i- ; : 111 OHEGOU STATEZMAXt, Skdasz- Oswgosa. SafaodarMacnlngi, Jamiarr 18 1942 ' 'I PAGS Cluslfled Advertising , i ! : ; . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Thret Insertions per llnn23o Six insertions per Una ..,,.40c One month per line . ., 1.?3 Minimum charge 23c; S tL. min - imust 83c; 8 tL rain. 45c.' No refunds. Copy for thla pes accepted os tn 8:30 the nin before publica tion for cisstlftratlon. Copy tf cetved after this time will oe run under the beading "Too Late t The statesman assnmss no flnan eial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub llsbed in tta eolomns and in cases wbtra this paper Is at fault will reprint tbat part ot an edeiUao mcnt in which the typographical mistake occurs. ' 'i The Statesman reserres the right to reject questions bW advertising. It further - reserres tha - right to plaea an advertising- under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad-en ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is tor the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter.! The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of en advertiser using a ""Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FARMERS WX PAY SOe per hundred for dead ana woruuess uve siock. raone collect. Salem, 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING) WORKS. Help Wanted TURKEY PICKING this morning at Capitol Dairy killing plant. S30. Help Wanted Male WANTED Man between 30 oc 80 years of age with small capital . to operate service station. Also need ex perienced vulcanlzer.: frank Doolittle, 395 N. Com'L Ph. 4104. Help Wanted -Female PERMANENT OFFICE POSITION FOR A SINGLE GIRL. All applications treated In confidence. YOU ARE THE GIRL WE WANT if you are single, 21-25 years old, have speed and ability in shorthand and typing and can meet the public. Sales ability and experience are preferable. Wheth er you are working at present or not, you should investigate this opportun ity. See Mr. Miller, 512 State St.. dur. ln business hours each day or phone 3191 tor appointment. A STENOGRAPHER and credit girl wno is capaoie oi taxing mil charge. Give full particulars of experience and references in first letter. Box 1B4S, co Statesman. HOUSEWIFE with1 a car; pleasant part time work. Business experience not necessary. Box IMS co Statesman. Situation Wanted YOUNG MARRIED man with family wants work of any kind. Exp. carpent er, painting, mechanics. 1157 HaU St Ph. 3725. ; . ? Capable, gd. cook wishes ftskp. Take Charge anywhere. Box 1943, Statesman. Carpenter-cabinet worker. Ph. 4369. Carpenter work. R. f. Wells. Ph. 21394 For ' SaleMiscellaneous USED OIL CIRCULATORS Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. SS5 N. liberty Ph. 4311 USED combination ' electric c wood range, 119.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 435 Court St. USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty : Ph. 4311 - USED Easy washer, good condition. 829 JO. Term. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC, 433 Court St USED C. K. FLAT TOP IRONER YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty ; Ph. 4311 ; CHOICE TREE .-oees. 1140 Union. 9x12 rugs with pads, linoleum, other household goods. 15S0 S. Church. USED WOOD. Electric and Gas ranges. Popular makes, $10 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 USED wood circulator heater, $1950. Terms. : 1 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. - J 43S Court St - 3 600x30 used tires and tubes, 80 rubber. 1157 Hall St Ph. 3723. USED WASHERS POPULAR MAKES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -255 N. Liberty " Ph. 4311 HAY. Prices according tn mialit Local and eastern Oregon. 812 ton up. Also sheeD. dairy and noultrv Md General Feed and Grain Co. Ph. 6333 or WW, i - - - - . . . - DELUXE model Tappan gas range. on onw nw monuu. Bargain. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 433 Court Sf Wantetl Furniture r. N. t GLENN WOODKY. Auc - tJoneera k furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture Sc household goods. ; We buy or sell wmyining. fu. 011V, CASH FOR used furniture At house- , hoia gOOCS. R. Forrey. Ph. 7449. MiseIlaneoTU Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVTCC , d MOST ' , -i - ,' CASES Brine or Man Your Plates tor Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldftv. State t Com'L-Ph 3311 " - .