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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1942)
4": . Th OSEGOH STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon Friday Morning, January Z. 1942 PAGE TUTL12I Rested and i4pgQcb 4 Classified Advertising; Statesman Classified Ads cm 9101 Three Insertions per line 23c Six insertions per tine ,.....40c On month per line 81.23 Minimum charge 25c; 8 ti. min imum 35cf 6 tL rain. 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted tm tll 8:30 the evening beiore publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the . beading "Too Late to Classify." !-' l" ' The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisement pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. ' ' The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Adan ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser Using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry ! FARMERS WE PAY 80c -per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Phone collect. I Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Situations Wanted MAN WANTS any kind of work Im mediately. 190 Ratcliif Drive. For Sale Miscellaneous Wea, wfiiw avaaasss) . eev-i s e-w S only. Mrs. Wright. 4', miles Wallace Road. Boat motor, trailer, reas. 813 Electric. HOUSE TRAILER. $90. 2350 Myrtle. WALNUT shells. 5c sack. Bring sacks. , Juorfein Peeking Co. 460 N. Front TraTAraoN WHITE FUR coat, size 8. Reasonable. I Hager's Fur Shop. 1225 S. Com'L DAVENO, swing chair, oil circulator. By owner. Terms. 2445 N. Church. Wanted Furniture t. ft. Si GLENN WOODRY. Aue tloneers Si furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade tor furniture & household Roods We buy or seU everything. Ph. 5110. CASH FOR used furniture 3t house hold goods R Forgey Ph 7445 Wanted Miscellaneous ATTENTION TRAPPERS OR MINK RANCHERS Bring your furs to West Biae jrxuompany westaiem. - HIGH SCRL. girl wants bd. & rm. n school days in pri. home, near sr. high. Box 1940. Statesman. - .' Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVlCt IN MOST CASES . Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, SUte tt Comt Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION ' Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. 'SLEEPING RCWM.Tcourt CLOSE ' IN, steam heated, room Borne privileges. 607 N. Com'L LIGHT HSKPG. rm. 406 N. Cottage, SLP. RM,. $10. Ph. 8273. 260 Marion. NICE. WARM, near cap. 964 Center. - CLOSE In, clean,, warm Ph. 4498. ssasaasssss4assakssask NICELY turn., heated rm. 175 S. 14th sSWasaW,etNNsaw SLP RM, near state bidgs Ph 31449 Heated rm, Conven., reas. 1820 Ferry. j Room and Board CLOSE IN 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. better brd. rm. 745 s. comi st For Rent Apartments Close in, $18 and $20 mo. 891 N. ComL 3-RM NEW, unfurnished ultra mod- era apt New range 8c refrig. Ph. 8134. 2-BUNK furnished apt., private en trance, gas fireplace. $12.50 mo. Ph. 8OT74. W. 14th. '"ruRNTlspsTlejo 4 Rl FURN. Elec. stove, refr., wash er, oil heats Close in. Ph. 4697. FURN. APTS. 411 N. Front. LARGE warm rm, 1st floor. Lots of hot water. $10 per month. 1698 S. Liberty FURN. APTS, Maytaf. Lts. & wat Adults. $9.50 mo St up. 624U N. Capitol, FURN. APT, prtv. bath. 945 Court MOD. PULLMAN- ref, private bath. $15-$20. Ph. 6728, 2rzr2rZZ?Z??rZ -1-:; "J.r .:;--;:-'-r-rr---r.T NEW DECneat clean, 1-rm. furn., $10. 2-rm. unfurn, $12. 1620 Ferry. S-RM. FURN. apt 898 S. 12th. uir."Vr.w AT lMD4 . . . . , . at the Fisher. Ph. 9737. FURN APT . $10 333 Water. SMALL: furn. apt, 849 Ferry. 