4.1&42 Swift! Efficient! Sunday Moralag Economical! That s C . Classified AArcrUstBg Statesmen Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertion per llnsu. 259 Six insertions per .40 One month per line " $125 Minimum, charge 23c; 1 UL min- . imum 23c; 0 tL mln. 45c. No refunds. . Com for this naee tn gjd the evening before public turn for clsjnncauoo.- copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading To Late to Classify." - The Statesman mmomi no finan elal responsibility tor emn which may appear In advertisements pub llabed in its columns and la cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adyertiae ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising; under the proper classification. - A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number lor an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Bund" ad. IiTestock and Poultry GOOD YOUNG family milk $5. Clifford Tibbetta. Rt. T, EL 171. V mi. N. and 4 ml. X. Hayesville school. FOB SALE Several bull calves from registered Jerseys, from one to three weeks old at so each. Oregon state Training school. Near , Woodburn. FARaCCR3 WX PAY 80c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Phone collect. Salem. Mil. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Help Wanted TURKEY PICKING Monday tag at the Capitol Dairy killing plant. Help Wanted BIale - j , MEN to cut alder logs. Inquire wooas piece, reeaee. Help Wanted Female BIG manufacturer wants housewives with spare time to wear free .sample ureases ana snow to mends. Give size, age. Harford, Dept. LS758, Cin cinnati, 0. SELL NYLON HOSIERY and Famous Snag-Protected Silk Hosiery. Sensa tional profit opportunity. Write fully for Free selling outfit American Mills, pcpi F35Q. Indianapolis. Ind. CALL ON FRIENDS with Greeting Card Assortments. Easter. Birthday, otner occasions, .personal Stationery: Gift Wrappings. Big profits. Experi ence unnecessary. Samples on approval Wallace Brown. 223 Fifth Aye Dept new xorx. For Sale- Miscellaneous GOOD USED TIRES 1 550x17 Gates. 80 rubber. . S 500x19 Generals. 70 rubber. 4 4:40x20 70 rubber. 1 500x20. 00 rubber. 5 500x21. 40 rubber. Call evenings. 45 Lansing Ave., Salem. Oregon. GAS WATER heater: also room heat- MIMEOGRAPH. 12-tube radio, Chev. radiator. 470 w. summer. MAN'S. SIZE 40 overcoat, worn very auue. ifeasonapic. vio Norway St. CHOICE TREE rases. 1140 Union. SMALL COOK Washington. stove, $10 165 W. HAY. Prices according to quality. Local and eastern Oregon. $12 ton up. Also sheep, dairy and poultry feed. General Feed and Grain Co Ph. 8532 Cu. FT, 4-door, eL refrigerator. for cafe. New compressor. Bat rgjln. I Ph. 4362. ECONOMY KTNO separator. Table nodei. penect condition. Cordon J. Scnoneid. sio vista. SHROP. SHEEP, early lambs, gray oata, barley. Bring sacks. 10 a. m. to S only. Mrs. Wright. k mUes Wallace Hoaa. WALNUT shells. 5c sack. Bring sacks. auoneui rscxing co. teg n. Front Wanted Fornittire P.- N. GLENN WOODRT. Auc tioneers Jk furniture dealers will nay you more cash or trade for furnsture , ec ! household goods, we buy or eaS everything rn aiia. - CASH FOR used furniture a hoase at rorgey n vets Wanted Miscellaneous uie. : - WILL STORE PIANO for use. Reliable i MAN AND -yr.-old son wish to .room and board with private family. jrrexer norm. rn. mi, - WANTED a grade school girls to -; board. Mr. country school. Box 1842. gtarasman. - ATTENTION TRAPPERS OR MINK RANCHERS Bring your furs to West cude) lu company, west saienu Miscellaneons SAT NURSERY in my home for children of working mothers. Ret given. 1645 Berry. Ph. 7085. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST - CASES Brmg er Man Tour Plates for Repair. DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State ComX Ph.