Th OPwEGON STATESMAN, Saltm, Orjon. Sahirdor Morning, January 10. 132 PAGsnvs News Briefs At lAber Met delegation from Salem union went to Med lord en Friday to attend the an nu&l meeting of the State Building. jTades council, which opened there Saturday night and is slated to continue Into Sunday. In the group from the capital city at the session are Wilbur Duncan, bus iness agent for the Building La borers -union, local! 441; Charles Crary, business agent for the Building Trades council; Arthur Tucker, president of the carpen ters union; Lou Harkins, team iter's union business agent, and Max Burns, his assistant. . . Calendars, Homer Smith Ins. Ag Bridges Ordered" Construction of two small new bridges on the old section of the Silverton road was approved Friday by the Mar- ' ion county court after County En gineer N.jC. Hubbs had reported that a planned diversion of traf fic oveF the north route while Pudding river bridge receives re pairs would not be safe with the two structures now serving. ! . Mr. Auto Salesman Would you like a little service station busi ness of your own? Also nave an opening for an experienced val cunizer. Frank Doolittle, 395 N, ComT, Ph. 4164. 1 Warrants Decline Warrants issued through the office of the Marion county clerk during 1941 were less by $12,142.71 than the total of those during 1940, County Clerk Harlan Judd said Friday. Elections in-1940 cost the county $13,125, Judd pointed out, while there were no elections in the year just; closed. L Begin New Tourneys Two men's volleyball classes at the Salem YMCA Friday began new tournaments to last a month, at the end of which losers will treat winners to a luncheon. Captains in the noon contest, which as yet is nameless, are Paul Deuber and Dr. C. A. Downs. The night class has a "Churry" Blossom tourney, and the teams are captained by Lawrence Lister and Garnet Six. ! Consider Bids Bids for two highway j commission , projects, other than those released earlier in the week, will be considered at a meeting of the state highway commission in Portland, January 21, R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, announced Friday. Colby to Speak Ed Colby, county defense council liaison of ficer, is to address a public de fense meeting at Gervais on Wed nesday, January 14. Originally the meeting had been scheduled for Wednesday of this week. Fatalities Listed There were three fatalities due to Industrial accidents In Oregon during the week ending January 8, the state Industrial accident commission re ported here Friday. The i victims were Roy Withrow, Cheshire, load er; Arleigh F. Dickson, Allegany, loader, and John Dahlstrom, As toria, brakeman. There were 603 industrial accidents reported to the commission during the week. Luta florist Ph. 9592 1276 N. Lib. Music Given In Lobby Stu dents from the Roberts studio who provided piano music for the informal lobby program at the Salem YMCA Friday were Jean Jackson, Janice Lemmon, Joyce Ogden and Joe Brazie. The 5 p. m.- programs will continue next week with talent furnished by Frances Virginia Melton, Mbn day; Mrs. David Eason, Tuesday; Mrs. Mable Powers, Wednesday Ruth Bedford. Thursday: Rob erts, Friday. j ' . W1 face r org Driver Fined by McMahan , Eagles Join the gang at the Eagles hall Sat. nite and enjoy the dance. Bring your friends. Don Need Homes Four puppies now in the city pound can be claimed for homes by payment of Returned to Church Services in Salem ges; ' rouKSQCAiut Gosrn. lSth and Breyman streets, on block south of Center; Rev. T. W. Hender sonr pastor. Sunday school, fl:iS a jo.; morning service. 11 o'clock; sermon subject, "Th Seed Changed to , a Rock. Evening service. 