. L. M. Larson and Edwin Over land report that in spite of cold , weather here in the valley the iish are still biting at the coast. They returned early in the week front Woods with three steelhead each weighing nine pounds. Fish ing was done with salmon eggs. L i Among the damages done to . Silverton during the cold weath er, was the washing out of the lower dam at the Izaak Walton League park above Silverton. Stamp Corsages Now DELAWARE, O. - (ff) - Frater nity men at Ohio Wesleyan uni versity are sending their girl friends corsages of defense stamps to wear to winter formal dances. Election Set Tonight WOODB URN W o o d b urn Townsend club will meet with Mrs. Jessie Wageman tonight for election of officers. A IW.vww.WWW.'.WW.iJflWpl I P, . . U III . KL A Ifjna'l IPAM x- I ilVa I A ORE.S.D.A. -en meats. This may seem a strange way to begin an ad. Well, we believe in trnthinl adver tising, nevertheless, YOU WILL FIND THAT 0UD PMCES ABE STILL THE LOWEST AIID WE HAVE All EXTRA CHOICE SUPPLY. Young PORK STEAK These Pork Cuts Are Milk-Fed VEAL STEAK Prime BEEF ROASTS Blade and Arm Loin BAC0II BACKS Mm. Ml Horace Goes For I 1 'V' fe , ' Harbor police rescue Horace from Ice floe Sometime during the night, Horace, a dog, went for a walk across the Potomac river ice. With the arrival of the Washington-Norfolk night boat, the ice was broken up and before Horace could reach shore, he was floating helplessly down the river. Harbor police rescued the dog, shivering and ice caked, but none the worse for his experience. Riches, Tena Dullum, Elizabeth Kleinsorge, Maybelle Towe, Ma rie Loe and Helen McCannel. Churchill Gets Bond BRISTOW, Okla.-(P)-Mr. Win ston Churchill, the White House, Washington: Herbert Abraham, a real estate dealer, sent you a $25 defense bond with instructions to cash it in ten years and buy cl- gars. He heard you liked stogies. DELICIOUS QUICK EASY Van Qmtis PORIOndBEAN Supper AS SERVED IY 1M Josephine Culbtrlsvn FAMOUS BRIDGE AUTHORITY BRIDGE SUPPER AfPmZin JUbhTrey CMl&wee 5uffol CaWy Carrot Strip$ Sfuffad Egg and fkUca Van Camp's POXK ana BEANS, BARBECUED Bolcao! Appfai wiHi SowsagM Aorfd Srirfg Sondwidwi PoW F rotted Caks Co(F TRY IT It's cUlidous. Atk your groctr for complat detail . . . raclp, and qjuantttias or writ Van Camp' Irtc Indlanapoiif, Indiana. MRS. JOSEPHINE CULBERTSON solves the bridge-supper problem in this smart and pleasant way. Mrs. Josephine Culbertson bridge authority and gracious hostess suggests this easy-to-prepare, delightful-to-eat answer to the bridge-supper problem. FEAST -FOR-THE-LEAST4 Salens Retail Packing PRHCES HAVE EAESEB Small L0III CHOPS from Fancy Grain-Fed Young Porkers. Tender and Lean, Loin, Rib VEAL CHOPS These Cuts Are from Special TEIIDEQ STEAK Cuts Quality Beef Sugar Cured J0UL BAC0II 110 TDICIIY DAEGAEIS. WEE a ValkGets Ride v mm i L in the NEW YORK-(P)-Officers at nearby Fort Slocum were puzzled when they received a letter ad dressed to "Commanding Officer, Suicide Squad." They opened it and then grinned, for it was from a private seeking to enlist in the "suicide squad," of which the officers knew nothing. The private said he wanted more action he was a member of a laundry unit NEW YORK-(-Raymond Armistice Mills was born on No vember 11, 1921, the first Armis tice day to be declared a national holiday. He enlisted in the army air corps recently. LONDON--Soviet planes are dropping postcards back of Ger man lines in the eastern front showing a field of crosses with a lone helmet in the foreground and vultures overhead, under the captain: "Living space In the east" The cards bear German stamps for anyone who might dare tp send them home. They were described today by the Russian embassy's "Soviet war news." ST. LOUIS--The honeymoon of James Brennan and his bride, Catherine, has been postponed. Someone stole three tires from his automobile. CANTON, O.