- $311 For Rent Rooms FURN. hskpg. rm, $98 N. Cottage, " ADVERTTSINd . . Western AxlveTtislriAJ Representatives George Ol Close. Ine. Can Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertisina v Eepresentatives v r Bryant Griffith a- Branson. Ino, Chicago. New York. Detroit , Boston. Atlanta . Xntrred st the Poftotfiee eg golem, Orepom, as Second Class Matter. Pub- ! fished eeerv wiomine except Monday, i . Htistnese Opes us SO StntL - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mali Subscription Rates tn Advance, Within Oregon: uauy ana wmur, sso. '80 cents: 3 Mas. Slio: Moe. $iS8: 1 SS OA. Elsewhere SO cents per mo. or 88.08 tor 1 year in advance. Per - Oory g cents. Mswestends 8 cents. v,v dtv Carrier. 00 eenta ana fTJO year tn advance aa Marioa) and - adjacent counties, . i Money to Loarr IT'S AN OLD ) CHINESE CUSTOM to settle an obligations the first of each year. ' This may be an ? old Chinese custom, but it's e pretty good way to start 1942 in any country. Let us consolidate and settle all of your bills now. You repay with, one small installment monthly. CALKINS finAiCce to. ! Salem's Personal Loan Center" SIS Court St, Salem Phone 444$ Stat license S-zzs M-S7I ; QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone ($183) to Salem's 010011 larrest borne owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed end loans made hi strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your wan or granting or extensions. 1 to If MONTHS TO REPAY You -can pay tn fun any time to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEE ROY B. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-1SJ JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-US 134 So. Commercial St Phone 4168 First door south of Ladd at Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to I duce Daymen ta. Money for new used cars No oelay or red tape, sou wui retain possession or tne venicie X IV IS SSUMltU IU fAI r ROY H. SIMMONS US south Commercial Street Phone 012S Lie. No. af-122 Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. rra floor guardian building LICENSE N. af-198 MONEY TO LOAN Bechtel-Needham. Ml SUte. R. 4 FHA LOANS 4U. also orlv Abrama at Ellis, Inc, Masonic Bldg. WI LOAN on farm, residential St business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, de lelicious meals at low prices. FUR. hskpg. rm 1st fir, reas. P. S71S. DESIRABLE ROOM, close toTusi ness center, semi-private bath. Sena- rate entrance. Ph. 8714. SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court SLP. RM- $10. Ph. 8273. 180 Marlon. NICE. WARM, near cap. SOS Center. CLOSE in, clean, warm. Ph. 4491 NICELY furn., bested rm. 173 8. 14th. SLP. RM. near state hedge. Ph. 21448 Heated rm. Conven., reas. 1820 Ferry. Room and Board CLOSE IN 1144 Center. Ph. 863a BETTER BHD. & rm. 143 S. Com! St For Rent -Apartments 2-RM. furn. spt PrL Ent 643 Union. 3 4-rm. mod. furn. Steam heat, Frigidaire. 2330 Fairgrounds Rd. P. 7532. J-R fur. St. H., bath, ret Gar. 2005 N. CapitoL 1-RM. furn. 2609 Maple. FURN. apt, 2 r, $12. 2180 N. 5th. l-RM. furn. ant., refrl.. ori. bath Sc ent. Adults. 340 Union. 4-RM. furn. Frigidaire. laundry, gar. Adults. 710 N. High. 2-RM. furn. aot. Pvt. shower' toilet. S2.29 wk. 1290 Oak. Pta. 9278. FURN. 2-RM. and kitchenette. Heat light and water. 885 Saginaw. 4 R. FURN. Elec. stove, refr. wash- er. oil heat Close in. Ph. 4087. FRONT APT. with fireplace. ; 1010 Oak St Ph. $250. TWO APTS nlcelv furnished. Rutht in town. $18 and $17. 246tt SUte St WELL FURN. 4-rm. apt, ' ref. Washer. Us, at hot wat pd. Close in. Adults. 871 N. CapitoL 2-BUNK furnished apt, private en trance, gas fireplace. $120 mo. Ph. 9977.-999 N. 14th. 3-RM, NEW. unfurnished ultra mod ern apt New range Si refrig. Ph. 8134. Close in, $18 and $20 mo. BS1 N. Comt 2-R. FURN. Lts, wat, $14. 