Jrfh&. O - TTlo o 1 Farm Sets. V . W" comics jrinaiiGia t I f ' .Marl - srP Twnvr , ' . " - The OBEGON STATESMAN- SALEM, Oregon. Friday Morning. January 9. 1942 , ; . "X.-. ' " V :'.$'; '-Utj' - !. f --- i i - - . . -. A Marion Men Make Plans County Farmers Aid With Activities of State Seed Growers Committee appointments to the meeting of the Oregon Seed Growers League January 15 and 16 at Corvallis include many county names, according to R. K Jlieder, acting county agricul tural agent. Fanners or others from Marion county who have been named on the various committees are as follows: Bentgrass: Albert Savage. fc ' Clover, alfalfa and miscellan eous grasses: G. K. Austin, Au .rora; Ed- Gilbertson, Aumsville; Alfred Loe, Silverton. Condiment and medicinal herb seeds: Creighton Jones, Gervais; Howard M. Teeple, Salem. Fescue: Oscar Loe, Silverton; L. O. Hadley, Silverton; Robert Harper, Gervais; Henry Peters, Sublimity, and Frank B. Wind sor, Salem. Marketing, AAA program, and transportation: Jess Adams, Ger vais; John Hamage, Woodburn; W. M. Tate, Sublimity, and Ralph Wilson, Salem. Pest and weed control: Ernest Brunk, W. Frank Crawford, Ron aid Hogg, Salem; Simon Hostet- tler, Aurora; Alfred Jensen, Sil verton; N. A. Reiling, Hubbard; Ambrose Smith, Monitor; Dave Turnidge, Jefferson. Ryegrass: Aline Brothers, Woodburn; Clay Porter, Silver' ton. Seed grading, testing and ware housing: Frank Bulingham, Ray Glatt, Woodburn; Howard Jenks, Salem; George Potts, Jefferson; Sylvester Schmidt, ML Angel; Walter H. Smith, Salem. Sugar beet seed: Ed Boies, W. R. Dougherty, Brooks; Jake Gil ; more, Talbot; M. C. Helms, Jef ferson; James Mahoney, St Paul; George Potts, jr., E. Turnidge, Jefferson. Vegetable seed crops: A. F, Hayes, Brooks; A. W. Keppinger, Andrew Miller, Gervais; Pierre Saucy, Salem; Smith Brothers, Aurora; Ivan Stewart, Salem, and John Zellner, Gervais. Winter cover crops: TimBjel- land, Woodburn; Ivan Brundidge, Salem; A. R. Coleman, St Paul; Floyd Fox, Silverton; Rex Hart ley, Jefferson; Kirsch Brothers, Mt. Angel, and Henry ?Zorn, Au rora. In addition, Oscar Loe, Silver ton, has been named by the board to act as chairman of the fescue . committee. This committee . will deal with such questions as ave rage yields of the various fescue grasses on different soil types , and in different counties; proper fertilizers; market outlets for the fescue crops and possibilities of expanding those outlets; weed control in fescue fields; harvest-' ing methods, and possibilities of cooperative marketing. Creighton Jones, Gervais, is chairman of the committee on condiments and medicinal . herb seeds. This committee will be more in the nature of an investi gating committee and will try to compile information about for mer imports of these crops and the various kinds that can be growri in this climate, together with the potential acreage that each crop might occupy. "Strictly Private" toSGJBS SCFn34 fegy at nave i-C DEAR SARGB- ' . Ukl rV5 LOST MY FETURW TRIP R.R.TlCtlET. AMD j4mm, By Quinn HaU Stock Market fears laxes m m&swS' voces? cajiD ttxi merest THIS SBCnOtt SO THE A8WC-- POCAfc UP THE. SUY UAfCRWKT.XO. AP Ftttni-I i-6 Closing Quotations 14 25 ioy4 25 18 -20y4 -12 31 -.4 NEW YORK, Jan. S-itf-Today's closing quotations: Air Reduction ....36 Du Pont De N ..136' Phelps Dodge Alaska Juneau 2 Eastman Kodak 1401 Phillips Pet . Al Chem & Dye 146 Elec Pow & Lt Pub Serv NJ Allis Chalmers .29 Gen. Electric 