FAGS'TXS2tC' : ' U3ing? Sailing? Trading? Let Classified Do It Fog You ,Tb CUSSOU STATESMAN, Scdttu, Oregon, Friday Morning, January 8. ISiX, B - 1 CUnlSed Advertising . I Statesmen 1 Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per Una 25e Six insertions per line .40c On month per Una ljt3 Minimum chars 25ci 8 tL min- tmum 33c; ti. tnin. 45c No refunds. - Copy for this page accepted tin til 630 Um evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this Umt will be rua under the , heading ."Too Late to Classify." : The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear In edverttaemesita pub lished in its rrvliimna and tn tun where thla paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment la which the. typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reaenrea tha right to reject questionable advertising. It . further reaenrea tha right' to place aU advertlsta under tha A "Blind" Adan ad containing Statesman box number for an ad dreas is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to tha Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry ! ' FARMERS Wa! PAY 60c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Phone collect. J Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Help Wanted Female PERMANENT OFTICI POSITION FOR A SINGLE GIRL. AU applications treated tn confidence. YOU ARE THE GIRL WE WANT if you are sincle. 21-23 ' years old. have speed and ability In shorthand and typing and can meet the public, sales ability and experience are preferable. Wheth er you are working at present or not. you should investigate this opportun ity. See Mr. Miller. SIS State St- d ur ine business hours each day or phone aisi ior appointment.. HOUSEWIFE with a ear: pleasant part time work. Business experience I not necessary. Sox 1949 co statesman. ,f HOUSEKEEPER. 4 In family. Co borne nights. Ph. 492 after S p. m. j Situations Wanted Capable, gd. cook wishes hskp. Take oharge anywhere. Box IMS, Statesman. Carpenter-cabinet worker. Ph. 4989. Carpenter work. R. P. Wells. Ph. 21384 For SaleMiscellaneous USED combination electric As wood range, 619.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. i 436 Court St. BIGELOW RUG. cost 690 new. nearly new bedroom suite, small cookttovt. aoued. Marion. USED Easy washer, good condition. zy-su. Terms.' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. 433 Court St CHOICE TREE roses. 1146 Union. 6x12 rugs with pads, linoleum, other nousenoia goods, ism s. church. - USED wood circulator heater. $19 JO. Terms. ' - GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. .433 Court St - HAY. Prices according to quality. liocai and eastern Oregon, $13 ton up. Also sheep, dairy and poultry feed. General Feed and Grain Co, Ph. 6532 oreaw. . .-l,-,--LJ,..n.r y . . DELUXE model Tappan gas range. nsea cm it lew montns. Bargain. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 433 Court St Wanted Furniture F. N. & GLENN WOODHY. Aue tioncers 6k furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture household goods Wa buy or Mil every wmg- rn sue . CASH FOR aaed furniture I hold goods R roc gey Pa 7446 Wanted Miscellaneous WANT PIANO to store for v Responsible party. No children. Inq. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair ; TWO-HOUR SERVIC IN MOST ' !- CASES Brine or MsO Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State JkCom'L Ph. 2311 - For Rent Rooms : HOTEL MARION I Rooms, special araakiy and 'eaoathry rata to perm,- guests. Marlon Coffee Shop. delirious meals at low prices. i FOR. baxpg. nn, 1st fir. reas. P. 3713. ; SXXXPINO ROOM. 726 Court. i SLP. Bit, SlOt Ph. 8X13. S6t Marion. : NXCZ, WARM, near cap. IM Center. CLOSX ta. warm Ph. 446a. NICXLT furav, heated rm. 17$ S. 14th. SLP RM, state bigs Ph 31449 ., Room and Board I CLOSX IN 1144 Center. Ph. 9O0. - BXT7XR BRD. a rm, T43 & Confl St For" RentApartxaents Furn. 4 R. reL Lt wt Close in. 6288. 