7 sermon subject "Who Is the Biggest Liar in Salem?" Crusaders, S:1S p.m. Sunday; prayer and praise - service 7:45 . p.m.: Bible p.m. Children's church Church Forms Needed the future all church tteet are to be written en ape clal blanks which are bow avail able at the church editor's desk. Tuesday, 7:43 study Friday. Saturdays p.m. FREE METHODIST Corner Market and Winter streets: David L. Fenwickr. minister. Sunday Accused o! having passed a forged check to a Salem grocer, Garnet G. Thompson, who was returned to Salem late Thursday in custody of Sheriff A. C. Burk from Seattle, waived prelim inary hearing Friday in Salem justice court and; was bound over I school, :45 a.m. wiiiiam zimmerinan. to the grand jury. In lieu Of $1000 ! YPMS and evening evangelistic Serv- bail he was committed to the for posting notices of resale. . tocS? county jail, i State of Oregon by Ormond R. I Highland Friends church, Dr. u. E. Frank Kluck. aODearlng Deiore I n ,W!. tn t?. imfnl:nn. naming speajung. Judge L. H. McMahan Friday on er vs c Anderson Truck ser appeal from justice court, chang- J vjce; complaint to collect $785.18 ed his plea f x m innocent to alleged due as taxes, plus penal guilty and was sentenced to pay I ties. a $15 fine for reckless driving. carl B. Damaske and Virginia Dismissal of the states case t Damaske vs. Claire M. Heoo- against Hugh A. McClure, Sil-1 ner"and Vena M. HeDuner: com- verton, this week was on motion plaint to foreclose on real estate of the district attorney, records contract on which balance of $335.34 is allegedly due. W. C. Hawley estate by Ronald C. Glover, executor, vs. Martha A. Bellinger estate, by Grover C. GRACE GOSPEL HAUL WCTU at Ferry and South Commer cial streets. Sundav school. :4S a.m.: The Lord's Supper. 11 a.m.; gospel meeting, 7:45 pan. EMMANUEL BAPTIST Corner of Hazel and Academy streets. Sunday school; 10 a.m., worship, 11 am. vounc rjeoole s 7 djti.. service. 7 30 p.m.; prayer meeting Thursday. 7:30 pjn. Warren Hale, minister. of the order filed with the county clerk reveal. Evidence was said to be similar to that which had drawn an " innocent" verdict from a jury earlier in the week, and the request was made par tially to save the costiof duplicat- mortgage for $1200, $324.99 in ing the trial, it was indicated. CIRCUIT COURT Nancy Johnson vs. Eva Fish, Rex Fish and 4 others; complaint seeking foreclosure of mortgage, following reformation of same to make descriptions of real proper ty more definite. C. M. Johnson vs. Elmer Matt son; order sustaining two of de fendant's motions and denying two and giving plaintiff 10 days to file amended complaint In matter of Joseph Hiller es tate; Claim of Alice Hiller; order extending administrator's time Savings insured to $5,000.00 are earning 3V& at Salem Fed' eral, 130 South Liberty. ! New Class Sponsored by the Chemeketans, but open to the in terested public, a Red Cross first aid class for beginners is to open at 7:30 Tuesday night in the San tiam room of the Salem chamber of commerce. Because of a scar city of manuals, Red Cross first aid instructors are suggesting to would-be students that they bor row the textbooks wherever they are able. January Clearance Sale. Howard Corset Shop, 131 North High. Autos Collide Driving a city police car, Officer Charles Esplin slid on slick pavement and bumped into the rear of a car operated by T. C. Peerenboom, 2640 Brooks avenue, - when the latter vehicle stopped at Belmont and Capitol theny vs. A. Garnero, Martin A. streets Thursday night. Peters and Gertrude Peters; mo- t inn c rn 1 1 irin tr Hpfpnrfant Car. Petition Contlnued-A request orn tn t t4rth -a,-...,. Mn from Henry Spies and others for mentioned were verbal or a road m the Drift creek section writteilj name of surveyor and was continued Friday at the reg- tirn h. ,rvc,v lanH .t fnrth in defendants' answer. Esther Ritchey vs. Edward Tapks; order allowing one mo tion to strike and two motions to make more definite and certain and denying seven motions to strike. JASON LEE METHODIST ' North Winter at Jefferson street. S Raynor Smith, minister. Church school 8:45. Morning worship. 