1341 Waller FURN. sots, $8 JO up. 1310 S. 13th. FURN. APT, prlv. bath. 949 Court MOD. PULLMAN, ref, private bath. $19-S2Q. Ph. 0720. DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9m. FURN. APT . 810. 332 Water. SMALL furn. apt, 849 Ferry. SMALL APT 250 S. Cottage 2-RM. furn. 1st ft ants. PrL bath. Its, n w, wasn. use s. conu. ; 2 3-RM. furn- heat water, gar, pri. bath. 2459 sute. , VACANCT, Glendora. 58S N. Summer For Rent Houses Six It BOUSE tn A-t condition. 778 Shipping St, $30.00 per month. SIX R HOUSE, no basement. 1684 Chemeketa St. XZOSO per month. . LINDCREN ft JOHNSON I7S S. High. Realtors Phone 3630 8 ROOMS, modern, hw. floors, fur nace piped, elec water htr, eement basement garage, 11JS wvt St Ph. 8936. VL0KD1Z : f ' : 'r""':U Sora CrcsU - ; ByCmCYOUXTO ' : -1- -;- : '-:;;;:; , , j ' . , - ' - '- "-y1: ; , I rrsooooTo 7 1 gni . I Ijir vmat havs ) I U l I "'MIC rvsGOTLoysJI MsmwprrJ !MI(tuwut TWS ORF1CE TWESS W III R3RMS ) i- 3 - fO rtEAJH" POR GOT A ' Money to Loan roa Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. SU Stat Street I Doors West of Capitol Theatre h. SUl License Nos. S-122 4k M-1S Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on xood Salem real es tate. W1U pay Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. r REALTORS . For Rent House HOMES FOR RENT 6-r. modern home with basement furnace, partly furnished. $35. 1049 Oak at 8-r. home, Fairmeunt HIU. large -ounda, exceuent location, double, ga- f-r. home,! 545 8. Commercial St, iv-r. noma, oasemenx, rurnaee, urge lot. 789 N. Capitol SU $90. 8-r. home 1 with basement, furnace, oak floors, some furniture. 840. 1467 Court St REAL ESTATE St FXRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST or CO, Realtors 194 S. Liberty St. . Ph. 4131 2375 LEX St, S rm. bouse. very good -$22.80 175 JUDSON, 2 bednn. house; also bsmt. ana rurnaee 1224 Nv 18th. 4 rm. house.; also very good- ON GARDEN ROAD, a small acreage, well Improved. 759 CASCADE DRIVE. S rm. house, unfurnished $40 an ft mile from Badger corner, a cozy home for a couple, also lis acres of ground. P. H. BELL, Realtor 42t Oregon Bldg.x . Ph. $121 RENT THIS dandy S-bedroom house (modern) close to capitoL . Only 840 per mo. J as. D. sears. Phone S442. HOUSE partly fur. 840 Mill. Call u. a. lungwaia. 4-RM. house, modern. 3233 Portland. S-RMS. furn, gar.. $18. 894 Highland Ave. Pb. 3327 or call at uw Jjenier. 4-R. duplex, furn. or unfurn. 2180 N. 5th. 2-BEDROOM house. Basement & furnace. Extra Toom in basement if needed. Located N $25 ner mo. MYRTON MOORS REAL ESTATE ISO N. Comm. Ph. S412 Suite 17 9 A modern 8-room, close in. per mo. Phone 915$ or $538. $30 rooms furnu, base, furnace, rooms with eir. heater. B. R suburban, east C H. SAND ESS 231 N. High 6838 4-RM. furn. cottage. Look it" over at 458 South High St. 189$ N. CapitoL S-rm. furn. stucco house, garage. Ph. 4332, evenings. MOD, SMALL house, newly deco rated, srepiace. Adults, fa. tvis. 3-RM. house and forage. Ph. 622$. NEW. modern 4 rms. 882 N. 16th. SMALL 4-RM. house. 328 Gaines. $18. Inq. 1S40 N. Church. ' MODERN 4-ROOM furnished duplex. Dec refrig.! 8c range. Basement, fur nace Ac fireplace, S27.50. S. M. Earle, 208 N. High St. Phone 867S or 3869. . CUTE. MODERN, $25. Ph. 43(5. 6-RM. HOUSE, garage. $20. 8-rm. house, partly furn, double garage, 820. M B. STEGNER 520 N. Commercial HOUSES Furnished and unfurnished. E B. Perrine, 779 N. Cottage. Ph. 8664. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent see Mr. Larsen. Mr.. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins 4c Roberta. 4-RM. duplex, adults. 1263 24. 