27 Pullman American Can ....60 Gen Motors 32 Radio ... Am Car & Fdy ..32 Goodrich 1 13 Rayonier Am Rd & Std Stn 4 Goodyear j 11 Rayonier Pfd Am Roll Mills Great North l 22 Republic Steel Am Smelt & Rf ..40 Greyhound i 12 Safeway Stores 41 Am Tel & Tel ..125 Illinois Central 7 Sears Roebuck -54 Amer Tobacco B 48 Insp Copper 10 Shell Union 12 Am Water Wks ..3 Internat Harvest 46 Socony Vacuum 7 Am Zinc L & S 28 Inter Nickel 26 Sou Cal Edison Anaconda 27 Inter P & P JPf d 59 South Pacific - Armour Illinois ....3 Inter Tel & Tel ..1 Sperry Corp Atchison 28 Johns Manville ..57 Stand Brands Aviation Corn 4 4,Kennecott . 1 35 Stan Oil Calif 20 Baldwin Loco ....14 ILibbey-O-Ford ..21 Stan Oil Indiana 25 Bendix Aviation 38 Lockheed ..22 Stan Oil NJ 39 Beth Steel 63 Lowe's u.38 Stone & Webster 5 Boeine Airplane 19 Long-Bell A X 3 Studebaker JLAV Borden .....20 Montv Ward i..26 Sunshine Mining 5 Bora Warner 20 Nash Kelv ....1 3 Texas Corp 37 Calumet Hec 6k Nat Biscuit ....i 15 Trans-America 4 Canada Dry 11 Nat Dairy Prod 14 Union Carbide .70 Canadian Pacific .AVa Nat Distillers i 21 Union Oil Calif -13 Caternillar Trac 41 National Lead: ....16 Union Pacific 69 Celanese . 20 NY Central 9 United Airlines -10 Chesa & Ohio ....35 N Amer Av i 13 United Aircraft -34 Chrvsler 47 N Amer Co .1 10 United Drug 4 Col Gas & Elec .1 Northern Pacific 534. United Foods 69 Commer Solvent ..8 Ohio OH J, 7 US Rubber 16 Consolid Air 19 Otis Steel i 5 US Rubber Pfd -67 Consolid Edison 13 Pac Gas & Elec 19 US Steel 53 Consolid Oil 5 Pac Tel & Teli ..100 Vanadium 19 Continental Can 24 Packard 2 Warner Pictures -5 Corn Prod ,.55 Pan Amer Air ....15 Western Union -24 Crown Zeller . 11 Paramount Pic .14 Westing Elec 78 Curtiss Wrieht ....8 J C Penney J. 78 Woolworth 27 Douglas Aircraft 68 Penn RR i 21 Trading light IWith Most Issues Down ; Coca-Cola Drops NEW YORK, Jan.! 8 Stocks were under the j handicap of further tax fears Thursday and market leaders operated at lower levels throughout. While a few shipbuilding, rub ber, utility and specialty issues showed modest plus signs, losses of fractions to a point were far in the majority at the close, with isolated setbacks of 2 to 5 or so in evidence. I Activity tied up on the retreat. Transfers of 532,900 shares com pared with 629,570 Wednesday and were the smallest for a full session since October 27. The As sociated Press average of 60 stocks was off .6 of a point at 37.8. . Softness of American Tele phone this "blue chip" was down 5 contributed to the pessimistic market tinge, brokers said. The stock had recently come back about 20 points from its low reached just after Christmas. Coca-Cola hit a new bottom for 1941-42 as the suggestion was heard that sugar rationing might cut sharply into soft drink pro fits. Sears Roebuck and Mont gomery Ward backtracked. Steels, rails and coppers were Salem Market Quotations The price below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative oZ the dally market price paia 10 growers uy o lera buyers but ar n The Statesman: VEGETABLES Beets, bunch, floz. not guaranteed by BrusaeJ sprouts, flat cabbago Carrots Cauliflower, crate Celery, green i Garlic ID. -------Hubbard squash .. Onion. 