11 o'clock, when the nastor will rjreach on "The Oisci- B.ii!-.. j pane ot Lire, intermeaiaxe league, e 1 1 i n g e r, administrator, and Hlh .n college leagues, otners; complaint to ioreciose aisao. worship service, au m cnurcu terest and taxes, and $150 attor ney's fee. Nan Lou (Pettyjohn) Thomp son vs. Minnie B. Curry and oth ers; complaint to quiet title to real estate. R. H. Coppock vs.. Walter H. Wood; complaint to collect $450 allegedly due on promissory note,, and $75 attorney's ' fee. R. H. Conrioek vs. R. R. Case and others; complaint to collect lhXiL1" SSSdle will preach. Special music Worship, 7 :30 D.m. Three younK people's so cieties. 6 :30 . p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 730 p.m. parlors. . KNIGHT MEMORIAL ' CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry streets. Howard C Stover, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m.. Mrs. Arthur Fish. SupL Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon subject. The Return to Discipline." Evening service 7:30 o'clock, sermon subject. "Changing Human Nature." Young people, 6:30 p.m. Church night supper Tnursaay, i p.m. en. wougias mcivajr, speaxer. LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial at Myers streets. Joseph KnotU. minister; Sunday $126.20 allegedly due on note and $50 attorney's fee. Gayle R. Finley vs. Addison Kepplinger, Isabel Schmidt and. for filing bill of exceptions to Iria Peasley; once scheduled to February 10. open Friday in justice court, set- Lizzie SUfast vs. S. P. Mathe- Ued witnout triaL ny; ordei 'on stipulation gives de- White River 0il company vs. fendant to February 15 in which Faith T McIntyre administratrix, tu uui Ui eALcpuuiu oiiu pci- nd othprs: order direct nr. Give Address Rer. Albert Edward Day, above, pastor of the First Methodist church, Pasadena, Calif., will be among the prominent speakers at the National Christian Mis sion scheduled In Salem, Febru ary 15 t 20. feet his appeal. S. P. Mathftiy and Robert Ma- PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE 420 State street. 10 a.m.. Sunday school; 11 a.m.. morning worship hour: 6:30 pan., young peoples serv ice; 730 p.m., evening evangelistic service. Special cottage prayer serv ices eacn nient during tne weex in I various homes, meeting at the church I Wednesday night. G. M. Eads, pastor. PENTECOSTAL MISSION 315' North Commercial street. Sun day services: Bible school S p.m.; de votional. 3 pjn.: Tuesday, 7:30; Thursday. 7 JO. Saturday. 7:30. J. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastors. ular road day meeting of Marion county clerk because the county surveyor had not had opportunity to make the required survey, it was said. Turkey pickers report 10 a. m. Saturday, Marion Creamery and Majek Honored High ranking among Oregon agents of the Eq uitable Life Assurance society and membership in one of the soci ety's production clubs were earned by Edward I. Majek of Salem dur ing 1941, according to announce ment issued Friday by T. Howard ance of Floyd L. Utter, alleged judgment debtor, for January 31 and an answer under oath as to property. George Johnston, by Paul John ston, guardian ad litem, vs. South ern Pacific company; answer ad mits plaintiff sustained some in jury while crawling through a gate for which there was some P-m-. Mondayquarterly church coun- hymn tunes. Boy Seouta-Ta Monday. men s ciuo, 9 jo -luesoay. voir re hearsal 1 30, Wednesday; service i -jo, i nursoay. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITT . Corner Madrona avenue and Liberty road. 10 a.m.. Sunday school. Mrs. Harvey Peterson. Supt. 11 a.m., mes sage by Rev. J. M Franz, guest speak er. 6:30 p.m.. Christian Endeavor. I hospitalization and medical serv ices but otherwise denies charges of complaint PROBATE COURT Ethel Louise Muellhaupt and Daniel W. Muellhaunt cuarriian- Annie M. Penney and William sr,in- Pinner Tm.t mmnanv A. Penney vs. E. M. Rutherford; guardian, reports receipts of order overruling motion to stay $1139.86 and disbursement of proceedings and allow defendant $951.12. m aays 10 pieaa runner. Charles H. Casement estate: uewge 1 ieuscner VS. rtOW- Virginia raiment mmoH admin ara oiuooieiieia; oraer approv mg accounting of receiver and istratrix; Earle M. Daue, John Groyer, Oregon agency manager. I JLJl" XxHl'l'lSOll Names Topic For Sunday A. Steelhammer and Lydia Grant Epiphany party, election of ... . . . ... I men. refreshments in the appuiiiicu appraisers 01 csiaie wiui tor. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN 16th and A streets. Salem, Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school, 9. Serv ices at 10 a.m. Lutheran radio hour Sunday, 1 p. m. Dr. Walter A. Maier, speaker. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift, pastor. Sunday school 8:43 a.m., KODen it. uoaraman, aupi Morning service, 730 o'clock, holy communion in the chapel; 11 o'clock oraver service: special music, sermon Evening service S o'clock) Annual ad dress on year's activities by rector. Following service, annual meeting, vesxry- parish house. FIRST EVANGELICAL Corner Marion and Summer- streets, Rev. Paul P. Petticord. minister. Ex. nest Friesen. minister of music. Sun day school. 9:43 ajn Wilson Launer. Supt. Morning worsnip, 11 ociock. sermon. "The Way to Heaven." Youth groups, 6:30 p.m. Sunday evangelistic service 7:30 P.m.. Ernest Friesen lead ing the music, offering three special numbers in a trio, choir antnem and a duet, sermon: Is Sin Inherited? Bible study and prayer service Thursday, 7:30 p.m. BETHANY EVANGELICAL AND ' REFORMED Corner Caoitol and Marion streets. Sunday school, 10, service- at 11. Guest speaker. CALVARY BAPTIST South Liberty at East Miller: Ed ward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., classes for all ages; morning service at 11 o ciock; sermon subject. Riches of Glory. Evening service AO o'clock, evangelistic. Sermon sub ject. "Saving Faith." 6 -JO p.m Bap tist young ; people; Wednesday, 7 30 p.m, mid-week prayer service. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY : ALLIANCE Gaines street at Fifth. H. E. Snavelv. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Wor ship, 11 o'clock. Rev. Frances Lemire from Wild Hose. NL), will bring morn tog message. :30, young people's service; 7 JO. evangelistic service, the pastor will bring the message. Tues. day missionary band, z p.m wednes day. 7:30. annual business meeting and eiecuon 01 oxneers. - AMERICAN LUTHERAN i ; North Church between Center and; Chemeketa. Frank S. BeisteL DO. in terim-pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 am. Oscar Liuoani. upt- aaonuna; 11 a.m, sermon subject. 'Jesus Show ins Himself to the World." Installation of church officers. This service, broad, cast from U to M o'clock. Luther learue. :3o o.m Shirley Magnuson, Pres. Church council Monday, p.m. Ladies guild Wednesday, 2 P-m., wiui Installation service. - J " 1:" BETHEL BAPTIST- " :' Korth Cottajre at I street. J. F. Ol- thoff, DD, pastor. Bible school. 9 :4S a.nv Arnold Frey. Supt. Worship, U o'clock, sermon: "The Aloha and the Omega.' Youth fellowship Hour, euw-T Made or Man-Made." Prayer and praise service Wednesday, '1:43. Choir prac tice Thursday at a P-m. . - - rmsT CHRISTIAN Center and Hich streets. Guy L. Drill. minister. Bible school. 