1 Nlca ' Vc. " apt. $16.' isxixv. join MOD. PULLMAN ; ret. private bath. fl$-$20. Ph. 6726. cje crtfion0htesaaii ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives - ; flams Dl flnaa Zna. Baa rranciseo Lao Angelas Seattle j Easteni Advertising " . . Representatives - Bryant. CrtfrKh a Btumob, tna. ... Chicago.) New York. Detroit , i . t Boston, Atlanta ; rnfarsd at tag Postoffic at toXrm. OreoM. s Second ClmnMatur. Pub- I liahad ausry aaorwlwg. ajujepe ataaaay.' ftaataaas officm 816 SomtM Cnainrcial - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - Msfl Suhecristlon "Bates in Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, aso. SO cents; S Moa. Moa szfiOv 1 year 85.00. aUaewhare so cents per me. or $6.00 for 1 yaar tn advance, mnrvm a erats. Newsstands i cents. tiv'Citr Carrier. 60 cents a month. Money to Loan ' TPS AN OLD CHINESE CUSTOM ! to settle aU obligations the first of each vnr. This mr be an old Chinese custom bat it's a pretty good I ay to start 1943 in any country. I Let us consolidate and settle aU of your bills now. You repay with one I man installment monuuy. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center 313 Court St.. Salem Phone 4446 , State license S-Z2S M-Z78 QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or phone (9163) to Salem's eldest, largest noma owned and home managed finance tnstltu tlon. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy. You win be given every sideration In the repaying I OS your granting of r of e extemuc 1 to IS MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay tn fun any tima to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEX ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-158 JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-U8 134 So. Commercial St. Phone 9168 First door south of Ladd Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re dues Davmenta Money for new or used cars No delay or red tape, in will retain por session or use vemcie 1 TO IS MONTHS TO Y ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-13J Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH IXOOH GUARDIAN BUTLDTNO LICENSE N. M-Ue EHA LOANS 4ft. also prtf. loans Abrams at Ellis. Inc, Masonie BMg. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts, hawkins Roberts. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. For Rent -Apartments jtjrn, trailer hse, $8. 333 Water. 3 & 3 nn. apts. 1370 Chemeketa. WELL HEATED 3-rm. cozy apt. In nice home. 733 N. CapitoL Ph. 7684. 3-RM. furn. apt PrL Ent 643 Union. FUBN. l-RM. and kitchenette. Heat, light and water. 985 Saginaw. Close In, fia and 320 mo. 391 N. Coml FURN. apts, $6 JO up. 1316 3. 13th. SMALL APT 230 S Cottage 3-R. furn, bathjtt.jit, $13. 1440 Waller. For Rent House I RM. furn. houses, 2315 S. Com merdaL $27. Ph. 6163. NICK home, 6 rms- flood con- aar., lard. 1366 Court. PhaJOO.- NEW S-Rm. house. Adults only. Phi 7529 or 3131. 3 BR. SUB. home. Adults P. 4012. 4-RM. MOD., furn. duplex, garage: Inq. 280 E. Lincoln. 4-RM. house, modem. 3233 Portland, 5 A., modern 5-room. close In, $30 per mo. Phone 915S or bw. 3-RM. house and garage. Ph. 6226. NEW. modern 4 rms. 862 N. 16th. MODERN 4-ROOM furnished duplex. Elec. refrig. & range. Bssement, fur nace it firepUce. $27 JO. S. M. Earle, 208 N. High St (hone 967$ or 3863. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange; lease, rent see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin witn tuwnm at Roberta 3 RMS. partly fu furn. Als 4 rms., $16 and SIX Inq. 2246 Broadvmy. For Rent rURNTSHXD ! AND TJNrtTRNlSHKD R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1833 N. Capitol s acres. House, liehts. water: bam. $19. 1 mL from Salem. Rt. 1. Box 84. BUS! OR shop rpace. Rasa. Ph. $211. For SaleReal Estate RZSOLVK FOR 148 TO STOP PAYING RENT-LOOK WHAT S1UD SlUi UU 4-rm. house, less than a years oh, hardwood floors. Inlaid linoleum in kitrh and bath. Corner lot. walking distance to town. 62S30. $100 down. $24 per month including taxes At insurance. 4-rm. ana noox. ncwiy yunwa r side, basement, . furnace at fireplace. Lovalv yard. $3150. 3100 down. $27.58 oer mo. Including taxes St Insurance. a-rm. nouae, aut. ou Dm, aiui hardwood floors. Across from high ehaal in new home district. $4000. $100 down. $40 per mo. Including taxes At insurance. - . . - New 4 rooms, at nook, narawooa h living rm, inlaid linoleum in kitchen Ar hath. V acre fine cardan sotL lots f trees and Try close m. $2050. $100 down. $29 per month, including taxes and insurance, i There will nerer be a oeurr vmm to buy a noma. , . HIC K I. HEiHAHU 167 S. High St Ph. 9203 Salem a Largest Home suuaer S BEDRU. home an one floo. Base ment 4c furnace. N. of State St. $2750. 2? "V . , HMUtT BsTiOO tamnincni. IQWl SVeX tion netting $200 a month. $2500-6500 ON. . . , " , 4 bedroom home on Fairmount H1Q. Basement, furnace and fireplace. $4500. 8 new 4-rm. houses on bus line. Rented for $4400 all the time. Price . tm. Jin iuuuui ww -RAVI YOU 62506 TO INVEST? Mod. twin houses. baX $28 per mo. Exc. location. Low upkeep. Income $30 mo. Nets 9. can owner BLONDIS ..car J2- sisssssvid.cv0 I lOf I s v o .1 it U - I . w .rV i " .11- Money to Loan roa Cash uVa Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. SIS Steto Street I Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 1191 License Noa. S-123 e. U-153 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONTI . TO LOAN oa good Salem real es tate. Will pay S interest W. IS. UKABSNHUKai GW BKALTOBS For Sale Real Estate - A REAL BUY , Good plastered home, located on Faii-mount Hill. Nice large lot with trees, bearing fruit and shrubs. Price 3000. Terms, iumluiais ruaats HON. W. H. Grabenhorst Ac Co. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 VroOM hon"ar garage.lectalc ity. Pressure system. 81,Si acres. 6 acres In filberts, prunes and walnuts. 6400 cash, balance monthly. 6719 after 6:00. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS at ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. FURNISHED HOME Offered at a REAL SACRIFICE. live rooms, basement, furnace, garage, lo cated on H. cottage si. a gooo noma, or would make an ideal rental invest ment. Price 2100. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. W. H. Grsbenhorst at Co. Manors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 LISTEN Business transfer moves a home owner from Salem. Let us show you his 6-rm. modern hse. Especially well built, on large lot in East Salem. Price $5900. Call tor appnt. See Mrs. Ellis with Chiids Be Miller, neauors, w State SU Ph. 9261. GOOD 4-room plastered home, water nd electricity, all-year spring. S acres. and electricity, 6 miles from Salem, would - be the glace for chickens. $1330, easy terms. MS after 6 KM. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 4c ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. ti A- ex. soli. 6173. 65 an. 63 mo. Close In. BUDROW, Ph. 5963. Acreage 2 A. 4 nn. house. Good weU. Gar, $1500. 