--Earl C. Lair began his fourth term as mayor of nearby Louisville by offering his entire salary for the next two years ($8000) to charity and pur chase of defense bonds. "It may help to lick the axis," his honor remarked. CINCINNATI-(P)-To tap a re serve o f defense-vital copper. Philatelist Edwin Leonard Teagle would recall all pennies and sub stitute therefor one-cent stamps protected by a tough transparent wrapping. He submitted the sug gestion today in letters to Ohio congressmen. mm Planl 351 Slate Picnic PORK ROAST ML Choice STEW VEAL First Quality No. 1 Veal Back DAC0II 11 SQUARES tL!i Fresh YOU SEE IT III 0UD On Ice Instead c- Newt OKLAHOMA CITY--This is Farmer Ed Warden's duck story and he's sticking to it Last spring nine wild mallard ducks were hatched from eggs he gathered from a lake near his farm. He has seven left one went south and another got killed, The seven got together on the ice of a pond and after considera ble quacking took off as Warden watched from his house nearby, "They started circling around, arguing among themselves and I kept yelling for them to come back," he said. "Pretty soon they landed right at my feet.' The mallards waddled along be hind Warden to the hen house and he locked them in. WASHINGTON--" Americans may walk, but they'll never run, is the war slogan suggested by Chairman May (D-Ky.) of the house military affairs committee "As a matter of fact," the Ken tuckian said, "It looks like a lot of us will be walking before long, what with the rubber shortage and the rationing of tires." ROANOKE. Vo.-OFHSome folks all along thought H.: A. Woodford was courting disaster at his ad Bierman, Williams Answer Call Soon MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 1S-(JF) The pace of sports champions toward the war front stepped up earlier this week by Joe Louis joining the army, is about to be accelerated further from this sec tor. ? The coach of the nation's top football team the .JJniversity of Minnesota takes off late this week and baseball's batting champion is, set for; a quick calL That is one way of saying that Bernie Bierman, Minnesota's head coach, checks in at Quanti co, Va marine-barracks Sunday, and that Ted Williams, the Bos ton Red Sox' king of batsmen with a 1941 average of .406, al ready had passed 1 his physical examination preparatory to army duty. St. Almost Like Chicken. ri Seasoning - A KEIF M ORE.S.D.A.X (Bib. vmv. L toi ow LARD lbs. ZH AD ITS SO. Women Enroll ! In Aid Oass SILVERTON Mrs. A. J. Mc- CanneL emergency defense chair man of the American Legion aux iliary, reports that 65 women have enrolled in a first aid class spon sored by the auxiliary and taught by Dr. A. J. McCanneL This is the first step in the mo tor corps organization, Mrs. Mc Cannel reports, and adds that Mrs. C. J. Towe has been named cap tain of one group and Mrs. Sam Lorenzen, captain of a tecond group. Named en enrollees In the class are Reta Maulding, Josephine Lake, Dorothy Towe, Santa Hut- ton, Laura Busch, Opal Roop, Mae Finlay, Edith Kaser, Elsie Marsh, Ola Tobias, Cathaleene Riches, Hazel Lorenzen, Maude Price, Erma Demas, Elsie Nelson, dress on Dale avenue, S. E. Sure enough, it finally happened. A car came down the street jumped the curb, ran through the hedge and knocked down the steps of his house, right under the number "1313." KIMBALL, Neb.