4th. Cards to this directory oa a month! basis nly. Kate: SL25 per Has per BBsMtfJl. ' Anto Brakes Mike Panek, 278 South Commercial Bieyclea BICY New and reconditioned. Harry W 147 S. Com'cL P. 4916 Chimney Sweeps 'Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace, Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy, r. eras. TELEPHONE 4450,' R. E Northneas. Excavating EXCAVATION OT all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand & Gravel P. 8408. Florists Brelthaupra 447 Court Phone $189. Fuxteral Directors Terwilllger Funeral Borne. Ph. 692$. i Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG, A MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, 'old .made, rug cleaning k weaving, o jutin as wum TeL 8441 Zwiekers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4068. Painting & PapCTnangnig I Jerry Johnson PKr 4811 c J. Pugh. 2129 Myrtle Phone 8338.1 Miwunnwa-nanijiiiuis. ro, ens. m. Ja. sui, su. a, oax esa. ssb art it. - w. aa. jvwi -i i w wmtm - " 1 For Rent 9 ACRES. House, lights, water: ham. $19. 2 mi. from Salem. St 1. Box 85. 1-RM. cabin. 2 acres. Electricity. 189 W. Washington. STUCCO S RMS, brick store I rms. Main St, busy hlway. W. Salem, busi ness Sc residence, cheap. 237 State St Ph. 5125. - FURNISHED and unfurnished houses and apts, 810 to $45. O. E. RAE 1239 SUte StPD, 87n BUSL OR Shop Ph. S2U. For Sale Real Estate RESOLVE FOR 1842 to stop Daring rent. tJOOK. wnat sue win so, 4 rm. house leas than i years old. hardwood floorsv inlaid linoleum tat kitchen and bath. Corner lot walking distance to town. $2950. $100 down. $24 per month including taxes and insurneee. 4 dm. and nook newly painted tnafcle. basement furnace and fireplace. Love ly yard. S3190, sioo down, mo. including taxes and 5 rm. house, aut oil beat, fireplace and hardwood floors across from, high school in new ; home district $4000. $100 down. $40 per mo, tnrlnding taxes ana insurance. New 4 rms. and nook, hardwood m living rm. Inlaid linoleum. In kitchen and bath. U acre fine garden sou. lots of -trees and very close tn. 82990, $100 down. $23 per month, including 1 and insurance. - There will never be a better time to buy a home. RICH L. oUHAHH 167 S. High Street Ph. $308 Salem's Largest Home Builder LOVELY MODERN home In north Salem. 7 rms, 2 complete sets of plumbing. To see It will convince you of its vsiue. S4200. Nice modern 2-bedroom bouse, close in. North Salem. $3500. 6 rm. house. West Salem. Basement and furnace. A reel buy. 82400. Small suburban homes for sale front $650 to $1500. Fred Rawlins, with R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol NOW VACANT Move right in. 7 room home, only 8 blocks from down town Salem. All carpeted to walla. Auto, oil burning furnace. Real close tn state bktn ' Out of town owner will sell now. $3500 $500 down, bal ance S30 per month. Deiry farm only 3 miles from downtown Salem. All fully equipped land ready for 50 cows. This place will go xast. wui taxe saiem nome as part payment Call us Monday for ap- sointment. Dandy 8 - room North. Sawdust burner furnace. Nice big lot Price reduced to $3200, Terms. We have homes for everyone. Rush Realty Co. 411 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7022 S room house and earasTe. large lot. paved street, close to school. Priced to sell tor siooo won xzoo aown. isaiance $15, including interest, taxes and in surance. ROSTETN ADOLPH. Inc. 110, N. Commercial St. ALL FOR $1000 With $200 down. 15 mo.; 8 rm. home with basement and furnace. Ph. 7807 day. 8835 eve. WALTER SOCOLOFSKT 409 1st Natl. Bank Bldg- FOR SALE OR RENT Nef 8 room home, modern, also one 4-room home; beautiful, located tn wooded section. Must be seen to be appreciated. One block south of 12th street junction hist 5 minutes from city or write Rt 4 Box 89-C THIS HOME PRICED TO SELL 3 rooms, with sleeping porch, large living r, garage