30 A. 37 A. cult Mod. hse. Barn, creek, elec. water system. $5000. $1500 down. 40 A. 6 nn. plastered hse. Elec. wa ter system. Paved rd. $6500. 40 A. 4 rm. nse. Good barn, eiec. creek. $2600. 99A. 60 A. CUlt Elec, bldgs. $7500. Terms. 133 A. Small hse. Good barn, stream. 42 A. Chehalis loam. 90 A. cult $6500. Terms. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1SS3 N. Capitol Resort Property FOR SALE, new borne, bv Reasonable terms. Overlooking the ocean, beautiful view, on State Hiway, 2',t large lots, 9 room house, 3-piece bath, full basement fireplace. V. bunds. outbuilding of 6 rooms, concrete xoun- datlon. full plumbing, with heating unit H. Bush, Y achats. Or eg. Business Opportunities IF YOU ARK A REAL GROCER YMAN you can have thia gioceiy and meats doing saw per aay, witn a stock ox $800 worth of groceries and very mod era fixtures on contract for only $300 down. Balance out of profits: This is an opportunity ior a live-wire grocery, man. MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE 180 N. Commercial Ph. 6413 Suite 17 GROCERY STORE for sale or lease. equipped. Box 1944. Statesman. FOR SALE Well stocked country store and cas station. Good location. Will seU cheap. Write Box 1941, care Statesman. Wot)d Sawing Wood sawing 6c hour work. P. 7073. Business Cards In this directory run a a monthly basis only. Bate: LU per line per month, r Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 373 South Commercial Bicycle 'a cSSS? ChimneY Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair, rree esumata. nennaoy.f . eoae. TELEPHONX 4450. a K. Korthness. Excavating CCAVATION OP an kinds. Base- meats dug. Dirt hauled or mored. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand at CrareL P. S408. FlorisU Brelthaupra 44? Court Phone tttS. Funeral Directors TerwQliger funeral Home. Ph. 6328- Alattresses : Salem runT sua & mattress Co. New Mattresses, td - made, rug cleaning & weaving, s UtB wuour Tel.. 6441 Z wickers. . .. t,.,....,. CAPITOL BXDDINO CO. Phone 4069. Painting 4 Paperhanging Jerry Johnson. Ph. 4616, lxperlenceu 'Reasonable. Ph. 4323. ta iNta.WBdiahai6 For Sale Used Cars 1641 BUICK SPECIAL Sedan. Low mileage, underseat heater, 2 new tires, others 80, .Phone 6970, 1940 VS. LWB dump. 3-4 yd. box. 7 In. hoist Eaton and Brownlip. Rt. L Box SLA. Woodbum. Ore. Jack Anderson. 31 DURANT. $23. 2346 Myrtle. MOD. A ford. Exc cond. Trade for cows or cash. Bruce Squire, Rt. 6, Box 296. (E. Center. Wanted Used Cart CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY No car too old. No car too new for us to buy. jrront sio.oo to siooo.oo. CASH IMMEDIATELY " No Delay No Red Tape. Burgoyne Motor Co. Headquarters for the Best tn Transportation 440 Center St Phone 21533 WE PAY CASH FOR USED CARS ORVAL'S Center & Church. P. 4702 Cash Immediately GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car 170 N. Church Phone 6502 X. Corn. Church 6t Chem. Ph. 7822. N. For Sale Wood 2 CORD LOAD. $11.50. Ph. 6217. OLD rm Ph. 3380 Ashcraft WOOD, ph. 8370. Graen. CIS N. Slat. Lost and Found TTST floM wrist watch IlllinoisV at Salem high school. Reward. Ph. 6624. LOST White wire-haired terrier. Age 9 yra. female. Reward. Ph. 64U. Personal MRS. BRANT Palmistry SpecUl $2 readings for $1. 