- ... - i - .. , i ADVERTISINQ Western Adrertlsinf 1 Representatives George D. aose. Ine. Ran rrancisce Los Angeles Seattle - Eastern Adrertisiaf ' Representatives Bryant, Griffith A Branson. Ine. Chicago, Mew York, Detroit . j- Boston. Atlanta Entered at the Poetofftce at golem. Oregon, es SecoaMf Ctass Matter. . Pub lished every etonttaa except Mowlaw. Business oke Mil south Commtrcial tresf. v - 1 M SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' MaO Subscription Rates In Atfeanee. Within Oregon: Daily end Sunday, Ma. M cents; 2 Mos. li0; 8 Moa. 1 Year to.oo. Elsewhere 90 cents per mo or $3.00 for 1 year in advance. Per oov 3 cents. Newsstands $ cents, v Citr Carrier. 80 cents a month. Money to Loan ITS AN OLD CHINESE CUSTOM to settle aD. obligations the first of each years . This may be an old Chinese custom but if s a pretty good way to start 1942 in any country. Let us consolidate and settle all of your bills now. You repay with one smau installment montniy. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Satan's Personal Loan Center" 313 Court St, Satan Phone State Ucense S-22S M-27S QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITS Or pbOnO IS1BJ) IO SeJam's ekiart. laravst and home managed finance taatito- tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made to strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration In the repaying o - your loan or arannna of e 1 to U MONTHS TO REPAY Ton can pay ta toll any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made oe furni ture or note. SEX i ROT R SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-13 JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. ; GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-13S : 134 80. Commercial St Phone 91 SB First door south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient (round floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce paymenta Money tor new oc used cars No delay or red tape. Yon will retain pemwaston of the vehicle 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 130 South Commercial Street Phone OISS Lie No M-153 Wanted Miscellaneous WANT PIANO to store , for use. Responsible party. No children. Inq. 425 So. 23rd. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION 1 Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. CLEAN. NEWLY decorated sleeping rooms. Fireplace. 1010 Oak. NICE, WARM basement rms. Mod ern conveniences, outside entrance, board available. See 660 Marion St Ph. 6979. SLEEPING ROOM. 723 Court SLP. RM, $10. Ph. 8273. 260 Marion. NICE. WARM, near cap. 866 Center. CLOSE in. dean. warm. Ph. 4498. NICELY turn, heated rm. 173 S. 14th. SLP RM. near state Mdgs. Ph. 21449- Room and Board CLOSE IN 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. BETTER BRD. & rm. 749 S. Com! St For Rent Apartments 3-ROOM TURN. B st. heat ref.. gar. 2005 N. CapitoL MOD. LARGE front apt. 3 r. Phone 4494. 590 N. Summre. Also 2 apts., close hi SIS. VERY nice htd. apt. $23 1580 Center. Turn. 4 R. ref. LL, wst Close In. 62S3. Nice 1-r. apt. $15. 151 S. 13. P. 5222 MOD. PULLMAN, ref. private bath. $13-320. Ph. 6728. FURN. trailer hse. $8. 333 Water. 2 Sc 3 rm. apts. 1370 Chemeketa, WELL HEATED 3-rm. cozy apt. In nice home. 733 N. CapitoL Ph. 7694. S-RM. rum. apt PrL Ent 843 Union. Close In. $18 and $20 mo. 891 N. ComL FURN. apts. $6.50 up. 1310 S. 13th. SMALL APT 250 S Cottage 1-R. turn. bathJt.M. 119. 1440 Waller. For Rent Houses 115.00 3-rm. apt. 16th Ac A St ! 30.00 Furn. 2085 Hazel, j 40.008 rms. mod. unfurn. 1 40.008 rma, : mod- turn. NE. 1 150.007 rma. : mod .7 furn. north. H. P. GRANT 528 Court-Plu S744 COMP. FURN. 4-r elec. rng.. refrig.. wsh. mch., overstuL, t bedrm., grge., $25. 1586 Franklin. W. S. or inq. 158 Duncan. Cap. dist. S22.50 5-room bunxalow. Clean. walking distance, near state bides, ga rage. Immediate possession. Call Mabel Needham. Louis Bechteis real estate office. 341 State St. room 4. 6 RM. furn. house. 2313 S. Com- mercial. $27. Ph. 8163. ! NICE home. 8 rms. good: con. ear. yard. 1566 Court. Ph. 5700. j , NEW 5-Rm house. Adults only. Ph. 7329 or 313L ! 2 BR. SUB. home. Adults P. 4012. 4-RM. MOD. furn. duplex, csrare. Inq. Zoo E. Lincoln. 4-RM. house, modern. 3735 Portland. 