9:30 a.nv, E. W. Cooley, Supt. At 10:49 a.m. Is the: communion and worship service with' ttev. wiuiara Moiaer onnginc xne message. Rev. Holder was former pas tor 01 tne First christian cnurcn, ur- ange, Calif., and is now director of: church maintenance for the Christian Churches jot America and has general: supervision 01 home mission cruircnes, amonwnich are the French-Arcadians: in Louisiana, the Mexican churches,: and those of the coke region In: Pennsylvania. He is in Salem lnffcon nection with the' nationwide emergen-' cy million campaign of the Christian: churches. At the morning worship hour: the children's church meets under the leadership of Mrs. Guy L. Drill. The morning message is: "Choosing and Making - Friends. Christian Endeavor: convenes at 6:30 pjn. At 7 JO. evan- Seiistic - service with cnurcn sponsor ig opening service. Special musical numbers by men and visiting groups.: The pastor will speak - upon the theme: "Gods Men for Godless Men." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chemeketa and North Winter streets, Rev. W. Irvin Williams, minister. Don Douris. director of religious educa tion. Church school 9:43 ajn. J. J, Fitzsimons, Supt. Church nursery, Worship: 10:55 a.m.. sermon: "Sin." Communion service, anthem: "Mr Faith Looks Up to Thee." Solo: "Christ Went Up Into the . Hills," sung by Garland Holiowell. college and busi ness young people. 5 :30 pjn.; high school and mtermedUte CE, 8:30. ev eninc service broadcast over KSLM 730, sermon: "Dr. Burris Jenkins, Christian Church Liberal," the second in the bioeraohical series. Mixed quartet: "Come Unto Me" and "Once to Every Man and Nation." Welsh; Midweek ""1 : ' MAYESYttXTC FIRST BAPTIST One mil north of city limits on Portland highway. Bible school, 9:45 a.m.. with classes for aU ages. Dewey Davis. Supt. BYPU 4:15 pjn.. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Broer, Jr ad visors. . FOUR CORNERS FIRST BAPTIST la the Auburn school. 9:43 a.m. Bi ble school with classes for all ages. Leon Lambert. Supt. JjULOJUULL) NO WOMAN DARE LOVE HIM! 1 1 Dates Announced Harry Willet, director of the Salem Lions club annual dog show since its start, tentative valuation of $2800.' William Werner estate; Order admitting will to probate and naming Ernest Werner, sr., admin istrator with will annexed. Miriam Jane Dixon guardian ship; report of Jean Adams, guar dian, approved. George B. Dart estate; Walter day morning Dr. J. C. Harrison 5' Lampkm named administrator ness association at Highland Friends will preach the second sermon in s 0,000 real property ' JJ, W. th January r,. An Qm I Ronald C. Glover. Bessie M. Elof-I 5 m charges brought against him in motor were stolen from his place G t certainUes," the subject I son ant Ruhy W. Emery appoint-1 CHUR75-0r christ Woodburn Justice court were paid on Salem route four, George M. for gimdaV Z in Kin 2?S ed appraisers. . Mentis? CHKI" thrniirh the sheriffs office here I Sehuett told citv nolice Friday. I . -.1 Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun :r a; .H ' ' " n-mty ox cuuering ana iis 1 .-tT "7! .IT day whool. 11 a.m.. services, 11 a.m.. J 1 - n I ueeDer and Lasting Benefits " uuisionn, jr., guaraiaiisinp, vy uua 1 and 7 :30 p.m. Lessorr sermon. "Sacra the pound fee, Poundmaster Rus- has announced the show this year sell Maw : said Friday. Maw can I will be held February 28 to be reached at the city police sta- March 1. I ... . . . , M.I A rvasning nucnine oioicn j Fine raid Fines dr 1 10 and gasoline washing machine and a H.2Q costs on each of two traffic I one-quarter horsepower electric At First Methodist church Sun- .. SOUTH. SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sun dav school 10 a.m.. meetine for wor ship 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor. 6:43 pjn. Evening service at 1:30. Prayer meeting Thursday, tm p.m. WESLEY AN METHODIST 15th and MiU streets. Lowell L Gil a-er. Dastor. Sunday school. 