1 Bile N. Salem city LrnlU on Portland Road. Sunderland Auto Court. MEET NEW FRIENDS! Club Elite, Box 71-Q. Main P. O, Los Angeles, Cal Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed by the Cir cuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, Probate Department, as Administratrix of the estate of F. G. Stearns, deceased, and have qualified as such administratrix; all persons having claims" agalnjtf said estate are notified to present the same duly verified, to me, at 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from date of this notice. Dated at Salem, cember 12th, 1941. Oregon, De- MARY ELIZABETH STEARNS, Administratrix of Estate of F. G. Stearns, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, RONALD C. GLOVER, . Attorneys for Administratrix, Salem, Ore. D. 12-19-26; J. 2-9 Directory Printing lOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing-, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 816 S. Commercial. Tele- phone 9101. Plnmbing PLUMBINO. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 154 8. Liberty. Ph. 65M. Sawdust CALX. -Seottv" Smith. Ph. Johnnie Zumstein. 8-1251 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES, Write, Phone or Call , tot Booklet 36$ M. Capitol Trailers To Buy, Ph. 11766. sell or rent Bit M. Front Transfer U-DRIVX TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets turn. 197 8. Liberty. Ph. 9062. rOB LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce' Auto Freight, including calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co. rn. slu. Vacnnm Cleaner Service FREX tea paction in your home. . Au thorixed Hoover service. We service all cleaners. Hogg Bros- Ph. eoa. WeU Drilling C J. Pugh. 312$ Myrtle Phone 9338. JL A. WEST. Rt 6. Box 443. Ph. 2-2296. Tha Wolf at Her Door! &JT I PACKED YOU i A NICE IOJMCM TO TAKE TO SCMOOL.SO COM2 HOME Streamlined "Car of TomoxTovT Travels 185 Miles y 0 Travellnf at more than S miles a mlante, this "Car of TeaaorfwwJ anutshed the record for racing- on 'stock" tires when it clocked 135JE m.pJi ta a recent ran at Muroe Dry Lake course tn California. The super-racer has a 26-foot one-piece alomlnKm shell designed after the most modern flfhtint; planes, and a motor that develops 201 horsepower. Alihonxh the dramatic lines of this ear do put It a Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL. HEARING As executor of will of IDA M. RUEF, deceased, I have filed in Circuit Court of Oregon for Mari ion County, my final account in estate of said decedent, and 19, January 1942. ten o'clock, a. mT has been appointed for hearing of objections to said account and settlement thereof. ALLAN G. CARSON Executor. D-19-26-J-2-9. Called Home Baron Edmund Tea Thennann (above), German ambassador U Argentina, has been called home "for consultation.1 the Berlin radio has said. ' Press Conclave Set EUGENE, Ore, Jan. 8-JP) George S. Turnbull of the TJniver sity of Oregon journalism school announced Thursday that the Ore-; gon State Press conference would oren on ; schedule Friday. He urged all publishers in the state to attend. A$SitB8jfc J.; ..X...'.; ; , .. .. f 1 ' sv. . .'y.: 1 Dairy Industry's Place in Food For Defense Plan Talked at Meet Marion county dairymen are annual meeting of the Oregon E. Rieder, acting county agent. 13-14 in the courthouse at Astoria. Highlights of the convention will be discussions on the place of the dairy industry in the pres ent program of producing; food. The lend-lease program and the dairy industry will be discussed by A. E. Engbretson, Astoria, and the possible post-war adjustments will be discussed by P. M. Brandt, Oregon State college, announces Rieder, Gov. Chaa. A. Sprague will be the guest speaker at the banquet to be held Tuesday. The bureau of animal Industry Bang's disease program will be discussed by Dr. S. B. Foster and there will be discussions on vari ous phases of the dairy Industry by prominent Oregon dairymen. ! The regular business . of the meeting will include committee sessions and reports. Rites Held for Unionvale Man UNIONVALE - Funeral aerv- ices were held Wednesday at Macyg chapel in' McMinnvUle for Roger Q. Mabry, 54, a resident of v. F. J - ' i t2 - Radio Programs (Continued from Page 4) KEX NBC rBID AT 1190 Ke. 6 -00 National rarm and Home. 70 Western Agriculture. 