and woodshed, paved st, good location near Leslie school. Price $1400, 8350 cash. bal. 820 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 SACRIFICE SALE-OWNER LEAVING 6 r. modern, hardwood floor, base ment and furnace: nice lot; house could not be built for the price. $3380. $1200 down. Better make appointment to see this place. JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor SOT Center Phone 9442 COUNTRY HOME NEW 4-r. home with fireplace, elec tric water system, modern plumbing, two-car garage, ten acres with stream, timber and plow land. Price $4000. Easy terms. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4121 Directory Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call xne statesman rrmung ue- pertment. zis a. uimmercuu, tele phone 9101. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 154 8. Liberty. Ph. 6584. Sawdust CALL "Scotty" Smith. Ph. $283 or Johnnie zumstein, s-uu. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES -Write, Pbone er Call tor Booklet 360 N. Capital i Trailers To Buy, sell or rent. $19 K, front Ph. 21768. Transfer U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 8062. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland oaiiy. Agent rcerce astco Freight Including Calif, points. Transfer Co. Ph. SUL Vaennm Qeaner Serrieo FREE Ao- thorizad aerrice. We service all Hen Bros. Ph. ae Well DriLUng For Sale Real Estate 2c YOU want a "rood 2 BR. noma in Keizer diet, with i acre land. This Is the place. $2900. $400 cash, bat Hke rent. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. We also have a few good rentals. See Mr. Goodwin. i .;.-. " furnis'heoomIe" ' JIJ S-r with basement furnace, earaee.' paved st, good location, north. Price $2108. ITS A REAL VALUE, $1250 cash, bat $20 per mo, int 4. . w. u. chabemhosst CO, Realtors 134 s. Liberty St - . Ph. 4131 TIBTHKEr 'lMiDaaNorm'mee lawn and shrubs, full bsmt, pipe furn, fireplace, hw. floors, A-t pressure system, unfinished sttie. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 4k ROBERTS, INC Realtors. ' A COZY little home 8 r- hardwood floors, utility room. Price $1800. Rea, sonable down payment Bat like rent 8-R. house, large lot Erudewood diet, $2400. $208 dowav bal hke rent wnat nave your i neve a cash buyer for JO to 08 acres. O. E. V OS BURGH ' Phone 3988 . 1049 Cascade Drive IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1 acre. 8 rooms, modern home, lo cated a miles east of Salem, full base ment, oil furnace, fireolace. haulnuiid zioors. 'in me piece you nave areammg about. Let us show ; you uus real vmuie. race fwuu. see loenara uraoennorst. wnsi W. H. GRABENHORST A CXI. 134 S. Liberty . , - Phone 413T S BDROOM house end double ga rage, nearly new. Win sell for reason, aDte price. . we nave several dcodm who want to buy farms.- Bring in your listings. saoney to Loan on Good Reel Estate ... William E. Moses 331K State St ( VTsnaT pnopsrpxv' New 8bom modern home, hardwood floors, 41 furnace, fireplace, utility room, uaxaee. a steal at S340D. wonder. ful yjew. .Reasonable terms. See Richard Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 OWNER LEAVING i Fairmount Hill home. IB. R. liv. At dining hdwood, lovely kitchen at nook, strictly mod, 83780. New strictly mod. 8 rooms, large liv. Sc dining, unf. attic, exc. district See it to appreciate. S93S0. , . M. SANDERS 231 li. High 8838 Nw'aulfE 4 rooms, hardwood floors, oil fur. nace, fireplace, large utility room. Large attic, garage, located south of town.. A bargain at $3250. Only $250 See Richard Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 82100 o-room blast house. Al eendi tton, well located. Would rent for $28. tray i or investment. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 523$ Vt A, ex. sad. S175. SS an- SS mo. ciose in. uuuauw, fa. Kxrhange Real Estate TO TRADE 40 acres, well imsreved 35 acres under cultivation, all in va riety of bernes Yielded a good profit last year. All year aroundoereek. good bldgs, on paved road. miles east of Salem. Wui trade for Salem property. F. H. Weir 485 Center Realtor Ph. 8411 11 A. WITH six room house In good" repair, wired for electric range. 2 ml. east of city limits. Best of soil and on paved road. Value $4000. Will ex change for mod. S-r. house tn city. IiNDGSZn JOHNSON 178 S. High Realtors Phone 3630 For Sale Farms t 2000 ACRES in Willamette valley. acres m eultrration, isoo cleared. Year-round stream. Good, modern home. Fairbanks stock scales and corraL Price $27.50 per acre.! 120 acres, acres in cultivation. Good modern home comDletelv fur niched. Pure-bred dairy herd. Price $12,000. ao acres, so acres m eultivauon. Barn and shed. Price 82700. 5 acres, close in. Good home. $4200. $ acres, 6 miles out. S-rm. house and double garage. Fruit and nuts. Price $2150. Fred Rawlins with v. a -w-i "1 . it. A. roricner. iteaitor . 1853 N. Capitol 87 ACRES North, near Brooks, all in cultivation and fenced. N S4000. very easy terms. 28 Acres 7 miles soutn ox Salem. good 7-rm. plastered house, barn for 10 cows with artmonf cups, elect water system, all year creek. Close to school, suae. Terms. 40 Acres NJE. on Pudding river. acres bottom land; S-rm. house, barn, only $6000. 100 Acres East en acres in euiu vation. new 7-rm. house, strictly mod ern with good barn, ail year $14000. - Coast property, value $1800. clear, to trade for saiem property, wui assume. RICH. Li. KE1MAMM 187 S. High Street Ph. 9203 Salem's Largest Home Builder 128 A. CLOSE to Hubbard, modern 7-rm. house, large barn. 99 a. under cult- 9 a. beaver dam. 4 a. nen Bot tom; springs and creek, an excellent rm. sioa per a. For rem. MELVTK JOHNSON. Realtor 725 Court St Phone 2723 LOOKING FOR RANCH? To you neoole lookins! for a -e about toia 40 A. crade A dairy farm that has an income of around $408 mo. and more after this month. JTs a peach. See. JAS. Dl SEARS. Realtor SOT Center Phone 8442 SO A. NORTH River road, near Rob- 35 A. tillable, four-room nouse in eaod reneir. some cherries, filberts and berries. Price $3008. With a down payment of' $508. Terms can do ar ranged on balance. UNDUXEn a jutmsun ITS 8. High 1 A, about 3 miles N. 4-r. bouse, elec. water system, bath, garage, wood shed, good road. $2500. $500 down, take small house 11 A about U, cult- some cherries St berries, S A. timber. 8-r. house, elec. barn, large hen house, machinery, cow. 200 hens, all $2208. Terms. - 80 A. SO under plow, springs, barn 40x80. 8-room house, machinery. 12 cows. All $3008. Trade smaller. S3 A, 30 cultiv, large creek, mod, 8-room house, some machinery Sc stock fOOOO, M cash, C. H. SANDERS 231 If. Wasted Real Estate WANTED House tn West Satan, $1000 or less, with $208 down. O. E. RAE 12S8 State St Ph. 8781 For Sale Used Cars Chevrolet 1937 Master DeLuxe Coupe aVniiooed with Sadie and Heater. Good Tires Buna SweO. If You Hurry-- ' C $475;. L0DER BROS. 486 CEN TER ' TeuH Get m Better Deal Your Olds Dealer FOR SALE 4 1936 V8 Trucks. Com plete With Dump Bodies & Hoist Also 3 1935 V8 Sedans 5 1934 V8 Sedans ACME AUTO AND TRUCK WRECKERS 430 S. Commercial TWO TON International truck, run ning condition, cheap. Ph. 3221. Call 1S73 So. St Wanted Real Estate WANTED I WANTED 1 WANTED 1 If others have failed to rent your vacant house or spt or sell or trade your property for what you want see or write Louis Bechtel or Mabel Need ham. 341 SUte. Suite 4, Bayne Bldg. I HAVE a buver for the best home in Salem that can be bought for $2800 " J. D. SEARS. Realtor $07 Center Ph. 8442 THE BEST 8-room suburban home with 1 or 2 acres that $3908 cash will buy. ; t c. a. SAHuauts m n. jtun boo Acreage U A- close in. Large living rm. nice kitchen. 