1 Hi OUSGOn STATESMAN Satan. Orogon, Thursday Morning, January 15. 1942 ' FAGS CLEVER TO! Ml -- . -i- j ' '-i is . - ' i. " S N-PD , . 1 . .if - . ! i . I - 1 . . 'I- YV;; : ' u A V -I It v v H 5 , v ' - f ' i 'S y " ' ' " ' ' , " - ' J - V -..I. r 'AV 1s. -f 32 AT SICHT OF BOMBS Paul Taraofsky, a senior post air raid warden in Brooklyn, N. Y demonstrates the proper way to extinguish an incendiary bomb. He wears an asbestos fire fUcbtiof suit, and uses an asbestos blanket to smother the bomb. f v-C '7 i 4- V S ' f ..... "a" - V. ft ' N COINC U f I Ski experts will say that this mode of ascent Is most elementary using- the fcerrtnf bone technlqne to make pro Cress op an Incline tat it looks rather complicated to an amatenr. Tho saea are climbing Lac Beaaport la Quebec s1"- - - f . I i' 4 m HORRORS OF WAR Wartime rubber scarcity really pinches, says New York Showgirl Virginia Wilson who squeezes with the help of Irene Vernon, Virginia Morris (kneeling) and Buth Brady into an old-fashioned corset FTn XiMi , i--J.. i : ' if' ft i THREE'S A CROW D QlUer and Marshal Antonesca are the portrait buddies of Romania's King Mihai in the palace of the Romanian gOYernor at nraspol, former Russian city. ai. i i nnnirm- nnm h nnm'ji nrnr n r-Trr -ymnm m 1 nir 11 tthtti I i ii " 'T1fralffTT1lllllTTllll1ll - - - - - - ' " -N- MARITIME BOARD Dr. Frank Graham; North Caro lina TJnhrerslty president, and Rear Admiral Emory 8. Land riffat). chairman of UA Maritime Commission, were nominated by FJDJR. to a war emergeacy board to settle differences between ; sea personnel and Tessel operators. Not shown is John B. Stetl- BUB. annUier BOBllllee. r wwwywt-wr.lj!w- iiww ;jy-fwowB U ,j r - u u - J ; u U ! Vl fcwJ kwtf 1 r.v. J J X ... V I . - , -" r hmw i tmtvAtt m if r5 ? r w w if ? I - ' - ii in, - il f I ; i it-v n THE STUFF OUR YANKS ARE MADE OF Admiral Chester W. NImlti, Paeifle Hect commander. In a ceremony at Pearl Harbor pins the Navy Cross on Ensign Francis M. Fisler, 23, of Ivanhoc N. C, in tribute to a "mllllon-to-one" Chance taken when s navy patrol bomber with Fisler in charge landed on heary seas to rescue nine army airmen adrift In rubber life-rafts. Watching, left to right: Ensign C. F. Giinber of Pennsylvania; Aviation Machinist Mate Leonard H. Wagoner of Bakersrllle, N.C co-pilot who also got the Navy Cross; W. B. Watson of Gore, OUa aviation machinist mate r l,mWH.lMUHHJ!.. UW)ILMi.W.WMlWI!-H ;;3;.it.: ! V, M - 2 4 ' r S . -7 I. '' mjrjrjrJrt if WORRIES la his shirt sleeves, Sen. Walter F. George of Georgia, chairman of tho senate finance committee, studies the President's 59 billion dollar, 1172.ni war hnrfrL an alltlma HOW THE DUTCH PREPARE On guard against Japanese fhrutts are tho Dutch East record. Total World War I cost Indies, where naval forces that Include tho above submarine, taking on a torpedo load, keep watch. UJ5. about SI billion. V v. s WHERE AMERICAN NATIONS MEET Kf mmrjm f PR EX New president of Consolidated Aircraft corpora tion at San Diego, CaL. fat Harry Woodbead (above), who assumed bis duties Jan. L Ho succeeds MaJ. fteubea Fleet. i St, i - 4 c -4 r - s r t U i f Li if KM..' "-.I . :U J -- i .jrr f"' I i c I' 1 ' vlj Ki 1; ' '-'X P 1 :.-::':''''::':-','XBbhUBBw', "" i ' ' t - til a 1 SOLID GROUND FOR SOLIDARITY Through these palm-frtoged paths, delegates attending the Jan. 15 conference of American foreign ministers in Rio de Janeiro, Bratil, will possibly stroll between sessions of the meetings planned to strengthen western hemisphere solidarity. Building is the Brazilian foreign ministry, where business sessions of conference are to be held. r: imp -fvw-!W7t.' -; I -- S JIUlWW)MUMI..Ill.tlliliiilWWWWWIIII !C f..-. t:' , ' - " - - H w I ; V - 1 t ""XJ'I , i ' ' . ' ..-i.. P AT HS THAT LED TO CRAVE S Names on tho tiny markers scratched out by censors, these graves of German soldiers killed la tho NasJs Russian campaign appear somewhere behind the German-Russian front which, by the way, has been subject to change because of the Russian offensive that got under way in mid-November. At rear Is a demolished Soviet bunker. - . . IN THE PI NIC Brown and pink are combined happily la this new chapeaa wont by Peggy Digging of tho movies. It's smart with a large rose and fine brown Telling, and can lift one's spirits - daring these in-between season days. - AGAINST On eve of Rio conference, Enrique Ruis Gul nasa, Argentina's foreign minis- : iAmtmA Ik RiinM Aim CONFERENCE CENTER This Is one of the malr. as- that his country will not PartW- semMy halls of Palacio XiamaratL the Brazilian foreign ministry la pate la any move that would tn- Rio do Janeiro, where foreign ministers of the American republics ' volve her la "belligerent or pro- - N meet starUag Jan. 15 to consider wartime conditions. t ; heUirerent actions against Axis.