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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1942)
Th OUSGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon. Thundoy Mooing, January 8, 1S42 Grangers' Nov3 Denyer and Mrs. Bert Peebles; officiated at installation services for new officers of Turner Sur prise grange. They are Raymond Titus, mas ter; Arthur Edwards, overseer; Mabel Walker, lecturer; W. F. Gulvin, steward; Mrs. Anna Far ris, chaplain; Thomas .;. Little, treasurer; Mrs. Ethel Gulvin, sec retary; Ulwin E. Denyer, gate keeper; Mrs. Alice Edwards, Geres; Mrs. Molly: Spiers, . Pomo na; Alice Titus, Flora; Mrs. Carrie Mitchell, lady assistant Steward. The executive committee mem bers are Mrs. Thomas Little, Mrs. Birdie ' Denyer, and William Spier. -Mr, and Mrs. . McDowell came into the local grange by demit. At the January meeting cf the home economics club, Mrs. A. H. Brad ford will be hostess to the group at her . country home. Mrs. Alice Edwards and Alice Titus served on the dinner committee.. been held at the Union HOI; grange hall on Saturday, has been; postponed due to the cold weath er. . j - :' - I TURNER Bert Peebles and his Installing team; comprised of Mrs. A. H. Bradford, j Mrs. U. E. ...UNION HILL-. The social night meeting which was to have Sears Nationally JFczzouo ' Regularly. 23c Quality Fine Cottons f .V. .'Only mi PAGE TEH MATTRESS COVER Full Box StyU 1.29 I Pepperell Silken-Smooth, Cucumber-Cool! I nnersprlng type of un bleached sheeting. Full or twin. Pepperell Twin $1.19 MATTRESS PAD Twin . s&wt.. ac 'aw. -xm ii f warn Y Size Double chev ron rip -resistant lock i t Itched;! whit : cotton fiUed. 36-INCH MUSLIN isiETr Cream Color 9,1 Even tex tured, practi cal light weight sheeting In natural cream. 72xlC0-Inch Size lM aixlC3-Inch Size if 42x38 Pillowcase 35c WINDOW SHADE W&r-r ' V L I Reg. 85c Quality 79c Pinhole and crack re sistant In buff, green, and. 3x foot size. to best nam- vSTTrfS expertly balanced conrtruchon. sides,: deep hems. SHEETS The buy of the year. . . .A clearance of clearances for the woman who's clever with her needle! Nationally fa nous 80-SQuare prints in dress length and remnant pieces. Plains, prints, novel ties, stripes, polka dots . . . suitable for dresses, play clothes, curtains, aprons. So many patterns we cant pos sibly list them! Embassy Fancies Regularly 69c yd. Petal smooth patterned rayons In a rainbow of favorite colors. 89-lnch width. SS FAJjTCY STRIPED OUTING FLANN1X. Fleecy cottons, napped on both sides. ...M Nomv! Save On BUY ANYTHING OR MORE ON SEARS' EASY PAYMENT PLAN ( i iAan Launderltes" wiin finished i.WKtw 0lx9-Ilih fmmmmt 42x36 . 45x30 ..29 J i mi i r t t t i itrr ODD LOTS PRICED TO CLEAR! Buttons, snap fasteners, safety pins, hair pins, bias tapes, ric-rac braid, thimbles, sewing cotton, tape measures . . . Step right up and take your choice! Only THREE CENTS apiece! But remember! Odd lota! Limited Quantities! snowy-. White with t?ni ' w- WUIU6I 'fa 1 T-F-m n ' i ' r rvr&r'w i:$Mifft " " " 11 " " ' 1 1 ,'"V' flAft'''w''''' Cris cum New 4-Sfar Single BLANKETS i i an an .x.ww. w i i i sii i i ItlUk I (II AM1' M"CaVSKaiSS Sears' Frle Biar, extra-Ions', 72x90-Inch 8himberaoundn I Made from 83 wool. 87 rayon25 cotton and B new TECA rayon Interwoven to give fluffier, wooller feel. Rever sible or bordered 2-tone. Su. WW of snowy white baby chenille, closely tufted on matching JS1"?' Jed with multicolor floral border in tones shading from light Sf2,eLt6 deeP hues! Styted llke much higher- TOxlOT-lnch full or 72x105 lnch twin dm r,,f . . vwij use. Woe. peach or green, also. SC. 7Z 90x78 Inch B eauties in $1.69 Quality B life LACE COTTON PANELS C (B rioral border or aH-orer laea ith s-way adjustable topa J-ltich bottom hems and imi tation aWia h?. J 18 yard slaa in Ef-ptlan ecro color. ; ? . '- t Misty sheer, frost -crisp Point d'Ejprit . and woven dot priscillas la new ruffled-all-around style. Selvages removed and neatly hemmed. Finished with 1-inch French headed raffles. Bone rings on tie backs. White or light ecru. SS-INCH COLORED f LUB NET YARDAGE yd. Choose from four favorite pattern in a wide range of colors.' Special purchase at this price -while quantlUes last! FuU sa-inch widths & popular alub-net weave. . . 1 I ltiivi f 1H1 s-'sTf k BETTER CHENILLE SPREADS Velvety bby chenllesl on ryweight, dyed-to-atch bedspread cloth with I dasig a flounce and multi-color floral border. BEST CHENILLE SPREADS (KM White, dusty ro,,, b,. r turquoise In huh ds of elose-packed rose of baby chenille with floral ath and bow-knot d. Backgrounds dyed to match chenille. CRASH TOWELINQ "Stevens" ex tra strong and evenly woven with waahfast bor der, 18-inch, ILEACHED TOWELINQ li. Washfast bor dered lft-inoh toweling, 25 linen and bal ance cotton. COTTON TOWEUXQ I. Bleached cot ton with mul-tl-color stripe. Firm woven, 16-inch. TERRY TOWEL MLaunderit" SSsSO-inch ter ry In solid pastels or bor dered white. KITCHEN TOWELS Dutch Girl or Mexican pat tern la 17x33 Inch. Bed, green or blue. IB 1CX33-IUCII DOnjDERED EASTJLjf Luxuriously, ix -racKed terries with we lee; Quality beAeaU I . -t he Panels styjjd Dv; borders and lurmi wovuv lue sreen, 11 3 Our ttefpiUw 44JDS Full Six Uemd Cou$ele Electric Scaring Machine in out-and-out saving of 810.08 qa brand new . . . not reoulit . . . eiecina vnr fntan for efficient sewlna full also head. rair-cooled bronse motor, at itch rruU.tor . and ; manv other fea tures.- When closed the console cabinet la handsome piece of furniture that takes up little space. -I 5J)fl S)dD Abe S14 m Easy FajraMat Flea : iSsst! stnytac tatrp) ie feel cf to ; . .g 15 sli t -rf l.... Ati) 1 : I 8 : I I liberal TradI- Allowance j 111 - 1 J - II ' 4v-" . : : - , - L - - - -- . . -- - - - ; Ready-Made Draperies Ruftex rayons in floral pat terns. ; Fully lined and finished with 4 pinch pleats at top. Ready to hang. Others at SS.49 to $7.95 484 State St. 1 Ph. 9193 Open Saturday Evenings to 9 P. M. : ; . v. green, goia or rose v.ui jw bite boroefs.