9:45. ser. mon 11 a.m. Night service dismissed to participate in union meeting of non Suffering Taxes Turned Over From Deepr nd Las"1 Benefits. ir... i.mui An annii-lh iojn Mii cv,M a r I The Cathedral choir dire cation bv Edwin J. Richards and Burk's tax collection office Fri- Dy "an Welvm will smg Py ver 10 -acoo m. uiuiuru, Chnstijn science. Free 4?ubiicre.a,ng The Cathedral choir directed Cutsforth, guardian, authorized to VS! L23 Daisy BJ Richards of Gates for a beer license has been approved by the county court. Rehearsal Canceled The Salem all-school orchestra will not prac- ; tice. today, because Of the weather. day turned over to County Treas- Obituary Bros. Lumber company over spec- Heavenly Vision." ified roads has been granted. room. 305 Masonic building, open daily from 11 ajn. to 9 p.m. weanesaay until 7:30. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Cottaee at Marion streets. Robert A Hutchinson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 soloist, singing "I Walked Today ship ;- annual report of William mon by minister. League ot outh 6:45 p.m., jwm rosier, soiuui. FIRST BAPTIST Corner Marion and Liberty treets Rev. Irvine A. Fox. DD. minister. Bi. ble school 9:45 a.m.. with class for "Thus Speaketh the Lord of I guardianship money for ward to ! TT a. -ft fi-1 t a A . M - a i iim ( MiiWAVianfMat DaiiVah Pii - fi vat- V: T ni-iflamm- tl? 1 1 Af av.w wmumv4. . . .w a. i - ' which '$1773.52 was earmarked toe yo,lth fellowshiP chorus wiU forth store at Gervais which he forthe Salem school district and t7 6 T 7, ' ? iom tr. . e,i.m Margaret Livesay will, be the George Burgett, sr., guardian Permita Granted Log I hauling Where Jesus Walked," by Char a, Neimeyer, guardian, shows re permit for operation of three and Rev. Glenn Olds will preach ceipts of $1236.07 and disburse trucks and three trailers by Lulay I the sermon on "True to the ments of $603.71. JUSTICE COURT Shelton Mrs. Ruth E. Sanders Shelton, late resident of 346 South 15th street, at; a local hospital, Mon- county court day. January 5.; Survived by mother, Mrs. Mary Sanders, Sa lem; daughter, Helen Shelton, Sa lem; sisters, Mrs. C. C. Harrison, Portland, and Mrs. C. Murray May Baai Logs - a log-haui- Epiphany Party, ing permit has been issued to . , ' , mg penrui nas Deen issueu w i Carl M. Stevens by the Marion I A II nil a I lariSll In Hospital In a Salem hospital for medical treatment is Paul Fehlen, Stayton. - Henry A. Burnham; no vehicle I i Jred Broer. supt. Mprnirg license; $1 and costs. Go? or Peter's Greatest Question." pas- Arthur J. Farmer: no moter tor. Senior high school by and. tne ... ,. A. . I volunteers, s:is p.m. ire-prayer serv vehicle license: $1 and COSts. ice. 7:30 n.m Fidelis class room. Ev Jasmine G Hoffman wilfullv I ening gospel service. 7 JO p.m. "The jasmme . noiiman, uiuny Mog lmportant , Decision in the xaisuying aunemem to oduiiii a 1 world, pastor, rrayer meeung wea benefit and navment thereof uri- lnaay 7:30 P-1"- Set on Sunday parish meeting and d" ProvioMt of unemployment englewood cnited ty of St. Paul's ""L 14 Wf f Oregon; 17th .nd nS1.?, The annual epiphany party BRETHREN avenue. Rev. C Keefer, Connecticut. Due to wea- c . . c MvnHitinm win I Second m sermon Series Announced ther conditions services will be announced later by Clough-Bar rick. . . ,i ' , i Giving the second in his "world series" sermons Sunday night, Dr. 1 v. u v- v.u trial set for Tuesday, January 13; o. Goodman, minister. 9:45 .m.. Sun uiuiu. wu ire new . . - . U hnol 11 a m., momin worshio. Sunday afternoon, commencing -S. . 4 " sermon. -The Shepherd Psalm." 