7:19 Amen Corner. 70 Breakfast Club. 8:16 News. 820 Andrinl Continentals. I JO What's New. 8:45 Keep Pit with Patty Jean. B Hollywood Headllnera. 9 :05 Southernalrea. 9:16 Stars of Today. 9:30 Hal Curtis. 9:45 Charmingly Wo Live. 10 .-00 New Show a Day. 10:15 Breakfast at Sardi'a. 10 O Keep Fit With Patty Jean. 10:45 News. 11 rOO Music Appreciation Hour. 12:00 Orphan of Divorce. 12:19 Amanda of Honeymoon Hill. 13:30 John's Other Wife. 12:45 Just Plain Bill. 1 :00 Your Livestock Reporter. 1 US News Headlines and High lights. 10 Market Reports. 1:35 Talk. O. M. Plummet. 1:45 Curbstone Quiz. 2:00 The Quiet Hour. 3:30 A House in the Country. 3:45 Wayne Van Dine. Singer. 30 Between the Bookends. 8:15 New. 330 Stringtlme. 3:45 Traveling Cook. 4:00 Jean CavaU, Singer. 4:15 Hotel BUtmore Orchestra, 430 Stars of Today. 4:45 Hotel Penn Orchestra. 6.-O0 Adventure Stories. 6:15 Flying Patrol. 330 News of the World. 85 Tom Mix Straight Shooter. 6:00 Secret City. 6:15 Rollie Traitt Time. 630 Michael and Kitty. 635 News. 1:00-Elsa MaxwelL T 30 Modern Music Box. e-a allracloa of Falttu 1:45 News Headlines and High lights. 1:00 Romance at Rhythm. 330 Gang Busters. 9 0 Candlelight Concerto, 90 aaoonlight Sonata. 1030 Broadway Bandwagon. 10:45 Dance Hour. 1 OAS News. 11:00 Hotel Sir Francis Drake Or chestra. 1130 War News Roundup. a KGW NBC FRIDAY 626 Ke. .-O0 News. Si5 Quack of Dawn. 630 Early Bards. 635 Tax Instruction. 7:00 News Headlines and Highlights 7 :15 Music ox Vienna. 730 Reveille Roundup. 7:45 Sam Hayes, 8 AO Stars of Today. 8:15 Symphonic Swing. 85 David Harum. 90 Women's World. 9:15 Words and Music. 930 News. 9:45 Arthur Godfrey. 100 Benny Walker's Kitchen. 16:15 Bess Johnson. 1030 Bachelor's Children. 10:45 Dr. Kate. 110 Light of the World. being invited to attend the 49th Dairymen's association by Robert The meeting will be held January the Unionvale district, who died of' a heart attack Friday at bis home. Rev. D. W. Jaycox, local pastor, officiated. Burial was at the Ever green Memorial Park, McMinn vUle. J. S. Coomler, Louis Magee, D. C Miller, Clark Noble, Union- vale, Lee Barber, Turner, and a former neighbor of Brooks were pallbearers. Mabry was born June 9, 1887 in Clay county, Texas. He was a member of the Methodist church. He was married August 18, 1912 at Memphis. Texas, to EUa Bea trict Horning and lived there five years before moving to Monte Vista, Cola, where they resided until they came to Brooks in 1939 and to Unionvale in October 1940. He is survived by bis widow and son, Jack, both of Unionvale; two daughters: Mrs. T. A. Collins, Monte Vista, Colo., and Mrs. Del- mer Barber, Turner; one grand- ton, Donald Collins; one brother, Wesley Mabry, Memphis, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Darlington, Mineral Wells, Texas, and Mrs. Joseph Holzuether, Kansas, r ' By CEXC YOTJRG little ahead of or time, the Urea on: which the record was made ar the KiversiJes many motorists here have bought from the regnlar stock of the Salem Montgomery Ward atoro. Ted Ellis, f anions test driver. Is' pletared wtth the racer tn which ho made the hlstory-maUns; ran. Of course these tires are sow only arsllable those whs art ttrea permits by the ration boards. 11:15 The Mystery Man. 1130 Valiant Lady. HA5 Arnold Grlnvn's Daughter. UM-Against the Storm. 12:15 Ma Perkins. 