60 lbs. Onion, green . - oPtatoes, 10 Olbs., No. 1 new Potatoes. No. 2, 50 lb. bag Radishes, doz. .40 1.00 1.75 .49 1.50 2.50 as .015 2.00 .45 2.75 .75 .40 GRAIN, BAY AND SEEDS (Baying Prices) uais, ro, j Feed barley, ton Clover hay, ton . Alfalfa nay. ion 30.00 31.00 to 32.00 12.00 Dairy feed. 80-lb. bag Hen scratcn ieea Cracked corn Wheat ;i- 14.00 to 16.00 1.7S 2.25 2.30 SO to 100 EGGS AMD POULTR (Buying Prices of Aadresns) (Subject to Chang Without Notice) BIlTTEBtA r Premium i .li No. 1 ; .Wi No. 2 . .37-- B OTTER PRINTS i (Buying Prices) A . . B Quarters Extra large white . Extra large brown Medium . Standard .. Pullets 29 -.38 relatively narrow. Prominent stocks in' the rear ranks included Bethlehem Steel, Westinghouse, Du Pont, Union Carbide, American Can, Texas Co., Great Northern, . Douglas Aircraft, International Harvester, .40 jsa .41 J33 . -3 J30 30 J8 .18 .18 J.3 M rRnvtm Prtees or Marten Creamery) (Subject to Change Without Notice) Premium - - .41 '4 NO. I . .0', No. 1 ; -Wi EGGS Colored hens Colored frys White Leghorn Old roosters Large A . Large B Medium A . Medium B Pullets 4hecks .33 w J30 7 .20 U Kennecott, General Motors and Chrysler. Ahead by fractions were Omni' bus Corp., ; Third Avenue Rail way, International Mercantile Ma rine, Newport Industries, Good rich, U. S. Rubber and Electric Power & Light. Colored hens Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens stags Old roosters 47 XI J8 J5 J2 sa No 2 poultry jOS less. LIVESTOCK. (Buying prtees for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to 4 pjn.) Top lambs ,,- .,, j, 11 00 to 11.50 Ewes - - .uo to a. oo Hoes. top. 160-225 lbs. 12.50 Sows- ...t-. 950 to 10..00 Veal, top U.00 to 12.50 Dairy type cows Beef cows , Bulla ,. Heifers Dressed veal BOPS (Baying Prices) Seeded 1042 contract Seedless 6.00 to 7.00 7.00 to 8.00 .a.oo to a.oo 6.50 to 8.00 J8 WOOL AND MOHAIS Wool Lambs s Mohair ., ,. .,, 35 .42 .40 23 .49 Canned Foods Sent to Army i Approximately 500 carloads of canned fruits and vegetables were shipped from Oregon for army provisions in the last three months, the state department of agriculture reports. W. L. Close, supervisor of the federal-state shipping point serv ice which handled the sampling and billing, said bulk of the can ned goods bought by the govern ment came from the Willamette valley. The Hood River section supplied canned apples and east ern Oregon canneries, peas. Grain Market Prices Lose CHICAGO, Jan. 8-(P)-Profit taking and hedging sales forced a retreat In grain . futures prices Thursday,, wheat losing as znucH as a cent and rye 1 cent at one time, '; Wheat was affected by reports of increased amounts of govern ment grain going into commercial trade circulation along with some 194! stocks redeemed by produc ers from the loan program. All grains were unsettled, traders said, by opposition of President Roose velt to farm block proposal that the secretary of agriculture have veto power over fixing of farm price ceilings. Despite late buying to cover previous short sales, wheat closed Vz- cent lower than Wednesday, May $1.28-, July $1.29. Reports from Kansas City In dicated purchases-by mills, eleva tors and merchandising Interests of Commodity Credit corporation 1939-40 wheat and of 1941 grain redeemed from government loans apparently were on the largest scale so far this season. Wool in Boston BOSTON. Jan. 8 AP) (USDA)) The Boston wool market was quiet Occasional sales of graded three eighths blood combjnf territory wools were made at 96 to 98 cents, scoured basis, and quarter-blood combing wools brought mostly 92 to 93 cents. Fine French combing length fine terri tory wools sold in limited quantities at $1.10 to $1.12. scoured basis, and half-blood French combing - wools sold at $1.08 to $1.08, scoured basis. markets, including Chicago, are at or near levels equivalent to mini mum asking prices for government wheat sand about IS cents, on the average, above original loan rates for 1941 grain. Produce Mart Slumps PORTLAND, Jan. 8 P)- Plen ty of ; buyers were on hand to welcome every 'stray farmer In the East Side Farmers' Wholesale market Thursday as vegetables slumped to very scant supply, j A small stock of cabbage, some of faut quality, went quickly at $1.50-35 crate. A few crates of kale Were sold at 75 cents. Lug; carrots : and rutabagas brought 75 cents. Some cauli flower was priced at $1 for small stuff. ;L' ! . Apples were $1.00-10 box for jumble pack, 90 cents to $1.35 for face end. fill. Among California offerings storage celery was downward from $1.50 crate, carrots were 75 cents lug, cauliflower brought to $1.50 crate, Imperial lettuce to $4.25 crate, radishes 45 cents doz en bunches, endive $1.60 dozen, green peppers 11 cents pound, beans j $4.50 hamper or 15 cents pound, green broccoli $2 dozen Prices at most winter wheat belt bunches, spinach $2.50 crate. S3 iri The money you. need is available to you here and notv. inquire today at our con venient address about our personal loan service! For Money In a Hurry See State Finance Co. M 344" State St. 2 Lie. S-213,M222 Phone 9261 THE LONE RANGER Tonto "On Edge." By FRAN STRIKER W0- -INdOVEWE1 L0N6 RANKER PUB ""VVl ; V j X?CsX) hZl j the in uut wrm m clubbed guns 2s& .r-,;.T- ff , i- e ' SMs I POLLY" AND HER PALS Top Sergeants Each and Every One! By CLIFF STERRET Stocks and Bonds January S Compilde by The Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 19 60 Net Change D .6 D 2 V .8 D .6 Thursday 54.8 15.8 26.1 37.8 Prev. Day 55 4 18.0 26.9 38.4 Month ago . 53.7 13.4 26.2 36.6 Year ago . 63.5 16.7 35.1 44.5 1941-42 high 63.9 19.0 35.5 45.0 1942-42 low 51.7 13.4 24.5 35.4 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 Net Change . Thursday . Prev. Day . Month ago . Year ago 1941-42 high 1941-42 low . Rails Indus VJtil A 6 Unch A 3 ... 62.9 102.9 100.5 62.3 102.9 100.3 58.3 103.5 98.9 .. 62.5 105.2 100.6 66.5 105.4 102.2 58.3 102.7 98.9 10 Fr en A. 8 43.7 42.9 43.9 39.4 51.4 389 Quotations at Portland Produce Exchange PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 8 (AP) Butter prints: A grade 39!ic in parch- U'iC in canons; a ment wrappers. frade 38 'ic in )'2C in carton. parchment wrappers. Butterfat First quality, maximum :6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port land, 39',i-40c lb.; premium quality (maximum of 35 ot l per cent aciaityi. 40!i-41c lb., valley routes and country points 2c less or 38c; second quality 2 cents under first or 37 '.i -38c. Eggs trices to producers: targe 33c; B large, 31c; medium A. 31c; medium B, 30c; B, small. 24c; A. small 26c. Resale to retailers 4c higher for cases, cartons 5c higher. Cheese selling price to poruana re tailers: Tillamook triplets 28c lb.; loaf 29c lb. Triplets to wholesalers 26c lb.; loaf 27e lb i.o.b Tillamook. oeei. eooa. ail wis. w-aueop v.o do sausage, good, all wts. 9.25 9.50 do saus, med. all wts. 8.25 & 9.25 Vealers, gd-ch. all wts. 13.00 14.00 do com-med. all wts. 9.00 a; 13.00 dp cull. aU wts. ; 7.00 9.00 Calves, ed-ch. 400 lbs. an. 10.50 wiz.so I all wts 7iW10.50 do cuu 40 lbs. dn. o.oo JJW Sheet): Salable and total Z30. Ewes (shorn) gd.Ch 5.25 5.90 1 do. com-med a.wtt Lambs gdch 115012.00 do med-gd. 10.50 11 25 do common 8.75 10 5 Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. 