4 Orcj&on&tateSaau ADVERTISING Western1 Advertising i ' Representatives George D. Close, Ine. San Francisco . Los Angeles . Seattle : Eastern Adverfising -' . Representatives Bryant Griffith a Brunsoa. Inc. -- Chicago, New York. Detroit . Boston, Atlanta - ' Vistared mt the Postofflem mt Salem. Ormgon. as Second Class Matter. Pstb- I llthtd every morning except Monday. Business office US South Commercial street. ' ' - .-.i SUBSCRIPTION RATES; MaQ Subscription Bates to Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. M cents; 9 Mos. $li0: S Uos. $lS0; I yar 85.00. Sasewhere SO cents per or ao.uv tor a j t Mmta. NMraatanda 8 cents. x rvtv Carrier SA cents a month. tfjJt a rear ta edvane fee Uartoat and dJaeent cou ' f I Money to Loan ITS AN OLD CHINESE CUSTOM to settle all obligations the first of each year. . This may be an old Chinese custom but it's a pretty good mt 1a start 1M2 in anv countrr. Let us consolidate and settle all of I your bills now. You repay with one small installment monthly. a s CALKINS ! FINANCE CO. I "Salem's Personal Loan Center 319 Court St.. Salem Phone 4448 State license S-228 M-278 QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITC or phone 19183) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and borne managed finance institu tion. Your financial amirs wui oe discussed and loans made In strictest privacy You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions 1 to is Mumns tu ku-as You can pay to full any time to reauce uie cos. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS f No endorsers. .Loans made on furni ture or note. SIX ROY H SIMMONS. MGR. -lie No M-151 JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. t GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ? Lie. No. 8-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9188 first door south of Ladd Bt huso bank. Convenient ground floor location I PRIVATE MONEYI AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED tor re duce payments. Money for. new or used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO IS MONTHS TO PAY : RQY H. SIMMONS! Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-I59 rni rnANS ti. also oriv. loans. Abraros Ac Ellis, lnc, Masonic wag. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy rnortgsges I or contracts. HAWKINS Bt ROBERTS. mw tteaitors. tuaruian ouuaini. For Rent Apartments SMALL APT. 350 S Cottage. 3-RM. furn. 1st fl. apts. Pri. bath. Its, h w.. wash. 1234 S. Coml. 2 3-RM. furn.. heat water, gar.,, pri. bath. 2455 SUte. VACANCY, Glendora, 585 N. Summer For Rent Houses I $12.50 3-rm. dwell at Keizer schooL $15.00 3-rm. apt.. 16th 8c A St $40.009 rms., mod., unfurn. $40 00 6-rm. mod., furn. N. E. $50.007 rms., mod. furn., north. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court Pb- 8744 modern 4-ROOM furnished duplex. I Elec. ref rig. 8c range. Basement, fur- I nace oc Iirepiace. aziiu. o. . 208 N. High St Phone 8678 or 3865. CUTE, MODERNr $23. Ph. 4m, - 4-RM, well furn. duplex . apt in cottage. Adults, garage, bus. 407 S. 18th. Jan. 1. 5-r. sub. home, adults. P. 4012. K.PM HOUSE, earaee. SZO. s-rra. bouse, partly furn.. double garage.. $20. M B. STEGNER 520 N. Commercial r n tf. 775 N rottaffe. PhT 56&i' B,Fe??ne; 775 - -7 - WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen. Mr. couins or Mr. Goodwin witn uawaws Roberts "mod" 7 "rn turn 863 N 16th. MOD. 6-rm. & bsmt Wired for elec. stove. Ph. 4881. . L . NEW, MODERN home, oU heat King- wood Drive, rnone oa. - 4-RM. duplex, adults. 1263 N. 4th. For Rent s BUS! O R shop space Re as. Ph. $211. A-ifM furn flat Oil heat, hot water. I gar., frig., washer. Adults. 275 N. 20th. For Sale Real Estate 5 ACRES line soil, 8 rm. house. close in, garage, chicken house. $4200. TeTTYmt ? Small apt house, close to statehduse. 