1230 The Guiding Light. 13:45 Vic and Sade. 10 Backstage Wife. 1:15 Stella Dallas. 130 Lorenzo Jones. 15 Young Widder Brown. J .-CO When a Girl Marriea. 8:15 Portia Faces Life. S0 We. the Abbotts. 2:45 Story of Mary Martin. 3:00 Pepper Young's Family. 3:15 Lone Journey. 3 JO Phil Irwin. 8:45 Three Suns Trio. 4 AO Hollywood News Flashes. 4:15 Diminutive classics. 430 Rhyme and Rhythm Club. 4:45 News by Frank Bingman. 5 rOO Stars of Today. 5:15 Ed Stoker's Music. 5:30 Cocktail Hour. 5:45 News. 6: 00-Walts Time. 6 30 Uncle Walter's Doghouse. 7 AO Wings of Destiny. 730 Grand Central Station. 8.-00 Fred Waring Pleasure Tuna. 8:15 Lum and Abner. 630 Don t Be PeisonaL 9 5 Southern Rivers. 930 Symphony oi Melody. 95 Fort Lewis News. 10 AO News Flashes. 10 as Your Home Town News. 10:30 Unlimited Horizons. 11 AO Sir Francia Drake Hotel Or chestra. 1130 War News Roundup. a e KOAC TRXDAT-559 Ka. 1OA0 Review of the Day. 10 5 News. 10:15 The - Homemakers Hour. HAO-Scnooi of the Air. 11 20 Beethoven. 12 AO News. 13:15 Farm Hour. 3 AO Clubwomen's Half Hour. 2:45 Monitor Views the News. 3:00 Plantation Revival 3:15 Amer. Legion Auxiliary. 35 News. 4 AO Keyboard Classics. 430 Stories for Boys and Glrla. SAO Campus Swing. 55 Evening Vesper Service. 6 AO Dinner Concert. 6:15 News. 630 Farm Hour. 730 Concert Hall. 1:50 USC vs. U of O BasketbalL 930 Music of the Masters, 96-16 AO News. Cross Word 12 13 15 16 19 24 21 22 13 26 17 29 30 32 S3 55 56 40 41 42 4T 45 41 so . HORIZONTAL 1 Beast of bnrdra 4 Near 9 Weaken It Favorite 13 Finnish poems 14 Note in Studo'i scale 15 Wkat Amrrica writer U noted for kit dog stories. - XT What, Amorieamrbom woman writor is author of "Tkroo IAMtft l$ln wKmt opera bf Vfdi is tAa "Triumphal MmnVI 20 Hail (Ger.) 21 Italian poet 23 Integrity tS UniU of work 27 Apples 28 Musi note 29 Land measnre : 30 - Largs pondlao 31 B y way of A . 22 NeratiTe reply 33 Fornish food J4-offin 35 Dnsky - ,. 37 Repairs . IS Steeps, aa flax ' 83 Has ; . 40 Beast of the desert . IS In what State mro tk mom. , - Uiiito of tko Giaour National . ; Fcrif . . 45Employ 45 Moose - 48 Statoe In London Gofldhan 49 Crintson 63 Tones 51 Fentale sheep : ".. ? VESTICAL ' - ' i-tlkely . , J-Observe ' 1 v. 3 Queer - . - - 1 4 Unrefined ' tWkoitioLUn$ftk4imoon! '..ft Singlanajt, . .- "v 7 Symbol for selenium 4 ii hi lit iet ywws . w Per Hour Ifs Hers Now Jnmo Millar. Girl Scout June Millard, direct descendant of President Millard Fillmore, holds the t&OO-bill aha found last June In a New York do partment store. No one called tor tha biH so iff til btn now. SbVi going to bay defense bonds and s new Scout uniform, she said. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50.AF MAM. F.C. Degree, Wed, Jan. 14. 730 p. m. By order W. it. Puzzle to it 'A 20 9 34 37 4T is Blinds 10 Fourth eauph 11 Cooking ntenafl 16 Smites 18 Fastens to rFJUt Grsa rpio peat Is ee- w66aSw6rws 8wsVew SJev Bt(v6vs94ww tkt "Odyssrv" & College officials r ZZ Pointed weapon 23 Fall of spertsres 24 Tested 25 Measores el timo t7-rootways SO Straggles 31 Tear's prodnce of wine : 23 Indian 34 Inclination r SSFurnisbed wit woapens i 57 Obeys if.- 8" Chinese sodety 40 Monrrtl ! U Wk ta iko wwfkor of mPoor. ir CrT,wn utie omposutoB on urutr t - 42 A4olt male 43 At this time . 44 Crow old ,: 1 47 Behold Anrwer to yesterday's pool, .i i. "' tr-"- -- i 'x " ' 24 25 IP El PI I si E! "IE Mlq JW MEfi Ml L T El RilfSS. Sl5 TTtPpREiR HlO if AjPigRljH!? Ml n It zs. iJEIki s 01Dif MOTAlf MjlY A ;AiEist lllflpsl jiolAio ! Awmsco tfaae af silsfliat 86 ails at si ' awartilwaassiwiawiSjsaaafcaav fTjie year an etuaceas ' : , . : - ... -': - ,1 rl .. T