6 A) ,:u i il. inAAsuAus, Liivii3ii i n.m.. unrirtian uiaeavor. iv o.oi f" evr" wriw m "x Thnrnr. Wo ,n! fciM- Service, address by William HameL cnurcn at 3 p. m. "'T .' J ""K. I principal of SUvton grade school. At the servic th rArtor w;u Portland, and Esther Lancies, In A : I CHURCH Or liUV make a brief report of his work I ' : I 940 South 22nd street. Rev. Cleo 1 - L j r . icviui ml wic paiuai uuiuuj . . . " Tn5rf,i if. -venlni vanl ine past year. All will assemble V", . r , " istic service at 7J0. Friday, young in the Parish house after the ser- I seven, violation 01 oasic ruie, unea 1 people's meeung n pjn. weanes- vice for reports of organizations, 2-50 v-25 suspended. election : of vestrymen, and a so- Bentler t. iii 07nerlav Januarv I Irvins? A. Fox of the First Ban 7 Walter G. Beutler, aged 58 tist church sets for the scriptural in Parish house after the ser years. . Late resident of Pratum. I conclusion to his title, "The Most idUSDanu ' O sua Jb. xxuuer sua I uufui wut unuuni iu nvnu. hrnthw a! Otto T. and Frank The public is Invited. MUNICIPAL COTJKT Watts, pastot. Sunday school. 9:43 a.m day. 7:30 pjn.. prayer meeting. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS 466 Cottaee street. Sundav school. 10 a.m.. sacrament meeting. 6:30 p.m. Relief society 2 p.m. Tuesday mutual improvement at zo p.m. Tuesday. CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) State and 18th streets. F. H. Thauer. bo, pastor. Sunday school. 19 a.m Otto Gronke, Supt Divine services, 11 a.m.. with sermon on "The Steps -to True cnscipleship." Dorcas societv, Wednesday. 2 pjn. Postponed Congre gational business meeting, beginning witn cooperative supper, Wednesday, 6:30 pjn. Choir, Thursday, 7:45 pjn. uonurmauon ciass Saturday. 9 a.m, FIRST METHODIST corner State and Church streets Dr. J. C. Harrison, minister; Ruth cramer, director of Christian educa tion. Church school. 9:45 a.m.. nur sery, 11. Morning worship, 10:50 with nr. Harrison having for hia sermon topic, "rhe Certainty of Suffering and Its Deeper and Lasting Benefits. The Cathedral choir under the direction of Dean Melvin Geist will sing Thus speasesx xnm Lora or Hosts" (Stamer) Youth fellowships and umversitv ves. pers o:ju. evening worsnip, 7:45 with Rev. Glenn Olds preaching on "Trua to the Heavenly Vision." The youth fellowship choir will sing "God of Our earners. Always 2 Smash Hits! hlTflfilWrt fcasAa .J tl LAST TIMES TODAY! East of ihe River with John Garfield and Brenda Marshall j Plus CHARLES STARRETT in "PINTO KID" Chapter 3 "ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN MARVEL" News and Trailers 15c t.". 18c Matinees Eveninxs Beutler of Praturn A. F,' Beutler of Salem. Armia O. Beutler of Los Angeles, and Mrs. John Schif- ferer of Turner. Services will be Call Board neia mi w ut - tUINOU I the remilar Sundav services. Rigdon company Sunday, Janu- J Today-Mickey Roohey, Judy Garland jtne regular &urmay services. smqI Inmir in mtiioVl fMctiman I FIRST SPIRTTUAOST ... . . , ... I Meets at 248 North Commercial including the epiphany cake Will I street. Service 230 and 730 p m. Af- be served. ' " iternoon speaker, : iiev.. Mary oossar, ah .;i; j 1 I trance lecturer; nignt speaiwr: juntn All families and interested H. scott Eugene. Mrs. Scott will hold friends of the narish are invited, la circle Monday night at 1420 North TV,;. eJ .t K ! o; "treet Everyone welcome. No host will officiate. Concluding services in Pratum cemetery. . - CAPITOI, I I Todav Claude Rains. Dick Forah tn "Wolf Man." Bin Boya ui ; iwiugni on the Trau." ; BOIXTWOOD r Today Richard Arlen. Andy De- vine in -Men ot tne xxmoeriana. John Howard. Brod Crawford, Bin- nie Barnes in zigni noes. Chur-cli Host at Benefit Dinner IT I 18c Last Day ball team, the Latter Day Saints church is sponsoring a dinner to Hedlaad - Alfred! Hedland, 41, formerly of 1003 Highland avenue, at a lo- .