2 bedims, bath, lights, elec tric water system, nice lawn uzuv; asoo down. A, dose in; 3 rms, lights, good well at electric pump, lots of. iruit & nuts. 81450. S A, 4 ml. xrom uioa sc a. oaiuc Lanra livine rm . dining not, ni kitchen, tile dralnboards, 2 large bed tms. fireDlace. basement, furnace, air conditioned iiaao; fiM aown. Money to uomn at MEL.VIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 729 Court St Phone 3723 COUNTRY GROCERY store with ovine rooms, well located, about miles from Salem: stock A fixtures for 81800. Half cash, or will trade for house in Salem, equal value. A, with 5 room house, garage. located on N. 21st St A good buy for 82800. 8600 down, balance iixe rent. m a. ot eooa lana au uzsoer cunv, room house, small bam ft chicken house, located near Dallas on paved road. Price $3000. Half cash, er will exchange for $0 to 100 acres of unim proved land, wouia pay aome au faience. ROSTETN A ADOLPH, Inc. 11014 N. Commercial St 4-ACE23-4450Q Close to Brooks. About $ mfles from Salem. Fair bides- most all In eultrva turn. This is priced ngnt at auu. sawie down. See JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 507 Center Phone $442 4ST A rood soU. small bfcuc-Caa be made into bouse at small cost Only $1200, $150 down. 13 A, 10 cuitiv, o mi. east, crees. spring, small bldgs. 8179a. Make you good terms. ' C H. sanushs si n. man we ACREAGES S acre tarct. all under cultivation, lo cated 4 miles east of Hslem. good aoU. A snap at $1150, 829 down. $18 per month. 10 acres, 4-room bouse, small barn. garage, well, spring, ail under culti vation. A place well worth the money. Price SISSO. S350 down. SIS per montb. See&Klcnaro (jraoennorst. wita Wi. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 INVESTIGATE THESE PLACES 1 A, full bearing cherries, fine house . $3908 1 A., good plastered house, au nhimbing new nouse. reaoy to move buo And Other Properties at Price Yon can Atioro to fay verms. L C. SHTXJ .PS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8802 Business Opportunities Finest, safest business set- up and location- 3 in 1 apt hses. with $ apts. at t lirni. At ecetmied. adioinina' saroe. store and com ecttonery. atear z oarser anop rentals In addition. A going business. Close In and tat the heart of an apt bee. area. Rentals, business, stocx. equipment and furniture at $9008. on terms, liw moss prosnaoie nin"i ever offered for sale tn Salem. La rentals St leases. Immediate possession given, you wm nvee to nurry at see Percy unman at u voun. A GRADE DAIRY RANCH 40 acres. XX a. now in vetch a eats. Modern S-rm. nouse (except basement 1 Grade A barn wtut Seasw eranriiiona. barn with 8 horse stalls and about 10 tone of bar. Has 28 good cows. S horses; feed and implements; has Income of $400 or more a month. Only 4 miles out Fine sou. Can JAS. Dl SEARS. Seatta 807 Center Ph. 8442 FOR SALE Boarding house tn log ging camp town. Complete equipment including 28 beds. Cheap rent Inquire or write Frank Wheeler, Box. 972, Sweethome, Ore. CAFE DOING good business. 82108. .Grocery stock and fixtures, taesa Fred Hawlms, with R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 K. Capitol . - . Rffi SALE WeR store and gae station. Good location. WUI sell cheep. Write Box-1841, care For Sale Used Cars WE PAY CASH FOR USED CARS ORVAL'S . e " Center & Church. P. 4702 Cash Immediately NOW WRECKING - 38 Stude, 37 Hash. 2 3S VI K Olds, 34 Ply, S4 Graham. 24 Maetac. Pontlac, S 31 Ford A. Sedana. Chev. AC3LE AUTO AND TRUCK WRECKERS ' 438 S. Commercial St TWO DOlfP trucks. Good condition. Good rubber. ' lis Sunnyvlew. . 1235 DC SOTO SEDAN. Good eondi- tloav 898 Onion. 