8 A- modern 5-room. close in. $30 per mo. Phone rise or 8530, NEW. modern 4 rms. 863 N. 16th. MODERN 4-ROOM furnished duplex. Bee. retrut. Ac ranee. Basement, fur nace Ac fireplace. $27.50. S. M. Earle, 308 N. High St PBOne 8678 OC SOU. WX HAVE THE PROSPECT IT YOU Want to sell, y exchange, aee. rent see Mr Larson Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins At Roberts ; I . - : 3 RMS. partly furn. Als 4 rma, $10 ana $u. inq. eroeawsy. . For Rent 8 ACRES. Bouse, lixhta. water: barn. $15. 2 mL from Salem. Rt,L Box 83. BUS! OR shop space. Bees. Ph. S21L BLOIIDIE mUJ! ''Wbu mM Money to Loan roa Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 113 State Street I, Doors West el Capitol Theatre Ph. am License Nos. 8-U3 S M-1S3 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINO UCZNSX N. M-139 , VHA LOANS 4. also ortV. ec p11 f "tr saaeoiue t"i WE LOAN oa farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgafes or contracts. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian BuikCntv Loans Wanted WANTED PHJVATK MONEY TO LOAN en good Salem reel es tate. Will pay Interest , W. a GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS For Sale Real Estate 3 BEDRM. home on one floor. Base ment At -furnace. N. of State St 82750. $4M an. Beauty shop eauipment good loca tion netting $200 a month. $2500 $500 UN. 4 bedroom home on Falrmount HUL Basement furnace and th-enlace. 84500. 2 new 4-rm. houses on bus line. Rented for $4400 all the time. Price $3750 for both. ra. Aivr atAiAEit aaw 8-RM. completely mod. house, nearly new. West Salem Heights. 814 Cascade Drive. See this 2 A 3 m. N. Salem. Kelxer district Must be sold. Can be handled on easy terms. New bouse in N. saiem at less wan its true. value. Only $2650. Terms. See me u its real estate H. C. SHIELDS, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8802. HAVE YOU $2500 TO INVEST? Mod. twin houses. baX 822 per mo. Exc. location. Low upkeep. Income $50 mo. Nets 9. Call owner 4369. A REAL BUY Good plastered home, located on Fairmount Hill. Nice large lot with trees, bearing fruit and shrubs. Price $3000. Terms. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. W. H. Grabenhorst At Co. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 6-ROOM home, a-car garage. Electric ity. Pressure system. 9 V acres, 6 acres in filberts, prunes and walnuts. 8400 cash, balance monthly. 8715 after 6:00. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS At ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. FURNISHED HOME Offered at a REAL SACRIFICE. Five rooms, basement furnace, garage, lo cated on N, Cottage St A good home, or would make an ideal rental invest ment. Price $2100. . IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. W. H. Grabenhorst Ac Co. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 GOOD 4-room Dlastered home, water and electricity, all-year spring. 8 acres. 6 miles from Salem.. Would be the lace for chickens. 81350. easy terms. 715 after BrOO. see Mr. eroodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. U A- ex. soil. $175. $5 on. tS mo. Close in. BUDROW. Ph. 5965. Resort Property FOR SALE, new home, by owner Reasonable terms. Overlooklne the ocean, beautiful view, on State Hiway. z,k large lots, a room nouae. s-piece bath, full basement fireplace. V. bunds. outDuiiaing oi o rooms, concrete foun dation, full plumbing, with heating unit H. Bush. Yachats. Oreg. Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE for sale or lease. equipped. Box 1944. Statesman. For Sale Wood ORDERS TAKEN for wood. Dry 4 ft and growth or at seo. oeuverea in seiem. juiia Jfuiier, av aama Ave. Business Cards ta this directory ran n a monthly basis only. Kate: SL2S per line per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panek. 378 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLLSr New and reconditioned. Hirry W. Scott. 147 3. Coro'cL P. 451S Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy, p. staa. TELEPHONE 4450 RE. Northness. Excavating EXCAVATION OF aR kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt battled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand ft Gravel, p. 8408. Florists Breithaupts 441 Court Phone 9151 Funen-aJ Director TerwilUger uneral Home. Ph. 6328. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG At MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, M made, rug cleaning at weaving, a ut& St wtiDur Tel. 8441 Zwickers. CAPITOI. BEDDING CO. Phone 4009 Painting & Paperhanging Jerry Johnson. Ph. 4618. Ph. 4323. For Sale Used tars. un PTTnri7 t julWUV to Buy or SeU Your Car BUY NOW! WE ARE, AND SO SHOULD YOU You can pick most any make or model good used car from one of the larg est used car stocks in the State of Oregon.