5 furnished apts. Always xuu. iwu. I terms or trade. Now S laree rooms, fuu basement. aut oil furnace. Unfin. upstairs, large lot. $4700. Easy FHA terms. About $30 per mo. including taxes oc insurance. New S rm. house, aut oil heat, 20 acres level, clear soil on Portland highway. $5200. Terms. RICH L. REIMANN 187 S. High Street Ph. 9203 Salem's Largest Home Builder INCOME BARGAIN I ncw 4-rm. homes, both rented for 1 144 per month, oa bus line, N. Salem, 13750 lor both. New streamline 6-rm. home, one blk. new hih school. $5500. VI irm a. iintte. basement 8c I furnace. N. Church. $3250. I .v.v.. .TL,.- a. Awht. floored earaffe. 40 acres, cooa oarn, nos nwae. Lot of spring water, off graveled road, U mile, 10 mUes N. of city. 1100, $350 ph. art madsen 4 HOME BARGAIN $1400 will buy this 3-r. home with sleeping porch, garage, paved-st.t ex- cr inn w . T Z 1 down. baL $20 per mo. IMMEDIATE iftt!eiPSSiON W. H. GRABENHORST at CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. rn- AT. I. TOR S1000 with csoo down; SIS mo. S-rm. home with basement 8c furnace. Ph. 7807 day. 8835 eve. I WALTER SOWliaiVI r: . 409 Fh WaO BanhBMg.j A ex. soil. $173. ts an, H mo. Close in. btobow, fn. bsnm. BLONDE j I CGVJDORAKE JULIUS ' Jll'l I l . . r I I E2 I " "LSJ -- ... " ' 111 mm nei 11 isi 11 11 iii 1 is wmiissii .1 ,w;..-aiaiir-iwwi"aasiiaM wriiwiaeewweeeea'wi 1 -ii fi- .-.'s - -f r r - r- , - r, -fn nf Tr r n t 1 - - - snrr-assaniswnassswem n n 1 nasi Money to Loan roti CiniaHun, FINANCE CO. I 81J State Street -8 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License Nos. 8-13 & M-165 Loans. Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONTY. "" ttSggl TO LOAN on good Salem real, es-' CO. -REALTORS Financial SAVINGS St INVESTMENTS ai.4 S,i Save the Insured Way Mutual! Farianl SavinM av Iin in s Liberty St. ; . Phone 4944 For Sale -Real Estate SNAP FURNISHED "HOME 2ino win huv this i-r. home With basement.; furnace, garage, paved st.. good location on N. Cottage St, $1250 down. bal. $20 per mo., to include int. at 4 or. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GP ABENHORST 8c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St . ra. iai NEW YRS. SPECIAL Move In to- day. S-rm. furnished house, cement basement large lot with beautiful shrubbery paved street Priced low at $2400. $2T0 will handle. baL like reht See Mrs, Ellis with Chllds & Miller, Realtors. 344 State St. Ph. 9261. Acreage FOR SALE V, acre. S-rm. home, lots of fruit nuts and 1 flowers. Elec. and pressure system. Transferred and must sacn fice at 81450. V acrel S-rm. nearly new home Elec. pressure system. Keizer dist Was $4000. Now $2350. ; Nuf said I Hurry I See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, IN0., Realtors. Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION on lc gallon rental basis. Would make good loca tion for mechanic. Located in city on highway 09. Gilmore Oil Co. Phone 3580. , For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Ph. 3-1446. 16 DRY old fir. Ph. 4218. DRY WOOD. Ph. 9560. OLD FIR. Ph. 3380 Ashcraft FOR DRY Wood Phone 22637. WOOD. ph. 8370.: Graen. 413 N. 31st DRY 16" OAK. Phone 58F15. Wood Sawing Wood sawing & hour work; P. 7073. Lost and Found LOST White wire-haired terrier. Age 5 yrs.. female. Reward. Ph. 641L FEMALE, copper colored Cocker Spaniel. Has been' at our home since Oct 2fc 1875 N Front St. t Persona HOME for partially disabled man. vir. - J, GORDON FLEMING, psychologist advice at ail times. Phone 4S0B. MEET NEW FRIENDS I Cmb Elite. Box 71 -Q. Main P. O, Los Angeles. CaL " mTPCFrmr "2m nHnta ..FfSEXA triyen bed I Patients. v" - Automobiles '36 Studebaker sed $300. Ph. 6965, Business Card, In this directory rn en a monthIy bails only. Rate: j $L25 per Una per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 275 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLfcS, New 1 and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 & Com'd. P. 4516 Cosmetics Avon representatives. Ph. 8589. Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned ehlmnev. furnace. Roof I repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 8056. I TELEPHONE 44Sa R K. Northness. Excarating I EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base- ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor saia. 5aiem oana at uravei. Florists Brelthaupt's 447 Court Phone $193 Funeral Directors I Terwllliger Funeral Home. Ph. 692$, I : Diauresses SALEM FLUFF RUG eV MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old made, rug cleaning weaving. UtB es wuour Tel. 8441 zwtckers. CAPITOL BEDDJNO CO. Phone 4069. PERSONAL For Sale Used Cars Buy Your Used Gar Now! PlUCES WILL BE HIGHER CARS WILL BE HARD TO GET FOR 1942 Late tradeins on new 1942 Dodges 41 BTJTCK Special deluxe sedan. Radio & heater. Only 9000 miles . . 41 DODGE Custom deluxe Luxury Liner sedan. Only 1500 miles. 41 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe coupe. Very low mileage. A-l tires. 41 PLYMOUTH special deluxe seoan.) naaio at neaier. very ww mueage. 41 DODGE deluxe sedan. "Luxury Liner." Only '8000 miles. Lots of extras. 40 CHEVROLET Master deluxe sport sedan. Heater As low mileage. 3 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan. Radio Jt heater. ' 37 DODGE deluxe sedan. Completely overhauled. 37 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedaiv . Completely overhauled. 35 DeSOTO deluxe touring sedan, very low mileage. . 3$ DODGE deluxe sedan. Perfect condiuors, 34 DODGE deluxe sedan. I. Trucks and Commercial Cars 40 ut-tnn DODGE. Eaton z-coeed. Art 40 FORD Hi-ton Eaton 2-speed. New 40 DODGE pickup. A-l Snape. . , 38 FEDERAL l'i-ton. A-l shape. Good tires. 30 FORD Model A pickup. New Urea,, paint perfect shape. HUBBARD MOTOR CO. . ? Dodge & Plymouth Dist. "HOME OF THE UFETIMX 625- Chemeketa. St on the Corner 35 FORD V8 deluxe 4 -dr. sed, $278, Phone 6965 or 8318, evenings. j 35 Chevrolet sedan. 1258 S. Com' 39 PLY. 4-dr. del. sedan. '40 Chrys ler 4-dr. sedan. '40 Chev. cabriolet Large rl4ft house trailer. 1 small camp trailer. Also body shop equip ment 1945 Fairgrounds Rd. 38 Chev. delux, radio, heater. 1570 S. Coml. 193TcHRYSLERRoyaL No trade to. Owner joined service. Ph. 3J16. 35 FORD V8 deluxe 4-dr. sed. $375. Phone 5965 or 8313, evenings. Wanted Used Cars Cash FOR YOUR CAR Shoo others, then try us. We con tinue to pay highest prices for good clean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center. Phone 31535 GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C"SHR0CK To Buy or Sell Your Car 770 N. Church Phone 8502 N. E. Corn. Church St Cheat. Ph."7922; WILL PAY CASH for best buy In 1941 DeSoto or Chrysler. Club' (5P.) coupe preferred. Pri. siw or VZ3Z. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that by virtift of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon on the 3rd day of December, 1941, upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said court on the 19th day of November, 1941, in a suit pending ' therein in which The Federal Land Sank of Spokane, a corporation, was plaintiff, and Arthur Hanson, a bachelor; C. W, Wilkes and Jane Doe Wilkes, whose true name is Ethel Wilkes, husband and wife; Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, a corpora Directory Painting & Paperhanging Jerry Johnson. Ph. 4618. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any sona or pratt ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, xis s. commercial, .tc phone 910L' Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Sawdnst CALL "Scottv! Smith. Ph. 3283 or Johnnie zumsteia. s-izh. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet $60 N. Capitol Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets turn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9063. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland daily, Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points. Lanner xransier ja rn. jul Vacnnm Qeaner Service ruil'K hiinftlm In mnt home. Au thorized Hoover Service. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. en. sua. WeU Drilling C J. Pug. 1US Myrtle Phone 9338. H. A. WEST, BX. M. BOX 4i5, Ph. 1-2298. The Wcnasmln ISs lifel For Sale Used Cars shape . tires. GUARANTEED USED CAS' at High Ph. 4119 Legal Notice tion; and Marion-Polk County Na tional Farm Loan Association, a corporation, were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and command ed me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy said liens and charges in said de cree specified, I will on Saturday, the 3rd day of January, 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. at the west door of the county court' house at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest of the defendants in said suit; and of all parties claiming by, through or under them, or any of them since the 2nd day of July, 1934, in or to the following described real property, to-wit: Commencing at tne Northeast corner of the William Simpson and wife's Donation Land Claim No. 52, in Township Eight South, Range One, West of the Willamette Meridian, running thenoe West 66.09 chains, thence South 22.75 chains, thence East 66.09 chains, thence North 22.75 chains to the place of beginning. being situated in the Donation Land Claim of William Simpson No. 52 in Township Eight South, Range One, West of the Willa mette Meridian; and All water and water rights used upon or appurtenant to said lands and however evidenced; Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurte nances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; ; Situated in Marion County, State of Oregon. ) Dated December 3n 1941. A. C. BURK, SHERIFF, MARION COUNTY, OREGON. First Publication: December 15th, 1941. ' Last Publication: January 2nd, 1942. D5-12-19-26, J.2 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING As executor of will Of IDA M. RUEF, deceased, I have filed In Circuit Court of Oregon for Mar ion County, my final account in estate of said decedent, and 19 January 1942, ten o'clock, a.: m.. has been appointed for hearing of objections to said account and settlement thereoL f ALLAN G. CARSON ; Executor. D-19-26-J-2-&. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT; Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed by the Cir cuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, Probate Department; as Administratrix of the estate of F, G. Stearns, deceased, and have qualified as such administratrix; all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same duly verified, to me, at 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from date of this notice. Dated , at Salem, Oregon, (De cember 12th, 1941. ': MARY ELIZABETH STEARNS, Administratrix of Estate of F. G. Stearns, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, j RONALD C GLOVER, Attorneys for Administratrix, Salem, Ore. D. 12-19-26; J. 2-9 Lodges a Salem Lodge No. 