1S41 PunTTAC B-cvL. s naaa cne. very cieang gooa ures. use . xist TSS Chevrolet 1298 S. Com! PLY. 4-dr. def. aurlsn SS cairvs- lev 4-dr. sedan. '40 Chev. eabrioL.1 Large U-BL. house trailer. 1 small camp trailer. Also body shop equip- iv im rairsxounds ma. - Wanted Used Cars "Cash roa YOUR CAE Snoo ethers, then try oa. - We con tinue to pay highest prices for good dean cars. Borgoyne Motor Co. 448 Center. Pbone 21535 GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR 3- IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid . 4 cr SHROCK - To Buy or Sell Your Car 278 N. Church Phone 8902 N. E. Corn. Church St Chem. Ph. 7922. WILL PAY CASH for best buy In 1841 DeSoto or Chrysler. Club ($P.) coupe preferred, fa. sins a Linda Darnell and George Morphy .1. - , :- ' - ' . ness, am they give a, top performance la Mark Helilnger's "Rise and Shine'' sew playing at the Grand theatre. Co-starred with Mh Darnell and Murphy are Jack Oakie, Walter Brennan. Milton Berfe) Deetald Meek. Co-featured Daughter" with Breads Joyce. Cross Word H02IZ0NTAL 40-amlt lriaxfeot 41Alswisa hit with paint 43 ttie t tO-aoU ta fat ., Kt waist , aa1T 48 head C0T83 11 open Inner ' . court 47cast a ballot 11 caythical tnoontaia IS Insects 15 fart of ' boat lTpt 18 cotbpoib4 I tther(pL) - 20- oobett - 21 adult aaale ' 23-writiBf fluid 24- wUia . 25-lso to -to eonqoer 1 28 behold JO thonta - : ' T: ofic $1 that thins; 52 indefiniU - artida . 53 equality of - value . 84 eyrnbol far - .- sodium t$ anoopers -27 topax hum-. , mica; bird ; . S3 variety of "do SO lift vp M 52-fairles U 13 eymbolfor seleniua, t4-eitrns H drinks r SS beasts of bordea Aaawer te I U 13 14 IS YAf 17 IS 19 XA I" u 72. Mb2 vfy vfyvw " "" TtT T " 27 " ia w Ji mW-- Z2 M 34 5 35 34) - 37 p 4IT 41 43 44 Z Ji mZ . 7777 . II vA" 1 1 IH 1 I I ob'e 'rrKQo'N uTl tl turn tO th " Asseaav tfesMi . Tight "" ' , pistrfiMUS fey KSW Antomobiles ,"38 Studebaker sed, $308. Ph. 8983. For Sale Wood t CORD LOAD. 811J0. Ph. U1T. XT DRY old fir. Ph. 4218. " r i nU'XliJ-re OLD na, Ph. aSSO Ashcraft FOR DRY wood Pbone 22637. WOOA pb, 1378. (Sraen. 412 H. 2HC mFoALnmW 1 . Wood Sawing f Wood sawing at hour work. P. 7073. Lost and Found LOST Boy's rimless glasses m case. Park St, Box 23. - LOST Lady's Bulova N. Capitol St. Psu SoSS eves. Reward. LOST Male Wire haired - terrtor. Name Pat 4 mo. old. $9 reward, p. 4U3. LOST White Age yrs, female. Beward. Ph. S4U. Personal ATTENTION Smokers t Special offer fine pipeal Send only $1 and this ad vertisement for high quality pip. Hispanic Trading Co, 100 Fifth Ave, New York. WEALTHY LADY wishes to marry. Alliance, Box 89. Toledo, Ohio. BRANT Palmistry Soedal $2 readings for SI. 1 Blk. N. Salem city limits on Portland Road. Sunderland Auto Court HOME Needs so oculars. for partially disabled man. ate care. Call 8778 for par- MEST NEW FRIENDS I Club Elite. Box 71-Q, Main P. O, Los Angeles, Cat Transportation YOUNG MAN wants ride to Denver er vicinity about Thurs. Share ex pense. 1172-Edgewater. West Salem. Lodges A pmeU Pacific Lodge No. 80AT AAJg. Degree. Wed, Jan. T. J p. m. By order W.M. r ' have reaaon to keaan witk happl. with. "Else and Shine" kt "Marry the Puzzle VE2TICAL lHaIneTal lo-legislativ. -body f 1 docldnr, a - nrlnc . 1 t light brown 8 is present ! 4 fail to hit 3-city hi 5 river in Italy Scotland ii fiadpU large fish r 7 HawaHaa f grlaad ; 22 feminine 8etitirt " t-tWcker , sjnomit ; ' n 4boae wh Jumbled type except 10 theater seat 0$ ! MWrymen yesterdaya tmzxla, 18. solar disk 8-imrble8. S3 wan 41 lyric poena . 43-4uiditlonsl , respiratory sound j 43 portal 44 nights be- I . lore bolldayl .. 46 possessed 1 I Ah IA b-t r-lwil 49 S-ehaped wor in. i. SI oothera - gtatar abbr4 82 father ef sAiUi 82 atb FeUwal Stale, J-