- Buicks, Chevrolets, Plymouths, F o rds I Studebakers, Nashs, Willys. Let us show you we can save you money. AVE AT PHROCK'S Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer 'Two lots of good cars 270 N. Church St Phone 8502 N. X. Corner Church At Chem. St Phone 7923 1941 BUICK SPECIAL Sedan. Low mileage, underseat heater. 2 new tires, others 80. Phone 8970. 1940 VS. LWB dump. 3-4 yd. box. 7 in. hoist Eaton and Browftlip, Rt L Box 81A. Woodburn, Ore. Jack Anderson. 31 DURANT. $25. 2348 Myrtle. MOD. A ford. Exc cond. Trade for cows or cash. Bruce Squire. Rt 6, Box 298. (E. Center). Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. No car too new for us to buy. ' From $10.00 to $1000.00. CASH IMMEDIATELY No Delay No Red Tape. Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best In Transportation 440 Center St Phone 21533 WE PAY CASH FOR USED CARS ORVAL'S Center & Church. P. 4702 Cash Immediately GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car 270 N. Church Phone 8303 K. E. Corn. Church At Chem. Ph. 7825. For Sale- Wood S CORD LOAD, $11 JO. Ph. 6217. OLD FIR. Ph. 2380 Aaheraft WOOD. ph. 8370. Graen. 412 N. Etst Wood Sawing Wood sawing At hour work. P. 7073. Directory Printing FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. nooas or any Kind or pnnt- . call The Statesman Printing De partment. 219 S. Commercial. Tele phone S10L s Plnmbing PLUMBINQ, GENERAL repair work. Craber Bros- t54 S. Uberty. Ph. 6504. Sawdust CALL "Scotty- Smith, Ph. 3283 ee Johnnie Zumstein. 1-1255. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phono or Call for Booklet 308 N. Capitol Trailers To Buy. sen W rent. 818 N. Front n. 7ee. Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR Blankets Sura. 197 8. Uberty. Ph. S06S. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Ante freight. Including Call! points. Larmer Transnrue.ifn.aui. Vacuum Cleaner Service tat your home. An- iw wliim Vm mmt mtl m mil uogg nrosv rn. euaa. Veil Drilling C J. Pugh. 1133 Myrtle Phone 8338. R. A. WEST. Rt. a. Boat 443. Ph. S-Egl Sctbofcxce bt Qgmp BinxisttKBll Lost and Found LOST RimlM. etaua In !rr tKT 3aM mam Imt nmW TtU.I-k Salem high school. Reward. Ph. 8824. LOST White - wire-haired terrier. Age S yrs. female. Reward. Ph. 841L Personal U1FI1 KTVW . ritllMlM! t riiK wit Box Tl-Q, Main P. O . toe Angeles, Cal Legal Notice ! FINAL NOTICS Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned has filed in the Cir cuit Court of . the State of Ore gon, for Marion County, Probate Department, ber verified final ac count as Executrix of the estate of L. W. Potter, deceased, i and said Court has fixed Tuesday, January 27, 1942, at ten o'clock A M, In the Circuit Court Room in. the County Courthouse, at Sa lem, in said County, for hearing said final account and all objec tions thereto. I ' - l Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of December, 1941.. . ORA E. POTTER, Executrix of the Estate of L. W. Potter, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, j Attorney for Executor, S alem, . Oregon. D 27-J 3-10-17-24. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. S0JUT JdLM. FX. Degree. Wed, Jan. 14. 7 JO p. sn. By order W. M. Prepared to Spot Air Invader it? Mi Aa part of the precautionary measures taken along the eastern U. 8. seaboard, the army has placed several direction and height finder crews of anti-aircraft batteries at key points. The unit's Job is to spot and gauge the height of enemy planes that might attempt - i a raid on coastal cities. US Troop Transport Launched The nioo-toR amy transport Jmmt OTff era) alides dowa the ways at TaeceBaTwingtoa MLtiJmrio ofsbipfc-WeatGieatsM resxelA sorely iaaMwtnt?w! The French Ship Nqvmandie Changing to Lafayette mwymyvm vtij f iifim'mfw'VKV asaevweiewi:.w'ii yj nana; i w sjosjSMsteTeieaesaaes ' " . ' It r !" ' -j ' i i i - , . i Workmen are removing tha name Normandi trim the giant liner at her New York pier aa the ship Is refitted for war work. Seised from the French, the ship will be re-named the Laoystte, !g the ! world's targest naval aaxiliary.: Cattle Taken to Mart AMITY Lester Robbing and J. M. Umphlette were Portland visitors Monday. Robbing took a truckload of hogs to the Portland stock yards where he received top price. ,-JyiO-. 