.Eodge'Names. New Officers f AMITY Amity chapter, Or der of Eastern Star, elected and installed the following officers for 1942::'" , Worthy matron, Solveig Jensen; worthy patron, Dr. Chas. H. Law; associate matron, Mrs. Rose Full er; associate patron, H.' W. For bet; conductress, Mrs. G. A. Mo Culloch; associate conductress, Mrs. C. H. Law; secretary, Mri Bessie Sorensen; treasurer, Mrs. Maud Strout; chaplain, Mrs. Mar tha Brown; organist, Mrs. Julia Latimer; marshal, Mrs. Gladys Tor bet; Adah, Miss Thelma Mc Culloch; Martha, Mrs. Hattie Withee; Electa, Mrs. Olive Wood, and warder, Mrs. Clara Broad well. I Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fitzgerald were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Steph ens, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wood, Dallas. Stephens is a brother and Mrs. Wood is a niece of Mrs. Fitzgerald. The Amity schools were closed from Tuesday afternoon until Monday morning. The roads were too icy for the school busses to operate. Private cars were used Tuesday to take the students to their homes. Little known damage was done from the freeze in this vicinity. The farmers think the snow and ice were a protection from the freeze for the fall sown grain. Farmers Union News ST. LOUIS Fairfield Farm ers union will meet for Installa tion of officers and consideration of other important business Fri day night . ; Rites Held for Aged Fargo Man AURORA Funeral services for Felix Scholl, 85, whose body was found near his home at Far go January 9, were held this af ternoon from the chapel' of the Ransom-Miller Funeral home in Aurora with Rev. S. F. Golden- man; officiating. Death was believed due to heart attack. Scholl, a carpenter by trade, was born in Eola and had ; been a resident of Marion county for 60 years. He had lived around St Louis before moving to Fargo. Several nieces living near Monroe survive. Burial was in Belle Passi cemetery near Wood- burn. Arm Fractured in Fall . MONMOUTH George Cooper, local hardware merchant, sus tained a fracture of his left arm above the elbow when he slip ped off the steps at his home Sunday. He is able to be at his store with the arm m a cast P SAIL MPS CLEAHBANCIE On all winter coats and dresses will save you many dollars. Shop Sally's for Salem's great est values. it P I CLOTH GOATS Group 1 Values to 22.75 1000 Group 2 Values to 24.50 12 00 Several Groups to 39.50 Slightly Higher FUR TRIM COATS Group 1 Group 2 Values to 39.75 i Values to 69.50 17" 28 1 Fur Coats "30 fine furcoats left. You can have them at a ridiculously low figure Come in and see for yourself. '1 Several hundred at cleanup 'figures. Sport and dressy types. Values to 12.95 I Values to 1RS5 R00 1088 Others M to ltM Corner Liberty and Court i 'fi : . - H , : ' i r ! ' i r . .. , .:; - , Closing Out One Group Young Men's SPOILT COATS Herringbone and diagonal Tweeds, soft Shet- lands and Cheviots in browns, . Q5 fwirp. teal and irreen mix LS V? tures. Values, to $16.95 V I ili if I it Buy for foe Future! lien's Clothing Forecast for 1942 0JP3I. orders woolen mills to cut production 50 to 60, effective immediately! Clothing manufacturers inform us there may be no more double breasted models, vests, pleats, zippers or cuffs on pants. These are just a few of the many reasons why you can't afford to miss this sale. Bishop's 50-year policy of closing out all surplus stock to make way for new styles will continue despite wartime advances. YOUNG MEN'S SLACKS Bedfords, Gabardines, Tweeds and Twills. All colors and sizes. Zipper front Cr3 CSC to $7.95 . .U Over Hal! a Century of Values Over 2000 nationally Advertised Suits and 0'Coats iacriiiced 'Way ielou E&rkei Prices Hart, Schaffner and Marx, Hollywood, Michael Sterni Clipper Craft DeLuxe and Others - , : Closing Out Over 100 Specially Selected Every Wanted Style Guaranteed fit Regular Models Stouts and Half Stouts Shorts and Longs Simle and Double Breasted Sizes 35 to 50 Regular Alterations FREE Values to $29.50 Here are Overcoats galore! We have them in Tweeds and Fleeces . . Ulsters, Balmacaans with raglan or set-in sleeves . . . Blues, Browns, Greys, Teal . . Sizes from 34 to 46 . . . Our low 50th Anniversary Sale price is your golden opportunity to beat wartime prices. A A Large Selection Smart New Winter SuiIs and 0'Coais $nk.85 Values to S29.50 t 1 : Specially Selected From Bishop's Regular Stock Nationally Known Suits and 0'Coats $ Values to $40.00 5.85 Specially Selected From Bishop's Regular Stock Nationally Known Suits and 0'Coats $ Values to $35.00 Specially Selected From Bishop's Regular Stock Nationally Known Suits and 0'Coais $21.85 Values to $45.00 ..... ttLT Chester-Barrie Imported English TWEED 0'COATS Also Worumbo and Hart, Schaffner and Marx Rare Packs g?g ft Values up to OgUU Hollywood and Hart, Schaffner & Marx BEHCH-IIADE SUITS Valnes io $55.03 .85 J v Hollywood Movie Guild . LOAFER JACKETS Values $4.95 (Main Floor) B.V.D, Kaylon, Tru-Val and Other Famous PAJAMAS Values to (T QQ $3.50 ZpJiiO (Main Floor) Hirsch-Weis 100 All Wool Plaid STAG JACKETS WATERPROOF ?'.$4.98 (Downstairs Store) Hirsch-Weis 100 All Wool CREW SHIRTS $4.95 T Ak Values 3ta3 (Downstairs Store) SMS IIATI0IIALLY ADVERTISED Figurized Fruit of the Loom, Marlboro, Bruxton, Wings and others. Whites and fancy broadcloth . . . Sizes 14 to 17. Famous makes featured exclusively at Bishop's . . . Figured and striped woven Madras and Broadcloth . . Sizes 14 to 17. var $2.oo g f'ih V !i;2'M " 100 Pure Virgin Wool Sloppy Joe Threeshire Columbia Knit SWEATERS Values to (TO QQ $6.95 4)3 a O 3? Columbia Knit, MacGregor and Other Famous Makes SWEATER COATS $4.89 Values to $7.95 HOSE for I1EII Slack sox. rerular sox In plain and fancy 1 isles and rayons. Sizes 9Vi to 12. 35c Values a; pairs $1.00 29 c 100 All Wool, Silk and Wool, Mixed Wool and Other Heavy Knit UNION SUITS B.VJ)., Chalmers, Wilson Bros, and Other Famous Makes Discontinued Lines 5 $1.95 lo $6.59 Valnes - A Deal Bny al Price (Main Floor) Heavy Plaid ZIPPER COATS Fancy Plaids and Olive Drab Values to OQ $5.95 4diO - (Downstairs Store) All Leather ' SUEDE JACKETS Brown Suede Skin Scarred Values $5.89 (Downstairs Store) Closing Out Two Groups Jasman Shoes Black and Brown Dress Shoes, Sport Shoes, Brogues and Moccasin Toes Values io $! .89 - 1.85 " "u" $6. Valnes io K $7.85 (Main Floor) 9 lonM Shoes Most Styles Closing Out One Group Boys' Suits Blue, Grey and Brown Mixtures Sizes 12 to 16 Values to $.89 Closing Out One Group Svercoa Ss Brown, Blue , and Grey Mixtures j Sizes 12 to 16 Valnis to $(3.89 $18150 1 Orer 100 Pairs genuine Qpnrc SKY1UDER OlillLiO For Boys f Values to $4.50 Mmnijkj Closing Out Hundreds ARROW - FASHION-CRAFT and BOTANY HAND TAILORED TIES 650 Regular $1.00 1 for $1.25 Closing Out a Large Group Kaynee and Other Famous y Shirts for Boys Values Io S(5W $1.00 i VS)SV 100 Pure Virgin Wool Columbia Knit Sweaters for Doys S1ms21o10 (T4 no VL to $2.95 $An0 Doys' Wool Slaclis Dark colors. VaJ. to $3.9: Pleated and zipper front OA Boys' Snils and 0'Coals . 7 Sizes2t&10 M ; VaL to $5.95 4iO ) 1 f J rJ rvi . , tit iJTS s:riipifirii''i'i'ii"i nifl Vitt ii i