8 AP (USDA) Hoes: Salable 50, total 1300. Barrows and Kilts Gd.-ch, 140-160 lbs. 11.25 12.00 do 160-180 lbs. 11.75 12.50 do 180-200 lbs. i 12.35 (12.50 do 200-220 lbs. 12.00 12.50 do 200-240 lbs. 11.75 12.25 do 240.270 lbs. j 11.50 12.00 do 270-300 lbs 11.25W11.75 Feeder pigs, gd-ch, 70-120. .. 10.75 11.50 catue: baiabie and tout 50. Steers, gd. 900-1100 lbs. 12.00fl3.10 do med, 750-1100 lbs. 10.75l2.OO do common, 750-1100 lbs. 8.50 10.75 Heifers - 750-900 lbs ... 115 11.50 do med, 500-900 ibs 9.75611.25 do com,-500-900 lbs. 8.00 9.75 Cows, good, all wts. 9.00 9.50 do med. all wts. 7.75 9.00 ao cui-com. ail wts. o.oo 7.75 Increased Vegetable and Fruit Production Subject for Parley A state conference to lay plans for an Oregon victory garden pro gram has been called to meet at Corvallis ; January 17 under the sponsorship of the OSC extension service, ! the state USDA defense board, and the state civilian de fense council, William A. Schoen f eld, dean and director of agri culture, announced. ., . The details - of the confererfce are being handled by the exten sion service at the request of USDA officials, : who recently held a national ' conference on . this tmbject in Washington '"pC. Repi resentatives of statewide agricul tural organizations and other agencies and professional groups are being Invited to send delei fates to the state conference, j ( 'Greatly ,; Increased I production of vegetables and small fruits in farm and home gardens Is recog nized as an Important contribu tion to the foodrfor-victory cam rain,w said Scfioefeld in Issuing the" csll: for the conference. . : "Oregon has been asked to in crease its number of farm gar dens by S3 per cent If such a goal is achieved It will require " m m mm m garaen on practically every rural farm and home tract," Those ; in charge of plans for the conference emphasized the fact that. the victory garden pro gram for this war will seek to avoid many of the wasteful mis takes of the first world war, and wiu emphasize j gardening by those who understand it rather than seeking the establishment of "war gardens" bjr untrained city dwellers. J . The scarcity of some kinds of vegetable seeds makes It par ticularly Important that available supplies be used! with the great est efficiency, they point out, . The one-day conference will include a general session in the forenoon and ' four group . meet togs in the afternoon. Each group or committee is to consider one phase of the problem and report to the main body before adjourn ment , The four divisions include edu cation - material and technique; development of farm and home gardens; storage and preservation of foods; and lawns, flowers and shrubs. - " - iv..- ... J I t SUPPOSE SOMB o'tUESsAmbJv P5srSrtfr J rOU CAN"T TELL MEI ME4 M Dys WE'LL. BE SEElN' AS , c2 SOL.OERIN' IS A X Ll L f ARE GONNA BE ABLE T'DRlVfe 1 s ' 1 V MANV VEN SOLDIERS ) SrlZO MAN'S SAME. WMMlN I V, THEM "THINGS WrTHOUT VX? , 4 i r 0 MICKEY MOUSE 'Choose' Your Weapon, Mickey! By WALT DISNEY Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 8 (AP) J Open High Low Close May 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white I 38.90. Barley No. 2-45 lb. BW 33.50. Corn No. 2-EY shipments 38.00. wo. 1 nax Z.08. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 8T.4: 1 soft excluding Rex 99. White Club 1.01: western red 99. Hard red winter: Ordinary 98: 10 per cent 1.01; 11 per cent 1.09; 12 per cent 1.14. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 1.12; 10 per cent 1.15; n per cent 2; 12 per cent 1.25. Today s car receiDts: Wheat 11: flour 4; corn s; oats 1; miltfeed 4; nax seed J Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 8 (AP) I country meats selling price to retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, i5-iB,io-io'ac; ngni uiin, 13-iec; UAhlara f.n.u 9A-91. n...r 1 A 1 T lk . lambs 19li-20c: ewes 6 to 10c: eood -cutter cows, 12-12'ic; canner cows, 12-1 izvjc; ouus, 14-iac id. Dressed turkeys Selling price: Hens 28-29c; toms. 25-26c lb. Buying prices: lora, ac nens. z-vc id. Live poultry Buvuta Drlces: No. II grade Leghorn broilers, under l', lbs 18c; over li lbs 18c; fryers 2.-4 1 ids., iv3c; roasters, over ios.. l.'c: colored hens, 18c; Leghorns, under 3t lbi.,16c, over 3. lbs. 18c, old roosters, 8c lb. Onions Orppnn nnminal 1 so.1 nn Kn. lb, sack: Yakima. 1.25-1.50: Yakima .feas: caniornia, ic. Peppers Local green 82 orange box; red, 60c box; CaliiornU green 12!i-13c. I f-owioes wnite locaja, 2.00 cen tal; jjescnutes Gems. 2.75 cental; m mua. -.la. Iiumi W, i gems, z.75. Hay Selling price on tracks: Alfalfa No. 1 20; oat-vetch. $14 ton: WUlam- ette valley clover, ; 12. ton; . tim- mny, eastern -fregoo, fjuose ton. Mohair 194L 12-monih. age lh i Nuts-Price to wholesaler: Ilbert: Barcelona, jumbo 21c, large lSe, fancy lT.c, baby 16'ic lb.; Duchtlly. Jumbo 20c. large 19c fancr '8c lb. W m 1 a ut Price to wholesalers: rum graae rranquette, 1 umbo, 22c large .5; medium 18c; baby 13',.c; toft shell, jumbo .none: largo 19c: medium 17c; baby K'ic lb. Mayetta, iutnbo none: larce 20o Ih.i nrrrmd I grade rranquette, large 18c: medium lie; oaoy ix 104 sort sneu, largo J7c; medium le: .bate lis lh. , . Wool 1941 din, Oregon ranch nOm I mat -3jc io erossoreo, S4-a7e lb. Uomesuc Coui' Selling price, city delivery. 1 to 23 bbl. lots: family pat tenta. 49c. T-J-75; 83c. ilO-i70 bbl.J Daaers nam wneat net, 5.73-C.50: blended hard wheat 5 .85-8: 30: soft wheat 8 .SO: blue tern 8 00-8.80. , Hops 1941. 40c: 1942 contracts, S3e. Cascara bark 1940 peel, loe U4 1841 v 7 GOTAAEv, DOYU4? WHY, J v, OKAYi..'rtb v- EVER SMOTMACTI X w l-l!- l LITTLE ANNE ROONEY In the Good Old Sumer-ime! - ! ; : , j ha-ha li-rviwKirsewELL-.wpitl Yi gracious GoasuEss'.Aii xxA (T4TEH SeiOJ VJ WAVE A 5l&(Wffi DOWN HCXL6C 16 Xm5T03AMD-rV5 rWZf' j ZERO AJD WE'RE T0"IWLK6AM'5'ETWE JUSTl(ABAHVJU3HZ GOHG TO V15ITAH ) MEM CUTTING ICE-l TCJ OUVUTMONEAVl5MZ jCt HV; By BRANDON WALSH MS. 15 TERRIBLE 5MART yAht WHEW KtOS START vnSWH'THE HAD50ME ICf OTMMl HE KM0W3 WHEMTHE SUMIHER COMES IT WW. BEAWFULUCfTAbt TUE&fikrreeAttT-icEci-Tu LAKE. -.SOKE PUTS THE ICE (MA .MR.CLrttGOe3TOTmiCEBAAHGEV3AGfXAX f WG CMiMKOFlCE-QNE5 ITTO TmCOOKAN -TMEM A14UTME K1D3 WILL. LSBHKn'K 111 1 I I WG CMWKOF ICE - GIVES IT TO THECO-ANjWITOfl J TneUAU.TUCKtOS WILL SBUlj ' u 1lnmmfMm 1 ItJL FEEL GLAO ALL OUWKT. I ilMI i THIMBLE THEATRE Starriric; Popeye "HcJd That Tarpedol" board. sujee'PeA en-r& iHtS UTTUr rCAD VJEOCJED UWTO A STI0M OF STDVE- PlPtr AND eVXBO0TAU.V FALLS CVERBOAKD. WANTED IValnot ; meats in . filbert meats. Cash ea delivery. High est price, MORRIS KLORFEIN Packlni Co. i:J N. Fronl Tel, 1iZ3 THEN PICK UP THE- A SUBMARINED 3& ...l t . ii ' I. I -j7ill Hii'.'l U II V - S- !l " "2J B - I 'II H ZZ .s - 5 S!