1 yjufcwjwg.ijii ji.ij.i, sjissjii i By CXHC TOUKQ Farm Defense Group Named WOODBURN At a meeting held in Woodburn civilian de fense headquarters recently' the following committee for agricul tural defense for the Woodburn area Was appointed: i Mrs. Larry Austin, chairman; Pat Mclaughlin, secretary; Rey Glatt, Mrs. R. L. Guiss, Mrs. Arista Nendel, Al Beckford, Jess Fikan, tarry Darnell and Charles Zulsdorf. . j John Ramage, member of the Marion!, county agricultural de fense ccenrnittee, outlined the plans and duties of the commit tee. One of its first duties will be to canvass the town of Woodburn and its' environs and see that ev ery man, woman and child who will - be available is signed up to assist in the harvesting of crops so that fanners In the Woodburn district can be assured of assist ance in harvesting the crops they grow. The agricultural defense com mittee for the Woodburn district is the first of its kind to be or ganized in Marion county. State Producers i Represented at Freight Hearing j Oregon producers, shippers, farmers, lumbermen, canners and other vital Industries had their - .j inning presented in. St. Louis, Mo, Thursday before the Interstate) Commerce commission when Or mond R. Bean, state public utili ties commissioner, represented them at the hearing called by the federal body on the request of the railroads of the nation for a Cross Word BOSlZONTAL ipublie vehicle 4 ago (poet) 9-areeiof ' land ' li-wing IX more recent 14 bustle IS contrite . persons IT make an edging IS cuckoos 1 fasten El wide- ' mouthed lax 2J elongated -. fish s attract 29 note ia the .scale -33 eymbol fox sodium 49 the sua ' ? , 81 Roman patriot 53 alender fuual 65 engrosses I 50 pale 61 river in France i i -61 cover -63 unit of work 64 -canvas u shelters ii 68 ocean TESTICALi 1 head covering 1 Z& Mr yffi 30 3 yyYj 3i 33 34 35" 3 " 37 " a " 4A y 45 4a lllllllllil 53 54 Wy & 54 57 53 Si " "" " Tm zsr " m M Answer to yesterday's puzxla. A s s "xU.osier isTaIp PET R UN 3 EL A uf 3. Bm HE 1.1 6 N JTo aQm? 1 1 P. A M fnT H ONES f 1y 10 SlPIOME S RE a 3.ej JAL s "Tv I A JHOlC AT Hf'"i ill SMART HYi .MEFi6IS -r-je I II itTTTn ft 2 C A M E L fljO NlTjAjNrA U 3 j EL A N D 5 6m TgiPl 10 In Is Is L eIvyeI 14 faminine 35 on purpose 39 fcoli mound 40 evecom plisbed il symbol for silver 42 4uklf sa em 43 break oft f ddenry ' 45-nibotUte part 47 Palestinian - seaport Grain Market Prices Even CHICAGO, Jan. -UPr- Except for gains of a cent in rye and more than S cents in soybeans. grain prices generally were steady Friday. Brokers blamed some buying of rye on belief that the office of production management order for expansion In grain distillation for manufacture of industrial alcohol to be converted into munitions may affect rye. Although corn is expected to be the principal grain used for this purpose, prices of that cereal showed no re sponse. Wheat closed cent higher compared with Thursday, May $lJ284-, July.Sl.30tt-l.30. 10 per cent increase in freight rates. The hearing was held by Clyde B. Aitchison, formerly of Oregon, who has been a. member of the interstate commerce commission for many years. "Bean, in his statement, pointed out that Oregon takes no position for or against the general in creases but did oppose the large increases proposed on lumber, grain and other agricultural pro ducts of this state, and "especial ly the percentage method of in creasing the rates on these products.- Friends Visited At Aum8ville AUMSVHXE Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Turner, Grand Ronde, were visitors with relatives and friends . in Aumsville a part of this week. Word has been received by friends of John Sacre, Salem, of his illness at his home there fol lowing a stroke which affected his entire body below the waist. Puzzle t-malt drink I conmion , place ., 4 against ' -web-footed birds ; 20 yprinoid 21 leaves out 22 flaxen cloth 24 omit ia pronQada tiaa - 25 a constella tion 27 Ethical Culture I Society's founder. 13 American " revolution ary general : SI alee 3 literary " - sersps 85 pestering 27 apex 88 marble 44 river la T trap S formerly 9 pertaining to tha side 10 room in a harem ' '.. 11 emsTI child - Italy 48 prices 80-roli 82 land 83 female Sheep &t eooality el - value SSoora . . 67 cieUl , 63edal digit 89 waterinr : place : : wSHes adjacent founnse T JO a year fen advance b Marian and