-tilVT hree year-old Nativadad Caudillo swal lowed a penny. It lodged in his esophagus and a doctor tried in vain to force it into the child's stomach. He was rushed to a Cheyenne, Wyo., hospital. There it was learned the penny passed into the youngster's stomach during the trip. UPPER NYACK, NY-(P)-If an axis flier should bomb this vil lage, he might be fined. Mayor Charles Whetstone an nounced that among revamped or dinances up for a public hearing was one prohibiting the dropping or releasing of any object from aircraft which might endanger life or property, violation of the or dinance would mean a $25 fine for the offender. H A M D E N , Conn.--Mrs George Sabletz solved the burg lar problem in a few firm words. Finding a stange man in her home she ordered him to leave, then discovered valuables gone. When she caught up with the stranger on the street and de manded their return, he quiettf handed them over and went on his way. COLDWATER, Mich.-War has placed the Branch county sheriffs office on a one-man ba sis. The-one man is Sheriff Ho mer Burns. Two months ago Deputy Paul Wegent resigned to seek a job in a defense plant where wages were higher and hours shorter. Now, William Burns, under sheriff and son of the sheriff, re signed for the same reason after rejecting a pay boost from $3 to. Sheriff Burns said he has been unable to find replacements. $3.50 a day. Howto makefillsburus Trio Imjer Colic 3 bid. delicious cakes in one Complete recipe: 1. Sift and measure S c. EaridiaJ Pillbnry' SmI Flovr. (Two B-Titamim and iron are added to PilUbury't Best with no change In color, flavor, or baking quality.) Add SVt Up, bakinf pywdr (or ZVi tsp. double acting) and H tsp. wH. Sift three times. (Don't retv on a dash of hope and a pinch of trust when it comes to baking use Sour that's proved itself before it enters your kitchen. Before any wheat la bought for Pillsbury's Best, scouts go right out in the harvest fields and tend in samples. These are milled into flour, and actually baked into foods. And even then the flour must pan rigid baking tests 4 to 6 times a day during milling. Pillsbury'f Best is ake noves to protect yoor baking!) 2. Cream I c sfcarlaalag till light; gradually beat in m c tgor till fluffy. X Add 4 w at a time: beat about 1 min. after each. 4. Add dry ingredients alternately with 1 c milk and 1 tsp. vaiH. Mix well after each ad dition; beat weU at end. (Note the smooth, fluffy texture ... the delicate, creamy color of your riUsburys Best batter ... assured by hourly color tests daring milling!) S. Divide batter in thirds. To Vi add V tsp. cimiamsa, Vi tsp. oMmlm, Vi tsp. dovtt, and Vi tap. Iiiism blend weU. To second portioa add (combined) ! tip. nfr, 2 tsp. astm, Vt tap. stMm, IVi Tbspa. bat waMr, and I aq. (1 oz.) wiiiai ihinlais (raelted and cooled); blend weO. Leave rest of batter plain. Turn each batter separately into S greased, lined 9-in. layer pans . . . and tec how fluffy it Is I Bake in a moderate oven (375 F.) 25 to SO min. Cool brers. Spread vanilla cream filling between brr- csx; cover top and ssdea with chocolate frosting. Get Hllsbary's Best from your grocer today turn "Just an-. other meal" into a special occasion wiUiFinsbaryTuoLaTxaCASJL! fi g asms thkitt aras ins riusomr