4, A-F-aiAJf, vfrrri.. Jan. Jt, T30 p. m. Stated , meeting. Pacific Lodge No. tAJTAAJC. UM. Degree. Wed, Jaa. T, 7:38 p. m. By order r.M. Lumber: Freighter 'Attacked by Sub iiwwimwmwkiwu ynw " ( I " - ; A i , I I - V - -v f I i- ' 1 ( ! T17 Jl'-Lei Attacked by a Japanese submarine off: the California coast, the lumber freighter Absaroka, a, 5,606--ton McCormick line freighter, is shows, deck awash, as she made port. The submarine gent lone tor pedo wild but with a second shot blew a 20-foot hole In the freighter, kminjr one of the crew. Here Are a Few ill The Philippine Islands, bow threatened by a major attack by the Japanese, Include some 700 Islands, Luzon and M?"""" are the two most Important and the two largest Islands in the archipelago. Ma nila, the capital of the Philippines, Is located on Luzon island. This picture was taken off the north coast of yjnriena and is characteristic of the terrain throughout the entire U. S. possessions in tbi far Pacific This view Is near Baas. Point. Mindanao is comparable in size to the state of Indiana; Dr." Durante S w Xs f Lecturing a New York University class on motion pictures, Jimmy Durante discusses the social, his toric and psychological aspects of films, declaring ha was all for it, in dnding "the long words." Dr. Fred erick M. Thrasher, professor of edu cation at N.Y.U, also spoke. Gets Appointment SILVERTON Jnga Thbrkild- son, who has been with the Sil verton water office department for the past two years and an employe in the Silverton public library for three years prior to that, has received her civil ser vice appointment and been asked to report ioc duty on January 6. Miss TharadOktson is the daughter of Carl Thorklldson. Br CHIC YOUKQ i ''ifi.?-i$. r 5r of the 7000 Islands Cross Word I HORIZONTAL I Fly aloft 5 Chop i; 8 Alone i 11 Eye '.I 18 Southern constellation 14 Unclosed i 15 What earfy Amsriea patriot . wts "Poer BieaonPa sAtntAHsM? 17 Sandy tract by the sea t 18 Having made a will 19 Skin openings I 20rThose in office I 21 Tibetan priest 22 Think 25 Vehicle ' 2$ Hit gently ' '1 : ts Ice mass : SO Sailor ' II Waat Spanish artist painlei ?La1iayamt - I 82 Japanese statesman I S3 Very small portion f S4-Hanaers (Utin) . 1 25 Resign - . 27 431emiah 28 Transports T i iO What Iialktk ustronomer fa . ; vrsietf tAe astrnttcai . . 1 t .L'ftMINSlf -i . i -li-Jetblack . TFAaf Frtneh satirist wrrtw . hocks skaraeUrlsmd bt ' - gnttqyu mirtkt - ' i 4 Charles Lamb's pen name IT .Malt drink , . ; 43 Italian com 49 Not so much CO Comrade SI The ntapl - i ; VE2TICAL ; 1 Tender ; t ' 2 llonster ' J Exclamation of regret "V thsmslng . TsV-Etops--' ereUlikt 1" 1 ,5 1 . - m tVkmt 'f- am. Am mnr f tka Dtsd Ss was 4trV4d - sass fit ncdnur 4 1 1 1 U is u WA I' Za r r " , -M J - i: rr- 7mmT' 4 if--iIff P T piiiz;ii:-iil H I I fflr-l 1 ir 1 1 I Reaches Pott 1 V t r i i t J , " - r t V of Philippines ' - t i' f-'-S ,! 9 Manipulator (V Unaspirated 1 Sinrla units llWXat Ammriean Arctis sxplortr auatMiBiJi 19 Equality of value 21 Household god 22 Japanese sash U What is tAe scsw any exe of . , . J VL. .?i NmtienMmt. i 25 PnUie vehidef ! 27 Affirmative rota j 28 Dance step " . - SO Make an edging . i 81 African ape f . S3 Koman cod z Mwer wooa H Maacsline r,'.'"- T, v 28 Bona of forearm f oLl V : 87 remmine name ; : 88 Back of the foot 89 Adequate 4v - 40 Festtre , 11Mnn.nrafeeslaaal it Wkat is ths name si sntmiandj J 43 Gladal ridges " V 45 Knock Answer to yesterdayfa ptaxle. - SI HIQlPttl PISH I OIDJO 31 PjAU T HC L E if amwstT I EuKH LlE el""? -sl V Twor v r sjT a c 5 1 s Hi "flL C A LJ 3 A r? 3 , Ascrase Ma mt seleHse 88 ml in ! ar Sat reaawi 8ass am, - ' . " '