-I V..'lal C-warwaskrl Ks? 'sf atVt I RlSten, SOTS, mocua Warren, Mrs. Hulda Newman of Pins Defense Tax As a benefit for - their basket- Continuous Today - 1 to 11 P. M. 1 to 5 P. M. 15c Plus Tax vara Today -After Mein Kampt" Maxie Bosenbraom, Kocneiie uuoaon m i Proceeds from the; event will A 1 It. ' - M ' " Jrn. i m Mabel Casiano of "The stork Pays Off.- I : . o sea to unance me ouymg oi Tacoma, Saturday Midnight-Erroi riynn. Fd new suits andthe entrance fee into the church league. Local Richard Arlen Andy Devine "Men of the Timherlandl John Howard . Brod Crawford in Tight Shoes." Tacoma and Mrs. Alma Hedland of Portland; brother, Rudolph Hedland i of Oakland. ' Services will be held Sunday, Jan. 11, at 2 pjn. from First Baptist church at warren, Ore, Terwuiiger-ta wards funeral home in charge. "Dive Bomber. MaeMurrar in IJREETt I i Today Charles surrett aa "Pmto merchants are' making donations mo, wonn uinun, onmi am- ... 41. rrt ahall tn "Ft af thTsiver." f OT the aUiair. - Also News Cartoon, and Chap. 10 of fSKY. RAIDERS" Fredenberr ' Ralph Fredcnberg, late resi dent of 270 West Miller street, at his office, 312 Oregon building. Survivors, include iwife,". Mrs. Vi vian ' Fredenberg, f Salem; chil dren. Harper, Virginia and Wil liam,, all of Wisconsin; and two brothers,; Herman and Dave of Wisconsin. -Funeral announce ments later! by dough-BaiTiclc Continuous 8nnday 1 to 11 F. M. 3l0c Plus Tax ODAIsJCDIE; wm AITOn CEIIEDICTS OnCuESTOA . 2 .Miles! North of Independence - :. AT pm SVfaa mi cuiaauaiFrKS'S:2in 'And Second FeatarCf - Acbnlssloai 4 .2Se ocad Oc No One Is Safe Even If Yon Are the Best Driver in Town . Yon Need Insurance The carefulest of drivers, and commercial drivers are among the best, cannot avoid the hazards of highway traffic as even the best drivers have accident. Most company's good business judgment sees "to it that "ny loss is covered by insurance, j You, for your- protection, should have full coverage agamst ' accident loss. Phone us today and our ; representative will call to give you full information. .1.-.- '.. . - j i . RllEnilllllJL D. riMKIG.; : ; 1 . INSURANCE ns SUte St. Fhont 1194 .- . . :k- I IS I I 1 V 1 II mn -4-1 I'M Continuous Today from 12:45 HOW! Feature Times: 2:25-5:03-7:41-10:19 2 ass ' tasi as O cl $60,000,000 could hot buy the affections of this girl ... She preferred a $15.00 a week job to his kind of Love. ... Why? 1942 brings 70a Mickey and Judy's Biggest and Best Hit! A daxiling eyeful! A lilting earf al! ! Happiness is headed your way ... 27c mus t rar aaarrce rst stcOONAJ ircaan vo aoaausaii sxEMjaxa srseucarr plus-: ! "k First Pictures ' llcse Bowl Gane Damon Runyon's Thriller! "At the Stroke of 12" J Cartoon - News i v - C I r j show I ;ijr time I V m'V:JrI I Rosek4 -Dea rl AUve" ( r . j.rTft 2nd HIT! Kane: 1;M 4:2f 1:f 11:5$ Tfllle: S:M Continuous ftm Til 5:00! from 12:45 WW Plus Tax HI 5:00! 1 STARTS SUNDAY Two Smash Attractions JOIN i THE NAVY and see the whirl of gals, gabs, and I glee! It's a Miracle Marl- MIIACII : MaaitiMf Mvticai : LAST BIG DAY Clande Rains Lon Chaney In THE WOLF MAN" BILL "Hopalong" BOYD In "Twilight on the Trail" ADDED FOR TODAY Chapter 6 Serial MUNGLE GIRL" "Man" 1 :M-4 :5S-7 :5l-l :51 Trair 12 :SC-3 -JS-S :S-t -4J A. 1 PLUS . Companion Featsre! THE AUTHOR OF THE TTHN M A N SMASHES TR&OTJGn AGAIN i with S . punch-packed action smash!! Tomor Cheer! I -The rv- Sanadrons IWhe Fansbt' I the Battle of Pearl Harbor Last rietares let Oar National Heroes Who Defeated HAWAII : Errol Flynn Fred Mocmurraj 'Dive 1 Dont'iii'' Marjorie . SUsaaeaa AUa Hate TUGBOAT ANNIE SAILS ' AGAIN- ADDED ' Chapter ; , Serial "Jsmtle GlrT Cartoon - News Last Day 'Alter Rlein -THE' STORK PAYS OFT'. company 4,