J m r w r rmi abet m sm Km WT iwig if sobd sflT other gwiii-ni. too! I list, wfkePiOsbary Hour. Mia f i da Pitney, Mrs. Heald, Grace Goullester, Maude Price, Irene Moseng, Emily Gottenberg, Ruth Stutevoss, Lola Larson, lily' San derson, Laura Tokstad. Alma Fi erst Edith Deverlcks, Zelma Lew is, Pauline Sparks Jean Cunning ham, Lucy l&istznan, Elizabeth Burton,. Florence Bentson, Mabel Smith, Marie Bolme, Alma Olson, da Winslow, Peggy Pierce, Alma Tostenson, Iris Thorkildson, Lau ra Haugen, IilHan Burnham, Car oline Severson, Myrtle Lorenzen, Gold! Starr, ;-Mable Lerfald, Blanche Feneide, Blanche Even- son," Helen Bloack, Leona Libby, Peggy Goplerud, Joyce David, Irene Franke, Gladys Fletcher, Helen Bertuieit, Ina Harold, Nel- lye Titus, Edna Dickman, Lois ORANGES Double Luck PANCAK S I'NS IH1 D Fsl ran Flakes Mice Kasppes $hR RUBBERS KERR, MASON CAPS -.10c NA-PKI.NS Carrots Bulk 4 ib8- 15c COFFEE LbRMAIL " 19c 3 iiI550 MORNING STAR Lb. 25c 3,730 Sotisfcictioa Guaranteed Cigarettes Camels. Lucldes, Old Gold, ' Chestefields Raleigbs 29c 2 Pkgs. Per Cart ocklnx. til Prices Farmers Work Minus Power EOSEDAL&i-Farmers are get ting along as best they can by substituting for the electric con veniences which they hope will be in use again by the first of next week. Ben Sparks is having medical care given a bad cut on his leg caused by an axe which slipped while he was trimming the oak tree on the school house grounds Monday. The Women's Missionary soci ety continued - their Red ' Cross r s sa . a m s nm (Dffliimi(n)Ts The New READY-TO -EAT Breakfast Food Sensation! HERE'S a new Idea for breakfast that really makes ease : a nourishing omtmetU cereal that cornea ready to eat, and packed with Taper OelicioBs) CHEE IOATS la 7S ground oatmeal, with corn and tapioca added for extra criepaeaa, exrre Urvr. Comeain the brand-new, novel thane of little miniatur dough nuts ... toasted and crisp, and made to stay that way in nullt or cream. Its "blended" flavor if truly different ... a natural, ntiefying flavor that your taste won't tire of. Try a package today. General Mills. lac- Minneapolis, Minnesota, artia mtTS nt ,t oi waktMi cs-.isis,o-i-iwiS-,i-si Ctemoats 252 NEW size .. NAVEL 176 size FREE DELIVERY brand Nc. 2 cans or Del Monte o Picket No. 10 bag lo)l,nUJ) Thompson Seedless 2y2-lb. pkg. Eradshcrw Qover S-lb. Pail Eelloag's 8-ox. pkg. Zee 3 1 15c I-IILK Tall Cans Orefon 3 for 250 Dos. ttc , Case 3J7 Alpine, Bordens. Pet Carnation Special Morning 3or26f V Case $4.04 SHGIin White Safin 100-lbw bag $5.37 Parsnip sewing at the Trick home Wed nesday. Those present were Mrs. Frieda , Lehman,1 Mrs. Oscar Brown, Mrs. F W. Cammack, Mrs. Jack TurnbuII, Mrs. Martin Peterson, Mrs. Ben Sparks and Mrs. T. D. Trick. The women will meet again Wednesday for an all day meeting with Mrs. ' Warren McNeil. Savings Go for Bonds PHILADELPHIA (A3) - Bottle neck Tony Da Grossa walked in to a postoffice, plunked down $1,700 in cash for defense bonds and declared: "I'm against Mus solini, Hitler and the Japs." He said the money represented 50 years! savings. : i , DCCn" LDC.D doz. 390 2 do 450 for No. 303 cans ea. Wc Per Case $2.34 for 23c 4c 3L0c Eellogg'f Pkg. 29c 6 doz. 3ir 2Sc lornips Bulk 2rl3c FLOUR Castle Brand $ls33 494b... Kitchen Queen or Bed. White and Blue $1.69 49 lbs. ! nshex Blend ; Drifted Snow 49 lbs $.90 Gold Med- $2.08 'al 49- lbs. 137 So. CcsaT Ft:s8 1 7311 JlSC 23c 33c 5c . . T7e CIsse al 6 P. IL - On Salnrdays al 7 II. UKE-M0VEO Is BfttMt tr kiliax